GOS :: Volume #14

#1306: Chen Family

Ouyang Luoshuang has not left, because Shi Yan the energy is bad at this time, lost too many supernatural powers on the way. 欧阳洛霜没有离开,因为石岩此时精力不济,途中损耗了太多神力。 Shi Yan has not compelled her to walk, thought that at this time side had one person to protect, poured also well, his indeed power lost is too big. 石岩也没逼着她走,觉得这时候身边有一人护着,倒也不错,他的确力量损耗太大。 Thunder Xiaoxing territory wall bonding place, the lightning of his with rapt attention looks at that wall bonding place, the look is astonished. 雷霄星域壁障处,他凝神看着那壁障处的闪电,眼神惊异。 To this time, he has been able to affirm that these lightnings are by the Immemorial Thunder Dragon remnant soul, but how must Immemorial Thunder Dragon Resurrect, he not have the idea. 到了这时候,他已经可以肯定那些闪电都是由太古雷龙的残魂所化,只是要如何将太古雷龙复活,他还真没有主意。 He confuses very much, knows this Immemorial Thunder Dragon to divide soul, if wants Resurrect Immemorial Thunder Dragon, to inform the Heavenly Demon Clan clansman this matter, making Saint Beast Azure Dragon know, why seeks him, gives to make him? 他很迷惑,知晓这太古雷龙分魂者,要想复活太古雷龙,应该将此事通知天妖族的族人,让圣兽青龙知晓啊,为何寻上他,将他给弄过来? He a little does not think clearly. 他有点想不明白。 Immemorial Thunder Dragon is one of the Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestors, although like that does not have unique Earth Realm like four Saint Beast in Heavenly Demon Clan, but also differs is not quite far, he fuses Essence, fused White Tiger and Vermilion Bird these two fights to remember that had learned Heavenly Demon Clan hidden secret, he knows Vermilion Bird and Immemorial Thunder Dragon once had fought, cannot defeat Immemorial Thunder Dragon. 太古雷龙天妖族始祖之一,虽不像四圣兽那般在天妖族有着独一无二的地位,但也相差不太远,他融合本源,也融合了白虎朱雀这两个的战斗记忆,获知了天妖族秘辛,他知道朱雀太古雷龙曾斗过,也未能将太古雷龙击败。 great ancient era Heavenly Demon Clan monster ancestor, if can the survival now, certainly be existence of Immortal. 太古时代天妖族妖祖,如果能存活现在,一定为不朽的存在。 Once this Immemorial Thunder Dragon remnant soul meets again, once restores to come, Heavenly Demon Clan will then add Immortal, but Heavenly Demon Clan is also ironclad to be able with him to walk clearly to become aware together suddenly in him. 太古雷龙残魂一旦重聚,一旦恢复过来,天妖族便会添一名不朽,而天妖族又铁定会和他走在一块儿他忽然明悟过来。 Perhaps this Immemorial Thunder Dragon, gives him to prepare specially, is certain people are remaining, comes Resurrect by him specially. 这头太古雷龙,说不定就是给他专门准备的,就是某些人留着,专门由他来复活的。 Immemorial Thunder Dragon is the life that great ancient era is born, breeds in Grace Mainland, consumes Grace Mainland Essence, the constitution of Essence, has the Heavenly Flame form, Heavenly Flame, Heavenly Flame, World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, Immemorial Thunder Dragon, Essence......” 太古雷龙太古时代诞生的生灵,在神恩大陆孕育,消耗神恩大陆本源,本源的构成,有天火的形式,天火,天火,灭世雷炎,太古雷龙,本源……” He frowns to rack one's brains, is seeking the Immemorial Thunder Dragon Resurrect method, grasps the key faintly likely, the eye was gradually bright. 他皱着眉头苦思,找寻着将太古雷龙复活的方法,隐隐像是把握住了关键,眼睛渐渐明亮起来。 Some nearby people are approaching.” Suddenly, a Ouyang Luoshuang black eyebrows wrinkle, shouted one lightly. “附近有人在靠近。”忽然,欧阳洛霜黛眉一皱,轻呼一声。 Does not need tube Shi Yan to say at will. “不用管”石岩随意道。 