GOS :: Volume #14

#1319: Thunder Dragon skeleton( asked monthly ticket!)

Does not arrive little while. Chen Family clansman who Chen Rong audiences leave behind. Then completely was annihilated. Does not keep a living witness. 不到一时三刻。陈荣一众留下的陈家族人。便全部被歼灭。不留一个活口。 After many years. Ouyang Luoshuang underwent too many hard and dangerous tribulations. Heart like solid ice. Kills people will not be softhearted. That decisive adept stance...... Explained that she first time so does not start. 时隔多年。欧阳洛霜经历了太多艰险磨难。心如坚冰。杀起人来一点不会心慈手软。那果断娴熟的架势……说明她绝非第一次这般下手。 Chen Family clansman Realm is quite mean. After their bodies die, energy that emerges is very small. Adds also to be inferior to a Origin God degree completely. 陈家族人境界都较为低微。他们身死后涌现的能量很是微小。全部加起来也不及一名始神的程度。 These power. Shi Yan looks down upon from the start. Ejects Blood Shield conveniently. 那些力量石岩压根就瞧不上眼。只是随手将血盾抛出。 The Blood Shield change deducts a scarlet huge mouth. Suddenly presses. Absorbs these energy all. At once then sees on Blood Shield the mystical scarlet pattern becomes clearly. 血盾变化演绎成一张猩红巨口。忽然压来。将那些能量尽数吸收。旋即便见血盾神秘的血色花纹变得清晰许多。 After Blood Shield refining up. Is interlinked with his bloodlines. Read. Blood Shield can change into the mail-armor and helmet to integrate its instantaneously. 血盾炼化后。和他血脉相通。一念动。血盾能瞬间化为甲胄融入其身。 This Blood Shield has the space that continues to grow. absorb power are more. The mail-armor and helmet defense will also be strengthened. Chen Family these people died power that emerges. Also made the Blood Shield firm point merely. 这面血盾有着继续成长的空间。吸纳力量越多。甲胄防御也会随之增强。陈家那些人死亡涌现的力量。也仅仅只是令血盾坚固一分而已。 Ouyang Luoshuang chilly pupil looks at that Blood Shield. The facial expression is startled. 欧阳洛霜清冷眸子看着那面血盾。神情微怔。 On Blood Shield the scarlet cloud cluster mark is clear obviously. Along with the seepage of Chen Family family member power. That blood Yun Jingru stars rotation. Transmits misty bloody glow. 血盾上血色云团印记非常清晰明显。随着陈家家人力量的渗透。那朵朵血云竟如星辰转动。传来蒙蒙血光 Stared at that bloody glow deeply to look at a while. She is suddenly annoyed intent to be dry. The main soul such as indulges in the sanguinary rule. Has infinity that wants to kill fully greatly kills especially **. 盯着那血光深深看了一会儿。她忽然心烦意燥。主魂如沉溺在腥风血雨。有要酣畅淋漓大杀特杀的无穷**。 That ** gradually is intense. Her that chilly bright eye pupil. Turns into the garnet in vain. Bloody dense. 那**逐渐强烈。她那清冷明净的眼眸。徒然变成暗红色。血腥森森。 Stops!” “止!” Suddenly. A thunderclap calls out. Resounds through fiercely in her mind Sea of Consciousness. If a deity roar. Breaks her mind confused. 突地。一声炸雷暴喝。猛地响彻在她心灵识海。如天神一吼。将她心神迷乱震碎。 She restores swiftly soberly. 她倏然恢复清醒。 Therefore she does not dare to look at that Blood Shield. Revolution sacrificial altar that has a lingering fear. By ice cold strength wash mind. Stable main soul. Combs the supernatural power fluctuation of alienation. 于是她再也不敢多看那血盾。心有余悸的运转祭台。以冰寒之力洗涤心灵。稳固主魂。梳理狂乱的神力波动。 Also in this time. That Blood Shield turns into together the blood glow. Vanishes in the Shi Yan forehead deep place. 也在此时。那血盾化成一道血芒。消失在石岩眉心深处。 Shi Yan float in Immemorial Thunder Dragon such as mountain skeleton dragon's head spot. The facial expression is stern. In eye strange light like electricity. Observes secretly with rapt attention. 石岩悬浮在太古雷龙如山骨骸龙首部位。神情严峻。眼中奇光如电。暗暗凝神观测。 