GOS :: Volume #12

#1155: Quenchings Void Realm

Shi Yan and Cecilia hence truly reach the agreement. 石岩塞西莉亚至此才算是真正达成协议。 Is stroking gently Imaginary Space Ring, well satisfied of Shi Yan face, suddenly the tour of discovery this Ancient Continent has captured many rare treasures seriously, his arrangement anticipation even more to this traveling schedule. 摩挲着幻空戒,石岩一脸的心满意足,忽然发现这趟古大陆之行当真斩获了不少异宝,他对这趟行程的安排愈发的期待。 In the middle of five Ancient Continent one, the Desolate is not quite obviously same as other Ancient Continent, it has not bred any life, but actually precise numerous day of material treasures, and ten thousand years open one time, do not know whether it has the complete consciousness really...... 身为五个古大陆当中的一个,荒明显和别的古大陆不太一样,它没有孕育出任何生灵,但却凝炼了众多天材地宝,并且万年才开启一次,也不知道它是否真的有着完整的意识…… Thinks that the earth of under foot, possibly has the special life, Shi Yan has an absolutely terrified feeling. 一想到脚下的大地,可能有着特殊的生命,石岩都有种毛骨悚然的感觉。 As if in the eyes eyeball, the time attention people, each stops over in secret Ancient Continent Warrior, cannot escape his gaze, gazed by it quietly, but by observation, can never be fully correct its idea, even does not know that it has the idea. 仿佛在暗中有一双眼睛,时刻关注者众人,每一个落脚古大陆武者,都逃脱不掉他的注视,被它悄悄注视,而被观察者,永远都不能猜透它的想法,甚至不知道它是不是真的有着想法。 This without doubt is extremely uncomfortable. 这无疑是极为让人难受的。 You just...... Also achieved with the person trades?” “你们刚刚……也与人达成交易了?” When he is lost in thought that Shang Yingyue came suddenly, on the Shang Yingyue face has a satisfied smiling face, looks like the mood listens well. 在他陷入沉思的时候,商影月忽然过来了,商影月脸上有着一丝满足的笑容,看起来心情听不错。 Shi Yan has gawked, cannot help but crosses Shang Yingyue, looks to Aodai Li of distant place, he discovered that Aodai Li still manner cold and proud, sits in meditation there motionless, still by four Ming Royal Family clansmen protecting, the stance that a stranger do not enter. 石岩愣了下,不由得越过商影月,看向远处的奥黛丽,他发现奥黛丽依然神态冷傲,在那儿静坐不动,依然被四名冥皇族的族人给保护着,一副生人勿进的架势。 Actually her person.” Shang Yingyue has thought that the sound chilly say|way: She is not very difficult to speak, works is also just, we have not thought that overbearing unreasonable.” “其实她人还可以的。”商影月想了一下,声音清冷道:“她不是很难说话,做事还算是公道,没我们所想的那么霸道不近人情。” She and Aodai Li transaction is very definitely happy, after coming, continuously to her who Aodai Li is reprehensible, actually on own initiative is Aodai Li speaks, lets Cecilia is a face is astonished however, looked that is a little strange to her vision many. 她和奥黛丽的交易肯定很愉快,过来后一直对奥黛丽看不顺眼的她,竟然主动为奥黛丽说话,让塞西莉亚都是一脸讶然,看向她的目光多少有点古怪。 I come time, she has said that temporarily that Haig should not dare to come. She said that we can move freely, but cannot leave is too far, prevents to have the accident to occur, she makes me inform your, making you not consume too many power.” Shang Yingyue looks to Shi Yan. “我过来的时候,她说过了,暂时那黑格应该不敢过来。她说了,我们可以自由活动,但不能离的太远,防止会有意外发生,她让我通知你一下,让你千万别耗费太多力量。”