GOS :: Volume #14

#1322: Old friend reunion

The Heavenly Demon Clan two first ancestors, are in world longest surviving life, the power Realm level of Heavenly Demon Clan clansman, has the close connection with the age. 天妖族两名始祖,都是世间存活最久的生灵,天妖族族人的力量境界层次,和年岁有着密切关联。 It is said that the monster body of Heavenly Demon Clan clansman, can daily quenching to promote along with the time. 据说,天妖族族人的妖身,能随着时间日日淬炼增进。 In other race, old and live long time, is not necessarily fierce, but in Heavenly Demon Clan, live longer is definitely more formidable, this point is without a doubt. 在别的种族,岁数大的和活的久的,不一定多么厉害,但在天妖族,活的越久的肯定越强大,这一点无庸置疑。 Two lived 100,000 years of ghost, can actually take the Heavenly Demon Clan secret technique fusion as one, does this want this to be overbearing? 两名活了100000年的老妖,竟然能够以天妖族秘术融合为一,这要该多么霸道? The words of chairman of the chamber of commerce, making Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin be lost in thought that in the mind such as transmits the thunder, suddenly stays there. 商会会长的一番话,让凌翔、西泽、洛林怔怔出神,脑海中如传来电闪雷鸣,一时间都呆愣在那儿。 what kind Heavenly Demon Clan can secret technique, fuse the life unexpectedly? How to have such strange technique?” Luo Lin is astonished however. 何种天妖族秘术,竟然能融合生灵?怎会有如此奇术?”洛林讶然。 „Can Tian Xie, in your chamber of commerce secret texts, have these two monster ancestors have fused the record?” Ling Xiang knits the brows. 天邪,在你们商会秘典中,可有这两名妖祖融合过的记录?”凌翔皱眉。 Tian Xie, is the name of great billows chairman of the chamber of commerce, in the luxuriant galaxy, knows this name little extremely to be extremely few, the characters who each knows this name absolutely are the high-ranking, cultivation base Realm reach the extremely profound altitude. 天邪,便是巨澜商会会长之名,在莽莽星河间,知晓这个名字者极少极少,每一个知晓这个名字的人物都绝对是身居高位,修为境界达到极为精深的高度。 That secret texts only said that they can the synthesis, not have the record of synthesis, I think that these two Heavenly Demon Clan monster ancestors, feared has carried never on the synthesis, otherwise in world will not have spread a rumor.” Chairman of the chamber of commerce Tian Xie shook the head these two monster ancestor battles 100,000 years, has not stopped, when Heavenly Demon Clan comes across the extermination of the clan crisis, possibly collaborates a war.” “那秘典只说他们能合体,却没有合体的记录,我想这两个天妖族的妖祖,怕是从未进行过合体,不然世间不会没有流传一点传言。”商会会长天邪摇了摇头“这两个妖祖争斗了100000年,从没有停过,只有当天妖族遇到灭族危机时,才可能联手一战。” He looks to Caesar, said: According to your sensing, Reddy should stride in Immortal Second Sky, azure clouds, are in the Immortal Second Sky altitude now, such comes Heavenly Demon Clan then two to achieve the Immortal Second Sky monster ancestor, Heavenly Demon Clan inevitably with that Shi Yan together, God Clan...... Also many single layer pressure.” 他看向西泽,道:“按照你的感测来看,雷迪应该跨入了不朽二重天,那青霄,如今也处于不朽二重天的高度,这么一来天妖族便有两名达到不朽二重天的妖祖,天妖族势必和那石岩一道,神族……又多了一重压力。” So good.” The Ling Xiang facial expression is joyful „, only then this, we can preserve the strength properly, God Clan that Four Great Heavenly Kings is Immortal Second Sky, in addition God Lord is restoring, an only Bloodthirsty side deals extremely strenuously, in addition present Heavenly Demon Clan, should be more relaxed.” “如此甚好。”