GOS :: Volume #12

#1143: instant kill!

The lake bottom, the transparent air bubble is fluctuating slowly. 湖底,透明的气泡慢慢浮动着。 Shi Yan and air bubble of Cecilia stay, falling swayingly approaches the lake bottom, goes toward lake bottom one solid region line, lake bottom stone clear like gem, glittering radiant dazzling rays of light, is very beautiful. 石岩塞西莉亚逗留的气泡,晃晃悠悠的落向湖底,朝着湖底一处坚实的区域行去,湖底石块晶莹如宝石,闪烁着璀璨耀眼的光芒,很是美丽。 But they actually have no time to admire the scenery. 但两人却无暇来欣赏风景。 All restriction and attacks, take the cracks in the earth astral thunder that not hides for the trigger point, if the cracks in the earth astral thunder has not exploded broken, all restriction will be in the safe condition. The cracks in the earth astral thunder deepens to trigger according to surface reacted and weight, so long as some people walk above, or has the heavy item to crash, will stimulate instantaneously.” “所有的禁制和攻击,都以莫潜藏的地裂罡雷为触发点,如果地裂罡雷没有爆碎,一切禁制都会处于安全的境况。地裂罡雷会根据地表震动和重量加深来触发,只要有人行走在上面,亦或者有重物坠落,都会瞬间激发掉。” I do not know that not has arranged many cracks in the earth astral thunder, so long as an explosion, other metropolis instantaneous turbulent blasting open, restriction that also they will release Shang Yingyue, sand and Wu Feng gives inspiring, shortly will form the fiercest restriction storm!” “我不知道莫布置了多少地裂罡雷,但只要一枚爆炸,其余的都会瞬间汹涌炸裂,也会将商影月、沙、武枫他们释放的禁制给引动,在顷刻间形成最狂烈的禁制风暴!” Cecilia dignified explanation, „, if must cope with them, the most important point is guaranteed before they have not come , the cracks in the earth astral thunder will not detonate easily. So long as the cracks in the earth astral thunder does not explode to be normal.” 塞西莉亚神情凝重的解释,“如果要对付他们,首要一点就是确保他们没有进来之前,地裂罡雷不会轻易引爆。只要地裂罡雷不爆炸一切都会正常。” I exert power surroundings surface, lets the ground not because reacted and hitting hard, making the cracks in the earth astral thunder explode turbulently.” Shi Yan nodded, stopped in a lake bottom corner/horn finally, his Zhong leaves a hand, according to lake bottom nearby putty wall, palm stars rays of light glittering, the supernatural power is emerging in abundance. “那我就将周围地表内部施加力量,让地面不会因为震动和重击,令地裂罡雷给汹涌爆炸起来。”石岩点了点头,终于在湖底的一角停了下来,他仲出一只手,按在湖底旁边的泥壁,掌心星辰光芒闪烁着,神力纷纷涌入进去。 Narrows the eyes to focus, he feels the situation of details by Divine Sense, power is extending slowly, gradually floods in the surroundings bottom, forms the First Level average man indiscoverable stars light membrane, hid in the place bottom several hundred meters he was not worried that at this time Cecilia started to him. 眯着眼,他以神识感受着细微处的情况,力量慢慢延伸,逐渐充斥在周围地底,形成一层常人难以发现的星辰光膜,潜藏在地底数百米这时候他并不担心塞西莉亚对他下手。 Mi Ya and Yue Man these people know them in the lake bottom, now space also by seal, Cecilia, only if draws support his power, otherwise at all impossible to escape from Mi Ya and Yue Man these person of surrounding. 米娅约曼那些人知道他们在湖底,如今空间还被封印着,塞西莉亚除非借助于他的力量,不然根本不可能从米娅约曼那些人包围中逃脱。 Has this premise, Cecilia not only will not disturb to him also has to guarantee with all one's heart he is well. 