GOS :: Volume #12

#1136: Colored servant and colored Lord

The limpid lakeside, above brown rock, Shi Yan calmly is sitting well together. 清澈的湖畔,一块褐色磐石上方,石岩静静端坐着。 Xiu! 咻! A bright flashes through, that amber brown crystal appears quietly at present in him, in grinding pan size crystal, in full bloom fresh flower such as monster different beautiful female cheeks, as if the sleeping beauty in deep sleep, very unusual. 一道亮光闪过,那琥珀色的水晶悄然在他眼前浮现出来,磨盘大小水晶中,一株盛开的鲜huā如妖异艳美的女子脸颊,仿佛沉睡中的睡美人,非常的奇特。 Gives his book to take Shang Chen, he read a while earnestly, in the design according to books compares carefully .................. 商辰给他的那本书取出来,他认真研读了一会儿,按照书卷内的图案小心对照起来……………… From the drawing, indeed is seven color ghost monster flower without doubt, flower of beautiful face, the jade rhizome, the scattered leaf, various signs indicated that truly is his goal. 从图画上来看,的确是七彩鬼妖huā无疑,美人脸似的huā朵,玉石般的根茎,稀稀落落的叶子,各种迹象都表明确实是他的目标。 Wisp of Divine Sense condenses, slowly seeps to seven color ghost monster flower, he peeps at finer place by Divine Sense. 一缕神识凝聚出来,慢慢渗透向七彩鬼妖huā,他以神识窥视其中的更精细处。 This seven color ghost monster flower were being sealed by amber brown crystal obviously, preventing monster flower to wither on the wane, crystal is specially-made, the interior also has the water vapor and light energy of fluctuation full, quite fine mysterious, should also be rare household utensils. 这一株七彩鬼妖huā显然被琥珀色水晶封着,防止妖huā凋零枯萎,水晶是特制的,内部还有着充盈的水汽和淡淡的能量波动,颇为的精致神奇,应该也是一种罕见的器皿。 His Divine Sense is walking randomly gradually, is seeping in monster flower, careful sensation .................. 神识渐渐游走着,在妖huā内部渗透着,小心感知……………… Quickly, his brow wrinkled, in the eye flashes through wipes the doubts to be puzzled, looks at carefully to spy on earnestly. 倏地,他眉头皱了起来,眼中闪过一抹疑惑不解,更加认真端详窥探起来。 Does not suit! 不对劲! His complexion quietly changed. 他脸色悄悄变了。 According to the Shang Chen books annotation, seven color ghost monster flower were bringing one share Demonic Qi, to the person evil gloomy and cold aura, can poison people's minds, once the Divine Sense sensation, will have the unusual feeling of having a dizzy spell, this then by monster flower sending out miasma invading. 按照商辰书籍诠释所言,七彩鬼妖huā带着一股子妖气,给人一种邪恶阴冷气息,能蛊惑人心,一旦神识感知,就会有种头晕目眩的异样感,这便是被妖huā散发的瘴气给入侵了。 But this time feeling obviously not too same...... 可他此时的感觉显然不太一样…… Pure stainless, aura fresh is bringing lightly fragrant, making the person soul relax serenely, this is in his match the feeling of fresh flower. 洁净无垢,气息清新中带着淡淡芬芳,让人灵魂放松安详,这是他对手中鲜huā的感觉。 Radically different! 根本不同! Look gloomy, in his heart the anger multiplies gradually slowly, that drifts in the air the vice- soul after his brain is to also transmit the quite intense fluctuation. 眼神渐渐阴沉,他心中怒火慢慢滋生,那浮荡在他脑后的副魂也是传来颇为激烈的波动出来。 Cool bright aura amber brown crystal from the hand passed on suddenly, submerges in the vice- soul quietly unconsciously, that soul stopped surging suddenly, several Heavenly Flame different aura all of a sudden become incomparable is obvious. 一股清凉明净的气息忽然从手中琥珀色水晶传了出来,悄然不觉间没入副魂中,那副魂忽然停止了波荡,数种天火的不同气息一下子变得无比的明显起来。 