GOS :: Volume #14

#1307: Slaughtering

Chen Lei tells...... 陈蕾娓娓道来…… The Chen Family ancestor lives in this, several thousand years of history can track down, in the rumor when early, nearby day clouds star does not have what ore star extremely, only then dead stars, with the giant meteorite, making the Star Sea route be stopped up. 陈家祖上就生活在这一块,有数万年历史能追寻,传言中在极早的时候,天霄星附近并没有什么矿星,只有一颗颗死星,和许多巨大的陨石,令星海航线都被堵塞。 Before Chen Family such as was sealing up, in day clouds star cultivation, little went out, only then needs to exchange the cultivation material time, will go to the market in Thunder Xiaoxing territory. 以前陈家如封闭着,在天霄星修炼,甚少外出,只有需要交换修炼材料的时候,才会去雷霄星域的市场。 According to the ancestor record of Chen Family, ten thousand years ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews the first round ~~ first some day, the nearby star territory wall barrier has the huge change, the thunder, such as the end attack is ordinary, the Chen Family older generation is quite alarmed and afraid, in the past after watching, discovered that a void wall bonded entire to blast open, had dazzling lightning suddenly to launch, many past Chen Family older generations therefore died. 根据陈家的祖先记载,万年~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~前的某一天,附近星域壁障发生巨大变动,电闪雷鸣,如末日来袭一般,陈家先辈极为惊惧,过去观看后发现一处虚空壁障整个炸裂开来,有刺目电光暴射而出,很多过去的陈家先辈都因此而死。 Survives luckily, at the maximum speed ran away, does not dare to look. 幸运存活下来的,都以最快的速度逃了回来,再也不敢多看。 Afterward, in Chen Family day clouds star nearby Star Sea, the meteorite of jamming dies on-board, has transmitted destroys the fluctuation of Heaven Destroyer place, the thunder continuous. 事后,陈家的天霄星附近星海内,堵塞的陨石死星上,一直传来毁天灭地的波动,电闪雷鸣不休。 But Chen Family also nobody dares to pass to watch again. 陈家再也没人敢过去观看。 Until these terrifying fluctuations vanish, after several years , the Chen Family older generation dares to pass finds out, then they discovered before , stops up many meteorites that they navigate to split numerous fragment, among Star Sea is flooding the cruel thunder and lightning storm, some dead star thorough explosions vanished, but also some also fluctuated the position, as if experienced a great change. 直到那些恐怖波动消失,过了几年后,陈家先辈才敢过去一探究竟,然后他们就发现以前堵塞他们航行的许多陨石分裂成众多碎块,星海间充斥着暴戾雷电风暴,一些死星彻底爆炸消失了,还有的也变幻了位置,仿佛经历了一场巨变。 Later several hundred years, are winding around in that region throughout the intense electric current, for a long time, these thunder and lightning crazy classes had vanished slowly. 之后数百年时间,在那片区域始终缭绕着强烈电流,又过了许久,那些雷电狂流慢慢消失。 Then the Chen Family person in the past, discovered that many dead star had the change, is flooding lightning glow, the mountains of these stars, congeals gradually the wind and thunder stone wind and thunder endolithic implication thunder energy, to Warrior of strength of cultivation thunder and lightning, can regard Divine Crystal to derive power, was still precious. 然后陈家人过去,发现许多死星发生了变化,充斥着电芒,那些星辰的山川内部,渐渐凝结出风雷石风雷石内蕴含雷能,对修炼雷电之力的武者来说,可以当成神晶来汲取力量,尚算是珍贵。 