Under his body. That Immemorial Thunder Dragon skeleton 30,000 meters. A body has not sent to. Only then interlocks the connected skeleton. bone of bone is the silver-white color. Sends out the light halo. 30,000 meters skeleton is quite huge. Endures compared with together the day beyond the meteorite. But thunder and lightning fluctuation that the interior emerges. Actually terrifying. 他身下。那太古雷龙骨骸身上30000米。没有一丝皮肉发须。只有交错相连的骨骼。骨头的骨质呈银白色。发出淡淡光晕。30000米的骨骸极为庞大。堪比一块天外陨石。而内部涌现的雷电波动。却恐怖之极。 Looks carefully. He discovers the bone of this skeleton. Has dozens shatter traces. Many bones such as were divided to chop by the sharp weapon. Has very obvious profound scratch. 仔细去瞧。他发现这具骨骸的骨头。有数十处破碎痕迹。许多骨头如被利器劈砍过。有非常明显的深刻划痕。 Shi Yan can affirm. This Immemorial Thunder Dragon had experienced a frigid bloody battle before one's death once inevitably! 石岩可以肯定。这太古雷龙在生前必然经历过一场惨烈血战! That war causes his monster body heavy losses. Causes his soul to split the innumerable stocks. Changes into Thunder Xiaoxing territory wall bonding place bunches of thunder and lightning strange light. Causes his monster body and soul separation. Many years cannot meet again Resurrect. 那一战导致他妖身重创。导致他魂魄分裂无数股。化为雷霄星域壁障处簇簇雷电奇光。导致他妖身、灵魂分离。多年不能重聚复活 Wisp of Divine Sense evolves void. Turns into one clear such as the rainbow big hand. Suddenly according to approaching that Immemorial Thunder Dragon dragon's head skeleton. 一缕神念虚空衍化。变成一只晶莹如虹的大手。忽然按向那太古雷龙龙首骸骨。 Instant. Heavenly Lightning like hammer. Lightning like blade. Along big hand that supernatural power congeals. Fiercely to shooting at the Shi Yan soul. 霎那间。天雷如锤。闪电如刀。沿着那神力凝结的大手。猛地冲射向石岩灵魂。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 In the Shi Yan mind transmits thunderclap rupturing bang. God Body such as was tampered to strike by the great hammer. Shakes continually several hundred. 石岩脑海中传来炸雷爆裂巨响。神体如被巨锤夯击。连震数百下。 At once. A wisp of bloodstain appears from his corners of the mouth. He erases the corners of the mouth bloodstain at will. expression is usual. Stimulates to movement Devil Blood to come the self-recovery injury secretly. 旋即。一缕血迹从他嘴角显现出来。他随意抹掉嘴角血迹。神色如常。暗自催动魔血来自愈伤势。 Narrows the eye to weigh for several seconds. His facial expression moves. Immediately affirmed this Immemorial Thunder Dragon achieved Immortal inevitably! 眯眼衡量数秒。他神情一动。立即肯定这太古雷龙生前必然达到不朽 Otherwise. Is impossible solely depending on the skeleton remnant strength of falling from the sky. Causes heavy losses to body and spirit tenacious him! 否则。不可能单单只是凭陨灭的骨骸残力。就将体魄坚韧之极的他重创! Also only then achieves existence of Immortal Realm. Can have such terrifying remains power. Can after the body dead soul disperses. Still so fearful abnormal! Only // quickest writing renew www.shumilou.com non- ball window not to have the advertisement // to have Immortal to exist. Can achieve this step! 也只有达到不朽境界的存在。才能拥有如此恐怖的残留力量。能在身死魂散以后。依然如此的可怕变态!只//最快文字更新www.shumilou.com无弹窗无广告//有不朽存在。才能达到这一步! Existence of Immortal rank. One of Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestors. Really is my fate......” 不朽级别的存在。天妖族的始祖之一。果然是我的运道……” He not startled counter- happy. Grins lowly chuckled. expression is excited. 他不惊反喜。咧嘴嘿嘿低笑神色兴奋。 He for Grace Mainland Essence fusion. Heavenly Demon Clan uses Grace Mainland as the ancestor star. Changes a view is his subjects. Exists including Saint Beast Azure Dragon that rank. Also can only everywhere compromise for the general interest in so peculiar circumstance. Has to depend on his intention to handle matters. 他为神恩大陆本源融合者。天妖族则是以神恩大陆为祖星。换种说法便是他的子民。连圣兽青龙那种级别存在。