GOS :: Volume #14

#1326: Venerable arrives

Fire Rain Star Field. 火雨星域 Ties the bunch meteor such as the hot rain, connects in a piece of galaxy, in that galaxy has the stars of six life, assumes the hexagonal shape. 束束流星如火雨,交汇在一片星河,那星河中有六个生命之星,呈六角形态。 Six corner star places, are the name of this region, is the Fire Rain Star Field core important place, six corner star places has the stars of six life, subordinates in Fire Rain Star Field separately to the strong six influences. 六棱星地,就是这处区域的名字,也是火雨星域的核心要地,六棱星地的有六个生命之星,分别隶属于火雨星域至强的六股势力。 Now six influences jointly form an alliance, are called imperial god pledge, defends the meaning of God Clan alliance. 如今六股势力联合结盟,称为“御神盟”,是防御神族联盟的意思。 At this time six corner star places the stars of six life, by the brilliant galaxy connection, the stars middle are anchoring numerous battleships, these battleships are strange, some quenching by the gold/metal iron, some are bone, some for the lumber construction, are different. 此时六棱星地的六个生命之星,相互间以条条绚烂星河连接,星辰中间停泊着众多战舰,那些战舰稀奇古怪,有的以金铁淬炼而成,有的为骨质,也有的为木材建造而成,不尽相同。 Sketchy several, will discover that these battleships several thousands, on each battleship some different influence different race Warrior are gathering. 粗略数一下,会发现那些战舰数万,每一艘战舰上都有不同势力不同种族武者聚集着。 Imperial god pledge is centered on the six big influences of six corner star places, other Fire Rain Star Field scattered in disorder influence union, forms extremely uncommon power in addition, battles with God Clan Brakell, the Austin two respected families, has been inferior. “御神盟”以六棱星地的六大势力为核心,加上火雨星域别的散乱势力联合,形成一股极为不凡的力量,和神族的布雷克尔、奥斯汀斯两大家族交战,一直处于劣势。 When Bloodthirsty lineage/vein send out with the God Clan mechanical reactance sound, this Fire Rain Star Field immediately becomes one of the battlefields, because Brakell, the Austin two big God Clan families, soon seized Fire Rain Star Field. 嗜血一脉发出和神族力抗的声音,这火雨星域立即成为战场之一,因为布雷克尔、奥斯汀斯两大神族家族,本来都快要将火雨星域占领。 Xuan He and Fei Liete were already staring at Fire Rain Star Field, decides to start the fight, quickly, Bloodthirsty lineage/vein Warrior of Ben Ni, Ka Tuo and audiences cultivation eight big evil strength, leave for under the arrangement of Xuan He and Fei Liete, helping imperial god pledge resist God Clan. 玄河腓烈特早就盯着火雨星域了,一决定发动战斗,很快地,本尼卡托和一众修炼八大邪力的嗜血一脉武者,都在玄河腓烈特的安排下开赴过来,帮助“御神盟”抗争神族 They are inferior, the stars of star territory numerous life fall into enemy hands one after another. 只是,他们还是处于劣势,星域众多生命之星接连失守。 Unavoidablily, they can only retreat six corner star places, because these six corner star places the stars of six life cover entirely layer on layer the barrier restriction God Clan battleship to dare to take risk to break , must pay the grievous cost. 不得已,他们只能退守六棱星地,因为这六棱星地的六个生命之星布满重重结界禁制神族战舰敢冒险冲入,也要付出惨痛代价。 At this time, in six corner star outside Star Sea, Brakell, Expert of Austin Family on the battleship, faintly gathering round is waiting for family the arrival of terrifying Divine Tool six corner stars, must rumble directly the defenses of broken six corner star places, takes this Fire Rain Star Field. 