GOS :: Volume #14

#1317: Honest relative

Place of Thunder Xiaoxing the territory edge. 雷霄星域边缘之地。 An audiences Chen Family clansman, gathers at that stack by a mine, cheers the celebration. 一众陈家族人,聚集在那堆砌在一块的矿山旁,欢呼庆祝。 That mine by the giant meteorite stack, year to year the lasing thunder and lightning, the Chen Family clansman is not daring to approach before, until millennium, they discovered thunder and lightning to vanish recently, in mine were suddenly many precious wind and thunder stone. 那矿山由巨大陨石堆积而成,以前常年激射着雷电,陈家族人不敢靠近,直到最近千年时间内,他们才发现雷电消失,矿山中忽然多了珍贵的风雷石。 The wind and thunder stone has also helped Chen Family, makes barren peripheral becomes wealthy all of a sudden, made Chen Family Warrior have the considerable cultivation resources. 风雷石也成全了陈家,让贫瘠的周边一下子富裕起来,也让陈家武者有了可观的修炼资源。 In that actually to have what, will attract him to penetrate?” Chen Rong looks to the mine, frowns tightly. “那里面,究竟有着什么,会吸引他深入其中?”陈荣看向矿山,紧皱眉头。 Does not know that records according to our Chen Family ancestral home, inside decides however has unusually.” Chen Lei relaxes very much, suddenly smiles, perhaps we did not need to be forced to leave native place.” “不知道,根据我们陈家祖籍记载,里面定然有着奇特。”陈蕾很放松,忽然一笑,“我们或许不用背井离乡了。” Chen Rong nods, at once orders: Temporarily guards this place, waited for that Sir to come out to say again.” 陈荣点头,旋即下令:“暂时驻守此地,等那位大人出来再说。” When the Chen Family person spoke, Shi Yan went down to ore star, advanced toward the core place along a broad road. 陈家人讲话的时候,石岩已深入矿星内部,沿着一条宽阔甬道往核心处突进。 A Ouyang Luoshuang pure white clothing, as if dark chilly elf, manner cold Li, a pair of bright pupil often looks to him, looking pensive. 欧阳洛霜一身素白衣衫,仿佛幽暗中的清冷精灵,神态冷丽,一双明净的眸子不时看向他,若有所思。 In the road chippings block, hears the wind eating delicacies thunderous sound faintly, is very marvelous. 甬道中碎石块块,隐隐传来风啸雷鸣声,很是奇妙。 long time, Shi Yan does not stop quickly, on the face appears a astonishment. 多时,石岩倏地停下,脸上浮现出一丝惊异。 How?” Ouyang Luoshuang looks to the front, a black eyebrows wrinkle, inquired in a soft voice. “怎么了?”欧阳洛霜看向前方,黛眉一皱,轻声询问。 Should draw near.” Narrows the eyes to focus, Shi Yan lifts the hand according to the front. “应该快到了。”眯着眼,石岩抬手按向前方。 That is ore star, peripheral is the bumpy cavern, the ground is all falling a place crushed stone , the wind and thunder stone of dependents exists very much, that wind roar the thunderous sound, then transmits from the wind and thunder stone of smashing. 那是矿星内部,周边全是坑坑洼洼的洞穴,地上落着一地碎石,也很碎小的风雷石存在,那风啸雷鸣之音,便是从粉碎的风雷石传来。 Wind and thunder stone implication wind and thunder power, but the wind and thunder stone value of dependents is very extremely low, can absorb power be limited, these shatter wind and thunder stones do not have including nail size, obviously is not worth carrying off, scattered in side. 风雷石蕴含风和雷的力量,但太过碎小的风雷石价值很低,能够吸纳力量有限,那些破碎的风雷石连指甲大小都没,显然不值得带走,就散落在旁边了。 Here is here mine most deep place, if must continue thoroughly, can only open opens up the path. 这里就是此处矿山最深处,如果要继续深入,只能自己开开垦道路了。 Shi Yan by the soul sounding, discovers the peripheral not intense life fluctuation, has not rushed fierce power, but he believes that the body of Immemorial Thunder Dragon decides however, now sense of touch, but showed that body was being sealed up by some barrier and restriction. 