GOS :: Volume #14

#1310: head grand feast

Yun Leixing south Desolate lonesome death on-board. 云雷星南边一颗荒寂的死星上。 The dust ice-cold stony soil, smashing blasting open, grand silhouette puts on suddenly together suddenly, eyes Divine Light like electricity. 灰褐色的冰冷石地,突然粉碎炸裂,一道雄伟身影骤然穿出,双眸神光如电。 Shi Yan looks to Yun Leixing the direction, knits the brows slightly. 石岩看向云雷星的方向,微微皱眉。 Leaves after day clouds star, he is bloody, God Clan clansman one by one will strike to kill along the way, three Origin God First Sky, Void God, Source God and God King several hundreds, the tragic deaths of these people, made him in the imaginary territory because of power that the consumption lost not only restores, good somewhat to promote faintly. 从天霄星离开后,他一路血腥,将沿途神族族人一一击杀,三名始神一重天者,虚神源神神王数百,这些人的惨死,令他在幻域因消耗损耗的力量不但恢复,好隐隐有些增进。 Through this time carefree dripping kills greatly kills especially, his exquisiteness to the Devouring Deep Meaning, had the even more profound understanding. 通过这次畅快淋漓的大杀特杀,他对吞噬奥义的精妙,有了愈发深刻的认识。 He knows Devouring Deep Meaning finally after Warrior dies, the death essence will embezzle, truly what Devouring Deep Meaning swallows is power, all rich power lives, can swallow absorb directly, the fusion change into pure power, the flesh and blood have power, power that the stars, Five Elements and ice wind all sorts of Warrior deep meanings form, he can swallow. 他终于知道吞噬奥义并非只是在武者死后,将死亡精气吞没,吞噬奥义真正吞噬的是力量,一切富有力量的生灵,都能直接吞噬吸纳,融合化为精纯力量,血肉之躯有力量,星辰、五行、冰风种种武者奥义形成的力量,他都能吞噬。 When the opposite party is bursting with energy, Devouring Deep Meaning then can utilize, does not need to wait for that the opposite party died. 在对方生龙活虎的时候,吞噬奥义便可以运用,根本无需等待对方死亡。 After the death, power will have the outflow, when opposite party power was most exuberant swallows, power that can transform were more. 死亡后力量会有流失,在对方力量最旺盛时吞噬,能够转化的力量更多。 That black hole, then swallows another utilization of power, to swallow the soul, swallows Soul Altar specially, forms soul Mental Energy, quenchings sacrificial altar, made sacrificial altar toward some marvelous direction gradually transformation. 那黑洞,则是吞噬力量的另外一种运用,为吞魂,专门吞噬灵魂祭台,形成灵魂精神力,淬炼祭台,令祭台朝着某种奇妙方向渐渐蜕变 Should quenching the sacrificial altar way with Ming Royal Family specially, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, perhaps will be more outstanding fiercely. 应该和冥皇族专门淬炼祭台的方式,有着异曲同工之妙,或许还会更加出众厉害一点。 This time Thunder Xiaoxing territory to trip, he lets loose self- kills crazily, actually really Devouring Deep Meaning gives the discovery exquisitely. 这次雷霄星域之旅,他放开自我狂杀,倒是真的将吞噬奥义的精妙给发现。 He has not entered into Origin God Second Sky now, he also defective completes power transformation that the supernatural power old tree grows, his also need many power. 只是,他如今尚未迈入始神二重天,他还欠缺完成神力古树重新生长的力量蜕变,他还需要更多的力量 power that three Origin God, several hundred Void God, Source God and God King transform, made the power restoration that he lost merely, has not arrived to make his breakthrough to the Origin God Second Sky degree. 那三名始神,数百虚神源神神王转化的力量,仅仅只是令他损耗的力量恢复,没到令他突破始神二重天的程度。 Kills, he discovered the character who these Thunder Xiaoxing territory native place influences, same extremely coordinates him with Chen Family, indicates the God Clan clansman gathering place to him each time, specifically described that opposite party Realm and population, making him be able to know fairly well, calm arrangement. 