GOS :: Volume #12

#1137: Is earnest!

If Shang Yingyue said that Mi Ya indeed depressed must spit blood. 商影月所言,米娅的确郁闷的要吐血。 After the Fei Erpu people separate, she does not have immediately to issue the order Mo Fou and other fish slip through to encircle, but was as one wishes chooses a place to stop over, the elegant face was considering anything drearily. 菲尔普众人分开以后,她没有立即下达命令对莫雬等漏网之鱼进行围剿,而是随便选了一个地方落脚,俏脸阴郁的思量着什么。 Warrior of audiences Fernandez Family, disperses in the one side, helpless looks at she. 一众费尔南德斯家族的武者,都分散在一旁,无奈的看着她。 The Yue Man whole face is ashamed, bends the waist respectfully is standing, said: Was the old servant has gone bad the Young Lady important matter.” 约曼满脸惭愧,弯腰恭敬的站着,说道:“是老奴坏了小姐的大事。” Has nothing to do with you.” Mi Ya waves, the elegant face covers entirely the cold frost, is Fei Erpu and that Damn it boy! Has not thought that we chase down in this place continuously for five years, has not blown away this fellow unexpectedly, but also made him go bad our good deed, hated really!” “和你无关。”米娅挥挥手,俏脸布满寒霜,“都是菲尔普和那名该死的小子!没想到我们在此地连续追杀五年,竟然没有干掉这个家伙,还让他坏了我们的好事,真恨啊!” Young Lady, why you take seven color ghost spirit flowers, compared with ghost Demon Flower, its value is more unquantifiable.” Yue Man lowers the head, sighed in a soft voice, in the heart was moved completely. 小姐,你为什么将七彩鬼灵花拿出来,和鬼妖花相比,它的价值更加难以估量啊。”约曼垂着头,轻声一叹,心中满是感动。 He naturally knows why Mi Ya must such do, besides pledging to fight to the death to repay the Mi Ya deep affection, he does not know how really should do. 他自然知道米娅为何要这么做了,除了誓死报答米娅的厚爱外,他真不知道该怎么做了。 Seven color ghost spirit flowers indeed want precious many, but actually could not rescue York uncle's life, making him take then took, our other found the opportunity to take carry back and that's the end.” The Mi Ya knitting the brows head, to Haig confessed that a little will be troublesome, that seven color ghost spirit flowers are the things that he assigns to want, I and his price reached an agreement, has not thought that had such an accident.” “七彩鬼灵花的确要珍贵的多,但却救不了约克叔叔的命,让他拿了便拿了,我们另外找机会拿回来就是了。”米娅皱了皱眉头,“就是向黑格交代会有点麻烦,那七彩鬼灵花是他指定要的东西,我和他价格都谈好了,没想到出了这么一个岔子。” „Doesn't that know what to do?” The Yue Man startled say|way, Haig easily does not deal with.” “那如何是好?”约曼惊道,“黑格可不容易应付。” All right, the truth truth was good, it seems like that this we also really must draw support Haig power, otherwise feared that is hard to capture that boy.” Mi Ya sighed lightly. “没事,实话实话就行了,看来这趟我们还真要借助于黑格力量了,要不然怕是难以将那小子擒拿。”米娅轻叹。 They speak, Transmission Stone of Mi Ya sleeve cuff then has transmitted soon after the sound, this is Haig must again establish the talk. 两人讲着话,不多久,米娅袖口的音石便传来了动静,这是黑格要再一次建立谈话。 She and Fei Erpu battle, Transmission Stone transmits many sounds from that side Haig, obviously is because Haig has discovered anything, urgent wants to know her and Fei Erpu situation, but unilaterally was stopped by her. 她和菲尔普交战的时候,音石传来许多次动静都是来自于黑格那边,显然是因为黑格发现了什么,迫切的想要知道她和菲尔普的情况,但都被她给单方面中止了。 Now and Fei Erpu dispute comes to the end temporarily, Mi Ya can feel at ease with the Haig exchange finally, must draw support from him comes to give to sweep clean the swamp obstacle. 如今和菲尔普的纠纷暂时告一段落,米娅终于可以安心和黑格交流,也要借助于他来将沼泽的障碍物都给扫清。 „Are you up to mischief?” The Haig roaring sound transmits from Transmission Stone suddenly, I just had discussed with Fei Erpu, he said that you want him dead wholeheartedly, is not willing to bring to change him then to cause you seven color ghost Demon Flower exactly .................. “你搞什么鬼?”黑格的咆哮声忽然从音石传来,“我刚刚和菲尔普谈过了,他说你一心要他死,不肯将七彩鬼妖花拿来换他活这才导致你们………………” Haig comes up then to scold, accuses the Mi Ya behavior to be improper, the expression is very intense. 