GOS :: Volume #12

#1148: Heavy burden

Shi Yan sets out suddenly. 石岩忽然起身。 Gained ground the looks at nothingness horizon, eyes closed induced an instant secretly, the deep one breath, he position that gathered in toward don't, Shang Yingyue and the others flushes away rapidly. 抬头看着虚无天际,闭目暗暗感应了一霎,深一口气,他迅速往莫、商影月等人聚集的位置冲去。 Bai Cheng, Anto and the others essence was purified, now integrates him completely[ body] in the Essence Qi old tree, energy of these fulls after the fining purifies, takes to him the great benefit, but has not made his Essence Qi old tree as abundant as Void God Second Sky peak. 白淏、安藤等人精气已经被净化掉,如今全部融入他〖体〗内精元古树,那些充盈的能量经过精炼净化以后,带给他巨大好处,但却并没有让他的精元古树充沛到虚神二重天巅峰 After breakthrough to new Realm, he realized power doubled and re-doubled enhancement that doubled and re-doubled the Realm gradual promotion, each First Level needs, after Bai Cheng, Anto and the others the essence purifications to power that he can receive, ten tenths power only remains partly does not become, loses extremely astonishingly, has not managed to make him enter the step to the Void God Second Sky apex directly. 突破到新的境界以后,他才意识到境界逐步的提升,每一层需要的力量成倍成倍的增强,白淏、安藤等人的精气净化到他可以收的力量以后,十成力量只剩半成不到,损耗太过惊人,根本没办让他直接进阶到虚神二重天的顶点。 He when the extremely fast marches forward, the face appears a little heavy, the brow is tightly is also wrinkling. 他在极速行进的时候,脸显得有点沉重,眉头也是紧皱着。 The named Haig God Clan clansman, making him perceive that huge threat, this person not only with him same not by the restraint of Ancient Continent, can draw support heaven and earth energy that Ancient Continent rushes vastly, itself Realm also high he, as soon as plans, to the Void God Third Sky peak condition. 名叫黑格神族族人,让他觉察到了巨大威胁,此人不但和他一样不受古大陆的约束,能借助于古大陆浩瀚澎湃的天地能量,本身境界还高过他一筹,到了虚神三重天巅峰状态。 He tried to induce, discovered that Haig[ body] in the power vigorous powerful degree, surpassed general Origin God First Sky Realm unexpectedly,[ body] in as if also some secret power fluctuations! 他试着感应了一下,发现黑格〖体〗内力量浑厚强悍的程度,竟然超过一般始神一重天境界者,〖体〗内似乎还有许多隐秘的力量波动! This person of Realm is profound, power powerful, can urge the round of God Clan non- body, is rude from various perspectives he, making him have this person is uneasy of his fate powerful enemy, Haig can also make Mi Ya and Fei Erpu take orders with him, on this Ancient Continent, Haig has the absolute superiority. 此人境界高深,力量强悍,又能催发神族不体,从各方面来看都不逊他,让他生出一种此人乃是他宿命强敌的不安感,黑格还能让米娅菲尔普听命与他,在这古大陆上,黑格有着绝对的优势。 The Haig wild smiling face, as if also reverberates in the ear bank, making the Shi Yan face not quite attractive. 黑格的猖狂笑容,仿佛还回荡在耳畔,让石岩脸不太好看。 His clear perceiving, under the dispatch of Haig, Haig, Fei Erpu and Mi Ya three power disperses, such as three gangs of Hong Banfen becomes three directions, nearly comes toward him and Mo Fou and the others, must form the encirclement ring gradually, stops up the reality them. 他清晰的觉察到,在黑格的调度下,黑格菲尔普米娅三股力量分散开来,如三股洪般分成三个方向,朝着他和莫雬等人近过来,要渐渐形成包围圈,将他们都堵实。 This makes him even more restless. 这让他愈发不安。 Scoff! 