GOS :: Volume #14

#1309: Bloody

Drops from the clouds, 12 electricity dragons howl, the scalding hot lightning gives to cover Chen Rong and Chen Yan. 阿凡尔从天而降,12条电龙呼啸而出,灼热闪电将陈荣、陈严都给罩住。 In that wild electric current, Chen Yan whole body trembles, he by deep meaning of change wood peripheral, making old trees close up mutually, binds all round it. 在那狂暴的电流中,陈严浑身微颤,他以木之奥义改变周边,让一株株古树相互靠拢,将其团团裹住。 The deep meaning of Chen Rong cultivation wind, his looks at, in eyes the deep meaning gyrates with rapt attention, the day clouds star presents several million wind edges void suddenly, these wind edges like the dagger, blot out the sky to raid, must crush. 陈荣修炼风之奥义,他凝神看着阿凡尔,双眸中奥义旋动,天霄星虚空骤然出现数百万风刃,那些风刃如匕首,铺天盖地袭来,要将阿凡尔粉碎。 What a pity, a God Clan fine mail-armor and helmet, in that mail-armor and helmet pasts is rushing rays of light, forms the First Level level membrane actually, blocks Chen Rong the sharp knife blade of wind. 可惜,阿凡尔一身神族精美甲胄,那甲胄内流转着澎湃光芒,硬是形成一层层膜,将陈荣的风之利刃挡住。 For Bradley Family Warrior, a powerful God Weapon sharp weapon, Bradley Family goes on a punitive expedition against the huge commodity that Star Sea must come, refines many great treasure, distributes to the clan in Warrior. 阿凡尔为布拉德利家族武者,一身强悍神兵利器,布拉德利家族征伐星海得来的庞大物资,都炼制成许多至宝,分发给族内武者 Although has Void God Third Sky Realm, but a rare treasure is quite precious, is far from Chen Rong can compare. 阿凡尔虽然只有虚神三重天境界,但一身的秘宝却极为珍贵,绝非陈荣可以比拟。 His mail-armor and helmet attacks Chen Rong counter-balances completely, is released 12 electricity dragons that actually to take advantage of opportunity to rush by him, wooden sea that Chen Yan forms to electricity blasting open in abundance, in the ancient wooden explosion, Chen Yankou spits the blood, whole body belches smoke from blockhead fragment appears, the face whiten, in the pupil is actually the deep-seated hatred, said fierce: „, I turn into the evil spirit, will not let off you!” 他身上甲胄将陈荣攻击全部抵消,由他释放的12条电龙却顺势冲下,将陈严形成的木海给电的纷纷炸裂,在古木爆炸中,陈严口吐鲜血,浑身冒着烟从木头碎屑中显现,脸色苍白,眸中却是刻骨仇恨,厉声道:“阿凡尔,我就算是变成厉鬼,也不会放过你!” Sneers, said: I make you become the opportunity of ghost do not have.” 阿凡尔冷笑,道:“那我让你连成鬼的机会都没有。” When he spoke, the wall of Chen Rong body winning side bonded by the electricity dragon impact, blasted open suddenly, Chen Rong also whole body broke out the meat crack, a face was alarmed and afraid. 他讲话之时,陈荣身上风之壁障被电龙冲击,也忽然炸裂,陈荣浑身劈开肉裂,一脸惊惧。 With is Void God Third Sky Realm, he discovered that everywhere wins him, as soon as plans, the Realm deep meaning realizes from experience, the vigorous fining of supernatural power also or rare treasure Level, he is in the weak trend comprehensively. 同为虚神三重天境界,他发现阿凡尔处处胜他一筹,不论是境界奥义体悟,神力的浑厚精炼亦或者秘宝的等级,他都全面处于弱势。 He understands finally why Letka dispatched to be stationed in the day of clouds star with his Realm consistent, because Letka was very clear only, then enough pressure the strength of his Chen Family not slightly counter-attack. 他终于明白,为什么莱特卡只是派遣和他境界一致的阿凡尔驻扎天霄星了,因为莱特卡很清楚单凭阿凡尔一人,便足够压的他陈家没有丝毫反击之力。 