GOS :: Volume #12

#1146: Who is the pillar?

Thethi Asia just left, Shi Yan then fast plunders in all around, has arranged many small restriction quietly. 塞西lì亚刚一离开,石岩便在四周快速掠动,悄悄布置了不少小禁制 At once he sought trees of branches and leaves cover at will, then wormed one's way into, closes eye secret revolution power, comes to give to comb aura in whole body acupoint, making the mind calm down. 旋即他随意寻了一株枝叶茂密的树木,一头便钻了进去,闭上眼睛暗暗运转力量,来将浑身穴窍内的气息给梳理,让心神冷静下来。 Was struck Anto, Bai who Cheng and the others kills in the puddle, by, Shang Yingyue and the others, by Warrior of these Fernandez Families restriction kills, an essence quietly by his absorb, now completely is being purified in God Body acupoint. 在水潭中被击杀的安藤、白淏等人,被莫、沙、商影月等人,被禁制害死的那些费尔南德斯家族的武者,一身精气都悄悄被他吸纳,如今全部在神体穴窍内净化着。 This essence extreme full, during the process that the wash purifies, will let his obvious state of mind riot region, naturally cannot make Thethi Asia find. 这一股精气极为的充盈,在洗涤净化的过程当中,会让他显然神志暴乱境地,自然不能让塞西lì亚瞧见了。 Draws support after Star Brilliance fruit tree breakthrough to Void God Second Sky Realm, he[ body] in Essence Qi old tree obtained the astonishing growth, supernatural power extreme shortage. 借助于星耀果树突破虚神二重天境界以后,他〖体〗内的精元古树获得了惊人的生长,神力极为的欠缺。 After this Anto, Bai Cheng and the others died , the essence that overflows, can satisfy him exactly, making his Essence Qi old tree be full, lets his supernatural power vigorous fining, could achieve the Void God Second Sky peak condition directly, being helpful to him concentrating on trying to find out the deep meaning to realize from experience on. 这趟安藤、白淏等人死亡以后流溢出来的精气,恰恰可以满足他,让他的精元古树充盈起来,让他神力浑厚精炼,或许能够直接达到虚神二重天巅峰状态,有助于他将精力放在摸索奥义体悟上。 In the old tree, he settles sits calm, is waiting[ body] in purification of energy. 古树中,他安心静坐着,等候着〖体〗内能量的净化。 In high shrubberies, not, Sha Zhao and Brother Wu Feng, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan one line are dispersing, forms the circular arc shape faintly, with the aid of restores power in Divine Crystal. 一片齐腰高的灌木丛中,莫、沙鞪武枫兄弟、商影月、焦山一行人分散着,隐隐形成圆弧形状,都是借助于神晶来恢复力量 They know that each time relaxation time is precious, perhaps after the next war approaches, meets does not have the leisure for a long time, battle to dying ............ 他们都知道每一次的休息时间都弥足珍贵,或许下次大战来临以后,会很长时间没有闲暇,会一直争斗到死………… Therefore, so long as has the time they first as soon as possible[ body] in the supernatural power restores to come to deal with the future bad risk by the best condition well at all times, perhaps because of their discretion, they can compared with others live long time, not be struck to kill by Fei Erpu, Mi Ya and the others like these fellows very much early. 因此,只要一有时间他们都会先尽快将〖体〗内神力恢复过来好随时以最佳的状态应付未来的凶险,或许正是因为他们的谨慎,他们才能够比别人活的久,不像那些家伙很早前就被菲尔普米娅等人击杀。 don't, Wu Feng and Shang Yingyue three people, restore Divine Crystal in their hand to blast open first, changed into a place stone chip. 莫、武枫商影月三人,最先恢复过来他们手中的神晶炸裂掉,化为了一地石屑。 Wu Feng frowns, suddenly looks to Shang Yingyue, said: How is the fellow a person?” 武枫皱着眉头,忽然看向商影月,道:“那家伙是怎么一个人?” don't also earnestly looked to Shang Yingyue, the complexion was serious, said: His existence, concerns our life and death we to think that are many he to understand a point, please in detail say.” 莫也认真看向了商影月,脸色严肃,道:“他的存在,关乎我们所有人的生死我们想多他多了解一点,请你详细说说。” Can Divine Sense by Shi Yan of Ancient Continent shackles, not look like their eyes can help them lock the enemy, helping them be separated from the opposite party encirclement ring, the function is important. 