Ouyang Luoshuang does not say at once, is stopping in his side, silently looks at he, bright eyes flood extraordinary color. 欧阳洛霜旋即不言,就在他身旁停着,默默看着他,明眸泛出奇色。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! Three such as golden War Chariot of beetle, is loafing in the, suddenly the speed speeds up, clashes rapidly toward here. 三艘如甲虫的金色战车,在附近游荡着,忽然间速度加快,迅速往这边冲来。 On War Chariot, 12 Warrior, on each have four people, including Void God Realm, the surplus three people merely are only Source God, they for the native influence of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, bond nearby activity in this star territory wall, because receives the order of Letka to step up to go on patrol, did an inspection own territory by the request. 战车上,有12名武者,每一艘上面有四人,其中有一个虚神境界者,剩余三人都仅仅只是源神,他们为雷霄星域的一股本土势力,就在这星域壁障附近活动,因为收到莱特卡的命令加紧巡逻,被要求巡查自己的领地。 In their hands has the Shi Yan portrait, at this time, saw that is at Shi Yan that the star territory wall bonds, they all are the facial expression move slightly. 他们手中持有石岩的画像,此时,一看到那处在星域壁障的石岩,他们皆是神情微动。 Three War Chariot gather rapidly together. 三艘战车迅速聚集在一块儿。 On another two War Chariot Void God First Sky Realm, simultaneously looks the Realm highest to 12 people: Void God Second Sky Realm Expert. 另外两名战车虚神一重天境界者,同时看向12人当中境界最高者:一名虚神二重天境界强者 That person of golden color sends broken, is a capable woman, the carriage is lovely, eye wisdom, but on the cheeks has together the fierce scar, that scar from her left eye corner of the eye, has extended to her right lip, destroyed her should the charming appearance, making it appear quite ugly, she looked from afar to Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang direction, the eye was heavy. 那人一头金色碎发,为一名干练的妇人,体态娇好,眼睛睿智,但脸颊上却有一道狰狞伤痕,那伤痕从她左眼眼角,一直延伸到她右嘴唇,破坏了她那本该娇媚的容貌,令其显得颇为丑陋,她远远看向石岩欧阳洛霜的方向,眼睛沉重。 Flower bud Sir, that person “蕾大人,那个人 ...... Is of portrait. ” Chen Deqiao of whole body fat, the complexion changes, pulls down the sound instruction. ……就是画像的那位。”满身肥肉的陈德乔,脸色一变,压低声音请示。 By he called for flower bud Sir female, named Chen Lei, they were Thunder Xiaoxing the territory remotely Chen Family clansman, the star of life they lived was only four levels, Spiritual Qi was very ordinary, but periphery many ore stars, the product was quite rich, the clansman of Bradley Family, has dispatched a squad for this reason specially on -board of their life, enslaved the Chen Family person to mine the ore for them, attained without effort. 被他称呼为“蕾大人”的女子,名叫陈蕾,他们是雷霄星域这一处偏僻地陈家的族人,他们生活的生命之星只是四级,灵气很一般,但周围却有很多矿星,物产极为丰富,布拉德利家族的族人,为此专门派遣了一个小队在他们生命之星上,奴役陈家人为他们开采矿石,不劳而获。 Chen Lei is the Chen Family Family Head younger sister, Void God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, is next to his elder brother Chen Rong, Chen Lei year to year guards in these ore stars, this because of the order of Letka, leaves from ore star, is leading several Chen Family clansmen, goes to here extremely remote wall bonding place to inspect. 陈蕾陈家家主的妹妹,虚神二重天境界修为,仅次于他哥哥陈荣,陈蕾常年都驻守在那些矿星,这趟因为莱特卡的命令,才从矿星离开,带着数名陈家族人,去此处极为偏僻的壁障处巡视。 She holds manner of manipulation to come, the preparation swayed one to go back, has not thought that has been selected to her, had discovered unexpectedly Letka must find the person. 