GOS :: Volume #14

#1302: Xiao Yao

Imaginary star, in imaginary lake island. 幻星,幻湖小岛中。 Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin discussed how together tomorrow to deal with the matter of Shi Yan, said that handing over of that Bloodthirsty skeleton, under must set up the checkpoint, otherwise gives directly, can appear oneself is too direct? 凌翔、西泽、洛林一起商谈明日将如何应对石岩之事,说那嗜血骨骸的交出,要不要设置下关卡,不然直接给出,会不会显得自己太直接? His Realm slightly is mean, the words of establishment checkpoint, feared that he cannot deal with. The thing must in any case certainly to him, unable to make him feel that we are too optional, but also is really troublesome......” the Luo Lin forced smile said. “他境界略显低微,设置关卡的话,怕他应付不来。东西反正肯定要给他,还不能让他觉得我们太随意,还真是麻烦……”洛林苦笑道。 Un, Origin God First Sky Realm, indeed is nothing to speak, if not he for new Venerable Lord, will not attach great importance. But if we give him the Bloodthirsty skeleton directly, was extremely relaxed, can he suspect us, suspected that what clever trick we do have?” Ling Xiang said. “嗯,始神一重天境界,的确不值一提,若非他为新尊主,根本不会被重视。但我们要是直接就将嗜血骨骸给他,也太过轻松了,他会不会怀疑我们,怀疑我们有什么诡计?”凌翔道。 This matter you are adept, do not visit me, I do not excel at the schemes and tricks.” Caesar beckons with the hand to say. “这种事情你们拿手,别看我,我不擅长阴谋诡计。”西泽摆手道。 Caesar such remarks, Ling Xiang and Luo Lin complexion one stiff, slightly is awkward. 西泽此言一出,凌翔洛林脸色一僵,略显尴尬。 , The Ling Xiang facial expression moves slightly suddenly, in the sleeve cuff one volume of ancient books appear, his point, the page change, on that paper spills over the marvelous fluctuation, appears faintly imaginary star surrounding that circle corona, he as if through the books, can understand clearly imaginary star surrounding all sorts of changes. 突地,凌翔神情微动,袖口中一卷古书浮现出来,他一点,书页翻动,那纸张上泛出奇妙波动,隐隐浮现出幻星外围那圈圈光环,他似乎通过着书卷,能洞悉幻星外围种种变化。 Meanwhile, together soul message, transmits from that books, goes directly to Ling Xiang Sea of Consciousness. 同时,一道灵魂音讯,也从那书卷内传来,直达凌翔识海 Caesar, Luo Lin have not said a word, knits the brows to look to the Ling Xiang movement, waits secretly. 西泽、洛林都没有做声,都皱眉看向凌翔的动作,暗暗等候。 They know that in that ancient book named Ling Xiang hand wonderful treasure, named thousand imaginary Wan Bianshu, can connect the imaginary territory to be wonderful, can multiply myriad complete change, infinitely subtle. 他们知道那古书名为凌翔手中奇宝,名为“千幻万变书”,能连通幻域神妙,能滋生万千齐变,奥妙无穷。 They look to Ling Xiang, wants to know that what happened, because they understand that Ling Xiang with they talked, had told, only if enormous terrible business, otherwise did not permit others to disturb. 他们都看向凌翔,想知道发生了什么事情,因为他们明白凌翔与他们交谈的时候,已经吩咐过,除非极大的麻烦事,否则不准别人打搅。 Now they also at the discussion important matter, actually some people inopportunely relate Ling Xiang, the proof matter is not sufficiently small. 如今他们还在商谈要事,却有人不合时宜联系凌翔,足以证明事情不小。 Really, Ling Xiang receives the sleeve cuff that thousand imaginary Wan Bianshu, the complexion changes, in imaginary territory lives the meteorite fragment storm suddenly. Trillion meteorite fragments such as the sharp sword rushes the imaginary star, ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews the first round ~~ was defended by the outer layer corona, but my Thousands Imaginary Sect has the imaginary beast and disciple, by that crushed stone storm impact, died some people.” 