GOS :: Volume #14

#1311: Rushes to the tiger's den

Perhaps at this time, the boy then slaughtered your Bradley Family clansman in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, after Thunder Xiaoxing the territory unties, perhaps your family clansmen died.” Xiao Yao sneers. “也许这时候,那小子便在雷霄星域屠戮你布拉德利家族族人,等雷霄星域重新解开后,说不定你家族族人都死光了。”逍遥冷笑。 His Origin God First Sky Realm, in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, now has my Bradley Family three Origin God Second Sky, about thousand have fought many battles Warrior, I do not think that he can jump to reach is so cheerful. “他不过始神一重天境界,在雷霄星域内,如今有我布拉德利家族三名始神二重天,近千名身经百战武者,我不认为他能蹦达的那么欢快。 ” The bright Son of Heaven grins Hehe to laugh Xiao Yao, you much think for your disciple.” ”光明天王咧嘴嘿嘿大笑“逍遥,你还是为你徒儿多多想想吧。” You underestimated him, this child for that person of inheritance, you because of error in judgment regret.” Xiao Yao sinks to drink. “你太小看他了,此子为那人传承者,你会因为判断错误后悔。”逍遥沉喝。 The bright Son of Heaven shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not to he to grasp Devouring Deep Meaning, does not grasp that power, feared that he does do really? If he can have that power, let alone broke Thunder Xiaoxing the territory wall to bond, was destroys several star territories to kill him to be also worth, but now...... It is not worth waging a war.” 光明天王摇头失笑“他不过只是掌握吞噬奥义,又不是掌握那种力量,怕他作甚?如果他真能拥有那种力量,别说破开雷霄星域壁障了,就是毁几个星域杀他也是值得,但现在嘛……不值得大动干戈。” I said you will regret, you just wait.” Xiao Yao is cold the face, shook the head, no longer said anything. “我说了你会后悔,你就等着吧。”逍遥冷着脸,摇了摇头,不再多说什么。 The bright Son of Heaven does not care at all, said: don't discussed him, we were perhaps long had not seen, now the meeting again ancestor place, takes drunk Fang Xiu surely.” 光明天王满不在乎,道:“莫谈他,我们也许久没见了,如今重聚祖地,定要一醉方休。” The words, he is pulling Xiao Yao hardly, looked that does not look around to seal|confer Jue, spark and other Elder, the void steps, silhouette cuns (2.5cm) vanish. 话罢,他硬扯着逍遥,看也不看旁边的封绝、星火等长老,虚空踏步,身影寸寸消失。 Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, strange places, are several galaxy intersection points. 雷霄星域,有一处奇异之地,为数条星河的交汇处。 This Thunder of Xiao Heaven Lake place saying, heaven and earth energy is quite rich, has the cold star ice cold meaning, has during thunder and lightning breeding, to some cultivation special deep meaning, this thunder Xiao Heaven Lake simply is sacred place. 此地谓之雷霄天池,天地能量极为浓郁,有寒星冰寒之意,有雷电孕育其间,对修炼一些特殊奥义者来说,这雷霄天池简直就是圣地。 The strength of Letka cultivation thunder and lightning, his palace is then situated on that Heaven Lake meteorite, palace construction magnificent and expensive grand, is carving the God Clan numerous mystical totem, builds by the innumerable Divine Crystal jades, by far looks like that palace glittering the colored neon halo, tall and pleasing to the eye. 莱特卡修炼雷电之力,他的宫殿便坐落在那天池的陨石上,宫殿修建的华贵雄伟之极,雕琢着神族的众多神秘图腾,以无数神晶玉石堆砌而成,远远看来那宫殿闪烁着彩色霓虹光晕,美轮美奂。 In palaces, is mystical Heaven Lake this time Letka and two God Clan clansmen, the body immersion in Heaven Lake, the facial expression is satisfied. 座座宫殿中间,便是神秘的“天池”此时莱特卡和两名神族族人,身子浸泡在天池内,神情惬意。 Several hundred various clans or clear, or enchanting, or pretty, or sexy female, wears the transparent gauze clothes, the interesting part is partly visible, the neck neck wraps the slave link, on the face is having the smiling face of flattering, gathers round in three pools God Clan Expert to the utmost to flatter, they are carrying the fruit tray, is holding the good wine, is serving cautiously. 数百名各族或清纯、或妖娆、或靓丽、或性感的女子,身着透明纱衣,妙处若隐若现,颈脖套着奴环,脸上带着谄媚的笑容,围着三名池子内神族强者极尽讨好,她们端着果盘,持着美酒,小心翼翼侍奉着。 On Heaven Lake nearby palace sentry post stage, God Clan Warrior look solemn, protection of fulfilling duty. 天池旁边的宫殿哨台上,一名名神族武者神情肃穆,尽职的守护着。 