她只是抱着应付的态度过来的,准备晃荡一圈就回去了,没想到真给她中标了,竟发现了莱特卡要找之人。 Thunder Xiaoxing the territory since was captured by Bradley Family, this star territory and outside world almost broke the relation, Chen Family lived in the star territory remote place, does not know that now the Star Sea turbulence, does not know competition of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein and God Clan. 雷霄星域自从被布拉德利家族攻下,这星域和外界几乎就断了联系,陈家又生活在星域偏僻之地,更不知如今星海的动荡,不知嗜血一脉和神族的较劲。 But Chen Lei is not silly, she knows that mentioned by name to search for the person by Wright abundantly, is not they can offend. 陈蕾却不傻,她知道被莱特丰点名要搜寻之人,绝不是他们能够得罪的。 Therefore, obviously finds person who must find, she does not dare to move, the complexion becomes make things difficult looked extremely that shouted lightly: „ virtue Qiao, do not speak, do not speak irresponsibly , the supplementary biography said 因此,明明瞧见的要找的人,她也不敢动,脸色变得极为难看,轻呼道:“德乔,别讲话,别乱说,也别传说 ...... ” ……” Chen Deqiao nods, always does as one is told to her words, in the hand is gripping tightly Transmission Stone, relaxes slowly. 陈德乔点点头,对她的话惟命是从,手中紧握着的音石,慢慢放松。 The Chen Family clansman, looks to Chen Lei, is waiting for her decision. 陈家的族人,都看向陈蕾,等候着她的决定。 Under the people gaze, Chen Lei deeply inspires, the facial expression suddenly becomes incomparably respectful, her one person alone goes out from War Chariot, goes in the Shi Yan direction leisurely, said: Stars of Thunder Xiaoxing the territory four levels of life, day clouds star Chen Family Chen Lei, has seen two......” 在众人注视下,陈蕾深吸一口气,神情忽然变得无比恭敬,她孤身从战车走出,慢悠悠往石岩的方向而去,道:“雷霄星域四级生命之星,天霄星陈家陈蕾,见过两位……” Letka gives the portrait, has not given the given name, therefore she, although recognizes Shi Yan, actually cannot name the character. 莱特卡只是给出画像,没有给出名号,所以她虽然认出石岩,却叫不出名字来。 The Ouyang Luoshuang eye is chilly,( the book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) she had already discovered camp and the others, but also inquired how Shi Yan manages, Shi Yan lets her looks at office, she just was also considering, must kill these people completely early morning...... 欧阳洛霜眼睛清冷,(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新)她早就发现了所营等人,还询问了石岩如何办,石岩让她自己看着办,她刚刚还思量着,要不要将那些人全部杀晨…… She early non- pure suave girls, many years of Star Sea journeys, she has experienced too many dangerous, knows that in specific environment, how should preserve itself to be impassible, sometimes the murder, can go on living for oneself well, in this regard, her any contradiction heart, has not thought natural. 她早非单纯不懂世故的少女,多年的星海旅程,她见识了太多险恶,知道在特定的环境下,应该如何来保全自己不受伤害,杀人,有时候只是为了自己能够好好活下去,在这点上,她并没有任何抵触心,觉得理所当然。 She adapted to this crazy world. 她已经适应了这个疯狂的世界。 Your best rash action Transmission Stone, otherwise one wants to go on living individually.” Her cold severe pupil, looks to Chen Deqiao shrinks the hand in sleeve cuff. “你们最好别妄动音石,不然就一个别想活下去。”她冷厉的眸子,瞄向陈德乔缩在袖口中的手。 Transmission Stone receiving.” Chen Battalion mind slightly shakes, issues the order hurriedly. “都将音石给收起来。”陈营心神微震,急忙下达命令。 The Chen Family clansman, hear word acts accordingly hastily, reveals the panic-stricken color. 陈家的族人,闻言连忙照办,也都露出惊骇之色。 