果然,凌翔将那千幻万变书收入袖口,脸色微变,“幻域内突生陨石碎片风暴。亿万块陨石碎片如利剑涌向幻星,~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~被外层光环防御住,但我千幻宗有很多幻兽和弟子,都被那碎石风暴冲击,死了一些人。” Who is dares to be so bold?” The Luo Lin complexion is dignified. “是谁敢如此大胆?”洛林脸色凝重。 Here is the Thousands Imaginary Sect main star, but Thousands Imaginary Sect is among Star Sea the extremely famous strong presence, dares with the influence that Thousands Imaginary Sect speaks the last words, the world is few. 这里为千幻宗主星,而千幻宗又是星海间极为著名的强大势力,敢和千幻宗叫板的势力,天下屈指可数。 Except for four big races madmen. Feared has not enlarged ones vision dares to be dissolute in my imaginary territory!” On the Ling Xiang face of outstanding ability covers entirely yin cold. I listened to them saying that saw one person to ride moon/month of essence soul, battered. Is catching up toward our imaginary star.” “除了四大种族的狂人。怕是没不开眼的敢在我幻域放肆!”凌翔俊逸脸上布满一丝阴寒。“我听他们说了,见过一人乘坐月之精魄,一路横冲直撞。正朝着我们幻星赶来。” That person of what appearance?” The Luo Lin mind moves, thought that grasped anything faintly. “那人什么模样?”洛林心神一动,觉得隐隐把握到了点什么。 It is said the appearance is sluggish, often drinks to eat the fruit on the way. He simply has not paid attention to us.” Ling Xiang cold sound track. “据说模样懒散,途中还不时喝酒吃着水果。他根本没有将我们放在眼里。”凌翔寒声道。 Sluggish...... Sluggish, sluggish!” “懒散……懒散,懒散!” The Luo Lin facial expression shakes greatly, lightning flashes through in the mind together, startled called out: Xiao Yao! Is Xiao Yao!” 洛林神情巨震,一道电光在脑海中闪过,惊叫道:“逍遥!是逍遥!” Such remarks, Ling Xiang and Caesar simultaneously startled change, reveals color with amazement. 此言一出,凌翔、西泽同时惊变,露出骇然之色。 Decides however is he, in Shi Yan small Miss mouth so-called master, is Xiao Yao! I early should guess!” Luo Lin shouted to clear the way. “定然是他,石岩身旁小姑娘口中所谓的师傅,就是逍遥!我早该猜出来!”洛林喝道。 Ling Xiang and Caesar, as soon as listens to the name of Xiao Yao, the complexion can become dignified. A mind thought revolution, before relating, is puzzled they that familiar feeling, responded that knows the Luo Lin guess was not bad, coming the person should then be Xiao Yao, the God Clan Four Great Heavenly Kings Xiao Yao Son of Heaven, previous time on reputation illustrious extraordinary character. 凌翔、西泽一听逍遥之名,脸色都变得出去凝重。脑海念头一转,联系起之前困惑他们的那种熟悉感,也都反应过来,知道洛林猜测不差,来人应该便是逍遥,神族四大天王逍遥天王,上个时代就名声赫赫的超绝人物。 This person. Vanished for ten thousand years, long ago could not think to Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin. 此人。已消失万年,久远到西泽、凌翔洛林都迟迟想不出来。 When the Xiao Yao powerful, Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin are only juniors, but also follows behind the master, is only Origin God Boundary. The Xiao Yao past method they were very clear, one listened to newcomer unexpectedly has been he. Changed the complexion. 逍遥强势之时,凌翔、西泽、洛林都只是小辈,还跟在师傅后面,只是始神境界。逍遥当年的手段他们都很清楚,一听过来者竟然是他。都变了脸色。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 In this time, the imaginary star fiercely fiercely sways, such as was attacked by the giant beast. 就在此时,幻星猛地剧烈摇晃起来,如被巨兽冲击。 The imaginary on-board earth shakes greatly, many mountain peak avalanches, river flooding, tranquil innumerable year of imaginary stars, such as must welcome the end, all Thousands Imaginary Sect Warrior mind are alarmed and afraid. 幻星上大地巨震,许多山峰崩塌,河水泛滥,宁静了无数年的幻星,如要迎来末日,所有千幻宗武者都心神惊惧。 