GOS :: Volume #14

#1304: Life sublimation

Shi Yan and Xiao Yao leave one after another, the imaginary star returns to normal, but Ling Xiang, Caesar, the Luo Lin complexions are unattractive. 石岩逍遥相继离开,幻星重新恢复平静,但凌翔、西泽、洛林三人脸色都不好看。 The sudden arrival of Xiao Yao, broke their plan, compelling them to early give Shi Yan the Bloodthirsty remains, discussed the detail that and Bloodthirsty lineage/vein collaborated with enough time, carelessly had not finished. 逍遥的突然到来,打破了他们的规划,逼得他们不得不早早将嗜血遗骨交给石岩,就连商榷和嗜血一脉联手的细节都没来得及,草草就结束了。 Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin are Immortal First Sky Realm, after entering into this Realm, they had the ambition, must strive for hegemony heaven and earth, however, today the arrival of Xiao Yao, is actually similar to under a thunderclap bang, they who shakes restless. 凌翔、西泽、洛林都是不朽一重天境界,迈入这个境界后,他们都有了野心,要争霸天地,然而,今天逍遥的到来,却如同一记炸雷轰下,震的他们心神不宁。 Xiao Yao has achieved Immortal Second Sky, that other God Clan three big Son of Heaven, should also enter into this Realm, in addition God Lord...... This may really not allow to look down upon.” Luo Lin sighed. 逍遥达到了不朽二重天,那其余神族三大天王,应该也迈入这个境界,再加上神主……这可真是不容小视。”洛林叹道。 Has not thought that he will arrive suddenly, but now, finally is also good, estimates with us, although has discrepancies, but also differs not in a big way.” Ling Xiang is hesitating, said: This matter must be circular immediately, making that side the great billows chamber of commerce know, if Shi Yan has an accident in thousand imaginary star territories, we are very difficult to confess clearly.” “没想到他会突然到来,不过现在来看,结果也算是不错,和我们预计的虽然有出入,但也相差不大。”凌翔沉吟着,说道:“此事要立即通传,让巨澜商会那边知道,如果石岩在千幻星域出事,我们都很难交代清楚。” This boy is really ruthless enough, has a falling out unexpectedly, takes that female as the condition of bargaining, he also really can under go well.” Caesar said. “这小子真够狠的,竟然翻脸无情,以那女子为讨价还价的条件,他还真能下得了手。”西泽赞道。 I thought that he does not have is so easy dead.” Luo Lin nodded.. “我看他没那么容易死。”洛林点了点头。。 With the fight of God Clan, we...... Cannot arrive at front absolutely, God Clan is too strong.” Ling Xiang said in a soft voice. “和神族的战斗,我们……绝对不能走到前面,神族太强。”凌翔轻声道。 Caesar, Luo Lin nod secretly, deep to be so, today the arrival of Xiao Yao, making them realize that God Clan can dominate for ten thousand years, absolute no small matter. 西泽、洛林暗暗点头,都深以为然,今天逍遥的到来,让他们意识到神族能称雄万年,绝对非同小可。 Outside imaginary star edge. 幻星外沿。 Shi Yan grasps Ouyang Luoshuang, is speeding away such as together the star light. 石岩抱住欧阳洛霜,一路疾驰着如一道星光。 His complexion is dignified, in the eye Divine Light is bright, is sizing up unceasingly peripheral, the moment does not dare to relax. 他脸色凝重,眼中神光熠熠,不断地打量着周边,没有一刻敢放松。 Because of the closely associated pressure, has him unable to find Xiao Yao throughout, but actually knows Xiao Yao in the, with him. 因为如影随形的压力,始终存在着他瞧不见逍遥,但却知道逍遥就在附近,在跟着他。 He ran out of the imaginary star, but the peripheral space was still being sealed up, he cannot pry open a slit, escapes instantaneously into Grace Mainland. 他已经冲出幻星,可周边空间依然被封闭着,他根本不能撬开一条缝隙,瞬间遁入神恩大陆 The overlapping space, such as was gripped by the great hand tightened, only if can make that hand become less crowded, otherwise he is unable to penetrate the space. 