GOS :: Volume #14

#1312: Fights two

Makes Xiao star territory exchange ownerships? Hahaha! You think that you are Xuan He or Ming Hao? When you really you were Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord?” Letka grins to grin fiendishly, about a two show, the lightning thunder congeals, changes into a several kilometers thunder and lightning python, eats the food toward Shi Yan loudly. “让雷霄星域易主?哈哈哈!你以为你是玄河还是冥晧?你真当你是嗜血尊主了?”莱特卡咧嘴狞笑,左右两手一展,道道闪电雷霆凝结出来,化为一条数千米雷电巨蟒,轰然朝着石岩啃食而来。 Venerable Lord, please let me come.” Leidong sinks to drink suddenly, goes forward one step. 尊主,请让我来。”雷垌忽然沉喝,上前一步。 His sleeve cuff shakes, several thousand silver spheres carry Thunder astral to kill the electricity, rolling welcomed to that thunder and lightning python, both bumped, everywhere lightning[ stirred up] shot, the thunder shook crazily, void was similar to caved in generally. 他袖口一抖,数千银色圆球携带着雷罡殛电,滚滚迎向那条雷电巨蟒,两者一碰,漫天闪电〖激〗射,雷霆狂震,虚空如同塌陷了一般。 Leidong once for Thunder Xiao pledge vice- Union Master, cultivates the thunder, with Letka Realm is also consistent, reason that these years he conceals identity, does not fear Letka. 雷垌曾为雷霄盟副盟主,也修雷,和莱特卡境界也是一致,这些年来他之所以隐姓埋名,并非惧怕莱特卡 He feared is Letka behind Bradley Family, what fears is entire God Clan, what fears is Thunder Xiaomeng and Thunder Xiaoxing the territory is eliminated truly. 他怕是的莱特卡身后的布拉德利家族,怕的乃是整个神族,怕的是雷霄盟和雷霄星域真正被消灭。 Now, after obtaining the Shi Yan promise, he has cut off fearing intent in heart, finally dares to stand truly, dares to shout own real name: Letka, I tell you today, Thunder Bao who you must look, is obsolete!” 如今,得到石岩许诺后,他斩断了心中的惧意,终于敢真正站出来,敢喊出自己的真名:“莱特卡,我今天告诉你,你一直要找的雷雹,正是老朽!” Originally, you are that fish slip through!” After Letka shakes, grins: So good, so long as you died, Thunder Xiao the pledge then truly did not have lights, this Thunder Xiaoxing territory thorough will be also law-abiding, my this delivered you to start off.” “原来,你就是那个漏网之鱼!”莱特卡一震后,咧嘴道:“如此甚好,只要你死了,雷霄盟便真正没有一点灯火了,这雷霄星域也会彻底安分了,我这就送你上路。” Ji Peak, Kazakh-Mongolian one hear of Letka said that steels one's heart, then wanting stands to begin. 季峰、哈蒙一听莱特卡这么说,心一横,便欲站出来动手。 Your matches, are these people.” Shi Yan walks, keeps off in front of them, has referred to these palace sentry post stages the God Clan bodyguard. “你们的对手,是那些人。”石岩走过来,挡在他们前面,指了指身旁的那些宫殿哨台上神族侍卫。 Ji Peak, Kazakh-Mongolian whole face stunned. 季峰、哈蒙满脸愕然 They harbor to go to heart to come, prepares and Letka and that two Origin God Second Sky Expert battles, was the preparation is Shi Yan sacrificed, takes Soul Altar to rupture for the price, must make heavy losses to the Letka three people for Shi Yan first. 他们是怀着赴死之心过来的,是准备和莱特卡和那两个始神二重天强者交战的,是准备为石岩牺牲,以灵魂祭台爆裂为代价,要替石岩先重创莱特卡三人的。 At crucial moments, a Shi Yan suddenly such saying, making them be all shocked. 在关键时刻,石岩忽然这么一说,让他们全愣住了。 Has a mind on enough.” Shi Yan smiled, has patted their shoulders, takes big strides moves toward Cook, Jeremy. “有心就够了。”石岩笑了笑,拍了拍他们的肩膀,阔步走向库克、杰里米。 His forehead, in beginning departs two bunches of bloody glow, changes into one sword one shield, is rank red like the blood, he grasps the sword, grasps the shield, looks to Cook, Jeremy, the eye pupil suddenly gradually scarlet-red, a cavity soars to the heavens the malignant influences, rich such as billowing Blood Sea submerges. 