也只能在如此特殊情况下处处委曲求全。不得不依着他的心念处事。 This Immemorial Thunder Dragon. If really Resurrect. How could it not be also can only with him shoulder to shoulder together? 太古雷龙。真要是复活了。岂非也只能与他并肩一道? Thus turns into his hand a handle sharp long gun|spear? 从而变成他手中一柄锋锐长枪? Understands this point. He suddenly becomes full of enthusiasm. Smiles the revolution deep meaning. Takes the space numerous walls to bond for cage. Such as mountain skeleton restraint lives in Immemorial Thunder Dragon. At once roars upwards. Whole body supernatural power stimulation. Star light centered on him such as the sea is in flood wild. Flickers to live a verve incomparable supernatural power. 明了这一点。他忽然变得兴致勃勃。笑着运转奥义。以空间重重壁障为笼。将太古雷龙如山骨骸束缚住。旋即朝天一声咆哮。周身神力激发。以他为中心星光如海洋泛滥狂暴。瞬生一股刚猛无匹神力。 Height 30,000 meters Thunder Dragon skeleton. Hears ka ka skeleton move sound swiftly. At once such as a giant battleship. Moves toward star territory crystal wall place slowly. 身长30000米的雷龙骨骸。倏然传来“咔咔”骨骼动弹声。旋即如一艘巨大战舰。缓缓朝着星域晶壁处挪动。 Shi Yan. Then sits well in the summit of Immemorial Thunder Dragon dragon's head. Narrows the eyes to focus on strangely chuckled. 石岩。则是端坐在太古雷龙龙首之巅。眯着眼嘿嘿怪笑 Ouyang Luoshuang slightly one hesitant. Changes to a bright moonlight. Isn't anxious hangs after that Immemorial thunder dragon body. Closes right up against with that thick long fierce dragon bone rear. 欧阳洛霜略一犹豫。化作一条皎洁月华。不急不急吊在那太古龙身后。和那条粗长狰狞龙骨尾部靠着。 Distant place. Chen Lei and surplus is surviving Chen Family clansman. One face is sorrowful. In oh sound sigh. 远处。陈蕾和剩余存活着的陈家族人。都一脸悲痛酸楚。在唉声叹息。 Chen Rong and the others and they handle affairs has disagreed. Also is so. They have not lived in the Chen Family main star. But is stationed to survive in that ore star. 陈荣等人和他们行事一直不和。也是如此。他们才没有生活在陈家主星。而是在那矿星驻扎生存着。 However. Does not gather turns over to not to gather. Everybody leaves lineage/vein after all. When they know that Chen Rong and the others were executed all. The mood is still very low sorrowful. 然而。不合归不合。大家毕竟都出一脉。当他们知道陈荣等人尽数被诛。心情依然很低落悲痛。 Especially Chen Lei! 尤其是陈蕾 She is the Chen Rong blood younger sister. She knows that Chen Rong is quite mean and shameless in the fields. But to her. Chen Rong is the sincerity loves. 她是陈荣亲妹妹。她知道陈荣在某些方面颇为卑鄙无耻。但对她。陈荣乃是真心疼爱。 She is trying to find out on the face the scar. The look is low-spirited. Sighed in the heart lowly: I do not blame you to carve the scar on my face. These years I already thought through. Also knows because of these scar. I can live safely today. But you should not that impulsive greedy. I. I feared that presses you to take revenge very much......” 她摸索着脸上疤痕。眼神黯然。在心中低叹:“我并不怪你在我脸上刻下伤痕。这些年来我早已想通。也知道因为这些疤痕。我才能安然活到今天。但你不该那么冲动贪婪。我。我怕是很难为你复仇……” Her bodyguard. These Chen Family clansmen. Has the complicated kinship relation with just dying a tragic death. Many of them so do not think like Chen Lei...... 她身旁的侍卫。那些陈家族人。和刚刚惨死者都有着千丝万缕的亲情联系。他们中许多人并不像陈蕾这般想…… Some people. Still has the thought of retaliation. Is constraining forcefully. Does not dare to reveal immediately. 有些人。依然心存报复的念头。只是强行压抑着。没有敢立即表露出来。 Flower bud. Flower bud Sir! That is. What is that?!” “蕾。蕾大人!那是。那是什么?!” Suddenly. Skinny such as the youth of firewood. Shivering directional front. whole body is trembling. Shouting to clear the way of stuttering. 突地。一个枯瘦如柴的少年。颤抖的指向前方。浑身哆嗦着。结结巴巴的喝道。 The youth do not live in retreat. Face whiten. Broken clothing lower hem corner is rippling. One such as his innermost feelings are restless. 