GOS :: Volume #12

#1149: Straddling of zones

Haig and Peyton stopped suddenly. 黑格、佩顿忽然停了下来。 Warrior of Bradley Family has gawked staring, is stagnating one after another, disperses by two people, stunned looks to them. 布拉德利家族的武者愣了愣,也相继停滞着,分散处在两人身旁,愕然看向他俩。 The Haig finger provokes Transmission Stone, brow is beating, wants again and opposite party talks over the telephone, but the Transmission Stone gloss is dim, cannot contact with the opposite party. 黑格手指拨弄着音石,眉头跳动着,想要重新和对方通话,可音石光泽黯淡,根本不能和对方联系起来。 Peyton complexion is ugly, deeply frowned, appears is somewhat agitated. 佩顿脸色难看,深深皱起眉头,也显得有些烦躁起来。 Family Entourage Expert that You Jia came from Para Mosse Family, Void God peak Realm, power powerful, coming like clouds, the overall strength of their side adds, want powerful compared with Mi Ya and Fei Erpu, but is such an influence, under especially leadership of hair ornament , is not only unclean that domain cleaning up, but also made the opposite party wiping out...... 尤珈来自于巴拉莫斯家族,虚神巅峰境界,力量强悍,过来的家族扈从强者如云,他们那一边的整体实力加起来,要比米娅菲尔普都要强悍,可就是这么一股势力,在尤珈的率领下不但没有将那块版图清理干净,还让对方给全歼了…… Peyton is hard to accept. 佩顿非常的难以接受。 Has hesitated, he looks to Haig, said in a soft voice: You Jia is the person of Para Mosse Family, they have been annihilated, we are also very difficult to confess. If cannot strike to kill these people completely, Para Mosse Family blamed, but also was really a little thorny.” 迟疑了下,他看向黑格,轻声道:“尤珈是巴拉莫斯家族的人,他们全军覆没了,我们也很难交代。如果不能将那些人全部击杀,巴拉莫斯家族责怪起来,还真是有点棘手。” Haig is narrowing the eye, silent nods for a long time suddenly, said: I will give them a confession.” 黑格眯着眼睛,沉默许久忽然点头,道:“我会给他们一个交代。” He relates Mi Ya and Fei Erpu rapidly, making them continue to pursue in the Shi Yan direction, actually seriously the urging they may not cross the wall barrier to enter another sector, needing he arrive. 他迅速联系米娅菲尔普,让他们继续朝着石岩的方向追击,却郑重的叮嘱他们不可越过壁障进入另外一个版块,必须要等他到来。 Mi Ya and Fei Erpu hear his communication, although thinks to puzzle, has not closely examined carefully, but has readily agreed. 米娅菲尔普听到他的传讯,虽然觉得迷惑不解,也没有仔细追问下去,只是一口答应了下来。 swamp end. 沼泽尽头 Piece of dark blue miasma thick like ink, bunches of accumulations, such as the natural tent is stopping the people outside. 一片暗绿色的瘴气浓稠如墨汁,一簇簇的聚集着,如天然的帐幕将众人阻拦在外。 don't, Cecilia and Wu Feng people stand in that green miasma front, looks at that rich miasma, does not control self wrinkles the brow, subconscious looks to the sand. 莫、塞西莉亚武枫众人就站在那绿色瘴气的前方,看着那浓郁的瘴气,都不自禁的将眉头皱起,下意识的看向沙。 The sand does not wait for the people to request, emits many monster insect and poison these monster insects and poisons rustle to emerge the miasma center on own initiative, is moving in wantonly. 沙也不等众人要求,主动放出许多妖虫、毒物那些妖虫、毒物沙沙的涌入毒瘴气中央,在里面大肆的活动着。 After a while, on the sand face has covered entirely the haze, deeply frowns saying: „The miasma toxin is very fierce, can invade soul Sea of Consciousness, paralysis Soul Altar slowly, will be affected including Void Realm. Behind miasma, is connects another domain the wall barrier to contain natural barrier, is hard to break through extremely.” 