GOS :: Volume #14

#1320: The fire of reignition life!

The star territory crystal wall place, bunches of thunder and lightning gathers, spreads to incite abnormal noise, for a very long time. 星域晶壁处,簇簇雷电聚集,传出“滋滋”异响,久久不息。 The huge Immemorial Thunder Dragon skeleton, glittering the silver-white gloss, is situated by the crystal wall, such as a clear bone mountain, stern grand. 庞大的太古雷龙骨骸,闪烁着银白色光泽,坐落在晶壁旁边,如一座晶莹骨山,森严雄阔。 Shi Yan is sits well the dragon's head spot, the facial expression is serious, the body soul thought continuous, the revolution life deep meaning, tries to tow Thunder Dragon to be divided the soul turbulently, congeals in the Thunder Dragon skull. 石岩则是端坐龙首部位,神情沉重,身上灵魂念头动荡不休,运转生命奥义,试图牵引雷龙分魂,凝结在雷龙头骨中。 Regardless of he displays the what kind power deep meaning, how to utilize the life deep meaning, throughout is unable to move the Thunder Dragon fission soul. 只是,不论他施展何种力量奥义,如何运用生命奥义,都始终无法动弹雷龙分裂魂魄。 He is centered on the life deep meaning, takes own Immortal Devil Blood as the actor's opening words, wanting the viscous that soul to tow, however the soul read the hair to move Thunder Dragon to be divided the soul, then sacrificial altar greatly shook, such as must blast open. 他以生命奥义为核心,以自身不死魔血为引子,想要粘稠那魂魄牵引过来,然灵魂念头稍一碰触雷龙分魂,便祭台巨震,如要炸裂。 A that Immemorial Thunder Dragon minute of soul, has the resistance of instinct, although the consciousness has not met again, power is hard to display one of the ten tenths, may still extremely exaggerate, is not he can the as one wishes attempt. 太古雷龙的分魂,有着本能的抗拒,虽意识没有重聚,力量难以发挥十成之一,可依然极为夸张,不是他能够随便尝试的。 The life deep meaning is not good, he cuts the space, takes the galaxy as the bridge, wants the precise minute of soul. 生命奥义不行,他又去切割空间,以星河为桥梁,要凝炼分魂。 Finally is defeated as before. 结果依旧是失败。 After attempts, he discovered that all sorts of methods are invalid, this Immemorial Thunder Dragon Resurrect simply has become not the achievable difficult problem, lets him with a worried look. 一次次尝试后,他发现种种方法都无效,这太古雷龙复活简直成了不可实现的难题,让他愁眉不展。 You want Resurrect this Demonic Beast?” Ouyang Luoshuang cold voice digression. “你是想要复活妖兽?”欧阳洛霜冷声插话。 She follows to come silently, throughout is only calmly watches, the midway has not talked too much one, in Shi Yan is defeated continuously reveals repeatedly dispirited, she opened the mouth perhaps your direction to make a mistake.” 她默默跟随而来,始终只是静静观看,中途没有多言一句,在石岩连续失败多次露出颓丧无奈时,她才开口“或许你的方向错了。” „Did direction make a mistake?” Shi Yan knit the brows, turns around to shoot a look at her one eyes, the sinking sound track: What respected opinion do you have?” “方向错了?”石岩皱眉,转身瞥了她一眼,沉声道:“你有什么高见?” These years I alone wander in Star Sea, has heard hidden secret this Demonic Beast about four big races much...... Clearly is the Heavenly Demon Clan Immemorial monster ancestor, his monster body and monster soul separates for many years, routine method Resurrect is inadequate, can only try other method, for example...... The strength of Essence?” She calm such as the water said that was the Shi Yan analysis mystery. “这些年来我独自在星海游荡,也听说过不少关于四大种族的秘辛妖兽……分明是天妖族太古妖祖,他妖身、妖魂分开多年,常规方法复活不成,只能试试别的方法了,譬如……本源之力?”她冷静如水缓缓道来,为石岩分析奥妙。 Many that it seems like you know.” In the Shi Yan heart moves. “看来你知道的不少。”石岩心中一动。 