少年不住后退。脸色苍白。残破的衣衫衣角荡漾着。一如他内心不安恐惧。 The people take advantage of opportunity to look. 众人顺势去望。 At once all with amazement changes colors. In the pupil was disclosing deeply desperate alarmed and afraid. The chill in the air seeps the whole body from the back. Emerges the mind. 旋即皆是骇然失色。眸中透露着深深绝望惊惧。寒意从背脊渗透全身。涌入心灵。 Is grander than the grand huge silver Giant Dragon skeleton the battleship. Whole body thunder bang lightning flash. Spreads slowly in the numerous dark cloud thick fog. Great antiquity dark green ancient looking disdainfully is respectable. Covers the whole wide world ten sides. Floods in Star Sea each inch corner! 一具比战舰宏伟壮阔的庞大银色巨龙骨骸。周身雷轰电闪。在重重乌云浓雾中缓缓驰来。一股洪荒苍古的睥睨威严。笼罩八荒十方。充斥在星海每一寸角落! Is frightening all person lives! 震慑着所有人生灵! The summit of dragon's head. That is together solemn silhouette grand like mountain. Has an imposing manner of Star Sea overlord. Let the person arise spontaneously the heart of submitting. Does not dare to start reading of revolt. 龙首之巅。那一道冷峻身影雄伟如山。自有一种星海霸主的气势。让人油然而生臣服之心。不敢兴起反抗之念。 looks at that say|way sits well the dragon's head top shadow. Chen Lei and surplus audiences Chen Family clansman. Only thinks a lot of bitter and astringent. Reveals desperately, but facial expression. 看着那道端坐龙首顶部的影子。陈蕾和剩余一众陈家族人。只觉一肚子苦涩。流露出绝望无奈神情。 They understand suddenly. Finally its life. They are also incapable of retaliating to this person. 他们忽然明白。终其一生。他们也无力向此人报复。 When they sigh with sadness low-spirited. That huge dragon-shaped skeleton stops. Shi Yan line of sight like meteor. Falls by far to Chen Lei. Said indifferently: These live wolves to the main body heart. Walked first one step. But this matter not your faults. I comply with your matter. Still makes the number.” 在他们黯然悲叹之时。那庞大龙形骸骨停下。石岩视线如流星。远远落向陈蕾身上。漠然道:“那些对本尊心生贪婪者。已先走一步。但此事非你们之过。我答应你的事情。依然作数。” Under. He knits the brows the question: Leaves this place. Reconstructs Chen Family. You may think how is good to choose?” 顿了下。他皱眉问话:“是离开此地。还是重建陈家。你可想好如何选择?” Chen Lei is astonished however. She purses the lips to hesitate difficultly half sound. Said in a soft voice: I must stay behind reconstruct Chen Family. I do not want to be forced to leave native place. Does not want to make a fresh start in the star territory that does not belong.” 陈蕾讶然。她抿着嘴艰难沉吟半响。轻声道:“我要留下重建陈家。我不想离乡背井。不想在不属于的星域重新开始。” Shi Yan deep looks at she. nodded. I appreciate your choice very much.” 石岩深深看着她。点了点头。“我很欣赏你的选择。” The words. Giant palm that stars quenching. Falls swiftly to one group of vortex. Pulls to sway from side to side anything in that vortex. Not long time. That giant stars palm grips to glisten from vortex stiffly numerously the dazzling thing. Suddenly top direction to spread out the hand in Chen Lei audiences head. 话罢。一条星辰淬炼的巨大手掌。倏然落向一团漩涡中。在那漩涡中拉扯扭动着什么。不多时。那巨大的星辰手掌硬生生从漩涡内攥来众多闪亮炫目之物。忽然在陈蕾人头顶方向摊开手。 At once. Then sees many treasuring Crystal Stone. Fine mail-armor and helmet. Bottles of fragrance charming medicinal pills. A each article shining sharp knife blade lets fall from that stars superhuman hand palm. 旋即。便见许多珍惜的晶石。精美的甲胄。一瓶瓶香气迷人的丹药。一件件明晃晃的利刃从那星辰巨掌掌心垂落。 Level of these cultivation material, mail-armor and helmet, medicinal pills and sharp weapon. Many have achieved Divine level unexpectedly high level. Made Chen Lei and audiences Chen Family clansmen stays such as the wooden chicken. 那些修炼材料、甲胄、丹药、利器的等级。许多竟达到了神级高阶。令陈蕾和一众陈家族人都呆如木鸡。 