GOS :: Volume #14

#1316: Newborn!

! 啪嗒! The Heaven Lake ice piece transmits the close crack, intermittent wild energy sweeps across ten sides from the Shi Yan direction, causes space blasting open, Star Sea splash place trillion splendid light. 天池冰块传来细密裂纹,阵阵狂暴能量石岩方向席卷十方,引得空间炸裂,星海飞溅处亿万华光。 At this time, Shi Yan such as the quiet many years of volcanos, erupt the burning hot manic, gushes out heaven shaking to fluctuate. 此时,石岩如沉寂多年的火山,喷发出炙热狂躁,涌出惊天波动。 That fluctuation violent vigorous, made Leidong and Ji Peak, the Kazakh-Mongolian expression great change, subconscious retreat, escaped to leave by far. 那波动之猛烈浑厚,令雷垌、季峰、哈蒙神色巨变,下意识的后退,远远遁离。 This is far from power that Origin God Second Sky Realm can have, moreover he, but just breakthrough.” Ji Fenglian hides to vibrate, reveals a bitterness and astringency, worthily is Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, power that at this time emerges, feared that endures compared with Origin God Third Sky, could and immerse that Realm many years places on a par, fearful!” “这绝非始神二重天境界可以持有的力量,而且他,不过才刚刚突破。”季峰脸皮子抖动着,露出一丝苦涩,“不愧是嗜血尊主,此时涌现的力量,怕是堪比始神三重天,或许能够和浸没那个境界多年者相提并论,可怕!” He , if equal to general, how could one and strikes to kill the Letka three people?” Leidong smiled. “他若是等同一般,岂能将莱特卡三人一并击杀?”雷垌笑了笑。 They spoke, that region glacier exploded in abundance broken, exploded together broken also had the space. 他们讲话的时候,那块区域冰川纷纷爆碎,一同爆碎的还有空间。 Once that space explodes the broken same place, then immediately heals, the extremely fast restores smoothly, as if the hand smooths out it. 只是那空间一旦爆碎一块,便立即愈合,极速恢复平整,仿佛有一只手将其捋平。 They do not know that because of the Shi Yan breakthrough huge sound, causing the Decca Luo's seal to split an corner/horn, making Decca Luo have to gather the huge power repair, in the heart obloquied that Shi Yan disturbs. 他们并不知道,因石岩突破的巨大动静,导致迪卡罗的封印都裂开一角,让迪卡罗不得不聚集庞大力量修复,心中大骂石岩捣乱。 Bang! 轰! The Shi Yan icy peak crushes, as soon as he treadons, stands firm in Leidong directly at present, cracks into a smile, you do well.” 石岩所处冰峰粉碎,他一脚踏出,直接在雷垌眼前站定,咧嘴一笑,“你做得不错。” If not the calmness of Leidong, if not he advises against Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia not to act rashly, Shi Yan possibly unpredictable trouble. 如果不是雷垌的冷静,如果不是他劝阻季峰、哈蒙别轻举妄动,石岩可能会多出难以预料的麻烦。 Ring Spirit no small matter, if Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia spy on by Divine Sense, the soul will reveal a flaw possibly by Ring Spirit instantaneous seizing a body, then by their God Body power, will hit hard Shi Yan, makes Shi Yan not only will be hard to complete Realm breakthrough, will also be broken sacrificial altar directly. 戒灵非同小可,要是季峰、哈蒙以神识来窥探,灵魂露出一丝破绽可能就会被戒灵瞬间夺舍,进而以他们的神体力量,将石岩重击,令石岩不但难以完成境界突破,还会被直接破掉祭台 The calmness of Leidong makes Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia watch critically, gives him to process all. 雷垌的冷静让季峰、哈蒙冷眼旁观,将一切交给他处理。 He directs the strength of vice- soul Essence successfully, with the ice cold self- seal, tows Strength of Stars by the vice- soul, making the star strength in that Heaven Lake galaxy light fleshly body, by the strength of absorb star light swallowing, successfully supernatural power old tree transformation. 