GOS :: Volume #12

#1152: Collaboration

Mo Fou and Wu Feng people return same place. 莫雬武枫众人率先返回原地。 Ming Royal Family princess Aodai Li is standing under tree shade bottom, the facial expression is arrogant, appearance that keeping aloof, when walked to Mo Fou and Cecilia, Aodai Li does not bear saying: „Can you consider?” 冥皇族的公主奥黛丽在树荫底下站着,神情倨傲冷冽,一副高高在上的模样,待到莫雬塞西莉亚走了过来,奥黛丽才不耐道:“你们可考虑好?” We thought clearly, is willing to obey your dispatching.” Wu Feng natural is swinging the fan, reveals the tooth to smile brightly, replied on behalf of the people. “我们想清楚了,愿意听从你的差遣。”武枫潇洒的摇着扇子,露齿灿烂一笑,代表众人回答。 Had known after Aodai Li Ming Royal Family status, Wu Feng looked infatuated that again the Aodai Li vision appears avoiding mentioning, as if suddenly had the strong interest to Aodai Li, always complexion gloomy he, becomes the sunlight gets up unexpectedly all of a sudden. 得知了奥黛丽冥皇族身份以后,武枫再看奥黛丽的目光显出一丝隐讳的痴迷,仿佛突然间对奥黛丽有了浓厚的兴趣,向来脸色阴沉的他,竟然一下子变得阳光起来。 The performance of Wu Feng makes Cecilia and Shang Yingyue despise secretly, two female bright eyes revolutions, have sized up Mo Fou, Sha Zhao and Jiaoshan people eyes quietly. 武枫的表现让塞西莉亚商影月暗暗鄙夷,两女明眸一转,悄悄打量了莫雬沙鞪、焦山众人一眼。 Cecilia and a Shang Yingyue black eyebrows wrinkle, suddenly discovered quietly, Jiaoshan numerous masculine manners are similar, looks to the Aodai Li vision, reveals the meaning only exception that is easy to perceive, unexpectedly is Shi Yan, he treats Aodai Li time still solemn such as beginning, without any exceptionally. 塞西莉亚商影月黛眉悄然一皱,忽然发现莫、沙、焦山众多男性的神态都差不多,一个个看向奥黛丽的目光,都流露出很容易觉察的意味唯一例外的,竟然便是石岩,他对待奥黛丽的时候依然冷峻如初,没有任何异常。 Cecilia and Shang Yingyue secret nod, even more high looked at Shi Yan several points, thought that he can make Mi Ya and Fei Erpu suffer setbacks in abundance definitely is not lucky, Shi Yan in their hearts is a little unusual. 塞西莉亚商影月暗暗点头,愈发高看了石岩几分,觉得他能够让米娅菲尔普纷纷受挫肯定不是侥幸,在她们心中石岩有点不同寻常。 Is very good.” The Aodai Li slight bow, the line of sight hovered a while on people, suddenly said: „The opposite God Clan will influence say in detail, I must know that opposite party accurate power, is good to aim at them early to prepare.” She looks to Wu Feng. “很好。”奥黛丽微微点头,视线在众人身上游动了一会儿,忽然道:“将对面的神族势力详细说一下,我要知道对方的确切力量,好针对他们早做准备。”她看向武枫 Has Haig of Bradley Family, Mi Ya of Fernandez Family, Fei Erpu of Ascot Family, these three influences in opposite swamp, Haig are these days suddenly come, before we continuously with Mi Ya and Fei Erpu battle......” “有布拉德利家族的黑格,费尔南德斯家族的米娅,还有阿斯科特家族的菲尔普,这三股势力都在对面沼泽中,黑格是这几天才忽然过来的,之前我们一直和米娅菲尔普争斗……” Wu Feng refreshed the situation that he knows explained that adds: Haig as if by the restraint of Ancient Continent, his Divine Sense insight was not in good health, we do not have to hide, can only walk toward here.” 武枫爽快的将他知道的情况道明补充道:“黑格似乎不受古大陆的约束,他神识洞察力健在,以至于我们无所遁形,只能往这边走。” Haig obtained Ancient God Continent Essence, naturally can by the shackles, I early not be known.” Aodai Li not surprised, said lightly: Also has the detail that what need I pay attention to?” 黑格得到了古神大陆本源,自然能够不受桎梏,我早知道。”奥黛丽没有惊讶,淡淡道:“还有什么需要我注意的细节?” The Wu Feng knitting the brows head , the subconsciousness looks to Shi Yan, discovered that in the Shi Yan complexion indifferent eye has a warning to mean. 武枫皱了皱眉头,下意识看向石岩,发现石岩脸色冷漠眼中带着一丝警告意味。 His thought moves, suddenly shakes the head: Roughly was such a situation.” 他念头动了动,忽然摇头:“大体就是这么一个情况了。” You stay here, do not leave this wall bonding place, having a look at Haig they to dare to come.” In Aodai Li pupil green light bright turbulent a while, suddenly the line toward Mo Fou, four Ming Royal Family clansmen blindly follows suit step by step, still encircles her in the center. “你们都呆在这儿,不要离开这一块壁障处,看看黑格他们敢不敢过来。”