一会儿后,沙脸上布满了阴霾,深深皱着眉头道:“毒瘴气毒素很厉害,能侵入灵魂识海,慢慢的麻痹灵魂祭台,连虚界都会被影响。毒瘴气后方,便是连接另外一个版图的壁障蕴藏着天然的结界,极其难以冲破。” Has stopped, sand make things difficult said: All monster insects that I let out do not overrun.” 停顿了下,沙为难道:“我放出去的所有妖虫都冲不过去。” „Can miasma explain?” Wu Feng anxious is swinging the folding fan, arrives at the miasma border place, frowns to size up tightly, emits wisp of Divine Sense to peep. 毒瘴气能不能破解掉?”武枫焦躁的摇着折扇,来到毒瘴气边沿处,紧皱着眉头打量着,放出一缕神识窥视。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 The front green miasma region, emits a wisp of very obvious light smoke then to see the Wu Feng complexion suddenly at once one white, then screams fiercely: This gadget can affect including Divine Sense!” 前方绿色毒瘴气区域,忽然冒出一缕很明显的轻烟旋即便见武枫脸色一白,猛地便尖叫起来:“这玩意连神识都能影响!” I said can invade Sea of Consciousness, naturally can make Divine Sense be damaged, I suggested that everybody should better not by Divine Sense nosing.” Sand Ningzhong said. “我说了能侵入识海,自然就能让神识受创,我建议大家最好不要以神识查探。”沙凝重道。 What good means do you have?” Cecilia does not bear to say. “你有什么好办法?”塞西莉亚不耐道。 I am good at poisoning, is actually not good at detoxifying, gu insect toxin that only then I raise, I can explain. As for other...... I am perhaps helpless.” The sand shakes the head. “我擅长放毒,却并不擅长解毒,只有我养育的蛊虫身上的毒素,我才可以破解掉。至于其它……我恐怕无能为力。”沙摇头。 Such remarks, everybody was all shocked to look that despised to the vision of sand very much. 此言一出,大家皆是愣住了看向沙的目光很是鄙夷。 I come from Venom Religion our Venom Religion raise the gu insect, the toxin also from the gu insect, is not we refines the toxicant, you make clear this point, we are not the poisonous pharmacists!” Under the people vision, sand complexion is not quite attractive, indignant said angrily. “我来自于蛊神教我们蛊神教养蛊虫,毒素也是来自于蛊虫,并不是我们炼制毒药,你们搞清楚这一点,我们可不是毒药师!”在众人目光下,沙脸色不太好看,愤愤然道。 What to do?” Not has stood, the line of sight Jiao Hai, Shang Yingyue and other faces one by one has swept in Brother Wu Feng, Jiaoshan and on, „, if everybody has any good means might as well a bit faster saying that our time are not abundant.” “怎么办?”莫站了出来,视线在武枫兄弟、焦山、焦海、商影月等人脸上一一扫过,“如果大家有什么好办法不妨快点说出来,我们的时间并不充裕。” The people with a worried look, are racking one's brains the solution, may a short time as if have little effect, nobody stands on own initiative. 众人一个个愁眉不展,在苦思着解决之道,可一时半会儿似乎收效甚微,没有人主动站出来。 Everybody hope to pin on the body of sand again, was said by Cecilia: Here also only then you to poisonous also a little knew, perhaps if you cannot solve this matter everybody to have the trouble.” 大家又重新将希望寄托在沙的身上,由塞西莉亚道:“这儿也只有你对毒还有点认识,如果你不能解决此事大家恐怕都有麻烦。” Calm face nod that the people coordinate. 众人配合的沉着脸点头。 „It is not merely only then I.” Under is in the glare of the public eye, the sand looked at faint Shi Yan quietly, hesitates was saying: We do not have the ability to relieve, only if...... You come.” “不是仅仅只有我。”众目睽睽下,沙悄然瞄了一眼淡漠的石岩,犹豫着说道:“我们都没有能力解除,除非……你来。” All person stunned. 所有人都愕然了。 He...... Also understands the disintoxicating? 