他成功引副魂本源之力,以冰寒自我封印,以副魂牵引星辰之力,令那天池星河内的星力点燃肉身,以吞噬之力吸纳星光,成功将神力古树蜕变 In Spiritual Sense examines his encouraging discovery supernatural power old tree to be glittering and translucent carving, the branches and leaves furcation place of cover, glittering bunch bunch arc light. 灵识内检他可喜的发现神力古树晶莹剔透,茂密的枝叶分叉处,闪烁着束束弧光。 That gloss penetrates faint and his whole body veins connection from his lower abdomen dantian, the unified whole. 那光泽从他小腹丹田穿透出来隐隐和他浑身筋脉连接,浑然一体。 Now in his within the body, supernatural power old tree is not only healthy one time, but also made the trunk and branches and veins implicates, the intention fluctuated, that supernatural power turbulent eruption direct irrigation in his veins, with his blood essence mix, making him multiply one may be called overbearing rushing power. 如今在他体内,神力古树不但茁壮一倍,还令枝干和筋脉牵连起来,心念变幻间,那神力汹涌喷发直接灌注在他条条筋脉中,和他精血混合,令他滋生一股堪称霸道的澎湃力量 This power pure vigorous degree, is far from Origin God First Sky may compare, that Letka three people of energy help his direct supernatural power to increase! 力量精纯浑厚程度,远非始神一重天可比,那莱特卡三人的能量助他直接神力大增! Origin God Second Sky Realm, supernatural power old tree and whole body veins pass through the God Passage strength to rush veins instantaneously, displaying of all sorts of deep meaning mystiques will be quick one time! 始神二重天境界者,神力古树和浑身筋脉贯通神力能瞬间涌向条条筋脉,种种奥义秘法的施展将会快一倍! forehead, Can, if Star Sea beginning appears in the vault of heaven, stars such as big diamond, glittering shining gloss. 一点眉心,灿若星海的始界在苍穹浮现出来,颗颗星辰如大钻石,闪烁着明晃晃的光泽。 Has a thought that above these stars presents the green spooky plant flowers and plants, presents the mountains lake, presents the gully // quickest writing to renew www.shumilou.com non- ball window not to have the advertisement // earthquakes, has the spring , summer , fall and winter alternately and real even more close...... 一念起,那些星辰上方出现绿幽幽的植物花草,出现山川湖泊,出现沟壑//最快文字更新www.shumilou.com无弹窗无广告//地震,有春夏秋冬交替和真实愈发接近…… Stars, spaces and life and death three deep meanings such as marvelous moves toward the road of mixing gradually, along with the Realm promotion, these three deep meanings such as can have the mystical change, making his beginning turn, this feeling was clear, after breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky, he had found a direction likely. 星辰、空间、生死三种奥义如奇妙的渐渐走向糅合之路,随着境界提升,这三种奥义如能发生神秘变化,令他始界变成真实,这种感觉非常清晰,突破始神二重天后,他像是找到了一个方向。 Is a higher level the direction! 一个达到更高层次的方向! Beginning, was most key, this point he clearly will have become aware. 始界,将会是最关键之处,这一点他已经明悟了。 He has a feeling faintly, possibly Immortal Realm breakthrough, is related with Soul Altar with beginning. 他隐隐有种感觉,可能不朽境界突破,就和始界和灵魂祭台有关。 Venerable Lord!” 尊主!” Leidong and Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia bow slightly, a face awe, this awe is from the heart! 雷垌、季峰、哈蒙略略躬身,一脸敬畏,这种敬畏是发自内心的! Now in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, can have the God Clan clansman to exist?” Shi Yan spoke thoughtlessly asked. “如今雷霄星域内,可还有神族族人存在?”石岩随口一问。 