GOS :: Volume #12

#1141: Dark war

Level of the lake shining bright like scale, in the stars in the same old way under splendid, is very bright beautiful. 湖面明晃晃亮光如鱼鳞,在星辰照样下熠熠生辉,很是明净美丽。 The lake bottom, the size air bubble deeply hides below hundred meters, dense and numerous, each air bubble includes the intense energy fluctuation, once explodes, will form to destroy the power impact of Heaven Destroyer place instantaneously, feared that is Origin God must fall by obliterate directly. 湖底,大小不等的气泡深藏百米以下,密密麻麻,每一个气泡内部都含有强烈的能量波动,一旦爆裂起来,将会瞬间形成毁天灭地的力量冲击,怕是始神都要直接被抹杀掉。 And in a transparent colorless air bubble, two person's shadow Center only then ten centimeters gap, the breath as if can smell. 其中一个透明无色的气泡中,两道人影〖中〗央只有十厘米的间隔,相互间的呼吸似乎都能闻到。 Charming fragrant and mellow is rippling in air bubble, the atmosphere appears some enticing/charming and gentle gets up suddenly, Thethi Asia charming face, very and suitable slightly flood red, obviously attracts attractively, that mature to such as wants the water drop the sexy ketone body, as if gradually fiery, twist and sway gently may Shi Yan not have capriciously, the look dignifiedly is even more restless, looked that has been full of unusual meaning to the vision of Thethi Asia. 一股迷人的醇香在气泡内荡漾着,气氛忽然显得有些旖旎起来,塞西lì亚妩媚的脸庞,也很和适宜的微微泛红,更显魅惑诱人,那成熟到如要滴水的性感酮体,仿佛渐渐火热了起来,轻轻的扭摆着可石岩却没有一点心猿意马,眼神愈发的凝重不安起来,看向塞西lì亚的目光充满了奇特意味。 Proposed the plan that lays an ambush, finds the accurate opportunity to with him one and remains, has arranged so ominously certainly great formation in the lake bottom, him inducing...... 提出设伏的计划,找准机会要与他一并留下来,在湖底布置了如此凶绝大阵,又将他给诱导进来…… Too many coincidences plan, if Thethi Asia does not have other idea to him, he kills does not believe! 太多的巧合算计,如果说塞西lì亚对他没有别的想法,他打死不相信! He thought faintly Thethi Asia wants to make anything through him, allowing him to enter in the air bubble, making him see energy fluctuations in these crowded air bubbles, this should be the following method. 他隐隐觉得塞西lì亚想通过他做些什么,让他进入气泡内,让他看到那些密集气泡内的能量波动,这应该是后续的手段。 energy fluctuation that just his careful sensation, in that many air bubbles had contained, if blasted open, except for the Thethi Asia, feared is in the lake anybody difficultly survives. 刚刚他仔细感知过,那么多气泡内富含的能量波动,如果一旦炸裂开来,除了施法者塞西lì亚,怕是湖中任何人都难生存。 He cannot! 他也不能! What do you think?” Front thoroughly ripe beautiful woman faint smile Yingying, red lip Fengze is attractive, cheek brilliant red is colorful, whole body is releasing the astonishing obsequious attitude, makes any man deeply look for it dry and hot restless Shi Yan sufficiently to her, in the heart many thought intercools have calmed down suddenly, give a calm smile saying: Has not thought anything, but thought that the elder sister is really beautiful, I a little could not control myself.” Does not wait for Thethi to take a stand, he gets rid suddenly like lightning, covers the Thethi Asia snow white arm, look scalding hot say|way: Elder sister skin may really creamy wonderful “你想什么呢?”