GOS :: Volume #14

#1303: Has to be

Caesar has not moved, but that fist seal, actually such as heaven and earth of thunder, form endless marvelous, stops up the reality in the space Xiao Yao. 西泽并没动弹一丝,可那一个个拳印,却如一个个雷之天地,形成无尽奇妙,将逍遥所在空间堵实。 You are more outstanding than your father, in your three people, your closest Immortal Second Sky, the thunder, you have become aware exquisitely, what a pity the soul cannot completely transformation.” Xiao Yao deeply looks to Caesar, a face acclaimed, „, but insufficiently prevented me, I was higher than your Realm after all, for this Realm breakthrough, I have used in 7000, therefore you can only looks at I kill him.” “你比你父亲出众,你们三人之中,你最为接近不朽二重天,雷之极,你已经悟到精妙,可惜灵魂没有能完全蜕变。”逍遥深深看向西泽,一脸赞叹,“但还是不够阻止我,我毕竟高出你一个境界,为了这个境界突破,我用了7000年时间,所以你只能看着我杀他。” Xiao Yao looks to Xing Ming, shows a faint smile. 逍遥看向邢铭,微微一笑。 Xing Ming chest, a crescent moon design appears, that design punctures his heart, crushes his fleshly body, such as the electricity injects Xing Ming sacrificial altar, crushes it. 邢铭胸口,一个月牙图案浮现出来,那图案刺破他心脏,粉碎他肉身,如电射入邢铭祭台,将其粉碎掉。 A Xiao Yao top of the head, round bright moonlight appears brightly, the bright moonlight has no time purely, is trillion supernatural power congealments, that bright moonlight slightly fluctuates, then multiplies endless marvelous, gives to vanish fist seal that Caesar rumbles. 逍遥一点头顶,一轮明月皎洁浮现,明月纯净无暇,为亿万神力凝结,那明月略一变幻,便滋生无尽奇妙,将西泽轰来的拳印都给消掉。 When he and Caesar begins, already diverted attention to strike to kill Xing Ming unexpectedly, Caesar's fist intent Thunder astral, only if makes his energy unable to branch out, otherwise then cannot prevent him to strike to kill Xing Ming. 他和西泽动手之际,竟早已分心击杀邢铭,西泽的拳意雷罡除非让他一丝精力分不出,否则便不能阻止他击杀邢铭。 Clearly, in addition Caesar does not have enough Realm power, making Xiao Yao Clone not have the technique. 很明显,西泽尚且没有足够的境界力量,让逍遥分身无术。 Therefore Xing Ming died. 所以邢铭死了。 The Xing Ying whole face covers entirely the dirt bloody water, she stopped to Caesar's kowtowing, the complexion is gloomy, the look looked stagnates palely to the father life fluctuation, such as lost the soul. 邢莹满脸布满污垢血水,她停止了对西泽的磕头,脸色灰暗,眼神苍白看向父亲生命波动停滞,如失了魂。 Caesar!” Ling Xiang drinks one suddenly lowly. “西泽!”凌翔突然低喝一声。 The complexion is firm and resolute, prepares Caesar who gets rid of reckless, heard that the word look shivers slightly, seems struggling vigorously anything. 脸色坚毅,准备不顾一切出手的西泽,闻言眼神微微颤动,似乎在极力挣扎着什么。 Caesar!” Ling Xiang drinks once more lowly. “西泽!”凌翔再次低喝。 Caesar's tight nerve. Suddenly a loosen. The look fluctuated a while, returns to normal. 西泽紧绷的神经。骤然一松。眼神变幻了一会儿,重新恢复正常。 Xiao Yao reveals the appreciation, the outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted eye moves, suddenly said: I come to here, is your Thousands Imaginary Sect, Broken Palace and Heaven River Temple chats the matter, the Bloodthirsty remains in your hand, our God Clan exchanges by a star territory, and immediately can make the number.” 逍遥露出赞赏,阴柔眼睛一动,忽然道:“我来这里,是和你们千幻宗碎殿天水宫谈谈事情,你们手中的嗜血遗骨,我们神族以一个星域兑换,并且立即就能作数。” Ling Xiang guessed correctly goal that he comes, hear word, the bursting out laughing forced smile. That remains, we have given Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, the pricetag came to an arrangement.” 