GOS :: Volume #14

#1313: A person of foot

Cook, Jeremy because of the sudden loss of supernatural power, Soul Altar become the failure are quite weak, they laborious precise strikes, was pulled into to vanish void, simply is to the heavy losses of their mind. 库克、杰里米因为神力的急剧损耗,灵魂祭台变得颇为衰竭虚弱,两人辛苦凝炼的一击,被扯入虚空消失,简直是对他们心灵的重创。 They receive the hand suddenly, the look becomes glittering gets up, obviously had the new ponder. 他们忽然收手,眼神都变得闪烁起来,显然有了新的思考。 They are the clansmen of Bradley Family, the status in the family is honored, this comes Thunder Xiaoxing the territory to coordinate Letka, helping Letka stabilize the situation, they see the situation not to be wonderful, then prepares to discard Letka, must be separated from the place is apt to get into trouble. 他们都是布拉德利家族的族人,在家族内身份尊贵,这趟前来雷霄星域只是为了配合莱特卡,帮莱特卡稳定局势,他们一见形势不妙,便准备舍弃莱特卡,要脱离是非之地。 Their look glittering, quietly was shooting a look at Letka. 两人眼神闪烁着,不由悄悄瞥了一眼莱特卡 Letka and Leidong all are the cultivation thunder and lightning deep meanings, but God Clan has the exceptional superiority in the fleshly body intensity, the flesh and blood essence and cultivation talent, Letka does not extinguish the body to deal by God Clan, all sorts of thunder and lightning deep meanings releases exquisitely, must exceed that Leidong to plan obviously. 莱特卡和雷垌皆是修炼雷电奥义,但神族肉身强度、血肉精气、修炼天赋上有着得天独厚的优势,莱特卡神族不灭体应对,将种种雷电奥义的精妙释放出来,明显要胜过那雷垌一筹。 With is Origin God Second Sky, Leidong retreats in defeat again and again, unexpectedly by own thunder and lightning backlash, whole body by Thunder She pestering, the appearance is distressed. 同为始神二重天,雷垌节节败退,竟然被自己的雷电反噬,浑身被雷蛇给纠缠着,模样狼狈。 Cook, Jeremy see Letka to get winning side, the intention move, suddenly was said by Cook with one voice: Letka, this boy is thorny, you deal with a while first, that person...... We help you shoulder.” 库克、杰里米见莱特卡占据上风,心念一动,忽然由库克齐声道:“莱特卡,这小子棘手,你先来应付一会儿,那人……我们帮你扛下。” Speech time, Cook, Jeremy then must with the Letka fluctuation match, probably give Letka Shi Yan this hot potato. 说话的时候,库克、杰里米便要和莱特卡变幻对手,要将石岩这烫手山芋交给莱特卡 Letka stares, turns around to look that complexion gloomy gets up fiercely, you collaborate, can't support him unexpectedly? Haven't you understood what is heard to the injunction of family?” 莱特卡一愣,转身一看,脸色猛地阴沉起来,“你们俩联手,竟然吃不住他?你们是不是对家族的嘱咐没听明白?” He thinks that Cook, Jeremy have not tried. 他以为库克、杰里米没有尽全力。 Cook, the Jeremy innermost feelings forced smile, changes into a wisp of flame, wisp of icy light, arrived at side Letka. 库克、杰里米内心苦笑,化为一缕火光,一缕冰光,已到了莱特卡身旁。 , Shi Yan has not gotten rid to stop extraordinarily. 出奇地,石岩并未出手阻拦。 His Ling Li above Heaven Lake, in the pupil splits together Divine Light, looked that to void slit that heals gradually. 他凌立在天池上方,眸中绽出一道神光,怔怔看向那逐渐愈合的虚空缝隙。 He knows that just some people in secret got rid, affect the void slit that he has released, fused ball of light guiding that Cook, Jeremy's ice fire to other space, that person, should deliver newcomer him, Thunder Xiaoxing territory close fearful existence. 他知道刚刚有人暗中出手,影响了他释放的虚空缝隙,将那库克、杰里米的冰火融合光球导引向别的空间了,那人,应该就是将他送来者,将雷霄星域封闭的可怕存在。 