GOS :: Volume #14

#1314: Gambling

Ancient God star territory southern galaxy place, stars glittering, star of the life is pasting extremely brilliant rays of light. 古神星域南方一片星河处,点点繁星闪烁着,其中一颗生命之星流转着极为绚烂的光芒 This is the stars that Bradley Family alone is. 这是布拉德利家族独属的星辰。 In a stars mystical mountain valley, there are mountains to tower, in mountain side of mountains is hanging like the stars bright yellow geode, in the geode is sparkling the life fireworks. 星辰一处神秘山谷中,有座座山川耸立着,其中一个山川的山腹中悬着一颗颗如星辰般的明黄色晶球,晶球内闪耀着生命焰火。 The geode is life bead, is corresponding the soul life of Bradley Family important personage, regardless of these clansman people where, so long as the soul turns over to the ruins, here life bead will extinguish, under each life Zhu is also engraving the character, writes the name of correspondence. 晶球为命珠,对应着一个个布拉德利家族重要人物的灵魂性命,不论那些族人人在何处,只要灵魂归墟,这里的命珠就会熄灭,每一个命珠下方还镌刻着字符,写着对应的名字。 At this time, here three lives( the book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) pearly luster is swaying brightly, suddenly extinguishes. 此时,这里三个命(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新)珠光烁晃荡着,忽然熄灭。 The old man who whole body that year to year waits for covers entirely the dust, in the eye splits the panic-stricken gloss, at once silhouette then vanishes in a flash. 常年守候的一名浑身布满灰尘的老者,眼中绽出惊骇光泽,旋即身影一晃便消失。 He presents again time, arrived at a secret room, in the secret room only then a person is sitting in meditation, this person is Bradley Family current head of the clan Byles, Byles this in meditation, wants breakthrough nowadays Realm, enters into Immortal, was actually disturbed by that person of news. 他再次出现的时候,已经到了一处密室,密室内只有一人静坐着,这人便是布拉德利家族现任族长拜尔斯,拜尔斯本在苦修中,想要突破现今境界,迈入不朽,却被那人的消息打搅。 What?” Byles sinking sound track. “何事?”拜尔斯沉声道。 Letka, Cook, Jeremy's life bead extinguishes, Thunder Xiaoxing the territory feared that had changes.” That person lowers the head to reply. 莱特卡、库克、杰里米的命珠熄灭,雷霄星域怕是有变了。”那人垂首回答。 Byles complexion suddenly changes, in eye flashes through a sorrow, he is silent for a very long time, said: Letka is my younger male cousin, in the past he was not then willing to go to Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, thinks that star territory is extremely poor, if not my insisting on makes him pass, he feared that will not insist such for a long time.” 拜尔斯脸色骤然一变,眼中闪过一丝悲痛,他久久沉默,道:“莱特卡还是我堂弟,当年他便不愿前往雷霄星域,认为那星域太过贫苦,若非我执意让他过去,他怕是不会坚持这么久。” Family Head restrains grief.” The old men sighed slightly. 家主节哀。”老者微微一叹。 They will not die in vain.” Byles deeply inspires. Facial expression one ruthless. Immediately waves saying: communication Elder meeting.” “他们不会白死。”拜尔斯深吸一口气。神情一狠。立即挥手道:“传讯长老会。” Yes.” “明白。” ...... …… , God Clan Elder will know quickly the news that Letka, Cook, Jeremy fall from the sky, knows Thunder Xiaoxing the territory fears falls into enemy hands, no longer is the God Clan territory. 很快地,神族长老会得知了莱特卡、库克、杰里米三人陨灭的消息,知道雷霄星域怕是失守,不再是神族的领地。 The God Clan all parties influence shocks. 神族各方势力为之震惊。 Xiao Yao and bright Son of Heaven also nature understood this news, on the day noble bearing, a Xiao Yao face ridicules, the wine glass in the hand places on the jade round stage, said: If formerly you listened to me to urge, collaborated to open wide Thunder Xiaoxing the territory wall barrier with me, they will perhaps not have the matter.” 