GOS :: Volume #12

#1151: Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family

Waits, Heavenly Demon Clan that you said ............ What refers to is?” Shi Yan breaks suddenly anxiously. “等一等,你说的天妖族…………指的是?”石岩突然焦急打断。 Grace Mainland is one of the Ancient Continent, in this point his heart understands very much clearly, but Shang Yingyue said on Grace Mainland was born of Heavenly Demon Clan four big lives, this then makes him a little not understand. 神恩大陆古大陆之一,这一点他心里面很清楚明白,可商影月神恩大陆上诞生了四大生灵之一的天妖族,这便让他有点不懂了。 In his heart moves suddenly, wants to recall to mind day monster these two characters...... 他心中忽然一动,想记起了“天妖”这两个字…… In the Endless Sea vault of heaven sea area place, mountain range is called Heavenly Demon Mountain Range, Ghost Hunter, Holy Spirit God, Devouring Gold Silkworm and King of Demon Insect then in the inheritance that Heavenly Demon Mountain Range obtains, and seeks Agate Star Field that void passage enters from Heavenly Demon Mountain Range, this does Heavenly Demon Mountain Range, have what profound meaning? 无尽海的苍穹海域处,有一个山脉便叫做天妖山脉,鬼獠圣灵神噬金蚕妖虫之王便在天妖山脉得到的传承,并且从天妖山脉寻到虚空通道进入的玛琊星域,这个天妖山脉,难道有着什么深意? He was suddenly muddled. 他忽然糊涂了起来。 Hears on Grace Mainland, too Ancient Demon Clan also called the Immemorial life, for example four Saint Beast Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, Black Tortoise and Azure Dragon rumor were several in Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor, just Cecilia had said that Ming Royal Family lost seriously in a several thousand years of bloody battle, therefore has not stirred up trouble. With race that they battle, is with for Heavenly Demon Clan of four big lives, the fight of Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family, eventually causes Ming Royal Family to be unable to recover, but Heavenly Demon Clan goes into hiding, as if dived hidden, as if vanished including their ancestor star Grace Mainland, nobody can track down the trail.” Shang Yingyue said. “听说在神恩大陆上,太古妖族又叫太古生灵,譬如传言中的四圣兽朱雀白虎玄武青龙便是天妖族始祖中的几个,刚刚塞西莉亚说过,冥皇族在数万年的一场血战中损失惨重,所以至今没有兴风作浪。与他们交战的种族,便是同为四大生灵的天妖族,天妖族冥皇族的战斗,最终导致冥皇族一蹶不振,而天妖族则是销声匿迹,似乎潜隐了起来,连他们的祖星神恩大陆都仿佛消失了,无人能追寻踪迹。”商影月道。 Shi Yan loudly shakes. 石岩又是轰然一震。 On Grace Mainland has three time, distinguishes great ancient era, old ancient era and distant ancient era, it is said that has been born the Immemorial life in great ancient era, that was a volume huge life, the birth then can communicate heaven and earth energy, in life imprint is having the fine soul of deep meaning. 神恩大陆上有过三个时代,分别太古时代上古时代远古时代,据说在太古时代的时候诞生过太古生灵,那是一种体积庞大的生命,出生便能沟通天地能量,生命烙印中带着奥义的精魄。 Because of their existences, Grace Mainland cannot endure as Ancient Continent, heaven and earth energy was consumed rapidly, directly caused Grace Mainland energy to dry up. 因为它们的存在,神恩大陆作为古大陆也吃不消,天地能量被迅速消耗,直接导致了神恩大陆能量枯竭。 They in great ancient era, then in abundance enter the vast universe from Grace Mainland, is fleeing in all directions in the major star territories, said according to Shang Yingyue... They are so-called Heavenly Demon Clan, after is Monster Clan ancestor's present Monster Clan should be their bloodlines disperse, gradually forms, can only be called Monster Clan, actually cannot be called Heavenly Demon Clan...... 它们在太古时代的时候,便纷纷从神恩大陆进入浩淼宇宙,在各大星域流窜着,按照商影月所言…它们便是所谓的天妖族,为妖族的祖如今的妖族应该都是他们血脉分散以后逐渐形成的,只能称为妖族,却不能称为天妖族…… Heavenly Demon Clan, if Heavenly Demon Mountain Range is a place of origin, if four Saint Beast are the Heavenly Demon Clan older generations, that in Heavenly Demon Mountain Range inherited Ghost Hunter, obtains Black Tortoise inheritance Zuo Shi... Is is the Heavenly Demon Clan clansman? 