他……还懂解毒? I remember with your first confrontation time I once used the toxin in the Venom Religion mystique to you, wants to invade your Soul Altar result ......... Miserable that very I defeat.” Sand Shen inspires, stern say|way: „ I know that you can break, if you do not get rid, perhaps all people will meet misfortune in this. “我记得和你第一次交锋的时候我曾经以蛊神教秘法对你用毒,想要侵入你灵魂祭台结果………我败的很惨。”沙深吸一口气,正色道:“我知道你能破掉,如果你不出手,所有人恐怕都会在此落难。 After his reminder, Shang Yingyue also recalled to mind five years ago that war, the brow tip moved, the beautiful pupil split a bright, the anticipation looked to Shi Yan. 经过他的提醒,商影月也记起了五年前的那一战,眉梢一动,美眸绽出一道亮光,期待的看向石岩 By the sand and her manner influence, everybody facial expression shakes fiercely, looks completely to Shi Yan, suddenly discovered that he as if has not paid attention to listen to everybody to speak, the spirit is a little as if absent-minded...... 被沙和她的神态影响,大家神情猛地一震,一个个全部看向石岩,忽然发现他似乎并没有注意听大家讲话,精神似乎有点恍惚…… The people look at each other in blank dismay, take for granted to think that he fluctuates the sensation surrounding trend in according to Divine Sense, although in heart urgent extremely, actually does not dare to disturb easily. 众人面面相觑,想当然认为他在以神识波动来感知周围的动向,虽然心中紧迫万分,却都没有敢轻易打搅。 Wall bonds other one side, no one knows that what will have, can you certainly pass?” “壁障的另外一边,谁也不知道会有什么,你们肯定要过去?” The Shi Yan facial expression is strange, as if awakes to turn around gradually, frowns the inquiry to say. 石岩神情古怪,仿佛渐渐醒转过来,皱着眉头询问道。 Is away from the wall barrier, he perceived faintly other side has strong life fluctuation, because in a region, the sensation is a little not fuzzy, cannot distinguish clearly the opposite party is other God Clan or star territory Warrior, in the heart is a little restless, because that fluctuation is very intense, intensely to letting his soul spills over the palpitation feeling...... 隔着壁障,他隐隐觉察到另外一边有很强的生命波动,但因为并不是在一个区域,感知有点模糊,分不清对方是神族还是别的星域武者,心中有点不安,因为那波动很强烈,强烈到让他灵魂都泛出心悸感…… „Do we have a better choice?” Cecilia forced smile. “我们还有更好的选择么?”塞西莉亚苦笑。 The people nod in abundance. 众人纷纷点头。 Good, I turn on the wall to bond the crack, a while everybody must drill into rapidly.” Suddenly nod, when the people have not responded, he submerges in strong green miasma instantaneously, suddenly disappears. “好,我打开壁障裂缝,一会儿大家要迅速钻入。”突然点头,在众人没有反应过来之时,他瞬间没入浓烈绿色瘴气中,忽然就不见了。 The people all are stunned amazed. 众人皆是一脸错愕惊诧。 He...... Also explaining miasma?” Cecilia looks to the sand, in the bright eyes spills over very obvious surprised color, his what understands? miasma that you cannot break, can he? How do you see?” “他……还懂的破解毒瘴气?”塞西莉亚看向沙,明眸中泛出非常明显的惊奇色彩,“他怎么什么都懂一点?你不能破掉的毒瘴气,他能?你们怎么看?” Probably...... Has explained.” Is opening the mouth greatest, on the face is color that with amazement difficult to cover. “好像……已经破解了。”莫大张着口,脸上全是难掩的骇然之色。 Cecilia turns the head fiercely. 塞西莉亚猛地别头。 Sees only strongly such as bunches of cloud cluster green miasma, does not know that by any strange energy influence, was being thinned at a naked eye obvious speed rapidly changes pale, is far away from their positions gradually ......... 