When his pitiful realized that this fact he then knew lately, the destiny of Chen Family destruction, will occur quickly. 当他可悲的意识到这个事实他便知道迟了,陈家覆灭的命运,将会很快发生。 Thinks really leaves your Chen Family, couldn't we find the ore slave to mine?” Sneers, told you honestly, our Bradley Families will capture a star territory in the near future, when the time comes will have large quantities of ore slaves to come, your Chen Family dishonest that can only vanish, was the same with that Thunder Xiaomeng, gets what one deserves is exterminated, I have conquered by killing the day clouds star first, the person who a while communication, let your ore star also completely died certainly!” “真以为离开你们陈家,我们就找不到矿奴采矿了?”阿凡尔冷笑,“老实告诉你们,我们布拉德利家族近期又攻陷了一个星域,到时候会有大批矿奴过来,你陈家不老实那就只能消失,和那雷霄盟一样,活该被灭绝,我先将天霄星血洗了,一会儿传讯,让你们矿星的人也全部死绝!” A Chen Rong face despairs. 陈荣一脸绝望。 Chen Yan was also scared, at this time realized that does not have the impulsion of power, will cause the fearful consequence to the family. 陈严也傻眼了,这时候才意识到没有力量的冲动,会给家族带来何等可怕的后果。 What a pity in the world has not regretted after the fact, he knows that he and Chen Family must end. 可惜世上并没有后悔药,他知道他和陈家都要完了。 Saves my brother! A bit faster saves my brother!” Sound that should not present, conveys from the day suddenly, anxious such as burns. “救我哥哥!快点救我哥哥!”一个绝不该出现的声音,忽然从天外传来,焦急如焚。 Chen Rong one dull, the complexion becomes incomparably ugly, the speaker explodes the roar: Chen Lei walks! A bit faster walks!” 陈荣一呆,脸色变得无比难看,扬声爆吼:“陈蕾走!快点走!” To this younger sister, his heart has lived guilty, his not only happy does not get up when the sound that the family destruction hears the younger sister, instead such as crashes into the dark abyss, whole body ice-cold. 对这个妹妹,他一直心生愧疚,在家族覆灭之际听到妹妹的声音他不但高兴不起来,反而如坠入黑暗深渊,浑身冰冷。 Saves my brother!” The Chen Lei sound begins, at this time goldbug War Chariot has appeared from the cloud layer. “救我哥哥!”陈蕾的声音再起,这时候金甲虫战车已经从云层显现出来。 Happen to kills cleanly, I in province continued communication.” Hehe smiles, the eye wanders one facial expression to stagnate on Chen Lei at once, he looks the Ouyang Luoshuang eye on goldbug War Chariot to Chen Lei blows out extremely burning hot rays of light. “正好杀干净,也省的我继续传讯了。”阿凡尔嘿嘿一笑,眼睛在陈蕾身上游荡一圈旋即神情一滞,他看向陈蕾后面金甲虫战车上的欧阳洛霜眼睛爆出极为炙热的光芒 This is also final shining of his eye. 这也是他眼睛的最后放光。 The next quarter, Shi Yan then fell, such as a toe sharp sword, punctures directly in his top of the head. 下一刻,石岩便落了下来,如一柄尖锐利剑,直接刺在他头顶。 Punctures really in his top of the head. 是真的刺在他头顶。 A Shi Yan hand, punctures his skull, falls into his brain fluid directly, at once displays Devouring Deep Meaning secretly, then sees God Body, such as took away the flesh and blood by the pump pump, in an extremely terrifying way, rapid withered, loses blood essence rapidly, in the short time, only remains a skin, a skeleton, when then Shi Yan pulls out the hand, leather bag skeleton like the dust, scatters suddenly. 石岩一只手,刺破他脑壳,直接落入他脑浆中,旋即暗自施展吞噬奥义,然后便见阿凡尔的神体,如被抽水泵抽掉血肉,以一种极为恐怖的方式,迅速干瘪,迅速失去精血,在短短时间,只剩一张皮,一具骨骸,然后当石岩将手抽出来,那阿凡尔的皮囊骨骸如粉尘,忽然散落掉。 