凌翔神情愉悦“只有这样,我们才能更妥善保全实力,神族四大天王皆为不朽二重天,再加上神主在恢复中,单凭嗜血一方应对太过吃力,加上如今的天妖族,应该会轻松许多。” Tian Xie, that Decca Luo...... For uncertainties, in us, only then you are familiar with him, understands him, can he stand this side us?” The Luo Lin facial expression concentrates suddenly. 天邪,那迪卡罗……为不确定因素,我们中只有你熟悉他,了解他,他会不会站在我们这一边?”洛林突地神情一凝。 Ling Xiang and Caesar also look to the chairman of the chamber of commerce. 凌翔、西泽也看向商会会长。 Decca Luo Wei nowadays Space Deep Meaning recognizes exquisitest existence, said as if this place according to Tian Xie in Immortal Second Sky Realm, cultivation Space Deep Meaning achieved Immortal Second Sky, this was an extremely fearful altitude, means that was almost at the condition that will forever not be struck to kill. 迪卡罗为现今空间奥义公认最精湛的存在,按照天邪所言似乎该处在不朽二重天境界,修炼空间奥义者达到不朽二重天,这是一个极为可怕的高度,意味着几乎处于永不会被击杀的状态。 Space Deep Meaning Expert that achieves Immortal Second Sky to have, possibly compares the uses of two other deep meaning same level to be big, if this person favors a side, means that Star Sea then did not have the wall barrier, many convenience. 一名达到不朽二重天存在的空间奥义强者,可能比两名其余奥义同级者的用途还要大,这个人如果倾向一方,意味着星海便没了壁障,有诸多方便。 If Decca Luo He they together, then their this side influences rise sharply inevitably, can bring many advantage in the future to them. 如果迪卡罗和他们一道儿,那么他们这方势力必然大涨,在未来能够给他们带来许多好处。 This is Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin so will care about the Decca Luo manner the reason. 这就是凌翔、西泽、洛林会如此关心迪卡罗态度的原因。 „...... Decca Luo this person, I could not completely understand.” Tian Xie look glittering the strange gloss, was saying lightly: But a little I can affirm that he will not move toward with God Clan together, will not collaborate with Bloodthirsty lineage/vein truly, relations between he and Ming Hao, is worth deliberating very much, among the enemy friends, is the unascertainable category.” “……迪卡罗此人,我看不透。”天邪眼神闪烁着奇异光泽,淡淡说道:“但有一点我可以肯定,他不会和神族走向一道,也不会和嗜血一脉真正联手,他与冥晧之间的关系,也很值得推敲,介于敌友间,属于不能确定的范畴。” The Ling Xiang three people listened to him saying that was the facial expression is all astonished however, among not clear that Decca Luo He Ming Hao, had anything to relate complex. 凌翔三人听他这么说,皆是神情讶然,不清楚那迪卡罗和冥晧间,到底有什么复杂关系。 This point, Tian Xie had not stated clearly to them that said: Continued formerly the topic, you moved recently, went to Mott star territory and shipyard field star territory and Dry Bones Star Field, convinced them as far as possible, let them and we together.” 这一点,天邪没有向他们言明,道:“继续先前话题,你们最近都动起来,去莫特星域、坞垌星域、枯骨星域,尽量说服他们,让他们与我们一道。” Un.” Three people nod to indicate to understand. “嗯。”三人点头表示明白。 Thunder Xiaoxing territory. 雷霄星域。 Shi Yan quickly wakes up, roasts fierce thunder and lightning to pace back and forth in his body side together, is releasing the wild electric current. 石岩幡然醒来,一道炙烈雷电徘徊在他身侧,释放着狂暴电流。 His eye opens, at once then sees one grandly such as the man of mountain, decides in his body advance party, a that person of silver vigor attire, is naked the arm, on the arm thunder and lightning such as the snake winding, eyes like thunder ball, so long as has a liking for a then soul greatly to shake, such as was been ordinary by the thunder stroke. 他眼睛睁开,旋即便见一个雄伟如山的男子,在他身前站定,那人一身银色劲装,赤裸着手臂,臂膀上雷电如蛇缠绕,双眸雷球,只要看上一眼便灵魂巨震,如被雷击一般。 Ouyang Luoshuang side that man, reveals to awe expression, is cold the face not to speak, as if had just suffered a loss. 