商影月看向石岩 Why looks after Shi Yan specially?” The Cecilia thoughts are many, „won't she want to break the wall barrier? Haig that side power powerful, the opposite party did not come we to rejoice, she may not play dumb.” “为什么特别关照石岩?”塞西莉亚心思较多,“她不会有心要打破壁障吧?黑格那边力量强悍,对方不过来我们就该庆幸了,她可千万别犯傻啊。” Snort!” “哼!” In this time, the Aodai Li ice-cold sound at the right moment resounds, her cold vision congealed on Cecilia, making Cecilia whole body one cold, the elegant face slightly changed. 就在此时,奥黛丽冰冷的声音适时响起,她冷冽的目光凝在了塞西莉亚身上,让塞西莉亚浑身一冷,俏脸微微一变。 Aodai Li Realm is profound, Ming Royal Family is in the universe can the cultivation Soul Altar race, the sensation in this aspect keen may be called the anomaly, even if she does not listen secretly on own initiative, some words will spread to her ear. 奥黛丽境界高深,冥皇族又是宇宙中能够修炼灵魂祭台的种族吗,她这方面的感知敏锐的堪称变态,就算是她不主动偷听,有些话还是会传入她耳中。 cough cough, I thought us should cultivation a while, Haig they have not come in any case, not?” Cecilia has stood awkwardly, looked at Shi Yan, looked at Shang Yingyue, proposed: Was inferior that three of us accompany.” 咳咳,我看我们应该修炼一阵子了,反正黑格他们还没有过来,不是么?”塞西莉亚尴尬的站了起来,看了看石岩,又看了看商影月,提议道:“不如我们三人结伴吧。” At this time few people were still carrying out transaction , the person has completed the transaction, the person who these transactions achieved, quietly left. 这时候一部分人还在进行着交易,也有一部人完成了交易,那些交易达成的人,都悄悄离开了。 They often in threes and fours, all alone, they obviously do not draw support the material that just went well come cultivation , to promote Realm power , to promote own operational strengths. 他们往往都会三五成群,绝不会孤身一人,他们显然要借助于刚刚得手的材料来修炼,来增进境界力量,提升自己的作战实力。 Here is not one, anybody cultivation time must be careful, prevents to be sneak attacked, to guarantee absolutely safe, looks the person who can trust Protector mutually, absolutely is a safest procedure. 这里不是自家,任何人修炼的时候都要小心谨慎,防止被偷袭,为了确保万无一失,找个能够信任的人相互护法,绝对是一件最安全的做法。 Person who at least two leaves, or are more, disperses in abundance. 离开的人都至少两个,亦或者更多,纷纷散开来。 Do not leave hundred li (0.5km) range.” The Aodai Li sound resounds suddenly. “不要离开百里范围。”奥黛丽的声音突地响起。 How did you say?” Cecilia looks to Shang Yingyue and Shi Yan. “你们怎么说?”塞西莉亚看向商影月石岩 I do not have the issue. “我没问题。 Shang Yingyue nodded, has to take care of mutually must, I thought that can feel relieved with you together, I agreed.” She looks to Shi Yan. 商影月点了点头,“相互有个照应是必须的,我觉得和你们一起能放心,我同意。”她看向石岩 Just and Cecilia achieved the transaction, this woman also needed help from him, Shi Yan has thought that also thinks that Cecilia will not harm him in the near future, Shang Yingyue was the female of Shang Chen, after a period of time being together, he discovered that this woman surface was cold-hearted, was actually also worth intersecting. 刚刚和塞西莉亚达成交易,这女人还有求于他,石岩想了一下,也认为塞西莉亚不会近期害他,商影月商辰之女,经过最近一段时间的相处,他发现这个女人面冷心热,其实也值得相交。 