一路杀下来,他发现那些雷霄星域本土势力的人物,都和陈家一样极其配合他,每次都给他指明神族族人聚集之地,详细说明对方的境界和人数,让他能够心中有数,从容布置。 Through this experience, he realized that Bradley Family is quite unpopular in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, although these people have submitted , is actually not a sincerity, a discovery has gives the opportunity of God Clan unexpected blow secretly, actually also wants excited more excited than him. 通过这次经历,他意识到布拉德利家族在雷霄星域极为不得人心,那些人虽然臣服了,却并非真心,一发现有偷偷给神族冷箭的机会,竟然比他还要〖兴〗奋激动。 Because of the coordination of these people, he can be so smooth, now, he target direction Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake, has prepared head to help oneself breakthrough by Letka to Origin God Second Sky, but he did not affirm that on present Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake, whether Xiao Yao came, therefore does not dare to act rashly, the preparation stops over in Yun Leixing first, asks the situation. 就是因为那些人的配合,他才能够如此顺利,如今,他将目标方向了雷霄天池,准备以莱特卡的项上人头来助自己突破始神二重天,但他不肯定如今的雷霄天池上,是否逍遥已经过来,所以没有敢轻举妄动,准备先在云雷星落脚,问问情况。 The intention moves, he then falls in Yun Leixing the direction. 心念一动,他便往云雷星的方向落去。 long time, he then does not appear in Yun Leixing, stands firm in that Thunder Chengcheng Center, he closes one's eyes, Divine Sense wanders. 多时,他便在云雷星出现,在那雷城城〖中〗央站定,他闭上眼,神识游荡。 Has not discovered a God Clan clansman. 没有发现一名神族族人。 Yun Leixing also had the God Clan clansman to be stationed, because of his crazy slaughtering, Letka transmitting orders has made these people return. 云雷星本来也有神族族人驻扎,但因他的疯狂屠戮,莱特卡已经传令让那些人返回。 Is because he recently could not find the God Clan clansman to begin, thinks of the change mentality, must enter supreme headquarters of God Clan in Thunder Xiaoxing territory, goes to that Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake. 就是因为他近日已经找不到神族族人动手,才想到改变思路,要杀入神族在雷霄星域的大本营,去那雷霄天池 This Thunder Chengnei, the person communications of star of many Thunder Xiaoxing territory all parties life ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews the first round ~~, many store streets are fully occupied, his one hear, discovered with rapt attention almost everyone was discussing him, called him and to kill star for Slaughter God and „the God Clan executioner and so on names, these people mentioned his time delighted, did not conceal the pleasant surprise on face, with taking pleasure in others'misfortunes of God Clan. 这雷城内,许多雷霄星域各方生命之星的人来往~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~,许多商铺街道人满为患,他凝神一听,发现几乎各个人都在谈论他,称呼他为“杀神”、“杀星”、“神族刽子手”等等称呼,那些人提起他的时候一个个眉飞色舞,一点不掩饰脸上的惊喜,和对神族的幸灾乐祸。 Shi Yan secret nod. 石岩暗暗点头。 This all the way, he knows Letka of Bradley Family, makes many to make one wish one could in this star territory to dig the wicked matter of his ancestral grave, Letka has been able to live now, because of the God Clan prestige, otherwise he first had possibly been struck to kill. 这一路上,他已经知道布拉德利家族的莱特卡,在这星域上做了多少令人恨不得掘了他祖坟的恶事,莱特卡能活到现在,都是因为神族的威名,不然他可能已经先一步被人击杀。 