GOS :: Volume #12

#1153: Deadlock

Ancient Continent. 古大陆 swamp and length and breadth forest great distance merely only then First Level wall barrier, headed by Haig, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu God Clan clansman, moreover while, is Aodai Li and Mo Fou people. 沼泽和广袤森林相隔仅仅只有一层壁障,一边是以黑格米娅菲尔普为首的神族族人,另外一边,则是奥黛丽莫雬众人。 The two sides take the miasma wall to bond for the hindrance point, temporarily does not dare to act rashly, Aodai Li here Warrior is bustling about, displays various power deep meanings, constructs many restriction, disperses bonds the foothold in the wall, is waiting for Haig and the others the arrivals. 两边以毒瘴气壁障为阻碍点,暂时都没有敢轻举妄动,奥黛丽这边的武者都在忙碌着,施展各种力量奥义,将许多禁制构建出来,分散在壁障落脚点,等候着黑格等人的到来。 „The boy can be Immortal Devil Clan odd|surplus Nie unexpectedly.” The Fei Erpu complexion changed, said: No wonder his courage dares to be so big!” “那小子竟然会是不死魔族的余孽。”菲尔普脸色变了变,道:“难怪他胆子敢那么大!” Shi Yan gets rid to imprison him first, forcing him to beg seven color ghost monster flower to Mi Ya, hits hard his God Body, damages his confidence, afterward gets rid to Mi Ya, but also occupied advantage/cheap, Fei Erpu could not think through, when only his Realm deep meaning is weird, to a Mi Ya such saying, as if suddenly understood. 石岩先是出手将他禁锢,胁迫他对米娅讨要七彩鬼妖huā,重击他神体,打击他的信心,事后又对米娅出手,还占据了便宜,菲尔普一直想不通,只当他境界奥义邪门,给米娅这么一说,仿佛忽然间明白了过来。 After Haig knows the Shi Yan status, appears is prudent, he does not have sharply immediately to break the wall barrier, instead letting loose soul sensation cautiously...... 黑格得知石岩身份以后,也显得慎重起来,他没有急着立即打破壁障,反而小心翼翼的放开灵魂感知…… Integrates Ancient God Continent Essence Haig, the Divine Sense soul insight is keen, although at different domains, but after he attention will concentrate, can spy on the sound of forest place faintly, naturally is not clear. 融入古神大陆本源黑格,神识灵魂洞察力非常敏锐,虽然处在不同版图,但他将注意力集中以后,还是隐隐能够窥探到森林处的动静,当然也没有那么清晰。 His Divine Sense is moving fast, passes through miasma gradually, such as a light smoke slow seepage wall barrier layer, falls to opposite miasma Center. 神识飘忽着,渐渐穿过毒瘴气,如一丝轻烟缓慢渗透壁障层,落向对面的毒瘴气〖中〗央 A life fluctuation of continuously powerful, quickly responded in his Sea of Consciousness that the Haig look shrank, suddenly even more caution and care...... 一缕缕强悍的生命波动,倏地在他识海中反应过来,黑格眼神一缩,忽然愈发谨慎小心…… , Poor soul aura, such as solid ice attacks suddenly together fiercely, wonderful incomparable punctures directly above his wisp of Divine Sense, making his brain hurt, Divine Sense dissipates directly. 突地,一道清寒的灵魂气息,如一块坚冰猛地冲击过来,奇准无比的直接刺在他那一缕神识之上,让他脑子一疼,神识直接消散掉。 The wall bonds the rear scene, vanishes from his mind without the trace quickly, he cannot the sensation to the unusuality of slightest. 壁障后方的场景,倏地从他脑海消失无踪,他再也不能感知到分毫的异常。 Quickly grasps the meaning of something, Haig awakes to turn around instantaneously, in his eye flashes through a cruel luster, suddenly waves saying: Anybody did not permit the impact in the past!” 