Well!” “咦!” Shi Yan is astonished however, crystal that the looks at finger moves, flower that in looks at that is in full bloom brightly, the Divine Sense careful sensation. 石岩讶然,愣愣看着手指触碰的水晶,看着里面那株鲜艳盛开的huā朵,神识细心的感知。 Marvelous aura releases from that fresh flower, directly enters in his vice- soul, let compose his vice- soul all sorts of Heavenly Flame aura becomes distinguishing right from wrong makes his vice- soul stop the hot tempered fluctuation, continuously aura quietly closed up together...... 奇妙的气息从那鲜huā中释放出来,直接进入他副魂中,让组成他副魂的种种天火气息变得泾渭分明让他副魂停止了暴躁波动,一缕缕气息悄悄靠拢在一块儿…… Does not suit! 不太对劲! He takes back Divine Sense fiercely, will move the finger of crystal to pull out, the calm face looks to flower of that tender and beautiful desire drop, closely frowns. 他猛地将神识收回,也将触碰水晶的手指抽开,沉着脸看向那多娇艳欲滴的huā朵,紧紧皱着眉头。 He had realized not too wonderful -, this fresh flower as if knows with him is not quite same, might be practiced fraud by that Mi Ya very much perhaps has any virulent strategy, must specifically aim at his, his discrete was thinking, more wants more to think that the possibility was enormous. 他意识到了不太妙-,这株鲜huā似乎和他所知不太一样,很有可能被那米娅弄假了说不定其中有着什么恶毒的计策,是要专门来针对他的,他谨慎的想着,越想越觉得可能性极大。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! The sound transmits from the distant place from out of the blue extremely, approaches this gradually, hearing the sound to come person incessantly one. 破空声从极远处传来,渐渐逼近这一块,听声音来人不止一个。 The vice- soul spreads a soul fluctuation slightly ascertainment, in his heart was confident, does not have anxiously departure, has not avoided, he indifferently sits well in the brown stone, in clear lakeside only, static is waiting. 副魂传出灵魂波动略一探知,他就心中有底了,没有急着离开,也没有躲避,他就漠然端坐在褐色石块上,在澄净的湖畔,静静的等着。 The quarter Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Wu Bai and Thethi Asia, Shang Yingyue and Sha Zhao one line of will reappear from now on discretely is sizing up all around, looks emphatically to behind, slowly toward here. 一刻钟过后莫雬武枫武柏、塞西lì亚、商影月沙鞪一行人浮现出来谨慎的打量着四周,着重看向身后,慢慢往这边而来。 „!” “啊!” Shang Yingyue is out of control to lose one's voice to call out in alarm, astonished looked that flashes through the happy expression that micro may not look up together to his chilly pupil. 商影月禁不住失声惊呼,惊异的看向他清冷的眸中闪过一道微不可查的喜色。 Mo Fou and Thethi Asia people are also the facial expression shake, wants not to think that has collected immediately then, gathers in his side same or sits in or the station instantaneously with him in the side stone, a face curious looks to him. 莫雬、塞西lì亚众人也是神情一震,想也没有多想,立即便凑了过来,瞬间就汇聚在他的身旁和他一样在旁边石块或坐或站,一脸好奇的看向他。 „Haven't they pursued?” “他们没有追上来吧?” Thethi Asia sweet and delicate voice chuckle the sexy charming physique is dragging, the beautiful buttocks tremble lightly, stops in his side leisurely, intoxicant delicate fragrance sent with the wind, has rushed Shi Yan. 塞西lì亚娇声轻笑着性感迷人的身姿摇曳着,美臀轻颤,慢悠悠在他身旁停下,身上一股醉人幽香随风送来,涌向了石岩 Everybody knows what she said is , is also looks to Shi Yan that anticipates. 大家都知道她说的是谁,也都是期待的看向石岩 No.” “没有。” The Shi Yan complexion is faint, slightly knitting the brows head, that together amber brown crystal still float in him at present, has not received. 