Because he from some population, knows person who in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory goes out, also there are to achieve Origin God Third Sky, these people in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, because of the great strength of worry God Clan, have not returned now, cleans up Letka of this star territory. 因为他从一些人口中,知道雷霄星域内走出的人,也有达到始神三重天的,那些人如今并不在雷霄星域,因为顾忌神族的强大,才没有返回,将这星域的莱特卡清理掉。 The thunder city person's shadow is continuous, in each street store teahouse, was discussing him. 雷城人影川流不息,各个街道商铺茶楼内,都在谈论着他。 He hesitates for a long time, shows a faint smile, in Thunder City one[ broad] in field sits down. 他沉吟许久,微微一笑,在雷城一处〖广〗场内坐下。 The intention moves, in beginning a space every kind matter escape comes out, is neat in his top of the head arrangement. 心念一动,始界内一处空间一样样物事飞逸出来,在他头顶排列整齐。 Instantaneous, in[ broad] field peripheral hears sharp cries, with the frightened sound of holding breath cold air/Qi, many[ broad] field peripheral Warrior, is startled palpitates to look to him, the facial expression is excited. 瞬间,在〖广〗场周边传来一个个尖利的叫声,和一个个倒吸冷气的恐惧声,许多〖广〗场周边的武者,皆是惊悸看向他,神情激动。 In his top of the head, float head, head of God Clan clansman! 在他头顶,悬浮着一个个人头,神族族人的人头 And many people, in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory are ominous illustrious, assumes a side, for the wicked side, making one hate. 其中很多人,在雷霄星域都是凶名赫赫,坐镇一方,也为恶一方,令人痛恨之极。 Especially three God Clan Origin God head, here Warrior almost everybody has seen, sees head of that three person float in the day, Warrior on numerous store and street, the cheers called, such as the new year's celebration is common. 尤其是三个神族始神人头,这里的武者几乎人人见过,见到那三个人的人头悬浮在天,众多商铺、街道上的武者,纷纷欢声叫了起来,如过年一般。 Tumult instantaneous spread entire city. 骚动瞬间蔓延全城。 Thunder City all Warrior, at this moment, come, puts down done all, toward this[ broad] field accumulation, the space, is gathering the dense and numerous people, such as the locust is common. 雷城所有的武者,这一刻,纷纷闻讯而来,放下所做的一切,都朝着这个〖广〗场聚集,天上,聚集着密密麻麻的人,如蝗虫一般。 Is centered on Shi Yan, various clan clansman Warrior overlapping sphere Shi Yan, points at Shi Yan to scream that the expression exaggeration, smiles. 石岩为中心,各族族人武者层层叠叠将石岩围住,纷纷指着石岩尖叫,表情夸张,满脸笑容。 Several hundred God Clan clansman head, float in the Shi Yan top of the head, everyone such as deep spring, falls into the people hearts, constrains they many years of resentment, after finding that head, as if had all of a sudden proclaimed the drain port. 数百个神族族人人头,都悬浮在石岩头顶,每一个人都如一泓清泉,落入众人心间,压抑他们多年的怨气,在瞧见那一颗颗人头后,似乎一下子有了宣泄口。 Many person woman old person starts to sob, looks at these head, in thin of crying crash-bang, are similar to many years of hatred is erased, because of extremely happy, but is hilarious, then yowled...... 很多人女人老人开始哭泣,看着那些人头,哭的稀里哗啦,如同多年的仇恨被人抹掉,因为太过高兴,而喜不自禁,进而恸哭…… Thunder City the huge tumult, has alarmed the conversation of bottom secret room, Leidong narrows the eyes to focus, is listening to Bing Bao of subordinates, the eye is gradually bright, he stands up suddenly, said: That person came, he puts that many God Clan clansman head, indicates the status, he comes Yun Leixing, comes Thunder City, should be looks for us......” 雷城的巨大骚动,惊动了地底密室的交谈着,雷垌眯着眼,听着一个麾下的禀报,眼睛渐渐明亮起来,他忽然站起,道:“那人来了,他将那么多神族族人人头放出来,是表明身份,他来云雷星,来雷城,应该是找我们……” Old Lei, how do you do?” Other people inquired. 雷老,你怎么做?”