此时,在六棱星地外面的星海,布雷克尔、奥斯汀斯家族的强者都在战舰上,隐隐将六棱星地给围着在等候着家族的恐怖神器的到来,要直接轰破六棱星地的防御,将这火雨星域率先拿下来。 This war, after is Bloodthirsty makes the sound, after Bloodthirsty forcefully meddles the intervention, still by the star territory that God Clan takes. 这一战,将会是嗜血发出声音后,由嗜血强行插手干预后,依然被神族拿下的星域。 Once wins victory, must rouse in clan, making clansman confidence surging upward let 12 respected families' fight in other star territory, wins. 一旦旗开得胜,必会振奋族内,让族人信心高涨让12大家族在别的星域的战斗,也纷纷获胜。 Six corner star places, on Black Horn Star. 六棱星地,黑角星上。 A Hero sets up top the great peak between heaven and earth, was cut smoothly, is situated the fine magnificent palace, is anchoring several top battleships. 一座雄立天地间的巨峰顶部,被切割平滑,坐落着精美华丽的宫殿,停泊着几艘顶尖的战舰。 Black Horn Star is the stars of six corner star main lives, is nowadays imperial god pledge the headquarters, under this black crag great peak peak bird's eye view will discover above jet black swamp that a Black Horn Star darkness, the black land, numerous dark abyss, proliferate is winding around miasma, heaven and earth dreary. 黑角星为六棱星地最主要的生命之星,是现今“御神盟”的总部,在这黑岩巨峰顶端俯瞰下面会发现黑角星一片黑暗,黑色土地,众多幽暗深渊,遍布的漆黑沼泽上方缭绕着毒瘴气,天地一片萧瑟。 But extraordinary, this should environment bad star heaven and earth energy quite be rich, these black land and black swamp and in the black toxic gas and abyss, breed massive rare unusual spirit medicine and ores to be precious. 可出奇的,这本该环境恶劣的星球却天地能量极为浓郁,那些黑色土地、黑色沼泽、黑色毒气、深渊中,孕育出大量罕见的奇特灵药、矿石珍贵非常。 At this time, in that black crag great peak peak, by a gigantic rock, Xiao En and Yu Shan is dignified, calmly stands in old woman behind. 此时,在那黑岩巨峰顶端,一块硕大的岩石旁边,肖恩郁珊都是神情凝重,静静站在一名老妪身后 Old woman wrinkle whole face, but is in high spirits eyes eyeball glittering astonishing rays of light, she leans on a snake head walking stick to knit the brows to look to the distant place, sighed: „Can't your Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, following send for? Only you, feared that is very difficult to block the God Clan step.” 那老妪皱纹满脸,但精神矍铄一双眼闪烁着惊人的光芒,她拄着一个蛇头拐杖皱眉看向远处,叹道:“你们嗜血一脉,难道不能后续派人过来?单凭你们,怕是很难挡住神族的步伐。” She turned head, deeply looks to Ben Ni, Ka Tuo, Blood Devil and the others, in the eye appears a anticipation. 她回过头来,深深看向本尼卡托血魔等人,眼中浮现一丝期待。 This enters the Fire Rain Star Field person, besides Ben Ni, Ka Tuo and Blood Devil, in addition several hundred cultivation eight big evil strength, but these people mostly are only Source God and Void God Realm, by achieving Origin God Third Sky Realm Blood Devil is commanded, the genuine top player, has Blood Devil one. 这趟进入火雨星域的人,除了本尼卡托血魔外,尚且有数百名修炼八大邪力者,可那些人大多只是源神虚神境界,由达到始神三重天境界血魔来统领,真正的顶尖高手,算起来只有血魔一个而已。 Naturally, Blood Devil is the Agate Star Field Devil Clan overlord, Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field was approaching, he came, Monster Clan Gu Te and Ba Si these people naturally also came, Divine Light Lin Xin, Zi Yao people, Fighting Union Feng Han, Xia Xinyan and the others, through teleportation that Ming Hao sets up in secret, achieves six corner star places instantaneously. 