GOS :: Volume #12

#1139: Why each time is I?

„It is not good!” It is not good! ” “不行!”不行!” „It is not good!” “不行!” Unexpected, Thethi , chestnuts and Wu Feng people, heard that he prepares to brave hardships and dangers by the body, the unexpectedly complete discoloration, the competition prevents. 出乎意料,塞西lì亚、莫栗、武枫众人,一听说他准备以身涉险,竟然全部色变,竞相来阻止。 The Shi Yan brow wrinkled the wrinkle. 石岩眉头皱了皱。 The people realize suddenly improper, looks to Shang Yingyue, hopes that she illustrated this matter. 众人忽然意识到不妥,不由地都看向商影月,希望她来解说这件事情。 In vision that everybody anticipates, Shang Yingyue is helpless, sound consistent icy, said: You, if had any accident, we likely will not have the eye, difficult to survive in swamp radically again. Therefore, everyone can remain to brave hardships and dangers, is only you unable, we did not allow you have the accident!” 在大家期待的目光中,商影月无奈,声音一贯的冷冰冰,道:“你如果出了什么意外,我们就会像是没了眼睛,根本再难在沼泽内存活。因此,谁都可以留下来涉险,唯独你不能,我们绝不容许你出意外!” Everybody also nods, spoke to advise. 大家同时点头,纷纷出言劝阻。 Plan of Thethi Asia... Very good, if no accident, once we leave, the opposite party might pass through from here very much.” Shi Yan has calculated, said: Mi Ya to us recently, we wanted slightly the fluctuation direction, she will have the person to attack, will pass by here.” “塞西lì亚的计划…很不错,如果没有意外的话,一旦我们离开,对方很有可能会从这儿经过。”石岩计算了一下,说道:“米娅离我们最近,我们只要稍稍变幻方向,她就会带人冲击过来,会路过这儿。” He looks coldly to the people, the complexion one all things always has the accident, if Mi Ya doesn't walk from here? If she has not passed through here, how could it not be supposes numerous restriction to rack one's brain for nothing? If our first time plans cannot cause heavy losses to the opposite party, behind we will walk with difficulty!” 他看向众人,脸色一冷“万事总有意外,如果米娅不从这儿走呢?如果她没有经过这儿,设下重重的禁制岂非白费心思?如果我们第一次的算计不能重创对方,后面我们更加会步履艰难!” Waves, he said neatly: I remain, once discovered that the situation cannot quickly to leisurely the law flee to me, besides me, anyone of you can achieve?” 一挥手,他干脆利落道:“我留下来,一旦发现情况不对我可以迅速以逍法逃离,除我以外,你们谁可以做到?” Nobody replied. 无人答话。 Such has decided that I do not want to continue to discuss, only if you elect a person, making him suffer to death to substitute for me here honestly.” Shi Yan faint say|way. “就这么决定了,我不想继续商榷,除非你们推选出一个人,让他老实在这儿受死取代我。”石岩淡漠道。 The vision that the people harbor evil intentions, looking cannot help but to Sha Zhao, Mo Li, in Wu Feng eyes gloomy and cold and virulent rays of light, can be afraid suddenly simply „, if hits half dead Sha Zhao, imprisons here, you said that can be better?” Wu Feng sound cold Youdao. 众人不怀好意的目光,忽然不由自主的瞄向沙肇,莫栗、武枫眼中阴冷、恶毒的光芒,简直能让人不寒而栗“如果将沙肇打个半死,禁锢在这儿,你们说会不会好很多?”武枫声音冷幽道。 Mo Su, Wu Feng and Thethi Asia nods gently, thought that this proposition seems to be good, thinks this matter has the feasibility obviously. 莫粟武枫、塞西lì亚轻轻点头,觉得这个提议似乎不错,认为此事明显有可行性。 Sand zheng whole body ices cold, subconscious retreat suddenly, the scream of hysteria: His motherfucker! Why thinks of me each time? Did father provoke anyone of you?” 