The dead star turns into the ore star, the massive wind and thunder stones were mined gradually Chen Family wealthily, Chen Family also relies on these wind and thunder stone mineral lode, gradual is powerful. 死星变成矿星,大量的风雷石被开采出来渐渐富裕了陈家,陈家也是依赖那些风雷石矿脉,逐渐的强盛起来。 Until now, reason that God Clan dispatches a squad in the day clouds star, settled on these rich wind and thunder stones, enslaves the Chen Family person to mine, is transported by the God Clan battleship. 至今,神族之所以派遣一个小队在天霄星,也是看中了那些丰富的风雷石,奴役着陈家人开采出来,由神族的战舰运输走。 Wind and thunder stone......” “风雷石……” In the Shi Yan heart moves, the secret nod has grasped the vein. 石岩心中一动,暗暗点头已经把握住了脉络。 Through narration of Chen Lei, he can affirm that the formations of these wind and thunder stones, is most likely related with the Immemorial Thunder Dragon remains, perhaps in these ore star, is then quiet the monster body of Immemorial Thunder Dragon, Immemorial Thunder Dragon is being Immortal exists, the skeleton contains terrifying thunder and lightning, long has naturally been able to make the mountains have the accident in the place bottom time, then forms the wind and thunder stone. 通过陈蕾的讲述,他可以肯定那些风雷石的形成,十有八九和太古雷龙的遗骨有关,或许在那些矿星内部,便沉寂着太古雷龙的妖身,太古雷龙不朽存在,骨骸蕴含恐怖雷电,在地底时间久了自然能让山川发生变故,进而形成风雷石。 Leads me to go to that mining area.” He told to Chen Lei. “带我去那矿区。”他对陈蕾吩咐。 Chen Lei reveals the make things difficult color. 陈蕾露出为难色。 Un?” Shi Yan knits the brows. “嗯?”石岩一皱眉。 „It is not not, is only,...... Person who nursing in these mining areas has God Clan, once your status looks have exposed, fears is...... Very will be troublesome.” Chen Lei explained. “不是不可以,只是,……那些矿区内有神族的人看护,你们的身份相貌一旦暴露了,怕是……会很麻烦。”陈蕾解释。 These nursing mining area are, what Realm cultivation base? Highest?” Shi Yan asked. “那些看护矿区者,都是什么境界修为?最高的一个?”石岩问。 With our but same level Realm, God Clan definitely is almost fiercer than us. Highest Realm, is Void God Second Sky is more formidable than......” the Chen Lei reply me. “和我们差不多但同等境界者,神族肯定比我们厉害许多。最高境界者,为一名虚神二重天比我强大……”陈蕾回答。 Was too weak, but also insufficiently I restored become power......” Shi Yan to whisper, at once said: „ Leads us to pass, the God Clan matter you do not use multibarreled, we will process. “太弱了,还不够我恢复一成力量……”石岩嘀咕了一句,旋即道:“带我们过去,神族的事情你们不用多管,我们会处理。 Chen Lei eye one bright, nod said joyfully: That should better.” 陈蕾眼睛一亮,欣然点头道:“那最好不过。” She after seeing Ouyang Luoshuang Origin God Boundary cultivation base, in secret had the idea to want with the aid in Shi Yan their power, changes Chen Family nowadays poverty-stricken, saw Shi Yan to God Clan start on own initiative, naturally just and her intent. 她从看出欧阳洛霜始神境修为后,就暗中有了想法想要借助于石岩两人的力量,改变陈家现今的窘迫,见石岩主动要对神族下手,自然正和她意。 Chen Lei was telling, was bringing on Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang personally War Chariot, went toward the ore star of their Chen Family guarding. 陈蕾吩咐着,亲自带着石岩欧阳洛霜上了一艘战车,往他们陈家驻守的矿星而去。 Shi Yan stands on War Chariot, looked that has the void wall barrier of Immemorial Thunder Dragon remnant soul to that leaves behind together Divine Sense in secret is the symbol. 石岩站在战车上,看向那有太古雷龙残魂的虚空壁障,暗中留下一道神念为记号。 