他一点眉心,始界中飞出两束血光,化为一剑一盾,皆是腥红如血,他一手持剑,一手持盾,看向库克、杰里米,眼眸骤然渐渐赤红,一腔冲天煞气,浓郁的如滚滚血海淹没而来。 On that Blood Sword eyes, open suddenly, to Cook, Jeremy. 血剑上一只只眼睛,突地纷纷睁开,都对向库克、杰里米。 The instant, Cook, Jeremy such as were submerged by endless Blood Sea, such as looks at // quickest writing to renew www.shumilou.com non- ball window not to have the advertisement // to see the countless skeleton, such as lived in the soul by Blood Sea bone mountain Geiding, the mind has shaken loudly. 霎那间,库克、杰里米如被无尽血海淹没,如瞧//最快文字更新www.shumilou.com无弹窗无广告//见累累尸骨,如被血海骨山给定住了灵魂,心神轰然一震。 This goes directly to the evil impact of innermost soul! 这是直达灵魂深处的邪恶冲击! Achieves Origin God Second Sky Cook and Jeremy, instantaneously is unexpectedly distracted, the innermost feelings move restlessly restlessly, blood such as raging fire burning down, always calm faint falls into enemy hands immediately. 达到始神二重天的库克和杰里米,竟然瞬间精神恍惚,内心躁动不安,血液如烈火焚烧,一向的镇定淡漠立即失守。 Cuts mentally confused!” “斩心乱!” Cook pupil turns into the dark green suddenly, drinks fiercely severely, at once one bunch of icy light pass to come from the day exosmosis, in the evil thought his hearts cuts off instantaneously. 库克瞳仁忽然变成暗青色,猛地厉喝,旋即一束冰光从天外渗透而来,将他心间邪念瞬间斩断。 His look immediately restores to be Pure Brightness calm. 他眼神立即恢复清明冷静。 The forehead cold glow appears, swells suddenly infinitely, turns into a woods cold clear icy peak, that icy peak ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, occupies a land area of hundred mu, glittering the shining cold brightness, the deep meaning of true meaning implication ice, the turning round rotation, is refracting million icy light, such as sleet falls to Shi Yan. 眉心一点寒芒浮现,突地无限胀大,变成一座森寒晶莹冰峰,那冰峰万丈高,占地百亩,闪烁着明晃晃的寒光,蕴含冰之奥义真谛,滴溜溜的转动着,折射出百万冰光,如冰雨蓬蓬落向石岩 Jeremy restores the calm that instant in Cook, fleshly body is awakened by a chill in the air, forehead were suddenly many combustion flame Symbols, that Symbols like solar sending out terrifying quantity of heat. 杰里米在库克恢复冷静的那一霎,肉身被一丝寒意惊醒,额头忽然多了一个燃烧的火焰符号,那符号如太阳般散发着恐怖的热量。 Shortly, Jeremy silhouette was submerged by that flame Symbols, he turns into a giant flame group, is releasing the dreadful burning hot, with Cook's ice cold marvelous conjunction without a gap, gives Shi Yan to bring the pressure together. 在顷刻间,杰里米身影被那火焰符号淹没,他变成一个巨大的火焰团,释放着滔天炙热,和库克的冰寒奇妙的契合无间,一同给石岩施加压力。 Ice hot purgatory!” “冰火炼狱!” Cook, Jeremy simultaneously lowly roar, that woods cold clear icy peak, is situated above Tao Heavenly Flame flame suddenly, in that flame and frozen, ice cold and extremely hot dual power flashes before alternately, makes the person, if places oneself in the purgatory, bears the endless pain to suffer. 库克、杰里米同时低吼,那那座森寒晶莹的冰峰,骤然坐落在滔天火焰上方,在那火焰、冰封间,冰寒、酷热双重力量交替闪现,令人如置身炼狱中,忍受无尽痛苦折磨。 Ji Peak, Kazakh-Mongolian and Shi Yan great distance is not far, in that is extremely cold, in extremely hot alternate impact complementary waves, complexion Bai Huhong, the whole body burning hot, ices suddenly suddenly suddenly coldly biting cold, the supernatural power messes up thoroughly, Soul Altar becomes extremely unstable. 