Inexpensive slave, the body is not very pure, gives me to lose face simply!” In the pond, Letka looks to a Ghost Mark clan female, a face is cruel, roars suddenly. “贱奴,身上不够洁净,简直给我丢人!”池中,莱特卡看向一名鬼纹族女子,一脸暴戾,突地怒吼。 That Ghost Mark clan female snow white body, covers entirely the close purple flower mark, the unusual monster flatters, has a mystical flavor. 那名鬼纹族女子雪白的身上,布满细密的紫色huā纹,异常妖媚,别有一番神秘韵味。 In the past Letka then settles on her whole body purple flower mark, then seized forcefully it, now the mood is unsatisfactory, thought that flower mark was an eyesore, then looked for trouble. 当年莱特卡便是看中她那满身紫色huā纹,然后才将其强行掳来,如今心情不佳,又觉得那huā纹碍眼,便没事找事。 Master, before slave comes, has cleaned earnestly three times, that purple mark was the slave birth then has, looked at the master to appease anger.” That Ghost Mark clan female look fears, immediately kneels to bend down, pitiful entreaty. “主人,奴儿来前已认真清洗过三次,那紫纹是奴儿出生便有的,望主人息怒。”那名鬼纹族女子眼神恐惧,当即跪伏下来,可怜兮兮的哀求。 Also dares to refute? Really acts recklessly!” Letka hot tempered low roars, at once one group of thunder and lightning spout from his mouth, binds that female, the instant, the female enchanting body of then changes into the flying ash, including soul by the annihilation of electricity. “还敢反驳?果然不知死活!”莱特卡暴躁的低吼一声,旋即一团雷电从他口中喷出,将那女子裹住,霎那间,那女子妖娆的身子便化为飞灰,连灵魂都被电的湮灭。 Peripheral these beautiful woman slaves are the heart ice are all cold, in covers entirely alarmed and afraid restless, even more is careful, was been for fear that reprehensible by Letka, gave to strike to kill conveniently. 周边那些美人奴皆是心底冰寒,一眼中布满惊惧不安,一个个愈发小心谨慎,生怕被莱特卡看不顺眼,随手给击杀了。 Recently, dies the person inexplicably in Letka hand, dozens, almost several people had been destroyed completely every day suddenly, making them terrified restless. 最近一段时间,莫名死在莱特卡手中的人,已经有数十个了,几乎每天都有几人突然被灭掉,让她们一个个惶恐不安。 Another two God Clan clansmen, looks at Letka get angry from beginning to end the murder, but hee hee smiles, does not care completely. 另外两名神族族人,从头到尾看着莱特卡发怒杀人,只是嘻嘻笑着,满不在意。 In their eyes, except for and their kin clansman, other race people and others, totally was regarded the despicable outcastes to regard by them, is similar to the person will not care about the insect to be ordinary, this is arrogant ignoring in instinct, ingrained has in their values. 在他们眼中,除了和他们同族的族人,其余种族人等,一概被他们当成卑劣的贱民看待,就如同人不会在乎虫子死活一般,这是一种天性上的高傲漠视,根深蒂固的存在他们的价值观中。 Brother, had not the good news?” Cook has eaten one bunch of clear fruits, asked at will. “兄弟,是不是又有不好的消息了?”库克吃了一串晶莹果子,随意问道。 That Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, but was recommended a puppet that is also not whatever that three big leader acts bashful, what you do worry about?” Jeremy surprisingly said. “那嗜血尊主,不过只是被推举出来的一个傀儡罢了,还不是任由那三大魁首拿捏,你担忧什么?”杰里米奇道 I just received the message, he went to Yun Leixing, arranges my subordinates head one by one in Thunder City, this is to my provocation, insufferable!” The Letka anger said. “我刚收到消息,他去了云雷星,在雷城将我麾下头颅一一排列出来,这是对我的挑衅,不可忍受!”莱特卡怒道。 Cook is astonished however, shook the head, said: This first generation Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, but also is really the young air/Qi is abundant, but handles this matter not to help matters, these people in Thunder Xiaoxing territory, really this and our God Clan resistance?” 库克讶然,摇了摇头,说道:“这一代嗜血尊主,还真是年少气盛,不过做这种事情根本就是无济于事,雷霄星域的那些人,难道真该和我们神族对抗?” His eye suddenly one cold, sneers saying: These years, hadn't they been killed to fear inadequately?” 他眼睛骤然一寒,冷笑道:“这些年,他们难道还没被杀怕不成?” Recently the family just overcame a nova territory, that star territory exhaustion of resources, but many Warrior available. If Warrior of Thunder Xiaoxing territory dares to revolt, can come a big clean again, after the clean, I think that they will be more honest.” Jeremy said. “最近家族刚打下一个新星域,那星域资源枯竭,但是有不少武者可用。如果雷霄星域的武者真敢反抗,可以再来一次大清洗,清洗过后,我想他们会老实很多。”杰里米道。 