GOS :: Volume #12

#1147: Fate mortal enemy

Chapter 1123 fate mortal enemy 第1123章宿命死敌 „Before you pass, hasn't gotten up the space seal? Mi Ya, this is not your consistent attitude, you cannot absolutely that impulsive! I know your.” “你过去之前,难道没有将空间封印起来?米娅,这不是你一贯的作风,你绝对不会那么鲁莽的!我知道你的。” Haig deeply looks to her, shot a look at a face whiten such as paper Yue Man, said: Actually to have what?” 黑格深深看向她,又瞥了一眼脸色苍白如纸的约曼,道:“究竟发生了什么?” Yue Man was held under duress by him.” Mi Ya sighed suddenly, he, only then Void God Second Sky Realm, can approach Yue Man unexpectedly instantaneously, making the Yue Man supernatural power be blocked, gives to seize directly him, I now a little am unacceptable.” 约曼被他挟持了。”米娅忽然叹了一口气,“他只有虚神二重天境界,居然能够瞬间临近约曼,让约曼神力受阻,直接将他给擒住,我现在都有点不能接受。” Hears to hold under duress, the Fei Erpu complexion also becomes extremely ugly, a coldly snorted sound track: „The fellow is indeed weird. He as if can assemble here heaven and earth energy, this is most difficult to guard, my suffering a loss in this regard.” 一听说挟持,菲尔普脸色也变得极其难看,冷哼一声道:“那家伙的确邪门。他似乎能够调集这儿的天地能量,这是最难防备的,我就吃亏在这一点上。” „Can he transfer here heaven and earth energy?!” “他能调用这儿的天地能量?!” The Haig sound is suddenly sharp, complexion becomes gloomy is extremely instantaneously strange, such as the ice cold sword punctures on Fei Erpu, you talk clearly!” 黑格声音突然尖利起来,脸色瞬间变得极其的阴沉古怪,如冰寒的剑刺在菲尔普身上,“你说清楚一点!” Fei Erpu and Mi Ya had a scare by him. 菲尔普米娅都被他吓了一跳。 I make you talk clearly!” Haig forehead appears the cruel color, the sound ice cold biting cold, making the person bone as if probably freeze. “我让你说清楚一点!”黑格眉心显现暴戾之色,声音冰寒彻骨,让人骨头似乎都要冰冻起来。 Indeed can use heaven and earth energy, I can affirm!” Fei Erpu raises hand to take a stand hastily: At that time I by the heaven and earth energy extrusion, almost breathed heavily get up, the watt like this was also hit by him, is really this!” “的确是能够动用天地能量,我敢肯定!”菲尔普连忙举手表态:“当时我被天地能量挤压,差一点喘不过起来,瓦特也被他这样袭击的,真的就是这样!” Fei Erpu was calling repeatedly, the innermost feelings covered entirely the doubts, does not know why Haig paid attention to this point suddenly, but he does not dare to violate the meaning of Haig, immediately replied. 菲尔普连声叫着,内心布满疑惑,不知道黑格为何突然关注这一点,但他不敢违背黑格的意思,立即就回答了起来。 Haig for Bradley Family ordered by the emperor personally future successor, settled on by God Clan numerous Elder Senior, thinks that he can command God Clan in the future, regards the future clansman leader to regard him, this character regardless of status Earth Realm or power, compared with many of his Fei Erpu powerful, he naturally knows how should treat. 黑格为布拉德利家族钦定的未来继承人,被神族众多长老前辈看中,都一致认为他将来能够统领神族,将他当成未来的族人领袖来看待,这种人物不论身份地位还是力量,都比他菲尔普强悍的多,他自然知道该如何对待。 Good that our Young Master said that the fellow can indeed assemble heaven and earth energy, I rescued Young Master in the past time, is keeping off by the wall barrier that heaven and earth energy forms, I can the percentage hundred affirmations!” The watt also makes noise in agreement. “我们少爷说的不错,那家伙的确能够调集天地能量,我过去解救少爷的时候,就被天地能量形成的壁障挡着,我可以百分百肯定!”瓦特也出声附和 Haig was suddenly silent. 黑格忽然沉默了。 In his Peyton, is reveals the thinking the expression, as if guessed faintly anything, the complexion slightly changes, in the heart is startled secretly, said in a soft voice: „Can Young Master?” 在他身旁的佩顿,则是露出思索的表情,似乎隐隐猜测出了什么,脸色微微一变,心中暗暗吃惊,轻声道:“少爷,会不会?” Mi Ya and Fei Erpu are mystified, puzzled looks to Haig, guessed why secretly Haig will become so strange, they know that Haig will little meet the panicked and disorderly, the long time period of five days will be maintaining calm, will be callous, not because the minor matter will have a big shock. 