The great distance is so far, Ouyang Luoshuang looks at their hands to pinch Transmission Stone, making them surprised, spills over not the wonderful feeling. 相隔这么远,欧阳洛霜一眼瞧出他们手捏音石,让他们惊疑不定,泛出不妙的感觉。 At this time, they rejoiced secretly the Chen Lei wisdom, if according to their then ideas, saw the person on the communication Bradley Family, perhaps, they completely have become Dead body. 这时候,他们暗暗庆幸陈蕾的睿智,若是按照他们当时的想法,一见到人就传讯布拉德利家族,或许,他们已经全部成了尸体 Chen Lei is more surprised, her Void God Second Sky cultivation base, but after arriving at the Ouyang Luoshuang side, actually suddenly thinks the great stress, such as facing a high mountain ridge, gives birth to decadent that cannot resist with all one's strength, she has gawked staring, immediately affirms that this chilly female unexpectedly is Origin God! 陈蕾更加惊讶,她虚神二重天修为,但来到欧阳洛霜身旁后,却突觉压力巨大,如面对一座崇山峻岭,生出不能力敌的颓败,她愣了愣,立即肯定下来,这清冷的女子竟然为始神 This discovery makes her more careful restless. 这个发现让她更加小心不安。 Makes them come, asks that any situation, where we do not know, pours also troubles.” Under Shi Yan feels pre-, frowns to say. “让他们过来,问问什么一个情况,我们连到了什么地方都不知道,倒也麻烦。”石岩摸着下预,皱着眉头道。 You come.” Ouyang Luoshuang light shout. “你们都过来。”欧阳洛霜轻喝 Chen Lei arrives, before these Chen Family subordinates have not come, then decisive stating clearly situation: Just I said that here is Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, we are nearby Chen Family person, we...... Receives Sir Letka order, inspects this , helping him, helping him find the person......”. 陈蕾率先到来,在那些陈家麾下没来之前,便果断的言明情况:“刚刚我说了,这里是雷霄星域,我们是附近的陈家人,我们……收到莱特卡大人的命令,来巡视这一块,帮他,帮他找人……”。 I saw a moment ago you put out has painted a portrait, the person who you must find is I, now said that who is Letka, said the situation in this Thunder Xiaoxing territory.” Shi Yan indifferent say|way. “我看到你们刚才拿出的画像了,你们要找的人就是我,现在说说谁是莱特卡,说说这雷霄星域的情况。”石岩淡然道。 His cultivation Space Deep Meaning, is power greatly damages, must look at the actions of clear Chen Lei these Realm meanness, is easy. 修炼空间奥义,便是力量大损,要瞧清楚陈蕾这些境界低微者的举动,也是轻而易举。 However, hears his one eyes to explain that their petty actions, the Chen Lei people are the mind are alarmed and afraid, Chen Deqiao explained hurriedly that we do not have communication, we really not......” 然而,听到他一眼说明他们的小动作,陈蕾众人都是心神惊惧,那陈德乔急忙解释,“我们没传讯,我们真的没有……” I know, otherwise you died.” A Shi Yan face does not bear, looks to Chen Lei, said “我知道,不然你们已经死了。”石岩一脸不耐,看向陈蕾,道 You explained.” “你来解释。” Our Thunder Xiaoxing territory in three thousand years ago, was captured by the God Clan Bradley Family, becomes their attached star territories, now Letka of Bradley Family assumes our star territory, commands our star territory, Letka Origin God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, he......” “我们雷霄星域在三千年前,被神族布拉德利家族攻下,成为他们的附属星域,如今布拉德利家族的莱特卡坐镇我们星域,统率我们星域,莱特卡始神二重天境界修为,他这个人……” Chen Lei specifically thoroughly described that the trend of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, does not omit a single word, emphasized that the Letka evil conduct, is insatiably greedy, Captive beautiful woman dog wait / etc. rotten matters, speech time, she is paying attention the Shi Yan expression carefully, wants to know more matters through the slightness. 