其余人纷纷询问。 He such thinks highly of us, we cannot too be timid, um, I by Divine Sense communication he, making him come a to chat.” Leidong statement. “他这么看得起我们,我们也不能一直太胆怯,嗯,我以神识传讯他,让他过来一叙。”雷垌表态。 The people nod one after another. 众人相继点头。 Leidong narrows the eyes to focus at once, emits Divine Sense, by the Origin God Second Sky Realm soul, flies in the Shi Yan direction. 雷垌旋即眯着眼,放出神识,以始神二重天境界灵魂,往石岩的方向飞去。 In surrounding of several thousand Thunder Xiaoxing territory Warrior, Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus, lowers the head not saying that he also, waited to dare truly with the God Clan contending invitation, that God Clan Expert head, is his gift on first meeting. 在数万雷霄星域武者的包围中,石岩眯着眼,垂着头不言,他也在等,等真正敢和神族抗衡者的邀请,那一颗颗神族强者人头,就是他的见面礼。 Really, in his eyes Divine Light dodges, vanishes suddenly. 果然,他眼中神光一闪,骤然消失。 Meanwhile, that float in horizon God Clan Expert head, explodes completely, changes into the bonedust to dissipate, flutters in entire Thunder Chengnei. 同时,那一颗颗悬浮在天际的神族强者人头,全部爆炸开来,化为骨粉消散,在整个雷城内飘荡。 Warrior of all Thunder Xiaoxing territory, exude the new year's celebration cheers, lifts the arm to drink high, supports celebrates. 所有雷霄星域的武者,都发出过年般的欢呼声,举臂高喝,相拥庆祝。 In thunder city secret room. 雷城密室内。 Shi Yan appears suddenly, sits down side that Leidong, narrows the eyes to focus, said: Is you calls me?” 石岩突然浮现,在那雷垌身旁坐下,眯着眼,道:“是你唤我?” Leidong one startled, at once stands up fiercely, said respectfully: „ Leidong has seen Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord. 雷垌一惊,旋即猛地站起,恭恭敬敬道:“雷垌见过嗜血尊主 That several were sitting well, sees Leidong line of this big rituals, has gawked staring, has stood, same salutes with Leidong, respectful sound track: Has seen Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord.” 那几个本来端坐着,一见雷垌行此大礼,愣了愣,也都纷纷站了起来,和雷垌一样行礼,恭声道:“见过嗜血尊主。” Shi Yan waves, the facial expression said at will: Was polite, sits down.” 石岩一挥手,神情随意道:“客气了,都坐下吧。” The people then sit down. 众人这才坐下。 „Name were your Thunder Bao? I listened to the person to say you, you before were Thunder Xiaomeng vice- Union Master, because of Thunder Xiao pledge destruction, but you also did not have power and God Clan contend, since concealed identity, was so?” Shi Yan asked indifferently. “你叫雷雹吧?我听人说过你,你以前是雷霄盟的副盟主,因为雷霄盟覆灭,而你又没有力量神族抗衡,才隐姓埋名至今,可是如此?”石岩淡然问道。 Leidong nod, said: I shout Leidong now, has not thought that Venerable Lord has listened to the obsolete name unexpectedly, is honored obsolete.” 雷垌点头,道:“我现在叫雷垌了,没想到尊主竟听过老朽之名,老朽倍感荣幸。” Un, calling anything not to matter, so long as before you had not forgotten, on line.” Shi Yan grins, said: You call me to come, should not tell me your changing the name? Said, how do you think?” “嗯,叫什么无所谓,只要你没有忘记以前就行了。”石岩咧嘴,说道:“你唤我过来,应该不是告诉我你的更名吧?说说吧,你怎么想的?” Venerable Lord comes Yun Leixing, should be looks obsolete, does not know that Venerable Lord has what instruction, so long as my Leidong can achieve, I decide however do utmost, so long as I Venerable Lord comply with my matter.” Leidong deeply looked that promises me to him in the future, drives out our Thunder Xiaoxing territory the God Clan clansman, so long as Venerable Lord complies, can be obsolete Venerable Lord goes to!” 