米娅菲尔普都是一脸迷惑,不解的看向黑格,暗暗猜测黑格为何会变得如此奇怪,他们都知道黑格很少会惊乱,很多时候都会保持着冷静,甚至冷酷,不会因为小事就大惊失色。 They have thought that realized suddenly Haig has certainly discovered anything, even more is curious. 他们想了一下,忽然意识到黑格一定发现了什么,不由地愈发好奇起来。 I cannot affirm, but the possibility indeed has.” Haig looks to sores all over the eye location, the brow twists, said indifferently: They can lay an ambush in advance, can when you arrive starts, not necessarily is the coincidence......” “我不敢肯定,但可能性的确有。”黑格看向满目疮痍的场地,眉头拧起,冷漠说道:“他们能够事前设伏,能够在你们到来之时发动,不一定就是巧合……” Mi Ya is astonished however looks to him, what do you want to say?” 米娅讶然看向他,“你想说什么?” „Does the fellow, have use flame power?” Haig did not answer asked back. “那家伙,有没有动用火焰力量?”黑格不答反问。 Has!” “有!” A clansman of Fernandez Family, called immediately, said: He, when starts to Yue Man, the clarity that I look, has the burning hot flame to gather the sea, covers Yue Man directly.” 一名费尔南德斯家族的族人,立即叫了起来,说道:“他在对约曼下手的时候,我瞧的清清楚楚,有炙热火焰聚集成海,直接去笼罩约曼。” The Haig complexion changes, in the heart has even more affirmed, nodded, he said suddenly: I have a guess......” 黑格脸色微变,心中愈发肯定了,点了点头,他忽然说道:“我有个猜测……” Fei Erpu, Mi Ya and watt people with rapt attention look to him, is listening attentively to his judgment, complexions are also serious, matter that knowing Haig must say, is certainly extremely important. 菲尔普米娅、瓦特众人都凝神看向他,倾听着他的判断,一个个脸色也都沉重起来,知道黑格要说的事情,一定至关紧要。 He is possibly same to me, can Divine Sense by the restraint shackles, unable to see clearly any slight change in swamp.” Haig looks to Mi Ya, inspired, sinking sound track: He should know route that you march forward, therefore ahead of time will prepare, before you come lays an ambush, gives you to hit hard.” “他可能与我一样,也能够神识不受束缚桎梏,能够洞察沼泽内的任何细微异动。”黑格看向米娅,吸了一口气,沉声道:“他应该知道你们行进的路线,所以才会提前准备,在你们过来之前设伏,给予你们重击。” Fei Erpu and Mi Ya people complexion big change, shows the expression that does not dare to believe that dull looks to Haig. 菲尔普米娅众人脸色大变,露出不敢置信的表情,呆呆的看向黑格 They know that this means anything...... 他们知道这意味着什么…… Haig for the successor of Bradley Family, obtains Essence on God Clan ancestor star Ancient God Continent, is having the exceptional superiority, this will set the strategy, aims at Desolate will strike a vicious blow to the major star territory future seed talents, will try to catch the whole lot in a dragnet. 黑格为布拉德利家族的继承人,在神族的祖星古神大陆上得到本源,拥有着得天独厚的优势,这才会定下计策,以“荒”为目标对各大星域未来的种子天才下毒手,试图一网打尽。 Reason that Haig has such confidence, on the one hand is God Clan influence powerful, on the other hand is he knows that he has the what kind superiority in Ancient Continent. 之所以黑格有如此信心,一方面是神族势力强悍,另外一方面就是他知道他在古大陆有着何等的优势。 Only then integrates Ancient Continent Essence Expert, can on Divine Sense in Desolate by restraint, unable accurate incomparable searches for the enemy, but can also assemble rich heaven and earth power, this kind of person, in Ancient Continent simply is existence that may be called goes against heaven's will. 只有融入古大陆本源强者,才能够在“荒”上神识不受束缚,能够精准无比的将敌人搜寻出来,还能调集浓郁的天地力量,这类人,在古大陆简直就是堪称逆天的存在。 Haig thinks, only then he receives the heaven to care, Fei Erpu and Mi Ya also similarly so believe that may suddenly they discover to be not true, completely was fearful. 黑格以为只有他一个人受到上天眷顾,菲尔普米娅也同样如此认为,可忽然间他们发现并非如此,不由地全部心寒了。 Haig, your really affirmation? If that fellow and you are equally abnormal, this your plan can achieve successfully?” Fei Erpu is anxious. 黑格,你真的肯定么?如果那家伙和你一样变态,这趟你的计划能不能成功达成?”菲尔普焦急起来。 Facial expression quiet cold Haig frowns, said lightly: Is and is not, I try then understood.” 