层层叠叠的空间,如被巨手攥紧了除非能让那只手松动,不然他就无法穿透空间。 That serious pressure, such as tide wells up to make him the flight in imaginary territory speed away is beset with difficulties, each quarter, each second, he is consuming the supernatural power in within the body, normal traveling schedule, because that Xiao Yao pressure he must pay the several fold power. 那沉重的压力,如浪潮般涌来让他在幻域内的飞行疾驰都困难重重,每一刻,每一秒,他都在耗费着体内的神力,正常的行程,因为那逍遥的压力他要付出数倍的力量 True and achieves the existence battle of this level, he realizes from experience anything to be called to be incapable, his Stars Deep Meaning, Space Deep Meaning and Life and Death Deep Meaning, because of Realm disparity, such as expire suddenly, all sorts of methods cannot have the anticipated effect, if( the book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) he is not holding under duress Ouyang Luoshuang, feared that was already struck to kill by Xiao Yao. 真正和达到这个层次的存在交战,他才体悟到什么叫做无力,他星辰奥义空间奥义生死奥义,因为境界本身的差距,如忽然失效,种种手段都起不到预期的效果若(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新)非他还挟持着欧阳洛霜,怕是早就被逍遥击杀。 He has realized a helpless fact finally: Compares these ten thousand years of great owlets, his Realm, is too mean. 他终于意识到了一个无奈的事实:相比那些万年巨枭而言,他的境界,还是太低微。 He feels profoundly that by his cultivation base of present Origin God Boundary, will be not enough to deal with the future situation. 他深刻感觉到,以他如今始神境界的修为,根本不足以应付将来的局势。 He must breakthrough, enter into new heaven and earth as soon as possible fast, preferably, can step into Immortal! 他必须要尽快突破,快速迈入新的天地,最好,能踏入不朽 He discovered that between Immortal and Origin God have other day of badly distance, true Immortal Expert method power, is far from Origin God Great Perfection false Immortal may compare. 他发现不朽始神之间有着天差地别的距离,真正不朽强者的手段力量,远非始神大圆满的伪不朽可比。 „Do you lead me to go to where?” The Ouyang Luoshuang lower abdomen blood stops, her God Body power was being imprisoned, but can speak, how long do you prepare to seal my?” “你带我去何处?”欧阳洛霜小腹鲜血止住,她神体力量被禁锢着,但能讲话,“你准备封我多久?” Shi Yan complexion one cold, shouted to clear the way: Be quiet!” 石岩脸色一冷,喝道:“住嘴!” The words, his control star light like the river, converges Ouyang Luoshuang within the body, gives restraint the ability that she spoke. 话罢,他手心星光如河,汇入欧阳洛霜体内,将她讲话的能力都给束缚着。 Makes all these, he also discretely looks to peripheral, as if in the hidden place, the eyes eyeball has looked spookily to him. 弄完这一切,他还谨慎看向周边,仿佛在暗处,有一双眼睛一直幽幽看向他。 He knows Xiao Yao in the side, observation his every action and every movement, so long as he has relaxation slightly, welcomed possibly was the total destruction, if let Xiao Yao from the Ouyang Luoshuang words, will guess his not genuine under killer, then his destiny will then be doomed, will die a tragic death in the hand of Xiao Yao. 他知道逍遥就在身旁,观察着他的一举一动,只要他有稍稍的放松,迎来的可能就是灭顶之灾,如果让逍遥欧阳洛霜的话语中,猜测出他不会真正下杀手,那么他命运便会注定,将惨死在逍遥之手。 Therefore he can only make Ouyang Luoshuang shut up. 所以他只能让欧阳洛霜闭嘴。 Since makes a debut, does not have moment such as present to be difficult, that life and death was being pinched the feeling, made him such as the fishbone in the throat, whole body was quite uncomfortable. 