GOS :: Volume #12

#1140: Lake bottom ominous

A mud track extends Zhong like snake, in the opacitas water is floating the coins big leaf, green spooky, is releasing light miasma. 娅一条泥泞小道如蛇般延仲着,浑浊的水中漂浮着铜钱大的叶子,绿幽幽的,释放着淡淡毒瘴气 Mi Ya and a clansman of Yue Man audiences Fernandez Family, along track not anxiously not slow is marching forward, the Yue Man whole person relaxes, no longer the consumption energy catches the clues. 米娅约曼一众费尔南德斯家族的族人,沿着小道不急不缓的行进着,约曼整个人放松起来,不再耗费精力来捕捉蛛丝马迹。 Some Haig often transmission news come, he was liberated, the Haig Divine Sense hiding capacity is broader, precise, relies on seeing clearly of trail to compared with him quickly fierce many, therefore he also no longer wastes the thoughts. 黑格不时的传递消息过来,他就被解放了,黑格神识覆盖力更广,也更加的精确,远比他依循足迹的洞察要快捷厉害的多,所以他也不再多浪费心思。 The speed of their group is not specially quick, Mi Ya also conveyed a message, making everybody not need extremely to worry to hurry along, must take power to restore to critically. 他们一行人的速度并不是特别快捷,米娅还传了话,让大家不必太过着急赶路,要以力量恢复为紧要。 Mi Ya thinks is very clear, Fei Erpu and Haig two sides are also going toward Shi Yan their direction lines, according to the distance, her naturally wants near many, does not have the words of accident, they first and Shi Yan and the others met. 米娅想的很清楚,菲尔普黑格两方也在朝着石岩他们的方向行去,按照路程来看,她这边自然要近的多,没有意外的话,他们将会最先和石岩等人碰面。 But this is not Mi Ya wants to see. 但这并非米娅真想看到的。 Mi Ya, not, the Wu Feng people the dead end, the arrival of Haig has been doomed they to be difficult to run away a section, they had been compelled the hopeless situation at this time, if this side met with them first, the opposite party saw that situation not wonderful - may pledge to fight to the death the counter-attack, may this side bring the heavy losses to oneself. 米娅来看,莫、武枫众人已经穷途末路,黑格的到来注定了他们难逃一截,他们此时已经被逼上绝境了,如果自己这一方先和他们碰面,对方眼看情况不妙-可能会誓死反击,或许会给自己这一方带来重创。 She brings family Expert to come Ancient Continent, the main purpose must enter the Center region, she does not want before the Center region did not have unsealed, making in the clan the master damage too many. 她带着家族强者古大陆,主要目的还是要进入〖中〗央区域,她可不想在〖中〗央区域还没有解封之前,让族内高手损伤太多。 She wants everybody to slow down the speed, is the hope can with Fei Erpu and Haig they in the similar time, one and arrives at not, Wu Feng their rallying point, good can very relaxed optional not they striking to kill, will not lose own power. 她要大家放缓速度,就是希望能够和菲尔普黑格他们在差不多的时间,一并到达莫、武枫他们的聚集点,好能够很轻松随意的将莫他们给击杀,不损失自己的力量 Her considering everything because of Haig communication, suddenly changed in the direction that you lead the way, by a clear lake, there is a man and a woman not with them one and leaves, but remained.” Haig transmitted newest message I just to look through Transmission Stone, that male should be the person who you let my attention, cultivation Space Deep Meaning that.” 她的满打满算因为黑格传讯,忽然的就改变了“在你们前行的方向,一处澄清的湖泊旁,有一男一女没有和他们一并离开而是留了下来。”