神情幽冷的黑格皱着眉头,淡淡道:“是与不是,我尝试一下便知道了。” The words, he was in front of people to sit, suddenly forehead, one group of bright silver flame braved from his eye pupil, turning round trundle, with the Shi Yan vice- soul extremely similar! 话罢,他当着众人的面坐了下来,忽然一点眉心,一团亮银色火焰从他眼瞳内冒出来,滴溜溜的滚动着,和石岩的副魂极其的相似! In Haig that in front of the people sits well, revolution power deep meaning, here releases Divine Sense to fluctuate, is centered on toward peripheral extends, the speed is quite quick...... 在众人面前端坐的黑格,运转力量奥义,释放出神识波动,以这边为中心朝着周边延伸,速度极为快捷…… The Divine Sense place visited, any life fluctuation can map his heart, he as if many innumerable eyes , helping his bird's eye view swamp, gives to search for any slight corner, not louguo little life aura. 神识所过之处,任何的生命波动都会映入他心底,他仿佛多了无数的眼睛,帮助他俯瞰着沼泽,将任何细微的角落都给搜寻出来,不漏过一点点的生命气息 Fei Erpu, Mi Ya, watt and Peyton these God Clan clansmen, complexion heavy looks to Haig, silently is waiting. 菲尔普米娅、瓦特、佩顿这些神族的族人,面色沉重的看向黑格,都在默默地等候着。 Half sound, Haig eye suddenly one bright! 半响,黑格眼睛突然一亮! ...... …… The extremely far place, sits well in stone head Shi Yan, the complexion is fierce, the whole body malignant influences surge, in eyes full is cruel and ominous crazy, bloodthirsty and cruel facial expression, is Ferocious Beast is roaring likely, heartily evil spirit aura erupting. 极远之处,端坐在一块石头上的石岩,脸色狰狞,浑身煞气涌动,双眸中满是暴戾、凶狂、嗜杀、残忍的神情,像是一头凶兽在咆哮着,尽情将凶煞气息给爆发出来。 Negative Emotions emerge in the hearts, making him consciousness to confuse gradually, making his soul be similar to enters the crazy crazy region, only has the mania that murders negative. 一股股负面情绪涌入心间,让他意识渐渐迷惑起来,让他灵魂如同进入痴狂境地,只存有负面杀伐的狂躁。 His vice- soul is drifting in the air in the back of the head place, such as one group of flame, were not advocated the influence of soul by him. 他副魂在后脑勺处浮荡着,如一团火焰,不受他主魂的影响。 Ice-cold woods cold aura, transmits quickly from his Void Realm Ice Poison Bead, was similar to summer is irrigated bitter cold ice water, his manic mood rapid subsided. 一股冰冷森寒的气息,倏地从他虚界淬毒寒珠内传递出来,如同炎炎夏日被浇了一头酷寒冰水,他那狂躁的心境迅速的平息起来。 At this time, he suddenly gave birth to one by the feeling that the person peeped in secret, opened eyes fiercely, look indifferently heartless looked to the horizon, wisp of Divine Sense wind shot quickly. 就在这个时候,他忽然生出一股被人暗中窥视的感觉,猛地睁开眼,眼神漠然无情的看向天际,一缕神识倏地飙射出来。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 In his top of the head vault of heaven, brilliant electrical sparks jump to shoot, as if two lightning hits maliciously in together, release the intense Divine Sense fluctuation. 在他头顶苍穹处,一条条绚烂的电花迸射出来,仿佛有两道闪电狠狠的撞击在一块儿,释放出强烈的神识波动。 His God Body is out of control to shiver, the intuition brain painful penetrating heart, that wisp attaches Space Deep Meaning Divine Sense, was strangled to death to crush unexpectedly, making his soul receive not the small injury. 神体禁不住颤抖了一下,直觉脑子痛彻心扉,那一缕附有空间奥义神识,竟然被绞杀粉碎了,让他灵魂都受了不小的伤势。 Gains ground, the looks at nothingness place, his complexion becomes solemnly and respectfully is very dignified, is Divine Sense is continuously precise, such as the swift and fierce needle, punctures directly in the top of the head nothingness place. 抬起头,看着虚无处,他脸色变得无比肃穆凝重起来,又是一缕缕神识凝炼起来,如凌厉之极的针,直接刺在头顶虚无处。 Pa! Pa! 啪!啪! In the cloud layer lightning flash through, appears faint trace startled great wild goose present lightning glow in his top of the head, gives to crush these grey cotton cloud. 云层中一道道电光闪过,在他头顶显出一丝丝惊鸿一现的电芒,将那些灰色云棉都给粉碎掉。 Continuously Divine Sense that he releases, collides with the same swift and fierce point impact, shortly will crush, his Soul Altar shivered violently a instant, Sea of Consciousness Divine Sense by the disorder, Void Realm likely maliciously is punctured, making him have a headache to crack. 