GOS :: Volume #12

#1138: Laying an ambush

By the clear lake, Shi Yan squats on the ground, and refers to such as the blade has portrayed the big circle in the under foot, sections out four dot in the circle. 澄清的湖泊旁边,石岩蹲在地上,并指如刀的在脚下刻画了大大的圆圈,又在圆圈内标出四个小点。 He aims at that four dot, Jane Da said transparent: We here, Mi Ya they here, Fei Erpu in this position, as for the God Clan influence that comes newly, then in this position.” The ground by obvious that very he portrays, now that four dot assume the quadrangle faintly, they in an corner/horn, Mi Ya, Fei Erpu, Haig and the others in another three angles, have a distance to them, very obvious Haig most is far from here, it is estimated that at least several days can catch up, Mi Ya is recent ..............., 他指向那四个小点,简答明了说道:“我们在这儿,米娅他们在这边,菲尔普在这个方位,至于那新过来的神族势力,则是在这个方位。”地上被他刻画的很明显,如今那四个小点隐隐呈四角形,他们在其中一角,米娅菲尔普黑格等人在另外三个角,离他们都有着一段距离,很明显黑格离这儿最远,估计至少几天才可以赶来,米娅则是最近……………, Mo Su and Thethi Asia, Wu Feng and Shang Yingyue one line, squat side him, the situation map that looks at he draws with rapt attention, frowns tightly. 莫粟、塞西lì亚、武枫商影月一行人,都蹲在他身旁,凝神看着他画出来的情况图,一个个紧皱眉头。 Including me, our here altogether has 12 Warrior, but if really the head confrontation, we fear compared with Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and that new influence any, even if adopts the minute to strike it, is impossible to get the winning side.” Shi Yan knits the brows sinking sound track. “连我在内,我们这边共有12名武者,但真要是正面交锋,我们怕是比不过米娅菲尔普和那新势力任何一股,就算是采取分而击之,也不可能占据上风。”石岩皱眉沉声道。 Arrival of Haig, has disrupted his policy, he has to they arrive with Mo Su together. 黑格的到来,也将他的方针打乱了,他不得不和莫粟他们走到一块儿。 If no Haig to arrive, he draws support the keen sensation strength, deep meaning that leisurely walks rapidly, he can ride roughshod in swamp, will not need to be worried to be overtaken by Mi Ya and Fei Erpu, but can also hide in the hidden place gives Mi Ya and Fei Erpu start trouble unceasingly, can wait for an opportunity to seize seven color ghost monster flower. 如果没有黑格到来,他借助于灵敏的感知力,迅速逍走的奥义,他可以在沼泽内横行无忌,根本不用担心会被米娅菲尔普追上,还能潜藏在暗处不断给米娅菲尔普制造麻烦,能伺机将七彩鬼妖huā夺来。 But came Haig, his happy step thorough was chaotic, similarly Divine Sense unhindered Haig, can easily his position lock, how regardless of he hides the avoidance to be unearthed. 但来了黑格,他的美好步骤彻底乱了,同样神识不受阻碍的黑格,可以轻易将他的位置锁定,不论他如何潜藏躲避都会被挖掘出来。 Such comes him not to have the peaceful time, they will be sought quickly by Mi Ya, was locked even the bedding bag to encircle. 这么一来他将没有安生的时间,会很快被米娅他们寻找到,被锁定甚至被包围起来。 Naturally he can draw support Space Deep Meaning leisurely walks, what a pity the technique of this leisurely leaving cannot the non- time limit use, Ancient Continent is Ancient Continent, the space putting on corner has restraint after all similarly, he not only cannot draw support Space Deep Meaning leaves from Ancient Continent, each small range leisurely will leave will also consume huge power. 