当然,血魔本是玛琊星域魔族霸主,玛琊星域火雨星域又临近着,他过来了,妖族古特巴斯那些人自然也来了,还有神光的琳馨、紫耀众人,战盟锋寒夏心妍等人,都通过冥晧暗中设立的传送阵,瞬间达到六棱星地。 These days, Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field these two sides collaborate, in Star Sea with Brakell, Austin Family battle, retreats in defeat again and again. 这段时间,火雨星域玛琊星域这两方联手,在星海内和布雷克尔、奥斯汀斯家族交战,还是节节败退。 But , can only shrink into these six corner star pain to defend, draws support for several thousand years in the numerous wall barriers of six corner star arrangement, making God Clan not dare to come in rashly. 无奈下,只能缩入这六棱星地苦守,借助于数万年来在六棱星地布置的重重壁障,让神族不敢冒然进来。 The old woman for the present imperial god pledge Union Master, was recommended by the Fire Rain Star Field all parties influence the Lord of star territory, she saw with own eyes that the situation is not even more wonderful, worries secretly, hoping Blood Devil can with a Bloodthirsty lineage/vein relation, directing Expert to arrive , helping Fire Rain Star Field to pass this tribulation, causes heavy losses to God Clan. 老妪为如今“御神盟”盟主,由火雨星域各方势力推举出来的星域之主,她眼见形势愈发不妙,暗暗着急,希望血魔能和嗜血一脉联系,引更多强者降临,助火雨星域度过此劫,重创神族 Among boundless galaxy, 12 star territories simultaneously erupt the fight at this time, our Warrior disperses in 12 different star territories, has put out almost majority of power.” Blood Devil frowns, shakes the head saying: In a short time, only if other star territory wins, then sets aside the manpower to come out, otherwise, feared that is very difficult the new Warrior reenforcement.” “苍茫星河间,此时有12个星域同时爆发战斗,我方武者分散在12个不同星域,已经拿出几乎大部分力量了。”血魔皱着眉头,摇头说道:“短时间内,除非别的星域获胜,进而腾出人手出来,否则,怕是很难有新的武者增援。” Yu Nan listened to his such saying, had deeply sighs, looked into distant place Star Sea, with a worried look. 郁楠听他这么一说,有深深一叹,眺望远处星海,愁眉不展。 She for the Yu Shan mother's married sister, Origin God tertiary Realm , the cultivation flame deep meaning, is Fire Rain Star Field Realm is most profound exquisite one person, is consistent with Blood Devil Realm, but she cannot still be optimistic. 她为郁珊的姨娘,始神三重境界,也修炼火焰奥义,为火雨星域境界最为高深精湛一人,和血魔境界一致,但她依然乐观不起来。 Because of that Brakell, the Austin two respected families, this fight the same master completely to leave, it is said that achieves false Immortal Elder one and arrives, is specially for in view of her. 因为那布雷克尔、奥斯汀斯两大家族,这一战同样高手尽出,据说,还有一名达到伪不朽长老一并到来,就是专门为了针对她。 The beforehand fight, she and Blood Devil has not gotten rid, but when both sides fight, she and Blood Devil perceived that opposite party battleship, is hiding Expert, aura and invisible deterrent that stream of people reveals, let her and Blood Devil do not dare to act rashly. 之前的战斗,她和血魔并没有出手,但在双方战斗的时候,她和血魔都觉察到对方战舰内部,隐藏着一个强者,那人流露出来的气息和无形威慑,让她和血魔都不敢轻举妄动。 Yu Nan hopes that side Bloodthirsty very much, dispatches one to achieve false Immortal Expert to come similarly, or dispatches several to enter step Origin God, with the genuine master of Blood Devil this kind of equivalent. 郁楠很希望嗜血那边,也派遣一名同样能达到伪不朽强者过来,或者派遣数名进阶始神,和血魔这类等阶的真正高手。 