I only want to find that boy now, massacres him!” Letka snort|hum said. “我现在只想找到那小子,杀掉他!”莱特卡哼道。 Finds one person in a star territory, does not have is so easy, we are not in the clan these old monster, can the Divine Sense soul cover entire star territory.” Cook shook the head mentions also strangely, after both of us arrive, here passage has sealed up, the Son of Heaven big humanities should come, now has not appeared, perhaps also because of passage strange......” “在一个星域找一人,可没那么容易,我们又不是族内那些老怪,可以神识灵魂覆盖整整一个星域。”库克摇了摇头“说来也奇怪,我们俩到来后,这里的通道就封闭了,天王大人本该过来,现在迟迟未出现,或许也是因为通道的古怪……” Three people were discussing, continued to drink wine to make music in Heaven Lake, has the Letka having mind filled with plans, a lot of annoyed. 三人谈论着,在天池内继续饮酒作乐,只有莱特卡满腹心机,一肚子恼火。 , Top the mystical star vacancy in three head suddenly, a long and narrow air wire appears suddenly, that line is shining, transmits the intense space to fluctuate. 突地,在三人头神秘星空处,一条狭长明线忽然显现出来,那根线忽闪忽闪着,传来强烈的空间波动。 Letka, Cook and Jeremy gain ground looks at that the complexion is quickly dignified, three people of silhouette move, floats suddenly from the pool of water, at once three fine( book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) the mail-armor and helmet then throws over on the body, perfect personal, their each overwhelming power Shen Wu that serves as contrast are uncommon. 莱特卡、库克和杰里米三人抬头看着那线,脸色倏地凝重起来,三人身影一动,骤然从池水内浮出来,旋即三件精美(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新)的甲胄便披在身上,完美贴身,衬托的他们各个威猛神武不凡。 newcomer who?!” Letka calls out one. 来者何人?!”莱特卡暴喝一声。 That air wire distortion is fluctuating, such as the slit splits gradually, at once several silhouette go out, appears in Letka, Cook, the Jeremy top of the head. 那明线扭曲变幻着,渐渐如缝隙裂开,旋即数道身影从中走出,在莱特卡、库克、杰里米头顶浮现。 Letka grins fiendishly Leidong and Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia, were you tired of living, dared, in has not been under my permission, excelled at rushing to my territory?” 莱特卡狞笑起来“雷垌、季峰、哈蒙,你们是不是活腻了,竟敢在没得到我的允许下,擅闯我的领地?” Leidong and Ji Peak, the Kazakh-Mongolian three people, are Shi Yan in several that the thunder city bottom secret room sees, at this time, that Leidong smiles nodded, in the eye is disclosing firmly, said: Good, we were indeed tired of living, today, is the preparation goes.” 雷垌、季峰、哈蒙三人,便是石岩在雷城地底密室所见的几位,此时,那雷垌笑着点了点头,眼中透露着坚决,道:“不错,我们的确活腻了,今天来,便是准备赴死的。” He turns head to look to Shi Yan, said: Venerable Lord, do I give your news wrong not?” 他回头看向石岩,道:“尊主,我给你的消息没有错吧?” Shi Yan slight bow. 石岩微微点头。 He has not expected Leidong and Ji Peak, Kazakh-Mongolian these people to insist, in three people only then Leidong achieves Origin God Second Sky, may endure a war, Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia, only then Origin God First Sky, comes and God Clan battle, the role that can play is limited. 他没有料到雷垌、季峰、哈蒙这几人非要坚持过来,三人中只有雷垌达到始神二重天,可堪一战,季峰、哈蒙只有始神一重天,过来和神族交战,能起到的作用有限。 But they came, harbors his unreadable some obsession, before coming this, they even made the funeral arrangements, clarified has completed the worst plan. 但他们还是过来了,怀着他难以理解的某种执念,来此之前,他们甚至都安排好了后事,摆明了做好最坏打算。 Venerable Lord?” Letka has gawked, at once laughs wildly you suddenly is that boy? Ha Ha, good, I sought your long time, has not thought that you deliver unexpectedly on own initiative!” 尊主?”莱特卡愣了一下,旋即骤然狂笑起来“你便是那小子吧?哈哈,太好了,我寻你多时,没想到你竟然主动送上门来!” Cook and Jeremy also facial expression one cold, Ji Peak, Kazakhstan , Mongolia turns away from Leidong and on, looks completely to Shi Yan. 库克和杰里米也都神情一冷,纷纷将视线从雷垌、季峰、哈蒙身上移开,全部瞧向石岩 Starting today, Thunder Xiaoxing the territory will exchange ownerships, I will use you three people of deaths, lets this star territory have a new lease of life.” Shi Yan looks to them, said indifferently. “从今天起,雷霄星域将易主,我会用你们三人的死,来让这星域重获新生。”石岩看向他们,漠然说道。
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