黑格通过音石传来最新讯息“我刚刚看了一下,那男的应该就是你让我重点注意的人,修炼空间奥义的那个。” „Does he and a woman stay same place has not moved?” Mi Ya sound one cold. “他和一个女人停留原地没动?”米娅声音一寒。 Un, they near lakeside, Hehe...... Perhaps seizes the chance to handle other any matters.” Haig sneers to say. “嗯,两人就在湖畔边上,嘿嘿……或许趁机做些别的什么事情。”黑格冷笑道。 The Mi Ya beautiful pupil cold severe cold brightness flashes through, said lightly: i got it, I will pass as soon as possible.” She has interrupted and conversation of Haig, suddenly the speaker drinks tenderly: Everybody speed quickly!” 米娅美眸冷厉寒光闪过,淡淡道:“我知道了,我会尽快过去。”她截断了和黑格的交谈,忽然扬声娇喝:“大家速度快一点!” Yue Man stares obviously. 约曼明显一愣。 Robbed my Star Brilliance fruit trees and seven color ghost spirit flower partner completes the order form we to arrange well, as far as possible before Haig and Fei Erpu came, struck to massacre it!” Mi Ya explained. “抢夺我星耀果树和七彩鬼灵huā的伙落单了我们要好好布置,尽量在黑格菲尔普过来之前,将其击杀掉!”米娅解释。 Yue Man eye slightly one bright, immediately nods to indicate to understand that picked up the speed with Warrior of Fernandez Family. 约曼眼睛微微一亮,立即点头表示明白,和费尔南德斯家族的武者加快了速度。 Clear lake only, such as a busy mirror, in the top of the head radiant stars in the same old way under shining has the beautiful silver phosphorescent glow. 澄净的湖泊,如一面无暇的镜子,在头顶璀璨星辰的照样下明晃晃的有美丽的银色磷光。 In the azure brown stone, Shi Yan gains ground the looks at everywhere star, narrows the eye to be quiet. 青褐色石块上,石岩抬头看着漫天星斗,眯着眼睛沉寂着。 Bright chilly stars light is continuously bright, such as raindrop falls, in his top of the head such as the way funnel gathering, submerges his mind Center to make him have bright stainless fresh aura. 一缕缕皎洁清冷的星辰光烁,如雨点蓬蓬落下,在他头顶如途径漏斗般汇聚,没入他脑海〖中〗央让他自有一股明净无垢的清新气息 Ancient Continent wanders in the major star territories, the moment has not stopped, in an overbearing fierce way, meteorite and dead star smashing along the road, the Ancient Continent horizon will be hoodwinking blue tearful light barrier, will give to cover up the vault of heaven, but that light barrier actually will be passes the brilliant color not to prevent the penetration of stars and sun and moon brilliance. 古大陆游荡在各大星域之间,没有一刻休止,以一种霸道狂烈的方式,将沿路的陨石和死星粉碎,古大陆天际蒙着蓝汪汪的光幕,将天穹都给遮掩着,但那光幕却是透明色并不阻止星辰、日月光华的穿透。 Sits Shi Yan anything does not go to think in the stone that is maintaining the mind tranquil nature, even not initiative absorb heaven and earth energy. 坐在石块上石岩什么都不去想,保持着心神的宁静自然,甚至不主动吸纳天地能量 So under the condition, he as if can draw close to this Ancient Continent as if to integrate swamp, has become a Ancient Continent member, vice- soul that is evolved by Grace Mainland Essence, will be one group of absorb all aura vortices neighbor heaven and earth energy will gather likely, slowly will rush his Soul Altar Void Realm. 