GOS :: Volume #12

#1154: Scarlet flame heart

Aodai Li here 26 people, Mo Fou and Sha Zhao here adds the Shi Yan 12 people, in the request of Aodai Li, 38 Warrior was gathered, each one will harvest to take out. 奥黛丽这边26人,莫雬沙鞪这边加石岩共12人,在奥黛丽的要求,38名武者都被聚集起来,各自将收获取出。 Under cover old tree that in obstructs the day, the people 3322 dispersions, the front is piling various spirit grass, wonder stones, rare treasure and special attribute lumber, strong energy emerge in abundance, came from everybody present material. 在一株遮天的茂密古树底下,众人3322的分散开来,面前堆着各类灵草、奇石、秘宝、特殊属性的木材,一股股浓烈的能量纷纷涌现出来,来自于大家眼前的材料。 Aodai Li under the asylums of four Ming Royal Family clansmen, at the old tree most central, cold eye pupil looks all around, looks to everybody present commodity. 奥黛丽在四名冥皇族族人的庇护下,处在古树最中央,冷冽的眼眸环顾四周,看向大家眼前的物资。 She looks with emphasis to the Mo Fou new subscriber, before these people led by her according to his request, could the regular extraction material exchange, in these person of hands had any her is very clear, therefore she did not attach great importance to specially. 她重点还是看向莫雬这边的新加入者,之前以她为首的那些人按照他的要求,都会定期的取出材料交换,那些人手中有什么她心里很清楚,所以她不是特别重视。 Shi Yan and Cecilia they also descend from grove, in Mo Fou, Sha Zhao and Shang Yingyue, looks at distant place dazzling material. 石岩塞西莉亚两人也从树丛中降落过来,在莫雬沙鞪商影月中间,看着远处琳琅满目的材料。 This is the small transaction field. 这是小型的交易场。 Everyone takes own thing, in very small range, everybody can see others to have the thing, if discovered is interested discussed on the direct past, can trade the thing by the thing, can purchase with Divine Crystal. 每一个人都将自己的东西取出来,很小的范围中,大家都可以看见别人持有之物,如果发现感兴趣的就直接过去洽谈,可以以物换物,也可以用神晶来购买。 Shi Yan and Cecilia close right up against, numerous rare materials that the looks at people place at present, he is also secret surprised. 石岩塞西莉亚相靠着,看着众人眼前摆放的众多稀罕的材料,他也是暗暗惊奇。 Various kind of crystal beautiful jade, the special flowers and plants plant, is containing the bamboo strip of essence of pure wood, the scarce household utensils, all sorts of materials are not on Ancient Continent, there is much is the people many years accumulates, is used to receive in exchange for and own deep meaning Realm suitable material. 各类水晶美玉,特殊的花草植物,蕴含着精纯木之精气的竹片,稀缺的器皿,种种材料并非都是古大陆上的,也有不少都是众人多年积累的,用来换取和自身奥义境界适合的材料。 Like everybody, as in front of Aodai Li of initiator is also placing many materials, three fragrance pleasant plants have like the imperial crown flowers, three transmit the intense thunder and lightning fluctuation the jade, the jade surface has the natural texture, lightning that such as interweaves... The release that also sparkles roasts fierce lightning. 和大家一样,身为发起人的奥黛丽面前也摆放着不少材料,有三株香气怡人的植物结出如皇冠般的花朵,也有三块传来强烈雷电波动的玉石,玉石表面有着天然的纹理,如交织的闪电…还一闪闪的释放出炙烈电光 The Shang Yingyue bright eyes have swayed a while in the crowd, stares to look that has the jade of thunder and lightning fluctuation suddenly to that three, the tender body trembled lightly, she has stood suddenly. 商影月的明眸在人群中晃荡了一会儿,忽地直勾勾看向那三块有着雷电波动的玉石,娇躯轻颤了一下,她突然就站了起来。 