GOS :: Volume #14

#1308: Spelled!

~ date: ~ on October 25 ~ ~日期:~10月25日~ Shi Yan thinks full. 石岩觉得酣畅淋漓。 For these years, when he and person battle showdown, does not dare to display Devouring Deep Meaning truly, does not dare to embezzle Soul Altar by Devouring Deep Meaning directly. 这么多年来,他与人交战对决之时,都不敢真正施展吞噬奥义,也不敢直接以吞噬奥义灵魂祭台吞没。 Because he knows this deep meaning evil fearful, had been urged by Xuan He and the others, does not have breakthrough Origin God, had not determined before Bloodthirsty Venerable Lord status, finally do not expose, so as to avoid stared to strangle by God Clan. 因为他知道这奥义的邪恶可怕,也被玄河等人叮嘱过,没有突破始神,没有确定嗜血尊主身份之前,最后别暴露出来,免得被神族盯上扼杀掉。 Therefore he has been hands tied the feet tied. 所以他一直束手束脚。 But now, he cannot reveal only part of the truth, he can his innermost feelings evil release, show truly Devouring Deep Meaning! 但现在,他再也不能藏头露尾,他可以将他内心邪恶释放,将吞噬奥义真正展现出来! Today this slaughtering, is he most does not have a restraint war, although is only unilateral slaughtering, may still make him satisfy. 今天这次杀戮,是他最没有束缚的一战,虽然只是单方面的屠戮,可依然令他大为满意。 He narrows the eyes to focus slightly, is feeling the God Body condition, he discovered the deaths of these 35 God Clan clansmen, but has supplemented his few power, let alone breakthrough Origin God Second Sky, had the enormous disparity to his original power. 他微微眯着眼,感受着神体状况,他发现这35名神族族人的死亡,只是补充了他很少一部分力量,别说突破始神二重天了,离他原先的力量都有极大差距。 He knows that this is not definitely good, by his present God Body condition, even if affirms the skeleton of Immemorial Thunder Dragon in that ore star, surveys very much difficultly clearly, transfers it, not to mention the Immemorial Thunder Dragon remnant soul accumulation, gave Resurrect him. 他知道这肯定不行,以他如今的神体状况,就算是肯定太古雷龙的骨骸就在那矿星内部,也很难去探测清楚,将其挪移出来,更别提将太古雷龙残魂聚集,将他给复活了。 He needs many power, must restore as soon as possible, had better be able step First Level Realm, achieves Origin God Second Sky. 他需要更多的力量,要尽快的恢复,最好能迈上一层境界,达到始神二重天 Thus, can finish. 这样,才能更有毕。 Leads me to go to day clouds star, helping your Chen Family clean up the God Clan clansman cleanly.” Shi Yan looks to Chen Lei. “带我去天霄星,帮你陈家神族族人清理干净了。”石岩瞧向陈蕾 The Chen Lei mind is startled to palpitate restlessly, hear word nods subconsciously, good, good, good......” 陈蕾心神惊悸不安,闻言下意识的点头,“好,好,好……” Her innermost feelings are quite panic-stricken. 她内心极为惊恐。 She thinks Ouyang Luoshuang is their Expert, because of the loss of Shi Yan supernatural power, she has not perceived how the fluctuation of terrifying from Shi Yan, they dehumanizing many years of God Clan clansmen but who now, Shi Yan such as the greedy person like the flock of sheep, in cruel extremely savage method, will force, strike to kill cleanly in the extremely short time, this deeply has shocked her. 她本来以为欧阳洛霜才是两人的强者,因为石岩神力的损耗,她并没有从石岩身上觉察到多么恐怖的波动,但现在,石岩如饿狼如羊群,以极为暴戾凶残手段,将逼迫的他们凄苦多年的神族族人,在极短时间击杀干净,这深深震撼了她。 She just the eye had not winked, she can look at Shi Yan by an extremely evil deep meaning. Embezzles God Clan clansman power, gives the absorption Soul Altar. 