能够神识不受古大陆桎梏的石岩,就像是他们的眼睛可以帮助他们锁定敌人,帮助他们脱离对方的包围圈,作用至关重要。 Said strictly that their life and death pinch in the hand of Shi Yan, if Shi Yan must be desirably cloudy they, they will stare at to progress by Fei Erpu, Mi Ya and Haig person to be struck extremely quickly to kill rapidly. 严格说起来,他们所有人的生死都捏在石岩的手中,如果石岩要刻意阴他们,他们都将极快被菲尔普米娅黑格的人盯上进而被迅速击杀。 don't and Wu Feng in the respective family are the leaders, does not like this type everywhere relying on others' feeling, will be afraid because of the misjudgment of Shi Yan, causing them to be annihilated, therefore has to be prudent. 莫、武枫在各自家族都是领军人物,不喜欢这种处处依赖别人的感觉,也害怕会因为石岩的错误判断,导致他们全军覆没,所以不得不慎重。 I am not quite familiar with him.” Shang Yingyue chilly pupil glittering, the long eyelash fanned was saying indifferently: He comes in Guide Fruit came from my father hand, because of this matter, I before has not come in hates him extremely......” “我对他不太熟悉。”商影月清冷的眸子闪烁了一下,长长睫毛扇动着淡然说道:“他进来的界引果从我父亲手中得来,因为这件事,我在没有进来之前极为恨他……” Shang Yingyue said simply one with process of Shi Yan understanding contact, then, has added: This fellow is unfeeling, is considering only himself, will not manage others' life and death. Said that if we cannot help him resist the God Clan clansman, if he can not draw support from our power to run away he not to manage our lives!” 商影月简单说了一番和石岩认识交往的经过,然后顿了一下,补充道:“这个家伙冷酷无情,只顾着自己,根本不会管别人的生死。这么说吧,如果我们不是能够帮助他抵挡神族族人,如果他可以不借助我们的力量逃遁他绝不会管我们的死活!” don't and Wu Feng their complexion slightly changes. 莫、武枫两人脸色微微一变。 Some people came!” “有人过来了!” The sand has stood suddenly, in his look the green spooky gloss continuous, seems drawing support the poisonous insect turbulently in sensation anything. 沙忽然站了起来,他眼神中绿幽幽的光泽动荡不休,似乎在借助于毒虫在感知什么。 After a while, the sand relaxed, said: Is Thethi Asia.” 过了一会儿,沙松了一口气,说道:“是塞西lì亚。” A people complexion loosen, remembers anything at once suddenly, looks change, called out by Mo Fou: That Shi Yan? Do you induce to him?” 众人脸色一松,旋即忽然想起什么,一个个眼神微变,由莫雬叫道:“那石岩呢?你感应到他没有?” Sha Zhao facial expression complex shaking the head of he, has not been only a Thethi Asia person.” 沙鞪神情复杂的摇了摇头“没有他,只是塞西lì亚一个人。” Still is sitting in meditation the cultivation person, has stood, has flustered, the complexion becomes quite make things difficult looked that Thethi Asia comes back to be useful! He is not, we radically are bright blind, how and does God Clan contend?” Wu Feng sound quiet cold say|way. 还在静坐修炼的人,一个个都站了起来,纷纷慌了,脸色变得颇为难看“塞西lì亚回来有什么用!他不在,我们根本就是亮眼瞎,怎么和神族抗衡?”武枫声音幽冷道。 The people are the secret nods, approves of the view of Wu Feng very much, in their mind the Shi Yan life wants Bisesi Asia valuable were too many. 众人都是暗暗点头,很赞同武枫的说法,在他们的心中石岩的性命要比塞西lì亚的值钱太多了。 Can be he had accident?” A humanity. “会不会是他出了意外?”一人道。 Everybody complexion gloomy gets up, Mo Fou coldly snorted, said fierce: Thethi Asia is really the waste, oneself came back, unexpectedly has not given the belt to come him!” 大家脸色都阴沉起来,莫雬冷哼一声,厉声道:“塞西lì亚真是废物,自己回来了,居然没有将他给带过来!” The people in abundance nod. 众人又是纷纷点头。 Who said that I am the waste?” “谁说我是废物?” Then in this time, the voice of Thethi Asia passed on, on her face covers entirely the cold frost, looks at indifferent looks at her fellow, only thought that a lot of grievance are depressed, is out of control to scold: „Are you concerned about face? The old ladies when with the Mi Ya person like mad, you safely restore power here, now I came back, but can also listen to your wind discouraging talk?” 