当然他还是可以借助于空间奥义逍走,可惜这逍离之术并不是能够无限次使用,古大陆毕竟是古大陆,空间的穿棱同样有束缚,他不但不能借助于空间奥义古大陆离开,每一次小范围的逍离也都会消耗巨大的力量 He carefully has calculated earnestly, every time passes to him instantaneously will consume at least one-fourth supernatural powers, in this period must calm the mind to restore it to come, otherwise can only leisurely leave four times. 他认真仔细的计算过,每一次瞬间透离他都会消耗至少1的神力,其间必须要静心恢复其来,不然只能逍离四次。 If Mi Ya, Haig and Fei Erpu disperse the personnel, forms a great circle to pursue him, he one time leisurely leaves to dodge, by the Haig latched position, near tripartite influence Warrior that will leave is sought immediately again immediately not to the time that he will restore. 如果米娅黑格菲尔普将人员分散开来,形成一个大圆圈来追击他,他一次逍离闪走,会立即被黑格重新锁定位置,离的近的三方势力武者马上会寻上不会给他恢复的时间。 Leisurely leaves continuously four times, his supernatural power the emptiness of failure, the strength the sharp decline, the battle efficiency will be low at this time, does not have the means to deal with opposite party Warrior. 连续逍离四次,他神力将会衰竭的空荡,实力将会锐减,这时候战斗力低下,根本没办法应付对方的武者 Without Haig not instantaneously the ability that he locks, he not anxious restless, but he also has a headache now. 没有黑格没有瞬间将他锁定的能力,他不会紧张不安,但现在他也头疼起来。 Has a good news.” The Shi Yan finger does not have the goal is skidding on the ground, the sinking sound said: That goes to our Center fellow Divine Sense directly, should not know that I am same as him, has to be able the sensation surrounding ability. His not too discrete Divine Sense leaves is too near, falls directly to our top of the head, therefore I perceived......, ......... Haig has not thought that some people can with his same Divine Sense by restraint therefore, his Divine Sense not go against a kilometer place approximately see clearly directly the people appearance quantity and strength in Shi Yan audiences head. “有一个好消息。”石岩手指没有目的的在地上滑动着,沉声说道:“那个将神识直接投向我们〖中〗央的家伙,应该还不知道我和他一样,也有着能够感知周围的能力。他不太谨慎神识离的太近,直接就落向我们头顶,所以我才觉察到了……,………”黑格没有想到有人能够与他一样神识不受束缚因此,他神识直接就在石岩人头顶千米处将众人模样数量和实力都大致看清楚了。 Also is so, Shi Yan can discover keenly his wisp of Divine Sense spies on. 也是如此,石岩才能敏锐的发现他的那一缕神识窥探。 Different with Haig, Shi Yan each time Divine Sense nosing peripheral, so will not be harebrained boldly, so long as induced to the life fluctuation has taken immediately back, not that dissolute spying on details. 黑格不同,石岩每次神识查探周边,绝不会如此冒失大胆,只要感应到生命波动立即就收回了,不会那么放肆的窥探详情。 A caution and care, extremely arrogant self-confident, this caused Shi Yan to understand thoroughly the fearfulness of Haig, but Haig actually still knew nothing about him, not clear in this swamp, were many a Shi Yan such variable. 一个谨慎小心,一个狂妄自信,这就导致了石岩洞彻了黑格的可怕,而黑格却对他依然一无所知,不清楚在这沼泽中,多了石岩这么一个变数。 We must well using this point.” Sexy sui wonderful Thethi Asia, at this time calm fearfulness, eye glittering fire flower of wisdom, throughout in fast is planning anything. “那我们要好好利用这一点。”性感荽妙的塞西lì亚,这时候冷静的可怕,眼睛闪烁着睿智的火huā,始终在快速的算计着什么。 