逍遥和光明天王也自然知道了这个消息,在天神峰上,逍遥一脸揶揄,将手中酒杯放在玉石圆台上,道:“先前如果你听我一劝,和我联手洞开雷霄星域壁障,他们或许不会有事。” Before Xiao Yao instigated the bright Son of Heaven. The star territory that collaborates bang broken Decca Luo to arrange is close with him, breaks in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory directly, was actually rejected by the bright Son of Heaven. 之前逍遥怂恿光明天王。和他联手轰碎迪卡罗布置的星域封闭,直接冲入雷霄星域,却被光明天王拒绝。 The bright Son of Heaven was very at that time self-confident, thinks in Letka, Cook, under Jeremy's assuming personal command. Thunder Xiaoxing the territory will have no more worries, at all impossible by Shi Yan occupying advantage/cheap. 当时光明天王很自信,认为在莱特卡、库克、杰里米的坐镇下。雷霄星域会高枕无忧,根本不可能被石岩给占到便宜 But now, the light starts to regret...... 但现在,光明开始后悔…… The Letka three people are Origin God Second Sky, came from their Bradley Families, it may be said that is in the family sharpest power, died all of a sudden three people, making in the bright also heart hurt, his calm face, in the strong liquor of wine pot the hand drank completely completely, has stood at once...... The book friend uploads to renew } said: I together get rid with you now.” 莱特卡三人都是始神二重天,都来自于他们布拉德利家族,可谓是家族内最为精锐的一股力量,一下子死了三人,让光明也心中一疼,他沉着脸,将手中酒壶的烈酒全部饮尽,旋即站了起来……书友上传更新}道:“我现在与你一同出手。” Xiao Yao gives a calm smile, your I collaborate, most half a month time, will certainly break the star territory wall barrier. That star territory wall is bonded by Decca Luo releases precise, the star territory wall barrier eradicates, he will therefore also be injured!” The words come here, Xiao Yao look suddenly cloudy severe. 逍遥淡然一笑,“你我联手,最多半月时间,必将破掉星域壁障。那星域壁障由迪卡罗释放凝炼,星域壁障破除,他也会因此受伤!”话到这儿,逍遥眼神骤然阴厉。 If not Decca Luo Bantu gets rid, he early strikes to kill Shi Yan, three bones of that Bloodthirsty should also be obtained by him, Ouyang Luoshuang will not be lost. Will not have that many matters. 若非迪卡罗半途出手,他早将石岩击杀,那嗜血的三根骨头也该被他得到,欧阳洛霜也不会走失。不会有那么多事情。 He has regarded enemy to regard Decca Luo, treats the enemy, Xiao Yao will never have a benevolence. 他已将迪卡罗当成敌人看待,对待敌人,逍遥从不会有一丝仁慈。 Decca Luo He my clan moves toward the opposite, can be he biggest misfortune, the lives of my family three soldiers. I then calculated above him.” Bright Son of Heaven sinking sound track. 迪卡罗和我族走向对立面,会是他最大的不幸,我家族三名儿郎的性命。我便算在他头上了。”光明天王沉声道。 ...... …… Thunder Xiaoxing territory. 雷霄星域。 The Heaven Lake center, God Clan clansman skeletons are withered. These construction gorgeous splendid palaces, crush blasting open at this time, the blood moisten the full crushed stone. 天池中央,一具具神族族人尸骸干瘪。那些修建华美富丽的宫殿,此时粉碎炸裂,鲜血沾满碎石。 Leidong and Ji Peak, Warrior of Kazakh-Mongolian these three Thunder Xiaoxing territory, such as three afterimage are shuttling back and forth by Heaven Lake, the extremely fast is loafing, cuts to kill the God Clan clansmen of evading arrest. 雷垌、季峰、哈蒙这三名雷霄星域的武者,如三道残影天池旁边穿梭着,极速游荡着,将一个个漏网的神族族人斩杀。 These people, Realm is Void God and Source God this rank, pursues facing three Origin God, the opportunity of continually running away does not have. 那些人,境界都是虚神源神这个级别,面对三个始神追击,连逃的机会都没有。 