石岩脸色淡漠,微微皱了皱眉头,那一块琥珀色的水晶依然悬浮在他眼前,没有收起来。 The people listened to his such saying, was obvious relaxing, believed in firmly to his judgment, afterward the discrete restless posture to put completely with ease, appearance distressed lay down in the stone, breath slowly, restored the supernatural power by Divine Crystal. 众人听他这么一说,都是明显的松了一口气,对他的判断深信不疑,随后一个个谨慎不安的姿势全部放轻松,模样狼狈的在石块上躺下,慢慢的呼吸,以神晶来恢复神力。 They are the future leaders in major star territories, the fight experience are rich, will not let off any restores the power time, is striving to climb the supernatural power to the peak condition as soon as possible, deals with possible next quarter on possible fight. 他们都是各大星域的未来领袖,战斗经验丰富,不会放过任何恢复力量的时间,都在争取尽快将神力攀至巅峰状态,来应付可能下一刻就可能发生的战斗。 Just you can actually compel that Fei Erpu again, if can let their two side life and death decisive battles, the side was hit remnantly, we will be more relaxed.” Thethi Asia saw him to answer, the charming complexion brimmed with pleasantly surprised, collected on own initiative, face glowing with health said: If the side had been finished, we can occupy completely the winning side here, if also has you to help us chase down, their gave up any idea of that can escape.” “刚刚你其实可以再逼一逼那菲尔普的,如果能够让他们两方生死决战,有一方被打残了,我们大家都会轻松许多。”塞西lì亚见他回话了,妩媚的脸色洋溢出惊喜,主动凑上来,容光焕发道:“如果有一方完蛋了,我们可以在这儿占尽上风的,如果还有你帮我们追杀,他们一个都休想逃得掉。” Shang Yingyue also regrettable nodded. 商影月也不无遗憾的点了点头 Shi Yan shot a look at Thethi Asia one, cold voice said: „ Thinks is extremely indeed beautiful, the matter is not what a pity simple. 石岩瞥了塞西lì亚一眼,冷声道:“想的的确极美,可惜事情没那么简单。 Said?” Thethi Asia smiling face stagnates, face modest sincere seeking for advice: What new accident have you discovered?” “怎么说?”塞西lì亚笑容一滞,一脸虚心诚恳的求教:“你是不是发现了什么新的变故?” Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Jiaoshan and the others, although is drawing support Divine Crystal restores power, may listen to her such to ask, quietly pays attention, is waiting for the reply of Shi Yan. 莫雬武枫、焦山等人虽然在借助于神晶恢复力量,可听她这么一问,也都悄悄留心起来,一个个都在等候着石岩的回答。 What a pity, Shi Yan has pulled corners of the mouth, has not replied her words, but looks to Shang Yingyue, said: You come to see this .................. Is seven color ghost monster flower?” 可惜,石岩扯了扯嘴角,并没有回答她的话,而是看向商影月,说道:“你来看看这个………………是不是七彩鬼妖huā?” After five years, Shang Yingyue dilutes to his resentment, knew in addition now probably must take advantage of him in many directions, actually not coy, arrives in his stone very much refreshedly, stretches out a jade finger to select gently on amber brown crystal, emits wisp of Divine Sense to spy on. 时隔五年,商影月对他的怨气冲淡许多,加上自知如今或许在很多方向还要依仗他,倒是没有扭扭捏捏,很爽快的来到他的石块上,伸出一根玉石般的手指轻轻点在琥珀色水晶上,放出一缕神识窥探。 She is the Shang Chen daughter, has the profound attainments regarding various unusual materials, did not exaggerate says her the attainments in fields .................. It is not necessarily superficial than Shang Chen. 她是商辰的女儿,对于各类奇特材料有着深刻的造诣,毫不夸张的说她在某些方面的造诣………………不一定比商辰浅薄。 