石岩以灵魂触探,发现周边并没有强烈的生命波动,也没有澎湃狂烈的力量,但他相信太古雷龙的躯体定然在其中,如今触觉不到,只是证明那躯体被某种结界禁制封闭着。 He has not touched the essential place of barrier and seal. 他还没有触及到结界、封印的关键处。 // quickest writing renew www.shumilou.com non- ball window not to have the advertisement // cracks!” “//最快文字更新www.shumilou.com无弹窗无广告//裂!” Shi Yan that only presses in the hand of dike, the fingertip splits to dazzle the white point, Space Cutting Blade turns into the shining pointed knife, drill bit that if destroys the hardest defenses, fiercely thorn to dike. 石岩那只按在岩壁的手,指尖绽出炫白锋芒,空间利刃化成明晃晃尖刀,如无坚不摧的钻头,猛地刺向岩壁。 Endures gold/metal iron hardly dike, in the impact of that Space Cutting Blade, frail such as the decayed grit, exploding of pa pa is broken. 坚硬堪比金铁的岩壁,在那空间利刃的冲击中,脆弱如腐朽沙石,啪啪的爆碎。 A new passage short time formation, extends toward the deep place, that passage along with the activity penetration of Space Cutting Blade, but also is becoming profounder. 一条新的通道短时间形成,往更深处延伸,那通道随着空间利刃的活动穿透,还在变得更加幽深。 Shi Yan receives the hand to pace toward the interior slowly, the calm face looks at carefully all around, in the eye Divine Light like the electricity. 石岩收手往内部缓缓踱步,沉着脸端详四周,眼中神光如电。 Quickly, he stops once more towering! 倏地,他再次突兀停下! The instant, gushes out the arm thick long shining white lightning from stone wall of that stone-paved road, each lightning like large snake, tens of thousands, has to roast fierce wild Lei Ji lightning glow, twines fiercely. 霎那间,从那石道的石壁内涌出条条手臂粗长的莹白闪电,每一条闪电如长蛇,成千上万之多,带有炙烈狂暴雷亟电芒,猛地缠绕而来。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 He and Ouyang Luoshuang tied down by that shining white lightning immediately, God Body such as sent Yang Dian insanely to shiver suddenly, in several breath, he and Ouyang Luoshuang clothing turned into the shining white flame, suddenly burnt down the ashes. 他和欧阳洛霜立即被那条条莹白闪电缠住,神体如发了羊癫疯般急剧颤抖,在几个呼吸间,他和欧阳洛霜衣衫化成莹白火焰,忽然焚烧成灰烬。 The sparkling stone white lightning, as if the whip winding on his Ouyang Luoshuang naked body, passes toward their God Body endosmosis, attacks their flesh and blood. 道道莹白色闪电,仿佛鞭子缠绕在他欧阳洛霜赤裸的身上,往他们神体内渗透,冲击他们血肉之躯。 These shining white lightnings, one such as their fleshly body, then drills into their veins cunningly, made their veins stabbing pain numb and aching, gathered the supernatural power resistance very much difficultly rapidly. 那些莹白闪电刁钻之极,一如他们肉身,便钻入他们筋脉中,令他们筋脉刺痛酸麻,很难迅速聚集神力抵御。 Ouyang Luoshuang that snow white clear wonderful ketone body, completely nakedly exposes at this time, such as the perfect Statue that is carved by White Jade, does not have a slight defect simply, the waist that grasps gracefully, cultivates the straight straight beautiful leg, towering snow peak just right, fair neck, one by one appears. 欧阳洛霜那雪白晶莹的美妙酮体,此时完全赤裸暴露出来,如一具由白玉雕琢的完美女神像,简直没有一丝瑕疵,盈盈一握的腰肢,修直笔挺的美腿,恰到好处的耸立雪峰,白皙的脖颈,一一浮现。 When the lightning raids the body, Shi Yan for fear that she cannot withstand, turned head to take a look at one. 在闪电袭身之际,石岩生怕她承受不住,不由回头瞅了一眼。 He is shocked quickly dull, tiger splits blazing, he deeply stares, in Ouyang Luoshuang that may be called on the perfect ketone body, short absent-minded, had forgotten the goal of turning head, he is only looks at, such looks at...... 他倏地呆愣住,虎目绽出一丝炽热,他深深凝视在欧阳洛霜那具堪称完美的酮体上,短暂失神,忘记了回头的目的,他只是看着,就这么看着…… In his scalding hot vision gaze, is naked graceful physique female chilly eyes to spill over shames angry, stared his one eyes maliciously, scolded: vulgar!” 