Thunder Xiaoxing the territory is in a closed state, this place all sorts of teleportation expire completely, they can only one by one be killed. 雷霄星域又处于封闭状态,此地种种传送阵全部失效,他们只能一一被杀。 At this moment, they realized that the time the change, realized ten thousand years crossed, God Clan overlord Earth Realm was challenged officially. 这一刻,他们才意识到时代的变迁,意识到万年已过,神族的霸主地位正式被挑战。 When the last God Clan clansman is buried, Leidong takes out Transmission Stone, has licked the licking lips corner/horn, sneers to convey a message: Conveys a message, Letka had been struck to kill by Bloodthirsty Venerable Lord, Heaven Lake all God Clan clansmen were slaughtered completely. From now on, in addition all the God Clan clansman in survival Thunder Xiaoxing territory, is our goals, will strike to kill it fully!” 当最后一名神族族人葬身,雷垌取出音石,舔了舔嘴角,冷笑传话:“传话下去,莱特卡已被嗜血尊主击杀,天池所有神族族人全部被屠戮。从现在起,所有尚且存活雷霄星域的神族族人,都是我们的目标,全力击杀之!” Almost at the same time, Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia also respectively take out Transmission Stone, same spreads the news with Leidong. 几乎同一时间,季峰、哈蒙也各自取出音石,和雷垌一样传出消息。 Leidong and Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia are representing Thunder Xiaoxing the territory three strongest influences, they are the head, the subordinates have numerous loyal and devoted Warrior, when they simultaneously spread the news, the entire Thunder Xiaoxing territory seethes with excitement reacted. 雷垌、季峰、哈蒙代表着雷霄星域三股最强的势力,他们都是首脑,麾下有众多忠心耿耿的武者,当他们同时传出消息,整个雷霄星域都为之沸腾震动 Suddenly, Warrior of all Thunder Xiaoxing territory clear realized that the Heaven Lake giant accident, knows Thunder Xiaoxing the territory clouded over. 一时间,所有雷霄星域的武者都清楚的意识到天池的巨大变故,知道雷霄星域变天了。 Disperses in star territory each corner, the God Clan clansman who still abuses power, is turned into the game by the hunter suddenly, becomes goal that numerous Warrior encircle kills to annihilate. 很多分散在星域各个角落,依然作威作福的神族族人,忽然由猎人变成猎物,成为众多武者围杀歼灭的目标。 Named executes god motion, in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory enormous and powerful is carrying on, every day, each quarter, had the God Clan clansman dead. 一场名为“诛神”的行动,在雷霄星域浩浩荡荡的进行着,每一天,每一刻,都有神族族人丧生。 Spreads message respectively, Leidong Soul Consciousness moves, observes the situation the surroundings, discovered the female who numerous attires expose, timid shrinking in the corner, looks to them who dreads. 各自将讯息传出,雷垌灵魂意识一动,环视周围,发现众多衣着暴露的女子,一个个怯怯的缩在角落,畏惧的看向他们三人。 Leidong deeply looked that was imprisoned many years of various clan beautiful women to these by Letka, sighed, to Ji Fengdao: Puts them to leave, they, are the people in our star territory, is the poor men.” 雷垌深深看向那些被莱特卡禁锢多年的各族美女,叹息一声,冲季峰道:“放他们离开吧,他们,都是我们星域的人,都是可怜人。” Season peak nodded. 季峰点了点头 Leidong silhouette in a flash, appears above Heaven Lake at once, he looked at Shi Yan, then suddenly is startled. 雷垌旋即身影一晃,在天池上方出现,他只是看了一眼石岩,便忽然一怔。 Shi Yan in scarlet smog, the whole body is wandering about destitute strong bloody meaning, the body blooms monster different Red Light, God Body power such as the mountain torrent bursts a dike, is quite wild. 石岩处在一片血色烟雾中,周身流落着浓烈的血腥意味,身上绽放出妖异的红光,神体力量如山洪决堤,极为狂暴。 