GOS :: Volume #12

#1150: Four big life

Length and breadth vast forest, the old tree towering to the skies branches and leaves cover, have hundred meters high, as if a tree mountain. 广袤辽阔的森林,参天古树枝叶茂密,一株株有百米高,仿佛一座树山。 Fresh natural aura heads on, lets pass through Shi Yan that and the others the wall barrier arrives at the spirit to shake, at once earnestly sizes up scene all around. 清新自然的气息扑面而来,让穿越壁障降临的石岩等人精神一震,旋即才认真打量周遭的场景。 „!” “啊!” Cecilia is out of control to call out in alarm, charming cheek appears the restless color, suddenly alerts vigilantly. 塞西莉亚禁不住惊呼,妩媚的脸蛋显出不安之色,忽然警惕戒备起来。 Mo Fou, Sha Zhao and Wu Feng Brother and the others, turned hostile quietly, the brow has twisted immediately, very serious looks to the front person. 莫雬沙鞪武枫兄弟等人,也是悄悄变了脸,眉头顿时拧了起来,很是严肃的看向前方的人。 Under old tree towering to the skies tree shade, is standing at this time different races Warrior, aura ominous severe vigorous, the line of sight in abundance condenses on the people, facial expression quite strange. 在一株株参天古树树荫下,此时站着一名名不同种族的武者,气息凶厉浑厚,视线都纷纷凝聚在众人身上,神情颇为的怪异。 They obviously are not the God Clan clansmen. 他们显然不是神族族人。 Is a physique selects the thin and small female high, a pale-green long hair hangs in the waist buttocks place, a green long skirt and place, the facial features are fine, the five senses proportion may be called perfect, she is wearing the green crystal imperial crown, the makings are noble, a pair of emerald green colored eye pupil such as the green emerald is glittering and translucent carving, coldly looks at people. 为首一个身姿高挑纤瘦的女子,一头淡绿色的长发垂在腰臀处,一身绿色长裙及地,面容精致,五官比例堪称完美,她头戴着绿水晶皇冠,气质高贵倨傲,一双翠绿色眼眸如绿翡翠晶莹剔透,冷冷看着众人。 Side her, four clearly are the same race man with her, wears the shining armor, the complexion is solemn and respectful, gives to encircle her in the center. 在她身旁,四名和她明显属于同一种族的男子,身着明晃晃的铠甲,脸色肃穆冷峻,将她给围在中央。 Comes from the different star territories numerously, came from different race Warrior, disperses, takes this woman as faintly central, such as many things around a center asylum she, seems regarding the priority target her life. 众多来自于不同星域,来自于不同种族的武者,分散开来,也隐隐以这个女人为中央,如众星捧月般庇护着她,似乎将她的生命当成首要目标。 In that female top of the head, one group of green spooky flame are fluctuating, is releasing the obvious soul fluctuation. 在那女子头顶处,一团绿幽幽的火焰浮动着,释放着明显的灵魂波动。 Shi Yan looked at this woman one eyes, the pupil micro, under the heart is startled immediately. 石岩看了这女人一眼,瞳仁微缩,心下当即一惊。 Fortunately he before the wall bonds, the vice- soul draws in Soul Altar, otherwise opposite party, so long as looked that immediately can know his vice- soul means anything...... 还好他穿过壁障之前,将副魂重新收拢在灵魂祭台,不然对方只要一看,立即就能知道他副魂意味着什么…… Because is the same with him, female was also one fused Essence impressively, can unrestricted special existence on Ancient Continent, the green flame of her top of the head fluctuation, was her another bunch of soul, same can see clearly all sorts of fluctuations of Ancient Continent. 因为和他一样,那女子赫然也是一名融合了本源,能够在古大陆上不受约束的特殊存在,她头顶浮动的绿色火焰,便是她的另外一簇灵魂,一样可以洞察古大陆的种种波动。 Shi Yan had a scare immediately. 石岩当即吓了一跳。 First is Haig, is this woman, this Ancient Continent incomparable marvelousness, attracted in the universe seriously most dazzling Expert arrival, simultaneously gathers together. 先是黑格,又是这个女人,这古大陆当真无比的奇妙,吸引了宇宙中最耀眼的强者到来,同时聚集在一块儿。 looks at the female of unknown origin, in his mind thoughts flash through at present, along with thorough of train of thought that the thinking heart even more was startled...... 看着眼前来历不明的女子,他脑海中一道道念头闪过,随着思绪的深入,愈发的觉得心惊了…… She can live, means a fact: The God Clan influence of this domain was swept clear! 