在他灼热目光注视中,赤裸着曼妙身姿的女子清冷双眸泛出羞恼,狠狠瞪了他一眼,斥骂道:“下流!” Shi Yan smiles at once, loses says with a smile: Also can curse at people, it seems like these lightnings cannot pose the threat to you, Hehe, I felt relieved.” 石岩旋即莞尔,失笑道:“还能骂人,看来这些闪电对你构不成威胁,嘿嘿,那我就放心了。” Was saying, his burning eye is greedy forgets to return in that snow white moving place, obviously has not taken back the vision immediately the idea. 这么说着,他火辣辣的眼睛还是贪婪的在那雪白动人处流连忘返,显然没有立即收回目光的想法。 His instinct and has the fish water the happy female to compare with him its ketone body stature, discovered that only then the Xia Xinyan physique and it is on a par, a dark to praise Voice, deeply looks at two, reluctant to part takes back the line of sight, said: „It is not I must look intentionally, is really the in the right place at the right time initiative, look didn't you see me? Everybody averaged.” 他本能的将其酮体身材和与他有过鱼水之欢的女子比较,发现只有夏心妍的身姿和其不相伯仲,不由暗赞一声,又深深多看两眼,才恋恋不舍收回视线,道:“不是我故意要看,实在是天时地利主动配合,这不,你不也看见我了么?大家扯平了。” Like Ouyang Luoshuang, his whole body is also naked, on God Body the muscle line is obvious, vigorous powerful, incisiveness that the man firm grand shows at the same time. 欧阳洛霜一样,他也全身赤裸,神体上块块肌肉线条明显,雄健有力,将男人阳刚雄伟一面展现的淋漓尽致。 Shameless!” Ouyang Luoshuang shot a look at his one eyes, at once the beautiful pupil line of sight takes back fiercely, cold voice scolded one, the heart jumped greatly. “无耻!”欧阳洛霜瞥了他一眼,旋即美眸视线猛地收回,冷声骂了一句,芳心巨跳。 This is her first time finds the man to be naked. 这是她第一次瞧见男人裸身。 Shi Yan strangely chuckled, said: „Our was honestly has also treated, um, naked we, such as the baby was newborn, this was original we, covering up of Elementary clothing, was the restraint of earthliness etiquette sense of honor, oneself have put on the shackles to oneself, like this was naked the feeling actually...... Also good, Ha Ha.” 石岩嘿嘿怪笑,道:“我们这也算是坦诚相待了,嗯,赤裸裸的我们,如婴儿初生一样,这才是本来的我们,后天衣衫的遮掩,都是俗世礼仪廉耻的约束,自己给自己套上了枷锁,这样赤裸着感觉其实……也挺不错,哈哈。” Laughing, he is continuing ahead thoroughly, that sparkling stone white lightning, splutters the white flame on his God Body, actually cannot give him to affect. 大笑着,他继续往前深入,那条条莹白色闪电,在他神体上溅射出白色火光,却未能给他更多影响。 Ouyang Luoshuang clenches teeth secretly, chilly pupil spills over angry, in the hearts are many difficult word the fluctuation, her deep looks at Shi Yan moves toward the road deep place, slightly one hesitant, looks were naked the body quietly, steels one's heart, feigns the manner to be free, followed actually nakedly. 欧阳洛霜暗暗咬牙,清冷的眸子泛出一丝恼怒,心间却多出难言的波动,她深深看着石岩走向甬道更深处,略一犹豫,悄悄看了一下自己赤裸着的身子,心一横,也佯装神态自若,硬是裸身跟了过来。 More lightning entanglements come, was actually resisted by her clear cold moon Huashen strength, her snow white, such as the middle of the month fairy maiden, passed over gently and swiftly lithely. 更多闪电纠缠而来,却被她清冷月华神力抵御住,她一身雪白,如月中仙子,轻盈掠过。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 , The front transmits crowded thunderclap suddenly, the thunderclap is low and deep, such as beats a drum the hammer, goes directly to chest cavity Sea of Consciousness! 突地,前方传来密集炸雷,雷声低沉,如擂鼓锤击,直达胸腔识海 The Ouyang Luoshuang body shakes, the chest snow white twin peaks tremble, is out of control stuffy snort|hum, the complexion to be pallid, she looks scary to the under foot, looks dignified. 