天妖族,如果天妖山脉为发源地,如果四圣兽天妖族的先辈,那么在天妖山脉得到传承的鬼獠,得到玄武传承的左诗…是不是便是天妖族族人? God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Ming Royal Family and Heavenly Demon Clan, the vast universe four big lives, in trillion years of years, their four big races forever are the true masters in universe, in some time, possibly Immortal Devil Clan male tyrant world, in next time... The possible Ming Royal Family to attach most importance corner/horn, influence to be then strongest, or is Heavenly Demon Clan, more often their extremely powerful, mutual battle continuous. These four lives are having the superiority inborn, their existences to other race are the disaster nightmares, other race forever is only the set-off, when their great strength... Other race either by going on a punitive expedition against... Either is their dependencies, cannot Ling Family their head opportunities......” 神族不死魔族冥皇族天妖族,浩渺宇宙四大生灵,在亿万年的岁月中,他们四大种族永远都是宇宙中的真正主角,在某一个时代,可能不死魔族雄霸天下,在下一个时代…便可能冥皇族为主角,势力最强大,亦或者是天妖族,更多的时候他们都极为强悍,相互争斗不休。这四个生灵天生占据着优势,他们的存在对别的种族来说就是灾难噩梦,别的种族永远都只是陪衬,在他们的强大的时候…别的种族要么是被征伐者…要么是他们的附庸,从没有能够凌家他们头上的机会……” Shang Yingyue was whispering that Cecilia and Mo Lin, Wu Feng, Wu Bai, Jiaoshan and sand duck people, all are sob, as if were sighing one of the own by no means four big lives. 商影月在轻声低语,塞西莉亚、莫霖、武枫武柏、焦山、沙鹜众人,皆是唏嘘不已,似乎在感叹自己并非四大生灵之一。 In the present time, Immortal Devil Clan and Heavenly Demon Clan goes into hiding, little appears before the common people. But Ming Royal Family, then defends the deep star territory not to contact with outside world alone, may not have, appointed what kind clan any influence dares to provoke on own initiative they... The genuine overlord of lead and this time of this time: God Clan, in any event extremely arrogant domineering, does not dare in the deep star territory peripheral activity.” Shang Yingyue looks to Shi Yan, said dignified: Aodai Li , if the Ming Royal Family princess, and obtained God Bless Continent Essence, she clearly has on Ancient Continent with the strength of Haig showdown.” “在如今的时代,不死魔族天妖族销声匿迹,甚少出现在世人面前。而冥皇族,则是独守着冥星域不与外界接触,可却没有任何种族任何势力胆敢主动挑衅他们…就连这个时代的主角、这个时代的真正霸主:神族,不论如何狂妄跋扈,也从来没敢在冥星域周边活动。”商影月看向石岩,神情凝重道:“奥黛丽如果为冥皇族的公主,并且得到了神泽大陆本源,那么,她在古大陆上显然有和黑格对决的实力。” Shi Yan is silent... The people actually in abundance nod. 石岩沉默不语…众人却是纷纷点头。 So is no wonder arrogant, originally is the Ming Royal Family princess, this no wonder.” The don't continuous rain sighed. “难怪如此高傲,原来是冥皇族的公主,这就难怪了。”莫霖叹道。 „ The clansmen of four big races, never place in other life the eye... In their eyegrounds, only then each other, when only the opposite party for may endure the match who looks at... As if there is superiority feeling inborn, Aodai Li said...... Also can understand. “四大种族的族人,从来不将别的生灵放在眼中…在他们眼底只有彼此,只当对方为可堪一看的对手…似乎天生就有着优越感,奥黛丽那么说……也可以理解了。 Cecilia also nods. 塞西莉亚也点头。 Shi Yan is astonished unconsciously however. 石岩不觉讶然。 After these people have ravelled Aodai Li Princess Ming Royal Family the status, just as if threw into beyond the highest heavens to the Aodai Li disaffection, thought Aodai Li arrogant natural, has not disliked unexpectedly. 当这些人弄明白了奥黛丽冥皇族公主身份以后,刚刚对奥黛丽的不满似乎都抛到九霄云外了,一个个都觉得奥黛丽的高傲理所当然,竟然都没有反感。 They as if approve the status that four big lives is a cut above other people from the heart of hearts, as if thinks Aodai Li should like this, only then this Resurrect her status is ordinary. 他们仿佛从内心深处认可四大生灵高人一等的身份,似乎觉得奥黛丽就应该这样,也只有这样才复活她的身份一般。 Present time, Immortal Devil Clan and Heavenly Demon Clan restrain to hide, should still rest and build up strength, temporarily can pay no attention, if also has any race not to fear that now present God Clan, possibly also remains...... Ming Royal Family.” The Cecilia sound elongated, has stopped, suddenly said: Returns to the proper topic, how do you regard this matter?” “如今的时代,不死魔族天妖族纷纷收敛潜藏起来,应该还在休养生息,暂时可以不理,如果说如今还有什么种族不怕现在的神族,可能也就剩……冥皇族了。”