GOS :: Volume #12

#1135: Prevailing

The swamp center, the power chaos cannot withstand, various wild impulse wreak havoc eight sides. 沼泽中央,力量混沌不堪,各种狂暴的冲击力肆虐八方。 The clansman of Ascot Family, in Transmission Stone of watt summoned in communication, gathered from other corner, the strengths of their this side powerful got up gradually. 阿斯科特家族的族人,在瓦特的音石呼唤传讯中,一个个从别的角落汇聚过来,他们这一方的实力逐渐强悍起来。 Because Fei Erpu Realm is extremely not profound, Fike is also worried that he will suffer a loss in Ancient Continent, therefore almost family Void God Realm main elite dispatches, will shelter Fei Erpu not to have the accident for the key point. 因为菲尔普境界不算极其精深,菲克也是担心他在古大陆会吃亏,所以几乎将家族虚神境界的主要精锐都派遣出来,都是为了重点庇护菲尔普不会出现意外。 Also is so, although Fei Erpu own Realm is not considered as that specially profound, but Ascot Family comes the overall strength of person, indeed surpasses Fernandez Family. 也是如此,菲尔普虽然自身境界不算是特别高深,但阿斯科特家族来人的整体实力,的确是超出费尔南德斯家族的。 Saw with own eyes that more and more Ascot Family Expert arrives, Mi Ya here pressure was getting bigger and bigger, the clansman of numerous Ascot Family, places on the essential target Mi Ya, wanting her to admit defeat, hands over on own initiative seven color ghost Demon Flower. 眼见越来越多的阿斯科特家族强者到来,米娅这边的压力越来越大了,众多阿斯科特家族的族人,都将主要目标放在米娅身上,想要她服软,主动将七彩鬼妖花交出来。 However strength most powerful of Mi Ya in the people, grasps numerous God Weapon sharp weapons, the power deep meaning also extremely exquisite. 然而米娅在众人中实力最为强悍,手持众多神兵利器,力量奥义也是极为的精湛。 Watt and several Void God peak Expert collaborate to besiege, cannot seizing to live Mi Ya, makes Mi Ya fall on merely slightly leeward. 瓦特和数名虚神巅峰强者联手围击,都未能将米娅给擒住着,仅仅只是让米娅稍稍落在下风罢了。 Mo Fou and Cecilia that people surrounds, in nearby calm looks at, is the complexion is dignified, secret heart startled, is vigilant to Mi Ya real power , the woman of this Fernandez Family, not only the plans are mean, own power also so is outstanding, no wonder can be dispatched Ancient Continent. 围观的莫雬塞西莉亚众人,在一旁冷静的看着,都是脸色凝重,暗暗心惊,对米娅的真实的力量警惕非常,这名费尔南德斯家族的女人,不但心机阴狠,就连自身的力量也如此出众,难怪可以被派遣来古大陆 The people are careful that secret intention, if later with Mi Ya to, must extremely prudent. 众人都小心起来,暗自打算着,以后如果和米娅对上了,一定要万分的慎重。 Fei Erpu is sitting well, face gloomy and cold is ruthless, the line of sight such as the ice sword punctures on Mi Ya, in the eye flows out the chill in the air, but also scolded one once for a while lowly. 菲尔普端坐着,一脸阴冷狠厉,视线如冰剑刺在米娅身上,眼中流出寒意,还时不时低骂一句。 He is holding under duress Shi Yan, original face is safely calm the appearance that sees a play well, as if prepares they to decide a victory and defeat truly, will put together life and death to have the further view, however, suddenly, his complexion terrified changed. 将他挟持着的石岩,本来一脸的安然从容一副好好看戏的模样,似乎准备等他们真正分出个胜负,拼出个你死我活才会有进一步的说法,然而,忽然间,他脸色悚然变了。 The vice- soul of his cerebellum transmits a very intense fluctuation! 他后脑的副魂传来一股非常强烈的波动! Closes the eye slightly, he sees clearly earnestly, little by Divine Sense extends, covers toward the swamp surrounding...... 微微闭上眼睛,他认真洞察,一点点的以神识的延伸出去,朝着沼泽的外围覆盖…… He perceived that extremely unusual energy fluctuation as if powerful life magnetic field, has stepped into this swamp area, but also is plundering rapidly toward his position. 他觉察到了极其不同寻常的能量波动似乎有一股股非常强悍的生命磁场,已经踏入了这沼泽区,还在朝着他的方位迅速掠来。 Half sound, he deeply inspires, complexion piece of woods are cold, he induced Haig and the others aura and positions. 半响,他深吸一口气,脸色一片森寒,他感应到了黑格等人的气息和方位。 