Heavenly Demon Clan these ghosts, conform to her hope standard actually, these people were also sent what a pity by Azure Dragon, fights in other star territory, because other place war becomes serious similarly, is more frigid than here fight, must have the master to assume personal command to be good. 天妖族的那些老妖,倒是符合她的希望标准,可惜,那些人也都被青龙派遣出去,在别的星域战斗,因为别的地方战局同样吃紧,比这里的战斗还要惨烈,必须有高手坐镇才行。 They and other God Clan kills greatly comes, I know that God Clan has to break all barrier things, Brakell, the Austin two respected families has not acted rashly, is other things arrives, to that time, we had feared that was really must be doomed.” Yu Nanwei sighed, she looked suddenly to Yu Shan, has thought that told: That instant that and other corner star barrier defenses break, you bring Xuan Fei and children flee by teleportation, go to the great billows star to evade, keeps bloodlines to us.” “他们在等神族的大杀器过来,我知道神族有能破碎一切结界的东西,布雷克尔、奥斯汀斯两大家族没轻举妄动,就是等那东西到来,到了那时候,我们怕是就真要在劫难逃了。”郁楠微叹,她忽然看向郁珊,想了一下,吩咐道:“等六棱星地结界防御破开的那一霎,你带萱绯和孩子们以传送阵遁走,去巨澜星避避,给我们留点血脉。” The Yu Shan bright eyes spill over the broken light, she shakes the head, said in a low voice: Xuan Fei can walk, I cannot walk, this is my responsibility.” 郁珊明眸泛出碎光,她摇着头,低声道:“萱绯能走,我不能走,这是我的责任。” I do not walk!” Not far away, Xuan Fei purses the lips, the stiff body milk-white bosom trembles, groans loudly. “我也不走!”不远处,萱绯撅着嘴,挺直身子酥胸微颤,大声哼哼。 Strongly fragrant cedar coldly snorted, said: Is beyond control you to get angry! Xiao En, inspected teleportation in the past personally again, daily inspection one time and ensure teleportation will not have problems!” 郁楠冷哼,道:“由不得你们使性子!肖恩,过去亲自再检查一下传送阵,每天检查一次,确保传送阵不会出问题!” Yes.” Xiao En bows, silhouette then vanished in a flash. “明白。”肖恩躬身,身影一晃便消失了。 However, crosses for ten seconds, that Xiao En appears unexpectedly once more, a strangeness of face, said: That teleportation is glistening, has the person...... Some people attempt! Can clear, aids to want newcomer?” 然而,才过十来秒,那肖恩竟再次浮现出来,一脸的怪异,道:“那传送阵在闪亮着,有人……有人试图过来!要不要开通,接应想要过来者?” Such remarks, people complexion becomes extremely strange, the look is blurry, who touches not to permit the person is. 此言一出,众人脸色都变得极其怪异,眼神迷糊,摸不准来人是谁。 Can be your people?” Yu Nan looks to Blood Devil. “会不会是你们的人?”郁楠看向血魔 Blood Devil shook the head, said: Has not received the above reenforcement news.” 血魔摇了摇头,道:“没收到上面增援的消息。” Yu Nan at once the complexion changes, may be God Clan!” 郁楠旋即脸色一变,“或许会是神族!” People with amazement. 众人骇然。 Goes to a teleportation that side to have a look.” The Blood Devil complexion is also serious, at once takes a step to move, changes into bloody glow to vanish together. “去传送阵那边看看吧。”血魔也脸色沉重,旋即迈步一动,化为一道血光消失。 After several minutes, the people arrive at summit another corner/horn, stands firm by a clear jade stage of six lozenge, that jade stage place above rays of light interweaves into the net, the node such as the stars are radiant, fluctuate the magnificent illusion color, making people dazzling and intoxicating. 数分钟后,众人来到山巅另外一角,在一处六棱形的晶莹玉台旁边站定,那玉台上方光芒交织入网,节点如星辰璀璨,变幻出瑰丽梦幻的色彩,让人目眩神迷。 The six edges and corners of six lozenges, the palm of the hand big jade piece, jade piece intense glittering, is transmitting special energy separately. 