GOS :: Volume #14

#1321: Reddy and azure clouds

In Grace Mainland ten Heavenly Flame, Primal Chaos Sacred Fire ranks first, must come to be most difficult. 神恩大陆十种天火中,混沌圣火排名第一,得来最为艰难。 Initially, when Shi Yan discovered Primal Chaos Sacred Fire, reason that this fellow in seizing Continent Essence, Grace Mainland energy dried up rapidly, used Essence except for past Lao Luo and Ring Spirit, collaborated to tow from other universe it outside, another primary factor was Primal Chaos Sacred Fire absorb of quietly to Essence. 当初,石岩发现混沌圣火之时,这家伙就在攫取着大陆本源,神恩大陆之所以能量枯竭迅疾,除了当年烙猡戒灵动用本源,联手将其从别的宇宙牵引过来外,另外一个主要因素就是混沌圣火本源的悄悄吸纳 If not Shi Yan early discovered extremely that perhaps Primal Chaos Sacred Fire can evolve to one type the level that is hard to imagine, then fuses other Heavenly Flame completely. 若非石岩极早发现,或许混沌圣火能进化到一种难以想象的层次,进而将其余天火全部融合。 Thus substitutes for Shi Yan, oneself changes into the Ancient Continent source, becomes the soul of Ancient Continent. 从而取代石岩,自身化为古大陆源头,成古大陆之魂。 Way nobody who this Heavenly Flame, forms knows, it is said when Ancient Continent peeps existed, is an evolving transformation of Ancient Continent wisp of thought that has reignition life flame strange strength. 天火,形成的方式无人知晓,据说在古大陆初现的时候就存在了,是古大陆一缕意念的衍变转化,具有重燃生命火焰的奇力。 Now looks, rumor really not empty, under the Primal Chaos Sacred Fire mystical flame, the remnant soul that Immemorial Thunder Dragon splits, seems like fused. 如今一看,传言果然不虚,在混沌圣火神秘火焰下,那太古雷龙分裂的残魂,就像是被重新融合起来。 One continuously is mixing with the strength of thunder and lightning, emerges the rushing soul fluctuation thought aura, under sliding pulling of smooth flame, gradually gathers. 一缕缕夹杂着雷电之力,涌现澎湃灵魂波动的念头气息,在溜溜火光的拉扯下,逐渐汇聚起来。 Skeleton of that Immemorial Thunder Dragon, transmits rushes life force, the body grows from the skeleton. 太古雷龙的骨骸,也传来澎湃生机,皮肉从骨骼上生长出来。 Immemorial Thunder Dragon is carrying on Resurrect on own initiative. 太古雷龙在主动进行着复活 After the soul fire was lit, his initiative absorb Thunder Xiaoxing territory torrential heaven and earth energy, conceal enters the monster body precise monster soul, during his minute of soul fuses , the thunder and lightning deterrent that releases, making Shi Yan fearful and apprehensive. 魂火被重新点燃以后,他主动吸纳雷霄星域滔滔天地能量,藏入妖身凝炼妖魂,他那分魂融合期间释放的雷电威慑,让石岩都心惊胆颤。 Bunches of Primal Chaos Sacred Fire such as his Divine Sense, gather in his mind summon swiftly, changes into one group like the lotus flower bright stainless fireworks, the re-entry his heart sacrificial altar. 一簇簇混沌圣火如他一道道神念,在他心神呼唤中倏然聚拢,化为一团如莲花般的明净无垢焰火,重入他心田祭台 The vice- soul is jumping, a very serene spirit static feeling sprouts suddenly, his facial expression moves, the main body withdraws one section quietly, no matter also Immemorial Thunder Dragon Resurrect, but is the total involvement understands thoroughly exquisitely. 副魂跳跃着,一种非常安详灵静的感觉忽然萌生,他神情一动,本体悄然后撤一截,也不管太古雷龙复活,而是全身心洞彻其中精妙。 Primal Chaos Sacred Fire ignition soul fire marvelous -, at this time such as becomes clear, becomes aware to see clearly along with his heart God Body, even more clear appears his inner world, making his spirit sublimate, the vice- soul imitates, if thoroughly comprehends some profound second. 混沌圣火点燃魂火的奇妙-,此时如变得清晰起来,随着他心神体悟洞察,愈发明白的浮现他心海,让他精神升华,副魂仿若悟透某种玄秒。 At this time, Immemorial Thunder Dragon that gathers the fusion gradually a minute of soul, then turns into one group of dazzling thunder and lightning, making the person not dare to look straight ahead, transmits the terrifying soul deterrent force. 此时,太古雷龙那渐渐聚集融合的分魂,则是变成一团璀璨夺目雷电,让人不敢直视,传来恐怖灵魂威慑力。 