Mo Su, Wu Feng and Wu Bai people saw Thethi to speak, suddenly peaceful, as if knows that Thethi Asia can help them at this moment, in the five years, whenever there is any a virulent plan method, often was formulated the implementation by Thethi Asia, she has proven her the fierce place in this aspect. 莫粟武枫武柏众人见塞西lì亚说话了,忽然都安静了下来,似乎知道此时此刻塞西lì亚能够帮助他们,这五年来,每当有什么恶毒的计划手段,往往都由塞西lì亚制定实施,她已经证明她在这方面的厉害之处。 Shi Yan surprised, takes a look at this plentiful beautiful beautiful woman to get up earnestly, the line of sight does not control self on her is patrolling. 石岩惊讶了一下,认真打量起这名丰腴美艳的美妇起来,视线在她身上不自禁的游弋着。 Green leather skirt that a synthesis sticks on, cultivates the straight snow white beautiful leg, the slender waist that the abundant milk-white bosom, grasps gracefully, such as a graceful moving viperous beauty, the curve sex appeal arouses, man very easy blood spray out that looks at to get up. 一身合体敷贴的绿色皮裙,修直雪白的美腿,丰挺的酥胸,盈盈一握的纤细腰肢,如一条曼妙动人的美女蛇,曲线性感撩人,看的男人很容易血脉喷张起来。 As if perceived that Shi Yan vision, Thethi Asia purses the lips chuckled, lazy stretching oneself , the slender waist bends the astonishing curve, making chestnut, Wu Feng, Wu Bai and the others the eye suddenly burning hot get up, as if temporarily has forgotten the pressing on step by step bad risk. 似乎觉察到了石岩的目光,塞西lì亚抿嘴轻笑一声,慵懒的伸了个懒腰,纤细的腰肢弓起惊人的弧度,让莫栗、武枫武柏等人眼睛都忽然炙热起来,似乎暂时忘记了步步紧逼的凶险。 In the Shi Yan eye also splits together fiery rays of light, rapidly is at once tranquil, said lightly: What good idea do you have?” 石岩眼中也绽出一道火热光芒,旋即迅速平静下来,淡淡说道:“你有什么好的主意?” He suddenly really did not have any means. 他一时间还真没有任何办法。 Opposite three influences, any sufficiently frontage. Weighs and routs them, what is main is Haig can lock their positions, making Fei Erpu and Mi Ya these two sides be able to achieve in the heart to have the spectrum throughout, has this premise, they are very difficult to put forth any flower type. 对面的三股势力,任何一股都足以正面。衡并且击溃他们,最主要的是黑格能够锁定他们的方位,让菲尔普米娅这两方始终能够做到心中有谱,有这个前提在,他们很难使出什么huā样来。 Makes me think well that is really a headache matter, troublesome. “让我好好想想,真是一件头疼的事情呀,麻烦。 Thethi Asia charming is directing the Fengze corners of the mouth with jade, squats slowly lightly, earnest looks at Shi Yan stroke the situation map, because of the posture reason, her abundant buttocks outlined the extremely plentiful attractive curve, was similar to must broken that tight narrow leather skirt bulge. 塞西lì亚妩媚的用玉指点着丰泽嘴角,缓缓轻蹲下来,认真看着石岩划出的情况图,因为姿势的原因,她丰臀勾勒出极为丰满诱人的弧度,如同要将那紧窄的皮裙胀破一般。 In her behind Sha Zhao several men, the eyeball almost stares, does not control self is swallowing the saliva, criticizes this beautiful woman is really awfully. 在她身后沙肇几名男子,眼珠子都差点瞪出来,一个个不自禁的吞咽着口水,暗骂这妖艳女人真是要命。 The Shang Yingyue elegant face is chilly, the looks at Thethi Asia that disdains, the line of sight sweeps, looks at Sha Zhao, Mo Su and Wu Bai ugly performance in the eyeground, cannot bear coldly snorted one. 商影月俏脸清冷,不屑的看着塞西lì亚,视线一扫,又将沙肇莫粟武柏的丑态望在眼底,忍不住冷哼一声。 