一个激灵,黑格瞬间醒转过来,他眼睛内闪过一丝暴戾色泽,忽然挥手道:“任何人不准冲击过去!” His cold great drinker numerous God Clan clansmen had a scare, the people are astonished however look puzzled to him, suddenly does not know that had anything, only then has been staring at his Fei Erpu Mi Ya they, realized that he just should spy on the wall to bond the rear area by the special capability, is out of control to look together to him. 他的一声冷喝将众多神族族人吓了一跳,众人讶然不解看向他,一时间不知道发生了什么,只有一直盯着他的菲尔普米娅两人,意识到他刚刚应该以特殊能力窥探了壁障后方,禁不住一起看向他。 „My wisp of Divine Sense penetration wall bonded, the opposite party personnel were many, they were arranging layer on layer restriction fully, the wall before us bonded the rear area.” The Haig complexion is serious „, so long as we conflict, will immediately fall into the middle of their numerous restriction, will bring the significant damage to us instantaneously.” “我的一缕神识穿透壁障过去了,对方人员并不少,他们正全力布置重重禁制,就在我们面前壁障后方。”黑格脸色沉重“只要我们冲突过去,立即就会陷入他们重重的禁制当中,瞬间会给我们带来重大的损伤。” Listened to his such saying, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu all were the complexion change, the nod restraint subordinates, making them be careful. 听他这么一说,米娅菲尔普皆是脸色微变,点头约束麾下,让他们都小心一点。 „It is not inferior according to the strength of your view opposite party we, and also supposes the wall barrier to await calmly us to arrive, if this...... How could it not be don't we have the opportunity?” Fei Erpu shook the head such being the case, do we also need to stay here?” “按你的说法对方的实力不逊色我们,并且还设下壁障静候我们到来,如果这样的话……我们岂非没有机会?”菲尔普摇了摇头“既然如此,我们还需要在这儿多呆着么?” Mi Ya also slightly knits the brows. 米娅也微微皱眉。 By our present power, is not quite indeed easy to attack to triumph.” Haig is hesitating, some little time, said suddenly: „ We find the way to make them come. “以我们如今的力量,的确不太容易冲击得胜。”黑格沉吟着,好一会儿,忽然道:“我们想办法引他们过来。 „Do they dare to come?” Fei Erpu does not know whether to laugh or cry to say. “他们敢过来?”菲尔普啼笑皆非道。 Opposite influence is quite tyrannical, I think the extremely thorny woman, perhaps...... They dare to come to seek our troubles.” Haig said. “对面势力极为强横,还有一个我都觉得极为棘手的女人,或许……他们真的敢过来寻我们的麻烦。”黑格道。 What great idea do you have?” Mi Ya said. “你有什么好主意?”米娅道。 Allows me to think carefully.” Haig is narrowing the eye, this time was very calm, not, because to Shi Yan Essence affected the judgment greedily, driving reining at the brink of the precipice made them avoid too being damaged greatly. “容我仔细想想。”黑格眯着眼睛,这时候还是很镇定,没有因为对石岩本源的贪婪而影响判断,主动悬崖勒马让他们避免遭受太大损伤。 Moreover one side. 另外一边。 Under the order of Aodai Li, Thethi Asia and Wu Feng one line are responsible for a region, is displaying the special deep meaning separately, together makes that solid ominous certainly. 奥黛丽的命令下,莫、塞西lì亚、武枫一行人负责一片区域,分别施展着特殊的奥义,将那一块弄的坚实凶绝。 Previously attached to Aodai Li many Warrior, in bustling about, was arranging in the earth, bough, slit and gully was containing the power fluctuation of heaven and earth accident, so long as Haig and the others dare to penetrate, will immediately trigger, then cause unpredictable consequence. 