黑格一上来便是呵斥,指责米娅行为不妥,语气很是激烈。 Mi Ya looks unfamiliar smartly coldly, does not have anxiously the rebuttal, when the Haig words had ended, desolate response: Matter is more awful, I who you think lose is not seven color ghost Demon Flower, but is your scheduled ghost spirit flower! Now can you be more annoyed?” 米娅俏脸生寒,没有急着反驳,等到黑格一番话结束了,才冷淡的回应:“事情比你想的还要糟糕,我丢出去的不是七彩鬼妖花而是你预定的鬼灵花!现在你会不会更加恼火?” Roaring Haig was suddenly silent. 咆哮的黑格忽然沉默了。 The good half sound, he as if to restore calmly, „, for the life of trivial lackey, being worth spending that many plans? You gave that boy not to be good seven color ghost Demon Flower temporarily, when I came, but also feared that can't execute him? Are you always intelligent this time so are why muddled?” 好半响,他似乎恢复了冷静,“为了区区一名奴才的命,值得你费那么多心机?你将七彩鬼妖花暂时给那小子不就行了,等我过来了,还怕不能将他格杀掉?你一向聪明这次为何如此糊涂?” I feared that you may not massacre him.” Mi Ya knits the brows, indeed, you can lock him easily, obtains his trend, but his cultivation Space Deep Meaning, although cannot be separated from Ancient Continent, but in swamp, whatever flees difference difficulty swamp greatly not to catch him the stars of many life not to have is so simpler.” “我怕你也不一定能够杀掉他。”米娅皱眉,“的确,你能轻易锁定他,得到他的动向,但他修炼空间奥义,虽然不能脱离古大陆,但在沼泽内任由遁走出入没有一点难度这沼泽比很多生命之星都大想要逮着他没那么简单。” How do you think?” The Haig expression restores consistent cold severe to be calm, you are never willing to suffer a loss, I must know your plan. You should understand that for me this plan makes no mistake gratitude and grudges between you and Fei Erpu absolutely I, no matter, but I do not allow you to destroy my plan absolutely!” “你怎么想的?”黑格语气恢复一贯的冷厉从容,“你从来不肯吃亏的,我要知道你的打算。你应该明白,对我来说这趟计划绝对不容有失你和菲尔普之间的恩怨我不管,但我绝对不允许你们破坏我的计划!” Categorical that the Haig last few words said. 黑格最后一句话说的斩钉截铁。 You could rest assured that I know your manner, will unable to pass with you intentionally.” Mi Ya hesitation several seconds said: You found them first, then told me me naturally to decide the idea.” “你放心,我知道你的为人,不会故意和你过不去。”米娅沉吟数秒说道:“你先找到他们,然后告诉我我自然有定计。” Good!” “好!” By the limpid lake, in dust stone, the Shi Yan looks at seven color ghost spirit flowers, some little time, suddenly receive the hand to receive Imaginary Space Ring it. 清澈的湖泊旁,灰褐色石块上,石岩怔怔看着七彩鬼灵花,好一会儿,忽然收手将其重新收入幻空戒 If Shang Yingyue said that seven color ghost spirit colored values were higher than ghost Demon Flower obviously greatly, to having Heavenly Flame him, has the extremely special advantage, drew support from is spending him to could spirit the ghost different attribute Heavenly Flame quick fusion one to two, can greatly strengthen his power. 商影月所言,七彩鬼灵花的价值明显大大高出鬼妖花,对拥有天火的他来说,更是有着极其特殊的好处,借助于着鬼灵花他或许能够将不同属性的天火很快的融合一股到两股,能大大增强他的力量 But the spoiled soul aphis in Yang Qingdi mind, still does not have the means to permanently cure, his complexion gloomy, hits plan in the head of Mi Ya. 杨青帝脑海内的腐魂蚜,依然没有办法根治,他脸色阴沉着,又将算盘打在米娅的头上。 Thank you explained the ghost spirit colored use to me.” Looks up to Shang Yingyue, he said indifferently: As the exchange, I also told you a news, God Clan another influence formally entered swamp, this power powerful degree, Ascot Family and Fernandez Family two sides were both formidable, if you were looking for by them unfortunately, I think that we can probably die without doubt.” “谢谢你给我说明鬼灵花的用途。”抬头看向商影月,他淡然道:“作为交换,我也告诉你一个消息,神族另外一股势力已经正式进入沼泽,这一股力量强悍程度,比阿斯科特家族和费尔南德斯家族两方都要强大,如果你们不幸被他们找着,我想我们会必死无疑。” Such remarks, Mo Fou and Cecilia people all are the surface like the dying embers, mind despair. 此言一出,莫雬塞西莉亚众人皆是面如死灰,一个个心神都绝望起来。 Fei Erpu and Mi Ya collaborated not to have the means of livelihood that they forced, now adds on a powerful God Clan influence again, can they have life force? 