Chen Rong and Chen Yan dull such as wooden chicken. 陈荣、陈严呆如木鸡。 The Chen Family person on goldbug War Chariot, shows the frightened expression, the back is icy cold. 金甲虫战车上的陈家人,也露出恐惧表情,背脊冰凉。 Shi Yan is facial expression that shows to have not given full expression, has licked the licking lips corner/horn, muttered: „ Originally this is also good, before feared is discovered that shrinks, has not understood clearly various exquisiteness that swallowed actually,... 石岩则是露出意犹未尽的神情,舔了舔嘴角,喃喃道:“原来这样也行,以前太惧怕被发现,畏畏缩缩,倒是没有洞悉吞噬的各种精妙,… He lets loose Divine Sense to loaf, one to the Chen Family sacred place mountain peak, cracks into a smile shortly, one step treads, silhouette vanishes suddenly. 他放开神识游荡一圈,一眼看向陈家的圣地山峰,咧嘴一笑,一步踏出,身影忽然消失。 Ouyang Luoshuang is disinclined to follow, looked that has not looked at that direction one. 欧阳洛霜都懒得跟随,看都没看那方向一眼。 He, he was......” Chen Rong has gawked, suddenly startled say|way: That person who paints a portrait?” “他,他是……”陈荣愣了下,突然惊道:“画像上的那个人?” Chen Lei nods. 陈蕾点头。 Also in this time, on their Chen Family sacred place mountain peak, hears the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, sees only the God Clan clansman of clenching jaws makes Chen Family hate, at this time such as sees the evil spirit, going all out of must flee that mountain peak. 也在此时,在他们陈家圣地山峰上,传来凄厉的惨叫声,只见一个个让陈家恨的咬牙切齿的神族族人,此时如见到厉鬼,拼了命的要逃离那山峰。 Chen Rong they turns head to look, discovered that mountain peak was bound by the First Level scarlet, can only hear the terrifying cry, cannot find inside portrait. 陈荣他们扭头去看的时候,发现那山峰被一层血色裹住了,只能听到恐怖的叫声,瞧不见里面真容。 This, is this?” Chen Rong stutters, does not know that should say any was good. “这,这是?”陈荣结结巴巴,不知道该说些什么好了。 We come time, first went to that side ore star, there, already not a God Clan clansman.” Chen Lei explained. “我们过来的时候,先去了矿星那边,那里,已经没一个神族族人了。”陈蕾解释。 Chen Rong and Chen Yan with amazement. 陈荣、陈严骇然。 After several minutes, Shi Yan has changed a black clothed, sways the finger to come easely, his two are the garnet, that is the bloodstain color, he arrives at side Chen Lei and Chen Rong, said: „Can day clouds star have the God Clan clansman?” 数分钟后,石岩换了一件黑衣,摇晃着手指悠然而来,他两手呈暗红色,那是血迹的色彩,他来到陈蕾陈荣身旁,道:“天霄星可还有神族族人?” Chen Rong shakes the head. 陈荣摇头。 Shi Yan knits the brows, asked: „Does the recent God Clan clansman gather at where? What scale, can have Origin God probably in?” 石岩皱眉,又问道:“最近的神族族人聚集在何处?大概什么规模,可有始神在?” Has, nearby day wind on-board, God Clan Origin God Expert guarding.” Chen Rong hurried say|way. “有,附近的天风星上,就有一名神族始神强者驻守。”陈荣急忙道。 Position!” “方位!” East side!” “东边!” Is very good.” “很好。” Shi Yan looks to Ouyang Luoshuang, has hesitated, said: My power restored much, did not need you to follow, if you had the matter, can leave spontaneously.” 石岩看向欧阳洛霜,沉吟了一下,说道:“我力量恢复了不少,不用你跟随了,你如果有事,可以自发离开。” I do not know the territory sea where.” Ouyang Luoshuang indifferent say|way. “我不知域海在何处。”欧阳洛霜淡然道。 May once think returns to Grace Mainland? You possibly do not know that present Grace Mainland was different, compares favorably with any high Level the star of life sufficiently.” Shi Yan silent, said. “可曾想过回神恩大陆?