沙筝浑身忽然冰寒,下意识的后退,歇斯底里的尖叫起来:“他妈的!为什么每次都想到我?老子招惹你们谁了?” He has remembered anything suddenly, bitterly looks to Shi Yan, the anger clashes the Heavenly Dao: I know that you want to flatter him, he is useful to us, for he satisfies and security, your his motherfucker wants to sacrifice me, good, the father has not played with you, do I walk also inadequately?” 他忽然想起了什么,恨恨的看向石岩,怒火冲天道:“我知道,你们都想要讨好他,他对我们有用,为了他满意和安全,你们他妈的都想牺牲我,好,老子不和你们玩了,我走还不成么?” Sand Beihan the face, was despairing to Mo Su and the others simply, now he to the don't the hatreds of chestnuts and Wu Feng these two mean fellows, the ratio goes beyond to Shi Yan. 沙辈寒着脸,对莫粟等人简直绝望了,现在他对莫栗、武枫这两个阴狠家伙的恨意,比对石岩有过之而无不及。 Was good!” The Shi Yan gloomy severity drinks, sound ice-cold say|way: I indeed looked that Sha Zhao is not pleasing to the eyes, wants to strike to kill him, but absolutely is not now! We at this time are at the huge difficult dangerous situations, the strength of tripartite enemy, any strong we, if you frequently are also thinking at this time sacrificed others, reduces own power, I think that I not with the necessity that you fight side-by-side, because does not have possibly to chase down to work loose from the opposite party with you!” “行了!”石岩阴森的厉喝,声音冰冷道:“我的确看沙肇不顺眼,也想击杀他,但绝对不会是现在!我们此时都处在巨大的艰难险境,三方敌人的实力,任何一支都强过我们,如果这时候你们还时刻想着牺牲别人,消减自己的力量,我想我没有和你们并肩作战的必要,因为和你们一起也没有可能从对方追杀中挣脱出来!” Such remarks, many person complexions embarrasedly, do not reply. 此言一出,很多人脸色讪讪,一个个都不答话了。 Is you! What stupid idea offers?” Jiaoshan looks angrily at Mo Su, Wu Feng and the others he to take the entire situation into account, you cannot, if you must like this, our brothers also be separated from the team. If you can sacrifice Sha Zhao, next time perhaps will sacrifice our brothers, everybody said that is?” “都是你们!出什么馊主意?”焦山怒视莫粟武枫等人“他都能顾全大局,你们难道都不能,如果你们真要这样,我们兄弟也脱离团队。你们如果可以牺牲沙肇,下次或许就会牺牲我们兄弟,大家说是不是?” Several other people also in abundance nod, the complexion is firm, has the minute to advocate the stance of sickle greatly. 其余几人也纷纷点头,脸色坚决,大有分道扬镰的架势。 I said I remain.” At this time, Shi Yan sat fainily to the lakeside dust color rock, the calm gaining ground looks at day, emitted the vice- soul quietly, said: Mi Ya they will come in days later, I think that you were the time have prepared well, I will be guarding discretely, once that person of Divine Sense came, you received the hand immediately, cannot be seen any clue by him.” “我说了我留下来。”在这时候,石岩淡漠坐向湖边灰褐色磐石,冷静的抬头看着天,将副魂悄悄放出,道:“米娅他们会在一天后过来,我想你们是时候好好准备准备了,我会谨慎提防着,一旦那人神识过来,你们马上收手,不能被他看出什么端倪。” Has been far away from the people, Sha Zhao that prepares to run away at any time, hesitated at this time, is at the same time indecisive. 远离了众人,随时准备逃窜的沙肇,这时候又迟疑下来,在一边犹豫不决着。 Has been separated from everybody, once he has completed the order form, met with any side is struck to kill instantaneously, does not have the possibility of escaping by luck certainly, Sha Zhao very clear this point, only if as a last resort, otherwise the lamp he is really not willing to leave. 