嗤! If the star light passed over gently and swiftly above swamp together, he appears suddenly at present in don't, Shang Yingyue and Thethi Asia people, at this time, Thethi Asia they were also hurrying along, sees him to appear, the joyful laughter, commended attractiveness that again and again he makes. 如一道星光在沼泽上方掠过,他忽然间在莫、商影月、塞西lì亚众人眼前显现出来,这时候莫、塞西lì亚他们也在赶路,一见到他出现,纷纷欣喜笑了起来,连连称赞他做的漂亮。 Fierce! Actually can make Mi Ya they lose so seriously! We neutralized them to fight in swamp were so long, has not made them eat that big owing.” “厉害!竟然能够让米娅他们损失如此惨重!我们在沼泽中和他们斗了那么久,也没有让他们吃过那么大的亏。” „Are you so long as wants to capture one person, can realization easily? Fei Erpu does not evade your holding under duress, Void God Third Sky Realm Yue Man is not good, said you, if thinks, can subdue including Mi Ya?” “你是不是只要想擒拿一人,都可以轻易的实现?菲尔普躲不过你的挟持,连虚神三重天境界约曼也不行,这么说你如果想的话,连米娅也可以制伏了?” Has you us, we can certainly, when the Center region unties the seal, I suddenly very much had the confidence.” “有你在我们这边,我们一定可以等到〖中〗央区域解开封印,我忽然很有信心了。” Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Jiaoshan and the others were full of enthusiasm, such as hit won a battle to be the same, praise of talking at once. 莫雬武枫、焦山等人兴致勃勃,如自己打了打胜仗一样,七嘴八舌的夸赞起来。 Shang Yingyue corners of the mouth also rare splits a faint smile, explained that at heart the surface also is very happy, Brother Bai Family was struck, comes to see in her is the Shi Yan merit, she thinks that Thethi Asia merely was a helper, cannot play the important role. 就连商影月嘴角也难得的绽出一丝浅笑,说明心里面也很是高兴,白家兄弟的被击,在她来看都是石岩的功劳,她认为塞西lì亚不过仅仅是一个帮手了,不能起到至关重要的作用。 People's praise stopped quickly, had discovered his god does not suit, because after he comes, throughout calm face, the brow is tight. 众人的夸赞很快停了下来,都发现了他神的不对劲,因为他过来后始终沉着脸,眉头紧紧锁着。 What happened?” Thethi Asia is very calm, is astonished however inquired: Your probably not happy? Now seven color ghost monsters also obtained, your also cultivation, and gave Mi Ya them to cause heavy losses, what did you have not to be unsatisfied?” “发生了什么事情?”塞西lì亚很镇定,讶然询问:“你好像一点都不高兴?如今七彩鬼妖也得到了,你也修炼了一番,并且给予了米娅他们重创,你还有什么不满意的?” The people have doubts puzzled. 众人也都疑惑不解。 You know that who Haig is?” “你们知道黑格是谁么?” He makes noise suddenly, Mo Fou and Thethi Asia, Wu Feng and the others all are the youth eminents of major star territories, the future lead character, should be very familiar to God Clan this powerful Lord, wants to come the status of certainly clear this fierce fellow. 他忽然出声,莫雬、塞西lì亚、武枫等人皆是各大星域的青年翘楚,未来的领头人物,对神族这个强悍主应该很熟悉,想来一定清楚这个厉害家伙的身份。 Really, when he said the name of Haig, everybody suddenly completely peaceful, faces became are very with deep veneration. 果然,当他说出黑格之名,大家忽然全部安静了下来,一个个脸变得很是肃然。 How did you mention him to come suddenly?” Asking of don't god unnatural. “你怎么突然提起他来了?”莫神不自然的问道。 I had said to you, enters in the swamp God Clan influence newly, the person can be the same with me, by the restraint of Ancient Continent, cannot Divine Sense see clearly slightly, can assemble heaven and earth energy......”, he said seriously: „ I have determined now, this person was Haig. “我原先对你们说过,新进入沼泽神族势力中,有一个人能够和我一样,也不受古大陆的约束,能神识洞察细微,能调集天地能量……”顿了下,他严肃道:“我如今确定了,这个人就是黑格了。 