你可能并不知道,如今的神恩大陆已经不一样,足以媲美任何高等级的生命之星。”石岩沉默了一下,道。 The Ouyang Luoshuang eye pupil spills over heterochrosis, her brow moves, then said: Definitely will go back, that is my hometown, but is not now, my master waits me not to be thin, I at least must see him, has any matter also to explain......” 欧阳洛霜眼眸泛出一丝异色,她眉头动了动,然后说道:“肯定会回去,那是我的家乡,不过不是现在,我师傅待我不薄,我至少要见他,有什么事情也要说个明白……” You now?” “那你现在?” Does not worry, when you are seeking the territory sea to me, delivered me directly in the past, this can save my many matters.” “不着急,等你给我寻着域海,送我直接过去,这样可以省我许多事情。” Good, you go to that ore magnitude I, waits for me some time.” “那好,你去那矿星等我,等我一段时间。” Good.” “好。” Your direct past.” “你直接过去吧。” Shi Yan opens the hand, the palm star light is precise, outlines marvelous void chart, takes own supernatural power as the vein, draws to carve the gate of starry sky. 石岩张开手,掌心星光凝炼,勾勒出奇妙的虚空图阵,以自身神力为脉络,绘刻出星空之门。 That other one side, is the Chen Family ore star. 那门的另外一边,就是陈家的矿星。 Ouyang Luoshuang does not doubt him, one step steps into, directly on the past. 欧阳洛霜毫不怀疑他,一步踏入,直接就过去了。 In Shi Yan heart one warm, said to Chen Lei: I will not return to the great power clouds star, but will go to that ore star, this leafed door can exist for day, you must leave, prepares in day of time, goes to that ore star from this leafed door.” 石岩心中一暖,冲陈蕾道:“我不会返回天霄星,但会去那矿星,这扇门会存在一天,你们要离开的,在一天时间内准备准备,从这扇门去那矿星。” The words, he changes into together star light, goes to East, one shocks Thunder Xiaoxing territory the travel of Slaughter God, then from this launches. 话罢,他化为一道星光,向东方而去,一场震惊雷霄星域的杀神之旅,便由此展开。 His what origin? Why helps us?” When leaves to Shi Yan, Chen Rong looks to Chen Lei, the whole face confuses. “他什么来历?为什么帮我们?”待到石岩离开,陈荣看向陈蕾,满脸迷惑。 I do not know.” Chen Lei shakes the head. “我也不知道。”陈蕾摇头。 Flower bud Sir has made the most correct decision, she prevents our communication Letka, instead driving close these two, gave us Chen Family to win hope dawn.” Chen Deqiao acclaimed one, after described the matter simply. “蕾大人做了一件最正确的决定,她阻止我们传讯莱特卡,反而主动接近这两人,给我们陈家赢来了一道希望曙光。”陈德乔赞叹一声,将事情经过简单描述一遍。 Letka communication entire Star Sea, lets all attach to their influences to look for this person, obviously this person is extremely uncommon, perhaps, our Chen Family hard times endured.” Chen Rong eye one bright, at once takes a stand: Makes the family clansmen prepare, we leave this place, later, changes an environment to live.” 莱特卡传讯整个星海,让所有依附他们的势力寻找这个人,可见此人极其不凡,或许,我们陈家的苦日子真的熬到头了。”陈荣眼睛一亮,旋即表态道:“让家族族人都准备一下,我们离开此地,以后,就换个环境生活吧。” Good!” “好!” Thunder Xiaoxing territory Yun Leixing, this is in a star territory the most famous transaction star, Warrior of all influence comes this place transaction, the personnel are complex. 雷霄星域的云雷星,这是一个星域内最为出名的交易星,各方势力的武者都来此地交易,人员复杂。 