季峰、哈蒙和石岩相隔不远,在那极寒、极热交替的冲击余波中,脸色忽白忽红,忽浑身炙热,忽冰寒彻骨,神力彻底乱套,灵魂祭台都变得极其不稳定。 Cook, Jeremy's collaboration, extremely will be cold, the extremely hot deep meaning by special as if to fuse, forms the extremely fearful might, can affect the supernatural power unexpectedly, and Soul Altar, making the match everywhere be restrained, cannot release true power. 库克、杰里米的联手,将极寒、极热奥义以特殊仿佛融合,形成极其可怕的威力,竟然能影响神力、和灵魂祭台,让对手处处受制,根本不能将真正的力量释放出来。 Only then Origin God First Sky Realm Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia, under two Second Sky Origin God ice fires collaborate, the facial expression is distressed, does not live in retreat, the look with amazement. 只有始神一重天境界的季峰、哈蒙,在两个二重天始神的冰火联手下,神情狼狈,不住后退,眼神骇然。 At this moment, they realized that the detection on Realm, really such as the hard-to-pass gully, they have a dilutedness. 这一刻,他们才意识到境界上的察觉,果然如难以逾越的沟壑,他们生出一种无力感。 At once their mind shakes, suddenly remembers them is not Cook, Jeremy's true goal, is only by affect, their simultaneously looks to Shi Yan. 旋即他们心神一震,忽然想起他们并非库克、杰里米的真正目标,只是受波及者罢了,他们齐齐看向石岩 Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia suddenly one dull. 季峰、哈蒙忽地一呆。 Under their gazes, Shi Yan such as ten thousand years of rock is steady, under the impacts of million icy light, silhouette stands erect motionless, these icy light such as the feather arrow illness shoots to come, the entire tribe to him, actually all kept off by at the same time Blood Shield. 在他们的注视下,石岩如万年磐石般稳健,在百万冰光的冲击下,身影屹立不动,那些冰光如羽箭疾射而来,全部落向他,却被一面血盾尽数挡下。 , These icy light have not crushed extraordinarily, but is melt in that Blood Shield Center scarlet cloud cluster mark. 出奇地,那些冰光并未粉碎,而是消融在那血盾〖中〗央血色云团印记中。 Is extremely cold as for that the spread of extremely hot ice hot purgatory, Shi Yan as if from the start not affected, is grasping Blood Sword, the God Body rapid change, changes into the Immortal Devil Clan body of shape Immortal, energy fluctuation increases in a terrifying way rapidly. 至于那极寒、极热的冰火炼狱的蔓延,石岩仿佛压根不受影响,一只手持着血剑,神体快速变化,化为不死魔族不死之身形态,身上的能量波动以一种恐怖的方式迅速攀升。 , Ji Xing, Kazakhstan , Mongolia then discovered quickly Shi Yan power fluctuation, has surpassed him and Ji Peak, gives ignorant, unexpectedly not inferior Cook, Jeremy. 很快地,季幸、哈蒙便发现石岩身上的力量波动,已经超过他和季峰、给蒙,竟然丝毫不逊色库克、杰里米两人。 Worthily is Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, we cannot estimate.” Ji Fengzan, had then felt relieved that said to Kazakhstan , Mongolia: Perhaps we should listen to his suggestion, helping him attend to the role of surrounding, that hard stubble, then gives him to process then.” “不愧是嗜血尊主,非我们能够测度。”季峰赞了一声,便放下心来,对哈蒙道:“或许我们应该听他的建议,帮他料理外围的角色,那硬茬,便交给他来处理即可。” I also think so.” Kazakh-Mongolian nod. “我也这么看。”哈蒙点头。 Two people the branch target, disperses immediately, starts to these God Clan bodyguards. 两人马上转移目标,分散开来,冲那些神族侍卫下手。 Suddenly, this thunder Xiao Heaven Lake is in chaotic situation, numerous neck bring the beautiful woman dog of collar to run away distressedly, a face mournful must withdraw as soon as possible. 一时间,这雷霄天池鸡飞狗跳,众多脖颈带着项圈的美人犬狼狈而逃,一脸凄然的要尽快脱身。 