The white hands wield, receives at will the material that she places, Shang Yingyue hesitant trend Aodai Li, the eye has not gathered on Aodai Li front Sankuai slightly throughout. 玉手一挥,随意将她摆放出来的材料收起,商影月没有丝毫犹豫的走向奥黛丽,眼睛始终聚集在奥黛丽面前的三块石头上。 Clearly, that Sankuai should be extremely useful to her. 很明显,那三块石头对她应该极其有用。 Mo Fou, Sha Zhao and Wu Feng people at present, is laying aside various materials... Their five years respectively have the harvest evidently. 莫雬沙鞪武枫众人眼前,也都放置着各类材料…看样子他们五年时间都各有收获。 Among people, only then in front of Shi Yan is empty, appears is a little incompatible. 众人当中,只有石岩面前空无一物,显得有点格格不入。 In these five years time, your what hasn't obtained?” His Cecilia surface is surprised the different way suddenly. “在这五年时间,你难道什么都没有得到?”他身旁的塞西莉亚面忽然诧异道。 In the Cecilia front, is piling up many different luster crystal, in these crystal has the wind howl and ice separately snaps, the power fluctuation is quite obvious... Besides numerous crystal, has the plant of tentacle, is dragging with the wind, appears somewhat strange. 塞西莉亚的面前,堆积着许多不同色泽的水晶,那些水晶中分别有着风啸声和冰爆声,力量波动极为明显…除了众多水晶外,还有许多有触手的植物,在随风摇曳着,显得有些诡异。 Used up.” Shi Yan indifferent say|way. “用掉了。”石岩淡然道。 He is not long in the time of swamp activity, the Disaster soul silk and Star Brilliance fruit tree of harvest were given to absorb by him, now in the ring also has seven color ghost spirit flowers and ghost Demon Flower... The ghost spirit flower must bring to use for oneself to fuse Heavenly Flame, ghost Demon Flower prepares to Yang Qingdi. 他在沼泽活动的时间并不长,收获的百劫魂丝和星耀果树都被他给吸收了,如今戒指中还有七彩鬼灵花和鬼妖花…鬼灵花要拿来自用融合天火,鬼妖花则是给杨青帝准备的。 Such one, he really did not have the thing to take the exchange, appears very shabby in the people. 这么一来,他还真是没有东西拿出来交换,在众人中显得很寒碜。 Aodai Li had not stipulated that forcefully everybody must take out the thing to exchange, this aspect she has not forced someone to do something against his will, therefore Shi Yan although at present is empty, she has not said some what ice wind profound crystal!” 奥黛丽并没有强行规定大家必须都要取出东西来交换,这方面她没有强人所难,所以石岩眼前虽然空无一物,她也没有表态说些什“冰风玄晶!” The distant place hears a startled shout sound... Subordinates in the Ghost Mark clan clansmen of Aodai Li camp... On face marvelous - complicated pattern bunches, such as punctured Tattoo, slightly is fierce, his complexion moves... A pattern of face is similar to comes brightly, is very scary. 远处传来一声惊喝声…一名隶属于奥黛丽阵营的鬼纹族族人…脸上奇妙-繁复的花纹一簇簇,如被刺的纹身,略显狰狞,他脸色一动的时候…一脸的花纹如同鲜活过来,很是吓人。 silhouette moves, he his material income ring, stands firm in Cecilia conveniently suddenly at present... The eye is staring at that crystal. 身影一动,他随手将自己的材料收入戒指,忽然在塞西莉亚眼前站定…眼睛盯着那一块块水晶 These crystal have the white, bright yellow and light purple, in crystal has the ice storm gentle breeze howl... Even in several crystal simultaneously transmits the wind to call with the ice crack sound, is obvious. 那些水晶有白色、明黄色淡紫色,水晶中都有冰暴和风啸声…甚至有几块水晶之中同时传来风鸣和冰裂声,非常明显。 