According to communication of our subordinates, could not look for the live God Clan clansman, this star territory...... Temporarily was clean.” Leidong replied respectfully. “根据我们麾下的传讯,已经找不着活的神族族人,这星域……暂时干净了。”雷垌恭敬回答。 Shi Yan nods, hesitates half sound, he said: Thunder Xiaoxing the territory is sealing up temporarily, God Clan will not surmount to come, too should not be worried now. The God Clan essential target is I, once I left, the battleship and Expert that they dispatch will not be top, you could rest assured that this matter I will arrange, our people...... After I leave will leave, helping you resist God Clan.” 石岩点头,沉吟半响,他说道:“雷霄星域暂时封闭着,神族不会跨越而来,你们现在别太担心。神族主要目标是我,一旦我离开了,他们派遣过来的战舰和强者不会是顶尖,你们放心,此事我会安排,我们的人……在我离开后会开赴过来,帮助你们抵御神族。” He knows that Ming Hao, Xuan He and Fei Liete will not cup one hand in the other across the chest to give God Clan Thunder Xiaoxing the territory decidedly, once can with the Ming Hao relation, Bloodthirsty Expert come this place. 他知道冥晧玄河腓烈特断然不会将雷霄星域拱手让给神族,一旦能和冥晧联系上,嗜血强者将会过来此地。 In Blood Pond, Bloodthirsty inheritance all that he sees, these people are core Entourage, but their many people, have the respective influence, separately has the subordinates, has the secondary roles. 血池中,他所见的嗜血传承者绝非所有,那些人都是核心的扈从,而他们其中许多人,都还有各自的势力,都分别有着麾下,有着班底。 In addition unknown influence of Ming Hao control, Shi Yan believes in secret Bloodthirsty lineage/vein true power, inferior God Clan will not be many. 加上冥晧暗中掌控的未知势力,石岩相信嗜血一脉的真正力量,绝不会逊色神族太多。 In addition Heavenly Demon Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Thousands Imaginary Sect, Broken Palace, Heaven River Temple and other disintegration influences, this war, they are not in very big inferiority. 再加上天妖族不死魔族千幻宗碎殿天水宫等散碎势力,这一战,他们并不是处于很大劣势。 Many thanks Venerable Lord, I and others will certainly whole-heartedly, altogether anti- God Clan!” Leidong statement. “多谢尊主,我等必将全力以赴,共抗神族!”雷垌表态。 Shi Yan deeply looks to him, said: You remember well then.” 石岩深深看向他,道:“你记得便好。” Venerable Lord also has what instruction, so long as we can do, certainly will not decline!” Ji Peak interposed with a smile. “请问尊主还有何吩咐,只要我们能做的,一定不会推辞!”季峰笑着插话。 Temporarily does not need, to have any matter I to contact with you.” Shi Yan traces the corners of the mouth, looks to the peripheral nothingness place, the knitting the brows head. “暂时不用,有什么事情我会联系你们。”石岩摸了摸嘴角,看向周边虚无处,皱了皱眉头。 Just he that instant of the icy peak working loose, void because of the sudden change of his Realm, smashing blasting open, actually in instantaneous cicatrization such as beginning. 刚刚他从冰峰挣脱的那一霎,虚空因他境界的突变,粉碎炸裂,却在瞬间愈合如初。 At that time, he then knows that person, was still affecting surrounding heaven and earth by non- Bice power, continued to adopt the seal to the star territory. 那时起,他便知道那个人还在,以无比奇奥的力量影响着周围天地,继续对星域采取封闭。 „Can Senior in?” Thinks that he is divided into the Divine Sense thought that suddenly rushes the void slit. 前辈可在?”想了想,他分成神识意念,忽然涌向虚空缝隙。 His thought penetrations leave, then has not thought that will present the news, the preparation directly left. 他一道道意念贯通离开,便没有以为会出现回讯,就准备直接离开了。 , The consciousness transmits from extremely far nothingness suddenly together: You also about 25 days, later star territory unsealed, the Xiao Yao Son of Heaven and bright Son of Heaven will arrive. These days, if you cannot Immemorial Thunder Dragon Resurrect, you alone face Xiao Yao and light. Ming Hao, Xuan He and Fei Liete they, declared war to God Clan officially, the major star territory wars raise, do not have the leisure to come this to look for you, your seek fortune for oneself.” 突地,一道意识从极远的虚无传来:“你还有25天左右的时间,之后星域就会解封,逍遥天王和光明天王将会到来。在这段时间内,你如果不能将太古雷龙复活,你就独自面对逍遥和光明吧。冥晧玄河腓烈特他们,已经对神族正式宣战,各大星域大战掀起,没闲暇来此找你,你自求多福。” Who are you?” The Shi Yan body shakes, in the eye lightens the crystal light, the crystal light passes through nothingness together, extends in that direction. “你是谁?”石岩身躯一震,眼中闪出一道晶光,晶光穿过虚无,往那方向延伸。 I by Ming Hao was entrusted, to help to look after your, who as for me is, when you my old friend Resurrect, you naturally can know.” That say|way consciousness moves fast to come, interrupts fiercely. “我受冥晧嘱托,帮忙照看你一下,至于我是谁,等你将我的那老友复活,你自然会知道。”那道意识飘忽而来,猛地截断。 Shi Yan suddenly discovered that his Divine Sense thought that is unexpectedly difficult to enter the void slit, he knows immediately the opposite party links him to enter opportunity to give to seal up. 石岩忽然发现他的神识念头,竟然再难进入虚空缝隙,他马上知道对方连他进入其中的机会都给封住。 With is Space Deep Meaning, he fully realized that the Realm level of opposite party, feared that has gone far beyond him. 同为空间奥义者,他深知对方的境界层次,怕是已经远远超过他。 This character, is the Lord of true Star Sea, can in the free shuttle star territories, in this person eyes, in world simply not be away from may say, read, then can stretch across the star territory. 这种人物,才是真正的星海之主,能自由穿梭星域间,在这种人眼中,世间根本没有距离可言,一念动,便能横跨星域。 Venerable Lord! Venerable Lord!” Ji Peak sees him to ponder, from time to time knits the brows, from time to time changes countenance, lightly shouted. 尊主尊主!”季峰见他沉思着,时而皱眉,时而动容,不由轻呼起来。 The Shi Yan awaking revolutions, looks to three humanity: Conforms with Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, will battle for the future.” 石岩醒转,看向三人道:“整合雷霄星域,为将来作战。” He lifts hand, a leafed door appears suddenly, one step steps forward, he at present disappears in Kazakhstan , Mongolia and Ji Peak, Leidong. 他抬手一拉,一扇门忽然显现出来,一步跨出,他就在哈蒙、季峰、雷垌眼前消失。 The next quarter, he appears in place of Thunder Xiaoxing the territory edge, in that stack mine Chen Rong and Chen Lei numerous Chen Family people together, the eye fiercely has been shining, approaches in abundance, anticipates to look to him. 下一刻,他出现在雷霄星域边缘之地,在那堆砌在一块儿的矿山陈荣陈蕾众多陈家人,眼睛都猛地亮了,纷纷靠近过来,一个个期待看向他。 Ouyang Luoshuang expression is chilly, the bright eyes gloss moves slightly, calmly looked that has not said a word to him. 欧阳洛霜神色清冷,明眸光泽微动,静静看向他没有言语。 Sir......” “大人……” Chen Lei comes to shout lightly, the facial expression reveals timid intent, somewhat fears him. 陈蕾过来轻呼,神情露出怯意,有些惧怕他。 What?” Shi Yan asked indifferently. “何事?”石岩漠然问。 Sir promises us, to us place of God Clan finding a place to live, doesn't know?” Chen Lei said cautiously. “大人答应我们,会给我们神族一个安身之地,不知?”陈蕾小心翼翼道。 Sir, so long as our Chen Family keeps this place, Letka will certainly look, will send for exterminating the clan to us, but also asked the Sir to help the person help, gave us a Chen Family hope.” Chen Rong bows does obeisance greatly, hope looks at he. “大人,只要我们陈家留在此地,莱特卡一定会找上来,会派人对我们灭族,还请大人帮人帮到底,给我们陈家一个希望。”