GOS :: Volume #14

#1318: Human nature

!! 喀嚓!喀嚓! Is built the giant mine that becomes by several ore stars, endures the star of ratio small life, the volume is not absolutely small, the weight even must surpass mostly the star of life. 由数个矿星堆砌而成的巨大矿山,堪比一个小型生命之星,体积绝对不小,重量甚至要超出大多生命之星。 At this time, that mine hears the obvious smashing sound, transmits fierce rumbled. 此时,那矿山内部传来明显的粉碎声,传来剧烈轰鸣 Chen Family clansman, alarmed and afraid restless looked that to transmits the change unceasingly the mining area, each was guessing that is having anything. 陈家族人,惊惧不安的看向不断传来变动的矿区,各个都在猜测内部发生着什么。 Draws back! Draws back!” “退!都退开!” Chen Rong and Chen Lei were screaming simultaneously, making the Chen Family clansman be far away from that mining area, all Chen Family person facial expression big changes, subconscious extremely fast suddenly to retreat. 陈荣陈蕾同声尖叫着,让陈家族人远离那矿区,所有陈家人都神情大变,下意识的极速暴退。 When their violent draws back, in that mining area the sound is even more fearful, many giant rocks were blasted open the heaven, actually strange disappearance. 在他们暴退之时,那矿区内动静愈发可怕,有许多巨大岩石被炸裂上天,却奇诡的消失。 The people look with amazement that discovered that huge mining area that is built by several meteorites and ore stars, is reducing unexpectedly gradually! 众人骇然看去,发现那由几个陨石、矿星堆砌的庞大矿区,竟然在渐渐缩小! Carefully looked that they discovered that is not the reduction, but is many rocks is vanishing, such as an extremely fat obese person, by fast liposuction, rapid becomes emaciated. 仔细去看,他们才发现那并非是缩小,而是许多岩石在消失,就如一个臃肿肥胖的人,被快速抽脂,迅速的消瘦起来。 This obviously extremely strange. 这显然极为的诡异。 All have surpassed the Chen Family person cognition, they are perplexed, can only hide as soon as possible far, lives to fear is affected, and these stones vanish equally inexplicably. 一切超出了陈家人认知,他们不明所以,只能尽快躲远,生恐受到波及,和那些石块一样莫名消失掉。 , The extremely huge mining area, the volume reduced about three times quickly! 很快地,本来极为庞大的矿区,体积缩小了将近三倍! But at this time, many close space slit one by one appeared from the interior, was faintly visible stone disappearance in. 而这时,才有许多细密空间缝隙一一从内部显现,隐隐可见许多石块消失其中。 „The Chen Family person retreats inside and outside hundred!”, The Shi Yan sound resounds through suddenly, the expression does not allow to reject. 陈家人退守百里外!”突地,石岩声音响彻出来,语气不容拒绝。 Chen Rong one dull, hesitates. 陈荣一呆,不由地犹豫起来。 Family Head. In that...... Perhaps has the heavy treasure! This was the heavy treasure soon will be definitely unearthed. That mining area belongs to our Chen Family, he makes us draw back clearly to lord over the heavy treasure!” A Chen Family greedy old man, cannot bear shouts lowly, the eye looks scalding hot to the mining area direction. 家主。那里面……或许有重宝!这肯定是重宝即将出土了。那矿区属于我们陈家,他让我们退开分明要独霸重宝!”一名陈家的贪婪老者,忍不住低呼,眼睛灼热看向矿区方向。 Listened to him saying that many Chen Family people palpitated with excitement, looked that became to the expression of that mining area and frantic. 听他这么说,更多陈家人怦然心动,看向那矿区的表情都变得和狂热。 The human nature is this, when life was threatened, can only think the life, is thinking going on living. However, once own security can guarantee. In the heart the evil thought will multiply, will germinate, will lose mental. 