After they leave soon, Decca Luo the slit that bonds from that star territory wall glittering comes out, his face is moved, the looks at that Immemorial Thunder Dragon remnant soul, sighed: Old friend, has put in great inconvenience your many years, the solid my original wishes, your Resurrect cannot through breeding your Essence, I again worries not to have the means that but this if all goes well, you not only can Resurrect, but can also have not a small good fortune. Because, that obtains your ancestor Essence lucky fellow, now also obtained beginning Origin Fruit, this was also your fate comes.” 在他们离开后不多久,迪卡罗从那星域壁障的缝隙内闪烁出来,他一脸伤感,看着太古雷龙的残魂,叹息道:“老朋友,委屈了你这么多年,实非我本愿,你的复活必须要通过孕育你的本源,我就算是再着急也没有办法,但这趟如果一切顺利,你不但能复活,还能有一场不小的造化。因为,那个获得你祖地本源的幸运儿,如今还得到了始源果,这也算是你的运道来了。” Decca Luo Shenshen looks to that thunder and lightning, shows a faint smile, your Resurrect, your I have had a friendly chat over a cup of wine again, I am waiting for you.” 迪卡罗深深看向那一条条雷电,微微一笑,“等你复活了,你我再把酒言欢,我等着你。” He shoots a look at from afar to the direction that Shi Yan vanishes, muttered whispered, at once the contraction is a luminous spot, vanished suddenly. 他远远瞥向石岩消失的方向,喃喃嘀咕了一句,旋即收缩为一个光点,骤然消失。 The goldbug War Chariot speed slows down suddenly. 金甲虫战车速度骤然放缓。 The Chen Lei direction front, said dignifiedly: Front, is the ore star of our Chen Family guarding, several places, you carefully look, these ore star interconnections, what thing such as by were mounted in general, is very unusual? Before was not this, after that change occurred, appeared......” 陈蕾指向前方,凝重道:“前面,就是我们陈家驻守的矿星,有十几个地方,你仔细看,那些矿星相互连接,如被什么东西黏在一般,是不是很奇特?以前并不是这样的,在那变化发生以后,才出现的……” Shi Yan goes along the power and reputation, reveals the surprised color. 石岩顺势望去,也露出惊讶色。 The front has ore stars, these ores on-board do not have the plant vegetation, does not have the flowers, only then the mountains of height fluctuating, Chen Lei said that these ore stars are transform by the dead star, now looked that pours also really seems like that a matter. 前方有一颗颗矿星,那些矿星上没有植物草木,没有花朵,只有一座座高低起伏的山川,陈蕾说那些矿星是由死星转化而成,如今一看,倒也真像是那么一回事。 Several ore stars grotesque, has the ellipse, has the sharp cone-shape, like the iron ball appearance, these ore stars should exist alone, this matter such as forcefully was actually stucked, the ore star mix becomes one group, appears extremely ugly strange. 几个矿星奇形怪状,有椭圆形,有尖锥形,有如铁球般的模样,那些矿星本来应该是单独存在,此事却如被强行黏住,一个个矿星糅成一团,显得极为丑陋奇怪。 In that like malignant tumor giant ore star around, the fragmentary meteorite, on the meteorite has the landing house, there are slightly obviously magnificently and expensively, has the life to pass and out the activity. 在那如毒瘤般的巨大矿星周围,还有许多零碎的陨石,陨石上有降落的房屋,也有稍显华贵的,都有生灵进出活动。 He closes one's eyes sweeps, immediately discovered in that giant ore on-board, many Realm mean Warrior exist, should be the Chen Family person, beyond the day ore mining of ore star, can only be Warrior, the mortal cannot leave the breath, does not have enough power, is unserviceable. 他闭着眼睛一扫,立即发现在那巨大矿星上,有许多境界低微的武者存在,应该就是陈家人,天外矿星的矿石开采,只能是武者,凡人离不开呼吸,没有足够的力量,不能胜任。 