面前熟透的美人儿浅笑盈盈,红唇丰泽诱人,脸蛋红艳艳的,浑身释放着惊人的媚态,足以让任何男人为之燥热不安石岩深深看向她,心中动了许多念头忽然间冷静下来,淡然一笑说道:“没想什么,只是觉得姐姐真是美丽,我有点控制不住自己了。”不等塞西lì亚表态,他忽然闪电般出手,一把将塞西lì亚雪白臂膀扣住,眼神灼热道:“姐姐皮肤可真滑腻美妙” Thethi Asia flesh is indeed creamy, such as the good silk fabrics, the beautiful jade flood the light is tracing comfortable of not being able to say. 塞西lì亚肌肤的确滑腻,如上好的绸缎,美玉般泛着光摸起来说不出的舒服。 He decides to attack on own initiative, does not grasp own safety in others hand, no matter Thethi Asia cherishes to him really illegally, he must toward the bad plan. 他决定主动出击,不将自己的安危掌握在别人手中,不管塞西lì亚对他是不是真的心怀不轨,他都必须往坏的打算。 If Thethi Asia pushes him, or Thethi Asia escapes to leave from the air bubble suddenly, at once suddenly starts a lake bottom weaponry, he feared that will be escapes very much difficultly by luck possibly stimulates to movement the Space Deep Meaning opportunity not to have, this means own life and death grasping by Thethi Asia. 如果塞西lì亚将他推挤出去,亦或者塞西lì亚忽然间从气泡内遁离,旋即突然发动湖底的阵仗,他怕是很难侥幸逃生可能连催动空间奥义的时机都不会有,这意味着自己的生死被塞西lì亚给掌握了。 He does not permit! 他决不允许! He held the arm of Thethi Asia, had with Thethi Asia[ extremity] stereoscopic contact, such one, Thethi Asia absolutely cannot get rid of him instantaneously. 他抓住了塞西lì亚的手臂,就和塞西lì亚有了〖肢〗体接触,这么一来,塞西lì亚绝对不能瞬间摆脱他。 If Thethi Asia dares to strike a vicious blow to him, he has self-confidently in such short distance beats its God Body extremely quickly. 如果塞西lì亚胆敢对他下毒手,在这么短的距离他有自信极快将其神体击垮。 When he grasps to that instant of Thethi Asia arm, Thethi Asia complexion obvious unnatural gets up, the beautiful pupil also flashes through a panicked and disorderly, said with a smile lightly: „...... Likes me, you have no alternative but to be well-mannered.” 当他抓向塞西lì亚手臂的那一霎,塞西lì亚脸色明显不自然起来,美眸也闪过一丝惊乱,轻笑道:“……喜欢我,那你也不能不规矩呀。” Speech time, Thethi Asia is then moving the arm, tries to work loose. 讲话的时候,塞西lì亚便甩动着臂膀,试图挣脱出来。 But the Shi Yan actually look hot burning hot stubbornly grips her arm not to put the facial expression that on the face appears to be enchanted by, sleep talking twittering said in a low voice: Actually I initially see your time, the discovery cannot restrain has fallen in love with you, now we can in please forgive my being able not help alone together.” 石岩却眼神火辣炙热死死攥着她手臂不放脸上显现出迷醉的神情,梦呓般的低声呢喃道:“其实我初见你的时候,便发现不可抑止的爱上了你,如今我们能单独在一起请原谅我的情不自禁。” Thethi Asia complexion changes, in the heart obloquied that the Shi Yan full mouth nonsense, may also only be able to smile embarrasedly, the manner said reluctantly: You had any matter to say first independently well that do not raise a rumpus.” 塞西lì亚脸色微变,心中大骂石岩满口胡话,可也只能讪讪笑着,神态勉强道:“你先放手有什么事情好好说,别动手动脚的。” I do not put.” A Shi Yan face pig elder brother type look actually calmly even cold, looked that I likes you to her really!” “我不放。”