Because of Shang Chen regarding the understanding of various raw materials for medicine, came from Shang Yingyue mother An Liya, that is a remarkable Alchemist master. 因为商辰对于各类药材的认识,都是来自于商影月的母亲安丽雅,那是一名卓越的炼药师。 Shang Yingyue fingertip on crystal, the long eyelash is fanning, her black eyebrows has twisted gradually, as if perceived that was not wonderful. 商影月指尖点在水晶上,长长睫毛扇动着,渐渐地,她黛眉拧了起来,似乎觉察到了不妙。 The Shi Yan heart sinks, had as if affirmed from her expression[ answered] case, secretly was annoyed. 石岩心一沉,从她的表情上似乎肯定了〖答〗案,不由地暗自恼火起来。 black eyebrows of Shang Yingyue tight wrinkle, trembles suddenly slightly, stretches completely, unthinkable of face, said: Indeed is not seven color ghost monster flower.” 商影月紧皱的黛眉,忽然微微一颤,完全舒展开来,一脸的匪夷所思,道:“的确不是七彩鬼妖huā。” The Shi Yan stiff back shrinks suddenly, the complexion fluctuated a instant, but sighed to guess, said according to your father's annotation that seven color ghost monster flower have Demonic Qi, has poisoning people's minds to let the strange ability of soul dizziness, although that flower bright, although equally beautiful such as face... But aura actually entirely different......” 石岩挺直的背脊忽然一缩,脸色变幻了一霎,无奈叹了一口气“猜出来了,按照你父亲的诠释所说,七彩鬼妖huā妖气,有蛊惑人心让灵魂眩晕的诡异能力,那huā朵虽然鲜艳,虽然一样美艳如人脸…可气息却截然不同……” Actually you do not need dispirited.” Shang Yingyue looks to him, beautiful pupil puts the ecliptic: It, although is not seven color ghost monster flower, is more precious than ghost monster flower! This is seven color ghost spirit flower, often one and breeds with ghost monster flower, the rare mysterious degree must surpass ghost monster flower, this is rarest Genesis Level rare object!” “其实你根本不必颓丧。”商影月看向他,美眸放光道:“它虽然不是七彩鬼妖huā,却比鬼妖huā更加珍贵!这是七彩鬼灵huā,和鬼妖huā往往一并孕育出来,稀罕神奇的程度要超出鬼妖huā,这才是最罕见的元始级奇物!” Has been listening secretly the Mo Fou people, listen to her such explanation, suddenly alarms, looked to her. 一直都偷听着的莫雬众人,听她这么一解释,都忽然惊动起来,纷纷看向了她。 Really is seven color ghost spirit flower?” The Wu Feng complexion inquired with deep veneration. “真是七彩鬼灵huā?”武枫脸色肃然询问。 Guarantees exchange if not genuine.” Shang Yingyue nods the head nod this seven color ghost spirit flower to be Mi Ya obtains with seven color ghost monster flower together, she must keep ghost monster flower to save the life of that any York, although had no recourse to take these seven color ghost spirit flower, I think she should at this time depressed must spit blood.” “如假包换。”商影月颔首点头“这一株七彩鬼灵huā应该是米娅与七彩鬼妖huā一起得到的,她要留着鬼妖huā救那个什么约克的性命,虽然迫不得已才将这七彩鬼灵huā拿了出来,我想她此时应该会郁闷的要吐血。” Ha Ha, if that was true, she seriously owed in a big way.” Mo Fou smiles strangely. “哈哈,真是这样的话,那她当真亏大了。”莫雬怪笑起来。 In these people, really has much knows that seven color ghost spirit flower fame, the much discussion, looks to that tender and beautiful fresh flower appearance, quite curiously is interested. 这些人中,竟然有不少都知道七彩鬼灵huā的名气,纷纷议论起来,看向那娇艳鲜huā的模样,也是颇为的好奇有兴趣。 Shi Yan instead bewildered - gets up. 石岩反而莫名其妙-起来。 