His not clear that person stems from what intent, at this time sees Cook, Jeremy to dive, then with rapt attention emits soul message: Senior what intent?” 他不清楚那人出自何意,此时见库克、杰里米潜走,便凝神放出灵魂讯息:“前辈何意?” He knows that person should in the nearby. 他知道那人应该就在附近。 What a pity that person has not responded, the space slit that he builds also healed, the galaxy becomes smooth. 可惜那人没有回应,他营造出来的空间缝隙也愈合了,星河重新变得平整。 In void turbulent flow. 虚空乱流中。 Decca Luo in the brilliant light beam intersection point, two has the marvelous mark, that mark is put by Cook, Jeremy suddenly ices inflation ball of light that the strength of fire congeals, appears suddenly from that mark, by Decca Luo by the big supernatural power compression, in a short time, that was inflated the ball of light contraction for the fist size crystal, in the crystal is pasting the flame and ice flame, is marvelous. 迪卡罗在绚烂的光束交汇处,两手结出奇妙印记,那印记骤然放由库克、杰里米冰火之力凝结的膨胀光球,从那印记中忽然显现出来,被迪卡罗以大法力压缩,在很短时间内,那膨胀光球收缩为拳头大小的晶体,晶体内流转着火焰和冰焰,非常奇妙。 „Not poor energy, blasting open too wasted.” Decca Luo Nie that crystal, satisfied smiling , the eye pupil is flashing through together light the blade edge at once, cuts open the space, looks to the Shi Yan direction, you have Devouring Deep Meaning, does not lack energy, this thing did not give you.” “不菲的能量,炸裂就太浪费了。”迪卡罗捏着那晶体,满意的笑了笑,旋即眼眸闪过一道光刃,切开空间,瞧向石岩的方向,“你有吞噬奥义,并不缺少能量,这东西就不给你了。” He throws conveniently, that crystal then circles in flight, passes through the overlapping space, crashes toward a region. 他随手一抛,那晶体便飞旋出去,穿越层层叠叠空间,往一处区域坠落。 Grace Mainland, in Endless Sea islands. 神恩大陆,无尽海的一座岛屿上。 The Xia Xinyan beautiful figure sits on a seashore reef, the looks at deep blue sea water, in the beautiful pupil reveals the meaning of thick thinking of fondly. 夏心妍倩影坐在海边一块礁石上,看着湛蓝海水,美眸中流露出浓浓思恋之意。 In her mind the scene fluctuates, such as time perpetual flow enters retreat quickly, very mysterious appears with Shi Yan more than 200 years of picture her, she as if pinches same can the sharp weapon of shuttle time, unceasingly retreat, compartment of her soul shuttle when difference, in backward in the past...... 她脑海中场景变幻,如时间长河的快进后退,非常神奇的将她和石岩200多年的景象一幕幕浮现,她似乎捏着一样能穿梭时间的利器,不断地后退,她灵魂穿梭在不同时间段,在追溯过去…… A crystal drops from the clouds suddenly, very fortunately „” falls to her head chignon, at once such as water drop fluid, integrates in her brain quietly. 一枚晶体忽然从天而降,很凑巧的“啪嗒”落向她头上发髻上,旋即如一滴水液,悄然融入她脑中。 Her whole body trembles suddenly greatly, is out of control to look up the day, the beautiful pupil full is astonished puzzled. 浑身猛然巨颤,禁不住抬头看天,美眸满是惊愕不解。 Pure rich power, bursts out suddenly from her within the body, made her Realm change instantaneously. 一股精纯丰沛的力量,忽然从她体内迸发出来,瞬间令她境界发生变化。 In the void turbulent flow, Decca Luo line of sight such as across layer upon layer the wall barrier, such as falls to her, in the eye reveals extremely complex expression, muttered in a soft voice is whispering anything, space, time......” 虚空乱流内,迪卡罗视线如穿过层层壁障,如落向她身上,眼中流露出极为复杂的神色,轻声喃喃低语着什么,“空间,时间……” Also in this time, he hears Shi Yan soul communication, but he gives a calm smile, has not given the response. 