Thousands Imaginary Sect main where? Has not opened the gateway, wants me to burst in inadequately?” A cloudy continuous sound, conveys in the imaginary nebula level deep place, resounds through in imaginary star each corner, is trembling all Warrior minds. 千幻宗主何在?还不敞开门户,难道要我破门而入不成?”一个阴绵绵的声音,在幻星云层深处传来,响彻在幻星每一个角落,震颤着所有武者的心灵。 That sound, as if the heavenly might oppression in the imaginary star vault of heaven, the person who shakes has not gasped for breath. 那声音一出,仿佛天威压迫在幻星苍穹,震的人喘不过气来。 Really came!” Caesar lowers with rapt attention drinks. “果然来了!”西泽凝神低喝。 He can drive out, makes him come.” Luo Lin forced smile. “他真能轰开来,还是让他进来吧。”洛林苦笑。 Ling Xiang nodded, in the Heavenly Fragrant Calm Spirit Jade box hand takes at once suddenly, gives Luo Lin hurriedly, said: Your fast looks for Shi Yan, gives him this box, making him take is leaving immediately.” 凌翔点了点头,旋即突然将手中天香安神玉盒子拿出来,匆忙交给洛林,道:“你速去找石岩,将这盒子给他,让他拿着立即离开。” Caesar mind moves, hands over own Heavenly Fragrant Calm Spirit Jade box, immediately throws to Luo Lin, makes that boy hurry, he must die in imaginary on-board, we have the trouble.” 西泽心神一动,也将自己的天香安神玉盒子交出,立即抛给洛林,“让那小子赶紧走,他要死在幻星上,我们都有麻烦。” Luo Lin without demur, took the box then not to have the trail. 洛林二话不说,拿着盒子便没了踪迹。 Meanwhile, wilder reacted, transmits from that vault of heaven, that cloudy continuous sound begins, Thousands Imaginary Sect refinement barrier was not layer upon layer easy, damages extremely had been a pity that I only counted to three, following person considered, one......” 同时,更加狂暴的震动,从那苍穹传来,那阴绵绵的声音再起,“千幻宗炼制层层结界不易,损坏了太过可惜,我只数到三,下面的人自己斟酌,一……” Ling Xiang sighed one darkly, raised the sound track: Xiao Yao Senior your honorable self visit, younger generation Thousands Imaginary Sect this generation of Sect Master Ling Xiang, welcomed Senior to arrive.” He points is provoking thousand imaginary Wan Bianshu, the defense of outer layer abolishing, having allowed Xiao Yao to push directly into. 凌翔暗叹一声,扬声道:“逍遥前辈大驾光临,晚辈千幻宗这代宗主凌翔,恭迎前辈到来。”他手指拨弄着千幻万变书,将外层的防御给撤销了,容逍遥长驱直入。 An outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted delicate and pretty man, rides moon/month of essence suddenly, cuts the vault of heaven to come, falls directly to the imaginary star central center. 一个阴柔俊美的男子,忽然乘坐月之精华,划破苍穹而来,直接落向幻星中央腹地。 Imaginary on-board numerous Warrior, hear sound gathers to come, imaginary lake that Ling Xiang and Caesar are, suddenly changes, the direct scene fluctuates, turns into the cover the wooded mountain, forms the grand palace group. 幻星上众多武者,纷纷闻声聚集而来,那凌翔、西泽所在的幻湖,骤然一变,直接场景变幻,化成茂密的山林,形成雄伟宫殿群。 In the peripheral palace, Ban Yu and Xing Ming, Xing Shang, Wei Yun, Gu Lian people and others, one by one appears, panic-stricken looks at always the person. 周边宫殿内,班煜、邢铭、邢尚卫云古莲一众人等,一一显现出来,惊骇的看向来人。 In them many people, in addition does not know the person status, but heartfelt thinks to fear, because imposing manner that comes the person to drop from the clouds, makes them have the feeling that one type must worship on bended knees unexpectedly. 他们中很多人,尚且不知来人身份,只是由衷的觉得惧怕,因为来人从天而降的气势,竟然让他们生出一种要跪拜的感觉。 Who is in the broken chaotic place, gets rid to my disciple?” A bang, the wonder stone of Xiao Yao body next month, destroys several palaces loudly, he is takes advantage of opportunity, all around the languid inspection, his eyes find Xing Shang, smiles. “是谁在碎乱之地,对我徒儿出手?”