My that master...... Has said many matters to me, since you fuse Grace Mainland Essence, you should try to realize all these by Essence.” Her expression is faint Heavenly Demon Clan born in our hometown ancestor star, they and Essence have subtly - relation, perhaps you Lord the soul to be at wit's end the vice- soul to achieve the goal.” “我那师傅……给我说过不少事情,你既然融合神恩大陆本源,那你应该试试以本源来实现这一切。”她神色淡漠“天妖族诞生在我们的家乡祖星,他们和本源定有微妙-联系,你主魂无计可施副魂说不定能达成目的。” Reasonable.” “有道理。” The Shi Yan slight bow, closes one's eyes at once, such as sits in contemplation. 石岩微微点头,旋即闭上眼,如老僧入定。 The reminder of Ouyang Luoshuang made him have the new consideration, he advocated the soul to assume this place to be motionless, a wisp of soul read actually passes through the luxuriant star territory, went directly to Grace Star. 欧阳洛霜的提醒真让他有了新的考虑,他主魂坐镇此地不动,一缕魂念却穿过莽莽星域,直达神恩星 Grace Star center of earth deep place, that mysterious rose Regent[ body], one group of five colors flame depart quietly. 神恩星地心深处,那神奇瑰丽晶〖体〗内部,一团五彩火焰悄然飞出。 Flame evolving incarnation Shi Yan true body phantom, glittering two then vanished swiftly does not see. 火焰倏然衍变化身石岩真身虚影,闪烁了两下便消失不见。 A Heavenly Demon Mountain Range mountain valley. 天妖山脉一处山谷。 Saint Beast Azure Dragon is dormant a mountain peak, on the mountain peak has several hundred profound cave, at this time, in these cave all has rich heaven and earth energy to flow, pure heaven and earth Spiritual Qi of coastal water by the mountain inside stomach unit Saint Beast Azure Dragon absorb turnover, was being built up in the monster body skeleton internal organs, is strengthening power. 圣兽青龙蛰伏一座山峰,山峰上有数百个幽深石洞,此时,那些石洞内皆有浓郁天地能量流动着,附近海域的精纯天地灵气被山腹内圣兽青龙吸纳吞吐着,炼化在妖身骨骸脏腑,增强着力量 And a cave mouth, Ghost Hunter squats in the main body shape, whole body transmits the extremely violent turbulence,[ body] in blood such as boiling water boiling hot, is quite strange. 其中一个石洞口,鬼獠以本体形态蹲在,浑身传来极为猛烈动荡,〖体〗内鲜血如沸水滚烫,极为诡异。 Shi Yan phantom appears suddenly in the mountain valley. 石岩虚影忽然在山谷浮现出来。 Suddenly, that turnover Spiritual Qi cave is stagnating suddenly, that is at the cultivation condition Ghost Hunter also fiercely to shake. 突然间,那吞吐着灵气石洞忽然停滞,那处于修炼状态的鬼獠也猛地一震。 The next quarter, Ghost Hunter change human form, becomes a solemn woods cold youth, he moves toward Shi Yan, the eye pupil spills over the monster different gloss, deep looks at Shi Yan phantom, lowers the head light shout: Shi Yan.” 下一刻,鬼獠变化人形,成一名冷峻森寒青年,他走向石岩,眼眸泛出妖异光泽,深深看着石岩虚影,垂头轻喝一声:“石岩。” Shi Yan looks to him, the knitting the brows head, said: Between can you and me, what later be relate?” 石岩看向他,不由皱了皱眉头,道:“你与我之间,以后会是什么关系?” First finds Ghost Hunter, he then knows that Ghost Hunter the Realm power level is quite uncommon now, this phantom is rubbed to twist by the Essence flame, has the profound and mysterious cognition to this lands every bit of property. 第一眼瞧见鬼獠,他便知道鬼獠如今境界力量层次极为不凡,他这具虚影本源火焰揉捻而成,对这片土地一草一木有着深刻而神奇的认知。 His clear realizing, Ghost Hunter feared at this time is the Monster Clan ten third-level middle grade Realm degrees, is equal to his main body Origin God Second Sky. 他清晰的认识到,此时鬼獠怕是达到妖族十三级中阶境界程度,等同于他本体的始神二重天 In, Ghost Hunter has achieved exaggerating the Realm altitude, the association gets up an extremely in the sacred place Blood Sea deep that words, his innermost feelings move slightly. 在不知不觉间,鬼獠已达到一个极其夸张的境界高度,联想起在圣地血海冥的那番话,他内心微动。 Ghost Hunter is Heavenly Demon Clan, Ming Royal Family and Immortal Devil Clan three clan hybrids, is in nowadays Star Sea, closest Bloodthirsty on the fleshly body bloodlines exists specially. 