Almost affirmed immediately the person is God Clan lineage/vein, is one in 12 everybody same also comes Ancient Continent with Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and the others, should shoulder is cleaning up other star territory talent Expert duty, the opposite party arrival goal is simply self-evident. 几乎立即就肯定来人乃是神族一脉,是12大家中的一支和米娅菲尔普等人一样也是来古大陆的,应该都是肩负着清理别的星域天才强者的任务,对方的到来目的简直不言而喻。 Prepared slowly looks at development Shi Yan, after the complexion changes, has to plan. 原先准备慢慢看着事态发展的石岩,脸色一变后,不得不重新打算。 He collects to the ear of Fei Erpu, cold saying: This constantly kills, not only wastes your matter, wastes my time. The Mi Ya not easy opposite party, I to think you to seek the wrong goal, um, started to Yue Man, so long as captured alive Yue Man, I think that Mi Ya will hand over seven color ghost Demon Flower.” 他凑向菲尔普的耳边,冷冽的说道:“这样一味的打杀下去不但浪费你的事情,也浪费我的时间。米娅不容易对方,我看你们寻错目标了,嗯,对约曼下手吧,只要将约曼生擒了,我想米娅会将七彩鬼妖花交出来的。” Fei Erpu eye one bright. 菲尔普眼睛一亮。 His corners of the mouth held ice-cold smiling face secret to try a meaningful glance to hint the watt to that watt to start to Yue Man. 他嘴角噙着冰冷的笑容暗暗冲那瓦特试了一个眼色示意瓦特对约曼下手。 The watt understands, nodded that micro cannot be looked up, clashes others to give the hand signal quietly .................. 瓦特心领神会,微不可查的点了点头,悄悄冲别人做着手势……………… To several clansmen of Ascot Families Mi Ya begins, slowly, although is transferring the direction they to fierce, actually does not dare to strike a vicious blow truly, because Mi Ya that Mi Ya forces after is the core member of Fernandez Family, must be killed by them really will directly possibly have caused the internecine strife of two God Clan families. 米娅动手的数名阿斯科特家族的族人,慢慢的挪移着方向他们对米娅逼迫的虽然厉害,却没有敢真正下毒手,因为米娅毕竟乃是费尔南德斯家族的核心成员,真要被他们所杀了可能会直接导致两个神族家族的火拼。 They cannot shoulder this responsibility. 他们承担不起这个责任。 Although Yue Man is also the member of Fernandez Family, but was not core he is killed, the issue is not serious. 约曼虽然也是费尔南德斯家族的成员,但并不是核心的他就算是被杀死了,问题也没有那么严重。 Watt and the others are distracting the attention secretly...... 瓦特等人偷偷的转移着目标…… „A situation excellence!” “形势一片大好!” Wu Feng claps hands to cheer, high-spirited is calculating: And other two families make a mutual wounds, perhaps we can make use the pursuit, at one fell swoop reverse aspect!” 武枫抚掌欢呼,兴致高昂的盘算着:“等这两个家族弄个两败俱伤,我们说不定可以趁势追击,一举扭转局面!” Mo Fou, Cecilia and Sha Zhao people look burning hot gets up suddenly, line of sight patrolling cannot help but on Mi Ya and Fei Erpu ring, as if saw all sorts of rare materials, seemed rapid including the breath .................. 莫雬塞西莉亚沙鞪众人眼神忽然炙热起来,视线不由自主的游弋在米娅菲尔普的戒指上,似乎看见了种种稀罕材料,连呼吸都仿佛急促了起来……………… For five years, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu two sides collaborate to move in swamp all parties, hunt and kill many other star territory Warrior, gains various rare materials that they obtain, these God Clan fellows are also collecting many ores and raw materials for medicine, day material treasure that swamp breeds making almost. 五年来,米娅菲尔普两方联手在沼泽各方活动,猎杀许多别的星域武者,获取他们得到的各类稀罕材料,这些神族的家伙也一路收集着许多矿石、药材,将沼泽孕育出来的天材地宝给弄了个7788。 People untold hardships comes Ancient Continent, all sorts of day of material treasures that produces for here, they know what is preserving in Mi Ya and Fei Erpu ring is far from ordinary goods, secretly is excited. 众人千辛万苦的来古大陆,都是为了这儿出产的种种天材地宝,他们都知道在米娅菲尔普戒指储藏着的绝非普通货色,都暗暗兴奋起来。 So long as that fellow is willing to help us, Mi Ya and Fei Erpu will not have to hide, ha, this can also have this opportunity in the hopeless situation unexpectedly, it seems like our really fate came.” Mo Fou has also smiled. “只要那家伙肯帮助我们,米娅菲尔普将会无所遁形,哈,这趟在绝境中竟然还能有此机遇,看来我们果然运道来了。”