All faces suddenly sank, the eye such as was covered the First Level dark clouds, was explained by Thethi : Early should guess correctly that was he, the successor of God Clan most respected family Bradley Family, by various God Clan Great Elder Senior Qin Dian leaders, God Clan this generation of most dazzling novas, rays of light eye-catching......” 所有人脸都忽然沉了下去,眼睛如被蒙上了一层阴云,由塞西lì亚解释道:“早该猜到是他了,神族最大家族布拉德利家族的继承人,被神族大长老前辈钦点的领袖,神族这代最耀眼的一个新星,光芒夺目……” Along with the explanation of Thethi Asia, everybody gradually is sad, the chest seems stopping up a giant stone, has the feeling of not gasping for breath. 随着塞西lì亚的解释,大家心情都渐渐沉重起来,胸口仿佛堵着一块巨石,有种喘不过气来的感觉。 looks at ruthless severe Wuqing not, alarmed and afraid it on Wu Feng face, the looks at people dreaded that restless appearance, the Shi Yan face also slightly changes, does not need them to continue the thorough explanation, he knows that Haig this person had is fearful. 看着狠厉无情的莫、武枫脸上的惊惧之,看着众人忌惮不安的模样,石岩脸也微微一变,不需要他们继续深入的解释,他已经知道黑格此人有多么的可怕了。 Haig is different from many God Clan juniors, this person not only very ruthless is calm, but also is very intelligent, is rich with the experience that the person battles.” Thethi Asia has a headache has rubbed Sun, said: He was sent into exile by Bradley Family to most bad risk Chaos star territory since childhood, survives in the dangerous situation, continuously the creation miracle, the Family is seeking the enormous interests to Bradley, his not only individual effective strength powerful, but also is good at commanding the group, the manner benefit is supreme, almost does not have the obvious weakness.” 黑格和很多神族子弟不一样,这个人不但狠辣冷静,而且很聪明,与人交战的经验丰富无比。”塞西lì亚头疼的揉了揉太阳,道:“他从小就被布拉德利家族放逐到最凶险混乱的星域,在险境中生存,缕缕创造奇迹,给布拉德利家族谋取着极大利益,他不但个人战斗实力强悍之极,还擅长统领团,为人利益至上,几乎没有明显的弱点。” His also not good female sexual attractiveness, in his eyes the woman is only a tool, is the chip in his hand.” Shang Yingyue cold voice supplemented. “他还不好女色,在他眼中女人只是一种工具,是他手中的筹码。”商影月冷声补充。 This person is God Clan this first generation most formidabe fellow, with him for the person of enemy, almost already.” Wu Feng face micro cold. “此人可谓是神族一代最难对付的家伙,与他为敌的人,几乎都已经了。”武枫脸微寒。 In the people supplement chaotically, the Shi Yan face is even more ugly, when they have expressed the opinion, he deep one breath, said: Told you an unfortunate news, he had discovered that I same can also Divine Sense be unrestricted with him, and declared war to me, now...... He and Fei Erpu, Mi Ya divides three, rapid surrounds to come toward us.” 在众人七嘴八舌的补充中,石岩脸愈发难看起来,等他们都发表了意见,他才深一口气,道:“告诉你们一个不幸的消息,他已经发现我和他一样也能神识不受约束,并且向我宣战了,如今……他和菲尔普米娅分三股,正迅速朝着我们包围而来。” The people completely changed, the heart sank to the valley to plant helplessness that could not make the shackles. 众人全部变了,心都沉入谷底了有种挣不掉牢笼的无奈。 We hurry to run away!” Jiaoshan urgently shouted to clear the way. “那我们赶紧逃啊!”焦山急喝道。 