也在此时,他听到石岩的灵魂传讯,不过他只是淡然一笑,并未给出回应。 In Thunder Xiaoxing territory. 雷霄星域中。 Shi Yan cuts off the anticipation between hearts, the facial expression restores calmly, he looks to Cook, Jeremy, Letka, grins to grin fiendishly. 石岩将心间的期待斩断,神情重新恢复冷静,他看向库克、杰里米、莱特卡三人,咧嘴狞笑。 He did not worry that Cook, Jeremy can escape, the present Thunder Xiaoxing territory had been sealed up, such as a basket of seal, nobody can come, also nobody can exit. 他并不担心库克、杰里米能逃掉,如今的雷霄星域已经被封闭了,如一个密封的笼子,无人能进来,也无人能够出去。 In this environment, who can escape is skilled in Space Deep Meaning pursuit of his? 在这种环境下,何人能逃过精通空间奥义的他的追击? Venerable Lord, please remember your commitment!” 尊主,请记得你的承诺!” Then in this time, that Leidong suddenly roar, Soul Altar such as volcanic eruption, fleeing in all directions of fleshly body supernatural power extremely fast.( Book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) 便在此时,那雷垌忽然厉啸,灵魂祭台如火山喷发,肉身神力极速的流窜。(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新) Ji Peak, the Kazakh-Mongolian complexion of distant place change, simultaneously screamed: Does not want!” 远处的季峰、哈蒙脸色一变,同时尖叫起来:“不要!” Shi Yan also loudly shakes, gets rid decisively. 石岩也轰然一震,果断出手。 silhouette moves, he then bridges over the space length, concentrates in Leidong behind directly appears, you for have sufficed many, I who Thunder Xiaoxing the territory did must strike to kill them, did not need your sacrifice.” 身影一动,他便跨过空间距离,直接在雷垌身后凝现出来,“你为雷霄星域做的已经够多了,我要击杀他们,并不需要你的牺牲。” He puts out a hand according to the Leidong back of the body, the fluctuation of Leidong terrifying, is suddenly steady. 他伸手按向雷垌后心,雷垌身上恐怖的波动,忽然间平稳下来。 Venerable Lord!” Leidong drinks lowly. 尊主!”雷垌低喝。 You help me extinguish the light here surplus, the Letka three people, I deliver them to turn over to the ruins fully.” Shi Yan Hehe smiles, in the hand Blood Sword wields conveniently, scarlet rainbow then shows in Star Sea, he such as wipes the blood shade, vanishes in that scarlet rainbow suddenly. “你去帮我将这里的剩余者灭光,莱特卡三人,我一人足矣送他们归墟。”石岩嘿嘿一笑,手中血剑随手一挥,一条血色天虹便在星海内展现出来,他如一抹血影,在那血色天虹内忽然消失。 Old Lei, making him deal with, he can!” Ji Peak called out hastily. 雷老,让他应付,他可以的!”季峰连忙叫道。 Kazakhstan , Mongolia also repeatedly dissuade, peaceful death might as well barely exist, you did not need to sacrifice, these years you for Thunder Xiaoxing territory sacrifice were too many!” 哈蒙也连声劝阻,“好死不如赖活着,你根本不用牺牲,这些年来你为雷霄星域牺牲的太多了!” Leidong there, deeply looked that to that wipes the scarlet shadow, in the eye reveals the unusual appearance, hesitates half sound, his slight bow, whispered by oneself his sound, that my this life, was then remaining, for Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, was remaining for you......” 雷垌愣在那儿,深深看向那一抹血色影子,眼中露出异样神采,沉吟半响,他微微点头,以自己他自己的声音低语,“那我这条命,便留着,为雷霄星域,也是为你留着……” He turns around, the facial expression becomes incomparably firm and resolute, launches to chase down to the God Clan clansman with Kazakhstan , Mongolia and season peak together. 他转身,神情变得无比坚毅,与哈蒙、季峰一道儿对神族族人展开追杀。 