GOS :: Volume #12

#1145: Must recompense to hope

Chapter 1121 must recompense to hope 第1121章得偿所愿 You know that I want anything.( ** Net “你知道我想要什么。(**网” Is holding under duress Yue Man, Shi Yan manner nature is serene, static looks to Mi Ya, the corners of the mouth is holding the ice-cold happy expression. 挟持着约曼,石岩神态自然安详,静静的看向米娅,嘴角噙着冰冷笑意。 Was collaborating to shell that mud deep pool the clansman of Fernandez Family, suddenly calls a halt, the complexion becomes the yin cold is extremely angry, gathers the vision on Shi Yan. 本来正联手轰击那泥浆潭的费尔南德斯家族的族人,忽然停手,脸色变得极其阴寒愤怒,纷纷将目光聚集在石岩身上。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! A rapid current of water floats rises, the fluent wave peak is standing Cecilia, being panic-stricken on her face is nothing left, instead giggle smiles tenderly, lithe is dragging the slender astonishing waist, floating falls toward Shi Yan. 一条湍急水流浮升,水流波浪顶端站着塞西莉亚,她脸上的惊慌失措荡然无存,反而咯咯娇笑起来,轻盈的摇曳着纤细惊人的腰肢,飘然朝着石岩落去。 The clansmen of these Fernandez Families, have not dared to act rashly, helplessness of one face. 那些费尔南德斯家族的族人,没有一个胆敢轻举妄动,都一脸的无奈。 The Mi Ya fine cheek is twisting, the corner of the eye flood the woods cold envy and hate, she deeply is inspiring, was been forcefully calm by oneself, has given a hand signal to the clansmen of these Fernandez Families. 米娅精美的脸蛋拧着,眼角都泛着森寒忌恨,她深吸一口气,强行让自己镇定下来,冲那些费尔南德斯家族的族人做了一个手势。 All people are peaceful, disperses according to her hand signal, they layer on layer surrounds Shi Yan and Cecilia instantaneously. 所有人都安静下来,按照她的手势分散开来,瞬间将石岩塞西莉亚两人重重包围。 Mi Ya Young Lady, please leave alone my life and death, immediately strike to massacre this person!” 米娅小姐,请别管我的生死,将此人立即击杀掉!” Held under duress Yue Man look is dejected, the abdomen blood is flowing, but he does not have tiny bit alarmed and afraid restless, is still calm: He is more dangerous than anybody, if he is living, will affect my clan important matter!” 被挟持的约曼眼神颓然苦涩,腹部鲜血流淌着,可他却没有一丝一毫的惊惧不安,依然镇定道:“他比任何人都要危险,如果他活着,将会影响我族大计!” Yue Man perceived the huge threat from Shi Yan. 约曼石岩身上觉察到了巨大威胁。 In that instant that Shi Yan three Bone Thorn appear, he then had the vigilance, precise came out to guard against whole body power, may in the Shi Yan ominous crazy terrifying three power offensive, he unable to support, was imprisoned stiffly by Shi Yan. 石岩三根骨刺浮现的那一霎,他便有了警惕性,将全身力量都凝炼出来防备了,可在石岩凶狂恐怖的三种力量攻势中,他还是没有能够撑得住,硬生生被石岩禁锢住。 When Bone Thorn inserts his abdomen, Yue Man whole body ice-cold, the innermost feelings give birth to alarmed and afraid, he starts to face up to Shi Yan power, suddenly discovered that excels at Space Deep Meaning, and real power powerful fellow keeps in swamp, to their God Clan simply is the timing bomb, does not know when will erupt. 骨刺插入他腹部的时候,约曼浑身冰冷,内心生出一丝惊惧,他开始正视石岩力量,忽然发现一名擅长空间奥义,并且真实力量强悍的家伙留在沼泽内,对他们神族简直就是定时炸弹,不知道何时会爆发。 He had understood suddenly the Fei Erpu mood, understands Fei Erpu by no means really incompetently, but was match too powerful. ** Net 他忽然理解了菲尔普的心情,理解菲尔普并非真的无能,而是对手太强悍了。