莫雬也笑了起来。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 Watt and Expert of three Ascot Families, abandons Mi Ya suddenly in abundance, before Mi Ya has not responded with enough time, fiercely Yue Man imprisoning. 瓦特和三名阿斯科特家族的强者,忽然间纷纷弃下米娅,在米娅没有来得及反应之前,猛地将约曼给禁锢了。 Bright yellow thumb thick or thin rays of light, such as the wire rope that Yue Man God Body restraint, these rays of light is forcing into his flesh and blood slowly, making Yue Man move then to look fierce every time, pain pain complexion twist deformation. 一条条明黄色拇指粗细的光芒,如铁索将那约曼神体束缚着,那些光芒慢慢勒入他血肉中,让约曼每动弹一下便会龇牙咧嘴,痛疼的脸色扭曲变形。 Can slightly peaceful.” The watt reveals the tooth to grin fiendishly suddenly, coldly looked . a bright silver sharp sword, was put up by him on Yue Man neck, that sharp sword glittering Feng Han ice-cold gloss, cold spooky, instantaneously can the Yue Man head shear the meter “可以稍稍安静了一下了。”瓦特忽然露齿狞笑,冷冷看向了米一支亮银色的利剑,被他架在约曼脖颈上,那利剑闪烁锋寒冰冷的光泽,冷幽幽的,瞬间就能将约曼头颅割下来。 The Mi Ya tender body trembles, charming complexion suddenly pale like paper, she clenches teeth secretly, is staring the watt stubbornly, the hatred: You dare to start to my person unexpectedly, I have taken down, I pledged that will not let off you!” 米娅娇躯一颤,妩媚的脸色忽然苍白如纸,她暗暗咬着牙,死死瞪着瓦特,怨毒道:“你竟然真敢对我的人下手,我记下了,我发誓绝不会放过你们!” Was gazing by her hate vision, in watt heart one cold, whole body is not comfortable, he looked at Fei Erpu, deeply inspires, said self-poise: You know that I want anything.” 被她的怨恨目光注视着,瓦特心中一寒,浑身都不自在起来,他看了一眼菲尔普,深吸一口气,镇定自若道:“你知道我想要什么。” Mi Ya looks to Fei Erpu. 米娅看向菲尔普 Fei Erpu expression is dreary, Hehe sneers, my Mi Ya good elder sister, I to go on living, but also asked you to help. Un, you should also understand me, knows him coming out that to survive well anything can make.” 菲尔普神色阴郁,嘿嘿冷笑起来,“我的米娅好姐姐,我只是想要活下去,还请你成全。嗯,你应该也了解我,知道他为了好好生存下去什么都能做的出来的。” „The generation of coveting life and fearing death, matches to inherit the head of the clan of Ascot Family? I saw your father really am blind!” Mi Ya bitterly however angrily rebukes, at once suddenly has traced ring on the left middle finger, the Youlan gloss flashes through together, presents together yellow crystal in her at present. “贪生怕死之辈,也配继承阿斯科特家族的族长?我看你父亲真是瞎眼了!”米娅恨恨然的怒斥一句,旋即忽然摸了一下左手中指上的戒指,一道幽兰光泽闪过,在她眼前出现一块黄色水晶 In amber brown crystal, such as the monster different flowers of beautiful woman face, that flowers such as were being frozen, but fine unusual beautiful woman line still extremely obvious, looked like a beautiful woman falls asleep was the same. 琥珀色的水晶中,有一株如美女脸庞的妖异花朵,那花朵如被冰冻着,但精美奇特的美人儿线条依然极为的明显,就像是一个美女睡着了一样。 crystal has grinding pan size, static float Mi Ya front, she has hesitated, puts out a hand crystal, gives you!” 水晶有磨盘大小,静静的悬浮着米娅前方,她沉吟了一下,伸手一点水晶,“给你!” That crystal turning round rotation, was flying leisurely to Fei Erpu, stagnated in him and Shi Yan top of the head, transmitted very fresh unusual smell from that crystal, was an intoxicant flower fragrance flavor. 水晶滴溜溜的转动着,悠悠飞向了菲尔普身旁,在他和石岩头顶停滞了下来,从那水晶中传来一股非常清新奇特的气味,是一种醉人的花香味道。 Seven color ghost Demon Flower! 正是七彩鬼妖花 Shi Yan grinned to smile, grasped conveniently, that crystal changed into the yellow ray to vanish in his Imaginary Space Ring together does not see, said indifferently: „ Good. 石岩咧嘴笑了起来,随手一抓,那水晶化为一道黄色光线在他幻空戒消失不见,淡然说道:“不错。 don't and Cecilia these bystanders, suddenly from excited joyful awake to turn around, has tarried suddenly, the complexion became a little unnatural. 莫、塞西莉亚那些围观者,都突地从兴奋喜悦中醒转过来,一个个忽然呆住了,脸色变得有点不自然了。 The fight ended was too quick. 战斗结束的太快了。 