有这个前提在,塞西莉亚不但不会给他捣乱还不得不尽心确保他无恙。 In fact indeed so, before original Mi Ya they have not arrived, Cecilia can draw support from the arrangement in lake bargains back and forth to Shi Yan, because such she surrounded or caused heavy losses Shi Yan, she can also leave calmly, pushes the matter to Mi Ya they, can give not waits for a person confession. 事实上也的确如此,原先米娅他们没有到来之前,塞西莉亚可以借助于湖泊的布置向石岩讨价还价,因为那样她将石岩困住或者重创了,她还能从容离开,将事情推给米娅他们,可以给莫等人一个交代。 Now is not naturally good, therefore she can only firmly and Shi Yan together, coordinates him with every effort. 现在自然不行了,所以她只能牢牢和石岩一块儿,尽力的配合他。 giant ape, warhawk, python and monster dragon four Bai Cheng and the others in swamp is marching forward by illusion that power congeals, these by illusion that power evolves, itself also has certain gravity most to attract the firepower, is only, they slowly good to swamp time, has not caused anything to fluctuate. 巨猿、战鹰、巨蟒、妖龙四种白淏等人以力量凝结出来的幻象沼泽内行进着,这些以力量衍变出来的幻象,本身也有一定的重力最能吸引火力,只是,它们慢慢行向沼泽的时候,没有引起什么波动。 Bai Cheng the intense nerve relaxes secretly has rejoicing of escaping, these illusion and their mind unite, once suffered the heavy losses, their soul will also be damaged. 白淏紧张的神经暗暗放松有种逃过一劫的庆幸,那些幻象和他们心神合一,一旦遭受了重创,他们灵魂也会受损。 Bai Cheng has prepared for must but actually big mildew, sees with own eyes illusion unobstructive, seriously inwardly pleasantly surprised. 白淏已经做好了要倒大霉的准备了,眼见幻象无碍,当真暗暗惊喜 Perhaps I want.” “或许我想多了。” To had suspected that at this moment including Yue Man, „the opposite party was inferior Haig like that can sensation all, have the possibility to move in the nearby, has not displayed any great restriction.” 到了这一刻连约曼都怀疑起自己了,“对方不如黑格那般能感知一切,有可能真的只是在附近活动过,没有施展什么了不起的禁制。” Supports giant ape that four people release white, at this time arrived by the lake, if has any accident, should early have Mi Ya also gradually to relax her to unfold the face to smile, told to Bai Cheng: Your main body goes to the lake to look first.” 白淏四人释放出来的巨猿,此时都来到了湖泊旁边,如果真有什么变故,应该早发生了米娅也渐渐放松她展颜一笑,又冲白淏吩咐道:“你们本体去湖泊先看一看。” She is very discrete, for fear that illusion cannot absolutely safe crisis surveying, therefore makes Bai Cheng and the others own strength kiss is. 她还是很谨慎,生怕幻象不能万无一失的将危机给探测出来,所以让白淏等人亲力亲为。 Supports in four people of hearts to criticize only to be able white to brace oneself to comply, complexion ugly marches forward in the direction of lake, was step by step careful, spends some little time the time to arrive by the lake, this really relaxed. 白淏四人心中暗骂着只能硬着头皮答应下来,脸色难看的往湖泊的方向行进,步步小心,费了好一会功夫才来到湖泊旁边,这才真是松了一口气。 Yue Man nodded shows a faint smile saying: Should not have the issue, we also shook destroying nearby space, the fellow was impossible to escape to all of a sudden.” 约曼点了点头微微一笑道:“应该没问题,我们也将附近的空间震点给破坏了,那家伙不可能一下子遁离出去的。” The Mi Ya sincerity laughed heartily, beautiful pupil glistened, clenches teeth saying: This he must die without doubt!” She clashes Warrior nodded of Fernandez Family. 