Therefore, Chen Family Warrior, under forcing of God Clan, naturally has become the ore slave. 因此,陈家武者,都在神族的胁迫下,自然而然成了矿奴。 The Chen Family clansman, lives in total darkness ore star, is the God Clan mining ore, its lane. 陈家的族人,生活在暗无天日的矿星内部,为神族开采矿石,将其弄出来。 The God Clan clansman of Bradley Family, then disperses on the meteorite of ore star surrounding, these crude houses are their, they do not need to be the coolie, so long as every day cultivation, drinks wine to make music, the looks at Chen Family person can. 布拉德利家族的神族族人,则是分散在矿星外围的陨石上,那些简陋的房舍便是他们的,他们不需要做苦力,每天只要修炼,饮酒作乐,看着陈家人便可。 Chen Lei looks to that ore star house, the looks at these slightly fuzzy God Clan clansman, that has the face of scar, appears the deeply ingrained hatred, eyes combustion the anger. 陈蕾看向那矿星外面的屋舍,看着那些略显模糊的神族族人,那张有着伤痕的脸庞,显得刻骨的恨意,双眸燃烧着怒火。 „Do you hate them very much?” Ouyang Luoshuang light say|way. “你很恨他们?”欧阳洛霜淡淡道。 Such remarks, the Chen Family clansmen on three Jinjia War Chariot, clench jaws completely, simultaneously selects among them unexpectedly the Realm highest, but Void God Second Sky, is merely same to you, why doesn't dare to begin?” Ouyang Luoshuang asked. 此言一出,三艘金甲战车上的陈家族人,全部咬牙切齿,竟同时点“他们当中境界最高者,不过仅仅虚神二重天,与你一样,为什么不敢动手?”欧阳洛霜问。 On the Chen Lei face spills over a pain, said: Has tried, the disastrous defeat, was closed for three years, if not they need the person to mine the ore, will carry on the big clean to us, destroys completely my Chen Family directly. The significance that we have, opens up a mine to them, makes the wind and thunder stone, transports from them to the outside world receiving in exchange wealth, the clansman in Ancient God star territory is enjoying meticulous cultivation take care of for them, compared with them, we are only the base and low servant......” 陈蕾脸上泛出一丝痛苦,道:“试过,惨败了,被关了三年,若非他们需要人开采矿石,会对我们进行大清洗,将我陈家直接灭掉。我们存在的意义,就是给他们开矿,将风雷石弄出来,由他们输送到外界换取财富,供他们在古神星域的族人享受着无微不至的修炼照顾,和他们相比,我们只是卑微的奴仆……” Chen Lei clenches teeth, in the eye pupil full is dismal helpless. 陈蕾咬着牙,眼眸中满是悲凉无奈。 We can kill off them, even can massacre your day clouds on-board their people, but you did not fear that they do retaliate afterward?” Ouyang Luoshuang asked again. “我们可以杀光他们,甚至可以杀掉你们天霄星上他们的人,但你不怕他们事后报复?”欧阳洛霜再问。 Heard that they could not take care of oneself now, because had their battleship a while ago, left from our Thunder Xiaoxing territory, has probably the fight to occur outside. We want while this opportunity, to be separated from their restraint, seeks the opportunity of leaving, here...... Does not want to continue to stay, because we now including cultivation guaranteed basically did not have, Realm started to back up.” The Chen Lei whole face is bitter and astringent. “听说他们现在自顾不暇了,因为前段时间有很多他们的战舰,从我们雷霄星域离开了,好像在外面有战斗发生。我们想趁着这个时机,脱离他们的束缚,找寻离开的机会,这里……真的不想继续呆下去了,因为我们现在连修炼的最基本保证都没了,境界开始倒退了。”陈蕾满脸苦涩。 You, if can help me wholeheartedly, I promise you, can you Chen Family means of livelihood, send you to other star territory to live.” Shi Yan said suddenly. “你如果能全心全意帮我,我答应你,可以给你陈家一条活路,送你们去另外星域生活。”