只见浓烈如簇簇云团的绿色毒瘴气,不知道受着什么怪异的能量影响,以一种肉眼可见的速度迅速变薄变淡,渐渐远离他们的位置……… even/including Sand, Shang Yingyue, unthinkable of all person one faces have a daytime damn feeling. 连沙、商影月在内,所有人都一脸的匪夷所思有种白日见鬼的感觉。 Speed that this explains, was too quick? 这破解的速度,也太快了吧? Rip! 哧啦 If the curtain tent were torn, the dazzling blood-red gloss flashes through, the ominous severe Shaqi startled great wild goose that soars to the heavens together one presently, fresh aura heads on suddenly, emerges from the front. 如幕帐被撕裂,一道炫目血红色光泽闪过,冲天的凶厉煞气惊鸿一现,一股清新的气息忽然扑面而来,从前方涌现。 This is the wall bonds the breakage indication! 这是壁障破裂的征兆! Speed infiltrates!” “速度钻进来!” Shi Yan violent loudly shout resounds at the right moment, the people do not dare to hesitate, such as lightning put on to shoot, but aura have vanished in swamp quickly. 石岩的暴喝声适时响起,众人不敢犹豫,如一道道电光纷纷穿射而过一条条气息很快消失在沼泽 Disappearance green miasma, gradually gathers from other direction, by light becomes rich, a while then returned to the original condition, that wall bonds the slit to heal, as if just anything had not occurred. 消失的绿色毒瘴气,又渐渐的从别的方向聚集过来,由淡薄变得浓郁,一会儿这一块便恢复了原状,就连那壁障缝隙都重新愈合,仿佛刚刚什么都没有发生过。 After two double-hour. 两个时辰后。 Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and Haig tripartite influence gathers here one after another, is in the eyes of serious looks at front everyone glittering the unusual gloss. 米娅菲尔普黑格三方势力接连在这儿汇聚,都是神情严肃的看着前方每一个人的眼中都闪烁着奇特的光泽。 ............ The forest of that length and breadth, is the range that You Jia sweeps clear.” After Haig comes, said Jane Yihai saying: But You Jia died.” “…………那片广袤的森林,属于尤珈清扫的范围。”黑格过来以后,言简意骇道:“但尤珈死了。” The clansman of Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and their family, hear word dull such as wooden chicken, at once thinks whole body ice-cold, looked that to look that wall bonds, were many one point of obvious alarmed and afraid color, bonds the retreat several steps that near several Fei Erpu and God Clan Expert of Mi Ya family does not control self to arrive at the rallying point of people to that wall. 米娅菲尔普和他们家族的族人,闻言呆如木鸡,旋即觉得浑身冰冷,看向那壁障的眼神,多了一分明显的惊惧之色,离那壁障较近的数名菲尔普米娅家族的神族强者不自禁的后退数步来到众人的聚集点。 As if thought that green miasma deep place, is hiding some visible terrifying Devil, this makes their whole body restless. 似乎觉得那绿色瘴气深处,潜藏着某种看不见的恐怖妖魔,这让他们浑身不安。 I and You Jia relate, there are woman to tell my this news, she said that the people of You Jia and his family died completely.” Haig is still calm, looked that said to Mi Ya and Fei Erpu: How do you see?” “我和尤珈联系的时候,有个女人告诉了我这个消息,她说尤珈和他家族的人全部死光了。”黑格依然镇定,看向米娅菲尔普道:“你们怎么看?” You Jia the influence is very strong, he and people of his family killed off, this explained that the opposite party is stronger.” Mi Ya replied also very much directly understood. “尤珈的势力很强,他和他家族的人都被杀光了,这说明对方更强。”米娅回答的也很直接明了。 Fei Erpu gloomy the face, was saying: It seems like must discuss.” 菲尔普阴沉着脸,道:“看来要商榷商榷了。” We do not know that the wall bonds following has any character to have strong power, we cannot be too rash, should gather completely power, must achieve absolutely safe.” Mi Ya has hesitated, suddenly said: I thought that we should contact with the Ha Sen that lunatic.” “我们都不知道壁障后面有什么人物有多强的力量,我们不能太莽撞,应该将力量全部聚集起来,要做到万无一失。”