GOS :: Volume #14

#1315: Freezes

A summon of original Ring Spirit, in the Shi Yan mind reverberation, such as invests a giant stone toward the tranquil lake, raises the rough sea waves, multiplies layer upon layer the ripples 原创戒灵的声声呼唤,在石岩脑海回荡,如往平静的湖中投入块块巨石,掀起巨浪,滋生层层涟漪 This time is the breakthrough critical moment, the summon of Ring Spirit directly causes Shi Yan to divert attention, cannot use all energy in the breakthrough important pass. 此时为突破关键时刻,戒灵的呼唤直接导致石岩分心,不能将所有精力用在突破的关口。 Ji Peak, Leidong and Kazakh-Mongolian looks at he, dignified, actually could not find solution. 季峰、雷垌、哈蒙看着他,神情凝重之极,却找不到解决的办法。 What to do?” Season peak look haze, falling into enemy hands of mood, the bystander cannot meddle the help, otherwise the help will be only more chaotic, can this not know what to do?” “怎么办?”季峰眼神阴霾,“心境的失守,外人根本不能插手帮助,不然只会越帮越乱,这要如何是好?” If he falls from the sky in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, here will suffer an anger impact of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein surely, fears is, does not compare under the rule of God Clan feels better.” The Kazakh-Mongolian forced smile, he thinks is farther, is more profound. “如果他陨灭在雷霄星域,我们这里定会遭受嗜血一脉的怒火冲击,怕是,不比在神族的统治下好过。”哈蒙苦笑,他想的更加远,更加深刻。 Shi Yan is Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, at this time among Star Sea the most dazzling nova, just like became has resisted the God Clan core representative. 石岩嗜血尊主,此时星海间最为耀眼的新星,俨然成了对抗神族的核心代表。 If he died a tragic death Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, then Warrior of Thunder Xiaoxing territory possible therefore suffers disaster, was submerged by Xuan He, Ming Hao and Fei Liete anger. 如果他惨死雷霄星域,那么雷霄星域的武者都可能因此遭难,被玄河冥晧腓烈特的怒火淹没。 The present Thunder Xiaoxing territory, was unable to withstand any mighty waves, reason that Leidong and Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia put down to come, to give Thunder Xiaoxing the territory seeks a hope, does not want because of own impulsion, to star the territory ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews the first round ~~ brings desperately. 如今的雷霄星域,已经再也不能承受什么波澜了,雷垌、季峰、哈蒙之所以放下一切过来,就是为了给雷霄星域寻一个希望,可不想因为自己的冲动,给星域~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~带来绝望。 Calm!” “冷静!” Leidong looks to Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia, scolds one lightly, said indifferently: He is Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, is in the legend that person of successor, if he because of accidentally discharging Bedevilment will fall from the sky when breakthrough, I think...... He will not choose harebrainedly in this place breakthrough.” 雷垌看向季峰、哈蒙,轻叱一声,淡然说道:“他是嗜血尊主,是传说中那人的继承者,如果他会在突破之际因走火入魔陨灭,我想……他绝不会冒失的选择在此地突破自己。” Such remarks, Ji Peak, the Kazakh-Mongolian facial expression are startled, then thought that is very reasonable, is slightly relaxed. 此言一出,季峰、哈蒙神情微怔,然后就觉得很有道理,心情稍稍放松。 Good, if a Shi Yan point assurance, how possibly after has not been striking kills Letka and the others, doesn't inform their one immediately to carry on breakthrough? 不错,要是石岩没有一点把握,怎么可能在一击杀莱特卡等人后,也不通知他们一声立即进行突破 If no full confidence assurance, so to be how dare harebrained offensively? 