鬼獠天妖族冥皇族不死魔族三族混血,是现今星海中,在肉身血脉上最为接近嗜血的一个特殊存在。 In the past met, Ghost Hunter called his to attach most importance person, but this time called the given name, this middle meaning...... He wants to clarify. 以往相见,鬼獠称呼他为主人,而这次却称呼本名,这中间的意味……他想弄清楚。 Ghost Hunter of incarnation solemn youth, has six points of similar in the appearance with him, the Ghost Hunter eye pupil is spooky, silent for a long time, said: Saint ancestor promised that I become Heavenly Demon Clan in the future the leader, this status cannot mistreat itself, cannot for the slave be the servant.” 化身冷峻青年的鬼獠,在模样上和他有着六分相似,鬼獠眼瞳幽幽,沉默许久,道:“圣祖许诺,我将成为天妖族未来首领,这身份不能作践自己,再也不能为奴为仆。” The Shi Yan eye dodges, looks to the one side, there Saint Beast Azure Dragon also concentrates for the person, the calm face said: Ghost Hunter[ body] in flows in world to be most wonderful - mysterious blood, he will substitute for Cang Yun, later replaces me to wield the Heavenly Demon Clan power, is Heavenly Demon Clan newly head of the clan first generation, he is not your Shi Yan Mounts!” 石岩眼睛一闪,瞧向一旁,那里圣兽青龙也凝为人身,沉着脸道:“鬼獠〖体〗内流淌着世间最神妙-玄奥之血,他将取代苍澐,以后代替我执掌天妖族大权,为天妖族一代族长,他再也不是你石岩坐骑!” I never regard Mounts him.” Shi Yan expression one positive, since with deep veneration to approaching Ghost Hunter continuously when I you for partner! Continuously so!” “我从未将他当成坐骑。”石岩神色一正,肃然对向鬼獠“一直以来我都当你为伙伴!一直如此!” The Ghost Hunter eye pupil reappearing strange luster, he bows slightly, lowers the head saying: Although later the non- master and servant, for the most solid ally, such as you said that my // quickest writing renewed www.shumilou.com non- ball window not to have the advertisement //, can be the partner, before was, later was also so.” 鬼獠眼瞳浮现奇异色泽,他略略躬身,垂头道:“以后虽非主仆,却为最坚实战友,如你所言,我//最快文字更新www.shumilou.com无弹窗无广告//,们会是伙伴,以前是,以后也是如此。” He turns the head to look to Saint Beast Azure Dragon, cold voice said: You cannot interfere my decision!” 他别头望向圣兽青龙,冷声道:“你也不能干涉我的决定!” Saint Beast Azure Dragon has gawked staring, at once smiles bitterly to shake the head, sighed one darkly. 圣兽青龙愣了愣,旋即苦笑摇头,暗叹一声。 He has not thought so is diligently long, this Ghost Hunter to Shi Yan still so loyal, that multi- years ago implants imprint of soul marrow, the fruit non- short time can erase. 他不曾想过努力这么久,这鬼獠石岩依然如此的忠诚,那种多年前植入灵魂骨髓的烙印,果非短时间可以抹除的。 Azure Dragon hesitation several seconds, smiled getting up temperately he are ancestor Essence fusion, our Heavenly Demon Clan future and he has not conflicted, on the contrary, his great strength, benefitting entire Heavenly Demon Clan. Therefore, you and he naturally can be partners, only if he turns over to the ruins to fall from the sky, otherwise this relations will decide however do not change, this will be the arrangement of destiny.” 青龙沉吟数秒,温和的笑了起来“他是祖地本源融合者,我们天妖族的未来和他没有冲突,相反,他的强大,还是会造福整个天妖族。因此,你与他自然会是伙伴,除非他归墟陨灭,不然这关系定然不会变,这是命运的安排。” Shi Yan looks to Ghost Hunter, suddenly has smiled, at once clashes Azure Dragon saying: I come for the proper business, in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory I seek the skeleton and a minute of soul of Immemorial Thunder Dragon, some people want to let me its Resurrect, I indeed such have also done, is only...... Throughout cannot feel the knack. You for the Heavenly Demon Clan Saint ancestor, you may know the Immemorial Thunder Dragon Resurrect mystery -, that side my main body worries very much, if you have the method, immediately mentioned to me listens.” 