出道至今,从没有一刻如如今艰难,那种生死被人捏着的感觉,令他如鲠在喉,浑身极为不舒服。 Because of the Xiao Yao pressure, he vanguard in the imaginary territory becomes consumes power extremely, almost shuttles back and forth every distance, will make his supernatural power consume one section. 逍遥的压力,他在幻域内前行变得极为耗费力量,几乎每穿梭一段距离,都会令他神力消耗一截。 He must concentrate the spirit, guards against Xiao Yao to get rid carefully, makes to be able momentarily to strike to kill the Ouyang Luoshuang stance, making Xiao Yao not dare to act unreasonably. 他还要集中精神,小心防备逍遥出手,做出能够随时击杀欧阳洛霜的架势,让逍遥不敢乱来。 This is a suffering. 这是一种煎熬。 In his side not far away, Xiao Yao indeed is riding the essence of soul moon/month, such as has the patience hunter extremely, is looking at the game silently. 在他身旁不远处,逍遥的确乘坐着月之精魄,如一个极有耐心的猎人,默默瞧着猎物。 He releases power unceasingly, affects space, enabling Shi Yan to tear a slit to return to Grace Mainland, so long as Shi Yan cannot be separated from his line of sight, he can seek the opportunity, once Shi Yan has relax, he then can make use to get rid, rescues disciple, strikes to massacre Shi Yan. 他不断释放力量,影响空间,让石岩不能撕裂一道缝隙返回神恩大陆,只要石岩不能脱离他的视线,他就能寻到机会,一旦石岩有一丝松懈,他便能够趁势出手,将徒儿解救,把石岩击杀掉。 He and other opportunities, with the Shi Yan competion patience, he has the self-confidence, believes the final winner, can be he. 他在等机会,和石岩比拼耐心,他有自信,相信最终获胜者,一定会是他。 Xiao Yao is great owlet tyrant of Bloodthirsty time, among heaven and earth most peak fearful existence, has ten thousand years of long-lived ages, underwent too many ostentatious tribulations, in Realm of deep meaning realizes from experience, his immerse innumerable sun and moon, his mood already wheted almost does not have the flaw. 逍遥嗜血时代的巨枭霸者,天地间最为巅峰可怕的存在,有着万年的寿龄,经历了太多浮华磨难,在奥义的境界体悟中,他浸没了无数日月,他的心境早已磨砺的几乎没有破绽。 In his eyes, young Shi Yan, dares to confront with him, radically is a joke. 在他眼中,年纪轻轻的石岩,敢和他对峙,根本就是一场笑话。 His relief pressure , to promote the difficulty that Shi Yan speeds along in secret, is consuming the Shi Yan supernatural power spirit. 他暗中还是释放压力,增进石岩飞驰的难度,消耗着石岩的神力精神。 He sneers secretly, was waiting for Shi Yan consumes power, when his energetic will collapse, strikes to go well. 他暗暗冷笑,等待着石岩消耗掉一身力量,等他精神意志崩溃时,一击得手。 Shi Yan was also waiting. 石岩也在等待。 He is very helpless, he knows that Xiao Yao harbors any idea, but he does not have the means. 他很无奈,他知道逍遥怀着什么想法,但他却没办法。 He also has his idea, he believes that Xiao Yao arrival, Caesar and the others should inform Xuan He, Fei Liete and Ming Hao, he believes that Xuan He, Fei Liete and Ming Hao will not visit him to suffer to death helplessly, because he for Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, is representing a Bloodthirsty lineage/vein multicolored silk banner now . Moreover, Blood Vein Ring also wears at this time in his hand. 他也有自己的想法,他相信逍遥到来一事,西泽等人应该已经通知了玄河腓烈特冥晧,他相信玄河腓烈特冥晧不会眼睁睁看他受死,因为如今他为嗜血尊主,代表着嗜血一脉的锦旗,而且,血纹戒此时也佩戴在他手上。 He must clash toward outside, clearly know Xiao Yao is consuming him, that moment when he cannot withstand , can only strongly. 他必须往外面冲,明知道逍遥在消耗着他,等他承受不住的那一刻,也只能竭力。 Because he also requires the time, needs to give the time that Xuan He and Fei Liete come, he believes that drags to some moment, certainly will have the favorable turn to appear. 