GOS :: Volume #14

#1305: Decca Luo

The imaginary Outer Territory level, Xiao Yao sits well on the essence of stone moon/month, eye cloudy cold and gloomy severe. 域外层,逍遥端坐在月之精石上,眼睛阴森冷厉。 He lets loose Soul Consciousness to loaf, in a flash, his consciousness then flutters in thousand imaginary star territory length and breadth Star Sea, searches for in star of the life. 他放开灵魂意识游荡,转瞬间,他的意识便飘荡在千幻星域广袤星海,在一颗颗生命之星内搜寻起来。 Having achieved nothing. 一无所获。 Xiao Yao draws a conclusion immediately, Shi Yan is tearing flees void, this conclusion made him calm down. 逍遥立即得出一个结论,石岩是撕裂虚空遁走,这个结论令他冷静下来。 He knows that by his close space, Shi Yan does not have the ability to split that to fear an corner/horn, he definitely some people in secret gets rid immediately, pulls Shi Yan. 他知道以他封闭的空间,石岩没有能力裂开那怕一角,他马上肯定有人暗中出手,将石岩扯走。 Can from the space of his seal, send off the person, the Realm level of opposite party must not be inferior he, and must be is skilled in Space Deep Meaning Expert...... 能从他封印的空间内,将人送走,对方的境界层次必须不逊色他,并且还必须是精通空间奥义强者…… A character is vivid. 一个人物呼之欲出。 He is cold the face, looks to the nothingness galaxy, cloudy sound track: Decca Luo, you dares to go bad my matter!” 他冷着脸,看向虚无星河,阴声道:“迪卡罗,你竟敢坏我之事!” Eats delicacies cloudy, several million strange light suddenly to launch, are shuttling back and forth in this space, torn to pieces of void cutting. 一声阴啸,数百万奇光暴射,在这空间内穿梭着,将虚空切割的支离破碎。 In long and narrow space slit, a whole face folds together, puts on an old man of joined bodies white robe, sits on a giant spatial phantom crystal, suddenly appears, he in the space slit mouth, is resigned-looking, said: Xiao Yao, I do not want to see you long time no see.” 一道狭长空间缝隙内,一名满脸皱褶,穿一件连体白袍的老者,坐在一块巨大的空幻晶上,忽然浮现出来,他在空间缝隙口,一脸无奈,道:“逍遥,好久不见了,我真不想看到你。” You see me, then goes bad my important matter, naturally does not dare to see me.” In Xiao Yao pupil deep and quiet, coldly said: Decca Luo, my God Clan for ten thousand years never on own initiative asks you to trouble, you jump to go bad my matter now, is it possible that prepares and my clan opposition?” “你一见我,便坏我大事,自然不敢见我。”逍遥眸中深幽,冷冷道:“迪卡罗,我神族万年来从未主动找你麻烦,你如今跳将起来坏我的事情,莫非是准备和我族对立?” Doesn't dare.” The old men smile bitterly, the complexion is dehumanizing, such as has owed others the innumerable favours, said: My this does not have the means that owes others thing to, I come now, tells you one, your disciple definitely is all right, feels relieved me to be able looks at. That, you are best to inform Bradley Family, I send in the attached star territory Thunder Xiaoxing territory that boy their family has controlled, Bradley Family in Warrior of that Thunder Xiaoxing territory guarding, will possibly meet with a disaster.” “不敢不敢。”老者苦笑,脸色凄苦,如欠了人家无数人情般,道:“我这是没办法,欠人家的东西总要还,我如今现身,是告诉你一声,你徒儿肯定没事,放心我会看着。那个,你最好通知一下布拉德利家族,我将那小子送入了他们家族掌控的附属星域雷霄星域,布拉德利家族在那雷霄星域驻守的武者,可能会遭殃。” Is chairman of the chamber of commerce's commission, is the adjuration of Ming Hao?” Xiao Yao sinks to drink. “是商会会长的嘱托,还是冥晧的恳请?”逍遥沉喝。 Do not ask that in any case I am helpless, yeah, more does not think that the ginseng about more was being pursued, tranquil millenniums, stared, is really the cruel fate.” Decca Luo shakes the head. “你就别问了,反正我是无奈,哎,越是不想参合越是被追着,平静了千年,还是被盯上,真是命苦。”