凌翔已经猜出他过来的目的,闻言,哑然苦笑。“那遗骨,我们已经交给嗜血尊主了,价码已经谈妥。” The Xiao Yao eye narrows the eyes, at once discovers Luo Lin not. In his pupil the moonlight circulation, in half sound heart moves, said with a smile lightly: Imaginary star worthily is imaginary star, can be confused an instant including me.” 逍遥眼睛一眯,旋即才发现洛林不在。他瞳仁中月华流转,半响心中一动,轻笑道:“幻星不愧是幻星,连我都能被迷惑一霎。” He takes a step to move, silhouette cuns (2.5cm) vanish. 他举步一动,身影寸寸消失。 Caesar, Ling Xiang neglect one darkly, the mind startled, vanishes in abundance, goes toward the Shi Yan position. 西泽、凌翔忽视一眼,心神暗惊,也纷纷消失,往石岩方位而去。 Gu Lian and Ban Yu people, hurriedly is taking a walk, arranges the palace accumulation of distinguished guest toward that imaginary star. 古莲班煜众人,也都急忙走动着,朝着那个幻星安排贵宾的宫殿聚集。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Xiao Yao came. These three boxes of Bloodthirsty remains, you are taking, fast leaves the imaginary star. I and Caesar, the Ling Xiang ditch pass, once you and God Clan make war, our three parties will respond.” Luo Lin braves suddenly, gives Shi Yan three Heavenly Fragrant Calm Spirit Jade boxes without demur, urged hurriedly he is quicker leaves. 逍遥来了。这三个嗜血遗骨的盒子,你拿着,速速离开幻星。我和西泽、凌翔沟通过,一旦你们和神族开战,我们三方会响应。”洛林突然冒出来,二话不说将三个天香安神玉的盒子交给石岩,急忙催促他快些离开。 Xiao Yao? God Clan Xiao Yao Son of Heaven?” Shi Yan calm inquiry. 逍遥神族逍遥天王?”石岩镇定询问。 A bit faster walks, this imaginary star illusion of layer upon layer, feared that cannot confuse his several seconds. You are not cultivation Space Deep Meaning, you should better break the space. Immediately returns to Essence Continent.” Luo Lin urged. “快点走,这幻星的层层幻象,怕是不能迷惑他几秒。你不是修炼空间奥义吗,你最好破开空间。立即返回本源大陆。”洛林催促。 Shi Yan looks up the day, the mind moves slightly, the complexion becomes make things difficult looks suddenly extremely. 石岩抬头看天,心神微动,脸色骤然变得极为难看。 By him and Grace Mainland relation, including in the space turbulent flow center, can return by best power. 以他和神恩大陆的联系,连在空间乱流中央,都能以最好一丝力量返回。 But now. When he attempts, discovered that the space becomes heavy extremely heavy. If were being pressed by the innumerable mountain ranges, cannot skid the slightest. 但现在。当他尝试的时候,发现空间变得沉重万钧。如被无数山峦压着,根本不能撬动分毫。 He realized immediately without enough time, that Xiao Yao, stared at him. 他立即意识到来不及了,那逍遥,已经盯上他了。 Xiao Yao came, I could not leave.” Shi Yan looks to Luo Lin, knitting the brows head, at once suddenly turns around, grasped Ouyang Luoshuang, a hand according to the Ouyang Luoshuang back of the body, power moved darkly, collects said in her ear bank: Was sorry.” 逍遥已经来了,我走不掉了。”石岩看向洛林,皱了皱眉头,旋即忽然转身,一把抱住了欧阳洛霜,一只手按在欧阳洛霜后心,力量暗动,凑在她耳畔说:“抱歉了。” Ouyang Luoshuang is indulging at this time greatly surprised, is surprised Luo Lin saying that because her master then says Xiao Yao, but person who Shi Yan and Luo Lin discussed that was the Xiao Yao Son of Heaven, God Clan peak exists, she was clearing off the train of thought. 欧阳洛霜此时正沉溺在巨大惊讶中,惊讶着洛林所言,因为她师傅便自称逍遥,而石岩洛林所谈的人,为逍遥天王,神族巅峰存在,她正在理清思绪。 She has not guarded against Shi Yan to start suddenly, after consciousness, had been imprisoned the physique by Shi Yan without enough time instantaneously, her innermost feelings one cold, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Do you do?” 