她刚刚眼睛都没眨,她看得出来石岩以一种极为邪恶的奥义。将神族族人力量吞没,将灵魂祭台都给吸收。 She has never seen the so evil deep meaning. 她从未见过如此邪恶的奥义。 She is a little panic-stricken, starts to suspect that her decision was whether correct, because of the performance of Shi Yan, too superhigh she anticipated, extremely savage...... 她有点惊慌失措,也开始怀疑她的决定是否正确了,因为石岩的表现,实在太超出她意料,太过凶残…… Goes to the day clouds star!” Shi Yan has drunk one. “去天霄星!”石岩又喝了一声。 The Chen Lei mind is startled changes, at once does not dare to talk too much anything, called repeatedly: Goes to the day clouds star!” 陈蕾心神惊变,旋即不敢多言什么,连声吆喝:“去天霄星!” Three goldbug War Chariot come. Hurries to take Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang. But at this time, in that ore on-board, actually some numerous Chen Family clansmen. Skin and bones goes out from the mine tunnel, is thin and pale, complexion vacant looks to here. Does not know that outside had anything. 三艘金甲虫战车呼啸而来。赶紧将石岩欧阳洛霜带上。而这个时候,在那矿星上,却有众多陈家的族人。一个个瘦骨嶙峋的从矿洞内走出,涅憔悴,脸色茫然的看向这边。不知道外面发生了什么。 „!” “啊!” They died! They died completely!” “他们死了!他们全部都死了!” Heaven, how is this matter?” “老天,这是怎么一回事?” These people had discovered quickly God Clan clansman Dead body, screamed, they looked from afar to Chen Lei, revealed wild with joy, thinks that is hand that Chen Lei moved. 那些人很快发现了神族族人尸体,纷纷尖叫起来,他们远远的看向陈蕾,露出狂喜,以为是陈蕾动的手。 The Chen Lei forced smile, said: You stay here, which do not go, is treating well.” 陈蕾苦笑,道:“你们留在这里,哪儿都别去,好好待着。” These person of repeatedly nodded. 那些人连连点头 Before goldbug War Chariot flies away, ’ crag in the direction of this ore star, has left behind the symbol, a while and other day clouds star matters had ended, can come at any time. 金甲虫战车飞走前’岩在这矿星的方向,也留下了记号,一会儿等天霄星事情结束了,可以随时过来。 His Space Deep Meaning, although cannot momentarily time the space of tearing different star territory, but flickering in same star territory move, is actually easy. 他的空间奥义,虽然不能随时时刻的撕裂不同星域的空间,但在同一个星域的瞬移,却是轻而易举。 When left to him and Chen Lei and the others. That Decca Luo appears in the hidden place, he traces white-haired, whispered: Proper matter does not do, sways blindly any vigor......” 待到他和陈蕾等人离开。那迪卡罗在暗处又重新浮现出来,他摸了摸满头白发,嘀咕道:“正经事不做,瞎晃荡个什么劲……” He looks to that giant ore star, said: Old friend do not worry. Quick, is quick we to see again.” 他看向那巨大矿星,道:“老朋友别着急。快了,很快我们就能重见。” ...... …… Day clouds star. 天霄星。 This is star of n Chen four levels of life is not big, because the position is remote, naturally cannot say that lively, really unusual Outsider appears. 这是一个四级的生命之星n辰不算大,因为位置偏僻,自然称不上繁华,甚少有外来者出现。 On the stars only then a Warrior influence, is Chen Family, they have several thousand people, but most Realm are mean, be only Disaster and Human Realm this level, achieves God King Realm already extremely few, on the grand mountain peak of day clouds star, is constructing the gorgeous palace, this palace palace edition is the Chen Family sacred place, at this time, was actually wrested away by the God Clan clansman. 星辰上只有一个武者势力,就是陈家,他们有数万人之多,但大多数境界低微,只有百劫人位这种层次,达到神王境界的已经极少,在天霄星的一座雄伟山峰上,修建着华美的宫殿,这宫殿本是陈家的圣地,此时,却被神族族人霸占。 