But his facial expression is quite tranquil, Soul Altar by the rhythm movement that one type is in sole possession, such as and heaven and earth Star Sea fuses a body. 但他神情却极为平静,灵魂祭台以一种独有的韵律运动着,如和天地星海融合一体。 Leidong looks to him, such as looks at vast mystical Star Sea, arises spontaneously unexpectedly a awe. 雷垌看向他,如看着浩淼神秘星海,竟油然而生一种敬畏。 He shakes loudly, suddenly realizes anything, called out hastily: Blockade peripheral! Anybody is not allowed to enter, Venerable Lord is in the breakthrough edge, who cannot be appointed to disturb absolutely!” 他轰然一震,忽然意识到什么,连忙叫道:“封锁周边!任何人不准进入,尊主处于突破边缘,绝对不能受任何人打搅!” Such remarks, Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia are the mind one startled, the season peak said with the female who these attires exposed hastily several, then together came with Kazakhstan , Mongolia, same encircled with Leidong side Shi Yan, arranged barrier formation respectively, protects Shi Yan, for fear that his was affected to cause the Realm breakthrough failure. 此言一出,季峰、哈蒙都是心神一惊,季峰匆匆和那些衣着暴露的女子说了几句,便和哈蒙一道过来,与雷垌一样围在石岩身旁,各自布置结界阵法,来防护石岩,生怕他被人影响而导致境界突破失败。 They have achieved Origin God Boundary, fully realized that in this Realm, each time the breakthrough extremely bad risk, one carelessly is beyond redemption. 他们都达到了始神境界,深知在这个境界中,每次突破都极为凶险,一个不慎便是万劫不复。 Leidong is at Origin God Second Sky, he in the past from First Sky breakthrough Second Sky time, almost soul destroyed/terror-stricken, therefore he is more profound than Ji the experience of Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia. 雷垌更是处在始神二重天,他当年从一重天突破二重天的时候,差点魂飞魄散,所以他比季峰、哈蒙的体会更加深刻。 Three people encircle Shi Yan in central, is precise the respective power deep meaning, spreads out turns into the cloud cluster, flowers and thunder and lightning all sorts of different scenes to come, each scene is by the pure supernatural power portray, has not the weak defensive power. 三个人将石岩围在中央,将各自力量奥义凝炼,衍变成云团、花朵、雷电种种不同的场景来,每一种场景都是由精纯神力刻画,拥有不弱的防御力。 We protect this place temporarily, awaits calmly his breakthrough to succeed.” Leidong said. “我们暂时守护此地,静候他突破成功。”雷垌道。 Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia nod assent. 季峰、哈蒙点头同意。 ...... …… Brilliant varied void basin deep place. 绚烂多姿的虚空流域深处。 Decca Luo partly narrows the eyes to focus, in palm Divine Light is bright, spreads out turns into innumerable tedious marvelous barrier, roams in the slit mouth, then rushes Thunder Xiaoxing the territory. 迪卡罗半眯着眼,掌心内神光熠熠,衍变成无数繁琐奇妙结界,流荡在道道缝隙口,进而涌向雷霄星域。 Seals up the star territory to need to continue to exert power, is Decca Luo this level, is very difficult to be only a arrangement to live star territory thorough restraint, therefore, he deeply hides in the void crevice these days, is the seal of Thunder Xiaoxing territory following is increasing power. 封闭星域需要持续施加力量,便是达到迪卡罗这个层次,也很难单凭一次布置就将一个星域彻底束缚住,因此,这段时间他深藏在虚空夹缝内,为雷霄星域的封印后续增加着力量 , The Decca Luo body trembles suddenly, the pupil internal flow exits trillion light beams, such as different space miniatures. 突地,迪卡罗身子微颤,瞳仁内流转出亿万光束,如一个个不同的空间缩影。 His knitting the brows head, sighed one darkly, muttered: Xiao Yao, bright one and collaborates, that seal feared that cannot maintain was too long, can at most again the close half a month time, does not know that does not suffice enough.” 