GOS :: Volume #12

#1142: Has the accident suddenly

In swamp, the group have restrained aura, has postponed the footsteps, is moving under water quietly. 沼泽内,一行人收敛了气息,放缓了脚步,悄悄潜行着。 Is one person is Yue Man, he frowns tightly, the eye is releasing spooky lightning, as if must see clearly the distant place to have anything, very caution and care. 为首一人乃约曼,他紧皱着眉头,眼睛释放着幽幽电光,似乎要看清远处到底有着什么,非常的谨慎小心。 Mi Ya and clansmen of Fernandez Family draw in the rear area, has not revealed one does not bear, was waiting for direction of Yue Man, they trust the judgment of Yue Man. 米娅和费尔南德斯家族的族人拉在后方,没有流露出一丝的不耐,都在等待着约曼的指引,他们都信赖约曼的判断。 „A Haig news not careless mistake.” Yue Man investigated a while, suddenly stopped, looked appears the limpid lake that from afar to the front, said in a soft voice: Formerly these people gathered around, they as if also tossed about a while...” 黑格的消息没有一丝纰漏。”约曼探查了一会儿,忽然停了下来,远远看向前方显现出来的清澈湖泊,轻声道:“先前那些人大多数在附近聚集,他们似乎还折腾了一会儿…” Yue Man has dug out one group the under foot moist soil, the finger is rubbing, looks to nearby trees, knits the brows: These people have taken a walk in neighbor many places, likely is, has arranged anything.” 约曼将脚下潮湿泥土抠了一团,手指搓揉着,又看向旁边的树木,皱眉道:“这些人在附近很多地方走动过,像是,布置了什么。” Mi Ya has gawked , her fair left hand has lifted up high suddenly high. 米娅愣了下,她那白皙左手忽然高高举了起来。 The clansmen of all Fernandez Families, fiercely halt, stay are freezing, is a face alert looks to all around. 所有费尔南德斯家族的族人,都猛地止步,停留在原地不动,皆是一脸戒备的看向四周。 You were said that possibly some people have arranged restriction?” Mi Ya earnest inquiry. “你是说可能有人布置了禁制?”米娅认真询问。 Yue Man nodded, aims at the front land, is towering trees, the shrubbery of cover, affirmative reply: From the small sign, the opposite party once had definitely fudged , the suitable secret that does, is good because of me in this field of endeavor immerse many years, can see their petty actions.” 约曼点了点头,指向前方土地,耸立着的树木,茂密的灌木丛,肯定的回答:“从微小的迹象来看,对方肯定曾经动过手脚,做的还相当的隐秘,好在我在此道浸没多年,能看出他们的小动作。” Really is strange.” In the Mi Ya heart is astonished however, none who does not becomes they knows us to be able way place? Otherwise, why can suppose restriction here?” “真是奇怪啊。”米娅心中讶然,“莫不成他们知道我们会途径此地?若不然,为什么要在这儿设下禁制?” This I was not quite clear.” This is also place that Yue Man puzzles. “这我就不太清楚了。”这也正是约曼迷惑不解的地方。 They do not know that Shi Yan is the same with Haig, can Divine Sense by the Ancient Continent shackles, unable from their direction judgments their roads which must be taken, therefore prepares ahead of time, this lets them is very amazed. 他们并不知道石岩黑格一样,也能神识不受古大陆的桎梏,能从他们的方向判断出他们的必经之路,所以提前进行准备,这让两人很是惊诧。 Perhaps not also or Haig also has the possibility in view of us in view of Fei Erpu, but we want the caution and care in any event.” Mi Ya thinks that suddenly has smiled, turns head to support four humanity white: You search the front condition.” “或许不是针对我们针对菲尔普亦或者黑格也有可能,不过不论如何我们都要谨慎小心。”米娅想了一想,忽然笑了起来,回头冲白淏四人道:“你们探探前面的状况吧。” Supports four people of complexions simultaneously to sink white. 白淏四人脸色同时一沉。 Purity that the dialog of Mi Ya and Yue Man they listen , the front seems like in the ordinary muddy land, bush and grove, may proliferate the bad risk, possibly the important person life, the Mi Ya for fear that family clansmen will be injured, clarify have wanted to let them, when cannon fodder this made Bai Cheng and the others in the heart give birth to angry but them not to dare to reveal that at this time Mi Ya the influence was too strong, has shown overwhelming powerful, and before they came, had been told by Family Head, must listen to the order of Mi Ya. Bai Chengzhi can brace oneself to comply. 