如此状况下,他似乎更能贴近这古大陆似乎融入了沼泽,成了古大陆的一份子,那由神恩大陆本源衍变出来的副魂,像是一团吸纳一切气息的涡旋将附近天地能量汇聚起来,慢慢涌向他灵魂祭台虚界 The little star light sprinkles also slowly vanishes in Void Realm, submerges radiant stars draw support the Star Brilliance fruit tree wonderful -, his breakthrough to Void God Second Sky Realm, had the brand-new progress to the Stars Deep Meaning cognition, cotton cloud of many Stars Deep Meaning essences such as in the deep meaning area are fluctuating, so long as he mind indulges, as if then can move the stars true meaning. 一点点星光洒落也慢慢在虚界内消失,没入其中一颗璀璨星辰借助于星耀果树的神妙-,他突破虚神二重天境界,对星辰奥义的认知有了全新的进步,还有许多星辰奥义精髓在奥义区内如云棉浮动着,他只要心神沉溺其中,似乎便能触碰到星辰真谛。 Mi Ya and the others, in addition has not arrived, he also has the time to wait, then has not wasted the energy realizes from experience the stars exquisitely - place. 米娅等人尚且没有到来,他还有时间等候,便没有浪费精力又在体悟星辰的精妙-处。 The look empty looks at horizon, looks at radiant stars, he gives birth to infinite close everywhere stars suddenly the misconception, as if puts out a hand to be able the stars to tow, that radiant vast galaxy, that pasts innumerably[ transports] stars that moves, likely is he faintly has some type to echo general...... 眼神空洞看着天际,看着一颗颗璀璨星辰,他忽然生出一种无限接近漫天繁星的错觉,仿佛伸手就能将星辰牵引下来,那璀璨浩淼的星河,那无数流转〖运〗动的星辰,都像是和他隐隐有着某种呼应一般…… The Ancient Continent vault of heaven is bound to cover up by the ice blue light cover, but these nine days of star light not only points are unhindered, Strength of Stars that transmits also very clean fast. 古大陆天穹由冰蓝的光罩裹住遮掩,可那些九天星光不但一点不受阻碍,传递出来的星辰之力还非常的干净迅捷。 He such sits in meditation motionless, then thought that God Body is gradually cool, as if the bone veins clear glisten in abundance, has flooded massive Strength of Stars. 他就这么静坐不动,便觉得神体渐渐清凉起来,仿佛骨头筋脉纷纷晶莹闪亮起来,充斥了大量的星辰之力 He free clear(ly) was becoming aware the stars essence safely. 他安然自若的明悟着星辰精髓。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” Graceful - moving silhouette, appears suddenly from his behind lake, a long hair wet Thethi Asia, beautiful smiling, said: Under me prepared, how long that did Mi Ya also want to come?” 一条曼妙-动人的身影,忽然从他身后湖泊内显现出来,一头长发湿漉漉的塞西lì亚,明媚的笑了笑,说道:“我底下都准备好了,那米娅还要多久能够过来?” Indulges Shi Yan in own world, after a while from being in trance awaking revolutions slowly, his has not returned, induced slightly, the brow cold non- crease-resist, restrains the mind hurriedly, the condition of clearly becoming aware goes out, sinking sound track: Most double-hour will come, their speed quick were too many!” 沉溺在自己世界中的石岩,过了一会儿从神情恍惚的慢慢醒转,他头也没回,略略感应了一下,眉头冷不防皱了起来,急忙将心神收敛,将自己从明悟的状态走出,沉声道:“最多一个时辰就会过来,他们速度快了太多!” According to Mi Ya their original speeds, after at least wants for quite a while, can gradual approaches here, but induces now, he discovered that the Mi Ya people left this to be close unexpectedly. 按照米娅他们原先的速度,至少要大半天以后,才能逐渐的接近这儿,可现在一感应,他发现米娅众人居然离此非常接近了。 Clearly, Mi Ya and the others have promoted the several fold the speed, has caught up very much urgently. 很明显,米娅等人将速度提升了数倍,很急迫的赶了过来。 Is so quick!” Thethi Asia was also surprised, her long eyelash moves, suddenly pursed the lips to smile charmingly, said: In the lake surrounding is layer on layer restriction terrible topography, if we such sit by the lake, making them see certainly to suspect us, I think that we should hide slightly?” “这么快啊!”