欧阳洛霜在那男子身旁,露出敬畏神色,冷着脸不吭声,仿佛刚刚吃过亏。 Sees? I have called him ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews the first round ~~ awakes, isn't he safe and sound? Your this doll is really annoying, must persist in preventing me, how to believe my Old Thunder?” The person eardrum that great Hansheng such as Thunder explosion, shakes must blast open simply, he is still unknowable, time fleck of saliva run all over the place of speech. “看到没有?我已经将他唤~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~醒,他不还是安然无恙?你这女娃真是烦人,非要坚持阻止我,怎么就不信我老雷?”那巨汉声如雷轰,震的人耳膜简直要炸裂,他自己犹不可知,讲话的时候吐沫星子满天飞。 The Ouyang Luoshuang heart lives reluctantly, but avoids him quietly, for fear that was splashed by his spit. 欧阳洛霜心生无奈,只是悄悄避开他,生怕被他吐沫溅到身上。 After Reddy Resurrect, clarifies situation quickly, changes must question Shi Yan for the human form, was actually detained by Ouyang Luoshuang. 雷迪复活后,很快弄清楚形势,变化为人形要问话石岩,却被欧阳洛霜拦阻。 That time Shi Yan, whole body was being burnt down by Heavenly Flame fireworks bunches, was in an extremely mysterious region, she feared that Reddy's question made Shi Yan accidentally discharge Bedevilment. 那时的石岩,浑身天火焰火簇簇焚烧着,处于一种极为玄妙境地,她怕雷迪的问话令石岩走火入魔 Reddy dislikes troublesome, then to together thunder and lightning live in its restraint, now after Shi Yan awakens, for her relieves restraint, shouted the throat saying: His fleshly body mutation has been completed, awakens him not to affect, this degree of body human bone evolution is quick, does not have that many art.” 雷迪嫌麻烦,便以一道雷电将其束缚住,如今将石岩唤醒后,才为她解除束缚,嚷着嗓子道:“他肉身的异变已完成,唤醒他根本不会影响,这种程度的躯骸进化很快,没那么多讲究。” „Are you Immemorial Thunder Dragon?” Shi Yan knits the brows, looks to Reddy, is suddenly typical: Your Realm breakthrough?” “你是太古雷龙?”石岩一皱眉,看向雷迪,突地道:“你境界突破了?” On Reddy, said that thunder and lightning is twining, such as many snakes are wriggling, this clearly is the performance of thunder and lightning overflow, at Reddy's Realm level, thunder and lightning originally not overflow, only if just Realm breakthrough, otherwise so will not display. 在雷迪身上,道道雷电缠绕着,如许多蛇蠕动着,这分明为雷电外溢的表现,以雷迪的境界层次,雷电本不会外溢,除非刚刚境界突破,不然不会如此的表现。 Boy vision is uncommon, worthily for my ancestor star Essence fusion, thanks to your, I entered into Immortal Second Sky. Hehe, this competent has then fought with azure clouds, previous time I defeat with his hand, withdraws from the struggle of head of the clan, this must ask for surely!” Reddy grins to say. “小子眼光不凡,不愧为我祖星本源融合者,托你的福,我迈入不朽二重天了。嘿嘿,这趟便够资格和青霄一战了,上次我败与他手,退出族长之争,这趟定要讨回来!”雷迪咧嘴道。 azure clouds?” Shi Yan shouted lightly. “青霄?”石岩轻呼。 Was Azure Dragon, azure clouds were his name, fellow now where?” Reddy sinking sound track. “就是青龙了,青霄是他的名字,那家伙如今在何处?”雷迪沉声道。 In your Heavenly Demon Clan ancestor star.” Shi Yan facial expression strange is taking a look at him, suddenly sneers saying: Your Heavenly Demon Clan the influence is small and weak now, has depended on Azure Dragon to support, not by the extermination of the clan that Ming Royal Family suppresses, you wake up now, thinks is and he does accounts? Without him, Heavenly Demon Clan has not possibly existed now, you should thank him, thanked him to defeat in the past you, in my opinion, if made you be promoted with all attendant honor head of the clan Heavenly Demon Clan, perhaps now did not have Heavenly Demon Clan also perhaps.” “在你们天妖族祖星。”