Sha Zhao and Mo Li, Wu Bai awkward chuckled, has put aside from Thethi Asia the fiery vision finally forcefully, Mo Li hollow laugh, was saying embarrasedly: Everybody thinks carefully, um, thinks well that should have the means.” 沙肇、莫栗、武柏尴尬的嘿嘿笑了起来,终于强行将火热目光从塞西lì亚的身上移开,那莫栗讪讪干笑着,道:“大家都仔细想想,嗯,好好想一想,应该会有办法的。” Who knows you to want any dirty matter!” Shang Yingyue impolite scolding. “谁知道你们都想些什么龌龊的事情!”商影月不客气的骂道。 The people recover Lou Ganga. 众人愈娄尴尬。 Thethi Asia not cares a whoop actually, as if knows that Sha Zhao and Mo Su just secretly looks at she, her also giggle tenderly smiles, the beautiful pupil is rippling the charming wave light, the grace and bearing ten thousand types the Wu Bai face looked at several in Sha Zhao, Mo Su and on, lets person saliva crossflow the charming type. 倒是塞西lì亚毫不在意,似乎知道沙肇莫粟刚刚偷偷看着她,她还咯咯娇笑起来,美眸荡漾着迷人波光,风情万种的在沙肇莫粟武柏脸上看了几眼,一副让人口水横流的妩媚样。 This seductress! 这个狐狸精! The people shouted darkly, was the heart itchy is hard to take, provoked annoyed intent was dry. 众人暗呼,一个个都是心痒难耐,被撩拨的心烦意燥起来。 Must die to being imminent, unexpectedly also having a mind thought these at sixes and sevens matters, really Lou!” Shang Yingyue cold sound track. “都要死到临头了,竟然还有心思想那些乱七八糟的事情,真是可娄!”商影月寒声道。 Is because does not know when can assign mourning place, will indulge the innermost feelings[ really] solid desire, has being deliberately bad thought of making merry while one can, she naturally does not understand the eruption of man's Negative Emotions under the hopeless situation, thinks unreadable, therefore is therefore angry. 就是因为不知道何时会命丧此地,才更会放纵内心的〖真〗实欲望,会有着及时行乐的自暴自弃念头,她自然不懂男人在绝境下负面情绪的爆发,觉得难以理解,所以因此而愤怒。 Has means that does not know that is feasible. „ Thethi Asia with a smile looks at Shi Yan, looks to Shi Yan, as if active filtering has disregarded Mo Su and Sha Zhao people. “有个办法,不知道可行不可行。“塞西lì亚含笑看着石岩,也只是看向石岩,似乎主动过滤无视了莫粟沙肇众人。 Mo Su, Wu Bai, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai reveal expression that admires, knows, because Shi Yan displays the important function, had caused that Thethi Asia has placed his body all thoughts, secretly loses. 莫粟武柏、焦山、焦海都露出艳羡的神色,知道因为石岩表现出至关重要的作用,已经引得塞西lì亚将所有心思都放在了他的身上,一个个不由地暗暗失落起来。 Mentioned listens.” Shi Yan calm say|way. “说来听听。”石岩冷静道。 Thethi just likes the thoroughly ripe honey peach, whole body is releasing woman mature grace and bearing, has the unquenchable attraction to any men, Shi Yan is no exception, but his cultivation deep meaning is special, with[ body] in Negative Emotions struggles for many years, the restraint strength in fields must be at variance with the average man, absolutely tenacious fearfulness. 塞西lì亚如熟透的水蜜桃,全身上下释放着女人成熟风情,对任何男人都有着难以抑制的吸引力,石岩也不例外,但他修炼的奥义特殊,和〖体〗内负面情绪斗争多年,在某些方面的克制力要异于常人,绝对坚韧的可怕。 Therefore he can quick calm, will not live yi to read because of the charming attractive continual heart of Thethi Asia, 所以他能很快冷静,不会因塞西lì亚的妩媚诱人连续心生旖念, Can treat the important matter self-poise. 能够镇定自若的对待重要事。 