因为他也需要时间,需要给玄河腓烈特过来的时间,他相信拖到某一刻,一定会有转机出现。 This point he believes in firmly. 这一点他深信不疑。 He continues to consume the supernatural power, leads the way in the imaginary territory, this, runs, follows in secret, they launch the long consumption in the imaginary territory. 他继续消耗着神力,在幻域内前行,就这样,一个跑,一个暗中追随,两人在幻域内展开漫长消耗。 The round consumption, Shi Yan naturally by far is not the Xiao Yao match, therefore, he is quick, within the body supernatural power such as must gradually stream ray. 轮消耗,石岩自然远远不是逍遥对手,因此,他很快不支,体内神力如要渐渐流光 Xiao Yao such as finds the hope. 逍遥如瞧见希望。 But at this time, Shi Yan starts to stimulate to movement new power, the flesh and blood essence, Negative Energy in acupoint, stars power wait / etc. tasted energy of hideaway, gradually substitutes supernatural power, changes into power that he leads the way. 但此时,石岩开始催动新的力量,血肉精气,穴窍内的负面力量,星辰力量等等品尝隐藏的能量,来逐渐取代神力,化为他前行的动力。 Under the Xiao Yao pressure, he releases himself thoroughly, under the threat of life and death, he is consuming power, is wheting the energetic will, to the quenching of cognition and soul of heaven and earth deep meaning, such as was sublimated, in an indescribable way, is promoting secretly. 逍遥的压力下,他彻底释放自己,在生死的威胁下,他消耗着力量,磨砺着精神意志,对天地奥义的认知和灵魂的淬炼,如被升华,以一种难以言喻的方式,暗暗的提升着。 „The sublimation of life magnetic field, the boy intelligence is uncommon, worthily is that person of successor.” “生命磁场的升华,小子资质不凡,不愧是那人的继承者。” Hidden place quiet shade place, the Xiao Yao facial expression moves slightly, mutters whispers, in the pupil spills over one to be astonished however. 暗处幽影处,逍遥神情微动,喃喃低语,眸中泛出一丝讶然。 The life magnetic field for the soul mark core, is Gao Zhihui race superior low Level race key, for example life magnetic field Level of four big races, then compared with on ordinary race high First Level, be closer perfect superior side. 生命磁场为灵魂印记核心,是高智慧种族优胜低等级种族的关键,譬如四大种族的生命磁场等级,便要比普通种族高上一层,属于更加接近完美的优势方。 The life magnetic field can sublimate, can one and evolves along with the soul mark, reaches the new altitude of life, but the sublimation evolution of this life magnetic field, is not everybody has the opportunity to move, only then these fuse Essence Continent, has the possibility in evolution life magnetic field, moreover wants enough intelligence and chance, not measured very much mysteriously. 生命磁场可以升华,可以随着灵魂印记一并进化,达到生灵的新高度,但这种生命磁场的升华进化,却并非人人都有机会触碰,只有那些融合本源大陆者,才有进化生命磁场的可能,而且还要足够的资质和机缘,很是玄妙莫测。 Xiao Yao is the God Lord subordinates, therefore he knows the sublimation mystery of life magnetic field, because God Lord had experienced then, said that is most profound realizing from experience, wants the no small matter compared with breakthrough of Realm deep meaning. 逍遥神主麾下,所以他知道生命磁场的升华奥妙,因为神主曾经便经历过,说那是一种玄之又玄的体悟,比境界奥义的突破还要非同小可。 Most main, the sublimation evolution of life magnetic field, often is in the condition that the litigant does not know, will not lose the consciousness, will sober throughout, will be sober, does not look like Realm to realize from experience like that ignorant, such as crashes into the illusion. 最主要的,生命磁场的升华进化,往往处在当事人不知的状况中,不会失去意识,会始终清醒,而且会非常清醒,并非像境界体悟那般,浑浑噩噩的,如坠入梦幻。 