Chen Family current Family Head Chen Rong, with Chen Family these Warrior, instead the life in at the foot of the hill of that mountain peak, can only sad Cui is looking up at own ancestor place. 陈家现任家主陈荣,和陈家的那些武者们,反而生活在那山峰的山脚下,只能悲催的仰视着自己的祖地。 Family Head, is only Void God Third Sky Realm, is the same with you, if we get rid fully, joins up, whether to strike to kill him?” At the foot of the hill, Chen Family Elder, is looking up at the Chen Family sacred place, in the eye full is the deep-seated hatred. 家主,那阿凡尔也只是虚神三重天境界,和您一样,如果我们全力出手,联合起来,能否将他击杀?”山脚下,一名陈家长老,仰视着陈家圣地,眼中满是刻骨仇恨。 His youngest daughter, in three years ago by in the name of teaching deep meaning, seizing on mountain peak, his three years have not seen. 他的小女儿,在三年前被阿凡尔以传授奥义为名,给掳到了山峰上,他三年不曾见到。 In the past few days, a Chen Family soldier in the side mountain valley, has found his daughter's Dead body, that Dead body clothing is tattered, the whole body whip-mark, making the person not endure to witness. 就在前些天,一名陈家儿郎在旁边山谷中,瞧见了他女儿的尸体,那尸体衣衫破破烂烂,满身鞭痕,让人不忍目睹。 After he daughter corpse meets, a person closes in the room, whooshes is hoarse to the sound, today after coming out, then looks for Chen Rong, clenches teeth, the corners of the mouth had a bloodstain, proposed that must counter-attack reckless. 他将女儿尸身接回来后,一个人关在房间,嘶吼到声音沙哑,今天出来后,便找上陈荣,咬着牙,嘴角都有了一丝血迹,提议要不顾一切的反击。 Chen Rong looks to him, the look is sorrowful, said: Yan elder brother, we gets rid fully, only then 50% successes are possible, but how won? God Clan will send out Expert to come, by Letka vicious cruel, what consequence our Chen Family will suffer, can you once well think?” 陈荣看向他,眼神悲哀,道:“严哥,我们全力出手,也只有一半的成功可能,但就算是胜了又如何?神族会派出更强者过来,以莱特卡的狠毒残忍,我们陈家会遭受什么后果,你可曾好好想过?” „Does that such consider as finished?!” In Chen Yanyan covers entirely blood planetesimal, the tooth bites the straight sound, the facial expression fierce such as wants crazy wild beast. “那难道就这么算了?!”陈严眼中布满血星子,牙齿咬的咯嘣直响,神情狰狞如要疯狂的野兽 Yan elder brother, I also hates, your feeling I have, how our people of father's generation die, I remember very clearly.” Chen Rong looks to him, sighed: I had reminded extremely already you, making you destroy Xiaolan appearance slightly, you do not listen......” “严哥,我也恨,你的感受我也有过,我们的父辈如何死的,我记得很清楚。”陈荣看向他,叹道:“我极早就提醒过你,让你将小兰儿面貌稍稍破坏,你非不听……” Must be cruel, can destroy a oneself daughter's attractive face? I feared that she hates me for a lifetime, I cannot achieve!” Chen Yan exclaimed. “要多残忍,才能将自己女儿漂亮的一张脸毁去?我怕她恨我一辈子,我做不到!”陈严吼道。 Such remarks, Chen Rong is covering the chest, a face pain is uncomfortable. 此言一出,陈荣捂着胸口,一脸痛楚难受。 Chen Yan stares, immediately responded that lowered the head saying: Is unfair to Family Head, I am not intentionally.” 陈严一愣,顿时反应过来,垂头道:“对不起家主,我不是故意的。” Chen Rong gasps for breath to beckon with the hand, the pain said: Has not related with you, does not have the relations with you......” 陈荣喘着气摆摆手,痛苦道:“和你没关系,和你没关系……” You is right, if I can such as you be common, Xiaolan not......” ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews the first round ~~ “您是对的,如果我能如你一般,小兰儿也不会……”~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~ Let alone!” Chen Rong calls out. “别说了!”陈荣暴喝。 Chen Yan lowers the head at once, sighed one darkly. 陈严旋即垂头,暗叹一声。 Help!” “救命!” Father! Saves me!” “爹爹!救我啊!” , Hears a girls chilly fiercely shouted sound in the wooded mountains suddenly. 突地,在山林间传来一个少女厉叫声。 Chen Rong, Chen Yan complexion changes, grazes to move rapidly, flushes away in the direction that sound conveys. 陈蓉、陈严脸色一变,迅速飞掠而动,朝着那声音传来的方向冲去。 They rush to the goal quickly, that is a Chen Family soldier cultivation lake, at this time, girls of pair of ten time passage, was being imprisoned by two God Clan youth, must drag toward that mountain peak. 他们很快赶到目标,那是陈家儿郎修炼的一个湖泊,此时,一名双十年华的少女,被两个神族青年禁锢着,要往那山峰拖。 girls can only be delicate, the stature appears very thin, only then Disaster Realm cultivation base, she comes to this lake to collect the spirit fruit, the passed by two God Clan youth saw that suddenly had the idea, hee hee smiles, said that must to her a good fortune, leading her to go to that Chen Family ancestor mountain peak cultivation, teaches secret technique that God Clan does not pass on. 少女涅只能算清秀,身材显得很消瘦,只有百劫境界修为,她来这湖泊处只是为了采集灵果,被路过的两个神族青年见到,突然就有了想法,嘻嘻笑着,说要给她一场造化,带她去那陈家祖地山峰修炼,传授神族不传的秘术 girls from many family member and friend mouth, knows that by female who these God Clan clansmen teach the deep meaning, ends up to turn out any fate, naturally not, since, shouts to save a life. 少女从很多家人和朋友口中,已经知道被那些神族族人传授奥义的女子,都落得个什么个下场,自然不从,大喊救命。 Chen Rong and Chen Yan also come. 陈荣、陈严也闻讯而来。 Chen Yan sees that two God Clan youth, is doing with the same matter, eye of zi completely is immediately red, cavity anger erupts. 陈严一见那两个神族青年,干着和阿凡尔一样的事情,当即目眦尽赤,一腔怒火爆发出来。 He does not give a thought to the stop of Chen Rong, immediately calls out one, contains ones anger to get rid, by Void God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, stimulates to movement power of wood directly, saw only in the wooded mountains the trunk and branches of old trees to live suddenly, surrounded two God Clan youth of God King Realm instantaneously, then that trunk and branches such as the python tightened, stirred to break to pieces that two God Clan youth fleshly body. 他不顾陈荣的阻拦,顿时暴喝一声,含怒出手,以虚神二重天境界修为,直接催动木之力量,只见山林间一株株古树的枝干突然活了,瞬间将两名只有神王境界的神族青年困住,然后那枝干如巨蟒勒紧,生生将那两名神族青年肉身搅碎掉。 That two God Clan youth covered with blood that stirs, the bloody water flowed place, that girls that frightens looks deathly pale. 搅的那两个神族青年血肉模糊,血水流了一地,吓的那名少女都脸色惨白。 Chen Yan nursing hatred gets rid, making Chen Rong tarry immediately, in the pupil full is the jittery. 陈严的含恨出手,让陈荣顿时呆住,眸中满是惊慌不安。 Ended, ended...... 完了,完了…… Chen Rong sighed painstakingly, knows that Chen Yan this contained ones anger to get rid, feared that has annoyed the catastrophe, does not know that many Chen Family people will meet with a disaster, tragic death in hand. 陈荣苦叹,知道陈严的这含怒出手,怕是惹了大祸,也不知道多少陈家人将会遭殃,惨死在阿凡尔手中。 Family Head, I, I......” that girls mewl, was scared. 