Shi Yan and Cecilia close right up against, see this person of coming, the sensation aura of opposite party within the body, in the heart moved quietly. 石岩塞西莉亚相靠着,见到这人过来,悄悄感知了一下对方体内的气息,心中不由一动。 This person only then Void God Second Sky Realm, but actually the cultivation wind and cold ice two power deep meanings, in God Body fluctuate are very intense, in the skeleton as if there is severe gale howling sound, the veins are the woods cold such as the ice corner, the true strength should not be weak, aura that Soul Altar transmits is also very pure. 这人只有虚神二重天境界,但却修炼风、寒冰两种力量奥义,神体内波动很强烈,骨骼中仿佛有厉风呼啸声,筋脉则是森寒如冰棱,真正的实力应该不弱,灵魂祭台传来的气息也很精纯。 Is a fierce fellow.” Shi Yan determines secretly. “是个厉害的家伙。”石岩暗自判定。 Good, ices the wind profound crystal, profound crystal interior has the ice and wind two types are attacking mutually power, forms the natural magnetic field, includes two exquisiteness of deep meaning unions.” Cecilia charming has smiled, this ice wind profound crystal is hard-won, I snatch from a God Clan clansman hand, consumes my many energy. Ices deep meaning to the cultivation ice and wind deep meaning of wind profound crystal to suit, person who may most suitable Warrior both minor in the final analysis, for example your excellency.” “不错,正是冰风玄晶,玄晶内有冰、风两种相互冲击着的力量,形成天然磁场,含有两种奥义结合的精妙。”塞西莉亚妩媚的笑了,“这冰风玄晶得来不易,我可是从一名神族族人手中抢来的,耗费我不少精力。冰风玄晶对修炼冰之奥义、风之奥义者都适合,可归根结底最为适合的武者还是两者兼修的人,譬如阁下。” Her fair finger has provoked an instant on front crystal, the ice crack and wind howl that crystal transmits are even more astonishing, several white crystal as if must blast open. 她白皙手指在前方水晶上拨弄了一霎,那一块块水晶传来的冰裂、风啸声愈发惊人,有几块白色水晶似乎要炸裂掉般。 That person of eye burning hot gets up, deeply inspires, does not cover up, simply directly said: My name was Riello, I wanted these ice wind profound crystals, what did you need?” 那人眼睛炙热起来,深吸一口气,也不遮掩,干脆直接道:“我叫格列洛,我想要这些冰风玄晶,你需要什么?” „.” “哗哗。” Cecilia two elongate, a long and narrow current of water appears suddenly, fluctuates all sorts of shapes in her two swinging, a while is Shuiqiao, a while is the water monster, a while is a water curtain, ever changing. 塞西莉亚两手拉长,一条狭长水流忽然浮现出来,在她两手摆动中变幻出种种形态,一会儿为水桥,一会儿为水妖,一会儿为水幕,千变万化。 Riello looked at first, knew the deep meaning of Cecilia cultivation water, naturally knows that Cecilia wanted anything, but he actually frowned, but said: I have not suited your material.” 格列洛只是看了第一眼,就知道塞西莉亚修炼水之奥义了,也自然知道塞西莉亚想要什么,可他却皱起眉头,无奈道:“我没有适合你的材料。” That may be really regrettable.” Cecilia purses the lips to smile, covers up conveniently these ice wind profound crystals, shook the head to Riello. “那可真遗憾。”塞西莉亚抿嘴笑着,随手将那些冰风玄晶遮掩住,冲格列洛摇了摇头。 Extraordinarily, Riello not disheartened, his line of sight is moving, suddenly looks to Shi Yan, said: „Is he your man?” 出奇地,格列洛并没有丧气,他视线移动着,忽然看向石岩,道:“他是你的男人吧?” My man......” “我的男人……” Cecilia is astonished however, giggle smiles suddenly tenderly, covered the mouth said charmingly: Is, how?” 塞西莉亚讶然,忽然咯咯娇笑起来,掩口娇媚的说:“算是吧,怎么了?” Shi Yan has gawked, knits the brows to look to Riello, were heart this fellow eyes the long wrong position? This his motherfucker what look? 