人性就是这样,当性命受到威胁的时候,只会想着活命,想着活下去。然而,一旦自身安全可以保证了。心中邪念又会滋生,会发芽,会迷失心智。 At this time, many Chen Family people when that mining area will have the heavy treasure to be unearthed. They thought that heavy treasure should belong to Chen Family. 此时,很多陈家人都当那矿区会有重宝出土。他们都觉得那重宝该属于陈家 Chen Rong suddenly is also indecisive, hesitates must be obedient to depart, stays behind finds out, bargained back and forth with Shi Yan, demands soon unearthed heavy treasure. 陈荣也忽然犹豫不决,犹豫着到底要听话离去,还是留下一看究竟,和石岩进行讨价还价,去索要即将出土的重宝。 At least...... Also can slice? 至少……也要分一杯羹吧? His subconscious thinking. 他下意识的想。 He knows that Letka and God Clan clansman was struck to kill completely, but he does not know that Letka and the others were extinguished by Shi Yan, because Shi Yan merely is only Origin God First Sky, has not stated clearly the status, in addition his Chen Family news always seals up, causing his wrong considering to strike to kill having someone else of Letka. 他已经知道莱特卡神族族人全部被击杀,但他并不知道莱特卡等人都是被石岩所灭,因为石岩仅仅只是始神一重天,又不曾言明身份,加上他陈家消息一向封闭,导致他错误的认为击杀莱特卡的另有其人。 Also is so. His fear to Shi Yan not thorough marrow, when the life was not threatened, the enticement of that heavy treasure, violent he a little cannot. 也是如此。他对石岩并没有深入骨髓的恐惧,当性命不受威胁时,那重宝的诱惑,激的他有点不能自己了。 Retreats!” Chen Lei drinks lowly, that has the scar cheeks, twisting, appears extremely urgent. “退走!”陈蕾低喝,那张有着疤痕的脸颊,扭曲着,显得极为急迫。 She is more insightful than Chen Rong, must look farther ahead, she fully realized that the fearfulness of Shi Yan, screamed: Listens to his words. Otherwise, will bring the total destruction to Chen Family!” 她比陈荣要有眼光,要看得远,她深知石岩的可怕,尖叫道:“听他的话。若不然,会给陈家带来灭顶之灾!” That heavy treasure, should belong to our Chen Family! At least, we should also know are anything, at least...... Can divide little?” Before abetter. Interposed again, looked indifferently to Chen Lei. Said: „Did you none who does not become have a liking for that person? Have not thought that by your appearance, is impossible!” “那重宝,应该属于我们陈家!至少,我们也该知道是什么,至少……要分一点点吧?”之前怂恿者。再次插话,冷眼看向陈蕾。道:“你莫不成看上那人了?别想了,以你的容貌,根本不可能的!” Such remarks, Chen Lei whole body ice-cold, cannot believe looks to him, said: Great uncle, can you say unexpectedly?” 此言一出,陈蕾浑身冰冷,不敢相信的看向他,道:“宏大叔,你竟能这么说?” Chen Hong Void God Second Sky, in Chen Family is also qualifications very old one person, his complexion chilling, said: Isn't? If you do not have a liking for him, why everywhere is maintaining him? Why has not thought that gains the benefit for our Chen Family, here, is you leads him to come?” 陈宏虚神二重天,在陈家也是资格很老的一人,他脸色冷硬,道:“难道不是?如果你不是看上他,为何处处维护着他?为何没有想过,为我们陈家争取利益,这里,也是你带他过来的吧?” Many Chen Family people, hear word also surprise look to Chen Lei. 很多陈家人,闻言也都诧异看向陈蕾 Except that these many years follow Chen Lei, these ore slaves with this place mining area, other Chen Family clansman, expression of one suspicion, complexion are dreary. 除了那些多年跟随陈蕾者,和此地矿区的那些矿奴,别的陈家族人,都一副怀疑的神色,面色阴郁。 They suspected Chen Lei, when mining area host general situation, already discovered the heavy treasure, suspected that Chen Lei takes the heavy treasure to throw Shi Yan as the price, this makes Shi Yan help them destroy completely the God Clan watchman. 