家主,我,我……”那名少女低泣着,已经傻眼。 Chen Rong weak waving, has hesitated, said: Has not closed with you, you leave immediately.” 陈荣无力的挥挥手,沉吟了一下,道:“和你没关,你立即离开。” How he considers must deal with the following matter, when they hesitate, he has not discovered that two God Clan youth neck two jades, after they died, simultaneously explodes broken. 他思量着要如何应付接下来的事情,就在他们沉吟之时,他并没有发现那两个神族青年脖颈的两块玉石,在他们死亡之后,同时爆碎。 long time, a wild with rage sound, does not convey from his Chen Family sacred place mountain peak. 多时,一个狂怒的声音,从他陈家的圣地山峰传来。 Chen Rong complexion one white. 陈荣脸色一白。 Chen Yan also realized that what happened, his complexion one ruthless, shouted to clear the way: I and he spelled!” 陈严也意识到发生了什么事情,他脸色一狠,喝道:“我和他拼了!” The Chen Rong forced smile, you have Void God Second Sky, you at all are not his match, this, was really ruined.” 陈荣苦笑,“你只有虚神二重天,你根本不是他对手,这趟,真是糟透了。” Family Head?” Chen Yan stares. 家主?”陈严一愣。 Spelled!” Chen Rong deeply inspires, said: Rather withstands the disaster of extermination of the clan, wants strength abundant one time, I also endure enough, this time wants abundant to disappear, either I die with Chen Family!” “拼了!”陈荣深吸一口气,道:“宁愿承受灭族之灾,也要力博一次,我也忍够了,这次要么博个消,要么我就和陈家一起去死!” You one and die with Chen Family!” “那你就和陈家一并去死吧!” A handsome God Clan middle-aged man, arrives from the day, whole body lightning glittering, in eyes overflows haughtily completely ice-cold. 一名英俊的神族中年男子,从天降临,浑身电光闪烁,双眸中溢满狂傲冰冷。 In his eyes, the Chen Family person is similar to the lowly domestic animal, is his Captive, momentarily can massacre, momentarily can nourish to play with. 在他眼中,陈家的人如同卑贱的牲畜,就是他圈养的,随时可以杀掉,随时能滋养玩弄。 He has also done. 他也一直都是这么干的。 He is noble Bradley Family clansman, is elite of God Clan 12 heads, cannot enjoy all that has in the hometown, can only assume the place of this remote depletion, if he was unable to seek a pleasure with these servants, what pleasure the person returning alive does have? 他是高贵的布拉德利家族族人,是神族12家之首的精锐,不能在故乡享受拥有的一切,只能坐镇这偏僻枯竭之地,他如果还不能拿这些奴仆寻点乐子,人生还有什么乐趣可言? Comes callously, intense electric current, he puts out a hand to pull, giant electricity dragons appear, altogether 12 electricity Dragon's Tail close to connect his Void Realm, raids turbulently wild, must gives one that Chen Rong and Chen Yan and strikes to kill. 阿凡尔冷酷而来,一身强烈电流,他伸手一扯,一条条巨大电龙浮现出来,一共12条电龙尾巴连接他虚界,汹涌狂暴袭来,要将那陈荣和陈严都给一并击杀。 Under the terrifying energy fluctuation of that 12 electricity dragons, Chen Rong and Chen Yan whole body greatly shakes, the complexion spills over the panic-stricken color. 在那12条电龙的恐怖能量波动下,陈荣、陈严都浑身巨震,脸色泛出惊骇之色。 With is Void God Third Sky, Chen Rong realized suddenly he and disparity is enormous, in the power vigorous fining, at is not a rank. 同为虚神三重天,陈荣忽然意识到他和阿凡尔的差距极大极大,在力量的浑厚精炼上,根本不是一个级别。 His painful realizing, four big races in same level Warrior, really have the Nascent superiority. 他痛苦的认识到,四大种族在同级武者中,果然有着先天的优势。 Chen Rong spills over the dismal feeling. 陈荣泛出悲凉之感。 ...... …… Book net www. RT 书网www.RT
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