尊主来云雷星,应该就是找老朽的,不知道尊主有何吩咐,只要我雷垌可以做到的,我定然竭尽全力,我只要尊主答应我一件事。”雷垌深深看向他“答应我在将来,把神族族人驱除我们雷霄星域,只要尊主答应,老朽可以为尊主赴死!” Old Lei!” 雷老!” Old Lei!” 雷老!” Old Lei!” 雷老!” That several other people of complexions are startled change, reveals expression that does not dare to believe that makes noise to shout to clear the way in abundance. 那其余几人脸色惊变,露出不敢置信的表情,纷纷出声喝道。 Leidong waves, said: For the future of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, I can pay all! Reason that I barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, does not fear death, but must to Thunder Xiaoxing the territory and other future, so long as today Venerable Lord promises me, Thunder Xiaoxing the territory then had the future, I momentarily can hand over the life to come!” 雷垌挥挥手,道:“为了雷霄星域的未来,我可以付出一切!我之所以苟延残喘,并非怕死,而是要给雷霄星域等一个将来,今天只要尊主答应我,雷霄星域便有了将来,我随时可以交出性命来!” Such remarks, before these, other hesitant influence chieftains, in abundance the facial expression slightly shakes, some innermost feelings type of thing was stimulated, the whole face is moved, the look is also firm and resolute. 此言一出,那些之前还犹豫的其余势力头目,纷纷神情微震,内心某样东西被激发,满脸感动,眼神也都坚毅起来。 The Shi Yan look is amazed, deeply looks to Leidong, the secret nod, said: I promise you.” 石岩眼神惊诧,深深看向雷垌,暗暗点头,道:“我答应你。” Before coming, he has not thought Leidong will have such big determination, because comes to see one not to dare to contend with God Clan in him directly, old ghost who must conceal identity to hide, already cunning such as mouse, should not dare the genuine hot blood bank to come out. 过来前,他没有想过雷垌会有这么大的决心,因为在他来看一个不敢正面抗衡神族,要隐姓埋名躲藏起来的老鬼,已经奸猾如老鼠了,应该不会敢真正的热血站出来。 He discovered that he has made a mistake, the fierce reaction of Leidong, made his absent-minded, lived to be moved darkly. 他发现他错了,雷垌的激烈反应,令他一阵恍惚,也暗生感动。 Venerable Lord currently has anything to tell, although told me, my Leidong can help your, certainly whole-heartedly, even if died, will make the matter to you proper!” Leidong categorical say|way. 尊主现在有什么吩咐,尽管告诉我,我雷垌能帮你的,一定全力以赴,即便是死,也会给你将事情弄妥!”雷垌斩钉截铁道。 I do not want you dead, I want is very simple, I must know that now Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake there God Clan has any person, in the near future, will have God Clan new Expert in the past, I must know this.” Shi Yan explained. “我不是要你死,我要的很简单,我要知道如今雷霄天池那里神族都有什么人,近期,有没有神族新的强者过去,我要知道这点。”石岩解释。 „, This simplicity, will have God Clan Expert to arrive in the near future, came two Origin God Second Sky Realm, the territory sea of our Thunder Xiaoxing territory will have the problem in the near future, after the two arrive, suddenly twisted Chaos, in abundance expiration. Following, should not have the God Clan clansman to arrive, heard that Letka is having a headache, said that surmounts Origin God Expert to come, was actually stopped up outside, is unable to wear out to come.” A Leidong face said strangely. “哦,这个简单,近期有神族强者到来,来了两个始神二重天境界者,我们雷霄星域的域海近期出现了问题,在那两人到来后,忽然间扭曲混乱了,纷纷失效。后续的,应该不会有神族族人到来了,听说莱特卡正头疼着,说一个超越始神强者要过来,却被堵在外面,无法穿破而来。”雷垌一脸奇怪的说。 Shi Yan eye suddenly one bright, at once chuckled. 石岩眼睛骤然一亮,旋即嘿嘿笑了起来。 He knows that some people are helping him in secret, helping him relieve the extra worries. 他知道,有人在暗中帮他,帮他解除了后顾之忧。
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