陈荣躬身大拜,祈求的看着他。 To Chen Rong and Chen Family clansman, Letka is a hard-to-pass ominous mountain, so long as Letka in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, they will still sleep on pins and needles, will fear daily. 陈荣陈家族人来说,莱特卡就是一种难以逾越的凶山,只要莱特卡还在雷霄星域,他们就会寝食难安,会日日恐惧。 Letka?” Shi Yan curls the lip, strange looks to them, your doesn't Chen Family contact with outside world?” 莱特卡?”石岩撇嘴,古怪的看向他们,“你们陈家不与外界联系么?” Here is quite remote, these years alone survive, truly...... Truly is really short with outside world relates.” Chen Rong honest reply. “我们这里极为偏僻,这些年都是独自存活,确实……确实甚少和外界联系。”陈荣老老实实回答。 Letka died, the present Thunder Xiaoxing territory does not have the God Clan clansman activity again, if not believe that you then try to relate outside world.” The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, said: This Thunder Xiaoxing territory is your hometown, now the God Clan clansman also all extinguished, if you must leave, I will deliver you to walk, you considered.” 莱特卡已经死了,如今的雷霄星域再也没有神族族人活动,若是不相信,你们便试着联系外界。”石岩皱了皱眉头,说道:“这雷霄星域是你们的故乡,如今神族族人也全灭了,如果你们还要离开,我会送你们走,你们自己考虑。” Such remarks, all Chen Family people are shocked completely dull, the next second calls out in alarm to cheer in abundance. 此言一出,所有陈家人全部呆愣住,下一秒纷纷惊叫欢呼起来。 No matter Shi Yan their decisions, said to Ouyang Luoshuang: You, if must return to Grace Mainland, I can deliver you to walk immediately, how did you say?” 石岩不管他们的决定,对欧阳洛霜道:“你如果要回神恩大陆,我可以马上送你走,你怎么说?” I want to take a look at you to make anything.” Ouyang Luoshuang indifferent say|way. “我想看看你做什么。”欧阳洛霜淡然道。 Shi Yan nods, at once moves toward a that mine dark mine tunnel, suddenly being hidden in. 石岩点头,旋即走向那矿山一条幽暗矿洞,忽然隐没其中。 Ouyang Luoshuang not slightly hesitant, followed immediately, vanishes in ore cave entrance. 欧阳洛霜没有丝毫犹豫,也马上跟了过去,消失在矿洞口。 But at this time, Chen Rong shuts tightly eyes, grasped together Transmission Stone, connected cautiously somewhere, confirmed: Duneau brother, I am Chen Rong, hundred years have not related...... Your that side how?” 而这时,陈荣则是紧闭双眼,手持一块音石,小心翼翼连接某处,确认道:“迪诺兄,我是陈荣,百年没联系了……你那边如何?” „Are you Chen Family Family Head? Are you also living? Un, indeed hundred years have not related, me is very good, very good, now the God Clan destruction, we started to rebuild one's homeland, how did your side, make a fresh start to live newly?” “你是陈家家主?你还活着啊?嗯,的确百年没联系了,我这边很好,非常的好,如今神族覆灭,我们已经开始重建家园了,你那边如何,是不是也重新开始新的生活了?” Laughter that in Transmission Stone, transmits the good intentions, that is one type cheerful of untying the haze. 音石内,传来善意的笑声,那是一种解开阴霾的欢快。 All Chen Family clansmen, look to that Transmission Stone, hearing that sound to finish. 所有陈家的族人,都看向那音石,听着那声音结束。 At once, all people support with a smile in together, weeps, congratulations new student. 旋即,所有人大笑着相拥在一块儿,喜极而泣,庆贺新生。 This is their new students, is Thunder Xiaomeng the new student, is the new student in entire star territory. 这是他们的新生,是雷霄盟的新生,也是整个星域的新生。
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