菲尔普米娅联手已经将他们逼迫的没有活路了,如今再加上一股更加强悍神族势力,他们还能有一线生机么? Please help us.” “请你帮帮我们。” Cecilia of carriage sexy beautiful fascinating'winsome, a face entreaty looks to him, saying of Wen word soft and gentle words: If you can help us, we can certainly get through the difficult time, can wait till central region unsealed that day.” 体态性感婀娜的塞西莉亚,一脸哀求的看向他,温言软语的说道:“如果你可以帮助我们,我们一定可以渡过难关,能等到中央区域解封的那一天。” Central region?” Shi Yan bewildered - looks to people. “中央区域?”石岩莫名其妙-的看向众人。 „Don't you know?” Mo Fou stunned. “你不知道?”莫雬愕然 Brother Wu Feng and Shang Yingyue are expression are also strange. 武枫兄弟、商影月也是神色怪异。 Shi Yan coldly snorted. 石岩冷哼一声。 Mo Fou is suddenly awkward, explained hurriedly: Ancient Continent is divided into five sectors, the front five years of other four sectors will open, five years the central region slowly will relieve from now on the seal, but the central region is the place of Ancient Continent most essence, has is more marvelous -, some natural formation, have a toper material, next time Guide Fruit will also appear in the central region, in brief ............ Most core is central region, will be all parties will compete fully.” 莫雬忽然尴尬起来,急忙解释:“古大陆分为五个版块,前面五年其余四个版块都会开放,五年过后中央区域才会慢慢解除封印,而中央区域才是古大陆最为精髓之地,有着更多奇妙-,有许多天然的阵法,有更顶尖的材料,下一次的界引果也会在中央区域显现,总之…………最核心的便是中央区域,是各方都会全力争夺的。” Entered the central region, didn't you fear encircling of God Clan clansman?” Shi Yan knits the brows. “进入了中央区域,你们就不怕神族族人的围剿了?”石岩皱眉。 Heard that the places of various central region kind of bad risks are extremely numerous, is step by step difficult, even if God Clan powerful, but must chase down us unceasingly .................. Also is not easy.” Mo Fou hollow laugh explanation. “听说中央区域各类凶险之地极多,步步艰难,就算神族强悍,可要不断的追杀我们………………也没有那么容易的。”莫雬干笑着解释。 So long as you are willing to help us get through the difficult time, everybody anything can discuss.” Wu Feng hand operated fan, earnest saying. “只要你肯帮助我们渡过难关,大家什么都可以商量的。”武枫手摇着扇子,认真的说道。 You killed Sha Zhao to show me first.” Shi Yan has pulled the corners of the mouth, harboring evil intentions looks to Sha Zhao, virulent proposition. “那你们先杀了沙鞪给我看看。”石岩扯了扯嘴角,不怀好意的看向沙鞪,恶毒的提议。 Suddenly, Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Wu Bai, Jiaoshan, Cecilia and the others the lines of sight, gather on Sha Zhao completely, in the eye reveals the gloss that is perplexed. 忽然间,莫雬武枫武柏、焦山、塞西莉亚等人的视线,全部聚集在沙鞪身上,眼中都流露出不明所以的光泽。 Sha Zhao heart one cold, subconscious goes toward retreat, and summoned numerous monster insects and poisons to come out, dense and numerous was tumbling in his, layer on layer surrounded him, „do you want to listen to that boy really? We fight shoulder to shoulder such for a long time, because of his a few words, you then can kill me?” 沙鞪心底一寒,下意识的往后退去,并且召唤出众多妖虫、毒物出来,密密麻麻的在他脚下翻滚着,将他重重围住,“你们真要听那小子的?我们并肩战斗这么久,因为他的一句话,你们便要杀我?” If sacrificed your, can receive in exchange for everybody surviving, that .................. Only can not do right by you.” The stance of Wu Feng gloomy and cold nodded, being ready to make trouble. “如果牺牲你一人,能够换取大家存活下来,那么………………只能对不住你了。”武枫阴冷点了点头,一副蠢蠢欲动的架势。 Sha Zhao changes color with amazement, hatred looks to Shi Yan, screamed: You such have not bullied the person? Previous time my advantage/cheap has not occupied, instead was given the severe wound by you, I have not thought retaliates you, do you want to be ruthless really inadequately?” 沙鞪骇然变色,怨毒的看向石岩,尖叫道:“没你这么欺负人的吧?上次我一点便宜没占到,反而被你给重伤了,我都没想过报复你,你真要赶尽杀绝不成?” A Shi Yan face is indifferent. 石岩一脸冷漠。 The Mo Fou people look to him, so long as if he nods, will then strike a vicious blow to the Sha Zhao pain, cuts to kill Sha Zhao to him looks. 莫雬众人都看向他,似乎只要他点点头,便会对沙鞪痛下毒手,将沙鞪斩杀给他看。 