轰然一声巨响,逍遥身下月之奇石,将数座宫殿摧毁,他则是顺势下来,懒洋洋的巡视四周,他一眼瞧见邢尚,抿嘴一笑。 Xing Shang simply soul destroyed/terror-stricken. 邢尚简直魂飞魄散 Comes.” Xiao Yao puts out a hand a move. “过来。”逍遥伸手一招。 Xing Shang and Wei Yun such as were grasped firmly the chicken of neck, soars to fly, falls instantaneously to Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao opened mouth spits, two moonlight appear, penetrates their mind following Xing Shang and Wei Yun eye pupil, bustles about in their Sea of Consciousness and memory. 邢尚卫云如被攥住脖子的小鸡,腾空飞起,瞬间落向逍遥面前,逍遥张口一吐,两道月光浮现,顺着邢尚卫云眼瞳深入他们脑海,在他们识海、记忆中大肆活动。 Under attention of people, Xing Shang and Wei Yun reveal frightened expression, the outflow dirt blood that the corners of the mouth, corner of the eye, ear and nostril do not control self, in the eye the gloss is rapid, the skin such as the dead wood of air seasoning, lost the life force appearance. 在众人的注目下,邢尚卫云露出恐惧之极的神色,嘴角、眼角、耳朵、鼻孔不自禁的流出污血,眼中光泽迅速黯淡,皮肤如风干的枯木,失去了生机神采。 Each spills over the absolutely terrified feeling, the mind is alarmed and afraid, coming out that they look, this Xiao Yao to search for the technique of soul, strips Xing Shang and Wei Yun memory directly, takes destroying their spirit and life as the price, gains the memory that he needs. 每一个都泛出毛骨悚然的感觉,心神惊惧不安,他们看的出来,这逍遥以搜魂之术,直接去剥离邢尚卫云的记忆,以摧毁他们精魂、生命为代价,来获取他需要的记忆。 Xing Ming whole body ice is cold, at this moment, thought that such as was frozen by cold energy, is out of control to shiver. 邢铭浑身冰寒,这一刻,觉得如被寒力冰冻了,禁不住颤抖。 In his pupil spills over the dense fear, the hope looks to Caesar, clenches teeth saying: Palace Lord, looked, in old servant serves in your fathers and sons two generations of shares, please give the old servant means of livelihood.” 他眸中泛出森森恐惧,祈求的看向西泽,咬着牙道:“殿主,看在老奴侍奉你们父子两代的份上,请给老奴一条活路。” His these words fall, Xing Shang and Wei Yun life aura eliminates thoroughly, but Xiao Yao also obtains all that he wanted. 他这句话落下,邢尚卫云生命气息彻底消泯,而逍遥也得到了他想要的一切。 The Xiao Yao smiling face yin cold, looked to him, said: Originally the chief instigator is you.” 逍遥笑容阴寒,看向了他,道:“原来主谋是你。” Palace Lord!” Xing Ming yelled suddenly that yelled he knelt to bend down in the place, kowtowed toward Caesar, head fresh blood drip flowinged. “殿主!”邢铭突然大叫起来,叫喊中他跪伏在地,一个劲的朝着西泽磕头,头上鲜血淋漓。 Nearby Xing Ying, but has gawked, kneels down fiercely, in thin of crying crash-bang, kowtows toward Caesar again and again , the blood stain on non- care for reputation, does not give a thought to the pain of body, but yells unceasingly, asked the palace Lord to save my father.” 旁边的邢莹,只是愣了一下,也猛地跪下,哭的稀里哗啦,朝着西泽连连磕头,也不顾脸上的血污,不顾身体的痛楚,只是不断叫喊,“请殿主救我爹爹。” At this moment, the father and daughter know, only then Caesar gets rid, Xing Ming has life force. 这一刻,他们父女俩都知道,只有西泽出手,邢铭才有一线生机 Because Xing Shang and Wei Yun die has not traded the strength of hand, because they know that Xiao Yao is Immortal Expert, the character of this rank, must kill them is raises hand simply, with hands down. 因为邢尚卫云死的没有一丝换手之力,因为他们知道逍遥不朽强者,这种级别的人物,要杀他们简直就是举手之间,不费吹灰之力。 The military crazy Caesar complexion sinks like water, his looks at Xing Ming, Xing Ying father and daughter kowtow to continue, suddenly said: Xiao Yao Senior, my Broken Palace died they, this matter relinquishes in light of this.” 