Ouyang Luoshuang also has to draw back distant. 欧阳洛霜也不得不退的远远的。 She looks to Shi Yan, the chilly pupil emerges unclearly astonished, she looks clearly, on Shi Yan strange multiplies a bunches of flame, these flame such as have the life mark, is quite similar to Shi Yan aura, is inciting to burn down, such as is carrying on some Elementary repair to the Shi Yan God Body soul,...... 她不由看向石岩,清冷的眸子浮出不明惊异,她瞧出清楚,在石岩身上诡异的滋生簇簇火苗,那些火苗如有着生命印记,和石岩气息颇为相似,在滋滋焚烧着,如对石岩神体灵魂进行着某种后天修复,…… That bunches of flame such as in wonderful workmanship famous artisan hand mysterious burin, is carving the Shi Yan fleshly body bloodlines, is tampering with his God Body certain natural marks, in an average man unreadable way, fills some disappointment of Shi Yan fleshly body and life, making him closer perfect. 那簇簇火苗如巧夺天工名匠手中神奇的刻刀,雕琢着石岩肉身血脉,篡改着他神体某些天然印记,以一种常人难以理解的方式,填补石岩肉身和生命的某种缺憾,让他更加接近完美。 looks at this quarter Shi Yan, in her heart remembers the words suddenly, one came from her master Xiao Yao words refined language...... 看着这刻的石岩,她心中忽然想起一番话,一番来自于她师傅逍遥的话辞…… Since ancient, the race myriad, is different, but does not have a life to politely call perfectly, God Clan cannot. 亘古以来,种族万千,不尽相同,但没有一种生灵能尊称完美,神族也不能。 In the innumerable years historically, altogether has four to the strong race life, distinguishes God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family, was recognized the highest Level life shape, these four lives are easier to understand clearly the power true meaning, can release most peak to be exquisite the fleshly body soul mysteriously. 在无数年历史上,至强种族生灵共有四个,分别神族不死魔族天妖族冥皇族,被公认最高等级生灵形态,这四种生灵更容易洞悉力量真谛,更能将肉身灵魂奥妙释放到最巅峰精妙。 However, these four big races still respectively have the flaw, that flaw is Nascent, the birth was then doomed. 然而,这四大种族依然各自有着缺陷,那缺陷是先天的,出生便注定。 Ming Royal Family fleshly body is weak, Heavenly Demon Clan is not good at the soul quenching, God Clan and Immortal Devil Clan seem like balanced, but the soul was inferior that Ming Royal Family is exquisite, fleshly body compares also to be inferior to Heavenly Demon Clan, these four big races still had the deficiency. 冥皇族肉身较弱,天妖族不擅长灵魂淬炼,神族不死魔族看似均衡,可灵魂不如冥皇族精妙神奇,肉身真比较起来也不如天妖族,这四大种族仍然有不足之处。 In long time perpetual flow, only then a person of life shape is called closest perfect, this person is Bloodthirsty...... 悠长时间长河中,只有一人生灵形态被称为最接近完美,这个人便是嗜血…… Any life race, can make oneself tend to be perfect through Elementary evolution patching actually, God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family , if there is non- world chance, perhaps can also vanish the Nascent disappointment, making own life form go to a more wonderful situation, actually the cultivation basis, is quenchings fleshly body, the polish soul. 任何生灵种族,其实都能通过后天进化修补令自身更趋于完美,神族不死魔族天妖族冥皇族若有不世机缘,或许也能消掉先天缺憾,让自身生命形态达到更为神妙地步,其实修炼的根本,就是淬炼肉身,打磨灵魂。 To put it bluntly, is to own evolution, to the enhancement supplement of Nascent life mark. 说白了,就是对自身的进化,对先天生命印记的增强补充。 The life form, the fleshly body structure, can infinite breakthrough be strengthened, even can inherit to the decendants, the child who two Expert give birth, definitely compares child Nascent that two mortals give birth to be preponderant... 生命形态,肉身结构,都能无限突破增强,甚至能传承向后代子孙,两名强者生下的孩子,肯定比两个凡人生下的孩子先天具有优势… The Xiao Yao words, are flowing in the Ouyang Luoshuang hearts, making her eye glisten, she looks to Shi Yan, lives suddenly clearly becomes aware: Shi Yan of this moment condition, is on the god surprisingly said road of self- evolution. 