These God Clan people, are the Letka subordinates, Realm really insufficiently their impacts, in the intermittent pitiful yell sound, God Clan clansman God Body explodes broken, the soul such as the smog disperses. 那些神族人,都是莱特卡的麾下,境界委实不够他们的冲击,在阵阵惨叫声中,一个个神族族人神体爆碎,灵魂如烟雾飞散。 They do not know that falling from the sky of that God Clan clansman, is to the Shi Yan biggest help. 他们并不知道,那一个个神族族人的陨灭,就是对石岩最大的帮助。 That tragic death, God Body and body human bone quietly was adsorbed by Shi Yan, pulls into that scarlet rainbow, spreads out turns into Blood Soul Sea, the fear, desperately, cruel, hatred all sorts of Negative Emotions negative fluctuations, one by one is surging in Blood Soul Sea, adds evil of Blood Soul Sea. 那一个个惨死者,神体、躯骸都被石岩悄然吸附,扯入那条血色天虹,衍变成血魂海,恐惧、绝望、暴戾、怨毒种种负面情绪负面波动,一一血魂海内涌动着,更添血魂海的邪恶。 Shi Yan is absorbing these energy satisfied, was utilizing the strength of death in Blood Sea adeptly, turned into the scarlet brook Blood Sea, such as the blood-red colored ribbon was common, extends to Letka, Cook, the Jeremy directions. 石岩惬意的吸收着那些能量,在血海中娴熟运用着死亡之力,将血海变成条条血色溪流,如血红色彩带一般,延伸向莱特卡、库克、杰里米三人的方向。 That three people such as got sucked into mire, under the extending spread of that scarlet brook, whole body everywhere is restrained, thought that the supernatural power seemed taken the shackles, sacrificial altar becomes the revolution is crabbed, the exquisite deep meaning cannot release. 那三人如被深陷泥沼,在那血色溪流的延伸蔓延下,一个个浑身处处受制,觉得神力仿佛被带上了枷锁,就连祭台都变得运转艰涩,许多精妙的奥义都释放不出。 In, Shi Yan Blood Soul Sea affected their minds, seeps to their soul. 在不知不觉间,石岩血魂海已影响他们的心灵,渗透向他们灵魂。 Thunder rumbles Heaven Rend!” “雷轰天裂!” Letka cruel was roaring, the thunder snake worked loose from his palm, chi chi was screaming, wreaked havoc in Blood Sea, must give torn to pieces of bang Blood Sea. 莱特卡暴戾的吼叫着,条条雷蛇从他手掌心挣脱出来,嗤嗤尖叫着,在血海内肆虐,要将血海给轰的支离破碎。 Cook, Jeremy also stimulate to movement supernatural power, in beginning the flame such as the sea are in flood, icy peak put on to shoot, must collaborate with Letka, the world of smashing Shi Yan precise blood, then strikes to kill Shi Yan. 库克、杰里米也纷纷催动神力,始界内火焰如海洋泛滥,冰峰座座穿射出来,要和莱特卡一起联手,将石岩凝炼的血之世界粉碎,进而将石岩击杀。 What a pity, displays full Shi Yan at this time, when the absorb numerous God Clan clansmen died power, is at most peak condition, power that now can utilize, has greatly been over the Letka three people, that Blood Soul Sea such as creeping motion the malignant tumor of blood, after the Letka three people submerge, then unceasingly increases power. 可惜,此时施展出全力的石岩,又吸纳众多神族族人死亡时的力量,处于最为巅峰状态,如今能运用出来的力量,已经大大超过莱特卡三人,那血魂海如一个蠕动的血之毒瘤,将莱特卡三人淹没后,便不断增添力量 negative energy continuously, being hard imagination of terrifying, direct viscous is attached to their sacrificial altar space great change!” 源源不绝的负面之力,恐怖的难以想象,直接粘稠的附在他们祭台“空间巨变!” Shi Yan sinks to drink in Blood Sea, that Blood Sea blasts open suddenly, such as the glass smashing, turns into the innumerable bloody glow bright fragments. 石岩血海中沉喝,那血海骤然炸裂,如玻璃粉碎,化成无数血光熠熠的碎片。 