石岩一脸猪哥样眼神却冷静甚至冷冽,直直看向她“我真的喜欢你!” Thethi Asia is startled, he is definitely have ghost, is even more impolite, another hand makes an effort suddenly, one has embraced tightly the slender waist of Thethi Asia, pulls such as in the body of her hot sex appeal the bosom directly. 塞西lì亚越是惊慌,他越是肯定有鬼,也越发不客气,另外一只手忽然使劲,一把搂紧了塞西lì亚的纤细腰肢,将她火辣性感的身躯直接扯如怀中。 Enters the bosom fragrantly, in the heart that Shi Yan does not control self, at this time the Thethi Asia plentiful back pastes in his chest, his hand according to a bright and clean abdomen of Thethi Asia excrescence, the waist cannot feel the Thethi Asia abundant buttocks astonishing full elasticity, God Body gradually is also dry and hot while also time of double-hour, we might as well make anything...... No one knows how in the future, to enjoy the moment, we must enjoy the life heartily, in order to avoid will have regrettable, did you say?” 芬香入怀,石岩也不自禁的心中一荡,此时塞西lì亚丰腴背部贴在他胸膛,他一只手按在塞西lì亚没有一丝赘肉的光洁腹部,腰部能感受到塞西lì亚丰臀惊人的饱满弹性,神体也渐渐燥热起来“趁着还有一个时辰的时间,我们不妨做些什么……谁也不知道将来会如何,得乐且乐,我们应当尽情享受人生,以免会有遗憾,你说呢?” Thethi Asia back to his cheeks, is appearing wipes alarmed and afraid restless, is the look gradually cold „to drop first?” 塞西lì亚背对着他的脸颊,显出一抹惊惧不安,眼神渐渐冷下来“能不能先放手?” Cannot!” Shi Yan is categorical. “不能!”石岩斩钉截铁。 Mind one cold, Thethi Asia has realized the Shi Yan goal suddenly, knows that Shi Yan suddenly so will be why unusual, she has guessed...... 心神一寒,塞西lì亚忽然意识到了石岩的目的,也知道石岩为何会忽然如此异常了,她猜了出来…… You said that you like me, real?” The ketone body puts suddenly with ease, the Thethi Asia charming infinite gentle voice has smiled, neck glowing red „, if you like me, can comply with my matter?” “你说你喜欢我,是真的么?”酮体忽然放轻松,塞西lì亚娇媚无限的柔声笑了起来,脖颈红彤彤的“如果你真的喜欢我,能不能答应我一件事情?” Mentioned listens.” “说来听听。” The Shi Yan eye is calm, a hand is entraining Thethi Asia arm, a hand buckles wonderfully in her touch - abdomen, but also dissolute is stroking gently, the big mouth collects to the Thethi Asia left earlobe, sound loud saying. 石岩眼睛冷静,一只手拽着塞西lì亚手臂,一只手扣在她触感美妙-的腹部,还放肆的摩挲着,大嘴则是凑向塞西lì亚左耳垂,声音粗重的说道。 Sexy hot beautiful woman enters the bosom, even if he in the heart has many protection, body man natural disposition responding, his lower part of the body is gradually spirited, arrives in the beautiful buttocks place that Thethi Asia very curls upwards full, blood spray out, really the start is gradually capricious. 性感火辣的美女入怀,他即便心中有着诸多防备,身体还是将男人本性给反应出来,他下身渐渐昂扬起来,抵在在塞西lì亚饱满挺翘的美臀处,渐渐血脉喷张,真的开始心猿意马起来。 I must go to the Center region, some inside things I must obtain, this concerns my future, concerns me to be able in the family to come to a stop.” “我要去〖中〗央区域,里面有些东西我必须得到,这关乎我的将来,关乎我能不能在家族内站稳。” Is feeling the Shi Yan petty action, Thethi Asia criticizes him to be shameless, while the split-cycle control the mood, was being calmed down by oneself, don't by Shi Yan to disorder heart, the judgment makes a mistake. 感受着石岩的小动作,塞西lì亚一边暗骂他无耻,一边迅速调整着情绪,让自己冷静下来,别被石岩给紊乱了心扉,以至于判断出错。 „To make me help you, what can you give me?” Shi Yan grins, that only in the big hand that her abdomen wanders, slowly upward skids, moves under Thethi Asia milk-white bosom encirclement to locate Thethi Asia whole body to quickly grasp the meaning of something gradually suddenly, closely holds down the hand of his unseemly behavior hurriedly, the smiling face on face was very reluctant you not saying that you do like my? Helps me also need the condition to be inadequate? Is this not quite good?” “想让我帮你,那你能给我什么?”石岩咧着嘴,那只在她腹部游荡的大手,慢慢往上滑动,渐渐触碰到塞西lì亚酥胸下围处塞西lì亚忽然浑身一个激灵,急忙将他作怪的手紧紧按住,脸上的笑容已经很勉强了“你不是说你喜欢我的么?帮我难道还需要条件不成?这不太好吧?” Person who I like were many, if each goes all out to help, how I can have today's Realm cultivation base?” Shi Yan disdains laughs at one, very shameless the lower part of the body, inserted the spirited place in her abundant buttocks, is feeling wonderfully her - warming up of place, thought suddenly the fire of desire rises dramatically infinitely, has the trend of control. “我喜欢的人多了,如果每一个都拼命去帮助,那我怎能有今天的境界修为?”石岩不屑的嗤笑一声,很无耻的挺了挺下身,将昂扬处插在她丰臀之间,感受着她那美妙-处的温热,忽然觉得欲火无限飙升起来,有种控制不住的趋势。 This woman sex appeal, he for a long time has not bumped the woman hot, such is provoking... He could not endure first. 这女人性感火辣之极,他又许久没有碰过女人,这么撩拨着…他自己先吃不消了。 Thethi Asia perceived obviously is not wonderful, immediately reins at the brink of the precipice, suddenly turns around according to the Shi Yan two hands, face calm saying: Good, I acknowledged that I want to draw support from your working sentiment, but actually do not take the body as the transaction! Please put to respect a point!” 塞西lì亚明显觉察到不妙,当即悬崖勒马,忽然转身按着石岩两只手,一脸冷静的说道:“好吧,我承认我想借助你做点事情,但却不是要以身体为交易!请你放尊重一点!” Her consistent charming restrains suddenly, as if the earth-shaking transformation a person, became enforces suddenly extremely. 她一贯的妩媚忽然收敛,仿佛突地变了一个人,变得极为的严肃起来。 Among the flashes, Shi Yan a little too has not adapted, stares at her carefully to look at several, cold laughs at you not to request me, you are want to force me is right?” 一霎那间,石岩还有点不太适应,盯着她仔细看了几眼,才冷然一笑“你不是想请求我,你是想要逼迫我对吧?” Took a fast look around a peripheral air bubble, Shi Yan naturally said calmly: I am pulling you now, if you dare to change slightly a instant, I will strike to kill you fully, will not be forgiving!” 扫视了一眼周边的气泡,石岩镇定自然道:“我现在牵着你,如果你稍稍敢异动一霎,我会全力击杀你,绝不会留情!” Thethi Asia first is the look changes, suddenly has smiled at once, said: Good, some of other I originally indeed ideas, but cannot now. Also, you have occupied my many advantage/cheap, before we, what has not occurred, whatever I you pull, well how we did chat?” 塞西lì亚先是眼神微变,旋即忽然又笑了起来,说道:“不错,我原先的确有些别的想法,但现在不会了。还有,你占了我不少便宜,我们就当之前什么都没有发生过,我任由你牵着手,我们好好谈谈如何?” I thought just that talk way...... Good.” Shi Yan chuckled. “我觉得刚刚那种谈话方式……就挺不错的。”石岩嘿嘿笑了起来。 Shi Yan fluctuated the way unseemly behavior two, such as Thethi Asia said that was gripping her creamy arm and ensure she cannot be up to mischief, then knit the brows: Said that if I help you, what you can give me?” 