米娅真心欢笑起来,美眸闪亮,咬着牙道:“这趟他必死无疑!”她冲费尔南德斯家族的武者点了点头 At once, under her and Yue Man leadership, Warrior of one line of Fernandez Families, following the direction that Bai Cheng and the others passed through, not anxiously not slow crosses the bad risk the forbidden land area, with supported them white one and stands by the lake. 旋即,在她和约曼的带领下,一行费尔南德斯家族的武者,顺着白淏等人走过的方向,不急不缓的越过凶险的禁地区,和白淏他们一并站到了湖泊旁边。 Well. 一路无恙。 All people relaxed, when they want to be many, actually does not know center that this matter's they, are in most bad risk completely, is only because of a careful protection of person, has not initiated the heaven shaking accident. 所有人都放松了下来,都当他们自己想多了,却不知道此事的他们,全部处于最凶险的中央,只是因为一个人的小心防备,才没有引发惊天的变故。 In lake bottom.” Yue Man stands in the stone of lake, is narrowing the eye, the sound woods cold say|way: They cannot escape!” “就在湖底。”约曼站在湖泊的石块上,眯着眼睛,声音森寒道:“他们逃不掉的!” Mi Ya shows a faint smile, hesitant, to Bai Chengdao: Compels them.” 米娅微微一笑,犹豫了一下,冲白淏道:“将他们逼出来吧。” To this time, in Mi Ya and Yue Man, support in the people heart white, Shi Yan and Cecilia have not possibly known that they fall into the dangerous situation, perhaps is still doing the matter of drifting along in the lake bottom, this makes them think then to think dark crisp. 到了这时候,在米娅约曼、白淏众人心中,石岩塞西莉亚可能还不知道他们身陷险境,或许还在湖底内做着苟且之事,这让他们想想便觉得暗爽。 Supports four people to neglect one white, nodded, illusion that at once four power evolve, under their mind controls, falls suddenly to the lake, sneaks toward under. They came! ” 白淏四人忽视一眼,点了点头,旋即四个力量衍变出来的幻象,在他们的心神操控下,忽然就落向湖泊,一路朝着底下潜入。他们来了!” Enters that instant of lake in giant ape and warhawk, Cecilia drinks one tenderly, the whole face withers. 巨猿、战鹰进入湖泊的那一霎,塞西莉亚娇喝一声,满脸肃杀。 Is only four by energy precise illusion, is not worth urging to send all power to explode, directing opposite party true body to come.” Shi Yan is calm, God Body following the air bubble rapid float to the lake surface, the huge shadow that looks at four appear gradually, grins says with a smile densely: Gives me.” “只是四个以能量凝炼的幻象,不值得将所有力量催发爆炸出来,引对方真身过来。”石岩冷静自如,神体顺着气泡迅速漂浮向湖面,看着四个渐渐显现出来的巨大阴影,咧嘴森然笑道:“交给我。” No! Let me come!” Cecilia prevents with a smile, self-confident say|way: Here is the lake bottom, is restriction that I arrange heavy, my cultivation deep meaning is the water, your looks at.” “不!让我来!”塞西莉亚笑着阻止,自信满满道:“这里是湖底,是我布置的禁制重地,我修炼的奥义又是水,你看着吧。” Shi Yan was astonished however, has then given up, looked with rapt attention earnestly. 石岩讶然,便撒手不管了,凝神认真看了起来。 The Cecilia left hand tail referred to such as snake tail half vibrating, marvelous - surging rippled from the air bubble, as if caused that in the lake had any accident head big air bubble to float from the lake suddenly upwardly, energy has released suddenly rapidly, was congealing instantaneously hundred million extremely heavy lake water, formed a lifelike water dragon. 塞西莉亚左手尾指如蛇尾一半抖动了一下,一股奇妙-的波荡从气泡内荡漾出来,似乎引得湖中发生了什么变故一个人头大的气泡忽然从湖中漂浮向上,其中能量忽然迅速泄了出来,在瞬间凝结亿万钧的湖水,形成一头栩栩如生的水龙。 