We die every time a person, will be few one point of power, among you hatred .................. Later doesn't reach an agreement again well?” The Shang Yingyue persuasion said. “我们每死一个人,就会少一分力量,你们之间的仇恨………………以后再说好不好?”商影月劝说道。 Is narrowing the eye, on the Shi Yan face is completely unfeeling, laughs at one, wants to speak, was startled fiercely. 眯着眼睛,石岩脸上满是冷酷无情,嗤笑一声,才欲讲话,猛地怔住了。 His complexion suddenly becomes extremely dignified serious, the eye shuts tightly immediately, the vice- soul of cerebellum place is the flame roasts fiercely, transmits extremely obvious soul fluctuation, he in fully sensation. 他脸色忽然变得极为凝重严肃,眼睛立即紧闭,后脑处的副魂则是火焰炙烈,传来极为明显的灵魂波动,他在全力感知着。 Everybody has tarried, does not know at crucial moment, why he has this performance, each frowns tightly, is waiting for his decision, nobody spoke to disturb actually. 大家都呆住了,不知道在关键的时候,他为什么有此表现,各个紧皱眉头,等候着他的决定,倒是没有人出言打搅。 He is spying on peripheral condition, perhaps...... Mi Ya and Fei Erpu they sought.” Shang Yingyue raises people, everybody is also anxious. “他在窥探周边的状况,或许……米娅菲尔普他们寻上来了。”商影月提点众人,大家也都紧张起来。 , The people discovered gradually the Shi Yan complexion by sternly becomes ugly, is deep to the final brow, as if has encountered the extremely tough problem, his expression change, making everyone spill over the intense restlessness, even more anxious careful. 渐渐地,众人发现石岩脸色由严峻变得难看起来,到最后眉头深锁着,似乎遇到了极为棘手的麻烦,他的表情变化,让每个人都泛出强烈的不安,愈发的紧张小心。 Shout! 呼! In Shi Yan top of the head caper uncertain flame, restrains suddenly, is sharp-eyed in him dodges to pass. 石岩头顶跳跃不定的火焰,忽然间收敛,在他眼尖一闪而逝。 Opens the eye incomparably, the Shi Yan complexion dignified solemn and respectful, sinking sound track: Is very troublesome.” He does not have the again abstract people to strike to kill the Sha Zhao incident, Sha Zhao relaxed secretly, the people with total concentration look to him. 张开眼,石岩脸色无比的凝重肃穆,沉声道:“很麻烦。”他没有再提要众人击杀沙鞪一事,沙鞪暗暗松了一口气,众人则是聚精会神看向他。 Just wisp of Divine Sense fluttered, is peeping at our trends, if I have not guessed wrong ............ In a God Clan side influence that comes newly, some people can be the same with me, Soul Consciousness not by the Ancient Continent shackles and restraint, so long as in certain range in this swamp, you digs thousand chi (0.33 m), he can also clutch you.” “刚刚有一缕神识飘荡过来,在窥视我们的动向,如果我没有猜错的话…………新过来的神族一方势力中,有人能够和我一样,灵魂意识不受古大陆的桎梏和束缚,只要在这沼泽内的一定范围中,你们就算是掘地千尺,他也能将你们揪出来。” People loudly one startled, from looks at the intense fear to the grid, gives birth to the dead end despairs. 众人轰然一惊,从对方眼中瞧出强烈的恐惧,都生出穷途末路的绝望来。 I will not manage your lives.” Shi Yan deeply inspires, said calmly: Because I can evade Mi Ya and chasing down of Fei Erpu these people easily, so long as I want to hide, they my aura does not smell. But now is not good, that person of arrival, to me is also a huge trouble, it seems like must stick together with you.” “我本来不会管你们的死活。”石岩深吸一口气,冷静的说:“因为我原先可以轻易避过米娅菲尔普那些人的追杀,只要我想躲,他们连我的气息都闻不到。但现在不行了,那人的到来,对我也是一个巨大的麻烦,看来必须和你们抱团了。” This he has not requested to strike to kill Sha Zhao actually, has not put forward any condition, agreed with formerly imploring urgently of people directly. 这趟他倒是没有要求击杀沙鞪,也没有提任何条件,直接就同意了众人的先前的苦苦哀求。 But people still surface like coarse lime, facial expression not big happy expression, in addition has not fought, decadent feeling that their imposing manner infinite failures, giving birth was then hard to resist with all one's strength. 可众人依然面如土灰,神情没有多大的喜色,尚且没有战斗,他们的气势便无限衰竭了,生出难以力敌的颓败感。 We should well the project. “我们应该好好计划计划了。 ” The Shi Yan look is fluctuating, finally started seriously to treat this crisis. 石岩眼神变幻着,终于开始认真对待这趟危机了。
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