便在此时,塞西lì亚的声音传了出来,她脸上布满寒霜,看着一个个冷眼看着她的家伙,只觉得一肚子委屈郁闷,禁不住骂了起来:“你们要不要脸?老娘在和米娅的人拼死拼活的时候,你们在这儿安然恢复力量,如今我回来了,还要听你们的风凉话?” Shi Yan?” 石岩呢?” Shi Yan where?” 石岩在何处?” Why does he not one and come back with you?” “为什么他没有和你一并回来?” Because of you, making him be injured, or had the accident?” “是不是因为你,让他受了伤,或者出了意外?” West nobody tube stopper the anger of Asia, is very direct inquiry Shi Yan trend, wants first to determine the Shi Yan life and death. 没人管塞西lì亚的愤怒,都是很直接的询问石岩的动向,都想要第一时间确定石岩的生死。 Thethi Asia looks at these faces, think whole body to be incapable suddenly, she realized suddenly she has no way with the Shi Yan battle, has no way to bargain back and forth, just like formerly Shi Yan said that if Shi Yan wants her dead, does not need to begin personally, so long as told not, Wu Feng them to be OK. 塞西lì亚看着这一张张脸,忽然觉得浑身无力,她突然意识到她没法和石岩争斗,没法进行讨价还价,正如先前石岩所说,如果石岩想要她死,都不需要亲自动手,只要告诉莫、武枫他们就可以了。 She thought immediately dejected, but, does not grumble he to be all right, but must cultivation a while, say alone can converge with us on own initiative.” 她立即觉得颓然无奈起来,也不发牢骚了“他没事,只是要单独修炼一会儿,说会与我们主动汇合的。” Such remarks, all people relaxed, the tight nerve relaxed, some leisure cared that she comes, talking at once inquired that she had anything, inquired restriction under their arrange to play the proper effect, whether the person heavy losses of Mi Ya. 此言一出,所有人都松了一口气,紧绷的神经放松了,这才有闲暇关心起她来,七嘴八舌的询问她发生了什么,询问他们布下的禁制有没有起到应有的效果,是否将米娅的人重创。 Bai Family four Warrior died completely, by me in water deep pool interior direct instant kill, cultivation flame deep meaning Warrior of Fernandez Family, fellow in Void God Third Sky!” Thethi Asia said proudly. 白家的四名武者全部死了,被我在水潭内直接秒杀了,连带着一名修炼火焰奥义的费尔南德斯家族的武者,那家伙在虚神三重天!”塞西lì亚傲然道。 The people all are the facial expression shake, Shang Yingyue is reveals obviously pleasantly surprised excited, fist tight is gripping, the tender body shivers slightly. 众人皆是神情一震,商影月更是露出明显的惊喜激动,拳头紧紧的攥着,娇躯微微颤抖。 Her dialog supports and the others Qiu Shensi, must eradicate the Bai Family person wholeheartedly, now listens to the spoken lines to support four people struck to kill, she naturally is out of control excited is wild with joy, the haze in heart seemed swept away. 她对白淏等人仇深似海,一心要将白家人铲除,如今听说白淏四人都被击杀,她自然禁不住的〖兴〗奋狂喜,心中的阴霾似乎都被一扫而空了。 restriction under your arrange, injured them, has killed 34 appearances, this Mi Ya they lost seriously seriously.” Thethi Asia continues to say. “你们布下的禁制,伤了他们所有人,杀了34个的样子,这趟米娅他们当真损失惨重。”塞西lì亚继续道。 People chuckled, like celebrating a holiday to shout joyfully, in the five years their stampede, throughout is inferior, cannot make Fei Erpu and Mi Ya pay the so heavy price, for them this is a rare successful battle, raises their morales extremely. 众人都嘿嘿笑了起来,一个个如过节般欣然嚷嚷起来,这五年来他们一路狼狈逃窜,始终处于劣势,从来没有能够让菲尔普米娅付出如此惨重代价的,对他们来说这是一次难得的胜仗,极其鼓舞他们的士气。 What is most splendid is Shi Yan, he seized Yue Man, demanded stiffly forcefully Mi Ya seven color ghost monster flower, but also caused heavy losses to Yue Man God Body.” Thethi said with a smile. “最精彩的还是石岩,他将约曼擒住了,硬生生将米娅的七彩鬼妖huā给强行索要回来,还将约曼神体重创了。”塞西lì亚笑道。 Really fierce!” “果然厉害!” Actually can one's old tricks heavy, there is one!” “竟然能够故技重施,有一手啊!” „Can this fellow repeatedly the key man catching? Too abnormal!” “这家伙怎么能够屡屡将关键人物给逮着啊?太变态了!” The people commended that excited inexplicable, as if thought that they hit won in Thethi Asia heart to smile bitterly, she knew in these person of eyes, only then Shi Yan was important, can lead everybody to take the means of livelihood, regardless of her merit were much big, truly had not been looked by the people in the eyeground. 