如果不是有着十足的信心把握,岂敢这么冒失唐突? After wants to understand this, Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia then deeply inspire. Make the mind calm , to continue to protect silently, secret observation Shi Yan. 想明白这点后,季峰、哈蒙便深吸一口气。让心神镇定下来,继续默默守护着,暗暗观察石岩 They do not know that this time Shi Yan, in mind Sea of Consciousness, mechanical reactance disturbance of Ring Spirit, while made the fleshly body supernatural power old tree carry on transformation, they do not know. Shi Yan had not expected that critical moment, that Ring Spirit can break through the blockade of Ming Hao unexpectedly, affects by Soul Consciousness to him. 他们并不知道,此时的石岩,在心灵识海中,正一边力抗着戒灵的干扰,一边令肉身神力古树进行蜕变,他们也不知道。石岩也没有预料到关键时刻,那戒灵竟然能冲破冥晧的封锁,对他以灵魂意识影响。 Clarity that a summon of Ring Spirit, he listens, but he as far as possible chooses to disregard to Ring Spirit that words. 戒灵的声声呼唤,他听的清清楚楚,但对戒灵的那番话他则是尽量选择无视。 He is very clear, if Ring Spirit has the good intentions. Will not disturb him in this time. 他很清楚,如果戒灵心存善意。绝不会在此时打搅他。 That Ring Spirit, decides however such as Ming Hao saying that extremely early time cherishes to him illegally, perhaps at this time, is wants to seize the chance to capture his soul leadership, occupies this fleshly body. 戒灵,定然如冥晧所言,极早的时候就对他心怀不轨,或许此时,便是想要趁机夺取他的灵魂主导,占据他这具肉身 If he is Ring Spirit, will choose gets rid at this moment, because has not compared this better opportunity. 如果他是戒灵,也会选择这一刻出手,因为没有比这更好的机会了。 When breakthrough the mind must concentrate absolutely, the will influence cause slightly the soul great change. Even possibly makes the soul explode to break to pieces directly. 突破之际心神必须绝对集中,稍稍影响就会导致灵魂巨变。甚至可能直接让灵魂爆碎掉。 Leidong and Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia, although in one side, but cannot help him, because of existence of that three people of the start not clear Ring Spirit, when only his unusuality of present God Body , because breakthrough causes. 雷垌、季峰、哈蒙虽然在一旁,但根本不能帮到他,因为那三人压根不清楚戒灵的存在,只当他如今神体的异常,是因为突破引起的。 In their eyes, Shi Yan own issue, can only be solved by his oneself. 在他们眼中,石岩自身的问题,只能由他自身解决。 Master , helping me to untie seal, I must treat you wholeheartedly. Made you be able to put to death that person!” “主人,助我解开封印,我必会全心全意待你。令你能诛杀那人!” Ring Spirit taught with skill and patience was shouting unceasingly. Go directly to his heart's core, quite makes him have a suspicion. Let him ponder...... 戒灵循循善诱的不断呼喊着。声声直达他心灵深处,好让他产生一丝怀疑。让他去思考…… So long as he attention will shift points, cannot focus on completing God Body transformation, will cause power backlash, was implicated then by own power, direct suddenly body perishes. 只要他将注意力转移一点,就不能集中精力完成神体蜕变,就会导致力量反噬,然后便被自己的力量拖累,直接暴体而亡。 His breath shortness, fleshly body shivers fiercely, within the body supernatural power surges, has been being in extremely the bad risk time. 他呼吸急促,肉身剧烈颤抖,体内神力激荡着,已经处于极为凶险时刻。 But at this time, a summon of Ring Spirit is even more urgent fast, such as finds the hope...... 而此时,戒灵的声声呼唤愈加急迫快速,如瞧见希望…… Freezes!” “自我冰冻!” The critical moment, the Shi Yan main soul spreads a wisp of intention, passes through the void wall barrier, goes directly to Grace Star. 