脱离了大家,他一旦落单了,和任何一方碰面都会被瞬间击杀,绝无幸免的可能,沙肇很清楚这一点,所以除非万不得已,否灯他真的不愿意离开。 We knew mistakenly, Sha Zhao do not walk, later cannot like this.” The don't ditch has hesitated, bows toward Sha Zhao by far, raises hand to say sincerely: I by name of guarantee ancestor, later absolutely desirably will not aim at you, cannot absolutely!” “我们知道错了,沙肇你别走了,以后不会这样了。”莫渠沉吟了一下,远远朝着沙肇躬身,诚恳举手道:“我以祖先之名保证,以后绝对不会刻意针对你,绝对不会!” Thethi Asia and Wu Feng also hastily nod, they also understand that Sha Zhao leaves, these will of the people have dispersed, is very difficult to continue to cross a river in a boat together. 塞西lì亚、武枫也连忙点头,他们也明白一点沙肇离开,这些人心就散了,很难继续同舟共济。 Their strength was weakest, if such reduces again, treated that three parties to link an opportunity not to have, therefore has to lower the stance on own initiative, requested that Sha Zhao do not leave. 他们实力本就最弱,如果再这么消减下去,对待那三方真的连一丝机会都没有了,所以不得不主动放低姿态,请求沙肇别离开。 I again give you an opportunity!” “我就再给你们一次机会!” Sha Zhao coldly snorted, was hard the neck to walk, relaxed secretly. 沙肇冷哼一声,硬着脖子又重新走了过来,暗地里也松了一口气。 He frowns, looked that to looks at the day fainily Shi Yan, the look appears is somewhat strange... 他皱着眉头,愣愣的看向淡漠看天的石岩,眼神显得有些古怪起来… Everybody hurried to handle the matter!” Mo Su shoutsnot to continue observation while that person, we want the speed to move, the quick arrangement is appropriate. “大家赶紧将事情做了!”莫粟嚷嚷一声“趁着那人没有继续观察这边,我们要速度行动,快一点布置妥当。 He moves toward the front stretch of open area, the speaker calls to shout: Slightly make way, the cracks in the earth astral thunder I will submerge the bottom it, I can under the arrange restriction, once the earth transmits reacted to trigger inspiring, you leave depart from me too near......” Mo Su gloomy and cold ice cold pupil, flashes through together the cold severe Daidu gloss, under the look gaze of people, his God Body little submerging place bottom, the earth does not have any hindrance to him, he can have one's wish patrols in the place bottom, such as the fish enters the water to be relaxed. 他率先走向前方一片空地,扬声叫喊道:“都稍稍让一让,地裂罡雷我会将其潜入地底,我会布下禁制,一旦大地传来震动就会触发引动,你们别离我太近……”莫粟阴冷冰寒的眸子,闪过一道冷厉歹毒的光泽,在众人的眼神注视下,他神体一点点的没入地底,大地对他没有任何阻碍,他能随心所欲的在地底游弋,如鱼儿入水般轻松。 Shi Yan is narrowing the eye, has paid attention secretly, discovered that Mo Li in the short time bottom kilometer, is arranging anything in the place bottom unexpectedly thoroughly adeptly. 石岩眯着眼睛,暗暗留心了一下,发现莫栗在短短时间竟然深入地底千米,在地底正娴熟的布置着什么。 I conclude the cloudy thunder and lightning lance on lake tree, everybody do not move the branches and leaves, so as to avoid my restriction affecting.” The Shang Yingyue chilly sound resounds, she such as the winding lightning, is patrolling in the peripheral grove together, the pure white arm is dancing in the air, forms the marvelous mark, the one by one crustification in the branches and leaves, the special rare treasure has been hanging. “我在湖泊旁边的树上缔结阴雷电矛,大家不要触碰枝叶,免得将我的禁制给影响了。”商影月清冷的声音响起,她如一道曲折闪电,在周边树丛内游弋着,洁白手臂飞舞着,结成许多奇妙的印记,一一镶嵌在枝叶,还有特殊秘宝悬挂了起来。 