Water dragon body length several hundred meters, slender vigorous, absorb the turbulent water vapor, is tumbling unceasingly the body, raises the giant wave, suddenly throws toward that giant ape and warhawk. 龙身长数百米,修长矫健,不断地吸纳着汹涌的水汽,翻滚着身子,掀起巨大的波浪,忽然朝着那巨猿、战鹰扑去。 Lake suddenly turbulent fierce, the water dragon is rolling, the interior is full the power fluctuation of Cecilia, suddenly supports four people of precise illusion to worry white toward that. 湖泊忽然汹涌狂烈,水龙滚动着,内部充盈着塞西莉亚力量波动,忽然朝着那白淏四人凝炼的幻象撕咬起来。 The Cecilia eye is narrowing the eyes, in the pupil is having the ice cold gloss, within the body power such as stream liú murmur is turbulent, lets nearby water flower splash, as if assembled to converge in the water dragon power in lake bottom innumerable blister temporarily. 塞西莉亚眼睛眯着,瞳中带着冰寒的光泽,体内力量如溪liú潺潺动荡着,让附近水huā飞溅,似乎将湖底无数水泡内的力量调集出来暂时汇入了水龙中。 Shortly, that water dragon becomes as if accumulated hán inexhaustible power, supported four people of precise illusion tearing the smashing that unexpectedly white, let the lake supported four face to be pale white, Soul Altar received not the small wound. 顷刻间,那水龙变得仿佛蕴hán着无穷无尽的力量,竟将那白淏四人凝炼的幻象给撕裂成了粉碎,让湖泊的白淏四人脸sè苍白,灵魂祭台都受了不小的创伤。 Has the sword woman in inside unseemly behavior!” Supports the facial expression to be fierce white, shouted to clear the way severely: Went in shā she!” “有个剑妇在里面作怪!”白淏神情狰狞,厉喝道:“进去shā了她!” Because four Bai Family Warrior are injured is enraged, all does not wait for Mi Ya to tell that then breaks in the lake, must use the main body power, destroys the miè attack to Cecilia. 四名白家武者因为受伤被激怒,皆是不等米娅吩咐,便一头冲入湖中,要动用本体的力量,给塞西莉亚毁miè性打击。 Anto, you go to help them.” The Mi Ya knitting the brows head , the point to one person, your cultivation flame power, burns down conveniently to the evaporation the water dragon, making them not have the extra worries.” “安藤,你进去帮他们。”米娅皱了皱眉头,随手点向一人,“你修炼火焰力量,将水龙给蒸发焚烧掉,让他们没有后顾之忧。” Expert of Fernandez Family, bows a ritual, breaks in the lake, with supports four people white one and dives to the lake bottom. 一名费尔南德斯家族的强者,躬身一礼,一头冲入湖中,和白淏四人一并潜向湖底。 What to do?” The flesh that in the air bubble Cecilia luo reveals, such as the watermark is rippling, looks fiercely, as if a jiāonèn water person, very marvelous -, has a beautiful flavor, saw that Brother Bai Cheng and cultivate “怎么办?”气泡中塞西莉亚倮露出来的肌肤,如水纹般荡漾着,猛地一看,仿佛一个jiāonèn的水人,非常的奇妙-,别有一番美丽的韵味,眼看白淏兄弟和一名修 Refining up flame deep meaning to come, she sought information the Shi Yan opinion hurriedly: „ Can strike shā they? Once begins, these jìn systems of lake bottom were triggered, can instantaneous miè fall five people, but following will again not have the might saying that you how 炼火焰奥义者进来,她急忙征询石岩意见:“要不要击shā他们?一旦动手,湖底的那些jìn制就被触发了,能瞬间miè掉五人,但后续就不会再有威力可言,你怎么 Said? ” 说?” Five people, are Void God Third Sky Realm, power powerful are all extraordinary.” Shi Yan is narrowing the eye, has weighed carefully, suddenly said: Cecilia, you display in the lake bottom fully, can deal with several people?” “五个人,皆是虚神三重天境界,力量强悍非凡。”