她没有防备到石岩忽然下手,等意识过来后,已经来不及了,被石岩给瞬间禁锢了身姿,她内心一寒,低喝道:“你干什么?” Before I have said that I could use you, now, was the time.” The Shi Yan forced smile was sorry that eyes spills over strange light, pulls into the beginning opening in three Heavenly Fragrant Calm Spirit Jade boxes that Luo Lin ejects the space, the complexion gradually is at once cold, whole body murderous aura does not wind around loose, callous woods cold aura, said: Did not do right by.” “之前我说过,我可能要利用你,现在,就是时刻了。”石岩苦笑抱歉,双眸泛出奇光,将洛林抛出的三个天香安神玉盒子扯入始界开辟的空间内,旋即脸色渐渐冷然,浑身杀气缭绕不散,一副冷酷森寒的气息,道:“对不住了。” Also was at this time, Xiao Yao came from out of the blue, decided in his body advance party. 也是这时候,逍遥破空而来,在他身前站定。 Master......” the Ouyang Luoshuang look concentrates, shouted one lightly. “师傅……”欧阳洛霜眼神一凝,轻呼一声。 Xiao Yao narrows the eyes to focus, looks at she, looked at Shi Yan, said: „Are you Bloodthirsty inheritance?” 逍遥眯着眼,看着她,又看了看石岩,道:“你就是嗜血的传承者?” Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 Only then Origin God First Sky cultivation base, Realm was too mean, I must kill you to be easy. Un, takes that Bloodthirsty remains, has put my disciple, I make you leave, I mean what he says.” Xiao Yao indifferent say|way. “只有始神一重天修为,境界太低微了,我要杀你轻而易举。嗯,将那嗜血遗骨拿出来,放了我徒儿,我让你离开,我说话算话。”逍遥淡然道。 I want to leave with ease, moreover I must bring the Bloodthirsty remains, what to do did you say?” Shi Yan cold voice said. “我想要轻松离开,而且我还要带着嗜血遗骨,你说怎么办?”石岩冷声道。 You court death.” Xiao Yao shook the head. “那你就是找死。”逍遥摇了摇头。 At this time, Ling Xiang and Caesar also came, Gu Lian and Ban Yu also stood in extremely the distant place, was the look complex looks to this together. 这时候,凌翔、西泽也都过来,古莲班煜也在极远处站立,都是眼神复杂看向这一块儿。 They have not expected, after coming , the scene that sees can be this unexpectedly, was stunned first. 他们都没有料到,过来后所见的场景竟然会是这样,一个个都先错愕了起来。 Before Xiao Yao has not come, Shi Yan said that Ouyang Luoshuang is his woman, Caesar who forces apologizes, making that Xing Shang from breaking an arm, but now, he unexpectedly is holding under duress Ouyang Luoshuang, must strike to kill the callous appearance that Ouyang Luoshuang and Xiao Yao bargained back and forth, this man must be unfeeling, can so get angry does not recognize people? 逍遥没来前,石岩欧阳洛霜是他的女人,逼迫的西泽赔不是,让那邢尚自断一臂,但现在,他竟然挟持着欧阳洛霜,一副要击杀欧阳洛霜逍遥讨价还价的冷酷模样,这男人要多么冷酷无情,才能如此翻脸不认人? At crucial moment, can bring the sacrifice including own women, this person of this multi- is very ruthless mean? 关键时候,连自己的女人都可以拿来牺牲,这人该多狠辣卑鄙? Many people reveal to despise expression, despises secretly, thought before , has misread him, thought that he is too disappointing. 很多人露出不齿神色,暗暗鄙夷,都觉得之前看错了他,觉得他太令人失望。 Only then Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin, Gu Lian a few people nod secretly, they looked, knows that Shi Yan present procedure, was he can only with the way of Xiao Yao dialog, to Shi Yan sudden quick-witted very ruthless, they quite appreciated, thought perhaps also only then this kind of character, truly can fight with God Clan. 只有西泽、凌翔洛林古莲少数几人暗暗点头,他们看出来了,知道石岩如今的做法,是他唯一能够和逍遥对话的方式,对石岩突然的机智狠辣,他们都颇为欣赏,觉得也只有这类人物,或许才真正能够和神族争锋。 