陈蕾详细透彻的说明雷霄星域的动向,一字不漏,着重说明莱特卡的恶行,贪得无厌,圈养美人犬等等烂事,讲话的时候,她小心留意着石岩的表情,想通过细微来知晓更多的事情。 Shi Yan frowns, listening to her to say in detail that slight bow. 石岩皱着眉头,听她详细说完,微微点头。 Sir, why you come our Thunder Xiaoxing territory, Letka must pinch to seek you , because you and God Clan do oppose?” Chen Lei probe inquiry. “大人,你们因何前来我们雷霄星域,莱特卡要捏寻你们,是不是因为你们和神族对立?”陈蕾试探询问。 Before God Clan has not come, Chen Family life is also wealthy, depends upon this remote place the rich minerals, their day is very easy and comfortable, when Bradley Family has invaded, the Chen Family end also arrived, Chen Lei and Chen Rong elder, was killed with the fight of God Clan, Chen Lei and Chen Rong know not to beat, for extension of family member, can only Xun Yan under the God Clan despotic power breathe the last breath of life. 神族没来前,陈家生活的还算是富裕,依靠这偏僻地的丰富矿产,他们日子很安逸,等布拉德利家族入侵了,陈家的末日也到了,陈蕾陈荣的长辈,都在和神族的战斗中被杀,陈蕾陈荣自知不敌,为了家人的延续,只能在神族的淫威下荀延残喘。 In recent years, Chen Rong and Chen Lei by God Clan exploitation difficulty of even more, the cultivation Divine Crystal amount are been unwarrantable now, sees with own eyes ore material carrying off that continuously every year mines, but they cannot obtain one, they are thinking revenging day and night. 这些年来,陈荣陈蕾神族剥削的愈发艰难,如今连修炼神晶数额都不能保证,眼见每年开采的矿材源源不绝的都带走,而他们却得不到一丝,他们日夜都想着报仇。 What a pity, their own power are insufficient, is far from the enemy of God Clan, can only continue to endure. 可惜,他们自身的力量不足,远非神族之敌,只能继续忍受。 Chen Lei sees Ouyang Luoshuang Origin God Boundary tired cultivation base, immediately had the thought that wants to rely on them to handle any matter, therefore so will coordinate. 陈蕾一见欧阳洛霜始神境累的修为,立即就有了念头,想依赖他们做点什么事情,所以才会如此配合。 „Can the wall bonding place of this Thunder Xiaoxing territory, what once have startled has changed? Your Chen Family has lived in the, what should know?” Shi Yan had not replied that Chen Lei words, knits the brows the inquiry. “这雷霄星域的壁障处,可曾发生过什么惊变?你们陈家一直生活在附近,应该知道点什么吧?”石岩没回答陈蕾的话,皱眉询问。 He can now definitely here bonding place dissociation thunder and lightning, is the Immemorial Thunder Dragon remnant souls, but the Immemorial Thunder Dragon skeleton where, he actually cannot grasp now. 他如今可以肯定这壁障处游离的雷电,其中很多都是太古雷龙的残魂,但太古雷龙的尸骸如今在何处,他却不能把握。 If wants Resurrect Immemorial Thunder Dragon, besides meets again the soul, the skeleton is also essential, if can find the skeleton, by method that he just thought, wants Resurrect Immemorial Thunder Dragon his at least 70% assurances! 若想要复活太古雷龙,除了将灵魂重聚外,尸骸也必不可少,如果能找到尸骸,以他刚刚想到的方法,要复活太古雷龙他至少有七成把握! Startled changes? Indeed some startled changes, does not know that you do refer to these?” Chen Lei said. “惊变?的确有很多惊变,不知道你指那些?”陈蕾道。 Changes with thunder and lightning related startled, what mountains has, suddenly is flooding thunder and lightning, are many many Thunder Element the ore?” Shi Yan directly soars the subject. “和雷电有关的惊变,有没有什么山川,忽然间充斥着雷电,多出许多雷属性的矿石?”石岩直奔主题。 Chen Lei eye one bright, a face is surprised, said 陈蕾眼睛一亮,一脸惊奇,道 Sir asked strange event occurrence that indeed some you said, my ancestor once had the record!” “大人问的真准,的确有你说的怪事发生,我祖上曾有记载!”
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