石岩神情怪异的打量着他,忽然冷笑道:“你天妖族如今势力弱小,一直靠青龙来支撑着,才没有被冥皇族打压的灭族,你如今重新醒来,想的便是和他算账?没有他,天妖族如今可能都不复存在了,你应该谢谢他,谢谢他当年战败了你,依我看,如果让你荣升天妖族族长,或许如今已经没有天妖族了也说不定。” It is not he aims at Reddy desirably, this fellow looks is the model Heavenly Demon Clan disposition, vulgar, violent, is not very smooth, does not have patient plans, does not understand to bear patiently. 不是他刻意针对雷迪,这家伙一看便是典型天妖族的脾性,粗鄙,暴烈,不够圆滑,没一丝耐性心机,不懂得隐忍。 Reddy possibly is the inborn soldier, the unprecedented monster strength will be incomparable in the battlefield, but wields a clan to him, will bring the total destruction to the race absolutely. 雷迪可能乃天生的战士,在战场上会一往无前妖力无匹,但给他执掌一族,绝对会给种族带来灭顶之灾。 He integrates Grace Mainland Essence, then regards as own subject Heavenly Demon Clan, by higher First Level vision, making him elect, he will also choose Azure Dragon for the head of the clan, but non Reddy, this Reddy, can only be Heavenly Demon Clan goes on an expedition the four directions, is only the pure soldier, but non- appropriate leader. 他融入神恩大陆本源,便将天妖族看成自己的臣民,以更高一层的目光来看,让他选,他也会选青龙为族长,而非这雷迪,这雷迪,只能为天妖族征战四方,只是纯粹的战士,而非合适的首领。 Hey, the boy spoke is not really pleasant to the ear, you just awakened me, I will teach you to speak surely well. However now, you as early as possible leave Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, Xiao Yao and light must come, you keep the use not to have, but also wants to trouble I and Decca take care of.” “嘿,小子说话真不中听,要不是你刚将我唤醒,我定会好好教教你讲话。不过现在,你还是趁早离开雷霄星域吧,逍遥和光明要来了,你留下来一点用处没有,还要劳烦我和迪卡照顾。” Reddy grins, groans saying: Decca Luo was loosening seal, your cultivation Space Deep Meaning, should be able to induce the change. By you and ancestor star the relations, you can flee at any time, I urged you to leave as early as possible, be not given instant kill by Xiao Yao brightly.” 雷迪咧嘴,哼哼道:“迪卡罗已经在松开封印,你修炼空间奥义,应该能感应到变化。以你和祖星的关系,你可以随时遁走,我劝你趁早离开,别被逍遥、光明给秒杀了。” Shi Yan hear of he said that immediately revolution sacrificial altar, deep meaning level space exquisite stimulation. 石岩听他这么说,立即运转祭台,将奥义层空间精妙激发。 The overlapping space ripple, such as the ripples of water, by his whole body circle spread, his whole body veins mobile supernatural power, transmit Space Cutting Blade aura unexpectedly, a periosteum of skeleton, such as attaches wonderful that the space wall bonds, emerges one type strange Miao who enables his God Body to adapt to any void crack adverse circumstance. 层层叠叠空间波纹,如水之涟漪,由他全身圈圈扩散,他浑身筋脉流动的神力,竟传来空间利刃气息,一身骨骸的骨膜,如附有空间壁障的神妙,涌现一种让他神体能适应任何虚空裂缝恶劣环境的奇秒。 The space ripple that spread centered on him comes out, colludes Thunder Xiaoxing the territory instantaneously, the construction chart of entire star territory, such as a three-dimensional picture scroll launches in his mind suddenly lifelike. 以他为中心扩散出来的空间波纹,瞬间勾连雷霄星域,整个星域的构建图,如一副立体画卷忽然在他脑海栩栩展开。 He is similar to the Divine Sense Spiritual Awareness infinite enlargement spreads, Thunder Xiaoxing the territory under his Sea of Consciousness touch, like was reduced trillion times, turns into palm of the hand big nebula to reappear his Sea of Consciousness, he can find a Star Sea overall accident...... 