石岩突然道。 Such remarks, Chen Lei and these Chen Family clansmen, are the eye greatly brightly, excitedly tell fortunes by physiognomy he, said with one voice: „Does this word take seriously?” 此言一出,陈蕾和那些陈家的族人,都是眼睛大亮,激动的看相他,齐声道:“此言当真?” This matter is easy to me.” Shi Yan said with a smile. “此事对我轻而易举。”石岩笑道。 The Chen Family people are excited, Chen Lei is the statement, we fully coordinate you settledly!” 陈家众人兴奋不已,陈蕾更是表态,“我们定当全力配合你!” Shi Yan cracks into a smile, nodded, changes into together the star light at once, fires into the front suddenly. 石岩咧嘴一笑,点了点头,旋即化为一道星光,骤然冲向前方。 What person?!” “什么人?!” Bold!” “大胆!” Well! Is that person! Person who dead Sir Letka finds!” “咦!是那人!死莱特卡大人找的人!” By that giant ore star meteorite, many God Clan clansmen alarm suddenly, drinks severely, complexion violent anger. 那巨大矿星旁边的陨石上,许多神族族人骤然惊动,纷纷厉喝起来,脸色暴怒。 But the next quarter, sanguinary rule then submerged them...... 但下一刻,一场腥风血雨便淹没了他们…… Shi Yan such as a handle giant blood blade edge, pricks in the flesh and blood maliciously, in bloody glow, sees only God Clan clansman fleshly body to explode the broken, instantaneous tragic death. 石岩如一柄巨大血刃,狠狠刺入血肉之中,在血光中,只见一名名神族族人肉身爆碎,瞬间惨死。 Even if the supernatural power loss is huge, but copes with these highest Realm is only Void God Second Sky Realm Warrior, for him is still very relaxed, he displays Devouring Deep Meaning secretly, once passes through by a person, whole body acupoint power surges, then sees the God Clan clansman flesh and blood essence to drain suddenly, was turned into the withered corpse in the extremely short time. 就算神力损耗巨大,但对付这些最高境界只是虚神二重天境界武者,对他来说依然无比轻松,他暗自施展吞噬奥义,一旦走过一人身旁,浑身穴窍力量涌动,便见一个个神族族人血肉精气骤然流失,在极短时间被变成干瘪尸首。 That achieves the Void God Second Sky God Clan clansman, was approached by him, puts out a hand according to the top of the head. 那名达到虚神二重天神族族人,则是被他靠近,伸手按在头顶。 Under Chen Lei and gaze of Chen Family person, that God Clan clansman whole body flesh and blood essence pulled out leaves, in God Body the life force rapid outflow, is only dozens seconds of time, that person becomes the flying ash dissipates unexpectedly, did not have including the bone dregs. 陈蕾陈家人的注视下,那名神族族人浑身血肉精华被抽离,神体生机迅速流失,只是数十秒功夫,那人竟然成为飞灰消散,连骨头渣都没了。 A Shi Yan brow, the black hole appears suddenly, wanders on these meteorites, embezzles Soul Altar. 石岩一点眉头,黑洞骤然浮现,在那些陨石上游荡一圈,将一个个灵魂祭台吞没掉。 The short several minutes, 35 God Clan clansmen, were struck to kill completely. 短短数分钟时间,35名神族族人,全部被击杀。 Chen Family person panic-stricken desire certainly. 陈家人惊骇欲绝。 Ouyang Luoshuang also slightly changed the complexion, starts to suspect and Shi Yan arrives together, is the wise action. 就连欧阳洛霜也微微变了脸色,开始怀疑和石岩走到一块儿,到底是不是明智之举。 All occur is too quick, waits for the Chen Family person and Ouyang Luoshuang responds that the God Clan clansman died completely certainly, and was extracted life aura, the appearance is quite pitiful. 一切发生的实在太快,等陈家人和欧阳洛霜反应过来,神族族人已经全部死绝,并且都是被抽取掉生命气息,模样极为凄惨。
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