I went to the lake bottom revolutions.” “我去湖底转转了。” Thethi Asia smiles charmingly, such as a graceful mermaid projection to the limpid lake, has not spluttered unexpectedly water drop flower, lithe sneaks toward the lake bottom. 塞西lì亚妩媚一笑,如一条曼妙的美人鱼投射向清澈湖中,竟没有溅射一滴水huā,轻盈的往湖底潜入。 Other people also in abundance go into action, displays respectively exquisitely, certainly they are familiar with, the virulent rare treasure gives to release restriction and ominous formation that is centered on this, spreads toward not far away, making this insist a terrifying restriction field. 其余的人也纷纷行动起来,各自施展精妙,将他们熟悉的禁制、凶绝的阵法、许多恶毒的秘宝都给释放出来,以这一块为中心,朝着不远处蔓延,令这一块坚持成了一处恐怖禁制场。 Will appear energy to fluctuate, is best to leave the chaotic lane, in order to avoid being discovered that lets everybody lead wastes painstakingly.” Shang Yingyue arranges restriction time, but also has free time to remind. “会显现能量波动的,最好别乱弄,以免被人发现,让大家的率苦都白费。”商影月布置禁制的时候,还有空提醒。 Understood. “明白了。 We know fairly well.” “我们心中有数。” Relax, the matter of this cloudy person I have most excelled, definitely will make Mi Ya that slut be surprised!” “放心吧,这种阴人的事情我最擅长了,肯定会让米娅贱人大吃一惊!” Comes from the powerful characters in major star territories numerously, clenches teeth to take a stand in abundance, makes the ruthless severe method in the hand hiding, this arrangement is lets person soul dispersing simply step by step the bad risk, including Shi Yan is the secret mood that the one side looks. 众多来自于各大星域的强悍人物,纷纷咬着牙表态,将手中潜藏的狠厉手段弄出来,把这一块布置的简直步步都是让人魂魄飞散的凶险,连石岩在一旁看的都是暗暗心境。 For example Wu Feng and Brother Wu Bai, put out many silver spheres, once the sphere will collide to splash the innumerable cold glow, the cold glow can penetrate Soul Altar directly, will let person Sea of Consciousness by the flaws of to bind, making the soul collapse directly. 譬如武枫武柏兄弟,拿出许多银色的圆球,圆球一旦碰撞就会飞溅出无数寒芒,寒芒能直接穿入灵魂祭台,让人识海被扎的千疮百孔,让灵魂直接崩溃掉。 Cup god family background Sha Zhao, then puts down many monster insects and poisons in the mud, these species small is hard to perceive that including Shi Yan Divine Sense the life fluctuates, the naked eye is difficult to see, the implication is violently poisonous, can mix in surrounding heaven and earth energy, once absorb will then drill into the whole body blood vessel veins, making person unknowingly God Body feeble, power how precise. 盅神教出身的沙肇,则是在泥泞中放下许多妖虫、毒物,那些物种小的连石岩神识都难以觉察到生命波动,肉眼难见,却蕴含剧毒,能混入周围天地能量中,一旦吸纳便会钻入全身血管筋脉,让人不知不觉中神体衰弱,力量怎样都凝炼不起来。 The sensation compared with sending the silk also slight dozens times of poisonous insects dives in not far away mire, Shi Yan has calculated the quantity secretly, discovered that really has several thousands. 感知着比发丝还细微数十倍的毒虫在不远处泥沼内下潜,石岩暗暗计算了一下数量,发现竟然有数万之多。 He is out of control a little creepy feeling. 他禁不住有点头皮发麻起来。 He rejoiced suddenly he has Ice Poison Bead in the hand, otherwise previous time with the battle of Sha Zhao, he not only cannot injure to arrive at Sha Zhao, perhaps also poisonously will become the severe wound by Sha Zhao, even striking to massacre by Sha Zhao. 