关键时刻,石岩主魂传出一缕心念,穿越虚空壁障,直达神恩星 Grace Star internal center of earth deep place, that giant crystal transmits dazzling strange light suddenly, one bunch of ice cold fireworks depart fiercely, that fireworks moves, Grace Mainland many glaciers melt unexpectedly suddenly, such as had been extracted the terrifying woods cold strength instantaneously. 神恩星内部地心深处,那巨大晶体骤然传来炫目奇光,一束冰寒焰火猛地飞出,那焰火一动,神恩大陆许多冰川竟然急剧融化,如被瞬间抽取了恐怖的森寒之力。 That ice cold fireworks bridges over void layer on layer is away from, suddenly appears in the Shi Yan mind, biting cold spreads severely cold fiercely! 那冰寒焰火跨过虚空重重距离,忽然在石岩脑海内浮现出来,彻骨严寒猛地蔓延! kā kā kā! 喀喀喀 Shortly, the Shi Yan whole body was covered by thick ice rock, bitter cold fills the air, the white fog winds around, toward peripheral seepage. 顷刻间,石岩全身被厚厚冰岩覆盖,酷寒弥漫,白雾缭绕,往周边渗透。 Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake was affected immediately, when that bitter cold white fog spread, forms at the naked eye obvious speed freezes thick, short dozens seconds, entire Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake, entire peripheral palace heaven and earth, snow white, a piece severely cold very cold. 雷霄天池立即受到影响,在那酷寒白雾蔓延时,以肉眼可见的速度结成厚厚冰冻,短短数十秒时间,整个雷霄天池,整个周边宫殿天地,一片雪白,一片严寒酷冷。 Including that Leidong and Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia, become three ice sculptures, the God Body function was frozen. 连那雷垌、季峰、哈蒙,都成为三具冰雕,神体机能被冻住。 On three faces the expression maintains startled is palpitating, moves cannot move, can only exchange by the soul. 三人脸上表情保持着惊悸,一动不能动弹,只能以灵魂进行交流。 Good strength cold energy! This cold current, feared that is only then these achieve Origin God Third Sky Realm, meditation ice cold strength can release!” Ji Fengdao. “好强的寒力!这寒流,怕是只有那些达到始神三重天境界,苦修冰寒之力者才能释放出来!”季峰道。 His not cultivation extremely cold strength, this how matter?” The Kazakh-Mongolian soul shouts. “他并不修炼极寒之力啊,这怎么一回事?”哈蒙灵魂呼喊。 „This extremely cold strength, came from Heavenly Flame, he for Essence fusion, is the Ancient Continent master. This woods are cold, come from the Ancient Continent deep place, we let us not struggle, so long as Soul Altar were not frozen, watches changes quietly, this cold energy, not in view of us, therefore we can endure.” Leidong explained. “这极寒之力,来自于天火,他为本源融合者,为古大陆的主人。这股森寒,来自于古大陆深处,我们别挣扎,只要灵魂祭台不被冰冻,就静观其变,这寒力,也不是针对我们,所以我们能忍受。”雷垌解释。 Whom does that aim at?” Ji Fengya however. “那针对谁?”季峰讶然。 He.” Leidong said. “他自己。”雷垌道。 Why?” Ji Peak, Kazakh-Mongolian with one voice soul inquiry. “为何?”季峰、哈蒙齐声灵魂询问。 I do not know that I only know his breakthrough has met troublesome, what trouble as, I cannot see. I think that he should be able to deal with, we can do do not disturb him.” Leidong explained again. “我也不知,我只知道他的突破遇到了麻烦,至于什么样的麻烦,我看不出。我想,他应该可以应付,我们能做的只是不要打搅他。”雷垌再次解释。 Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia are confused, actually knows that Leidong experiences always extraordinarily, can only choose to believe Leidong, does not dare to release power to untie to freeze, such aggrieved is waiting silently. 季峰、哈蒙一头雾水,却知道雷垌见识一向非凡,只能选择听信雷垌,不敢释放力量解开冰冻,就这么憋屈的默默等候着。 Shi Yan, was bound by the numerous ice pieces, such as by the iceberg suppression seal, God Body, blood essence, soul and Sea of Consciousness was at the static condition. 