**网 I do not know that you want anything, can explain.” “我不知道你想要什么,能不能说明白一点。” Mi Ya has not gone to look at Yue Man, has not listened to his persuasion, but coldly is staring at Shi Yan, the heart inside is considering fast, how must deal with this difficulty. 米娅没有去看约曼,也没听他的劝说,只是冷冷盯着石岩,心里面快速的思量着,要如何应付这个难关。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” Pricks Bone Thorn of Yue Man abdomen, mixed quickly, the blood has spluttered suddenly from the slit mouth, gave the front bits of grass incarnadine. 刺入约曼腹部的骨刺,倏地搅动了一下,鲜血忽然从缝隙口溅射出来,将前方草屑都给染红。 The Yue Man complexion in vain appears the color of sudden pain, actually stiffly clenches the teeth, was not called by oneself, but shameless on graceful already vanished does not see, has become the dark green white, obviously painful heavy. 约曼脸色徒然显出急剧痛苦之色,却硬生生咬紧牙关,不让自己呼叫出来,但老脸上的优雅早已消失不见,成了苍白色,显然痛的不轻。 Shi Yan is calm and composed even in press of work looks to Mi Ya, on the face is hanging cold severe the happy expression, said: I know that your God Clan resiliency is astonishing, most injuries can restore, but...... The ache can never suppress, do you know the feeling of ache?” 石岩好整以暇的看向米娅,脸上挂着冷厉的笑意,道:“我知道你们神族恢复力惊人,大多数伤势都能恢复过来,不过……疼痛是永远不能抑制的,你知道疼痛的感觉么?” He grins fiendishly suddenly, is new Bone Thorn splits towering reveals, he grasps conveniently, punctures maliciously in the Yue Man thigh, at once raises Bone Thorn to paddle in the Yue Man thigh slowly...... 他忽然狞笑起来,又是一根新的骨刺突兀绽显,他随手一抓,狠狠刺在约曼腿部,旋即提着骨刺约曼腿部慢慢划动着…… Yue Man cannot withstand eventually, eyes violent crazy sound suddenly whooshes, whole body convulsion is shivering, that leg directly a long bloodstain of profound bone to inter the body, obviously extremely alarmed. 约曼终究承受不住,双眸暴突的狂声嘶吼起来,浑身痉挛的颤抖着,那条腿直接多了一条深刻入骨的长长血痕,显的极为的触目惊心。 The clansman of many Fernandez Family, is a whole body round of cold, has the shall be grateful as a personal favor fear, some people do not even endure to witness that will leave, does not look at the Yue Man miserable type. 很多费尔南德斯家族的族人,皆是浑身发寒,有种感同身受的恐惧,其中一些人甚至不忍目睹,将头别了过来,不去看约曼的惨样。 Pu! 噗! The blood splash, some blood even such as the blood splash falls to the side Cecilia clothing, a Cecilia face loathing is alarmed and afraid, withdraws hurriedly one step, drew Shi Yan behind, looked that was quite complex to the Shi Yan vision. 鲜血飞溅,部分鲜血甚至如血花落向旁边塞西莉亚的衣衫上,塞西莉亚一脸厌恶惊惧,急忙后撤一步,拉到了石岩身后,看向石岩的目光颇为复杂。 Really ruthless severe cruel! 果然狠厉残忍! Cecilia shouted secretly lightly, in the heart set firm resolve, if with Shi Yan for the enemy, rather instantaneously were struck to kill by him, cannot fall to his hand, this fellow simply did not have the human nature. 塞西莉亚暗暗轻呼,心中下定了决心,如果与石岩为敌了,宁愿被他给瞬间击杀,也千万不能落到他手上,这家伙根本没有人性的。 I give you!” “我给你!” The Mi Ya silver tooth straight sound, the beautiful face scarlet sheds gradually, she no longer prepares to beat around the bush, then makes Yue Man withstand suffers. Kaaba latest chapter 米娅银牙咯嘣直响,绝美的脸庞血色渐渐褪掉,她不再准备拐弯抹角,进而让约曼承受更多折磨。圣堂最新章节 She touches the verdant ring that started, a gloss flashes through, magnificent crystal appears together suddenly, in crystal a monster different fresh flower is in full bloom, such as the beautiful woman smiles...... 