Seven color ghost monster flower and seven color ghost spirit flower together will often breed, has the flower servant and division of flower advocation, seven color ghost monster flower play the role of flower servant, is transporting the nutrient for ghost spirit flower, it protects ghost spirit flower generally, prevents ghost spirit flower before is not mature on the wane, the ghost spirit flower to attach most importance person, can absorb the ghost monster flower juice to come achievement, making oneself gradually mature, plays the leading role.” “七彩鬼妖huā和七彩鬼灵huā往往会一起孕育出来,有huā仆和huā主之分,七彩鬼妖huā充当huā仆的角色,为鬼灵huā输送着养分,它一般来保护鬼灵huā,防止鬼灵huā在没有成熟以前凋零,鬼灵huā为主人,能吸取鬼妖huā的汁液来成就自己,让自己渐渐成熟,起主导作用。” Shang Yingyue saw his doubts, earnest explanation: When encountering danger, ghost spirit flower meets the stealth to vanish, making ghost monster flower replace it to suffer distress, is very unusual. That Mi Ya can catch ghost spirit flower and ghost monster flower together, seriously is very fierce uncommon, she affirmed before , has the sufficient preparation.” 商影月看出了他的疑惑,认真的解释:“在遇到危险之时,鬼灵huā会隐形消失起来,让鬼妖huā代替它受难,很奇特。那米娅能够将鬼灵huā、鬼妖huā一起捕捉,当真是非常厉害不凡,她肯定过来前有着充足的准备。” Said the use directly.” Shi Yan knits the brows to say. “直接说用途。”石岩皱眉道。 Seven color ghost monster flower have the name of soul street sweeper, can clean up all sorts of dunghills in Soul Altar, various kinds invade the Soul Altar life, poison and parasite, can be cleaned up cleanly by ghost monster flower. “七彩鬼妖huā有灵魂清道夫之称,能够清理灵魂祭台内的种种污秽物,各类入侵灵魂祭台的生灵、毒物、寄生虫,都能够被鬼妖huā清理干净。 In addition, ghost monster flower quenchings principal of many enhancement soul medicinal pills, is very precious, can give cultivation mind deep meaning marvelously some - help. ” 除此之外,鬼妖huā还是淬炼许多增强灵魂丹药的主材,很是珍贵,也能给修炼心灵奥义者一些奇妙-的帮助。” , Shang Yingyue continued to explain: „...... As for seven color ghost spirit flower, there is an extremely mysterious effect: Can fuse different attribute Heavenly Flame! Also there is a possibility of fusion attribute similar power deep meaning!” 顿了一下,商影月继续解释:“……至于七彩鬼灵huā,有一个极其神奇的功效:能融合不同属性的天火!也有融合属性相似力量奥义的可能性!” Her bright eyes gradually shine, flickers looks to Shi Yan that does not move, said: I think that it is suitable you!” She knows that Shi Yan has Heavenly Flame. 她明眸渐亮,一瞬不移的看向石岩,道:“我想,它非常非常适合你!”她知道石岩拥有天火 Shi Yan is startled suddenly, the complexion becomes strange, frowns does not reply. 石岩忽然怔住,脸色变得怪异起来,皱着眉头不答话。 Cleaning up soul contamination is not very important, only if these Soul Altar by the foreign matter trespasser, ghost monster flower can act appropriately to the situation becomes the rare thing, for example that York, in Soul Altar had the spoiled soul aphis, then needs seven color ghost monster flower to eliminate. Besides this situation, the ghost monster flower use on the big sharp decline, from any perspective, was well below ghost spirit flower to be precious, can let the different attribute Heavenly Flame fusions, let the deep meaning possibly fusion wonderful - with, this was any price cannot weigh absolutely.” “清理灵魂污秽不算很重要,除非那些灵魂祭台被异物侵入者,鬼妖huā才能对症下药的成为稀罕物,譬如那约克,灵魂祭台中有了腐魂蚜,便需要七彩鬼妖huā来肃清点。除了这个情况以外,鬼妖huā的用途就大大锐减了,从任何方面来看,都远远不及鬼灵huā珍贵,能够让不同属性天火融合,让奥义可能融合的妙-用,这绝对是任何价钱都衡量不了的。” Shang Yingyue adds finally. 商影月最后补充道。
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