I have a pair of soul, this point you are clear, you strike to kill my this soul, I still exist. Perhaps your this disciple, cannot Resurrect, um, I do not know that you have take seriously your this disciple, perhaps you do not care about her life......” Shi Yan to look to Xiao Yao, said: If such, I can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved.” “我有双魂,这一点你清楚,你击杀我这个灵魂,我依然存在。但你这徒儿,恐怕就不能复活了,嗯,我也不知道你有多重视你这徒儿,或许你根本不在意她的死活……”石岩看向逍遥,道:“如果那样,我就只能认栽了。” I from Xing Shang and Wei Yun soul, know that had had anything, you and my disciple, although is not the lover, but you are considered as on the friend, otherwise you will not save her. Looked in you rescue in this point, you hand over the Bloodthirsty remains, oneself leave, I said can be clear?” Xiao Yao narrows the eye to say. “我从邢尚卫云的灵魂中,知道曾经发生过什么,你和我徒儿虽然不是情侣,但你们算得上朋友,若不然你不会救她。看在你救她这一点上,你交出嗜血遗骨,自己离开,我说的可清楚?”逍遥眯眼道。 I must take the remains to walk.” Shi Yan insisted. “我要拿着遗骨走。”石岩坚持。 I believe that you will not strike a vicious blow to the friend, therefore your threat, comes to see in me appears laughable.” Xiao Yao is ease. “我相信你不会对朋友下毒手,所以你的威胁,在我来看显得可笑。”逍遥悠然。 Right?” Shi Yan eye one cold, Bone Thorn appears suddenly in his hands, his wrist|skill shakes, that Bone Thorn straight insertion Ouyang Luoshuang abdomen. “是吗?”石岩眼一寒,一根骨刺骤然在他手中出现,他手腕一抖,那骨刺直接插入欧阳洛霜腹部。 Ouyang Luo ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews first round ~~ frost immediately whole body one stiff, the bright eyes tremble with fear, she has not expected Shi Yan really under the killer to her, is feeling the abdomen stabbing pain, the tooth that she hates is itchy, cursed secretly, is thinking, once withdrew to make Shi Yan attractive. 欧阳洛~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~霜顿时浑身一僵,明眸惊颤,她也没料到石岩真会对她下杀手,感受着腹部刺痛,她恨的牙痒痒,暗自诅咒,想着一旦脱身必让石岩好看。 At this time, she knows that the beforehand that cynical remark the true meaning, understood the Shi Yan so-called use to be what is all about, although Shi Yan at that time has guaranteed, really will not kill her, but the injury of this God Body, was actually solid, she hated Shi Yan callous very ruthless darkly, can result in the violent treachery to her under unexpectedly. 此时,她已经知道之前那番怪话的真正含义,弄懂了石岩所谓的利用就是这么一回事,石岩当时虽保证了,不会真是杀她,可这神体的伤害,却是实实在在,她暗恨石岩冷酷狠辣,竟然真的能对她下得了毒手。 Shi Yan feels unbending of Ouyang Luoshuang, they stick to the body, Ouyang Luoshuang hates darkly, even the activity of mind, he can realize from experience. 石岩感受到欧阳洛霜的僵直,两人紧贴身子,欧阳洛霜的暗恨,甚至心神的活动,他都能体悟到。 Possibly just entered his beginning to be related with Ouyang Luoshuang, the subtle relation between both sides minds, as if thoroughly has not cut off. 可能和欧阳洛霜刚刚进入过他始界有关,双方心灵间的微妙联系,似乎还没有彻底斩断。 But he does not have the means that clearly know Ouyang Luoshuang decides afterward however can with his noisy , can only brace oneself, because here space was sealed up, Xiao Yao is Immortal Second Sky, the means that he withdraws are Ouyang Luoshuang, this is he preserves own last, is good, when he guessed that Master Ouyang Luoshuang is God Clan takes greatly, some decision, this has been able below killer without hesitation. 