米娅沉吟了一下,忽然道:“我觉得我们应该联系一下哈森那疯子。” Knitting the brows head of Haig and Fei Erpu people do not control self. 黑格菲尔普众人都不自禁的皱了皱眉头。 Ha Sen, although brain a little issue, but he and his person strength powerful, hair ornament wants powerful very much very much many, if has him to come with us together, certainly can be sure of success.” Mi Ya looks to Haig, said earnestly: I know that you and Ha Sen do not satisfy the need , but if this time was this matter that was proposed by you were defeated, I thought you......” 哈森虽然脑子有点问题,但他和他的人实力很强悍,比尤珈很要强悍许多如果有他过来与我们一道儿,一定能稳操胜券。”米娅看向黑格,认真道:“我知道你和哈森不对路,但这次是由你提议的如果这件事情失败了,我想你……” Was needless to say you related Ha Sen, hopes that he has not died.” Haig beckons with the hand saying that the complexion is not quite obviously good. “不用说了你来联系哈森,希望他还没死。”黑格摆手道,脸色明显不太好。 Mi Ya nods the head the nod, at once takes out Transmission Stone. 米娅颔首点头,旋即取出音石 Other Ancient Continent together sea vast domain, many islands stars embellishment that if scatters in sea, appears the extreme illusion is beautiful. 古大陆另外一块海洋辽阔的版图,许多岛屿如散落的星辰点缀在海洋上,显得极为的梦幻美丽。 If from the horizon bird's eye view, will discover, in leaving Fei Erpu and Mi Ya does not calculate that in far islands, one crowd of God Clan Warrior are gathering, in islands pile of stones, lying this way and that is lying down many clan clansman Dead body, has the male to have the female, came from the major star territories. 如果从天际俯瞰,会发现在离菲尔普米娅不算远的一座岛屿上,有一群神族武者聚集着,在岛屿乱石堆中,横七竖八的躺着许多各族族人尸体,有男有女,都是来自于各大星域的。 God Clan clansman of one crowd of whole body blood, looks such as the frantic religious person, in the hand lifts is being filled with the cup of blood to drink heartily. 一群浑身鲜血的神族族人,一个个眼神如狂热的宗教徒,手中举着盛满鲜血的杯子狂饮。 Among them, combustion the turbulent flame, on the flame the fine prill, on the prill is tumbling the female fairly such as the arm of jade, these crazy fellows are drinking the fresh blood, is roasting the female arm to make music. 在他们中间,燃烧着汹涌火焰,火焰上支着精美的烤架,烤架上翻滚着女子白皙如玉的臂膀,这些疯狂的家伙喝着新鲜的血液,正烤着女子手臂作乐。 Is head the youth of skin and bones, the whole face biased crazy, accidentally discharges Bedevilment to dance with joy, the mouthful is the blood, he dances the strange dance in that the palm is pinching lozenge Transmission Stone that is glistening together, mixes not to care is listening. 为首的一个瘦骨嶙峋的青年,满脸的偏执疯狂,走火入魔般手舞足蹈,满嘴都是鲜血,他在那跳着诡异的舞蹈,掌心捏着一块闪亮的棱形音石,混不在意的听着。 „Shortly after us just cleaned up is clean, in the revelry, to the Haig matter is not having the interest, making him handle, I will not go.” “我们这边刚清理干净不久,正在狂欢中,对黑格的事情没兴趣,让他自己搞定,我不会去。” Thin and weak such as evil spirit youth, Transmission Stone still in the one side, continued to drink the blood to make music with these shape demented Entourage conveniently, does not show respect for somebody's ability. 瘦弱如厉鬼的青年,随手将音石仍在一旁,继续和那些形态癫狂的扈从饮血作乐,根本不买账。
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