塞西莉亚声音拉长,停顿了一下,突然道:“言归正传,你们怎么看待此事?” Listens her, since she is the Ming Royal Family princess, I have not conflicted the heart.” don't continuous rain statement. “听她的吧,既然她是冥皇族的公主,那我就没有抵触心了。”莫霖表态。 Un, with her should together can with the Haig fight.” Wu Feng also nodded. “嗯,和她一道儿应该的可以和黑格斗一斗了。”武枫也点头了。 Other people spoke one after another, had known after Aodai Li Princess Ming Royal Family status, these people unified the opinion unexpectedly quickly, but also reveals the excitement that is eager to try, clarified must fights under the leadership and Haig, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu these God Clan clansmen Aodai Li. 其余人等相继发话,得知了奥黛丽冥皇族公主身份以后,这些人居然很快的统一了意见,还露出跃跃欲试的兴奋,摆明了要在奥黛丽的带领下和黑格米娅菲尔普这些神族族人一战。 As for Shi Yan...... 至于石岩…… He has gawked a while , can only not very awkward helpless nod, agree with the decision of people. 他愣了一会儿,也只能啼笑皆非的无奈点头,同意了众人的决定。 Said itself to them for the pure Immortal Devil Clan clansman? 难道对他们说自己为纯粹的不死魔族族人? This is perhaps useful, because in them, ingrained considering also only then Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family clansman can they contend with Haig, is only...... The strength that in the Aodai Li hand grasps has striven to excel them, he does not have the means becomes the head leader people. 这样或许有用,因为在他们心里,根深蒂固的认为也只有不死魔族天妖族冥皇族的族人可以和黑格他们抗衡,只是……奥黛丽手中掌握的实力要强过他们这边,他没办法成为首脑领袖众人。 Such being the case, said that is the same, might as well conceal one's abilities vaguely, hides own status and true power, temporarily admitted defeat to obey the dispatch of opposite party. 既然如此,说不说都是一样,不如韬光隐晦,隐藏自己的身份和真正力量,暂时服软听从对方的调度。 Aodai Li does not know that I can be the same to her, can by the restraint of Ancient Continent, you not be promised me, do not talk too much one related to my matter. In this case, if she cherishes illegally wants to plot to murder us, making us work as the cannon fodder, I can know, and informs everybody, will not let the inexplicableness that everybody dies.” Shi Yan said. 奥黛丽不知道我能够与她一样,也可以不受古大陆的约束,你们答应我,有关我的事情不要多言一句。这样的话,如果她心怀不轨的想要谋害我们,让我们当炮灰的话,我可以知道并且通知大家,不会让大家死的不明不白。”石岩道。 He highlights for hello with emphasis, but is not emphatically own safety, is knows that Cecilia and Wu Feng these fellow own benefits are not supreme, only then to they personal advantageous matter, they seriously will treat. 他重点突出为大家好,而不是着重自己的安危,就是知道莫、塞西莉亚武枫这些家伙自身利益至上,只有对他们切身有利的事情,他们才会认真对待。 Really, not, Cecilia, Wu Feng and the others slightly a consideration, then full mouth complied. 果然,莫、塞西莉亚武枫等人略一思量,便满口答应了下来。 Shi Yan said one from the start needlessly, knows that they were the sincerity want to understand, will not leak his identity easily, this did not give him the face, but considered for their safeties. 石岩压根不消多说一句,就知道他们是真心想明白了,不会轻易的泄露他的身份,这不是多给他面子,而是为了他们自己的生命安危着想。 „The related Grace Mainland matter, what do you also know?” After the people opinion unifies, Shi Yan relaxes , to continue to inquire Shang Yingyue, Grace Mainland is one of the Ancient Continent, since Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family one post-war, again hasn't appeared?” “有关神恩大陆的事情,你还知道什么?”众人意见统一后,石岩放松下来,继续询问商影月,“神恩大陆古大陆之一,自从天妖族冥皇族一战后,就再也没有出现过?” No.” The Shang Yingyue knitting the brows head, it is said Grace Mainland by the Heavenly Demon Clan clansman transferring in the unknown place, in the universe border corner, still nobody knows this Ancient Continent position. Like Ancient Demon Continent, Grace Mainland also belongs to most mystical Continent, reason that this, perhaps is because has defeated, does not want to be ruthless by the enemy. Because Immortal Devil Clan loses to God Clan, therefore Ancient Demon Continent also vanished, has not continued to appear in Star Sea, only then such future will have the hope that will rise.” “没有。”