石岩将作怪的两手变幻了一下方式,如塞西lì亚所言,将她的滑腻手臂攥着,确保她不能搞鬼,然后才皱眉道:“说吧,如果我帮助你,你能给我什么?” What do you want?” “你想要什么?” „Do I want you to be able?” “我要你可以么?” „It is not good!” “不行!” What can you give me?” “那你能给我什么?” Thethi Asia suddenly silent, her bright eyes are staring at Shi Yan, suddenly thinks a little has a headache, the consistent calm wisdom is a little weak, always thought that is very difficult to be effective to various Shi Yan methods. 塞西lì亚忽然沉默了起来,她明眸凝视着石岩,忽然觉得有点头疼,一贯的从容睿智有点无力,总觉得对石岩各种方法都很难奏效。 If you want the woman, that Mi Ya how?” She has hesitated a while, eye one bright, said: If Mi Ya falls into the lake, I have confidence to imprison her! If you can lead one her and escape to leave instantaneously, what your as one wishes makes to her, this condition how?” “如果你真想要女人的话,那米娅如何?”她沉吟了一会儿,眼睛一亮,道:“如果米娅落入湖中,我有把握能够禁锢住她!你如果可以将她带着一并瞬间遁离,你随便对她做什么都可以的,这个条件如何?” Mi Ya and that Yue Man, if enters in the lake, you help me imprison one on the line.” Shi Yan calms down, said: I must use one of them to obtain the true seven color ghost monster flower this matters to succeed, I will consider your proposition.” 米娅和那个约曼,如果进入湖中,你帮我禁锢住一个就行。”石岩冷静下来,道:“我要利用其中一人得到真正的七彩鬼妖huā这件事成功了,我会考虑你的提议。” This is unfair!” Thethi screamed that why I helped you imprison Mi Ya and Yue Man, you considered merely my proposition, but non- complied directly?” “这不公平!”塞西lì亚尖叫起来“为什么我帮助你禁锢米娅约曼了,你仅仅只是考虑我的提议,而非直接答应下来?” Is very simple, I am willing with you together, then to help your busy, otherwise you will be quick by God Clan are struck to kill.” Shi Yan said solemnly: You do not have the qualifications and I bargain back and forth, from the beginning does not have. Also, I most hate woman to plan me, if you will have similar action next time again, I will have killed you directly. Was right, perhaps does not want me to begin personally, so long as I they said to don't, desert and Wu Feng, I thought you dead, they will then kill you, did you believe?” “很简单,我愿意和你们一道儿,便是帮了你们的大忙,否则你们会很快被神族击杀。”石岩冷峻道:“你没资格和我讨价还价,从一开始就没有。还有,我最恨女人算计我,如果你下次再有类似的举动,我会直接杀了你。哦,对了,或许都不要我亲自动手,我只要对莫、沙漠、武枫他们讲,我想你死,他们便会干掉你,你信不信?” Such remarks, Thethi Asia face pale, staring of face hatred to him, the anger shouted to clear the way suddenly: „Don't you too overbearing reason with?” 此言一出,塞西lì亚忽然面无血色,一脸恨意的瞪向他,怒喝道:“你太霸道不讲理了吧?” Is you plans me first before, do not blame me being mindless.” Shi Yan sneers, at once deeply inspires, said: Was good, the attention will be well centralized, a while helped me help the matter appropriately, I will consider that your matter, when the time comes we slowly discussed the condition.” “是你先算计我在前,就别怪我不讲理。”石岩冷笑,旋即深吸一口气,道:“行了,好好将注意力集中,一会儿帮我将事情帮妥当了,我会考虑你的事情,到时候我们慢慢谈条件。” , His sinking sound track: Mi Ya they came!” 顿了一下,他沉声道:“米娅他们已经过来了!”
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