武痴西泽脸色沉如水,他看着邢铭、邢莹父女磕头不止,忽然道:“逍遥前辈,我碎殿已经死了两人,此事就此作罢吧。” Relinquishes?” Xiao Yao is astonished however, interestings to look to Caesar, said: „Are you Simon's son? Hehe, even if your father, in the past must call my Xiao Yao brother, your Broken Palace person, dares to hold under duress my disciple, this matter must relinquish is very simple, the participant dies completely certainly, naturally relinquishes.” “作罢?”逍遥讶然,饶有兴趣看向西泽,道:“你是西蒙的儿子吧?嘿嘿,就算是你爹,当年也要称呼我一声逍遥兄,你碎殿的人,胆敢挟持我徒儿,此事要作罢很简单,参与者全部死绝,自然作罢。” He lifts the hand to catch Xing Ming, narrows the eyes to focus, facial expression yin cold: Comes.” 他抬手去抓邢铭,眯着眼,神情阴寒:“过来吧。” No!” Xing Ming screamed. “不!”邢铭尖叫。 My father gives you face, does not represent me also to give!” Caesar roared suddenly, homespun cloth hempen garments such as the ballooning strong Thunder astral, his trend Xiao Yao, was raising hand is a fist. “我父亲给你面子,不代表我也要给!”西泽突地咆哮,粗布麻衣如鼓胀着浓烈雷罡,他一步走向逍遥,扬手便是一拳。 An extremely simple and crude fist! 极为简单粗暴的一拳! Bang! 轰隆隆! Xiao Yao space, has the continuous large explosion instantaneously, trillion Thunder Gangqi moves, must explode trillion holes heaven and earth. 逍遥身旁空间,瞬间发生连绵不绝的大爆炸,亿万雷罡齐动,将天地都要给炸成亿万窟窿。 The deep meaning of Caesar cultivation thunder, the light of deep meaning also minoring in electricity average person cultivation, thinks that thunder and lightning with cultivating powerful, for example Caesar father Simon, is thunder and lightning complete Xiu. 西泽修炼雷之奥义,一般人修炼之光奥义还会兼修电,认为雷电同修更加强悍,譬如西泽父亲西蒙,便是雷电齐修。 But Caesar is not so, he only cultivates the thunder, in ten thousand years of years, he only indulges the world of this sole thunder, life all happy offers, he is unhappy the female sexual attractiveness, no matter in the palace the important matter, does not seek after to lead a life of comfort, such as the ascetic person seals up himself generally, the lifetime track seeking, cultivates the thunder entire life, did not have to idle on the 1st. 但西泽并不是如此,他只修雷,万年的岁月中,他只沉溺这单一的雷之世界,将生命一切美好奉献,他不喜女色,不管殿内要事,不贪图享乐,如苦行僧一般封闭自己,一生寻道,一生修雷,从没有一日懈怠。 This fist, is precise he his entire life the infatuated pursue to thunder, thunder broken heaven and earth, moves universe Eight Pole! 这一拳,凝炼他一生对雷的痴迷追求,雷破天地,动乾坤八极 The Heaven Shaking Thunder bang blows out, deep Thunder Xiangru Caesar's roaring, that roar covers entirely fierce overbearing, has ten thousand years of lonely. 震天雷轰爆出,深深雷响如西泽的怒吼,那吼声布满狂烈霸道,有着万年的孤独。 Is connected including the above a time Xiao Yao, in the explosions of trillion stuffy thunder, the complexion is dignified, in the pupil spills over strange light. 就连上一个时代的逍遥,在亿万闷雷的爆炸中,都脸色凝重,眸中泛出奇光 The Xiao Yao double pupil opens and closes, eye becomes the crescent moon, the three paraselenaes of imaginary star vault of heaven deep place, roll to congeal to suddenly, hovers regarding Xiao Yao, actually again and again crushes to explode, forms to extinguish the world fluctuation. 逍遥双瞳开阖间,眼睛成月牙,幻星苍穹深处的三个幻月,忽然间滚动凝为真实,围绕着逍遥游动,却连连粉碎爆炸,形成灭世般的波动。 Caesar rumbled a fist then to stop, however, between Caesar and Xiao Yao, was actually everywhere fist seal, each fist seal as if nine Heavenly Lightning bang, became world of the thunder. 西泽轰出一拳便停了下来,然而,在西泽和逍遥之间,却是漫天拳印,每个拳印都仿佛九天雷轰,自成一个雷之世界。 ...... …… Book net www. 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