In this regard, Mo Su, Wu Bai, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai the people, are inferior to him, one, because after they do not have fights each time , and experience of negative desire resistance. 在这一点上,莫粟武柏、焦山、焦海众人,都不如他,一因为他们没有每次战斗后都和负面欲望抗争的经历。 Shi Yan indifferent calm, making Thethi Asia and Shang Yingyue beautiful pupil appear an astonished color, two females deeply looked at his one eyes with rapt attention, was high to his appraisal immediately a level, can the calm man, be able in the adverse circumstance hopeless situation by the man of innermost feelings Negative Emotions influence, absolutely not to be extremely splendid at crucial moments. 石岩的冷漠镇定,让塞西lì亚和商影月都美眸显出一丝惊异之色,两女凝神深深看了他一眼,对他的评价立即高了一个层次,能够在关键时刻冷静的男人,能够在逆境绝境中不被内心负面情绪影响的男人,绝对是极其出色的。 They take Shi Yan and Mo Su, Wu Bai and Jiaoshan secretly compare, the beautiful pupil is glistens, changes countenance secretly. 她们暗地里拿石岩莫粟武柏、焦山一比,美眸更是闪亮起来,暗暗动容。 Mo Su, Wu Bai, Jiaoshan, Sha Zhao and the others, are the talent eminents of major star territories, will be the leader of future all parties influence, majority have to jump the ranks challenge power, mental will be very tenacious ..............., 莫粟武柏、焦山、沙肇等人,都是各大星域的天才翘楚,是未来各方势力的领军人物,大多数都有着越级挑战的力量,心智都很坚韧……………, But is these people, at crucial moment was inferior Shi Yan is calm, Shi Yan as if can by the influence of environment, this not be let Thethi Asia and Shang Yingyue secret heart completely startled, rejoiced that has not become enemies with Shi Yan, but gave to win over him finally. 可就是这些人,在关键的时候都不如石岩冷静自若,石岩似乎能完全不受环境的影响,这让塞西lì亚和商影月都暗暗心惊,庆幸没有和石岩结仇,而是终将他给拉拢了过来。 „The opposite party does not know that we can also spy on their march directions, has this premise, we can lay an ambush.” Thethi Asia aims at this, the point to that lake, said: „ Here is a good position, the deep meaning of my cultivation water, can use this lake to handle a lot. “对方不知道我们也可以窥探他们的行进方向,有这个前提在,我们可以设伏。”塞西lì亚指向这一块,点向那湖泊,说道:“这里就是一个不错的位置,我修炼水之奥义,能够利用这湖泊做很多事情。 Mo Su your cultivation earth deep meaning, can do are more, we can unearth the trap here, supposes the numerous bad risks restriction, when they jump triggering, but we can also leave ahead of time. ” 莫粟修炼大地奥义,能够做的更多,我们可以将这儿挖掘陷阱,设下重重凶险的禁制,等他们跳过来触发,而我们还可以提前离开。” This idea is good.” don't Li nod assent immediately, is sizing up the surrounding condition, grins to say with a smile: In my hand has many „ the cracks in the earth astral thunder, once were triggered, in extremely near distance, is difficult to run away including Origin God! ” “这个主意不错。”莫栗立即点头同意,打量着周围的状况,咧嘴笑道:“我手中有不少“地裂罡雷”一旦被触发,极近的距离内,连始神都难逃!” I have the cloudy thunder and lightning lance!” Shang Yingyue beautiful pupil one bright. “我也有阴雷电矛!”商影月美眸一亮。 Good, this plan... Feasible.” Shi Yan said that in the eye different light was beating to plan to be able a more perfect implementation, I even can remain to make the bait, making them enter the net.” “不错,这个计划…可行。”石岩接话,眼中异光跳动着“为了计划可以更加完美的实施,我甚至可以留下来做诱饵,引他们入网。”
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