石岩愣了,皱眉看向格列洛,心道这家伙眼睛是不是长错位置了?这他妈的的什么眼神? However Cecilia that words, that quite some looks of meaning, let in his heart .................. 不过塞西莉亚的那番话,还有那个颇有些意味的眼神,却让他心中一荡……………… I have to suit his material.” The Riello sudden complexion is serious, in hand a dark blue ring gloss dodges, the scarlet red stone appears together, that stone assumed the heart shape, the surface has carved seal rune with the special technique mark, has covered up the fluctuation on stone, did not look like the place of rare. “我有适合他的材料。”格列洛突然脸色严肃,手上一枚暗绿色戒指光泽一闪,一块赤红色石头浮现出来,那石头呈心形,表面以特殊手法纹刻了封印符文,遮掩了石块上的波动,看起来并未稀罕之处。 On this broken stone?” Cecilia shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, cannot see to have any special place.” “就这一块破石头?”塞西莉亚摇头失笑,“看不出有什么特别的地方嘛。” Riello has not visited her, eye closely is staring at Shi Yan, the sinking sound track: How?” 格列洛没有看她,眼睛只是紧紧盯着石岩,沉声道:“如何?” The Shi Yan eye pupil appears wiping panic-stricken Divine Light that is hard to conceal, is staring at that together heart shape scarlet red stone firmly, deeply inspires, suddenly said: Cecilia, trades to me this stone, matter that you begged before...... I complied.” 石岩眼瞳显出一抹难以掩饰的惊骇神光,牢牢盯着那一块心形的赤红色石头,深吸一口气,忽然道:“塞西莉亚,将这块石头给我换来,你之前央求的事情……我答应了。” Cecilia whole face astonished color. 塞西莉亚满脸惊愕之色。 Little Brother good vision!” Riello approved one, your cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, this scarlet flame heart most suited you, the scarlet flame heart came from the Chi Yan star, was in Star Sea most famous solar Solar Star, this scarlet flame heart was the scarlet flame star heart nucleus.” 小哥好眼光!”格列洛赞了一句,“你修炼星辰奥义,这一块赤炎心最为适合你不过了,赤炎心来自于赤阎星,为星海中最为著名的太阳日星,这块赤炎心便是赤炎星内部的心核。” Ices the wind profound crystal to give you.” A Cecilia blank expression instant, responds at once that very decisive saying: Ices the wind profound crystal to give you, you give him the scarlet flame heart, doesn't have the issue?” “冰风玄晶给你。”塞西莉亚愣神一霎,旋即反应过来,很果断的说道:“冰风玄晶给你,你将赤炎心给他,没问题吧?” „The value of scarlet flame heart surpasses these ice wind profound crystals, besides all ice wind profound crystals, these also gives me.” Riello selects to that strange plant. “赤炎心的价值超过那些冰风玄晶,除了所有冰风玄晶以外,那些也给我。”格列洛点向那一株株诡异的植物。 Cecilia reveals the color of anxiety, nod said: Gives you.” 塞西莉亚露出肉疼之色,点头道:“都给你。” Riello shows a faint smile, the stone of fluctuation was being handed over by the seal that to Shi Yan, said: Needs me to help you untie seal?” 格列洛微微一笑,将那一块被封印着波动的石块递向石岩,道:“需不需要我帮你解开封印?” Thanks, does not need, I to come. “谢谢,不必了,我会自己来。 Shi Yan received scarlet flame heart calmly, immediately puts in the middle of Imaginary Space Ring, nods to Cecilia gently. 石岩从容接过赤炎心,立即放入幻空戒当中,冲塞西莉亚轻轻点头。 You take away.” A Cecilia arm pendulum, these ice wind profound crystals and strange plants float, falls in abundance to Riello, was collected by Riello to the ring. “你都拿去吧。”塞西莉亚手臂一摆,那些冰风玄晶和一株株诡异的植物漂浮出来,纷纷落向格列洛,被格列洛都归拢向戒指。 