早先依附奥黛丽的许多武者,也在忙碌着,在大地、树干、缝隙、沟壑内布置了蕴含着天地变故的力量波动,只要黑格等人敢深入过来,立即就会触发,进而引起难以预料的后果。 Naturally, comes to see these restriction and traps not to play the substantive effect in Shi Yan, because Haig is the same with him, should also be able to see here trend faintly. 当然,在石岩来看那些禁制、陷阱不一定能够起到实质效果,因为黑格和他一样,应该也能隐隐看到这边的动向。 Was similar.” Thethi Asia receives the hand, has cleaned the sweat stain of bright and clean forehead, the winning smile graceful arrives at the Shi Yan direction, said: „Do you think what kind of?” “差不多了。”塞西lì亚收手,擦拭了光洁额头的汗渍,巧笑盈盈的走到石岩的方向,道:“你觉得怎么样?” Shi Yan in the grove of branches and leaves cover, condescending looks at front, shaking the head faint say|way: Not much.” 石岩在枝叶茂密的树丛,居高临下的看着前方,摇头淡漠道:“不怎么样。” , Thethi Asia, Wu Feng and Shang Yingyue people, when formerly arranged the trap and ominous place certainly, will press the bottom truly the ruthless severe rare treasure risk, the present simply does not have too many lethal weapon available. 莫、塞西lì亚、武枫商影月众人,在先前布置陷阱、凶绝之地的时候,将真正压箱底的狠厉秘宝风险了出来,以至于现在根本没有太多凶器可用。 By Shi Yan, now Mo Fou and that side Thethi Asia responsible region, the effect that can play feared that is very limited, at all impossible to bring the ruinous attack to Haig these people. 石岩来看,如今莫雬、塞西lì亚那边负责的区域,能够起到的效果怕是很有限,根本不可能给黑格那些人带来毁灭性的打击。 I also think not what kind.” Thethi Asia smiles, such as tender and beautiful fresh flower blooms, gentle say|way: I thought might as well our formerly fierce, both of us cooperate, but has killed eight Void God Third Sky Realm Expert, the trap that now sets up must miss.” “我也觉得不怎样。”塞西lì亚嫣然一笑,如娇艳鲜huā绽放,柔媚道:“我觉得还不如我们先前的厉害呢,我们俩合作可是杀了八名虚神三重天境界强者,现在设下的陷阱要差了很多。” Can play the vigilant role.” Shi Yan shot a look at a wall to bond direction, said: Haig, if looks like the outside world rumor to be like that intelligent, should not come, traded is I, I will not come in rashly.” “能起警惕作用。”石岩瞥了眼壁障方向,道:“黑格如果真的像外界传言那般聪明,应该不会过来了,换了是我,我也不会冒然进来。” Their this side 12 people, that side the Aodai Li 26 people, had and Haig, Mi Ya and strength of Fei Erpu war in addition, ominous Danger Zone that the wall bonding place sets up can also bring greatest to the opposite party troublesome, if Haig does not want to exhaust power, he should settle down wisely motionless. 他们这方12人,加上奥黛丽那边的26人,已经有了和黑格米娅菲尔普一战之力,壁障处设立的凶险地也能给对方带来莫大麻烦,如果黑格不想将力量耗尽的话,他应该明智的驻足不动。 I also think that Haig does not dare to come.” Thethi Asia smiles, lithe jumping leaps, falls to Shi Yan in grove, same sits with him on a section of arm thick bough, relaxed is swaying the slender beautiful leg, said charmingly: You once had said that will help in the Center region my, actually to make the number not to make the number?” “我也认为黑格不敢来。”塞西lì亚又是一笑,轻盈的纵身一跃,落向树丛中的石岩,和他一样坐在一截臂粗的树干上,轻松的晃荡着修长美腿,妩媚的说:“你曾说过的,在〖中〗央区域会帮我的,究竟作数不作数?” Has the words of condition makes me move sufficiently...... Then makes the number.” Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus, fiery naked vision in her graceful - in physique is patrolling. “有足以让我动心的条件的话……便作数。”