Curled the lip, the Shi Yan look jeered looked that ran away to him? Runs away toward there? Our time east , south , west and north four directions, the east side, the south side and west side were being dispersed by Fei Erpu, Mi Ya and Haig slowly near, how is the north side connects other domain the wall barrier to locate you to tell me to run away together?” 撇了撇嘴,石岩眼神嘲的看向他“逃?往那儿逃?我们此时东南西北四个方向,东边、南边、西边都被菲尔普米娅黑格分散着慢慢近,北边乃是连接另外一块版图的壁障处你们告诉我怎么逃?” Perhaps, we can choose in the Mi Ya direction, now Mi Ya loses enormously, can't we not necessarily defeat her?” Thethi said. “或许,我们可以选择往米娅的方向,如今米娅损失极大,我们未必不能战胜她?”塞西lì亚道。 Haig early is prepared.” Shi Yan looks to her, said lightly: He has arranged the manpower that side Mi Ya, now Mi Ya that influence, suppresses us steadily.” 黑格早有准备。”石岩看向她,淡淡说道:“他安排了人手在米娅那边,如今米娅的那一块的势力,稳稳压住我们。” „The Fei Erpu influence has not been damaged we naturally unable to fight, as for Haig...... That is more impossible.” don't muttered, serious saying: Thought so that we as if only remain toward the north side march forward, have a look whether to pass through the wall barrier, went to that recent domain to evade the point temporarily.” 菲尔普势力不曾受损我们自然也斗不过,至于黑格……那就更加不可能了。”莫喃喃自语,一脸严肃的说道:“这么看我们似乎只剩往北边行进,看看能否穿越壁障,去那新的版图暂避锋芒了。” If in the recent domain, had been struck cleanly with my same person, there is one with the Haig same powerful God Clan clansman, how can that?” Wu Feng knits the brows. “如果新的版图内,和我一样的人已经被击干净,也有一支和黑格一样强悍神族族人,那要如何?”武枫皱眉。 The people are once more silent. 众人再次沉默。 Things have gotten to this point their understood God Clan real intention, said on Wu Feng may is the fact, perhaps in another rebel, another powerful God Clan influence has completed the cleaning, perhaps in wall bonding place, once passed through well exactly seizing the chance to encircle by the opposite party. 事已至此他们都知道了神族的真正意图,也就武枫所言很有可能就是事实,或许在另外一个叛徒,另外一个强悍神族势力已经完成了清扫,或许就在壁障处,一旦穿了过去恰恰好被对方给趁机围剿了。 Shi Yan, can you induce to the sound of that domain?” Shang Yingyue asked suddenly. 石岩,你能不能感应到那一个版图的动静?”商影月忽然问道。 Cannot, different regions have the wall to bond the hindrance, I only then enter that region first, can perceive inside life fluctuation.” Shi Yan shakes the head. “不能,不同的区域有着壁障阻碍,我只有先进入那个区域,才能觉察到里面的生命波动。”石岩摇头。 Doesn't know what to do?” “如何是好?” What to do?” “怎么办?” Actually to choose which road?” “究竟选哪一条路?” All people lather, because they know that the time will delay the moment every time, Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and Haig that three influences will leave their nearly point, this everywhere pressure, making their annoyed intent be in soon the brink of collapse dry. 所有人都焦躁不安起来,因为他们知道时间每拖延一刻,米娅菲尔普黑格那三股势力就会离他们更近一分,这种无处不在的压力,让他们心烦意燥处于即将崩溃的边缘。 Shi Yan looks at their manners, are suddenly restless, he knows that must give a direction, regardless of direction is whether correct, at least can make them have a goal, is insufficient to fall into the so dangerous region. 石岩看着他们的神态,忽然不安起来,他知道必须给出一个方向,不论方向是否正确,至少能够让他们有个目标,不至于陷入如此危险的境地。 „North goes, goes to that wall to bond the mouth, we must bet a gambling.” He issues order to keep in swamp suddenly decisively, definitely will be surrounded by Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and a Haig side, person surrounding that was caught up with, falls our standard slowly. Some Haig, us do not have to hide, we do not have the hope of any success body, we must clash!” “去北边,去那壁障口,我们必须赌一赌。”他突然果断下达命令“留在沼泽中,肯定会被米娅菲尔普黑格其中一方围堵住,然后被赶来的人包围,将我们慢慢格掉。有黑格在,我们根本无所遁形,我们没有任何成功身的希望,我们必须冲出去!” At this time the people did not have the direction, they genuinely think, only then Shi Yan can give them to direct, heard that word nobody opposed, nodded assent completely. 这时候众人都没有方向,他们从心眼里认为只有石岩才能给予他们指引,闻言没有一个人反对,全部都点头同意。 Shi Yan no longer talks too much at once, pushes to the front in the front, said: Follows me, revolves the supernatural power, we are quick!” 石岩旋即不再多言,一马当先走在前方,道:“跟我走,都将神力运转起来,我们必须要快!” If sharp swords, people closely follow in Shi Yan behind, speeds away toward the swamp north side. 如一道道利剑,众人紧紧跟随在石岩身后,往沼泽的北边疾驰。 At the same time, in that instant that they go into action, Haig has related Fei Erpu and Mi Ya unflustered, directs the direction to them, making them know the opposite party position frequently. 同一时间,在他们行动起来的那一霎,黑格从容不迫的联系了菲尔普米娅,给他们指引出方向,让他们时刻知道对方的位置。 Few, direction that they go, in that full is the sector of cover forest, does not have the words of accident...... Should You Jia be responsible.” Peyton's responsible reminder said. “少,他们去的方向,在那满是茂密森林的版块,没有意外的话……应该是尤珈负责的。”佩顿负责的提醒道。 You Jia, although is always conceited, but the ability has, wants to come that side trouble to solve.” Haig has hesitated, knits the brows saying: Determines, reminded You Jia, I made him go to the wall to bond the mouth to wait for gains without pains, came a front surface to attack fiercely to these people.” “尤珈虽然向来狂妄自大,但能力还是有的,想来那边的麻烦应该解决了。”黑格沉吟了下,皱眉说道:“不过还是确定一下,提醒提醒尤珈,我让他去壁障口守株待兔,给那些人来个迎面痛击。” So good.” Peyton said joyfully. “如此甚好。”佩顿欣然道。 Haig takes out Transmission Stone at once, has provoked gently, told directly: You Jia, I am Haig, I swamp, with Fei Erpu and Mi Ya together, us some mixed fish went in your directions, you help the wall to bond to wait, do not let them run away......” 黑格旋即取出音石,轻轻拨弄了一下,直接吩咐道:“尤珈,我是黑格,我在沼泽这边,和菲尔普米娅在一块儿,我们这边一些杂鱼往你们的方向去了,你帮忙去壁障住守候着,别让他们逃了……” Haig was telling, a while, he was shocked suddenly, the looks at Transmission Stone face was gradually strange. 黑格自顾自的吩咐着,一会儿,他忽然愣住了,看着音石脸渐渐古怪起来。 Transmission Stone sends out the misty gloss, explained that he and opposite party connected, but that You Jia quite a while has not responded, this let him is very puzzled, suddenly thought that a little did not suit. 音石发出蒙蒙光泽,说明他和对方连接起来了,可那尤珈半天没有回应,这让他很是不解,忽然觉得有点不对劲。 The good half sound, Transmission Stone to broadcast a tranquil female voice: Person who you said that person who he brings.” The words, the Transmission Stone gloss is suddenly dim, the opposite party has cut off the relation unilaterally. 好半响,音石才传来一个平静的女子声音:“你说的人了,他带来的人也都了。”话,音石光泽忽然黯淡,对方单方面切断了联系。 Haig and Peyton suddenly with amazement change. 黑格、佩顿突地骇然变。
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