Wish you happy.” Riello he he the chuckle, is caressing Imaginary Space Ring well satisfied departure lightly, obviously the mood is extremely good. “祝你们幸福。”格列洛呵呵轻笑着,轻抚着幻空戒心满意足的离去,显然心情极好。 Shi Yan also tries to find out Imaginary Space Ring, on face is also transgressing a satisfactory smiling face, said to depressed Cecilia secretly: Your matter I complied, if to the central region, had the place that the need I aid, I will not shirk do not manage.” 石岩也摸索着幻空戒,脸上也逸出一丝满意的笑容,冲暗自郁闷的塞西莉亚道:“你的事情我答应了,如果到了中央区域,有需要我援手的地方,我绝不会推脱不管。” „Is that scarlet flame heart so really useful to you?” Cecilia has also recovered consciousness, the puzzled inquiry said. “那块赤炎心真对你那么有用?”塞西莉亚也缓过来了,不解的询问道。 My cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, Sun and Moon Stars is I needs profoundly to see clearly to realize from experience for me, my Void Realm constitution also needs everywhere stars, sun and moon and Lunar Star star nucleus and heart nucleus are the most precious thing, the scarlet flame heart is the Solar Star star nucleus, naturally is my scarcest thing.” Shi Yan well satisfied explanation. “我修炼星辰奥义,对我来说日月星辰都是我需要深刻洞察体悟的,我的虚界构成也需要漫天星辰,日月月星的星核、心核都是最为珍贵之物,赤炎心为日星的星核,自然是我最为紧缺之物。”石岩心满意足的解释。 In the vast galaxy, some numerous Sun and Moon Stars, in that Solar Star how, the scarlet flame star is very famous one. 在浩淼星河中,有众多日月星辰,那多么的日星之中,赤炎星是非常著名的一颗。 From the Shang Chen books, he knows that scarlet flame heart for one of the scarlet flame star star nuclear debrises, is cultivation to the positive strength, the cultivation special flame, the cultivation Stars Deep Meaning extremely suitable rare treasure, can strengthen cultivation to the supernatural power of positive strength within the body, lets the cultivation flame Realm promotion, can make in cultivation Stars Deep Meaning Void Realm have the light and warm...... 商辰的书册中,他知道赤炎心为赤炎星的星核碎片之一,为修炼至阳之力,修炼特殊火焰,修炼星辰奥义者极为适合的异宝,能增强修炼至阳之力者体内的神力,让修炼火焰者境界提升,也能让修炼星辰奥义虚界内有光和温暖…… absorb Stars Deep Meaning of Star Brilliance fruit tree exquisite - with power, he takes advantage of opportunity breakthrough to Void God Second Sky, but the change of Void Realm is not big. 吸纳星耀果树的星辰奥义精妙-和力量,他顺势突破虚神二重天,可虚界的变化并不大。 Void Realm is breakthrough Origin God important, when Void Realm completes beginning, is the breakthrough Origin God important pass, this days he tried to find out gradually that had a new direction faintly, his such as vast Star Sea Void Realm, if can include the real universe all sorts of marvelous, perhaps .................. Then can concentrate beginning. 虚界突破始神的重要点,虚界完成始界之时,便是突破始神的关口,这段日子他渐渐摸索,隐隐有了一个新的方向,他那如浩淼星海般的虚界,如果能囊括真实宇宙的种种奇妙,或许………………便能凝成始界。 The star nucleus scarlet flame heart of scarlet flame star, lets the equally precious material that Void Realm evolves slowly, precise beginning will be very helpful in the future to him, can make his Stars Deep Meaning contain the strength of Sun! 赤炎星的星核赤炎心,就是让虚界慢慢衍变的一样珍贵材料,对他未来凝炼始界很有帮助,也能让他星辰奥义蕴含太阳之力!
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