With Mo Fou, Sha Zhao and compared with Wu Feng these sinister deceit, Cecilia and Shang Yingyue wanted to be too many safely, cooperated happily with them. 莫雬沙鞪武枫这些阴险狡诈者相比,塞西莉亚商影月要安全太多了,和她们合作皆大欢喜。 That this.” “那就这样吧。” Shi Yan has stood, gives a calm smile, then on own initiative to go toward the surrounding line. 石岩站了起来,淡然一笑,便主动朝着外围行去。 Mo Fou, Wu Feng and Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai and the others, see him to move toward outside, in the heart moves, looks to Shi Yan, revealed that also wants to come out with the intention that he accompanies, they know that Shi Yan can see clearly the surrounding condition, at this time must dive to cultivate to remember the Shi Yan advantage. 莫雬武枫和焦山、焦海等人,见他起来走向外面,心中一动,都纷纷看向石岩,表露出也想和他结伴的意图出来,他们知道石岩能够洞察周围的状况,这时候要潜修了才想起石岩的好处来。 What a pity, Cecilia and Shang Yingyue one step achieved the tacit understanding with Shi Yan first, saw with own eyes that male two females accompany to get out of the way, they reveal complex the vision that is difficult to be bright. 可惜,塞西莉亚商影月已经先一步和石岩达成了默契,眼见一男两女结伴走开,他们都露出复杂难明的目光。 Aodai Li also from afar looks to the Shi Yan three people, the long eyelash moves, knitting the brows head of micro cannot be looked up. 奥黛丽也远远看向石岩三人,长长睫毛动了动,微不可查的皱了皱眉头。 The Shi Yan three people are far away from the crowd gradually, slowly enhancement speed, under the leadership of Shi Yan increasingly estranged, slowly arrives at the towering forest the deep place, stopped by majestic mountains. 石岩三人渐渐远离人群,慢慢增强速度,在石岩的带领下渐行渐远,慢慢来到参天森林的深处,在一座巍峨山川旁边停了下来。 On that mountain wall has many deep and quiet caves, pitch-dark, hears the violent wind howl, the giant mountains as if entire midheaven, is very unusual. 那山壁上有着许多深幽山洞,黑漆漆的,传来猛烈的风啸声,巨大的山川内部似乎整个中空,很是奇特。 Shi Yan looked at one, knits the brows slightly, said: Some inside people cultivation, we have changed a position first, comes with me.” 石岩看了一眼,微微皱眉,道:“里面有人先一步修炼了,我们换个位置,跟我来。” After ten minutes, a giant clear lake appears only in surrounding of numerous old tree, under the lake in the bright star light shines, such as a mirror is smooth, does not have mighty waves, the thick water vapor flutters, transmits the fresh smell. 十分钟后,一个巨大的澄净湖泊在众多古树的包围中浮现出来,湖泊在明亮的星光照耀下,如一面镜子般光滑,没有一丝波澜,浓浓水汽飘荡出来,传来清新的气味。 Cecilia and Shang Yingyue beautiful pupil simultaneously glistens, looked at the pleasantly surprised color of opposite party, they slightly one hesitant, suddenly cheered. 塞西莉亚商影月美眸同时闪亮起来,都瞧出了对方的惊喜之色,她们只是略一犹豫,忽然都欢呼起来。 Shi Yan, this lake makes us comb the hair and wash the face first well, you help us nurse first, when we good to have protected buddhist law for you.” Cecilia turns the head suddenly, smiling face charming discussed with him, the joyful color on face was hard to conceal simply. 石岩,这湖泊先让我们好好梳洗梳洗,你先帮我们看护着,等我们好了会为你护法。”塞西莉亚突然别头,笑容妩媚的与他商榷,脸上的欣喜之色简直难以掩饰。 The women love cleanly, they attack from swamp, on the road experienced hardship to the full, the body has contaminated too much putty stain, now suddenly discovered that a bright lake, naturally must enjoy well. 