她摸了一下手上的青翠戒指,一点光泽闪过,一块瑰丽的水晶忽然浮现出来,水晶内一株妖异的鲜花盛开着,如美人微笑…… crystal is fluttering, little transferring to Shi Yan, is releasing light monster evil aura, making people very easily can perceive the interior is containing astonishing energy fluctuation. 水晶飘荡着,一点点的挪移向石岩,释放着淡淡妖邪气息,让人很轻易的能觉察到内部蕴藏着的惊人能量波动。 Cecilia beautiful pupil one bright, is staring at that seven color ghost Demon Flower dedicated looks at, narrows the eye to induce silently, before that Demon Flower comes, suddenly said: This definitely does not have issue, aura is right, the power fluctuation is also consistent, should right.” 塞西莉亚美眸一亮,盯着那株七彩鬼妖花专注的看着,眯着眼睛默默感应,在那妖花过来之前,忽然道:“这一株肯定没问题,气息都对,力量波动也是一致的,应该没错了。” I will not crack a joke with Uncle Yue Man life.” Mi Ya is cold the face to drink tenderly: A bit faster has not released people!” “我不会拿约曼叔叔的性命开玩笑。”米娅寒着脸娇喝:“还不快点放人!” Shi Yan lifts hand one move, tows that crystal by energy, income Imaginary Space Ring easily, then grins Hehe to smile, said: Waits a bit the moment, we left this space first, how could it not be otherwise can be ganged up to surround and beaten up by you until death?” 石岩抬手一招,以能量将那水晶牵引过来,轻易的收入幻空戒,然后才咧嘴嘿嘿一笑,道:“稍等片刻,我们先出了这块空间,不然岂非要被你们围殴至死?” Mi Ya and casualties of Fernandez Family clansman, all are the restriction rare treasure that because Mo Fou, Sha Zhao, Wu Feng and Shang Yingyue people leave behind causes, does not have many relations with him, he has the precise estimate cognition to the Mi Ya people strength, knows that solely a Mi Ya person can tie down him, making him very difficult to win. 米娅和费尔南德斯家族族人的伤亡,皆是因为莫雬沙鞪武枫商影月众人留下的禁制秘宝引起,和他没有多少关系,他对米娅众人实力有着精确的估量认知,知道单单米娅一个人就能缠住他,让他很难获胜。 Cecilia absolutely could not deal with remaining Warrior, if gathered round, cannot escape to instantaneously, he had a blind alley. 塞西莉亚又绝对应付不了剩下的武者,如果被围着了,不能瞬间遁离出去,他只有一条死路。 Mi Ya has not spoken, look dreary waves to the family clansmen, these people know the limitation, makes way on own initiative a way, allows to pass to Shi Yan and Cecilia. 米娅没有讲话,眼神阴郁的冲家族族人挥挥手,那些人非常识相,主动让开一条路径,对石岩塞西莉亚放行。 Shi Yan is still holding under duress Yue Man, in vision that in the Mi Ya people must kill people, not anxiously not slow by this region good, when to him discovered that the space returns to normal, this to Cecilia nodded, Cecilia on own initiative personal closes up toward him, the plentiful left hand will entangle on his crook of the elbow, the whole face is the joyful happy expression. 石岩依然挟持着约曼,在米娅众人要杀人的目光中,不急不缓的由这一块区域行了出去,待到他发现空间恢复正常,这才对塞西莉亚点了点头,塞西莉亚主动朝着他贴身靠拢过来,将丰腴的左手缠在他臂弯上,满脸都是愉悦的笑意。 Mi Ya, we must walk, anticipates very much with your next meeting.” Cecilia teased with ease. 米娅啊,我们就要走了,很期待与你们的下次见面。”塞西莉亚轻松调侃道。 You will die! I ensure you will die!” Mi Ya cold voice said. “你们都会死!我保证你们都会死!”米娅冷声道。 Shi Yan stopped suddenly, immediately has not actually let loose Yue Man, knits the brows to stare at Mi Ya, suddenly said: Asked that your matter, your Fernandez Families and Ascot Families collaborate, has the invasion to Agate Star Field?” 