米娅约曼的对话他们听的一清二楚,前方看似平常的泥地、灌木、树丛中,都有可能遍布凶险,可能会要人性命,米娅生怕自己家族族人受伤,摆明了想让他们当炮灰这让白淏等人心中都生出了怒但他们不敢表露出来,此时米娅这边势力太强,展现了压倒性的强悍,并且他们过来之前也被家主吩咐过,要听米娅的命令。白淏只能硬着头皮答应下来。 Everybody is careful, front is not quite possibly wonderful.” His mind one tight, suddenly the entire gods urge to send within the body supernatural power discretely gradually, revolve the whole body. “大家都小心一点,前面可能不太妙。”他心神一紧,忽然全神谨慎将体内神力渐渐催发,运转全身。 Three other Bai Family masters, is studying him, first congeals the supernatural power, the warhawk and python illusion that then the revolution power deep meaning, will transform in abundance evolve the main body to keep freezing, calls to illusion to search researching toward the front unexpectedly, the speed also puts is quite slow. 其余三名白家的高手,也纷纷学着他,先是将神力凝结,进而运转力量奥义,纷纷将幻化的战鹰、巨蟒幻象衍变出来本体留着原地不动,招唤着幻象往前方探察究竟,速度还放的极为缓慢。 The Mi Ya ice-cold pupil flashes before stern countenance, coldly looks at supports four people of motions white, turns head to hint the clansmen of Fernandez Family to withdraw slightly. 米娅冰冷的眸子闪现一丝厉色,冷冷看着白淏四人的行动,回头示意费尔南德斯家族的族人稍稍后撤一点。 Lake bottom several hundred meters. 湖底数百米。 Shi Yan in transparent air bubble, still two hands grab the Cecilia arm, such as the intimate spousal atmosphere appears is enticing/charming and gentle may very much ambiguous he, is the Cecilia facial expression is stern, before the eye glittering the war is approaching urgent solemn and respectful. 透明气泡中的石岩,依然两只手将塞西莉亚臂膀抓着,如亲密无间的爱人气氛显得很是旖旎暧昧可不论是他,还是塞西莉亚都神情严峻,眼中闪烁着大战来临前的紧迫肃穆。 What kind of?” Cecilia aspirates, if blue said in a soft voice, in the beautiful pupil overflows restlessly completely anxious. “怎么样?”塞西莉亚吐气若兰的柔声道,美眸中溢满不安紧张。 Her body supernatural power such as brook revolutions continuous and lake internal size air bubbles echo faintly, in these air bubbles energy of explosive force seems to be consistent with her thought that momentarily can give blasting open by her. 她身躯神力如一条条溪流运转不休和湖泊内部一个个大小不等的气泡隐隐呼应,那些气泡内爆炸力的能量似乎和她念头一致,随时都能由她给炸裂。 These air bubbles are an unusual rare treasure, can gather the heaven and earth water vapor in lake sea' compression for explosive energy, once stimulated to movement to form extremely fearsome power raging tide instantaneously, is she refines personally, she fully realizes the air bubble might terrifying. 那些气泡乃是一种奇特的秘宝,能聚集湖泊海洋内的天地水汽′压缩为爆炸性的能量,一经催动出来会瞬间形成极为可怖的力量狂潮,是她亲手炼制而成,她深知气泡威力的恐怖 She is prepares to draw support the instantaneous destructiveness of air bubble, gives Mi Ya and the others to cause heavy losses, increases many survival chips to oneself. 她是准备借助于气泡的瞬间破坏性,给予米娅等人重创,给自己增添更多的生存筹码。 Plan of this laying an ambush, by her was proposed and formulates, she does not want to present any basket, making the people suspect her ability, therefore she is anxious. 这个设伏的计划,也是由她提出并且制定的,她不想出现什么篓子,让众人怀疑她的能力,所以她紧张不安。 „It is not quite smooth.” “不太顺利。” The Shi Yan complexion was solemn, shot a look at her one eyes, closed one's eyes, the vice- soul of cerebellum place such as the flame was gyrating, released the soul to fluctuate. 石岩脸色冷峻,瞥了她一眼,又闭上眼,后脑处的副魂如火焰旋动着,释放出灵魂波动。 Cecilia mind one tight, shouted tenderly: What situation?” 塞西莉亚心神一紧,娇呼道:“什么一个情况?” That Yue Man as if is extremely good at catching the clues, he had discovered probably anything, the Mi Ya person stopped now completely, Mi Ya sent the white person to be the cannon fodder to nose probably. “那个约曼似乎极为擅长捕捉蛛丝马迹,他好像发现了点什么,如今米娅的人全部停了下来,米娅好像派遣白的人来做炮灰查探了。 