石岩看向鬼獠,忽然笑了,旋即冲青龙说道:“我为正事而来,在雷霄星域中我寻到太古雷龙的骨骸和分魂,有人想让我将其复活,我也的确这么做了,只是……始终摸不着诀窍。你为天妖族圣祖,你可知将太古雷龙复活的奥妙-,我本体那边很着急,你要是有方法,立即说来给我听。” Immemorial Thunder Dragon is the Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor, is Heavenly Demon Clan Immortal exists, Azure Dragon and other Heavenly Demon Clan the older generations once the flower fee innumerable energy searched him, naturally will help him at the Resurrect Immemorial Thunder Dragon incident. 太古雷龙天妖族始祖,为天妖族不朽存在,青龙天妖族的先辈曾huā费无数精力寻觅他,自然会在复活太古雷龙一事上帮他。 Really, Azure Dragon one hear of this words, were wild with joy you to find him seriously unexpectedly! You can find him unexpectedly!” 果然,青龙一听此言,当真欣喜若狂“你竟然能找到他!你竟然能找到他!” How Resurrect he?” Shi Yan interrupts Azure Dragon to call out in alarm wild with joy. “如何复活他?”石岩截断青龙狂喜惊叫。 By Essence Resurrect!” Azure Dragon decisive explanation mystery -, said excitedly: He and I same is born in the ancestor star, by the fire of Essence ignition life, you were fused ancestor star Essence, understands clearly the life deep meaning, only need light the soul fire for him, he will divide the soul to meet again, the surplus matters will not need you to meddle, he then can revive!” “以本源复活!”青龙果断说明奥妙-,激动道:“他与我一样诞生在祖星,受本源点燃生命之火,你融合祖星本源,又洞悉生命奥义,只需为他重新点燃魂火,他分魂自会重聚,剩余事情无需你插手,他自己便能苏醒过来!” Lights the soul fire?” Shi Yan stunned. “怎么点燃魂火?”石岩愕然 I have not fused Ancient Continent Essence, how do I know? This ignition soul fire said that came from that two fellows, you integrate Essence, should have their memories more or less, you try to find the solution. In this regard, I cannot really to you too multi-directions, because I do not understand Essence to be mysterious.” Azure Dragon is helpless. “我又没融合过古大陆本源,我如何知道?这点燃魂火之说,来自于那两个家伙,你融入本源,应该或多或少有他们的记忆,你自己想办法。在这一点上,我真不能给你太多方向,因为我不懂本源奥妙。”青龙无奈。 Ignition soul fire, ignition soul fire......” “点燃魂火,点燃魂火……” Shi Yan muttered whispers, knit the brows to rack one's brains a while, then clashes Azure Dragon and Ghost Hunter nodded my this soul to leave this place temporarily, I not, when this Continent, once were invaded, my very difficult take care of, you careworn to take the trouble.” 石岩喃喃低语,皱眉苦思了一会儿,然后冲青龙鬼獠点了点头“我这道魂魄会暂离此地,我不在的时候这大陆一旦被入侵,我很难照顾到,你们多劳神费心。” That is natural.” Azure Dragon said proudly. “那是自然。”青龙傲然道。 Shi Yan no longer talks too much at once, this phantom gradually changes pale, slowly vanishes. 石岩旋即不再多言,这道虚影逐渐变淡,慢慢消失。 Meanwhile, in the main body of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, opens eyes suddenly, twittering said in a soft voice: Ignition soul fire......” 同时,远在雷霄星域的本体,忽然睁开眼,轻声呢喃道:“点燃魂火……” He looked that divides soul to that Thunder Dragon, in his eye pupil deep place, a fuzzy shadow is clear gradually, is situated above his sacrificial altar, posts with the main soul. 他看向那雷龙分魂,在他眼瞳深处,一个模糊影子逐渐清晰,坐落在他祭台上方,与主魂并列。 In that soul bunches of Heavenly Flame departs from his corner of the eye, changes into slides the smooth flame, fires into that Immemorial Thunder Dragon suddenly in the minute of soul place of crystal wall, bunch of Heavenly Flame seeks a bunch of soul, different Heavenly Flame exquisite - releases. 