Also is so, Xiao Yao does not dare to act rashly, still secretly observes looks at, in the heart surprised. 也是如此,逍遥没有敢轻举妄动,依然只是暗暗观看着,心中惊奇。 Shi Yan does not know mystery that the life magnetic field sublimates, he under the Xiao Yao pressure, detects the soul to be bright, the spaces, life and death and stars three deep meanings, flash in Soul Altar alternately, the crabbed unclear place, did not have reason the penetration of probably. 石岩并不知道生命磁场升华的奥妙,他在逍遥的压力下,发觉灵魂明净,空间、生死、星辰三种奥义,在灵魂祭台内交替闪现,许多艰涩不明之地,没来由的好像贯通了。 It looks like a very stupid person, such as has drunk the opening wisdom wonder drug, suddenly was intelligent. 就像是一个很愚笨的人,如喝了开启智慧的神药,忽然间就聪明了。 This is transformation of soul, looks like low wisdom Demonic Beast, achieves certain rank, mental opens suddenly general. 这是灵魂的蜕变,就像是低智慧的妖兽,达到一定级别,心智顿开一般。 He perceives faintly, who this making his Soul Altar completely change, came from Essence that he fuses, came from beginning the deep level fusion of Origin Fruit and Grace Mainland...... 他隐隐觉察到,这种令他灵魂祭台全部变化的奇奥,来自于他融合的本源,来自于始源果神恩大陆的深层次融合…… This is not Realm realizes from experience, but is transformation of soul mark, he still in the Xiao Yao pressure, but the fear of his innermost feelings is restless, seemed actually unloaded, he is still bringing Ouyang Luoshuang unceasingly is speeding along, the midway, his Soul Altar Sea of Consciousness is quiet, the space, the stars and life and death three places of deep meaning many passing, such as were not opened the roof louvre window, was all of a sudden bright. 这并非境界体悟,而是灵魂印记的蜕变,他依然在逍遥的压力中,可他内心的恐惧不安,却仿佛被卸下了,他依然带着欧阳洛霜不断的飞驰着,中途,他灵魂祭台识海平静无波,空间、星辰、生死三种奥义许多不通之处,如被开了天窗,一下子明亮了。 He relaxes very much, is very ease, but he actually knows that Xiao Yao in side, how awareness of instinct should deal. 他很放松,很悠然,但他却知道逍遥在旁边,本能的知道该如何应对。 Therefore he is threading up Ouyang Luoshuang, is releasing his pressure continually, told Xiao Yao, he in guarding against him, was similar to survival innumerable year of wild beast in the wooded mountain, when facing crisis, will multiply the instinct, can know in advance ahead of time that can guard by the most perfect condition. 所以他紧扣着欧阳洛霜,持续释放着他的压力,告诉逍遥,他一直在提防着他,就如同在山林中存活无数年的野兽,在面对危机时,会滋生本能,能提前预知,能以最完美的状态来防备。 He by this condition, left the imaginary territory unexpectedly, arrived among the galaxy of thousand imaginary star territories. 他以这种状态,竟然真出了幻域,来到了千幻星域的星河间。 Is going out of that instant of imaginary territory, his heart China , Tunisia lived a clear(ly) to become aware, as if thought that escaped to ascend to heaven, will have any favorable turn immediately. 在走出幻域的那一霎,他心中突生一种明悟,仿佛觉得逃脱升天了,会马上出现什么转机。 The favorable turn appeared. 转机真的出现了。 Dim light flashes in his front, the dim light swells instantaneously, such as opened mouth, embezzles in which him directly, at once dim light extremely fast contraction, before that Xiao Yao comes, strange disappearance falls. 一点幽光在他前方闪现,幽光瞬间胀大,如一张口,直接将他吞没其中,旋即幽光极速收缩,在那逍遥过来之前,诡异的消失掉。 When Xiao Yao crops up, he did not have the trail, did not have aura, if not save among heaven and earth. 逍遥冒头时,他已经没了踪迹,没了一丝气息,如不存天地间。
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