她能够活着,意味着一个事实:这一块版图的神族势力被清扫了! This discovery makes Shi Yan panic-stricken, looked that discretely is at present more dignified to the vision of female, in the heart is considering, what expression in hesitates must negotiates by and opposite party. 这个发现让石岩惊骇莫名,看向眼前女子的目光更加的谨慎凝重起来,心中思量着,在犹豫着要以什么样的措辞和对方交涉。 Mo Fou, Cecilia, Wu Feng and Sha Zhao one line, also has tarried suddenly, expressions become extremely strange, they listened to Shi Yan to say some mysteries, know at present a green female is the same with Haig, can not by special existence of Ancient Continent restraint, this made their eyes one bright, was all of a sudden excited. 莫雬塞西莉亚武枫沙鞪一行人,也是忽然呆住了,一个个表情变得极为古怪,他们听石岩说过了一些奥妙,知道眼前一身绿色的女子和黑格一样,也是能够不受古大陆约束的特殊存在,这让他们眼睛一亮,一下子兴奋起来。 „Was here God Clan clansman, struck to massacre by you?” Mo Fou excited say|way. “这里的神族族人,都被你们击杀掉了?”莫雬激动道。 Including that female, the opposite party has 26 various clan Warrior, power Realm very much powerful, compared with them, additional Shi Yan here merely has 12 people, obviously is well below the opposite party in the overall strength. 连那女子在内,对方有26名各族武者,力量境界都很强悍,与他们相比,加石岩在内这边仅仅只有12人,显然在整体实力上远远不及对方。 In addition opposite party 26 Warrior, come to see them to have power that and Haig, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu contended in Mo Fou, they who was compelled into the hopeless situation, do not know will meet anything from the start across the wall barrier, now suddenly discovered that unexpectedly was 26 with their condition close influence, he had the joy of joy after sorrow Yau Yat Tsuen. 加上对方的26名武者,在莫雬来看他们有了和黑格米娅菲尔普抗衡的力量,被逼入绝境的他们,压根不知道穿过壁障会遇到什么,如今忽然发现竟然乃是26名和他们境况相近的势力,他有种柳暗花明又一村的欣喜。 What a pity, female a few words stirred to break to pieces his excitement excitedly...... 可惜,那女子一句话搅碎了他的激动兴奋…… You have two choices.” The female chilly arrogant lightness said that looks at her expression imposing manner, as if anybody should listen to her to dispatch, should crawl in her is ordinary, that is an inborn superiority feeling, from beginning to end arrogance, either listens to me to dispatch, according to my instruction conduct, either...... Your old route returns, here is consumed thoughts cleaning up to be clean by me, refuses to accept the follower not to allow to stay.” “你们有两个选择。”女子清冷高傲的淡淡说,看她的神色气势,仿佛任何人都应该听她调度,应该匍匐在她脚下一般,那是一种天生的优越感,一种从始至终的倨傲,“要么听我差遣,按照我的吩咐行事,要么……你们原路返回,这里由我耗费心思清理干净,不服从者不容留下来。” Mo Fou people brow suddenly tight wrinkle. 莫雬众人眉头忽然紧皱。 I think that you should know cleaning motion of God Clan to Ancient Continent, is the same with you, we are also the victims. The matter is this, we were being pursued by Haig, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu, cannot compel oneself to pass through the wall barrier to come to here, hopes that everybody can work with concerted efforts, altogether anti- God Clan threat.” “我想你们应该知道神族古大陆的清扫行动,和你们一样,我们也是受害者。事情是这样的,我们被黑格米娅菲尔普追击着,迫不得己才穿越壁障来这儿,希望大家能够同心协力,共抗神族威胁。” Smiling of Cecilia unnatural, explained hurriedly: If we return, feared that is very difficult to escape from Haig their hands, like this we......” 塞西莉亚不自然的笑着,急忙解释:“如果我们返回,怕是很难从黑格他们手中逃生,这样我们……” Has nothing to do with me.” The female midway interrupts her words, said desolately: I said again, you either listen to me to dispatch, either leaves here, otherwise...... We will massacre you.” “与我无关。”女子中途截断她的话,冷淡道:“我再说一遍,你们要么听我差遣,要么离开这儿,否则……我们会杀掉你们。” Her these words, 25 various clan Warrior swift and fierce aura put suddenly, such as bunch of needle Manzat in Mo Fou, Cecilia and the others, making their whole body not comfortable. 她这句话一出,25名各族武者身上凌厉气息突然一放,如一束束针芒扎在莫雬塞西莉亚等人身上,让他们一个个浑身都不自在起来。 Why this?” Wu Feng gloomy the face was saying. “为什么这样?”武枫阴沉着脸说道。 You do not have the qualifications to bargain back and forth with me.” The females do not bear has transferred body, toward the deep woods line, cold voice said slowly: Gives you five minutes to consider.” “你们没资格与我讨价还价。”