他皱了皱眉头,暗叹一声,喃喃道:“逍遥、光明一并联手,那封印怕是不能维持太久了,顶多能再封闭半月时间,也不知够不够了。” His line of sight across the stack-up space, projects on Shi Yan, forced smile. 他视线穿过层叠空间,投射在石岩身上,不由苦笑。 At this time, Shi Yan was in breakthrough to the Origin God Second Sky checkpoint, he thought communication unable. 这时候,石岩正处于突破始神二重天的关卡,他想传讯都不能。 He lives an urgency darkly, the brow deep lock, I intervene forcefully, strives for half a month at most again, one month, the boy wants breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky, did not know enough his Resurrect......” 他暗生一丝急切,眉头深锁,“我强行干预,也顶多再争取半月,一个月的时间,那小子又要突破始神二重天,也不知够不够将他复活了……” Decca Luo expression worried. 迪卡神色担忧。 He is that person of successor, Origin God Second Sky breakthrough to the average man probably needs to spend the long time, to him, is perhaps quick , can only so hope...... Masters, master......” “他是那人的继承者,对常人来说始神二重天突破可能需要花费漫长时间,对他,或许很快,也只能如此希望了……主人,主人……” Like the sleep talking summon, are reverberating in the Shi Yan soul, that is Ring Spirit sound. 一声声如梦呓般的呼唤,在石岩灵魂内回荡着,那是“戒灵”的声音。 After it by the Ming Hao seal, cannot achieve the relation with Shi Yan, the communication of both sides cut off. 它被冥晧封印后,原本并不能和石岩达成联系,双方的沟通被斩断。 But this Shi Yan is in the breakthrough checkpoint, the mind tranquilly, does not know how it searches the method, transmits the weak news to read unexpectedly once more. 但这次石岩处于突破的关卡,心神宁静之极,也不知它如何寻觅到方法,竟然再次传来微弱的讯念。 Helps me to untie the seal, that person of institute said that is the rumors, he is to substitute for you, becomes my master, becomes Bloodthirsty new person Venerable Lord. You are incredible he, the master, I follows your many years, you should be clear I not to harm you, you should know......” “助我解开封印,那人所说都是谎言,他是想要取代你,成为我的主人,成为嗜血新人尊主。你万万不可信他,主人,我跟随你多年,你应该清楚我从没有害过你,你应该知道……” The summon of Ring Spirit is off and on, seems must flow to the Shi Yan mind the thought that is not quite easy. 戒灵的呼唤断断续续,好似要将念头流向石岩脑海,对它来说极为不容易。 Opportunity that it chooses, actually when exactly is Shi Yan breakthrough...... 只是,它选择的时机,却恰恰是石岩突破之际…… In breakthrough, cannot be disturbed by foreign object, otherwise light, then accidentally discharges Bedevilment, the heavy soul falls from the sky. 突破中,绝不能受外物打搅,不然轻则走火入魔,重则自己灵魂陨灭。 It while this time communication Shi Yan, compels to have no other choice, is the intention is illegal. 它趁着此时传讯石岩,要不是逼不得已,就是心怀不轨。 A summon such as has the charm, reverberates in the Shi Yan mind unceasingly, by slightly becomes bang the bang, making the Shi Yan heart not live Ningxia gradually. 声声呼唤如有着魔力,在石岩脑海不断回荡,由轻微变得轰隆隆巨响,令石岩渐渐心生不宁。 Shi Yan closes one's eyes tightly, the breath is gradually loud, within the body supernatural power circulation starts everywhere to stagnate. 石岩紧闭着眼睛,呼吸渐渐粗重,体内神力流转开始处处凝滞。 Nearby Leidong and Ji Peak, the Kazakh-Mongolian complexion quickly change, neglected to realize wonderfully, has not encircled, the expression was serious. 旁边的雷垌、季峰、哈蒙脸色倏地一变,忽视意识到不妙,都围了过来,表情沉重。 Shi Yan this time response, if must lose slowly, accidentally discharges Bedevilment in breakthrough. 石岩此时的反应,如要慢慢迷失,在突破中走火入魔 This is not quite wonderful 这极为不妙 ......( To be continued..) RX ……(未完待续。。)RX
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