女人都爱干净,他们从沼泽一路冲击过来,路上饱经风霜,身上都沾染了太多泥渍,如今忽然发现一处如此明净的湖泊,自然要好好的享受一番。 You go, I help your looks at in the, I will prevent anybody to come.” Shi Yan nodded, sits down on old tree trunk and branches, the back to the lake, will be showing not to peep. “你们去吧,我在附近帮你们看着,我会阻止任何人过来。”石岩点了点头,就在一株古树枝干上坐下,背对着湖泊,以示自己不会偷窥。 All right, I did not fear that you peep, giggle, you have looked in any case at my many places......” “没事,我不怕你偷看的,咯咯,反正你也看过我不少地方了……” Cecilia smiles sweet, mood extremely good submerges the lake, such as graceful - mermaid, in lake lithe patrols. 塞西莉亚嫣然笑着,心情极好的一头没入湖泊,如一尾曼妙-的美人鱼,在湖中轻盈的游弋起来。 She is dragging brow in the lake water, has not covered up the physique by light barrier, therefore is wet on whole body immediately, under the clear lake water only makes her submerge snow white naked body to find, white and shiny is quite attractive. 她在湖水中摇曳着眉头,没有以光幕来遮掩身姿,所以马上就浑身湿漉漉的,澄净的湖水让她没入底下的雪白胴体都能瞧见,白花花的极为诱人。 Shang Yingyue slightly one hesitant, shot a look at Shi Yan secretly, is at once out of control the enticement of lake water, such as the chilly lightning to shoot together in the lake, actually desirably spreads out, is very far from Cecilia, is far from Shi Yan, her entire body immerse in lake water, is looking into the Shi Yan direction from afar, while quietly is shedding the clothing in lake, for fear that Shi Yan suddenly turns around cautiously. 商影月略一犹豫,偷瞥了一眼石岩,旋即也禁不住湖水的诱惑,如一道清冷闪电射在湖中,却刻意拉开距离,离塞西莉亚很远,离石岩更远,她整个身子都浸没在湖水中,一边远远眺望着石岩的方向,一边悄悄的褪着湖中的衣衫,小心翼翼的,生怕石岩忽然转身过来。 Cecilia and Shang Yingyue are enjoying heartily rarely cool clean, splash plays with water in the lake water, by lake water bathing fair flesh. 塞西莉亚商影月尽情享受着难得的清凉干净,在湖水中扑通戏水,以湖水沐浴白皙肌肤。 Shi Yan sits well in the cover grove, slightly one hesitant, put the vice- soul to put to loaf quietly a instant and ensure nearby some people will not approach temporarily, the scarlet flame heart that just must come took. 石岩端坐在茂密树丛中,略一犹豫,悄悄放副魂放出来游荡了一霎,确保附近暂时不会有人接近,才将刚刚得来的赤炎心取出来。 The scarlet flame heart is slightly bigger than the fist, like the iron, may start scarlet-red actually unadorned, does not have intense energy to fluctuate, looks fiercely, seriously is sloppy ordinary. 赤炎心比拳头略大,赤红如烙铁般,可入手却朴实无华,也没有很强烈的能量波动出来,猛地一看,当真是稀松平常。 Shi Yan naturally knows the real situation so. 石岩自然知道真实情况绝非如此。 chi chi! 嗤嗤 His fingertip Space Deep Meaning is precise, the space cutting edge forms together gradually, the finger is paddling, the seal of that scarlet flame heart surface tore to pieces the seal to tear an corner/horn like the cloth strip, a gang of turbulent friend loudly has then welled up to Yang Yanli, among the flashes, all seals were reduced to ashes, the burnt cleanness, the scarlet red boiling hot stone, reappeared together immediately in his palm, was releasing surging forward burning sun aura, such as Sun was gripped by him in the palm. 