石岩,被重重冰块裹住,如被冰山镇压封印了,神体精血、灵魂、识海都处于静止状态。 That has the ring of mystical tedious blood mark, naturally was also frozen, because the seepage of extremely cold strength covers, Ring Spirit cannot spread aura, cannot reveal any thought that because of Shi Yan sacrificial altar, Sea of Consciousness and soul, is in freezes. 那枚有着神秘繁琐血纹的戒指,自然也被冻住,因为极寒之力的渗透覆盖,戒灵再也不能传出一丝气息,不能流露任何意念,因为石岩祭台识海和灵魂,都处于自我冰冻中。 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 Does not know how long passed, Shi Yan piece of deathly silence, Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia and Leidong cannot withstand gradually, that extremely cold strength seeps gradually to their soul. 不知道多久过去了,石岩一片死寂,季峰、哈蒙、雷垌渐渐承受不住,那极寒之力逐渐渗透向他们灵魂。 They have to revolution sacrificial altar, stimulate to movement power, ice piece blasting open, comes out from that frozen condition. 他们不得不运转祭台,催动力量,将身上冰块炸裂,从那冰封状态出来。 Three days.” Ji Peak frowns, „his sound does not have, the soul stagnation activity, does not have thought aura, how can this manage?” “三天了。”季峰皱着眉头,“他一点动静都没有,灵魂停滞活动,没有念头气息,这要如何办?” Staring, observation, be not acting rashly on the line.” Leidong said. “盯着,观察,别妄动就行。”雷垌道。 Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia, but neglects one , to continue to wait, looks at such as ten thousand years of iceberg Shi Yan. 季峰、哈蒙无奈忽视一眼,继续等候着,看着如成了一块万年冰山的石岩 In dark Star Sea, stars glittering, the star light is seeping, shines in freezing Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake...... 幽暗星海中,点点繁星闪烁着,星光渗透下来,照耀在结冻的雷霄天池…… The weak star light, such as the gloss of firefly, shines in the ice piece that freezes, if receives the hauling of some power to attract pulls, is moving in the ice piece quietly, gradually toward the icy peak that Shi Yan is at close...... 微弱的星光,如萤火虫的光泽,在那结冻的冰块中忽闪忽闪,如受着某种力量的牵引吸扯,在冰块中悄悄挪动着,渐渐往石岩所在的冰峰接近…… This piece of heaven and earth is the glacier, freezing Heaven Lake and Shi Yan continually become the great Dahan ice areas, that star light, in ice piece China Mobile, very slowly is very slow. 这片天地都是冰川,结冻的天池石岩连成巨大寒冰区,那星光,就在冰块中移动,很慢很慢。 The first star light, after a long migration, integrates the body that Shi Yan ices. 第一点星光,经过一段漫长的移动,融入石岩冰住的身子。 If the fire point of star lights a fire the source, Shi Yan whole body acupoint suddenly such as bright drill, suddenly blooming dazzling crystal light. 如星星之火点燃火源,石岩浑身穴窍忽然如明钻,骤然绽放刺目晶光。 The instant, in that Heaven Lake innumerable star light collect for the brook, rushes Shi Yan within the body in abundance, is hidden in his fleshly body. 霎那间,那天池内无数星光汇为溪流,纷纷涌向石岩体内,在他肉身隐没。 Also is at this time, Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia and Leidong awaken fiercely, had discovered this marvelous sight, shows the shocking expression. 也是此时,季峰、哈蒙、雷垌猛地惊醒,发现了这奇观,都露出震惊的表情。 Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake is gathered by mystical star territory Milky Way, in that Heaven Lake has the strength of thunder and lightning, there is stars energy, that energy, has rushed him completely!” Leidong opens the eye, changes countenance to say terrified: He decided before however has met troublesome, but I think that now he had found solution.” “雷霄天池由一条条神秘星域天河汇聚而成,那天池内有雷电之力,也有星辰能量,那能量,已全部涌向他!”