奥黛丽眸中绿色光烁动荡了一会儿,忽然一步步往莫雬这边行来,四名冥皇族的族人亦步亦趋跟着,依然将她围在中央。 Aodai Li arrives at that matter level miasma front to stop looks at front rich miasma, feels the powerful power wave that two domain walls are bonding, she is suddenly typical: How do you come?” 奥黛丽走到那层层瘴气前方停下看着前方浓郁的瘴气,感受着两个版图壁障的强悍力量波,她突地道:“你们怎么过来的?” Like the swamp situation, this side is also miasma such as the tent layer upon layer, isolates two domains the walls to bond is very reliable, was not the miasma central violent poisonousness that particularly the average person can break easily, Aodai Li Divine Sense has felt, her also expression changed. 沼泽地情况一样,这一面也是瘴气如帐幕层层,隔绝两个版图的壁障很牢固,不是一般人可以轻易破掉的尤其是瘴气中央的剧毒,奥黛丽神识感受了一下,她也不禁神色微变。 By her profound cognition to Soul Altar, she detected in immediately miasma is containing the toxin, can corrode the soul rapidly, making Sea of Consciousness have the unpredictable fearful change. 以她对灵魂祭台的深刻认知,她马上发觉瘴气中蕴藏着的毒素,能迅速侵蚀灵魂,让识海都发生难以预料的可怕变化。 The eye pupil of Aodai Li cold and proud were loafing in Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Cecilia and the others, finally locks on the body of Sha Zhao, good surprisingly said: Is you explains?” 奥黛丽冷傲的眼眸在莫雬武枫塞西莉亚等人身上游荡着,最终锁定在沙鞪的身上,好奇道:“是你破解的?” Sha Zhao shakes the head. 沙鞪摇头。 Who is that?” Aodai Li continues to inquire that in heart in secret surprised, she discovered that only then the sand came from Venom Religion, could to the miasma a little means that in other person she had not discovered that this kind of special skill is very therefore unclear. “那是谁?”奥黛丽继续询问心中暗中惊讶,她发现只有沙来自于蛊神教,或许能够对毒瘴气有点办法,在别的人身上她没有发现这类特长所以很不明。 Under, Aodai Li then said: Here we have come, chases down You Jia time pursues to this place, the hair ornament they have no way out especially tries to cross the wall barrier to enter swamp, he failed finally. We also attempt to go to opposite swamp to have a look, discovered that must break these play miasma to be extremely difficult. I want to know that among you are the wall barrier that who opens, this matter is very important!” 顿了下,奥黛丽接着说:“这儿我们来过一回,追杀尤珈的时候一路追击到此地,尤珈他们走投无路的时候试图越过壁障进入沼泽,他最终失败了。我们也尝试过想去对面沼泽看看,发现要破掉那些剧毒瘴气极其艰难。我想知道你们当中是谁打开的壁障,这件事很重要!” Mo Fou, Sha Zhao and Wu Feng people, when Aodai Li these words fall, vision neat looks to Shi Yan. 莫雬沙鞪武枫众人,在奥黛丽这番话落下之时,目光齐刷刷的看向石岩 Aodai Li has gawked obviously, finally first time looks earnestly to Shi Yan, wonderful sound track: Is you?” 奥黛丽明显愣了下,终于第一次认真看向石岩,奇声道:“是你?” In Mo Fou, Sha Zhao and among Cecilia here people, Shi Yan Void God Second Sky Realm, is not prominent, in addition he has not urged round in within the body power, but can also restrain aura, Aodai Li does not have to see him from the beginning, from the start has not regarded a matter to look until Mo Fou and Sha Zhao him to him, Aodai Li responded that faced up to him for the first time. 莫雬沙鞪塞西莉亚这边众人当中,石岩虚神二重天境界,最是不突出,加上他没有催发体内力量,还可以收敛气息,以至于奥黛丽从一开始就没有正眼看他,压根没有将他当成一回事直到莫雬沙鞪纷纷看向他,奥黛丽才反应过来,首次正视他。 A pair such as the emerald bright clear green eye pupil, staring on the body of Shi Yan, an inexplicable soul fluctuation such as deep spring comes suddenly leisurely, as if the direct link heart of hearts, making the Shi Yan complexion change. 一双如翡翠剔透晶莹的绿色眼眸,忽然凝视在石岩的身上,一股莫名的灵魂波动如一泓清泉逸来,仿佛直达内心深处,让石岩脸色微变。 He realized suddenly that Aodai Li is using the powerful insight, flagrant induces his God Body with the soul, must his details appearing, this fuses one special capability that Essence is in sole possession, such as he can see that the enemy Realm depth is the same. 