Fight that because Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake has at this time, at is not any power complementary waves that they can endure slightly attacks, can turn into the flying ash them instantaneously. 因为雷霄天池此时发生的战斗,根本不是她们能够稍稍忍受的任何力量余波冲击过来,都能瞬间将她们化成飞灰。 Two power come extremely coldly and extremely hot alternately, such as the great waves of stack-up, whip maliciously on Shi Yan. 极寒、极热两种力量交替而来,如层叠的浪涛,狠狠拍打在石岩身上。 Shi Yan standing firm. 石岩屹然不动。 In that space slit, he knows Blood Sword and Blood Shield true mystery through Ring Spirit since then, his strength then increases plans. 在那空间缝隙内,他通过“戒灵”知晓血剑血盾的真正奥妙从那时起,他实力便攀升一筹。 Whets after these days slaughtering, he is even more skilled to the utilization of Blood Sword and Blood Shield, in addition three exquisiteness of deep meanings, the different power instantaneous explosive forces, he fully aware of here has three Origin God Second Sky, dares to come to seek battle. 经过这段时间的杀戮磨砺,他对血剑血盾的运用愈发熟练,加上三种奥义的精妙,不同力量的瞬间爆发力,他才明知这里有三个始神二重天者,也敢过来求战。 Because he can strike to kill that three people self-confidently! 因为他自信可以击杀那三人! Today then borrows you three people of power bodies , helping me to increase the new altitude.” “今天便借你们三人的力量躯壳,来助我攀升新的高度。” Shi Yan eyes like the blood, the intention fluctuates that Blood Shield to change into the scarlet cloud cluster, one by one covers on him, with body of perfect fusion his Immortal, lets him[ body] in the Devil Blood ebullition, such as was activated thoroughly, whole body multiplies immediately endless vigorously. 石岩双眸如血,心念变幻那血盾化为朵朵血色云团,一一覆盖在他身上,和他不死之身完美的融合,让他〖体〗内魔血沸腾,如被彻底激活了,浑身顿时滋生无尽大力。 A forehead radiant galaxy has put from forehead, that galaxy is eye-catching, has the scarlet blood line is wriggling, such as that galaxy has the veins of person, is quite strange. 一点额头一条璀璨星河从眉心穿了出来,那星河夺目耀眼,却有猩红的血线在其中蠕动着,如那星河有着人的筋脉,极为诡异。 The galaxy runs out, flies gradually to turn into illusory toward Cook, Jeremy, such as vanishes in the space suddenly, letting Cook, the Jeremy soul to lock. 星河冲出,往库克、杰里米飞去渐渐变成虚幻,如忽然消失在空间内,让库克、杰里米灵魂不能锁定。 Suddenly, the galaxy becomes incomparably clear! 突地,星河变得无比清晰! When this time is clear, the galaxy broke in the side cold icy peak that Cook comes out precise, such as a handle sharp knife blade, pricks in the icy peak maliciously! 这次清晰之时,星河已经冲入那库克凝炼出来的极寒冰峰,如一柄利刃,狠狠刺入冰峰之中! Attaches the sharpness of spatial cutting unexpectedly! 竟附有空间切割的锋锐! ka ka ka ka! 咔咔咔咔 That extremely huge grand icy peak, under that sharp galaxy impact, smashing blasting open changes into tens of millions size ice pieces suddenly unexpectedly, one by one vanishes in Cook[ body]. 那座极为庞大壮阔的冰峰,在那骤然锋利的星河冲击之下,竟然块块粉碎炸裂化为数千万大小不等的冰块,一一消失在库克〖体〗内。 How you will have such powerful power!” Cook's God Clan does not extinguish body mail-armor and helmet, such as icy peak of smashing, splitting piece by piece, his body were many many close bloodstains, such as had been delimited by many scissors, the appearance is quite distressed. “你怎会拥有如此强悍力量!”库克的神族不灭体身上的甲胄,如粉碎的冰峰,片片的裂开,他身上多了许多细密的血痕,如被很多剪刀划过,模样极为狼狈。 If not there is this power, how dare to come to seek your three people to fight?” Shi Yan grins fiendishly one step to tread, changes into one bunch of meteors, suddenly falls to that Jeremy beginning spout burning hot fireball you do not know that I fused Ancient Continent Essence, dares to play with fire in me unexpectedly at present?” “若非有此力量,岂敢过来寻你们三人一战?”