他们怀疑陈蕾在矿区主持大局的时候,早就发现重宝,怀疑陈蕾以重宝为代价投好石岩,这才让石岩帮助他们灭掉神族的看守者。 Chen Lei looks to the complexions and looks of these people, the heart like the dying embers, she looks finally to Chen Rong, some people, we cannot offend, for Chen Family I hopes that you can consider prudently.” 陈蕾看向那些人的脸色和眼神,心如死灰,她最后望向陈荣,“有的人,我们得罪不起,为了陈家我希望你能慎重考虑考虑。” I know in heart.” Chen Rong knitting the brows head, we are only the distant place have a look, has a look to have any heavy treasure to come out, hopes that can strive with every effort, can strive well, really not good...... Also.” “我心里有数。”陈荣皱了皱眉头,“我们只是远处看看而已,看看到底有什么重宝出来,希望能尽力争取争取,能争取到最好,实在不行……也就罢了。” Chen Rong look glittering. 陈荣眼神闪烁 Should be our Chen Family thing, he again overbearing, should drink a cooking liquor to us?” Chen Hong has licked the licking lips corner/horn. “本该属于我们陈家的东西,他就算再霸道,也该给我们喝点汤汁吧?”陈宏舔了舔嘴角。 Chen Lei despaired, she is not silly, she saw the Chen Rong also heart has the greed, after losing the God Clan threat, Chen Rong also wants to bring skills into full play, this place heavy treasure to him is an enormous opportunity. 陈蕾绝望了,她不傻,她看出了陈荣也心有贪心,在失去神族威胁后,陈荣也想大展拳脚一番,此地“重宝”对他就是一个极大的机会。 Believes my, leaves with me together.” She sighs with sadness, a face despairs, turns around to get out of the way. “信我的,和我一道离开。”她悲叹一声,一脸绝望,掉头走开。 Many ore slaves have to follow her bodyguard, is silent, tags along after her to leave, none remaining that a while then walks. 很多矿奴还有跟随她的侍卫,一个个沉默着,尾随着她离开,一会儿便走的精光。 A Chen Rong audiences Chen Family person, evacuated slightly, still from afar looked to that mining area direction. 陈荣一众陈家人,稍稍撤离了一些,依然远远看向那矿区方向。 They have not said according to Shi Yan fall back on inside and outside hundred. 他们并没有依石岩所言退到百里外。 Family Head!” When the Chen Hong greedy looks at front, heavy treasure is unearthed, often has the celestial phenomenon mutation, that person...... Origin God First Sky, starts heavy treasure to consume huge power, we?” 家主!”陈宏贪婪看着前方,“重宝出土时,往往有天象异变,那人……只是始神一重天,启动重宝将耗费巨大力量,我们?” Shut up!” Chen Rong light shout. “闭嘴!”陈荣轻喝一声。 Chen Hong stares at him to examine carefully several, the mind moves slightly, repeatedly nodded is silent, but in the heart has known how things stand. 陈宏盯着他细看几眼,心神微动,连连点头缄默,但心中已经有数了。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 Mining area still at drastic change. 矿区依然在剧变着。 , Has a bunches of cloud cluster to float gradually extremely from the distant place, is situated in the mining area, in the cloud cluster thunder and lightning rumbled, that mining area also has the lightning illness to shoot, makes that region thunder, energy extremely wild Chaos. 渐渐地,有簇簇云团从极远处漂浮过来,坐落在矿区上,云团中雷电轰鸣,那矿区内部也有闪电疾射,令那区域电闪雷鸣,能量极为狂暴混乱 In thunderous thunder and lightning, a huge silver dragon-shaped skeleton, gradual appears, the skeleton body is covering thick stone, is the precious wind and thunder stone, crushes to scatter completely peripheral. 在雷鸣雷电中,一具庞大的银色龙形骨骸,逐渐的浮现出来,骨骸身上覆盖着的厚厚石块,皆是珍贵的风雷石,全部都粉碎散落周边。 Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang such as the light group, whole body in the dazzling light group, cannot find the portrait at this time, above that silver dragon-shaped skeleton, is fluctuating unceasingly the position, seems exploring anything carefully. 石岩欧阳洛霜此时都如光团,浑身处在炫目光团之中,瞧不见真容,处在那银色龙形骨骸上方,不断地变幻着位置,似乎在仔细勘探着什么。 This, this is! This is!” “这,这是!这是!” Chen Hong stutters, looks at that huge dragon-shaped skeleton shocks inexplicably, could not speak. 陈宏结结巴巴,看着那庞大龙形骨骸震撼莫名,已经说不出话来。 Skeletons at least ten third-level Demonic Beast! The strength of thunder and lightning the heaven, in that skeleton transmits, simply, simply world-shaking! This absolutely is the heavy treasure! Heavy treasure that is hard to imagine!” A Chen Family clansman, cannot bear scream. “至少十三级妖兽的骨骸!老天,那骨骸内传来的雷电之力,简直,简直惊天动地啊!这绝对是重宝!难以想象的重宝!”一名陈家族人,忍不住尖叫起来。 Family Head!” Chen Hong looks to Chen Rong, eye burning hot gets up, full is greedy meaning. 家主!”陈宏看向陈荣,眼睛炙热起来,满是贪婪意味。 Chen Rong also palpitates with excitement, the vision looks fiery to the skeleton of Immemorial Thunder Dragon, suddenly sinking sound track: Sir, this place is our Chen Family protection, my Chen Family in this several thousand years, that mine belongs to our Chen Family, asking the Sir to look in a Chen Family many years of barren share, gave us Chen Family that monster body skeleton minute little, Chen Family high and low will be deeply grateful surely!” 陈荣也怦然心动,目光火热看向太古雷龙的骨骸,忽然沉声道:“大人,此地是我们陈家守护,我陈家在此数千年时间,那矿山属于我们陈家,请大人看在陈家多年贫瘠的份上,将那妖身骨骸分一点点给我们陈家,陈家上下定将感激不尽!” In the light group, Shi Yan has gawked, looks from afar to Chen Rong, knits the brows: I make you fall back on inside and outside hundred, haven't you heard?” 光团中,石岩愣了下,远远看向陈荣,皱眉道:“我让你们退到百里外,你们没听见?” Here is my Chen Family territory, can't we stay behind find out?” Chen Hong light shout. “这里是我陈家的领地,我们难道不能留下一看究竟?”陈宏轻喝一声。 Shi Yan was astonished however, looked at his one eyes from afar, by an extremely strange mouth gas channel: Originally is the corrupt treasure, is really laughable, the ants that one crowd lives with great difficulty, actually immediately the heart live read corruptly, wants to fight to eat with the elephant, he he.” 石岩讶然,远远看了他一眼,以一种极为怪异的口气道:“原来是贪宝,真是可笑,一群好不容易活下来的蝼蚁,竟然立即心生贪念,要和大象去争食,呵呵。” His words fall, lasing of moonlight from the Ouyang Luoshuang light group comes out together, such as the meteor crashes on Chen Hong. 他话语一落,一道月光从欧阳洛霜光团中激射出来,如流星坠落在陈宏身上。 That Chen Hong such as the glass smashing, God Body explodes immediately directly, he until death, has not thought can die that quick...... 陈宏顿时如玻璃粉碎,神体直接爆炸开来,他至死,也没想过会死的那么快…… Chen Rong shakes, at once awakens fiercely, screamed: „Our walks!” 陈荣一震,旋即猛地惊醒,尖叫道:“我们这就走!” He has not thought opposite party so very ruthless, he thinks can also bargain back and forth, thinks the opposite party when starts the heavy treasure to consume fiercely, making him have an opportunity. 他没想过对方会如此狠辣,他以为还可以讨价还价,以为对方会在启动重宝的时候消耗剧烈,让他有一丝可乘之机。 But now, he regretted, regretted the extreme! 