石岩眯着眼,火热赤裸的目光在她曼妙-身姿上游弋着。 Thethi Asia sex appeal plentiful body suddenly unbending an instant, the smiling face of charming elegant face appears somewhat reluctantly, said embarrasedly: „Do you want me really? In addition, didn't chat other condition?” 塞西lì亚性感丰满的身躯忽然僵直了一霎,妩媚俏脸的笑容显得有些勉强,讪讪道:“难道你真的那么想要我?除此之外,不谈谈别的条件?” Shi Yan has gawked, suddenly grinned to laugh you to say to look that what you can also give me?” 石岩愣了下,忽然咧嘴大笑起来“你说说看,你还能够给我什么?” „The Ancient Continent most rare day material treasure will appear in the Center region, may also follow the fearsome bad risk there, is different to four big domains, in Center region everywhere obviously natural terrible topography, once intrudes carelessly, is very likely to fall into the beyond redemption region.” Thethi Asia facial expression one I know the related Ancient Continent Center secret, if you comply to help me, when the time comes I will tell you.” 古大陆稀罕的天材地宝都会在〖中〗央区域出现,可在那儿也会伴随着可怖的凶险,与四大版图不一样,在〖中〗央区域处处可见天然凶地,一旦不慎闯入,极有可能陷入万劫不复的境地。”塞西lì亚神情一正“我知道一点有关古大陆〖中〗央的秘密,如果你答应帮助我,到时候我会告诉你。” Shi Yan deeply looks to her, said: „After this matter we can enter the Center region, discussed again.” 石岩深深看向她,道:“这件事我们可以进入〖中〗央区域后再谈。” Good.” Thethi Asia thinks, thought that now says too early, then with a smile accepts. “好。”塞西lì亚想了想,也觉得如今说为时过早,便笑着应承下来。 Why didn't you ask Aodai Li? To be honest, you do not think that she can help you?” Shi Yan asked suddenly. “你为什么不去求奥黛丽?老实说,你不认为她更加能够帮到你?”石岩忽然问。 Aodai Li is indeed fierce, can not be restrained by Ancient Continent, the soul sensation strength is quite astonishing, is four big lives the princess of Ming Royal Family, but you did not think...... Flattered her person to be too many a point?” Thethi Asia chuckled, ridiculed: Since sees this woman, Mo Fou, Sha Zhao, Wu Feng and Jiaoshan these fellows gather round Aodai Li, to her commanding any comment, early had not forgotten that who lived them is bringing to here.” 奥黛丽的确厉害,能不受古大陆约束,灵魂感知力极为惊人,又是四大生灵的冥皇族的公主,但你不觉得……巴结她的人太多了一点么?”塞西lì亚轻笑一声,嘲弄道:“自从见到这个女人,莫雬沙鞪武枫、焦山那些家伙都围着奥黛丽,对她的统领没有任何意见,早忘记谁将他们活着带到这儿了。” Indeed, not, Wu Feng, sand and the others discovered after Aodai Li similarly not by Ancient Continent restraint, will concentrate on the body of Aodai Li, has neglected existence of Shi Yan gradually. 的确,莫、武枫、沙等人发现奥黛丽同样不受古大陆束缚以后,都将主要精力放在奥黛丽的身上,渐渐忽略了石岩的存在。 Before has not come, Wu Feng, Mo Fou, Jiaoshan and the others always encircle side Shi Yan, centered on him, will handle any matter to seek information his opinion beforehand, but now...... It is not this, they think a Aodai Li more suitable leader obviously they. 没有过来前,武枫莫雬、焦山等人始终围在石岩身边,以他为中心,做什么事情都会事先征询他的意见,可现在……已经不是这样了,他们显然认为奥黛丽更加适合领袖他们。 Reason that this, has Essence and Ming Royal Family status besides Aodai Li, because also...... She is quite beautiful, making the man very difficult not to move. 之所以这样,除了奥黛丽拥有本源冥皇族的身份以外,还因……她极为美丽,让男人很难不动心。 