逍遥的一番话,在欧阳洛霜心间流淌着,让她眼睛闪亮,她怔怔看向石岩,忽生明悟:此刻状态的石岩,就处在自我进化的神奇道路上。 That bunches of wonderful flame, is the medicament that he evolves, patches his fleshly body flaw, making him tend to be perfect. 那簇簇神妙火焰,就是他进化的药剂,修补他肉身缺陷,让他更趋于完美。 The Ancient God star territory, a territory Haikou, Xiao Yao, sits well brightly void, the facial expression is serious. 古神星域,一处域海口,逍遥、光明端坐虚空,神情沉重。 Not far away, numerous God Clan Expert are gathering, the whole face awe, bows slightly, deeply looks to these two. 不远处,众多神族强者聚集着,满脸敬畏,微微躬身,深深看向这两人。 The intermittence can crush the terrifying fluctuation of star, gushes out from Xiao Yao and bright two big Son of Heaven God Body, such as the wild energy rivers, go directly to a jamming the void road. 阵阵能粉碎星球的恐怖波动,从逍遥、光明两大天王神体涌出,如狂暴的能量河流,直达一条堵塞的虚空甬道。 That road, then connects the entrance of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, was being sealed up by big Divine Ability by Decca Luo. 那甬道,便是连通雷霄星域的入口,被迪卡罗以大神通封闭着。 At this time, that road such as fills air/Qi the balloon, the astonishing inflation, such as must momentarily explode, came from the fluctuation that Xiao Yao and bright body transmit, such as seeps the road gradually, goes directly to Thunder Xiaoxing the territory wall barrier. 此时,那甬道如充满气的气球,惊人的膨胀着,如要随时爆裂,来自于逍遥、光明身上传来的波动,如渐渐渗透甬道,直达向雷霄星域壁障。 If some people can Divine Sense cover the entire Thunder Xiaoxing Outer Territory level, will discover that Thunder Xiaoxing the territory assumes piece of Star Sea, the surrounding is bound to tie by layer upon layer the orange yellow wave light. 如果有人能神识覆盖整个雷霄星域外层,会发现雷霄星域呈一片星海,外围则是被层层橘黄色波光裹缚住。 On such as by the star lamp that a giant orange yellow chimney covers, the internal Star Sea stars are bright, are representing Thunder Xiaoxing territory the star of life, that Star Sea outer layer is bright, is the Star Sea original crystal wall, covers entirely tiny thunder and lightning. 就如被一个巨大的橘黄色灯罩罩住的星灯,内部星海星辰熠熠,代表着一颗颗雷霄星域的生命之星,那星海外层晶亮,则是星海原先的晶壁,布满细小雷霆闪电 But most outer layer, was not power of star territory to bind tightly by one, that power is Decca Luo. 但最外层,却被一股不属于星域的力量裹紧,那力量属于迪卡罗。 But at this time, that orange yellow chimney defense circle, looks like by the great strength extrusion sprint, distorted obviously, many regions are the balloon point at likely press gets sucked fiercely, seems can be punctured quickly, then explodes directly. 而此时,那橘黄色灯罩般的防御圈,就像是被巨力挤压冲刺,明显的变形了,有许多区域像是气球被手指按的猛地深陷下去,好似很快能被刺破,进而直接爆裂掉。 That defense circle was punctured rupturing together, the consequence becomes will be hard to imagine, will bear the brunt by Thunder Xiaoxing the territory that the chimney wall barrier binds is affected, these glittering bright star light the star of life, will be exploding broken, will change into the nothingness flying ash, the above trillion lives are spatial twinkling. 一道那防御圈被刺破爆裂,后果会变得难以想象,被灯罩般壁障裹住的雷霄星域将会首当其冲被波及,那些闪烁着熠熠星光的生命之星,会爆碎,会化为虚无飞灰,其上的亿万生灵将瞬息化空。 A star territory, very possible, therefore erases from boundless Star Sea, does not exist again. 一个星域,很可能因此从茫茫星海抹除,再也不复存在。 Xiao Yao, knew brightly Bradley Family clansmen were all executed, moved really hot, does not hesitate to take a star territory as the price , must make heavy losses to Decca Luo, destroys completely Shi Yan. 逍遥、光明得知布拉德利家族族人被全诛,动了真火,不惜以一个星域为代价,也要重创迪卡罗,灭掉石岩 If they succeed, that and Shi Yan is buried along with the dead, will be Thunder Xiaoxing territory all lives. 如果他们成功,那和石岩陪葬的,将会是雷霄星域所有生灵。 As for Ouyang Luoshuang, Xiao Yao has the method in the star territory destruction, protects her to be safe, guarantees her not to extinguish. 