石岩眯着眼睛,仔细衡量了一下,忽然说道:“塞西莉亚,你在湖底施展出全力,能应付几人?” „If not use these jìn systems, I can cope with that cultivation flame deep meaning God Clan Warrior, can get the winning side, but has no time to give dual attention.” Cecilia replied immediately. “如果不动用那些jìn制,我可以对付那名修炼火焰奥义的神族武者,能占据上风,但无暇兼顾更多。”塞西莉亚立即回答。 This.” Shi Yan helpless shaking the head , can only give up attractively thinks that said: It seems like we cannot suppress them, making under more people the lake bottom deliver , such being the case, that simply, you now begin.” “这样啊。”石岩无奈的摇了摇头,只能放弃更加诱人的想fǎ道:“看来我们不能压住他们,让更多人下湖底送sǐ了,既然如此,那就干脆一点,你现在就动手。” Good!” “好!” The Cecilia jiāo body spills over the astonishing energy fluctuation suddenly, she to the feeling extreme bad risk of person, in the pupil the reappearing innumerable air bubbles, such as turbulent power wind bào, „you do not leave this air bubble now, will otherwise also be affected!” 塞西莉亚jiāo躯忽然泛出惊人之极的能量波动,她如今给人的感觉极度凶险,瞳仁内浮现无数气泡,如一枚枚汹涌的力量风bào,“你别离开这个气泡,不然也会被波及到!” When speech, their air bubbles dive, on falls the lake bottom instantaneously, and continues to dive in a lake bottom cave entrance, the earth deep place under thorough lake bottom. 讲话之时,他们所处的气泡一路下潜,在瞬间又重新落到湖底,并且在湖底的一处洞口继续下潜,深入湖底下的大地深处。 After they penetrate the lake bottom underground, the Cecilia ten fingers are fluctuating unceasingly the seal Secret Art, a continuously soul fluctuation stimulates, the fingertip projects rapid stream liú, has fired into the lake air bubbles of top of the head such as craziest energy wind bào, shortly will jump projects terrifying power, the limpid lake was similar to the mirror has crushed, unexpectedly strange instantaneous cracking as a result of freezing, crushes the innumerable blocks at once, the interior was bàozhà continuous, in even/including Hu putty wall fell by the direct extrusion bào crack. 就在他们深入湖底地下之后,塞西莉亚十指不断地变幻着印诀,一缕缕灵魂波动激发,指尖射出一条条湍急溪liú,冲向了头顶的湖一个个气泡如成了最疯狂的能量风bào,在顷刻间迸射出恐怖之极的力量,清澈的湖泊如同镜子粉碎了,竟然诡异的瞬间冻裂,旋即粉碎成无数块,内部则是bàozhà不休,连湖中的泥壁都被直接挤压bào裂掉。 The clean lake, instantaneously has become most terrifying hell, supports four people white with cultivation God Clan Katou of flame deep meaning, returns including the gods, God Body is split up first, at once bàozhà becomes the xuè meat burns miè, directly falls including Soul Altar miè becomes the ashes. 干净的湖泊,瞬间成了最恐怖的地狱,白淏四人和修炼火焰奥义的神族加藤,连神都回过来,神体先是四分五裂,旋即bàozhà成xuè肉焚miè,连灵魂祭台都直接陨miè成灰烬。 Such flash, five Void God Third Sky Realm Expert, direct soul destroyed/terror-stricken, including call not with enough time. 就这么一霎那,五名虚神三重天境界强者,直接魂飞魄散,连呼叫都没有来得及。 On Mi Ya people including lake surface, by energy complementary waves impact spits xuè, face pale was hit to fly, staggering along retreat. 连湖面上的米娅众人,都被能量余波冲击的一个个吐xuè不已,脸sè惨白的被撞飞了,一个个跌跌撞撞的后退 But their behind, is the similar bad risk numerous jìn system area, and was stimulated by Shi Yan. 而他们身后,则是同样凶险的重重jìn制区,并且已被石岩激发。
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