The Aodai Li beautiful is one type the beauty of dust, is a cold and proud noble beauty, such as lives the goddess of vault of heaven deep place to be ordinary, lets the feeling that the person has to plant to need to look up, will bring the greatest pressure to the man, lets feeling that remarkable these major star territory talents have to plant to breathe heavily get up. 奥黛丽的美是一种出尘的美,是一种冷傲高贵的美,如长居苍穹深处的女神一般,让人有种需要仰视的感觉,会给男人带来莫大的压力,让卓越的这些各大星域才俊都有种喘不过起来的感觉。 So, if noble cold and proud Aodai Li looks at their one eyes, has carried on the affirmation to them, more is makes their excited excited. 正是如此,如果高贵冷傲奥黛丽多看他们一眼,对他们进行了肯定,就越是让他们〖兴〗奋激动。 Following the vision of Thethi Asia, Shi Yan looks from afar to that cold and proud female , a dark to praise Voice, spoke thoughtlessly saying: All does not blame them, the woman status is honored, Realm powerful, is the head of people, naturally meets such as the magnet to be generally appealing, they will flatter the flattery also in the reason.” 顺着塞西lì亚的目光,石岩远远看向那冷傲的女子,也不禁暗赞一声,随口说道:“也不全怪他们,那女人身份尊贵,境界强悍,还是众人的首脑,自然会如磁石一般吸引人,他们会巴结奉承也在情理中。” Why can't you?” Thethi Asia is staring at him suddenly. “那你为什么不会?”塞西lì亚突然凝视着他。 I?” Shi Yan touches the nose, chuckled getting up „I have also thought that was the person were too many, the obvious ginseng about, that was inferior that multi- flower took a lot of care to promote power.” “我?”石岩摸了摸鼻子,嘿嘿笑了起来“我也想啊,可是人太多了,明显参合不进去嘛,那不如多huā费心思增进力量了。” Thethi Yamei pupil is fixing the eyes on him, knows his mouthful nonsense, has not revealed that but Puchi smiles. 塞西lì亚美眸紧盯着他,知道他满嘴鬼话,也没有揭穿,只是噗哧一笑。 Has been OK, everybody calm down a bit, I said a matter.” “可以了,大家静一静,我说件事情。” At this time, Aodai Li arrived at the people among the asylums of four Ming Royal Family Expert, her cold and proud look has swayed careless, said: 11 new subscribers, they from swamp, in should also a little harvest in five years, has not come while the present opposite party, everybody might as well takes the respective harvest, has a look whether to trade mutually, receiving in exchange most suits as soon as possible own, strengthens own Realm and power.” 就在这时候,奥黛丽在四名冥皇族强者的庇护中走到众人中间,她冷傲的眼神漫不经心的晃荡了一圈,说道:“有11名新加入者,他们又都是来自于沼泽,在五年时间内应该也有点收获,趁着如今对方没有过来,大家不妨将各自收获取出来,看看能否相互交易,尽快换取最适合自己的,增强自己的境界力量。” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” We approve.” “我们赞同。” This is very good.” “这样很好。” Previously attached to the Aodai Li person, is the sand and Wu Feng, not and the others, very direct nod complies. 不论是早先依附奥黛丽的人,还是沙、武枫、莫等人,都很直接的点头答应下来。 This Warrior explores for five years in forest, respectively has the harvest, similarly, the sand and Wu Feng they struggle in swamp such for a long time, obtained some unusual materials, everybody will harvest to take, the exchange suits oneself deep meaning and Realm, is one type can promote the strength as soon as possible the good method. 这一块的武者在森林中探索五年,都各有收获,同样的,沙、武枫他们在沼泽内挣扎这么久,也都得到了一些奇特的材料,大家都将收获取出来,交换适合自己奥义和境界的,是一种能尽快提升实力的好方法。 Therefore nobody opposed. 所以没人反对。
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