至于欧阳洛霜,逍遥有法子在星域覆灭之时,护她平安,保她不灭。 Does not suit.” “不对劲。” , Xiao Yao opens eyes suddenly, on the outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted face of outstanding ability are many for several points startled to palpitate restlessly. 突地,逍遥睁开眼,阴柔俊逸脸上多出几分惊悸不安。 The bright Son of Heaven calls a halt, subconscious twisted the wine pot to drink liquor, said: Seal became less crowded, I can also perceive that outer layer weak sound, an extremely fearful soul fluctuation is beating, is meeting again own strength by energy of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, he should cause heavy losses to the deep sleep before, now, resembled to wake up.” 光明天王停手,下意识的拧起酒壶喝了一口酒,道:“封印已经松动,我也能觉察到外层的微弱动静,一个极为可怕的灵魂波动在跳动着,正以雷霄星域的能量重聚着自身之力,他之前应该重创沉睡,如今,似要醒来了。” „Do you still remember the Decca Luo that Heavenly Demon Clan old friend?” The Xiao Yao complexion suddenly changes. “你还记得迪卡罗那位天妖族的老朋友么?”逍遥脸色忽然一变。 Bright tall and strong body slightly shakes, blocks the way at once: We should try harder! I understand finally that Decca Luo, why must send in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory that boy, he for Grace Mainland Essence fusion, Thunder Xiaoxing territory...... Naturally is the soul lonesome place of that fellow!” 光明魁梧身子微震,旋即果断道:“我们该加把劲了!我终于明白那迪卡罗,为何要将那小子送入雷霄星域了,他为神恩大陆本源融合者,雷霄星域……自然便是那家伙的魂寂之处!” I early should think!” Xiao Yao look yin cold. “我早该想到!”逍遥眼神阴寒。 Their mind is startled to palpitate restlessly, then does not retain, by stronger power impact, the energy trend that emerges from their God Body instantaneously, increases instantaneously one time! 两人心神惊悸不安,然后再也不保留,以更强力量冲击,从他们神体瞬间涌现的能量动向,瞬间攀升一倍! Puchi!” 噗哧!” Does not have the mark to be possible on homing Outer Territory stream ray, Decca Luo Laolian becomes flushed, is out of control to put out a blood, that blood like the gem, is unexpectedly dazzling. 一条无迹可寻的域外流光上,迪卡罗老脸涨红,禁不住吐出一口鲜血,那鲜血如宝石,竟璀璨夺目。 His ten fingers tremble, the fingertip reveals ten space stream ray, stream ray all gushes out, pours into Thunder Xiaoxing the Outer Territory level wall barrier once more. 他十指抖颤,指尖流露出十条空间流光,流光全部涌出,再次注入雷霄星域外层壁障。 The Decca Luo facial expression slightly is anxious, the line of sight bridges over the numerous spaces, falls to the Shi Yan direction, muttered: Time are not much, I must before the seal was broken through, solves( the book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) to eliminate the wall barrier, otherwise, Thunder Xiaoxing the territory will not exist, this once the star territory that was controlled by you, should not be erased.” 迪卡罗神情略显焦急,视线跨过重重空间,落向石岩的方向,喃喃自语道:“时间不多了,我必须要在封印被冲破之前,率先解(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新)除壁障,若不然,雷霄星域将不复存在,这个曾经由你主宰的星域,不该被抹除掉。” These words just fell, the Decca Luo Bian facial expression shakes, suddenly smiles joyfully, worthily is Reddy!” 这番话刚落下,迪卡罗便神情一震,忽然欣然笑起,“不愧是雷迪!” He looks at the place, the skeleton of that huge Immemorial Thunder Dragon is precise at this time the strength of trillion thunder, floods in Thunder Xiaoxing territory each corner sector thunder and lightning, such as trillion brook return sea, have welled up unexpectedly in abundance. 他所看之处,那条庞大太古雷龙的骨骸此时凝炼着亿万雷霆之力,充斥在雷霄星域各个角落区间的雷霆闪电,如亿万溪流回归大海,竟然纷纷涌了过来。 The short dozens seconds, that Immemorial Thunder Dragon then flesh and blood full, at once then sees one group of huge thunder and lightning to fall into Thunder Dragon dragon's head, the monster body of that Thunder Dragon, wriggled suddenly a instant. 