迪卡罗摇着头。 The space little cicatrization that he is, by the earth-shaking vault of heaven that Xiao Yao stirs, was stroked to be suitable by him again, restores to the original condition. 他所在的空间一点点的愈合,被逍遥搅的天翻地覆的苍穹,也重新被他捋顺,恢复原貌。 Among Decca Luo Wei Star Sea was politely called first Space Deep Meaning lets the character who four big race sleeps have a headache about, this shuttle in each space, the old man who nobody can restraint retain, is the object who the major influences strive. 迪卡罗为星海间被尊称第一的空间奥义者是让四大种族都觉头疼的人物,这个穿梭在各个空间,无人能够束缚留住的老者,一直都是各大势力力争的对象。 But since, he has not taken a stand to join any influence, to great billows chamber of commerce in he did not acknowledge the member status. 可至今,他也没有表态要加入任何势力,就连对巨澜商会内他也不承认成员身份。 But Warrior of great billows chamber of commerce, extremely respects to him, thought that he is next to existence of chairman of the chamber of commerce. 但巨澜商会的武者,都对他极为尊敬,觉得他是仅次于商会会长的存在。 Outside imaginary star, Ban Yu thinks that Shi Yan is the Decca descendant, transforms the manner suddenly, making that Xing Shang and Hao Feng people have many misgivings, does not dare to start to him. 在幻星外面,班煜就认为石岩迪卡罗的后代,以至于突然转变态度,令那邢尚浩枫众人也顾虑重重,不敢对他下手。 Is because Decca Luo's reputation is too strong. 都是因为迪卡罗的名声太强。 Now this by Ban Yu they were recognized appears with Shi Yan related existence unexpectedly, under the blockade of Xiao Yao, has sent in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory Shi Yan, but also really had the fate. 如今这个被班煜他们认定和石岩有关的存在竟然真的出现,在逍遥的封锁下,将石岩送入了雷霄星域,还真是有缘分了。 Thunder Xiaoxing territory......” “雷霄星域……” Xiao Yao frowns Divine Sense to move, immediately seeks recent teleportation, the extremely fast howls to go. 逍遥皱着眉头神念一动,立即寻到最近的传送阵,极速呼啸而去。 Thunder Xiaoxing territory. 雷霄星域。 This is the attached star territory of God Clan Bradley Family, before after this star territory was a named Thunder Xiaomeng influence( the book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) Bradley Family invaded, this influence thoroughly is wiped out originally all sorts of influences of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, only then two roads may elect, either pledged allegiance to God Clan, became the attached influence, either was destroyed completely. 这是神族布拉德利家族的附属星域,以前这星域属于一个名为雷霄盟的势力(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新)被布拉德利家族入侵后,这个势力彻底被消灭原先雷霄星域的种种势力,只有两条路可选,要么归顺神族,成为附属的势力,要么被灭掉。 Most Thunder Xiaoxing territory native place influences, have chosen the first road, serves Bradley Family to attach most importance, mines the minerals for them, picks the precious cultivation material to them. 大多数的雷霄星域本土势力,都选了第一条路,侍奉布拉德利家族为主,为他们开采矿产,给他们采摘珍奇的修炼材料。 It is not willing pledging allegiance, either same to vanish with Thunder Xiaomeng, either early was forced to leave native place, escapes to Thunder Xiaoxing the territory. 不肯归顺者,要么和雷霄盟一样消失,要么早早背井离乡,遁离了雷霄星域。 The present Thunder Xiaoxing territory, is by Bradley Family Expert guarding, by the star territory of here native influence arrangement, the Lord of star territory, is Bradley Family Haig father's younger paternal cousin, Origin God Second Sky Realm, called Letka. 