但他没办法,明知道欧阳洛霜事后定然会和他闹一场,也只能硬着头皮来,因为这里空间被封闭,逍遥又是不朽二重天,他唯一脱身的办法便是欧阳洛霜,这是他保全自己的最后一手,好在他猜测出欧阳洛霜师傅为神族大拿的时候,就有了决定,这才能毫不犹豫的下杀手。 Peripheral Ban Yu, Gu Lian and Gu Ling people, is a face are alarmed and afraid, looks dull to the bloodstain of Ouyang Luoshuang abdomen. 周边班煜古莲古灵一众人,都是一脸惊惧,呆呆看向欧阳洛霜腹部的血迹。 They have not thought that Shi Yan dares to start really! 他们没想到石岩真敢下手! Xiao Yao has not thought of him to dare, in that instant that the Ouyang Luoshuang abdomen bloodstain splits, he then hesitated. 逍遥也没想到他敢,在欧阳洛霜腹部血迹绽出的那一霎,他便犹豫了。 He guessed that Shi Yan possibly not really under killer, perhaps this time procedure was perfect, will not continue to act unreasonably, but this merely is only he speculation that remembers from Xing Shang and Wei Yun comes, cannot affirm truly. 他猜测出石岩可能不会真下杀手,或许此时的做法已经是极致了,不会继续乱来,但这仅仅只是他从邢尚卫云记忆得来的推测,不能真正肯定。 To put it bluntly, because his not familiar Shi Yan, how not familiar this first generation Bloodthirsty inheritance is a person. 说白了,还是因为他不熟悉石岩,不熟悉这一代嗜血的传承者是怎么一个人。 But Ouyang Luoshuang is his for ten thousand years, only one has seen road of incomparably agreeing with cultivation, is so, Ouyang Luoshuang obviously is not the God Clan clansman, he also iron core must teach the deep meaning, regards the only true line disciple to train it. 欧阳洛霜则是他万年来,唯一一个见过修炼之路无比契合者,也是如此,欧阳洛霜明明不是神族族人,他也铁了心要传授奥义,将其当成唯一的真传弟子培养。 He refining up moon for Ouyang Luoshuang , to promote cultivation base to it, then explained that he treasures the apprentice who takes seriously this old age to receive extremely. 他为欧阳洛霜去炼化月亮,给其增进修为,便说明他极为爱惜重视这个老年所受的徒弟。 He does not want to lose this disciple, therefore he does not dare to bet. 他不想失去这个徒儿,所以他就不敢赌。 I determined safely, she will obtain the freedom.” Shi Yan looks at his hesitation, does not wait for him to make the decision, holds Ouyang Luoshuang then to shoot up to the sky, flushes away toward imaginary star outside. “等我确定安全了,她会得到自由。”石岩瞧出他的犹豫,不等他做出决定,抱着欧阳洛霜便冲天而起,往幻星外面冲去。 Xiao Yao has imprisoned the space, cannot tear to flicker to move, but the conventional soaring has not hindered, he prepares to be separated from this range, found Xiao Yao not to seal up the influence the space, then directly opens passage to return to Grace Mainland. 逍遥禁锢了空间,不能撕裂瞬移,但常规的飞翔并没有阻碍,他准备脱离这一块范围,一找到逍遥没有封闭影响的空间,便直接打开通道返回神恩大陆 So long as returned to Grace Mainland, in his world, even if Xiao Yao seeks, he also dares independently a war. 只要返回了神恩大陆,在他自己的世界中,就算是逍遥寻来,他也敢放手一战。 He and Azure Dragon has fought, fully realized that on Grace Mainland, he does not beat, can leave calmly. 他与青龙斗过,深知在在神恩大陆上,他就算是不敌,也能从容离开。 Xiao Yao looks at he holds Ouyang Luoshuang to fire into outside imaginary star, the complexion is quite dignified cloudy severe, is constraining the violent anger vigorously, he has not stopped over in the imaginary star the moment, flushed, tags along in Shi Yan behind , to continue the closed room, secret observation, so long as determined that Shi Yan really do not kill Ouyang Luoshuang, he will then stick out suddenly launches an attack. 逍遥看着他抱着欧阳洛霜冲向幻星外面,脸色极为凝重阴厉,在极力压抑着暴怒,他没有在幻星多逗留一刻,也冲了出去,尾随在石岩身后,继续封闭空间,暗暗观察着,只要一确定石岩不是真要杀欧阳洛霜,他便会暴起发难。 ...... ……
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