他忽然庆幸他有淬毒寒珠在手,要不然上一次和沙肇的交战,他不但不能伤到沙肇,说不定还会被沙肇给毒成重伤,甚至被沙肇给击杀掉。 This fellow indeed supernatural power insufficiently vigorous fining, evil and cruel method that but he has, simply virtually impossible to guard against, Shi Yan thought suddenly, if just Mo Li, Wu Feng really must under the killer to Sha Zhao, refer to erratically must be given to kill pill individual by him. 这家伙的确神力不够浑厚精炼,可他掌握的许多歹毒的手段,简直让人防不胜防,石岩忽然觉得如果刚刚莫栗、武枫真要对沙肇下杀手,指不定要被他给弄死丹个人呢。 When he changes countenance secretly, Sha Zhao gains ground suddenly, looked at his one eyes from afar, expression appears somewhat strange, lowers the head suddenly, sound stiff say|way: Dissuading that you spoke before, I record, later will find the opportunity to repay you, but among us Qiu Haishi has had, has not melted simply.” 在他暗暗动容的时候,沙肇忽然抬头,远远看了他一眼,神色显得有些古怪,突地有垂头,声音僵硬道:“你之前出言的劝阻,我会记着,以后会找机会偿还你,但我们之间的仇还是结下了,没那么简单化解。” Shi Yan stunned, has gawked, gives a calm smile, nodded has not said anything. 石岩愕然,愣了一下,才淡然一笑,点了点头也没有多说什么。 Seeks! 牟啦! The behind lake center hears fluent rapid sound, graceful such as sexy silhouette of snake, such as the fish is loafing, appears gradually. 身后湖泊中心传来水流湍急声,一条曼妙如蛇的性感身影,如鱼儿游荡着,渐渐浮现出来。 A long hair throws over wet in the fragrant shoulder, the Thethi Asia physique of leather clothing leather skirt arouses hot, the beautiful leg is dragging in the lake, the upper part appears, looks distantly to Shi Yan, suddenly said: I in lake backing cloth next very interesting gadget, but needs me to lead to manipulate, if I remain, the lake bottom might meets ten tenths to appear, can give the opposite party to cause heavy losses. That you at crucial moment, whether to have one person? Leisurely leaves together me? I can guarantee that a lake bottom weaponry, can at least strike to kill arrives at them, moreover is instantaneous!” In the Shi Yan eye the different light passed over gently and swiftly together suddenly, he deeply looks to the self-confident Thethi Asia, hesitated, the nod said: Can lead you, but you must side me, not be possible to separate an instant frequently! Can you achieve?” 一头长发湿漉漉披在香肩,皮衣皮裙的塞西lì亚身姿火辣撩人,美腿在湖中摇曳着,上半身浮现出来,遥遥看向石岩,忽然说道:“我在湖底布下一个很有趣的玩意,但需要我本人主导操弄,如果我留下来,湖底的威力会十成显现出来,能给予对方重创。那个你在关键时候,能否多带一人?将我一起逍离出去?我敢保证湖底的阵仗,能至少击杀一到两人,而且是瞬间!”石岩眼中一道异光骤然掠过,他深深看向自信满满的塞西lì亚,沉吟了一下,点头道:“可以带着你,但你必须时刻在我身边,决不可分开一霎!你能做到?” Naturally energy.” Thethi Asia has smiled suddenly, is charmingly joyful: You could rest assured that I will certainly not put to trouble to you, I ensure will be obedient is obedient very much, um, I closely will be pasting you.” Shi Yan micro one knits the brows, takes back the vision indifferently, gains ground to continue above looks at, places to prevent in observing of Haig the mind. “当然能。”塞西lì亚忽然笑了起来,妩媚欣喜道:“你放心,我一定不会给你添麻烦,我保证会很听话很听话,嗯,我会紧紧贴着你的。”石岩微一皱眉,又淡然收回目光,抬头继续看着上方,将心神放在防止黑格的窥测中。 Thethi Asia smiles, the beautiful leg is swaying, graceful slowly sneaks the lake bottom. 塞西lì亚抿嘴一笑,美腿晃荡着,又婀娜多姿的慢慢潜入湖底。
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