他忽然意识到,奥黛丽在利用强悍的洞察力,明目张胆的来感应他的神体和灵魂,要将他细微处给显现出来,这是融合本源者独有的一种特殊能力,就如他能够一眼看出敌人境界深浅一样。 A wisp of thought flashes through, Shi Yan Soul Altar had the astonishing change swiftly, a radiant star light glistens in his mind, gives to cover his Soul Altar, to shining is translucent. 一缕念头闪过,石岩灵魂祭台倏然有了惊人变化,点点璀璨星光在他脑海中闪亮起来,将他灵魂祭台都给笼罩,给照耀的透亮起来。 Aodai Li Soul Consciousness slightly approaches, in vast mystical stars light barrier, such as was illuminated the eye by the glare, cannot completely understand that unexpectedly Shi Yan Soul Altar mystery - place, in her Soul Consciousness, Shi Yan Soul Altar becomes the galaxy that one group has glistened vastly, mystical not measured that cannot look at the depth. 奥黛丽灵魂意识才稍稍靠近,在浩瀚神秘的星辰光幕中,如被强光照着眼睛,竟然不能看透石岩灵魂祭台的奥妙-之处,在她的灵魂意识中,石岩灵魂祭台成了一团浩淼闪亮的星河,神秘莫测,瞧不出深浅。 She had not insisted that the knitting the brows head, receives immediately Soul Consciousness, said indifferently: Since you do not want to make me see clearly the secret, I do not force, I only asked your one: If I do request you to break the wall to bond you also to achieve?” 她没有坚持,皱了皱眉头,立即将灵魂意识收起,淡然道:“既然你不想让我看清秘密,那我也不勉强,我只问你一句:如果我要求你打破壁障你是不是还能做到?” Shi Yan turns head to look to the behind rich miasma place, the nod said: „If behind, that should not have the too major problem, the premise is my supernatural power does not have the consumption to be too many.” 石岩回头看向身后浓郁的毒瘴气处,点头道:“如果就是身后的这一块,那应该没太大问题,前提是我神力没有消耗太多。” Is very good.” Aodai Li approved one. “很好。”奥黛丽赞了一句。 If you want to make me burst the wall barrier, such returns to swamp, I do not think appropriately.” Has not gone to look at Aodai Li, his concentrated looks to the miasma place, the sinking sound track: Haig, Fei Erpu and Mi Ya tripartite influence joins up, on plan compared with us, if conflicts we to obtain the winning side directly not necessarily.” “如果你想让我破裂壁障,就这么重返沼泽,我认为不妥当。”没有去看奥黛丽,他神情专注的看向毒瘴气处,沉声道:“黑格菲尔普米娅三方势力联合起来,要比我们强上一筹,如果正面冲突我们不见得能够取得上风。” I know in heart.” Aodai Li nodded, cold voice said suddenly: We and others they passed through the wall to bond to come, layer on layer restriction under this arrange, I thought that they do dare to break through to come!” “我心里有数。”奥黛丽点了点头,忽然冷声道:“我们等他们穿越壁障而来,就在这一块布下重重禁制,我看他们敢不敢冲破而来!” People eyes one bright. 众人眼睛一亮。 Good, if Haig they must chase down, naturally is passes through the wall to bond on them falls the foot at present, if can arrange layer on layer restriction beforehand, can give the opposite party to cause heavy losses inevitably. 不错,如果黑格他们要来追杀,自然是穿越壁障在他们眼前落足,要是能够事先布置重重禁制,必然能够给予对方重创。 This method is feasible. “这个方法可行。 Cecilia statement. 塞西莉亚表态。 That as soon as possible prepares.” “那就尽快准备。” Aodai Li issues a series of verbal commands suddenly, making these take orders to move with her Warrior, she bonds the mouth to be divided into several regions the wall, arranging teams of people responsible, under her direction, the people systematic motion. 奥黛丽忽然发出一连串号令,让那些听命与她的武者行动开来,她将壁障口分成几块区域,安排一队队人负责,在她的指挥下,众人井然有序的行动着。 You do not need to get rid, so long as is maintaining the optimum condition then.” “你不需要出手,只要保持着最佳状态即可。” When Shi Yan also prepares to help, Aodai Li drinks one suddenly coldly, I wall barrier how , no matter you explain, but I must make you know, when I need you to do this matter you must to completion that I do utmost, otherwise I will make you be struck to kill by Haig am more pitiful.” 