他如同神识灵觉无限放大蔓延,雷霄星域在他识海触感下,像被缩小亿万倍,变成一个巴掌大星云浮现他识海,他能瞧见一个星海整体的变故…… That is representing the nebula of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, the outer layer has the tangerine colored light cover, at this time, the light covers in the fierce impact, splits the slit on own initiative. 那代表着雷霄星域的星云,外层有橘红色光罩,此时,光罩在剧烈冲击中,主动裂开缝隙。 He shakes loudly, the eye splits dazzling strange light, the mind spills over intense move! 他轰然一震,眼睛绽出炫目奇光,心神泛出强烈的感动! Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, such as was reduced trillion times of sand tables, although he cannot find slightly exquisite, cannot wander each life by the Divine Sense soul on -board sector, can actually occupy a commanding position, takes in everything at a glance it. 雷霄星域,如被缩小亿万倍的沙盘,他虽不能瞧见细微精妙,不能以神识灵魂游荡每个生命之星上的区间,却能居高临下般,将其一览无遗。 Now, you achieve Origin God Second Sky, after this sublimation of soul and fleshly body, your Realm is stable.” Reddy snort|hum, has curled the lip to shake the head saying: Weak, is too weak, could not support Xiao Yao, brightly to strike, therefore you were as early as possible go away.” “现在,你才算是达到始神二重天,经过这次灵魂、肉身的升华,你境界才算是稳定。”那雷迪哼了一声,撇嘴摇头道:“弱,还是太弱,根本支撑不了逍遥、光明一击,所以你还是趁早滚开吧。” He spoke, the space slit split together, that round must all white Decca Luo, finally go out. 他讲话的时候,一道空间缝隙裂开,那发须皆白的迪卡罗,终于从中走出。 Decca Luo has not gone to look at Shi Yan, but looks to Reddy, in the eye overflows excited facial expression „to say goodbye you completely, really good......” 迪卡罗没有去看石岩,只是望向雷迪,眼中溢满激动神情“能再见你,真好……” Reddy grins laughs joyfully Little Luo, before you compare, is older, I still remember that in the past your immature appearance, Ha Ha, a blink, you also achieved Immortal, the time passed real quick.” 雷迪咧嘴欣然大笑“小罗啊,你比以前苍老许多,我还记得当年你稚嫩的模样,哈哈,一眨眼,你也达到不朽了,时间过的真快。” The old friends have a reunion, these two have not responded Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang, as if not know that Xiao Yao and light will soon arrive, was still talking about old days, indulges in their world. 老友重逢,这两人都没有搭理石岩欧阳洛霜,似乎根本不知逍遥、光明即将到来,依然在叙旧,沉溺在他们的世界中。 Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang look at each other stunned, looks at Reddy, Decca such as the wordy old lady, there read broken, is recalling in the past, was recalling the past, suddenly did not know not to know what to do. 石岩欧阳洛霜相视愕然,看着雷迪、迪卡罗如啰嗦的老太婆,在那儿碎碎念,回忆着往昔,追忆着过去,一时间不知如何是好。 The good half sound, that Decca Luo Cai to respond that turned the head to look at Shi Yan, the doubts said: „Haven't you walked?” 好半响,那迪卡罗才反应过来,别头看了一眼石岩,疑惑道:“你还不走?” I thought that I should stay behind come to see, have a look at fight of that Xiao Yao and light with you.” Shi Yan said. “我觉得,我该留下来看看,看看那逍遥和光明与你们间的战斗。”石岩道。 You, only then Origin God Second Sky, you cannot bear that complementary waves impact, I urged you should better to leave, so as to avoid made me difficult to do.” Decca Luo Chen drinks. “你只有始神二重天,你承受不住那余波冲击,我劝你最好离开,免得让我难做。”迪卡罗沉喝。 Has you, I can momentarily leave, I must stay behind have a look, is not good again.” Shi Yan insisted. “有你在,我能随时离开,我要留下看看,不行再在。”石岩坚持。 Decca Luo knits the brows, has not continued to talk too much anything, said: as you wish, died really carelessly, only blames you to assign not well, Ming Hao in secret will be perhaps joyful.” 迪卡罗皱眉,没有继续多言什么,道:“随便你,真不慎死了,也只怪你命不好,说不定冥晧还会暗中欣喜。” Shi Yan is astonished however. 石岩讶然。
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