短短数十秒时间,那太古雷龙便血肉充盈,旋即便见一团巨大雷电落入雷龙龙首中,那雷龙的妖身,忽然间蠕动了一霎。 At once, a thunder extinguishes the deterrent of heaven and earth, suddenly covers the heaven and earth four directions. 旋即,一股雷灭天地的威慑,忽然间覆盖天地四方。 In world, Warrior of strength of each cultivation thunder and lightning, in the hearts moves slightly at this time, the soul spills over an extremely strange feeling. 世间,每一个修炼雷电之力的武者,此时都心间微动,灵魂泛出一种极为古怪的感觉。 As if the life, becomes thunder and lightning natural law part, changes into the thunder and lightning deep meaning Symbols, is representing the heavenly might true meaning of thunder. 仿佛有一个生灵,成为雷电规则的一部分,化为雷电奥义的一个符号,代表着雷霆的天威真谛。 At this time the person's advocation of Caesar Broken Palace in great billows star territory, cultivates the thunder his entire life, at this time his facial expression moves greatly, sacrificial altar rotates suddenly. 此时人在巨澜星域的碎殿之主西泽,一生修雷,此时他神情大动,祭台忽然转动。 His hesitation several seconds, shouted to clear the way suddenly lowly: „ Has the life to cultivate thunder and lightning, enters into Immortal Second Sky Realm, inspires the deep meaning pinnacle, as far as I know, this is besides Saint Beast Azure Dragon, second achieves so existence of rank. 他沉吟数秒,忽然低喝道:“有生灵修雷电,迈入不朽二重天境界,引动奥义极致,据我所知,这是除圣兽青龙外,第二个达到如此级别的存在。 Did not need to guess, was Heavenly Demon Clan Immemorial Thunder Dragon Resurrect, entered into Thunder Xiaoxing the territory from the Decca Romania, I then knew to be able like this.” “不用猜测了,是天妖族太古雷龙复活了,从迪卡罗迈入雷霄星域起,我便知道会这样。” Great billows chairmen of the chamber of commerce give a calm smile, Immemorial Thunder Dragon Reddy and Azure Dragon azure clouds are the Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor, with cultivating the strength of thunder and lightning, Reddy stressed the thunder, azure clouds side resent a telegram, in the past to compete for head of the clan Heavenly Demon Clan, these two fellows once had disputed, later Reddy defeated, has not appeared in Heavenly Demon Clan, instead and Decca Luo has arrived together , helping the Decca Luo achievement today's Realm deep meaning.” 巨澜商会会长淡然一笑,“太古雷龙雷迪和青龙青霄都是天妖族始祖,同修雷电之力,雷迪侧重雷,青霄侧重电,当年为了争夺天妖族族长一位,这两个家伙曾较量过,之后雷迪战败,没有在天妖族出现过,反而和迪卡罗走到了一块儿,助迪卡罗成就了今天的境界奥义。” Reddy and azure clouds, a main thunder, main electricity, is Thunder Dragon and Azure Dragon, they inherit actually, said that they are not overrated for the brothers. What a pity, these two fellows mutually are disputing the battle his entire life, truly has never united, I in getting up secret texts of President first generation have looked at a few words, those words, makes my impression profound seriously.” “雷迪和青霄,一主雷,一主电,为雷龙青龙,两人其实一脉相承,说他们为兄弟都不为过。可惜,这两个家伙一生都在相互较量争斗,从未真正团结过,我在上一代会长的秘典中瞧过一句话,那句话,当真让我印象深刻啊。” What words?” Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin asked simultaneously together. “什么话?”西泽、凌翔洛林同声齐问。 Immemorial Thunder Dragon and Saint Beast Azure Dragon, an embryo, thunder electricity, according to Heavenly Demon Clan secret technique can the synthesis be one, after the synthesis, holds the thunder and lightning deep meaning to send, overbearing peerless.” Chairman of the chamber of commerce dignified say|way. 太古雷龙圣兽青龙,一胎而出,一雷一电,按天妖族秘术能合体为一,合体后执雷电奥义之极致,霸道绝伦。”商会会长凝重道。 Such remarks, three big influence leaders change colors with amazement, was startled to palpitate completely. 此言一出,三大势力首领骇然失色,完全被惊悸住了。 the ps first chapter, will have three today, asked the monthly ticket weakly ps第一章,今天会有三更,弱弱求下月票
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