他释放出去的一缕缕神识,和同样的凌厉锋芒冲击碰撞,在顷刻间粉碎,他灵魂祭台猛烈颤抖了一霎,识海神识被紊乱,虚界都像是被狠狠刺了,让他头疼欲裂。 This is soul battle! 这是灵魂交战! I called Haig!” An ice-cold consciousness, ripples in his top of the head, where I know you, I will find you, and has killed you, you give me to wait well, Hahaha!” “我叫黑格!”一个冰冷的意识,在他头顶荡漾出来,“我知道你在什么地方,我会找到你,并且杀了你,你给我好好等着,哈哈哈!” The Shi Yan complexion suddenly becomes incomparable cloudy severe ugly, gains ground the looks at horizon, still static sitting. 石岩脸色忽然变得无比的阴厉难看,抬头看着天际,依然静静的坐着。 His whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something suddenly, on the face appears the pleasantly surprised happy expression, such a while, roams from his acupoint faint trace pure energy continuously, emerges his Essence Qi old tree fast, making his whole body power quickly vigorous. 他忽然浑身一个激灵,脸上显出惊喜的笑意,就这么一会儿,从他穴窍内流荡出丝丝缕缕的精纯能量,快速的涌入他精元古树,让他浑身力量很快浑厚起来。 As for strange aura of top of the head, is vanishes to disappear. 至于头顶的古怪气息,则是消失不见了。 ...... …… Another side, the Haig body shook several to shake, cloudy has smiled suddenly sadly. 另一边,黑格身躯震了几震,突地阴恻恻笑了起来。 Fei Erpu, Mi Ya and Peyton people serious looks to him, is waiting for his response, is quite at heart restless. 菲尔普米娅、佩顿众人都是严肃的看向他,等候着他的回应,一个个心里都颇为不安。 We guessed right, he was the same with me, obtained Ancient Continent Essence.” Haig gradually is unexpectedly excited, wonderful, wonderful! With me same can not by Desolate the restraint shackles, same can transfer heaven and earth energy, same fuses Essence flame, interesting! Too interesting!” “我们猜测的没错,他和我一样,都得到了古大陆本源。”黑格竟渐渐兴奋起来,“妙哉,妙哉!一个和我一样能够不受‘荒’的束缚桎梏,一样能调用天地能量,一样融合本源火焰者,有趣!太有趣了!” His complexion suddenly one positive, sinking sound track: I will kill him, fused his Essence, comes the achievement with him I. He is my this line of biggest harvests, Hahaha, my fate really nobody can!” 他脸色突然一正,沉声道:“我会将他杀死,将他的本源融合了,用他来成就我。他是我这一行最大的收获,哈哈哈,我的运道果然无人能及!” Fei Erpu, Mi Ya and the others are the facial expression greatly shake, secret surprised, big of every possible strange thing heaven and earth, really really has the fellow same to obtain Ancient Continent Essence with you, but can also ’ in meet inDesolate, perhaps during was dark had being doomed, must make you decide the victory and defeat.” Mi Ya said indifferently. 菲尔普米娅等人都是神情巨震,暗暗惊奇,“天地之大无奇不有,竟然真的有家伙和你一样得到古大陆本源,还能在‘荒’内相见,或许冥冥之中有了注定,要让你们分出胜负。”米娅淡然说道。 „Does he fight with me with what?” Haig cracks into a smile. “他拿什么与我斗?”黑格咧嘴一笑。 Mi Ya and Fei Erpu think that cannot help but gently nods, same sound track: Indeed, he cannot fight you.” 米娅菲尔普想了想,不由得轻轻点头,同声道:“的确,他斗不过你。” Watt, Peyton and the others indifferently have also smiled, in their eyes, by Shi Yan that Haig stares, is a deceased person. 瓦特、佩顿等人也是淡然笑了起来,在他们眼中,被黑格盯上的石岩,已经是个死人了。 „The life of this person, I must decide!” Haig has hesitated, said to Mi Ya and Fei Erpu: If your recuperation were good, we continue, I was impatient. From now on, we cannot relax, because the opposite party also knows our whereabouts.” “这个人的命,我要定了!”黑格沉吟了一下,冲米娅菲尔普说道:“如果你们休整好了,我们继续出发,我已经迫不及待了。从现在起,我们不能一丝放松,因为对方也知道我们的行踪。” We know how to do.” Fei Erpu nodded. “我们知道怎么做。”菲尔普点了点头 That.” Under Haig decides the order. “那就出发吧。”黑格下定命令。 Bradley, Fernandez, Warrior of Ascot three respected families, after his issuing an order, fast bustle about, relies on the direction that he directs to go forward...... RQ 布拉德利、费尔南德斯、阿斯科特三大家族的武者,在他的一声令下后,迅捷忙碌起来,依循他指点的方向前进……RQ
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