石岩忽然停了下来,却没有立即放开约曼,皱眉盯着米娅,忽然说道:“问你一个事情,你们费尔南德斯家族和阿斯科特家族联手,是不是对玛琊星域有个入侵行动?” Mi Ya has been startled being startled, at once mixes the nod that does not care about, good, but also has added on Bai Family, must annex with joint forces Agate Star Field, in advance made a final decision including the benefit division. This matter mainly by Ascot Family connecting rod, we and Bai Family is only the coordination, this matter and your what Gan?” 米娅怔了怔,旋即混不在意的点头,“不错,还加上了白家,要合力将玛琊星域吞并掉,事前连利益划分都敲定了。这件事主要由阿斯科特家族牵手,我们和白家只是配合,此事与你何干?” Change on her looks at Shi Yan face, understood suddenly, „are you Agate Star Field person?” 看着石岩脸上的变化,忽然间明白了过来,“你是玛琊星域的人?” „...... Bai Family and Ascot Family and Fernandez Family, are very good, is very good.” Shi Yan muttered whispers, said with a smile to the Mi Ya callous ferocity: On this Ancient Continent, I will be little your tripartite people have accepted uncritically, I will make your three parties die in Ancient Continent, first asks for a price to your clansmen.” “……白家、阿斯科特家族、费尔南德斯家族,很好,很好。”石岩喃喃低语,冲着米娅冷酷的狞笑道:“在这古大陆上,我会一点点将你们三方的人生吞活剥了,我会让你们三方都死在古大陆,先向你们的族人讨点代价。” kacha!” 咔嚓!” The Yue Man whole body skeleton crushes suddenly, blood vessel as if also directly explodes, in God Body the blood has welled up uncontrolled, shamelessly was similar to put to death by dismemberment, obviously made a debut a bloodstain. 约曼浑身骨骼突然粉碎,血管似乎也直接爆裂掉,神体内鲜血不受控制的涌了出来,老脸如同被凌迟了,显出道道血痕。 Person I gave you.” Shi Yan grins to smile, does not extinguish the powerful degree of body by your God Clan, he fully restores should not to have the issue, but requires period of long time, but the person is living, is not considered as that I breaks a contract, you put best into it.” “人我给你了。”石岩咧嘴笑着,“以你们神族不灭体的强悍程度,他完全恢复应该没有问题,不过需要一段漫长时间罢了,但人是活着的,不算是我违约,你们好自为之。” Lets loose the hand softly, Yue Man such as a beach mud on the ground, he is bringing Cecilia, submerges toward the slit mouth of behind tearing together, does not see instantaneously. 放开手,约曼如一滩烂泥般软在地上,他则是带着塞西莉亚,往身后一道撕裂的缝隙口没入,瞬间不见。 I will kill you! I will certainly kill you! I pledged!” “我会杀了你!我一定会杀了你!我发誓!” The scream of Mi Ya hysteria, rushed to side Yue Man hurriedly, looks at God Body heavy losses Yue Man, her without hesitation in clear fragrant and mellow medicinal pills Imaginary Space Ring takes out, altogether squeezes in the Yue Man mouth, shouted to clear the way hurriedly: Supports! Uncle Yue Man you must support! Must emit as soon as possible medicinal pills energy, this can a quicker restoration.” 米娅歇斯底里的尖叫起来,急忙冲到了约曼身旁,看着神体重创的约曼,她毫不犹豫的将幻空戒内许多晶莹醇香的丹药取出,一股脑的塞入约曼的口中,急忙喝道:“撑住!约曼叔叔你一定要撑住!要尽快将丹药能量散溢掉,这样才能更快的恢复过来。” The Yue Man whole face bloodstain, the corners of the mouth also spit the bleeding bubble, appearance that suffocation, in Mi Ya drinks to weep and wail tenderly, the revolution that strives power, is coming the strength of absorb within the body medicinal pills. 约曼满脸血迹,嘴角也吐出血泡,一副奄奄一息的模样,在米娅的娇喝哭喊中,勉力的运转着力量,来吸纳体内丹药之力。 