如今的雷霄星域,是由布拉德利家族强者驻守,由这里本土势力安排的星域,星域之主,为布拉德利家族黑格的堂叔,一名始神二重天境界者,叫莱特卡 Letka in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory for the name to the overlord who the reality turns over, commands this Saturn territory major influences, assumes personal command in Thunder Xiaoxing territory most bountiful Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake, Captive the beautiful females of many races, making them such as beast dog neck wear the silver link, kneels to bend down on the ground crawls, becomes he is in sole possession of the beautiful woman dog, Letka often shows off to the God Clan friend by this. 莱特卡在雷霄星域为名至实归的霸主,统领本土星域各大势力,在雷霄星域最为富饶的雷霄天池内坐镇,圈养着许多种族的美丽女子,让她们如兽犬般脖颈戴着银环,跪伏在地上爬行,成为他独有美人犬,莱特卡时常以此向神族朋友炫耀。 Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake has several starry sky Milky Way to gather, the water of bright dustlessness Heaven Lake, in Heaven Lake has several meteorites to fluctuate, these meteorite Spiritual Qi are threatening, is planting the strange flower and grass, is building the countless commodities. 雷霄天池有几条星空天河汇聚而成,天池之水明净无尘,天池内有数个陨石浮动着,那些陨石灵气逼人,种植着奇花异草,堆砌着数不尽的物资。 Many God Clan battleships, communicated in Thunder Xiao Heaven Lake, either the transportation the material that captured from here native influence, or henceforth collected to lead into the Ancient God star territory, made into Bradley Family. 许多神族的战舰,就在雷霄天池来往,要么运输从这里本土势力收缴的材料,或是从此地收集带入古神星域,弄入布拉德利家族。 On this day, Letka is seeking pleasure in Heaven Lake resting palace, suddenly in discovery secret room the mirror of god transmits the fluctuation, the complexion changes, his foot tramples several beautiful woman dogs, expression micro startled breaking in secret room. 这天,莱特卡天池寝宫内正寻欢作乐,忽然发现密室的神之镜内传来波动,脸色一变,他一脚将数名美人犬踹开,神色微惊的冲入密室。 , He from secret room the mirror of god, knows quickly Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord sent in his star. 很快地,他从密室的神之镜内,知道嗜血尊主被人送入他星。 Letka orders all parties at once, making entire Star Sea move, searches for the Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord trail. 莱特卡旋即下令各方,让整个星海都动起来,搜寻嗜血尊主的踪迹。 star territory wall bonding place. 星域壁障处。 Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang flash before, this is the star Outer Territory edge of Thunder Xiaoxing territory, has layer on layer thunder and lightning to multiply, many thunder and lightning such as have the life, he looks carefully, discovered that these thunder and lightning seem to have met before, is quite similar to Heavenly Demon Clan Immemorial Thunder Dragon that he knows. 石岩欧阳洛霜闪现出来,这是雷霄星域的星域外沿,有重重雷电滋生,其中许多雷电都如拥有生命,他仔细去瞧,才发现那些雷电似曾相识,和他所知晓的天妖族太古雷龙极为相似。 Immemorial Thunder Dragon is one of the Heavenly Demon Clan monster ancestors, then has fallen very much from the sky early, but heard after Immemorial Thunder Dragon destruction, the soul is scattered, changes into to loaf in heaven and earth, Heavenly Demon Clan for this reason had also sought, hopes that can the minute of soul one by one accumulation of Immemorial Thunder Dragon, try Resurrect Immemorial Thunder Dragon. 太古雷龙天妖族的妖祖之一,很早前便陨灭了,不过听说太古雷龙覆灭后,灵魂分散,化为条条游荡在天地间,天妖族还曾经为此去寻找过,希望能够将太古雷龙的分魂一一聚集,尝试着复活太古雷龙 What a pity, Heavenly Demon Clan searches for many years, had not found the soul that Immemorial Thunder Dragon splits, then gathers the Resurrect incident Immemorial Thunder Dragon, naturally infinitely put aside. 