Opens the eye, Shi Yan knitting the brows head, said: That is Yue Man skilled person of chase, any small sign appears, will be related by him, then catches many news?” ”张开眼,石岩皱了皱眉头,说道:“那约曼是不是追逐的好手,任何一点小迹象显现出来,都会被他联系起来,进而捕捉到许多的消息?” Damn it! Left out this fellow!” Cecilia regrets suddenly that said anxiously: In the five years, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu they with the aid are different in tracing of Yue Man, can times find us, although was inferior fellow Divine Sense hiding capacity powerful that you said is pure, but Yue Man indeed is also very uncommon.” 该死的!漏掉这个家伙了!”塞西莉亚猛然懊悔起来,焦急道:“这五年来,米娅菲尔普他们就是借助于约曼的追踪殊,才能一次次将我们重新找到,虽然不如你说的家伙神识覆盖力强悍精纯,但约曼也的确很不凡。” It seems like the plan possibly could not receive expectation effect.” Shi Yan touches the chin, brain lightning glittering, is considering anything fast. “看来计划可能收不到预期效果了。”石岩摸了摸下巴,脑子电光闪烁着,在快速思量着什么。 „, Shang Yingyue to arrange these restriction, consumed many precious to attack spiritual tool, if cannot receive the effect, they must depressed spitting blood, we also fear that did not have next the opportunity of laying an ambush.” Cecilia black eyebrows tightens, charming cheek full is the anxious look, in hardship is seeking for the strategy of reverse. “莫、沙、商影月为了布置那些禁制,耗费了不少的珍贵攻击法器,如果不能收到效果,他们必会郁闷的吐血,我们也怕是没有下一次设伏的机会了。”塞西莉亚黛眉紧锁,娇媚的脸蛋满是愁容,在苦苦的寻找着扭转的计策。 Oh? 咦? Shi Yan shouted one suddenly lightly. 石岩突地轻呼一声。 Wait a moment!” 等一下!” Evolves respectively in Bai Cheng illusion, step by step goes when toward the lake position line, Mi Ya suddenly makes noise to stop. 在白淏分别衍变出幻象,一步步朝着湖泊方位行去之时,米娅忽然出声制止了。 All people are astonished unclearly looks to her, Bai Chenggeng is the complexion is ugly, is restraining own temperament forcefully, suspends a dirty look saying: Mi Ya Young Lady, what other instruction do you have?” 所有人都惊愕不明的看向她,白淏更是脸色难看,强行克制着自己的脾气,摆着一张臭脸道:“米娅小姐,你还有什么别的吩咐?” Mi Ya gives a calm smile suddenly, waves saying: Do not worry temporarily, said in that lake to understand that according to Haig utilized the Space Deep Meaning fellow, once you triggered restriction, he will leave to leave immediately, we were difficult to surround him.” 米娅忽然淡然一笑,挥手道:“你们暂时别着急,按照黑格所言那湖泊中有懂得运用空间奥义的家伙,一旦你们触发了禁制,他会立即抽身离开,我们再难将他困住。” Through the judgment of Yue Man, Mi Ya obtained her to think the correct guess suddenly: When she these restriction are arranges by Shi Yan, is good to facilitate Shi Yan and Cecilia at the matters of lake bottom line of drifting along, so long as surrounding restriction triggers, Shi Yan can know that some people come, can draw support Space Deep Meaning escapes to leave instantaneously. 通过约曼的判断,米娅忽然得出了一个她认为正确的猜测:她当那些禁制是由石岩布置的,好方便石岩塞西莉亚在湖底行苟且之事,只要外围禁制触发,石岩就能知道有人过来,可以借助于空间奥义瞬间遁离。 Has a judgment at heart, Mi Ya naturally does not want to let support them to alert the enemy white, long is calm, said to Yue Man: We equal well, how have a look to give to mess up the space first, letting that fellow to draw support Space Deep Meaning instantaneously leave.” We by having to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, have the time to prepare slowly, that method were many.” Yue Man gloomy and cold has smiled, for example instantaneously earth-shaking that heaven and earth energy stirs, forms the power magnetic storm, enabling the space unable to withstand the avalanche, for example......” 心里有个这么一个判断,米娅自然不想让白淏他们打草惊蛇,悠悠镇定下来,冲约曼说道:“我们好好合计合计,看看怎么先将空间给弄乱,让那家伙不能瞬间借助于空间奥义离开。”“我们以有心算无心,有时间慢慢筹划,那方法就很多了。”约曼阴冷的笑了起来,“譬如瞬间将天地能量搅的天翻地覆,形成力量磁暴,使得空间承受不住崩塌,又譬如……” Yue Man is considering, smiling of coldly, is Mi Ya supplies ideas, Mi Ya earnest is listening respectfully, once for a while nods. 约曼思量着,冷冷的笑着,为米娅出谋划策,米娅认真的聆听着,时不时点头。 Lake bottom. 湖底。 How?” How many Cecilia is covered entirely the dreary color by a little nervous charming face that he one startled one makes for the first time, also has a worse news?” “又怎么了?”塞西莉亚被他一惊一乍弄的多少有点神经质妩媚的脸庞布满阴郁色,“还有更坏的消息么?” The Shi Yan forced smile, you also really said.” 