All in addition is surviving clenching jaws that the clansman of Fernandez Family, the looks at Yue Man so appearance, hates, the complexion cloudy severe fearfulness, pledged in heart secretly that certainly will be cut to pieces Shi Yan, making him die like a dog! 所有尚且存活着的费尔南德斯家族的族人,看着约曼如此模样,都恨的咬牙切齿,一个个脸色阴厉的可怕,暗暗在心底发誓,一定会将石岩千刀万剐,让他不得好死! ...... …… Splash! 扑通! Shi Yan and Cecilia let fall suddenly in puddle, to Yue Man and Mi Ya direction the extremely far, short time they had affirmed that cannot pursue. 石岩塞西莉亚忽然垂落在水潭中,离约曼米娅的方向已经极远,短时间他们肯定追击不上。 Cecilia still grips the tight Shi Yan arm, full abundant twin peaks tight post very on his arm, heavy, lets person very easy blood spray out, her beautiful leg has swayed, then floats from deep water, a face charming looks to Shi Yan, pretty saying: Good younger brother, I to help you obtain the thing, you should promise me , helping thing that I obtained me to need?” 塞西莉亚依然攥紧石岩臂膀,饱满丰挺的双峰紧紧贴在他手臂上,沉甸甸的,让人很容易血脉喷张,她美腿晃荡了一下,便从潭水内浮出来,一脸娇媚的看向石岩,娇滴滴的说道:“好弟弟,我帮助你将东西得到了,你是不是应该答应我,帮我得到我需要的东西?” Charming of her face, winning smile is graceful, the beautiful pupil overflows to fill the anticipation. 她一脸的妩媚,巧笑盈盈,美眸溢满着期待。 „After this matter, said again.” Shi Yan indifferent arm, since she threads up works loose, knitting the brows head, „the Mi Ya main force , the Fei Erpu person is safe and sound, fellow can powerful that comes newly, live central region unsealed in swamp, I have not grasped, discussed that a farther matter wastes the energy radically.” “这件事以后再说吧。”石岩冷漠的将手臂从她紧扣中挣脱,皱了皱眉头,“米娅主力还在,菲尔普的人安然无恙,新过来的家伙更加强悍,能不能在沼泽内活到中央区域解封,我都没有把握,谈更远的事情根本就是浪费精力。” The Cecilia complexion changes, stared at Shi Yan deeply to look some little time, criticized this bastard to have a falling out, had no alternative. 塞西莉亚脸色一变,盯着石岩深深看了好一会儿,暗骂这混蛋翻脸无情,却又无可奈何。 Mo Fou they where, should we converge with them rapidly?” She has hesitated, is constraining the anger forcefully, earnest asking. 莫雬他们在什么地方,我们是不是应该迅速和他们汇合了?”她沉吟了一下,强行压抑着怒气,认真的问道。 You pass first, I must cultivation a while, I not like being disturbed alone.” Shi Yan aims at a direction at will, said lightly: From this walks, most -and-a-half double-hour, you can definitely meet Mo Fou they.” “你先过去,我要单独修炼一会儿,我不喜欢被人打搅。”石岩随意指向一个方向,淡淡说道:“由此走,最多一个半时辰,你肯定能够遇到莫雬他们。” In Cecilia heart one cold, a face doubt looked that to direction that he directs, saying of complexion unnatural: That, I...... I and you, I can help you Protector together.” 塞西莉亚心中一寒,一脸狐疑的看向他指点的方向,脸色不自然的说道:“那个,我……我和你一道儿吧,我可以帮你护法的。” „Haven't I talked clearly? My cultivation time does not like being disturbed!” Shi Yan knits the brows. “我没说清楚么?我修炼的时候不喜欢被人打搅!”石岩皱眉。 Cecilia is a lot, sent regards to his ancestor 18 generations, finally must force oneself to look cheerful, leaves by the direction that he directs, the complexion, all the way careful looking all around, for fear that Shi Yan gave her to direct a blind alley to come out prudently...... RQ 塞西莉亚一肚子恼火,将他祖宗18代都问候了一遍,最终还得强颜欢笑,以他指点的方向离开,脸色慎重之极,一路上小心的环顾四周,生怕石岩给她指点了一条死路出来……RQ
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