但现在,他后悔了,后悔到了极点! I help you clean up, you handle your matter with single-hearted devotion.” Ouyang Luoshuang light shout, the body like the moonlight, // quickest writing renews www.shumilou.com non- ball window not to have the advertisement // however to plunder suddenly, at once are innumerable moon/month of stream ray such as the feather arrow to crash, the Chen Family person who in addition these leave behind, the one by one blasting open smashing, was given to turn into by her. “我帮你清理掉,你专心做你的事情。”欧阳洛霜轻喝一声,身如月光,忽//最快文字更新www.shumilou.com无弹窗无广告//然掠来,旋即无数月之流光如羽箭坠落,那些尚且留下的陈家人,一一炸裂粉碎,被她给化成一块块。 Shi Yan cannot help laughing, has not looked at these Chen Family person one eyes, said at will: That has thanked, I in province diverted attention.” 石岩哑然失笑,没多看那些陈家人一眼,随意道:“那就谢谢了,也省的我分心了。” The words, he continues revolution deep meaning, surplus remains the stone on Immemorial thunder dragon body, vanishing one after another, making the body human bone of Immemorial Thunder Dragon thorough appeared. 话罢,他继续运转奥义,将剩余的残留太古龙身上的石块,接连的消掉,令太古雷龙的躯骸彻底的显现出来。 We knew mistakenly! Knew mistakenly! Please forgive!” “我们知错了!知错了!请你们饶恕!” Chen Rong is calling out in alarm rendingly, implored urgently, at this moment he knew this life, he was inferior that his sister Chen Lei vision, knew his once more error in judgment. 陈荣撕心裂肺惊叫着,苦苦哀求,这一刻他才知道这一生,他都不如他妹妹陈蕾的眼光,知道他再次判断错误。 What a pity, Shi Yan has not responded the digression, Ouyang Luoshuang will then not call a halt. 可惜,石岩没搭理插话,欧阳洛霜便不会停手。 In her eyes, Chen Family just act simply despicably, the greedy shamelessness extermination of the clan that these left behind, was engages in introspection, purified her mood must the matter. 在她眼中,陈家刚刚的行径简直卑劣之极,将那些留下的贪婪无耻者灭族,乃是明心,净化她心情的必须之事。 Therefore, Chen Rong they can only one by one die. 因此,陈荣他们只能一一去死。 Extremely the distant place, Chen Lei and one crowd, look into that side in rags from afar, the looks at moonlight such as Arrow fly to shoot, her face is sorrowful, feels as if a knife were piercing heart, actually clenches teeth to drink tenderly: Did not permit the past!” 极远处,陈蕾和一群衣衫褴褛者,远远眺望那边,看着月光如箭矢飞射,她一脸悲恸,心如刀割,却咬牙娇喝:“都不准过去!” Flower bud Sir!” A bodyguard calls out. “蕾大人!”一名侍卫暴喝。 Asked you, kept bloodlines to Chen Family, do not go to bring death.” Chen Lei is covering the chest, this is they brings about own destruction, I had already said some people are not they can provoke, they do not have a gratitude, lives the greedy that instant in the heart, finally was doomed.” “求你们了,给陈家留点血脉吧,别去送死了。”陈蕾捂着胸口,“这是他们自寻死路,我早就说过有的人不是他们可以招惹的,他们没一丝感激之心,在心生贪婪的那一霎,结果就注定了。” Such remarks, here people were silent. 此言一出,这边众人都沉默了。 They know that before Chen Rong and Chen Hong people not God Clan enslaves, is not the friendly stubble, but afterward was pressed too for a long time, slowly transforms the disposition to be honest, but the God Clan pressure disappears, their natural dispositions restore gradually, did the beforehand these deals. 他们都知道陈荣陈宏众人没被神族奴役之前,就不是善茬,只是后来被压太久,才慢慢转变心性老实下来,但神族压力一消,他们的本性渐渐恢复,又干起了以前的那些勾当了。 The person who this time, they bump into, wants very ruthless more heartless than God Clan. 只是这次,他们碰到的人,比神族还要狠辣无情。 Therefore has been doomed their tragedy. 所以就注定了他们的悲剧。 ...... ( to be continued ) RQ ……(未完待续)RQ
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