欧阳洛霜身躯一震,胸口雪白双峰微颤,禁不住闷哼一声,脸色煞白,她骇人看向脚下,神情凝重。 In her, the stone such as the ugly pustule ballooning, each ballooning, is then having the giant thunder bang to transmit, Thunder explosion is sad, specifically aims at chest cavity Sea of Consciousness, in that beats a drum in thunder boom, the fierce beat of her heartbeat several fold, as if must blast open. 在她脚下,石块如丑陋的脓包鼓胀着,每鼓胀一下,便有巨大雷轰传来,那雷轰沉闷,专门针对胸腔识海,在那擂鼓般的雷轰声中,她心跳数倍的剧烈跳动,仿佛要炸裂开来。 She stops immediately, the revolution supernatural power, adds all Qishen the deep meaning exquisitely. 她立即停下,运转神力,将奥义精妙加诸其身。 The clear cold moon light, transgresses from her graceful naked body, such as passes the gauze of clothes bright moonlight, binds her physique. 道道清冷月光,从她曼妙胴体内逸出,如一件透明月之纱衣,将她身姿裹住。 With the moonlight supernatural power precise cover, passes the brilliant color purely, cannot cover up her wonder, she is still naked, can actually prevent the day Lei Ji soul to bite the heart. 以月光神力凝炼的罩子,纯透明色,并不能遮掩她一身美妙,她依然赤裸着,却能防止天雷亟魂噬心。 She looks up subconsciously to the front, suddenly discovered that Shi Yan vanished in the field of vision, she attempts to proceed to take a walk, discovered that every time walks several steps, that thunder bang might will then promote several points, this explained that is thorough, that fearful Lei Ji will jump over terrifying to be formidable. 她下意识抬头看向前方,竟然发现石岩已消失在视野,她尝试着往前走动,发现每走几步,那种雷轰威力便会增进几分,这说明越是深入,那可怕的雷亟会越恐怖强大。 Her elegant face changes, guessed quickly Shi Yan power level, must be higher than her clearly, as soon as plans. 她俏脸微变,很快猜测出石岩力量层次,要真真切切高出她一筹来。 Hesitates half sound, her clenches the teeth, the supernatural power rapid precise whole body, changes into together the clear cold moon light, the birthplace shoots the front fiercely. 沉吟半响,她咬着银牙,将神力迅速凝炼全身,化为一道清冷月光,猛地贯射前方。 Was this.” Front, Shi Yan was muttering is whispering, two hands were trying to find out the dike. “就是这了。”前方,石岩在喃喃低语着,两只手摸索着岩壁。 That dike for the mysterious silver, such as the water fluid forms the crystal, glittering a flash eye of gloss, the dike internal faintly visible close electric current, the electric current such as the human body veins are tedious, flood in each corner of dike, as if...... Still strangely is wriggling! 那岩壁为神奇的银色,如水液结成晶,闪烁着耀目光泽,岩壁内部隐隐可见细密的电流,电流如人体筋脉般繁琐,充斥在岩壁的每一个角落,似乎……还在诡异的蠕动着! After she comes, just now stops, then the tender body greatly shakes, two hands cover the fair twin peaks, in the pupil are revealing the pain. 她过来后,方才停下,便娇躯巨震,两只手捂着白皙双峰,眸中露出痛楚。 This place Lei Ji might, extremely fearful, has exceeded her withstanding limit gradually, that Lei Ji transmits, her heart beat must explode, must blow by the pure supernatural power repeatedly, can maintain the heart broken. 此地雷亟的威力,极为的可怕,已渐渐超出她的承受极限了,那声声雷亟传来,她一颗心跳动的要爆炸般,必须以精纯神力反复镇住,才能保持心脏不破。 Also in this time, Shi Yan stops twittering, turns head to look to her, looks to her slender finger slit overflow white and delicate, said: You were too harebrained, strength of you here Lei Ji cannot withstand, you could not insist that was too long.” 也在此时,石岩停止呢喃,回头看向她,看向她修长手指缝隙溢出的白腻,道:“你太冒失了,这里雷亟之力非你能承受的,你坚持不了太久的。” The Ouyang Luoshuang eye pupil is chilly, is only maliciously looks at he, not having the leisure to reply. 欧阳洛霜眼瞳清冷,只是狠狠看着他,没有闲暇答话。 