六棱形的六个棱角,分别有一个巴掌大的玉片,玉片激烈闪烁着,传来一波波特殊的能量 People gather by jade stage, distinguishes looks at that jade piece, looks at is jumping mystical Symbols, grips the bell to shout suddenly lightly, said: rune/symbol Dian came from Agate Star Field!” 一众人聚集在玉台旁边,分别看着那玉片,看着跳跃着的神秘符号,忽地,扎铎轻呼起来,道:“符点来自于玛琊星域!” Agate Star Field!” Yu Nanqing shouted, at once facial expression relaxes slightly, said: That side your Agate Star Field, what Expert can have? Who can be comes?” 玛琊星域!”郁楠轻呼,旋即神情稍稍放松,道:“你们玛琊星域那边,可还有什么强者?会是谁过来?” Blood Devil looks to the side person, Monster Clan Ba Si and Gu Te, Divine Light Lin Xin, Fighting Union Feng Han, the Medicine Refining Pavilion bell people, even also has Yan Chi of that flame clan, icing Jie who ices the clan, personally came Fire Rain Star Field , helping Fire Rain Star Field one and with the God Clan combat. 血魔看向身旁人,妖族巴斯古特,神光的琳馨,战盟锋寒,药器阁的扎铎众人,甚至还有那炎族的炎蚩,冰族的冰婕,都亲自来了火雨星域,帮助火雨星域一并和神族作战。 Experienced Agate Star Field that bloody battle, realizing that all Agate Star Field influence Warrior sober, God Clan , if not extinguish, they never the meeting can be peaceful. 经历了玛琊星域的那场血战,所有玛琊星域的势力武者都清醒的认识到,神族如果不灭,他们永远不会能安宁。 In the past, the God Clan first invasion time, Yu Shan once the ghost jellyfish building up, brought the first time tranquility to Agate Star Field. 当年,神族第一次入侵的时候,郁珊曾将亡魂水母给炼掉,给玛琊星域带来第一次的平静。 Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field are neighboring, even if not draw support void passage, must shuttle back and forth is not difficult, if Fire Rain Star Field were seized by God Clan, Agate Star Field naturally will not have the auspicious day, the Chen Wang tooth cold truth they understood, therefore Yan Chi, ices Jie to hear the Fire Rain Star Field crisis, comes to aid on own initiative. 火雨星域玛琊星域紧邻着,就算是不借助于虚空通道,要穿梭也不难,如果火雨星域神族占领,玛琊星域自然也不会有好日子过,陈亡齿寒的道理他们还是懂得,所以炎蚩、冰婕听说火雨星域的危机,也主动前来援助。 The one by one of Blood Devil line of sight on them has swept, said: Should not any Expert.” 血魔视线在他们身上一一扫过,道:“应该没什么强者了。” Agate Star Field that side person, should not have the issue, who as for is, making them come on understood.” Xiao En proposed. 玛琊星域那边的人,应该不会有问题,至于是谁,让他们过来就知道了。”肖恩提议。 Yu Nan nods assent. 郁楠点头同意。 At once then unties the blockade, making that six corner teleportation maintain unobstructed, is honored the person to carry on teleportation. 旋即便解开封锁,让那六棱传送阵保持通畅,荣幸来人进行传送 , The shining gloss floods in formation suddenly, sound that does not bear also along with it resounding, so to be how long opens the gateway?” 突地,灿灿光泽充斥在阵法内,一个不耐的声音也随之响起,“怎么这么久才敞开门户?” This, many people shake loudly, fiercely is excited. 此声一出,很多人轰然一震,都猛地激动起来。 Shi Yan!” 石岩!” Shi Yan!” 石岩!” Master!” “主人!” Brat!” “臭小子!” Suddenly, came from Agate Star Field numerous Expert, has not seen the person, then could not bear Ha Ha smile. 一时间,来自于玛琊星域的众多强者,尚未见人,便忍不住哈哈笑了起来。 Constrains in dark clouds in their hearts, such as was vanished suddenly, spirits all shake. 压抑在他们心间的阴云,如忽然被消掉了,一个个精神皆是一震。
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