女子不耐的转过身子,往森林深处缓缓行去,冷声道:“给你们五分钟考虑。” Four come from her same race Warrior, tags along in her behind, behind the line toward the forest goes, blindly following suit is protecting her. Surplus these Warrior, suddenly or lie down, or leans on the bough, the corners of the mouth is holding the cold and gloomy expression to look at them. 四名和她来自于同一种族的武者,尾随在她身后,也朝着森林后方行去,亦步亦趋的保护着她。剩余的那些武者,忽然或是躺下,或是倚靠着树干,嘴角噙着森冷的表情望着他们。 Polk! Are you a Polk?” Sha Zhao looks suddenly to one person, calls out in alarm quickly. “波克!你是波克?”沙鞪突地看向一人,倏地惊叫起来。 A height body strong Dark Spirit Clan clansman, has gawked obviously the god, stared at Sha Zhao deeply to look at several, gradually responded: „Are you Venom Religion Sha Zhao?” 一名身高体壮的暗灵族族人,明显愣了一下神,盯着沙鞪深深望了几眼,才渐渐反应过来:“你是蛊神教沙鞪?” Is I.” Sha Zhao is smiling bitterly, inquired: How can say a matter?” “是我。”沙鞪苦笑着,询问道:“能说说怎么一回事么?” Was called the Dark Spirit Clan person of Polk by him, looked at people around, sees a people aloof expression, hesitant, said: Aodai Li is the Ming Royal Family princess, this, if not she commanded to conform with us, everybody died in especially the hair ornament hand. Now the God Clan clansman of this domain, is swept clear cleanly by us, relies on the Aodai Li extraordinary ability, looks in a friend share, I advised politely your one, most Aodai Li words of pleasant to hear, you can save your life like this.” 被他叫做波克的暗灵族人,看了看身边人,见众人一副无动于衷的表情,犹豫了下,道:“奥黛丽冥皇族的公主,这趟若非她统领整合了我们,大家都死在尤珈的手中了。如今这块版图的神族族人,被我们清扫干净,都是依赖奥黛丽的超绝能力,看在朋友一场的份上,我奉劝你一句,最好听奥黛丽的话,这样你能保住你的性命。” The Polk words come here, then stopped, shrugs toward Sha Zhao. 波克话到这儿,便停了下来,朝着沙鞪耸了耸肩。 Mo Fou, Cecilia, Wu Feng and the others earnestly are listening, heard that Aodai Li is the Ming Royal Family princess, shakes completely loudly, reveals the panic-stricken color. 莫雬塞西莉亚武枫等人都认真听着,一听说奥黛丽冥皇族的公主,全部轰然一震,露出惊骇之色。 The Sha Zhao also look changes, shows expression looking pensive, then he turns the head to look to Shi Yan, at once looks to Cecilia, Mo Fou and the others, reveals the questionnaire expression. 沙鞪也眼神一变,露出若有所思的表情,然后他别头看向石岩,旋即才看向塞西莉亚莫雬等人,露出征询的神色 Cecilia has made a hand signal to the people, everybody will evacuate slowly in the future, is maintaining with the opposite party a naked eye the distance that is hard to see clearly, supposed barrier of isolation sound field, then discussed this matter. 塞西莉亚对众人做出了一个手势,大家缓缓往后撤离,与对方保持着一段肉眼难以看清的距离,又设下了隔绝音场的结界,然后才商榷此事。 „The woman called Aodai Li, said that was the Ming Royal Family princess, this race...... What origin?” Shi Yan knits the brows to ask. “那女人叫奥黛丽,说是冥皇族的公主,这个种族……什么来历?”石岩皱眉问。 You...... Doesn't know Ming Royal Family?” Cecilia is astonished however. “你……不知道冥皇族?”塞西莉亚讶然。 Shi Yan shakes the head. 石岩摇头。 Ming Royal Family is the Underworld Clan emperor's clan, in the universe mystical deep star territory, it is said of God Bless Continent five Ancient Continent then in the deep star territory, is the Ming Royal Family ancestor star, is their places of origin. Ming Royal Family little communicated with other star territory, this race powerful, to Soul Altar cognition nobody can extremely, it is said that they has the cultivation Soul Altar method, mystical extremely not measured. Emaciated is different from the general Underworld Clan clansman physique, Ming Royal Family clansman fleshly body is also quite tenacious, the deep star territory is also the universe Underworld Clan sacred place, is extremely fierce, Ming Royal Family is also called one of the four big lives.” Cecilia answered. 冥皇族冥族的皇族,在宇宙神秘的冥星域,据说五个古大陆之一的神泽大陆便在冥星域,也是冥皇族的祖星,是他们的发源地。冥皇族很少与别的星域来往,这个种族极为强悍,对灵魂祭台的认知无人能及,据说他们有着修炼灵魂祭台的方法,极其的神秘莫测。