雷垌睁大眼,悚然动容道:“他之前定然遇到了麻烦,但现在我想他找到了解决的办法。” He relaxed. 他松了一口气。 Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia also reveal the happy expression, the astonished looks at innumerable drifts of stars rush Shi Yan, making the Shi Yan imposing manner rise suddenly. 季峰、哈蒙也都露出喜色,惊异的看着无数星流涌向石岩,令石岩气势暴涨。 Their eyes closed deeply induces half sound, secretly nods, surprised discovery Shi Yan tended to be steady in the soul, should cross the most difficult time. 他们闭目深深感应半响,都暗暗点头,惊奇的发现石岩在不知不觉间已经灵魂趋于稳健,应该渡过了最艰难的时刻。 They know that the rest of the time, are the compression of supernatural power are then precise, are the washes of sacrificial altar, are the sublimations of soul. 他们知道,剩下的时间,便是神力的压缩凝炼,是祭台的洗涤,是灵魂的升华。 The most difficult time, passed by, below Shi Yan all smooth, when waits to wake up, will then enter into Origin God Second Sky. 最艰难的时刻,已经过去了,下面石岩将会一切顺利,等醒来之时,便会迈入始神二重天 I then know that he will not have the matter.” Leidong smiled, said: Can rest, has a look at our following people, will have residual God Clan odd|surplus Nie to eliminate completely.” “我便知道他不会有事。”雷垌笑了笑,道:“可以歇息歇息了,看看我们下面的人,有没有将残留的神族余孽全部消灭。” Three people take out Transmission Stone respectively, inquired about the subordinates detail, showed the satisfactory expression. 三人各自取出音石,询问麾下细节,都露出满意的表情。 ...... …… star territory corner, including mine. 星域一角,连起来的矿山处。 The Chen Family clansman gathers at peripheral, frowns painstakingly, is waiting silently. 陈家的族人聚集在周边,一个个苦皱着眉头,在默默等候着。 „Hasn't that person, how come? Does he deceive us?” Chen Rong frowns, lowers the sound saying that speech time, he reveals the color of awe, looked at a distant place that white clothing beautiful figure quietly. “那人,怎么还没有过来?他是不是欺骗我们?”陈荣皱着眉头,压低声音道,讲话的时候,他露出敬畏之色,悄悄看了一眼远处那道白衣倩影。 The Ouyang Luoshuang beautiful pupil is chilly, shot a look here one from afar, knits the brows slightly. 欧阳洛霜美眸清冷,远远瞥了这边一眼,微微皱眉。 „, He cannot come, here should have the thing that he needs.” Chen Lei said in a soft voice. “不会的,他一定会过来,这里应该有他需要的东西。”陈蕾轻声说道。 The Chen Family life in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory extremely remote place, with the outside world seal, has not known that at this time the great change of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, is in daily in a terrified way restless, for fear that God Clan will again appear retaliates them. 陈家生活在雷霄星域极为偏僻之地,和外界封闭,此时还不知道雷霄星域的巨变,天天处于惶恐不安中,生怕神族会再次出现报复他们。 They had been frightened by God Clan, heart lives the fear, is daily with trepidation. 他们被神族打怕了,心生恐惧,天天都在提心吊胆。 We bet all, hopes that can bet to win, kept an incense and candle to the family.” The Chen Rong forced smile, sighed in a soft voice. “我们赌上了一切,希望能够赌赢,给家族留点香火。”陈荣苦笑,轻声叹息。 Relax, our Chen Family will not exterminate an entire family in light of this, we can live, I believe him well, he can certainly give us a new future.” Chen Lei comforts to say. “放心吧,我们陈家不会就此被灭门,我们会活的好好的,我相信他,他一定能够给我们一个新的将来。”陈蕾宽慰道。 All Chen Family clansmen, gather here, is waiting for that person of arrival, is waiting for a hope. 所有陈家的族人,都聚集在这里,等候着那人的到来,等候着一个希望。 ...... To be continued ……未完待续 RT RT
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