可惜,天妖族寻觅多年,也没有找到太古雷龙分裂的魂魄,那将太古雷龙重新聚集复活一事,自然就无限的搁置了。 He fuses Grace Mainland Essence, on Heavenly Demon Clan many secrets to this Continent has the points, therefore knows the related Immemorial Thunder Dragon matter. 他融合神恩大陆本源,对这大陆上的天妖族许多秘事都有点数,所以知道有关太古雷龙的事情。 Now, he in the wall bonding place of this Thunder Xiaoxing territory, thunder and lightning that looks at that star territory border multiplies, waits and sees with rapt attention carefully, the facial expression is moved. 如今,他在这雷霄星域的壁障处,看着那星域边沿滋生的雷电,凝神细细观望,神情为之动容。 He thought thunder and lightning that faintly this Thunder Xiaoxing territory border multiplies, should be that Immemorial Thunder Dragon scattered soul, leads into this place him, should also know this matter, definitely has the profound meaning...... 他隐隐觉得这雷霄星域边沿滋生的一条条雷电,应该就是那太古雷龙的分散魂魄,将他带入此地者,应该也知道此事,肯定颇有深意…… He knows certainly that binds him, sends in the person in this Thunder Xiaoxing territory, is exquisite Space Deep Meaning Expert, possibly knows the opposite party Realm level with Xiao Yao with the First Level time, otherwise is impossible to achieve this step. 他当然知道那将他裹住,送入这雷霄星域的人,为一个精湛之极的空间奥义强者,知道对方境界层次可能和逍遥一层次,不然不可能达成这一步。 Now, he must return to Grace Mainland, has been able to read achieves. 如今,他要返回神恩大陆,已经可以一念间达成。 But he not urgent, he knows that person makes him, brings to Thunder Xiaoxing the territory border desirably, lets person who this knows the Immemorial Thunder Dragon secret, experience to these thunder and lightning, definitely has the idea. 但他没有急迫,他知道那人将他弄来,刻意带到雷霄星域边沿,让他这个知晓太古雷龙秘密的人,见识到这些雷电,绝对是有想法的。 Does he want to make me meet again Immemorial Thunder Dragon? 他是想让我重聚太古雷龙 Shi Yan is considering, frowns, had the direction gradually. 石岩思量着,皱着眉头,渐渐有了方向。 The next quarter, his spirit trembles suddenly, such as suddenly from some marvelous condition restoration. 只是下一刻,他忽然间精神一颤,如忽然从某种奇妙状态恢复。 He has gawked, senses with rapt attention carefully, the complexion spills over the extremely splendid expression, he discovered impressively puzzles his breakthrough Origin God Second Sky Realm to realize from experience, as if, has not existed! 他愣了一下,凝神仔细感悟,脸色泛出极为精彩的表情,他赫然发现困扰他突破始神二重天境界体悟,似乎,已经不复存在了! Before the crabbedness of related life and death, the stars and Space Deep Meaning in public, suddenly did not become clear, he had a feeling, so long as there is an enough supernatural power, he can take advantage of opportunity breakthrough to get down! 以前有关生死、星辰、空间奥义的艰涩不明处,忽然变得清晰,他有种感觉,只要有足够的神力,他能顺势突破下去! He realized quickly possible and bewildered the soul in the imaginary territory exceptionally has the relation, but he cannot affirm that he knows on him has certainly any mysterious matter, because he thinks the soul, thinks the life magnetic field, has the subtle change, that changes him unable to thoroughly comprehend, does not talk clearly, actually knows that occurred earnestly. 他很快意识到可能和在幻域内莫名其妙的灵魂异常有联系,但他还是不敢肯定,他知道在他身上一定发生什么神奇之事,因为他觉得灵魂,觉得生命磁场,有着微妙的变化,那变化他也悟不透,说不清楚,却知道切实发生了。 He looks suddenly to Ouyang Luoshuang, at once the facial expression moves, reveals the forced smile. 