By the Letka three people that Blood Sea binds, God Body is exploded in abundance, whole body skeleton smashing, whole body overflowing full blood. 血海裹住的莱特卡三人,神体纷纷爆炸,浑身骨骼粉碎,周身溢满鲜血。 In smashing Blood Sea, Shi Yan cracks into a smile, God Body such as the incarnation myriad, in the different scarlet chips, at Cook, Letka, the Jeremy body side, such as appears in the different mirrors, such as shuttle in real illusory. 在粉碎的血海中,石岩咧嘴一笑,神体如化身万千,处在不同的血色晶片中,处在库克、莱特卡、杰里米身侧,如在不同的镜子内浮现,如穿梭在真实虚幻之间。 This is one exquisiteness of Space Deep Meaning, is the space refraction, is he understands clearly the comprehension in the imaginary territory. 这是空间奥义的一种精妙,为空间折射,是他在幻域洞悉领悟。 Many Shi Yan are fluctuating the position, such as locust one by one fires into Letka, these illusion have the life to fluctuate, is far from the thing of illusory, that fluctuation had the death, hatred and fear cruelly, precise, the special corrosion mind, seeped to three human bodies. 许多石岩变幻着位置,如蝗虫一一冲向莱特卡,那些幻象却有着生命波动,绝非虚幻之物,那波动有死亡、怨毒、恐惧、暴戾凝炼而成,专门腐蚀心灵,渗透向三人体内。 fleshly body is seriously battered the Letka three people, in the scarlet fragment of smashing, the facial expression reveals completely at a loss stunned. 肉身遭受重创的莱特卡三人,在粉碎的血色碎片中,神情全部露出茫然错愕。 This facial expression also finally frames. 这神情也最后定格住。 Three people cannot move, Soul Altar has fallen into enemy hands, lost the God Body leading power. 三人再也不能动弹,灵魂祭台已经失守,失去了神体的主导权。 By Negative Energy precise Shi Yan, by clearly becomes fuzzy, vanishes in that three human bodies. 一个个由负面力量凝炼的石岩,一个个由清晰变得模糊,消失在那三人体内。 Three people of strong God Body such as took away the flesh and blood by the pump pump, is withered at the naked eye obvious speed, loses the flesh and blood essence, a life has not fluctuated, was blown finally to change into the ash by the wind, thorough dissipation. 三人强健的神体如被抽水泵抽掉血肉,以肉眼可见的速度干瘪,失去血肉精气,没有一丝生命波动,最终被风一吹化为了灰,彻底消散。 Together vanishes also has their Soul Altar. 一同消失的还有他们的灵魂祭台 At once, many Shi Yan of disappearance, one by one concentrates appears, the incarnation that such as disperses, fuses one after another mutually, finally only remains one person to exist. 旋即,许多消失的石岩,一一重新凝现出来,如分散出来的化身,一个接着一个相互融合,最终只剩一人存在。 This Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus, such as Ferocious Beast of full food flesh and blood, has licked the scarlet corners of the mouth, satisfied lowly chuckled. 这个石岩眯着眼,如饱食血肉的凶兽,舔了舔猩红嘴角,满足的嘿嘿低笑 He knows that this fight ended Thunder Xiaoxing the territory general situation to decide, but he, breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky, goes a step to further Immortal. 他知道,这趟战斗结束雷霄星域大局将定,而他,将突破始神二重天,离不朽更进一步。 Leidong three people still in continue chase down God Clan to run away Warrior, whenever Warrior died, then changes into one bunch of bloody glow under his God's Domain, integrates his within the body directly, helping him promote power. 身旁雷垌三人还在继续追杀神族逃窜武者,每当一个武者死亡,便在他神之领域下化为一束血光,直接融入他体内,帮他增进力量 Exquisiteness of Devouring Deep Meaning, hence, gradual by him tried to find out is lost in thought mysterious. 吞噬奥义的精妙,至此,才逐渐的被他摸索出神奥。
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