Heard?” “听说了吗?” Heard?” “听说了吗?” Heard, had to kill the star to come, killed the God Clan person // quickest writing to renew www.shumilou.com non- ball window not to have the advertisement specially //.” “听说了,有个杀星来了,专杀神族的人//最快文字更新www.shumilou.com无弹窗无广告//。” Heard that many God Clan people were struck to kill, the God Clan clansman in our nearby God Clan foothold, has disappeared.” “听说很多神族人被击杀,我们附近的神族据点的神族族人,已经一个不见了。” Three God Clan Origin God Boundary were struck to kill, Void God and Source God died several hundred, these footholds of Bradley Family, this person, completely vanished.” “有三个神族始神境界者被击杀,虚神源神死了数百个了,布拉德利家族的那些据点,此人所过后,都全部消失了。” On Yun Leixing the street, in the teahouse, in many secret rooms, similar dialog has throughout. 在云雷星的街道上,茶楼中,许多密室内,类似的对话始终在发生。 Many native influences of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, through their way, knew the present Star Sea important matter, an external youth, slaughters in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory at this time, to enslaving their God Clan carries on is slaughtering, almost every day, they can receive the message, said that has the God Clan clansman to be extinguished kills, every day has this person of Slaughter God news. 雷霄星域的许多本土势力,已经通过自己的途径,知晓了如今星海的大事,一个外来的青年,此时在雷霄星域大开杀戒,对奴役他们的神族进行着屠戮着,几乎每一天,他们都能收到消息,说有神族族人被灭杀,每一天都有此人杀神般的消息。 Yun Leixing a secret room. 云雷星一间密室。 Several old man dignified sitting, the secret room peripheral has set up the numerous wall barriers, a fly cannot fly. 数名老者神情凝重的坐着,密室周边设立了重重壁障,连一只苍蝇都不能飞出去。 They are the representatives of Thunder Xiaoxing territory native place influence, is the God Clan dependency, has submitted to Bradley Family despotic power many years of knowing the limitation, now they because of a person, gather here together. 他们都是雷霄星域本土势力的代表,是神族的附庸,已经臣服布拉德利家族淫威多年的识相者,如今他们因为一个人,一同聚集在这儿。 How do you see?” And an oldest person, droops to focus to hide the inquiry. “你们怎么看?”其中最为苍老的一个人,耷拉着眼皮子询问。 Old Lei, this matter your manner is the key, in the past, in Thunder Xiao the pledge you, but vice- Union Master, we listen your.” Other people said that look glittering. 雷老,此事你的态度才是关键,当年,在雷霄盟你可是副盟主,我们都听你的。”其余人纷纷表示,眼神闪烁着。 Not to mention in the past, Thunder Xiaomeng did not have, I now am not Thunder Bao, but is Leidong, you should also through the respective way, know that person of status, Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, can truly with the future overlord who God Clan contends with, Bradley Family compared with him, is really nothing to speak, if obtains his approval, our Thunder Xiaoxing territory was hopeful.” The old man in Leidong, has Origin God Second Sky cultivation base, cultivates the thunder, after Thunder Xiao the pledge destruction, changing external appearances only concealing gets up, does not dare the frontage and Letka conflict, is only the working behind the scenes. “别提当年,雷霄盟已经没了,我现在不是雷雹,而是雷垌,你们应该也通过各自的途径,知道那人的身份了,嗜血尊主,真正能够和神族抗衡的未来霸主,布拉德利家族与他相比,真是不值一提,如果得到他的认可,我们雷霄星域就有希望了。”自称雷垌的老者,有始神二重天修为,修雷,在雷霄盟覆灭后,改头换面的隐匿起来,不敢正面和莱特卡冲突,只是暗中活动。 We receive enough, if hopeful, is willing to try!” “我们都受够了,如果有希望的话,愿意一试!” I am also this meaning!” “我也是这个意思!” Good!” “好!”
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