那副魂中簇簇天火从他眼角飞出,化为一溜溜火光,忽地冲向那太古雷龙在晶壁的分魂处,一簇天火寻到一簇分魂,将不同天火精妙-释放出来。 Now, his Essence Heavenly Flame after fused several times, only remains four types, respectively is: World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame and Profound Ice Cold Flame the fire of fusion, Purgatory True Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame the fire of fusion, but also at one's convenience is Immemorial Antiquity Demonic Flame, Yin Spirit Ghost Flame and Vanishing Corpse Flame the fire of fusion, finally has not fused any Primal Chaos Sacred Fire! 如今,他本源天火经过数次融合,只剩四种,分别为:灭世雷炎九幽噬魂焰玄冰寒焰的融合之火,炼狱真火朱雀真火、万年地心火的融合之火,还有便是太古妖火阴灵鬼火毗绝尸火的融合之火,最后则是不曾融合任何的混沌圣火 The fires of first three types of fusion, change into the bunches of flame clouds, divides the soul place to wriggle in Immemorial Thunder Dragon, wants to collude the soul of separation. 前三种融合之火,化为簇簇火焰云朵,在太古雷龙分魂处蠕动着,欲要勾连分开之魂。 Actually obviously does not satisfy the need. 却显然不对路。 Actually last Primal Chaos Sacred Fire, turns into bunch of flame, 1 st moves Immemorial Thunder Dragon to divide the soul, that minute of soul then fiercely greatly trembles...... 倒是最后一种混沌圣火,变成一簇火苗,初一碰触太古雷龙分魂,那分魂便猛地巨颤…… Fiery Flame that Primal Chaos Sacred Fire, heaven and earth inauguration naturally forms, is the same with the formidable life body of great ancient era, can cultivation get down, can create the life, even can make the dead come back to life, lights life Fiery Flame of dead, ranks first.” 混沌圣火,天地初开自然形成的火炎,和太古时代的强大生命体一样,能自己修炼下去,能够创造生命,甚至能让死者复生,重新点燃死者的生命火炎,排名第一。” He remembers the definition of Primal Chaos Sacred Fire suddenly! 他忽地想起混沌圣火的定义! Primal Chaos Sacred Fire, can make the dead come back to life, can light life Fiery Flame of dead! 混沌圣火,能让死者复生,能重新点燃死者的生命火炎 He looked for the direction suddenly! 他猛然找准了方向! The mind moves, the fires of other three types of fusions receive sacrificial altar all again, the strength of his soul seeps suddenly wells up crazily, pours into Primal Chaos Sacred Fire completely, Essence in vice- soul, such as the sea water in Primal Chaos Sacred Fire spreads, making that Primal Chaos Sacred Fire expand quietly, covers to incite rapidly to the bunches Immemorial Thunder Dragon fission soul! 心神一动,其余三种融合之火尽数重收祭台,他灵魂之力忽然渗透狂涌,全部注入混沌圣火,副魂内的本源,在混沌圣火内如海水蔓延,令那混沌圣火悄然间壮大,迅速覆盖向簇簇太古雷龙的分裂魂魄滋滋滋! The Immemorial Thunder Dragon scattered soul, transmits the abnormal noise suddenly, that continuously separates many years of remnant soul, such as is suddenly bright, under nourishing of Primal Chaos Sacred Fire, such as glows new life force. 太古雷龙的分散魂魄,忽然传来异响,那缕缕分开多年的残魂,如忽然鲜活过来,在混沌圣火的滋养下,如焕发新的生机 Slides the smooth flame, appears in these minute of soul places, that is the life soul fire! 一溜溜火光,在那些分魂处显现出来,那便是生命魂火! Meanwhile, the skeleton of Immemorial Thunder Dragon, bursts out the rushing vital function suddenly, lightnings[ stirs up] shoots, binds that skeleton, at once then sees Thunder Xiaoxing territory peripheral heaven and earth energy to well up continuously, that Immemorial Thunder Dragon skeleton suddenly has the flesh and blood to grow from the skeleton. 同时,太古雷龙的骨骸内部,骤然迸发澎湃生命机能,一条条闪电〖激〗射出来,裹住那骨骸,旋即便见雷霄星域周边天地能量源源不绝涌来,那太古雷龙骨骸忽然有血肉从骨骸上生长出来。 Immemorial Thunder Dragon, was lit soul fire, in instinct is carrying on self- Resurrect! 太古雷龙,被点燃魂火,在本能的进行着自我复活
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