石岩也准备帮忙的时候,奥黛丽忽然冷喝一声,“我不管你如何破解的壁障,但我要让你知道一点,当我需要你做这件事的时候你要给我竭尽全力的做好,不然我会让你比被黑格击杀还要悲惨。” „, That saved my matter actually.” Shi Yan mixes not to care, such sought a thick extravagant bough to sit, closed one's eyes to raise the god. “哦,那倒是省我事了。”石岩混不在意,就这么寻了一株粗阔树干坐了下来,闭着眼睛养起神。 Ha Sen is not willing to come.” The wall bonds the opposite, Mi Ya, but receives Transmission Stone, looked like we can only do.” 哈森不肯过来。”壁障对面,米娅无奈收起音石,“看来我们只能自己干了。” Fei Erpu narrows the eyes to focus, facial expression dreary looks at strong miasma, half sound, he beckons with the hand to say suddenly: Here bonds me unable to break, only if you have method properly to open, otherwise I will not take risk to enter.” 菲尔普眯着眼,神情阴郁的看着浓烈的毒瘴气,半响,他忽然摆手说道:“这壁障我破不开,除非你们有妥善的方法打开,否则我不会冒险进入。” He looks to Haig. 他看向黑格 The people also look to Haig, this time, everybody is thinking naturally Haig can give them the direction. 众人也都看向黑格,在这时候,大家理所当然的认为黑格能给他们方向。 Ha Sen always comes and goes freely, always such does not get on well with others, I early know that cannot count on him.” Haig expression is invariable, not, because Ha Sen does not lose one's temper, looks at front thick miasma, he said calmly: We can from icing the cold place come to here, naturally can also enter that forest, for me breaks the wall barrier not to have the difficulty.” 哈森一向独来独往,从来都是这么不合群,我早知道不能指望他。”黑格神色不变,没有因为哈森不来动怒,看着前方浓稠毒瘴气,他从容说道:“我们能从冰寒之地来这儿,自然也能进入那森林,对我来说破开壁障没有难度。” What do you hesitate?” Fei Erpu puzzled say|way. “那你还犹豫什么?”菲尔普不解道。 I worried that the wall bonds opposite cheats.” The knitting the brows head, Haig said dignified: I thought faintly does not suit, hunts and kills that female who You Jia hears me to speak, calmly was too calm, she...... Does not fear us.” “我担心壁障对面有诈。”皱了皱眉头,黑格神情凝重道:“我隐隐觉得不太对劲,猎杀尤珈的那个女子听到我讲话的时候,太镇定冷静了,她……不怕我们。” „, Doesn't fear us? Also has in vast Star Sea does not fear our clan?” Fei Erpu domineering say|way. “呵,不怕我们?在浩淼星海中还有不怕我们一族的?”菲尔普跋扈道。 Numerous God Clan clansmen, reveals the proud color, the appearance that although a world actually only my clan alone Venerable greatly, does not place the eyeground others. 众多神族的族人,也纷纷露出自傲之色,一副天下虽大却只唯我族独尊的模样,不将别人放在眼底。 Indeed has does not fear our.” Mi Ya shouted one suddenly lightly, color that in the eye pupil glittering was difficult to be bright, calm saying: „If that three race clansman, fears us seriously not necessarily, the tour of this Ancient Continent is very interesting, I had seen one “的确有不怕我们的。”米娅忽然轻呼一声,眼眸中闪烁着难明的色彩,冷静的说道:“如果是那三个种族的族人,当真不见得惧怕我们,这趟古大陆之行很有趣,我已经见过一个了” Such remarks, Haig and a Fei Erpu audiences God Clan clansman, suddenly shakes. 此言一出,黑格菲尔普一众神族族人,都是忽然一震。 Who? That race?” Haig serious say|way. “谁?那个种族的?”黑格严肃道。 Is that cultivation Space Deep Meaning, his within the body is flowing Immortal Devil Blood, he can form the Immortal demon body.” Mi Ya clenches teeth secretly, said: I and he have fought directly, assurance that the truth truth I cannot win.” “就是那个修炼空间奥义者,他体内流淌着不死魔血,他能形成不死魔体。”米娅暗暗咬牙,道:“我和他正面交手过,实话实话我没有必胜的把握。” Haig, Fei Erpu and the others the complexion all changes, the facial expression is suddenly dignified, beforehand domineering rapid restraining, started to regard this matter. 黑格菲尔普等人脸色皆是一变,神情突然都凝重起来,之前的跋扈迅速收敛,开始重新看待此事了。 God Clan arrogant domineering, but aims at most races, however, when facing Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family, they not as before self-confident extremely arrogant. 神族的高傲跋扈,只是针对绝大多数种族,然而,在面对不死魔族天妖族冥皇族的时候,他们绝不会依旧自信狂妄。 ps: Sorry, today one, will make up tomorrow ps:抱歉,今日就一更,明天补
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