These things come from Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake. After I cut to kill Letka. Has become the thing of without owner. You very much coordinate me. I then grant you it. Is expanded Chen Family by you.” “这些东西来自于雷霄天池。我斩杀莱特卡以后。已成无主之物。你一路很配合我。我便将其赐予你。由你来壮大陈家。” Shi Yan is looking at her. Has hesitated. Said earnestly: You. Is more suitable than your elder brother Chen Rong the position of this Family Head. By his disposition vision. Then was these things was unable to give Chen Family one brand-new in the future. But you actually. Do not disappoint my expectation. We hope that next time when will say goodbye. Your Chen Family is the big influence that Thunder Xiaoxing the territory is second to none.” 石岩望着她。沉吟了一下。认真道:“你。比你哥哥陈荣更适合这个家主之位。以他心性眼光。便是得了这些东西也不能给陈家一个崭新未来。而你却可以。别辜负我的期望。希望下次再见之时。你陈家已是雷霄星域首屈一指的大势力。” These words fall. Immemorial Thunder Dragon rolls. In numerous dark cloud smog. To star territory wall barrier. To his Shi Yan grand in the future. 这番话落下。太古雷龙重新滚动。在重重乌云烟雾中。施向星域壁障。施向他石岩的壮阔未来。 Divine level fifth rank coming back to life pill! Divine level sixth rank clever jade! Oh. He has given us unexpectedly!” 神级五品的还魂丹!神级六品的通灵玉!天哪。他竟然给了我们!” Cuts to kill Letka. Cuts to kill Letka! Letka was killed by him unexpectedly! God. Chen Rong and Chen Hong they were really insane. Dares to have their ideas unexpectedly!” “斩杀莱特卡。斩杀莱特卡莱特卡竟然是被他所杀!老天爷啊。陈荣陈宏他们真是疯了。竟然敢打他们的主意!” Gets what one deserves is killed. The look is not good. Whom provokes not to be good? Has provoked this Slaughter God unexpectedly!” “活该被杀啊。眼神也太不好了。招惹谁不好?竟然去招惹了这个杀神!” Letka receives to blow the heavy treasure of entire star territory. Completely is the priceless thing. Now falls into the hand of our Chen Family most probably. Our Chen Family was prosperously hopeful!” 莱特卡收刮整个星域的重宝。全部都是价值连城之物。如今大半落入我们陈家之手。我们陈家兴盛有望了!” Well. This. This is ten thousand flowered congealing source dew. This can make all scar vanish!” “咦。这。这是‘万花凝源露’。这能让一切疤痕消掉!” A Chen Family bodyguard. Is taking a jade bottle cautiously. Double hands over to Chen Lei. Said excitedly: Flower bud Sir. These ten thousand flowered congealing source dew can make you restore the beforehand beautiful appearance. Before. The flower bud Sir is our Chen Family first beautiful appearance. Had this thing. The flower bud Sir will not be nerve-racking because of the appearance low-spirited.” 一名陈家侍卫。小心翼翼拿着一个玉瓶。双手递向陈蕾。兴奋道:“蕾大人。这万花凝源露能令你恢复以前的美貌。以前。蕾大人可是我们陈家第一美貌者。有了这东西。蕾大人再也不会因容貌黯然伤神了。” However. Chen Lei actually ignores. The eye pupil stares at the direction that Immemorial Thunder Dragon is vanishing. For a very long time is silent. 然而。陈蕾却置若罔闻。眼眸只是凝视着太古雷龙消失的方向。久久沉默。 Flower bud Sir! Flower bud Sir!” That person duplicates to summon. “蕾大人!蕾大人!”那人重复呼唤着。 For a long time. Chen Lei deeply inspires. Muttered several. Then said: From now on will get up. I then am Chen Family Family Head. I will give you. To Chen Family. Gives me brand-new one in the future! Chen Family. Will certainly become one of the Thunder Xiaoxing territory most dazzling influences!” 许久。陈蕾才深吸一口气。喃喃自语几句。然后说道:“从今起。我便是陈家家主。我会给你们。给陈家。给我自己一个崭新将来!陈家。必将成为雷霄星域最耀眼的势力之一!” ... ... ps: The dreariness was too long. In early November. Sought one to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket. Asked the brothers to give a face ~~( to be continued. ps:沉寂太久了。十一月初。求一张保底月票。请兄弟们给点面子~~(未完待续。
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