石岩苦笑,“你还真说中了。” „!” Cecilia covers shouts lightly seasoned. “啊!”塞西莉亚掩口轻呼。 Opposite party not only knows us in lake bottom, but also knows that our status, they prepare to begin the space to give to confuse, letting me to draw support Space Deep Meaning escape to leave.” Is narrowing the eye, he is inducing secretly, said: Any region space has the reacted point, once the smashing destroyed also or has sealed up, cultivation Space Deep Meaning, cannot flee rapidly. Now, they are preparing while I do not pay attention to the time, seals up these shake points, then comes a dead pigeon to us.” “对方不但知道我们在湖底,还知道我们的身份,他们准备着手将空间给搅乱,让我不能借助于空间奥义遁离。”眯着眼睛,他暗暗感应着,道:“任何区域空间都有震动点,一旦粉碎破坏亦或者封住了,修炼空间奥义者,都不能迅速遁走。如今,他们正准备趁我不注意的时候,将那些震荡点封住,然后对我们来个瓮中之鳖。” Such remarks Cecilia changes colors with amazement, urgently said: Since the plan is hard to be implemented, we do not continue to stop over, immediately evacuates!” 此言一出塞西莉亚骇然失色,急道:“既然计划难以实施,我们就不要继续逗留了,立即撤离吧!” These air bubbles in your this lake, if blasts open completely, can the destructive power that forms instantaneously, how many people strike to kill?” Shi Yan asked suddenly. “你这湖中的那些气泡,如果全部炸裂开来,瞬间形成的破坏力,能击杀多少人?”石岩忽然问道。 Is Origin God First Sky Realm, dares to rush rashly, must die the bureau!” Cecilia from channel, at once another face dispirited, „the present said that these are useful? If takes us to be executed by price, is definitely unworthy, we before they have not succeeded, evacuates as soon as possible! Late causes trouble!” “就算是始神一重天境界者,胆敢冒然闯进来,也是必死之局!”塞西莉亚自信道,旋即又一脸颓丧,“现在说这些还有什么用?如果以我们自己被格杀为代价,肯定不值得的,我们还是在他们没有成功之前,尽快撤离走吧!迟则生变啊!” Can wrestle.” “可以搏一搏。” Shi Yan looks solemn, deeply inspires, said: They do not know that restriction of our surrounding has how wild, cannot guess correctly you to do such great formation weaponry in the lake bottom, when they only restriction under our arrange, but I do to warn.” 石岩神情肃穆,深吸一口气,道:“他们并不知道我们外围的禁制有多么的狂暴,也猜不出你在湖底搞出这么大阵仗,他们只当我们布下的禁制,只是我搞出来好示警的。” Wrestles? If were defeated, you cannot lead me to leave, how could it not be do we want dead here?” Cecilia shakes the head again and again, a face fears intent saying: I think unworthy.” “怎么搏?如果失败了,你不能带着我离开,我们岂非都要死在这儿?”塞西莉亚连连摇头,一脸惧意道:“我觉得不值得。” Is worth, calculation that I said that so long as you listened on the line.” Shi Yan sneers suddenly, grips the arm of tight Cecilia, said stiffly: Relax, they can imprison the space , is very small a range, so long as we conflict, I can lead you to flee immediately.” “值不值得,我说的算,你只要听就行了。”石岩忽然冷笑起来,攥紧塞西莉亚的臂膀,生硬道:“放心吧,他们就算是能禁锢空间,也只是很小一片范围,只要我们冲突出去,我立即就能带着你遁走。” Cecilia elegant face flood white, looks at his cold severe appearance, in the heart spills over the chill in the air, criticizes him to be bold. 塞西莉亚俏脸泛白,看着他的冷厉模样,心中泛出寒意,暗骂他胆大包天。 Shi Yan grabbed her to stress a while, suddenly has dropped, when Cecilia was surprisedly puzzled, Shi Yan grinned to smile, „the opposite party arranged successfully, if you under the killer to me, you must die now without doubt, ahead of time will only expose the lake bottom secret, I think that your silly Cecilia will not stare at him to look at a while, on the charming face full was bitter and astringent helpless, things have gotten to this point she also calmed down, white Shi Yan, said: „ Ok, accompanies your crazy one chapter, hopes that we can live.” 石岩抓着她抓了一会儿,忽然间放手了,在塞西莉亚惊讶不解之时,石岩咧嘴笑了起来,“对方布置成功了,你如果现在对我下杀手,你肯定必死无疑,也只会提前暴露湖底的秘密,我想你不会那么傻塞西莉亚盯着他看了一会儿,娇媚的脸上满是苦涩无奈,事已至此她也冷静下来,白了石岩一眼,道:“算了,就陪你疯狂一回吧,希望我们能活下来。” Relax, we can live.” Shi Yan earnest say|way. “放心,我们能活下来。”石岩认真道。
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