The confrontation of Ascot Family and Fernandez Family, has not gone to the situation of fleeing, only then few several injured, does not have one person to be executed, this obviously is not Cecilia and result of Mo Fou anticipation, they have a situation uncontrolled dejected helpless. 阿斯科特家族和费尔南德斯家族的交锋,没有达到亡命的地步,只有寥寥数人受伤,无一人被格杀,这显然不是塞西莉亚莫雬期待的结果,他们都有种形势不受控制的颓然无奈。 Was too quick, should not be this!” Mo Fou deeply frowns, is suddenly anxious, shouted lowly: „Won't the fellow take the thing to give up?” “太快了,不应该是这样子的!”莫雬深深皱着眉头,又忽然紧张起来,低呼道:“那家伙不会拿了东西就罢手吧?” Should unable? His goal do not instigate the contradiction of Ascot Family and Fernandez Family? Should so not be simple!” Wu Feng said. “应该不会吧?他的目的难道不是要挑拨阿斯科特家族和费尔南德斯家族的矛盾?应没这么简单!”武枫道。 Preparation evacuates!” “准备撤离吧!” At this time, Shang Yingyue suddenly decisive low shouted to clear the way: „The fellow for seven color ghost Demon Flower, he will not manage our life and death, will not coordinate my motion!” 就在这个时候,商影月忽然果断的低喝道:“那家伙就是为了七彩鬼妖花,他根本不会管我们的生死,也不会配合我的行动!” Such remarks, people complexion slightly changes, the beforehand being filled with plan suddenly becomes laughable. 此言一出,众人脸色都微微一变,之前的满心打算忽然变得可笑起来。 Without the Shi Yan coordination, their considering everything deceive oneself and others radically, puts together them from the start is not the match of Ascot Family and Fernandez Family, if Shi Yan does not help them, their conditions will still not change. 没有石岩配合,他们的满打满算根本就是自欺欺人,拼他们这些人压根不是阿斯科特家族和费尔南德斯家族的对手,如果石岩不帮助他们,他们的境况依然不会发生变化。 „Won't he manage us really?” Cecilia bites the lip angle to say. “他真不会管我们?”塞西莉亚咬着唇角道。 Cannot.” Shang Yingyue definitely said. “不会。”商影月肯定说道。 Evacuation!” “撤离!” Immediately evacuates!” “立即撤离!” We walk!” “我们走!” Mo Fou, Wu Feng and Sha Zhao people expression changes, does not dare to continue to stop over, immediately leaves at the suggestion of Shang Yingyue, person's shadows are far away rapidly. 莫雬武枫沙鞪众人神色一变,再也不敢继续逗留下去,立即在商影月的提议下离开,一道道人影迅速远离。 Mi Ya and Fei Erpu Entourage has not gotten rid to detain, they look to Shi Yan, looks to tied up Fei Erpu, looks to Yue Man...... 米娅菲尔普扈从并没有出手拦阻,他们都看向石岩,看向被捆住的菲尔普,也看向约曼…… My this person keeps one's word.” “我这人非常讲信用。” Under the God Clan people gaze, Shi Yan will prick Bone Thorn of Fei Erpu chest to pull out slowly, draws out of his abdomen, was saying to the Fei Erpu chuckle: At your God Body powerful degree, must restore such as beginning is not difficult, after wishing you and Mi Ya, is together to be happy.” 神族众人注视下,石岩慢慢将刺入菲尔普胸口的骨刺抽出来,又将他腹部的那一根拔出,对菲尔普轻笑着说道:“以你神体强悍程度,要恢复如初并不困难,祝你和米娅以后相处能愉快。” Words Fang Luo, his silhouette suddenly becomes fuzzy, under the line of sight gaze of people, he gradually turns into nothingness, vanishes from everybody eyes. 话语方落,他身影忽然变得模糊起来,在众人的视线注视下,他渐渐变成虚无,从大家眼中消失掉。 Fei Erpu has wiped a corners of the mouth bloodstain, waves to the watt say|way: Releases people!” 菲尔普抹了一把嘴角血迹,挥手对瓦特道:“放人!” The watt will be imprisoning immediately Yue Man has put, one and turns around with the clansmen of Ascot Family rapidly, stands firm in Fei Erpu behind, is cold the face to look to Mi Ya. 瓦特立即将禁锢着的约曼放了下来,和阿斯科特家族的族人一并迅速转身,一个个在菲尔普身后站定,冷着脸看向米娅这边。 Mi Ya and Fei Erpu they, facial expression ice-cold neglects for several seconds, two people have not spoken, suddenly turns around to turn around respectively, such as the stranger leaves by the reverse direction. 米娅菲尔普两人,神情冰冷的忽视数秒,二人都没有讲话,忽然分别掉头转身,如陌生人般以相反方向离开。 The unions of two respected families crush in light of this. 两大家族的同盟就此粉碎。
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