石岩狞笑着一步踏出,化为一束流星,忽然落向那杰里米始界喷涌出来的炙热火团“你难道不知我融合了古大陆本源,竟然还敢在我眼前玩火?” Shi Yan opened mouth spits, bunch of different color fireball turbulently, such as hanging of combustion lantern side him. 石岩张口一吐,一束束不同色彩的火团汹涌而出,如一个个燃烧灯笼的悬在他身旁。 aura that these fireball, Heavenly Flame is in sole possession of immediately spread, the flame that Jeremy releases is the extremely fast contraction, such as the low Level life meets the biology of high Level, the wish avoidance of instinct. 那些火团一出,天火独有的气息立即扩散,那杰里米释放的火焰则是极速收缩,如低等级的生灵遇到高等级的生物,本能的想要躲避。 Ice hot without a gap!” “冰火无间!” Cook, the Jeremy expression big change, after neglecting one, simultaneously drinks together. 库克、杰里米神色大变,忽视一眼后,同时齐喝。 These by the ice piece that Cook absorbs, such as shell from him[ body] in sprays, falls into Jeremy's fireball completely, after that fireball the ice piece fills, has not extinguished, instead multiplies inexplicable power, that fluctuation extremely fearful, is unstable. 那些被库克吸收的冰块,如炮弹从他〖体〗内喷射出来,全部落入杰里米的火球中,那火球被冰块填充后,并没有熄灭,反而滋生一种莫名的力量,那波动极为的可怕,却非常不稳定。 After Cook, Jeremy display this collaborates the deep meaning, is a face is alarmed and afraid, seemed also worried that can leave anything to trouble. 库克、杰里米施展出这联手奥义后,也是一脸惊惧不安,似乎也担心会出什么麻烦。 This fusion deep meaning, they evidently completely have not grasped, if not cannot compel oneself, will not display easily. 这种融合奥义,他们显然也没有完全掌握,若非迫不得己,也不会轻易施展。 By fireball that the ice piece fills, suddenly inflates suddenly, balloon that such as is going to blast open, the interior lives the fluctuation of terrifying suddenly. 被冰块填充的火球,忽然急剧膨胀,如一个将要炸裂的气球,内部突生恐怖的波动。 If a star is going to rupture! 如一颗星球将要爆裂! The Shi Yan complexion for the first time changes, said: Ices the fire to be incompatible, you can be these step are also the rare talents, what a pity, in addition is not very perfect, the fusion speed is too slow, you do not have enough ability control.” 石岩脸色首次一变,赞道:“冰火本不能相容,你们能达到这一步也算是奇才了,可惜,尚且不够完美,融合速度太慢,你们也没有足够的能力驾驭。” He rotates sacrificial altar immediately, deep meaning emergency, that galaxy strange changes into the space slit, affects the fireball that extremely fast inflates. 他立即转动祭台,奥义急变,那条星河诡异的化为空间缝隙,去影响那极速膨胀的火球。 , One type does not belong to his Strength of Space suddenly, the strange seepage comes, his galaxy transformation. 突地,一种不属于他的空间之力,诡异渗透而来,将他的星河转变。 In that galaxy, quietly presents void passage, that passage actually is also having the strength of hauling, agrees with his idea completely. 在那星河内,悄然出现一个虚空通道,那通道竟然还拥有着牵引之力,和他的想法完全契合。 Fireball that must explode rapidly, was received the galaxy fiercely, by that passage is not known shifted has approached where. 那要迅速爆开的火球,猛地被收入星河,被那通道不知转移向了何处。 Cook, Jeremy lost the sensation contact immediately,[ body] in the supernatural power therefore passes most, they look ashen, the heart lives the fear. 库克、杰里米立即失去了感知联系,〖体〗内神力因此流逝大半,两人面如土色,心生恐惧。 At this moment, they are clear, they feared that was more unfortunate than fortunate. 这一刻,他们自己都清楚,他们怕是凶多吉少了。
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