和一般冥族族人体格孱弱不一样,冥皇族的族人肉身也极为坚韧,冥星域也是宇宙冥族的圣地,极其厉害,冥皇族也被称为四大生灵之一。”塞西莉亚解释道。 „Is Ming Royal Family very fierce? Fiercely to what degree?” Shi Yan is even more astonished. 冥皇族很厉害?厉害到什么程度?”石岩愈发惊愕。 Said that it is said before extremely early extremely early, Ming Royal Family is also in the universe the most militant race, same goes on an expedition the major star territories with God Clan, the influence is quite huge. But they actually because of a bloody battle influence sharp decline, the clansman lost seriously to the extreme, several thousand years have not restored, therefore since the deep star territory self-cultivation, has not continued to stir up trouble.” Cecilia continues to explain. “这么说吧,据说在极早极早之前,冥皇族也是宇宙中最为好战的种族,和神族一样征战各大星域,势力极为庞大。但他们却因为一场血战势力锐减,族人损失惨重到了极点,数万年都没有恢复过来,所以才在冥星域修身养性至今,没有继续兴风作浪。”塞西莉亚继续解释。 You said that Ming Royal Family is four big lives? What situation?” Shi Yan is confused. “你说冥皇族为四大生灵?什么情况?”石岩一头雾水。 To be honest, he in the deficiencies of all sorts of secret cognition to the universe, Lie Yan Star Field is not the high Level star territory, Agate Star Field is conservative and complacent seriously almost does not contact with outside world, this directly causes him to be also illegibile to vast Star Sea many big events. 说实话,他对宇宙中种种隐秘当真认知的匮乏,烈焰星域不是高等级星域,玛琊星域固步自封几乎不与外界接触,这直接导致他也对浩瀚星海许多大事件不清不楚。 Cecilia, Mo Fou and Wu Feng they are different, the star territory that they are at often exchanges, knows it to well to vast Star Sea many fantastic stories, said that the matter lets Shi Yan extreme attaching great importance. 塞西莉亚莫雬武枫他们不一样,他们处在的星域时常相互交流,对浩淼星海的许多奇闻都知之甚详,所说之事让石岩极为的重视。 He came from Agate Star Field, is my father's hometown, but that star territory has sealed up void passage, cannot exchange with outside world, causing them to live in own world.” The Shang Yingyue chilly sound resounds suddenly, her looks at people, said suddenly: „The matter of related four big life, making me explain, I know possibly compared with everybody many.” “他来自于玛琊星域,是我父亲的故乡,但那星域封闭了虚空通道,以至于不能与外界交流,导致他们活着自己的世界中。”商影月清冷的声音忽然响起,她看着众人,忽然道:“有关四大生灵的事情,让我来说明吧,我知道的可能比大家多一点。” The people as if know that Shang Yingyue father Shang Chen is Destiny Traveler, enlivens in the universe major star territories, therefore had not opposed that nods to express the approval. 众人似乎知道商影月父亲商辰命运旅者,活跃在宇宙各大星域中,所以都没有反对,都点头表示认可。 Please advise.” Shi Yan facial expression one positive, looks with rapt attention to her, earnestly listens respectfully. “请指教。”石岩神情一正,凝神看向她,认真聆听。 You know that in world has five Ancient Continent is right?” Shang Yingyue asked. “你知道世间有五个古大陆对吧?”商影月问。 Shi Yan nods: Ancient Demon Continent, Ancient God Continent, Desolate and god graciousness, one is?” 石岩点头:“古魔大陆古神大陆、荒、神恩,还有一个是?” Is God Bless Continent.” The Shang Yingyue look is chilly, said indifferently: Five Ancient Continent are born, when heaven and earth inaugurates, except for our Desolate outside, other four Ancient Continent once bred the unusual life, on Ancient Demon Continent is born Immortal Devil Clan, Ancient God Continent was born God Clan, God Bless Continent was born Ming Royal Family, as for vanishing innumerable year of Grace Mainland , was born too Ancient Demon Clan, is Heavenly Demon Clan.” “就是神泽大陆。”商影月眼神清冷,淡然说道:“五个古大陆诞生在天地初开的时候,除了我们脚下的‘荒’以外,其余四个古大陆都曾孕育出奇特的生灵,古魔大陆上诞生了不死魔族,古神大陆诞生了神族,神泽大陆诞生了冥皇族,至于消失无数年的神恩大陆,则是诞生了太古妖族,也就是天妖族。” Shang Yingyue has stopped a instant , to continue saying: God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Ming Royal Family and Heavenly Demon Clan, are four big lives, lives from four Ancient Continent breeding separately.” 商影月停顿了一霎,继续道:“神族不死魔族冥皇族天妖族,就是四大生灵,分别从四个古大陆孕育而生。” ...... ……
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