众人纷纷称赞,一个个激动莫名,仿佛觉得他们自己打了打胜塞西lì亚心中苦笑,她知道在这些人眼中只有石岩才是重要的,才能够带领大家走出活路,不论她功劳多大,都没被众人真正看在眼底。 To put it bluntly, she cannot like Shi Yan, becomes the people eye, therefore cannot obtain this treatment. 说白了,她不能像石岩一样,成为众人的“眼睛”所以得不到这个待遇。 To this moment, Thethi Asia has also awakened, if she can have the support of Shi Yan, in this team she wants to make anything, the difficult matter, she secretly will not be considering, the eye appears the strange gloss, as if also had the new idea. 到了这一刻,塞西lì亚也醒悟过来,如果她能够得到石岩的支持,在这个队伍内她想做些什么,都不会难事,她心里暗暗思量着,眼睛浮现出奇异的光泽,似乎又有了新的想法。 Pothole Center everywhere, near the filthy lake, the Mi Ya people solemn look to Yue Man. 满地的坑洞〖中〗央,污浊的湖泊边上,米娅众人都神情肃穆的看向约曼 Swallowed has sized up medicinal pills Yue Man, after a long time digestion restoration, aura slowly was steady, the wound that the body split also slowly healed, now heavy has gone off, according to this trend, Yue Man God Body has preserved, later several years did not want forcefully revolution power, should not have big obstructing. 吞服了打量丹药约曼,经过很长一段时间的消化恢复,慢慢的气息平稳了,身上绽裂的伤口也都慢慢愈合,如今已经沉沉睡去了,按照这个趋势来看,约曼神体算是保住了,以后几年只要不强行运转力量,应该没有大碍。 Mi Ya relaxed, exhausted takes out Divine Crystal to restore power, the clansmen of these Fernandez Families, same sits well with her side Yue Man, is restoring fully. 米娅松了一口气,疲惫的取出神晶恢复力量,那些费尔南德斯家族的族人,也都和她一样端坐在约曼身旁,在全力恢复。 After a long time, Mi Ya opens eyes, suddenly coldly snorted. 不知道过了多久,米娅睁开眼,忽然冷哼一声。 silhouette appear, slowly came from the distance, Haig and Fei Erpu walk in together, expression strange looks at she, the looks at peripheral condition, the complexion is gradually dignified. 一道道身影显现出来,慢慢从远处走了过来,黑格菲尔普走在一道儿,表情怪异的看着她,看着周边的境况,脸色渐渐凝重起来。 Fei Erpu looks at Yue Man appearance, looked at the grave mound in distant place, in the eye appears the appearance that takes pleasure in others'misfortunes, pulls the mouth ice-cold has smiled. 菲尔普看着约曼的模样,又看了看远处的坟堆,眼中显出幸灾乐祸的模样,扯嘴冰冷的笑了起来。 Haig suddenly snort|hum. 黑格忽然哼了一声。 Fei Erpu shuts up immediately, the complexion appears wipes alarmed and afraid, dissolute countenance restraining, becomes somewhat is careful. 菲尔普立即闭嘴,脸色显出一抹惊惧,将放肆的嘴脸给收敛了,变得有些小心谨慎起来。 What had?” Haig frowns, deeply looks to Mi Ya, said: I induced to you had the fight, the energy fluctuation very intensely, can the opposite party trivial two people, give you these many heavy losses?” “发生了什么?”黑格皱着眉头,深深看向米娅,道:“我感应到你们这边发生了战斗,能量波动非常的强烈,难道对方区区两个人,就能够给予你们这么多的重创?” They the prepare, supposed layer on layer to ambush in these beforehand.” Mi Ya is biting the lip, stares at Haig saying: Your news not wrong, the fellow and a woman are in the lake, but you have not told us, they supposed restriction ahead of time!” “他们事先布置好了,在这些设下重重埋伏。”米娅咬着嘴唇,盯着黑格道:“你的消息没有错,那家伙和一个女人在湖泊中,可你没有告诉我们,他们提前设下了禁制!” Haig stares, no wonder that: I do not have that many energy to go every second to stare at them, but opposite party only then two people, haven't you struck to massacre them?” 黑格一愣,古怪道:“我没有那么多精力去每一秒都盯着他们,但对方只有两个人,你们难道没有击杀掉他们?” Fellow cultivation Strength of Space!” Mi Ya cold voice reminder he, if runs away wholeheartedly, we very difficult to retain him, in brief he is very formidabe.” “那家伙修炼空间之力!”米娅冷声提醒“他如果一心逃走,我们很难将他留住,总之他很难对付。” Haig knits the brows, shook the head saying: Should not be this.” 黑格皱眉,摇了摇头说道:“应该不是这样的。”
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