塞西lì亚也是惊讶了,她长长睫毛动了动,忽然抿嘴妩媚笑了起来,说道:“在湖泊外围都是重重禁制凶地,我们如果就这么在湖泊旁边坐着,让他们看见一定会怀疑我们,我想我们应该稍稍隐藏一下?” Your opinion?” The Shi Yan nod asked back that he also knows such sits well in the stone, if came after by Mi Ya discovered that certainly will have the idea, therefore sought information Thethi Asia opinion. “你的意见?”石岩点头反问,他也知道就这么端坐在石块上,如果被米娅过来以后发现,一定会有想法,所以才征询塞西lì亚意见。 You and I one and hides to the lake bottom, at least makes them unable to see us, making them suspect us in lake bottom cultivation, or...... Handles other matter.” On the Thethi Asia charming face appears wipes crimson, the sexy full physique in swayed from side to side that the lake bottom micro cannot be looked up, said in a soft voice: In brief must give the opposite party to confuse, making them think that our anything does not know, but also is handling own matter, this will make them swallow the bait, little touches quietly.” “你和我一并到湖底潜藏吧,至少让他们看不见我们,让他们怀疑我们在湖底修炼,亦或者……做别的事情。”塞西lì亚娇媚的脸上显出一抹绯红,性感饱满的身姿在湖底微不可查的扭动了一下,柔声道:“总之要给予对方迷惑,让他们以为我们什么都不知,还在做着自己的事情,这才会让他们上钩,会一点点的悄悄摸上来。” The Shi Yan intention moves, thought that her idea is good, the nod said: Good.” 石岩心念一动,也觉得她的主意不错,点头说道:“好。” Words Fang Luo, his whole body star light circulation, such as a radiant meteor draws the elegant marvelous arc, falls toward lake Center that Thethi Asia is. 话语方落,他浑身星光流转,如一条璀璨流星般划出优美奇妙的弧线,往塞西lì亚所在的湖〖中〗央落去。 Saw with own eyes that he flutters to dive, the Thethi Asia moving beautiful pupil has the joyful gloss, graceful - physique has dragged, a transparent colorless air bubble appears from her body, binds her physique, her white hands Rip stroke, that air bubble then splits a slit, she beckons to say on own initiative: Comes.” 眼见他飘荡浮潜过来,塞西lì亚动人的美眸含着欣喜光泽,曼妙-身姿摇曳了一下,一个透明无色的气泡从她身下浮现出来,将她身姿裹住,她玉手哧啦一划,那气泡便裂开一道缝隙,她招手主动道:“进来。” The transparent air bubble and that Shang Yingyue stealth light covers almost size, a Thethi Asia person has more than enough to spare in inside position, but if adds on Shi Yan, feared that appeared somewhat narrow. 透明气泡和那商影月的隐形光罩差不多大小,塞西lì亚一人在里面位置绰绰有余,可如果加上石岩,怕是就显得有些狭窄了。 Knitting the brows head of Shi Yan does not control self. 石岩不自禁的皱了皱眉头。 Under restriction numerous, if you dived to have no intention to move, my laborious arrangement may waste.” Thethi Asia saw his hesitation, giggle said with a smile tenderly: What you fear, will I eat you to be inadequate? Also, before you then had said that making me probably stick to you, I defer to your order conduct.” “底下禁制重重,如果你一个人下潜无意碰触了,我的辛苦布置可就白费了。”塞西lì亚看出了他的犹豫,咯咯娇笑道:“你怕什么呀,我会吃了你不成?再说了,之前你便说过,让我要紧贴着你的嘛,我可是依照你的命令行事哦。” Shi Yan no longer talks too much at once, accurate from that air bubble slit internal breaks, side-by-side has stood with Thethi Asia in the air bubble. 石岩旋即不再多言,精准的从那气泡缝隙内穿过,和塞西lì亚肩并肩站在气泡。 