Her energetic consciousness and power, have been used to resist the strength of this place Lei Ji completely, cannot divert attention to talk too much. 她精神意识和力量,已全部用来抵御此地雷亟之力,再也不能分心多言。 Does not understand the thoughts of your women.” “真不明白你们这些女人的心思。” Shi Yan shook the head, opened mouth puts out Star Cluster, Star Cluster is bringing his life aura, falls is protecting the beautiful chest place on Ouyang Luoshuang two, such as protects the heart mirror to bind her milk-white bosom. 石岩摇了摇头,张口吐出星团,星团带着他的生命气息,落在欧阳洛霜两手护着美胸处,如护心镜将她那块酥胸裹住。 That gives the Ouyang Luoshuang pressure unceasingly Lei Ji, after that Star Cluster covers the heart, such as vanished suddenly. 那不断给予欧阳洛霜压力的雷亟,在那星团覆盖心脏后,如忽然间消失了。 Feels is sticking to warm energy that Star Cluster of milk-white bosom transmits, her just the heart that stopped jumping greatly, unexpectedly inexplicable beat. 感受着紧贴酥胸的星团传来的暖洋洋能量,她那刚刚停止巨跳的心,竟又莫名的跳动起来。 This time, because of Lei Ji...... 只是这次,并非因雷亟而起…… Her beautiful pupil appears the color of difference, the chilly cheeks appear shocking blushing, resembles suddenly timidly, does not dare to look again Shi Yan that is as before naked the grand body, dangles slightly. 她美眸显出异样之色,清冷脸颊浮现一丝惊艳的红晕,似忽然胆怯,竟不敢再看石岩那依旧赤裸着的雄伟身体,微微垂下头来。 Shi Yan had not perceived that her strangeness, the attention already concentrated at this time, the calm finger selects forehead lightly, the sacrificial altar violent revolution. 石岩并没有觉察到她的古怪,此时注意力早已集中,冷静的手指轻点眉心,祭台猛烈运转。 The instant, innumerable close Space Cutting Blade fly from his beginning, such as in skilled worker hand mysterious burin, starts to decompose this ore star, only listens to ka ka the rock smashing blasting, this region dike splits, blasts open the clod to vanish strangely, carried off by the small space slit. 霎那间,无数细密空间利刃从他始界内飞离出来,如巧匠手中神奇的刻刀,开始分解着这矿星内部,只听“咔咔”的岩石粉碎炸裂声,这块区域岩壁裂开,炸裂岩块诡异消失,被小小的空间缝隙带走。 The Shi Yan spirit maintains highly discrete, must guarantee that the sharp knife blade cannot collide to puncture to that fellow skeleton, the stone that must covering up slices off, is quite careful. 石岩精神保持高度谨慎,要保证利刃不会碰撞刺到那家伙骨骸,又要将遮掩的石块削掉,极为小心。 At this time he rejoiced suddenly that rejoiced beforehand has not come rashly, but restored the supernatural power first step by step, struck to kill Letka and the others breakthrough oneself, by the Origin God Second Sky Realm attainments and to supernatural power the exquisite utilization, dug the Immemorial Thunder Dragon skeleton again. 这时候他忽然庆幸,庆幸之前没有冒然过来,而是先步步恢复神力,击杀莱特卡等人突破自身,以始神二重天境界的造诣和对神力的精妙运用,重新来开掘出太古雷龙骨骸。 He definitely if at that time got rid forcefully, possibly has not arrived at this place, again resent a telegram entangles Lei Ji compelling to draw back, impossible exquisite - the decomposition the rock, appeared completely that fellow skeleton. 他肯定当时若强行出手,可能没有到来此地,就被重重电缠雷亟给逼退了,更不可能精妙-的分解掉岩石,把那家伙骨骸给完整显现出来。 The restraining mind, the revolution deep meaning law decides, he exquisite - control Space Cutting Blade, wholly absorbed working. 收敛心神,运转奥义法决,他精妙-的驾驭着空间利刃,专心致志的做事。 Ouyang Luoshuang is covering the chest, looks quietly to him, the eye pupil means to be difficult to be bright, that is covering chest, is trembles to continue lightly. 欧阳洛霜捂着胸口,悄悄望向他,眼瞳意味难明,那捂着的胸口,则是轻颤不止。
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