他忽然看向欧阳洛霜,旋即神情一动,露出苦笑。 Ouyang Luoshuang is staring at him, in the chilly pupil, full is ice-cold. 欧阳洛霜凝视着他,清冷的眸子内,满是冰冷。 He realized finally Ouyang Luoshuang was also being imprisoned by him, cannot speak, cannot move, with tied up unable to miss by the Yuan god lock many. 他终于意识到欧阳洛霜还被他禁锢着,不能讲话,不能动弹,和被元神锁捆住也差不了多少。 He hurries her restraint Xie Diao, at once does not wait for Ouyang Luoshuang to launch an attack, the secret revolution life deep meaning, refines a wisp of life essence, converges Ouyang Luoshuang within the body, making the Ouyang Luoshuang lower abdomen return to the original condition, with had not been pierced by him is the same, even the tenacity was better. 他赶紧将她的束缚解掉,旋即不等欧阳洛霜发难,暗暗运转生命奥义,将一缕生命精华提炼出来,汇入欧阳洛霜体内,令欧阳洛霜小腹恢复原状,和没有被他刺穿一样,甚至坚韧性更佳。 A wisp of life essence vanishes, his complexion slightly is pale, lets go the bitter and astringent say|way: Good, is I am not indeed right, your looks at office.” 一缕生命精华消失,他脸色略显苍白,摊手苦涩道:“好吧,的确是我不对,你看着办吧。” After Ouyang Luoshuang extrication, has not begun, has not cursed immediately, is only coldly looks at he. 欧阳洛霜解脱后,并没有动手,也没有立即咒骂,只是冷冷看着他。 However, under this vision, Shi Yan is extremely actually in the wrong embarrassed, does not dare to visit her, lowers the head slightly, a clever admitting mistakes appearance. 然而,在这种目光下,石岩却极为理亏不好意思,都不敢去看她,微微垂着头,一副乖巧的认错模样。 Ouyang Luoshuang looks at he, thought so for a long time for a long time, he who look at wanted the mind to collapse, cold voice asked: I only asked one, if my master started to you, you can strike to kill me?” 欧阳洛霜只是这么看着他,看了许久许久,看的他都要心神崩溃了,才冷声问:“我只问一句,如果我师傅真的对你下手,你会不会将我击杀?” Issue that this is she all the way throughout thought. 这是她一路上始终在想的问题。 Also is her most issue of concern. 也是她最为关心的问题。 This......” Shi Yan gains ground, in the eye flashes through vacant, he is suddenly silent, for a long time, in a low voice said: I do not know.” “这……”石岩抬头,眼中闪过一丝茫然,他忽然沉默,许久,才低声道:“我真的不知道。” Shi Yan, how are you a person?” Ouyang Luoshuang sighed one lightly, look was complex. 石岩,你到底是怎么一个人?”欧阳洛霜轻叹一声,眼神复杂。 You can leave now, good that later, we do not see, you are the Xiao Yao Son of Heaven apprentice, I am Bloodthirsty Venerable Lord, among us is very difficult such as the present so to be together again.” Shi Yan looks at she, in the heart also sighed. “你现在可以离开了,以后,我们还是不要见的好,你是逍遥天王徒弟,我是嗜血尊主,我们之间很难再如现在这般相处。”石岩看着她,心中也是微叹。 I am the Xiao Yao apprentice, why you must put me to walk, you did not fear after me, copes with you?” Ouyang Luoshuang is startled, the heart moves darkly. “我是逍遥的徒弟,你为何还要放我走,你不怕我以后对付你?”欧阳洛霜一怔,芳心暗动。 You are you, he is he, in my eyes is different.” Shi Yan said. “你是你,他是他,在我眼中并不一样。”石岩道。 I am I, he is he, right, what you fear, even if after is, we said goodbye, I was Ouyang Luoshuang, was not the God Clan person, you were also only Shi Yan, was not Bloodthirsty Venerable Lord, what were you worried about?” Ouyang Luoshuang is astonished however said. “我是我,他是他,对呀,那你怕什么,就算是以后我们再见,我还是欧阳洛霜,不是神族的人,你也只是石岩,不是什么嗜血尊主,你担心什么?”欧阳洛霜讶然道。 Shi Yan stares, at once realizes meaning in her words, nods assent saying: Is so good.” 石岩一愣,旋即意识到她话里的意味,点头同意道:“如此才好。”
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