The transparent five colors air bubble such as balloon half are big, they stand in sink toward the lake bottom slowly, the crack of top of the head heals rapidly, in the air bubble has the fresh moisture, with Thethi Asia on intoxicant fragrant and mellow, making people not think stuffy. 透明五色的气泡如氢气球一半大,两人站在里面慢慢往湖底下沉,头顶的裂缝迅速愈合,气泡内却有清新的水气,伴随着塞西lì亚身上的醉人醇香,让人一点不会觉得闷。 Along with the air bubble sneaking lake bottom, Shi Yan is sizing up peripheral, in the eye appears wipes panic-strickenly. 随着气泡的潜入湖底,石岩打量着周边,眼中不由地显出一抹惊骇。 From a lake bottom hundred meters place, he then finds the innumerable transparent air bubbles, each air bubble size, the complete fluctuation in the lake bottom, has not risen to the lake surface on, relies on some special rule to sway unexpectedly, the dense and numerous air bubbles have several hundred, in each air bubble is hiding very intense fluctuation. 从湖底百米处起,他便瞧见无数透明的气泡,每一个气泡大小不等,全部浮动在湖底中,并没有上升到湖面上,竟然依循着某种特殊的规律晃荡着,密密麻麻的气泡有数百个,每一个气泡内都藏匿着非常强烈的波动。 These fluctuations and river water very good conjunctions, when the air bubble wanders, can get up to concealing the energy fluctuation unexpectedly, if not he places in the lake bottom, feared that could not discover exceptionally. 那些波动和河水很好的契合,在气泡游荡的时候,竟然还能将能量波动给隐匿起来,若非他身处在湖底,怕是也发现不了异常。 He cannot help but emitted Divine Sense young small hole to observe the complexion changed, he deeply inspired, looks to Thethi Asia, suddenly said: In this lake bottom, you , to kill me, I feared that cannot flee.” Lake bottom crowded air bubble, such as the terrifying energy bombs, were grasped by Thethi Asia in the hand. 他不由得放出神识细洞察了一下脸色一变,他深吸一口气,看向身旁的塞西lì亚,忽然说道:“在这湖底,你如果想杀我,我怕是都走脱不掉。”湖底密集的气泡,如一个个恐怖能量炸弹,都被塞西lì亚掌握在手中。 Once these air bubbles blast open completely, the impulse that forms instantaneously, it is estimated that can give the smashing his God Body! 一旦那些气泡全部炸裂,瞬间形成的冲击力,估计能够将他神体都给粉碎! He deeply looks to Thethi Asia, suddenly thinks a little fearful, almost subconscious then[ body] in all sorts of power come out precise, so long as Thethi Asia reveals a difference, he then prepares to flee by Space Deep Meaning, own life does not place oneself, in Thethi Asia grasps. 他深深看向塞西lì亚,忽然觉得有点心寒,几乎下意识的便将〖体〗内种种力量凝炼出来,只要塞西lì亚露出一丝的异样,他便准备以空间奥义遁走,绝不将自己的性命置身在塞西lì亚的掌握中。 How I will cope with you.” Thethi Asia smiling face like flower, a beautiful pupil turning round rotation of pair of attractive mind, the Puchi chuckle is getting up suddenly, very natural saying: „Were you too also discrete? The protection heart is also too heavy, how to work as anybody is the enemies?” “我怎会对付你呢。”塞西lì亚笑颜如huā,一双诱人心灵的美眸滴溜溜的转动着,忽然噗哧轻笑起来,很自然的说道:“你这人也太谨慎了吧?防备心也太重,怎么当任何人都是敌人?” Discrete is not misdemeanor.” The Shi Yan complexion is still stern, the nerve tightens, the time is paying attention carefully. “谨慎一点不是坏事。”石岩依然脸色严峻,神经绷紧,时刻小心留意着。 Thethi Asia bright eyes flash through different light. 塞西lì亚明眸闪过一丝异光。 ...
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