商影月皱了皱眉头,“据说神恩大陆天妖族族人给挪移在不为人知的地方,在宇宙的边沿角落,至今无人知晓这个古大陆的位置。和古魔大陆一样,神恩大陆也属于最神秘大陆,之所以这样,或许是因为战败了,不想被敌人赶尽杀绝了。不死魔族因为败给神族,所以古魔大陆也消失了,没有继续在星海显现,只有这样未来还有重新崛起的希望。” Shi Yan secret nod. 石岩暗暗点头。 He thinks carefully that suddenly realizes him in Grace Mainland, although same can see everywhere stars, but these stars are far from him extremely extremely, does not have the person of star of other life to enter Grace Mainland, told him Grace Mainland to belong to any star territory...... 他仔细想了想,忽然意识到他在神恩大陆的时候,虽然一样能够看到漫天繁星,可那些星辰离他极远极远,也没有别的生命之星的人进入过神恩大陆,告诉他神恩大陆属于什么星域…… Grace Mainland is Ancient Continent, is stars, should border on to approach with the stars of innumerable life according to the truth, but he really has not actually discovered the person arrival of star of other life. 神恩大陆古大陆,也是一个星辰,按照道理应该和无数生命之星接壤靠近,可他却真的没有发现过别的生命之星的人到来。 Now to a Shang Yingyue such saying, he realized that Grace Mainland should be at the universe border corner, does not belong to any star territory, peripheral does not have the star of life, is only lonely existence, or is hiding...... 如今给商影月这么一说,他才意识到神恩大陆应该处在宇宙边沿角落,不属于任何的星域,周边也没有生命之星,只是孤独的存在着,或者说潜藏着…… He has believed Shang Yingyue said that has believed related Grace Mainland all, know finally Grace Mainland really also had magnificently, for five Ancient Continent that the universe only saved, and bred of Heavenly Demon Clan four big lives. 他相信了商影月所言,相信了有关神恩大陆的一切,终于知道神恩大陆竟然也曾经有过辉煌,为宇宙仅存的五个古大陆,并且孕育出了四大生灵之一的天妖族 Then, once powerful Heavenly Demon Clan, now also how many clansmen survive, where? Can they some day return to Grace Mainland? 那么,曾一度强悍天妖族,如今还有多少族人存活,都在何处?他们会不会有朝一日返回神恩大陆 He obtained Grace Mainland Essence, can mean that has the close relation with Heavenly Demon Clan, actually Ghost Hunter and are Zuo Shi the Heavenly Demon Clan clansmen, can relate induces to the Heavenly Demon Clan clansman, if they are formidable to be able with Ming Royal Family to fight a decisive battle? 他得到了神恩大陆本源,会不会意味着和天妖族有着密切联系,鬼獠左诗究竟算不算天妖族的族人,能不能联系感应到天妖族的族人,如果他们强大起来是否会与冥皇族决战? In his mind gushes out the innumerable confusing questions suddenly, making him be utterly confused, suddenly completely indulges in four big life and Ancient Continent all sorts of secrets. 他脑海内忽然涌出无数的迷惑疑问,让他心乱如麻,一时间完全沉溺在四大生灵和古大陆的种种隐秘中。 Is trying to find out Blood Vein Ring, he thought indistinctly Ring Spirit could select the help to him, what a pity Ring Spirit has been dormant quietly, too for a long time too long had not responded. 摸索着血纹戒,他隐约觉得戒灵或许能够给他点帮助,可惜戒灵一直蛰伏沉寂,已经太久太久没有反应了。 Time was up.” “时间差不多了。” , Not light shout, hints everybody to return suddenly, gives Ming Royal Family princess Aodai Li one to answer. 突地,莫轻喝一声,示意大家应该返回,去给冥皇族的公主奥黛丽一个答复了。 Un, everybody can pass, she is the Ming Royal Family princess, only then she can lead us and Haig battles, even obtains wins finally.” Wu Feng nodded, is swaying the folding fan, natural goes toward that side line. “嗯,大家可以过去了,她是冥皇族的公主,也只有她能够带领我们和黑格交战,甚至取得最终胜利。”武枫点了点头,摇晃着折扇,潇洒的朝着那边行去。 Sands, Jiaoshan and Cecilia people, has not talked too much one with Shi Yan, departure that the facial expression jumps for joy, hugs the thigh of that Aodai Li. 沙、焦山、塞西莉亚众人,也没有和石岩多言一声,都神情雀跃的离开,去抱那奥黛丽的大腿去了。 In their hearts, the Aodai Li importance has surpassed Shi Yan obviously, became their new pillars. 在他们心中,奥黛丽的重要性显然超过了石岩,成为了他们新的主心骨。
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