他指尖空间奥义凝炼,一道空间锋刃渐渐形成,手指划动着,那赤炎心表面的封印如布条般撕破了封印撕裂出一角,一股汹涌朋友的至阳炎力便轰然涌了出来,一霎那间,所有的封印都化为了灰烬,被烧的干干净净,一块赤红色的滚烫石块,顿时在他掌心浮现出来,释放着汹涌澎湃的炎日气息,如太阳被他攥在掌心。 His palm emits the smog, extreme powerful God Body cannot endure, the control was burnt down, braves the burnt smog. 他掌心冒出烟雾,极度强悍神体都吃不消,手心被焚烧起来,冒着焦糊的烟雾。 In the stabbing pain, his thought moves, immediately revolution Soul Altar urges round of Stars Deep Meaning, innumerable star light radiant glittering come out suddenly, was bound instantaneously that quick scarlet flame heart, in binding of star light ties up, scarlet flame heart that can make his God Body give burning hot aura that the fever sticks to be covered up. 刺痛中,他念头一动,立即运转灵魂祭台催发星辰奥义,无数星光忽然璀璨闪烁出来,瞬间将那快赤炎心被裹住,在点点星光的裹缚中,赤炎心那能够让他神体都给烧糊的炎热气息被遮掩起来。 Burning hot aura of rushing the dissipation comes out immediately, with his Soul Altar Stars Deep Meaning should with, as if in that stars with his Void Realm have mutually subtly - relation. 一股澎湃的炎热气息立即散逸出来,和他灵魂祭台星辰奥义相互应和,似乎和他虚界中的那颗星辰有了微妙-的联系。 Shi Yan he he has smiled suddenly. 石岩忽然呵呵笑了起来。 He calmly is grasping scarlet flame heart, suddenly makes an effort to pinch, that scarlet flame heart vanishes towering, did not have including aura. 他静静握着赤炎心,忽然用力一捏,那赤炎心突兀消失,连一丝气息都没有了。 Vast such as in galaxy Void Realm, scarlet flame grieving appear newly, spreads out turns into a Sun, releases to shine with hotly in his Void Realm, gave him that ice-cold Void Realm to bring warm, making his soul as if sublimate. 浩淼如星河的虚界之中,赤炎心重新浮现出来,衍变成一轮太阳,在他虚界内释放着光和热,给他那冰冷的虚界带来了温暖,让他灵魂似乎都为之升华了。 Too big value of this scarlet flame heart Riello possibly to Cecilia, may not for him actually be extremely precious, when the scarlet flame heart moves into Void Realm, his Soul Altar quietly is having the change, such as has covered First Level Sun golden light, the essence in Stars Deep Meaning as if by he more profound cognition. 这赤炎心对塞西莉亚和格列洛来说可能没有太大价值,可对他来说却是极为珍贵,当赤炎心入驻虚界,他灵魂祭台都悄然发生着变化,如蒙上了一层太阳金光,星辰奥义内的精髓似乎被他更加深刻的认知了。 He is calming the mind to realize from experience cultivation. 他在静心体悟修炼 A fluctuation of concealing, maps his heart suddenly, realizes from experience Void Realm joyfully exquisitely - Shi Yan, knits the brows to awake to turn around suddenly. 一股隐匿的波动,突地映入他心头,正欣喜体悟虚界精妙-的石岩,突然皱眉醒转过来。 The vice- soul jumped from the eye pupil, he induced with the aid of the vice- soul fast, receives the vice- soul, suddenly is at once cold the face to get up, such as ghosts and demons toward lake corner line. 副魂从眼瞳内跳跃了出来,他借助副魂快速感应了一下,又将副魂重新收起来,旋即忽然冷着脸起来,如鬼魅般朝着湖泊一角行去。 He discovers some people close unexpectedly secretly. 他发现有人竟偷偷接近。 That person of goal is very clear, must go to the lake, must peep to bathe Cecilia and Shang Yingyue, but may also want line of illegal matters. 那人的目的很明确,是要去湖泊之中,是要偷窥沐浴中的塞西莉亚商影月,还有可能要行不轨之事。
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