GOS :: Volume #12

#1134: Tears to pieces the facial skin!

A Mi Ya these words saying, Yue Man affected eye socket flood red, all follows the clansman of Fernandez Family Mi Ya comes, not only does not have, because the pressure of Ascot Family is intense, instead facial expressions rouse exceptionally. 米娅这番话一说,约曼感动的眼眶泛红,所有跟随米娅而来的费尔南德斯家族的族人,不但没有因为阿斯科特家族的压力紧张,一个个反而都神情振奋异常。 When treats the enemy, regardless of Mi Ya how callous deceitful mean, for them is not the shortcoming, but is a personal ability of leader. 在对待敌人的时候,米娅不论多么冷酷狡诈卑鄙,对他们来说都不是缺点,而是一名领袖的个人能力。 If this leader, when treats person on one's own side, displays enough attaching great importance to concern, will let supporting that each Entourage will work oneself to death, making everyone intention work, even can sacrifice own life for it. 如果这个领袖在对待自己人的时候,表现出足够的重视关怀,会让每一个扈从都会更加卖命的拥戴,让每一个人都更加的用心做事,甚至可以为其牺牲自己的性命。 Clearly, the Mi Ya words touch her subordinates, instead boosted the fight enthusiasm. 很明显,米娅的话语让她的麾下都非常感动,反而激励出了战斗热情。 Is opposite with it, is the Fei Erpu more and more dreary complexion, he had not said anything at this time, is only to watt nodded. 与之相反的,则是菲尔普越来越阴郁的脸色,他这时候也没有多说什么,只是冲瓦特点了点头 Watt hand-held Transmission Stone, contacts with the clansman of Ascot Family unceasingly, scatters surrounding Expert of Ascot Family, catches up fast, the distant place hears very loud crack spatial sound extremely. 瓦特手持音石,不断联系阿斯科特家族的族人,很多散落外围的阿斯科特家族的强者,纷纷快速赶来,极远处传来很响的裂空声。 Shi Yan is calm is holding under duress Fei Erpu, same sits with him there, narrows the eye to watch changes quietly slightly, waits for Ascot Family clansman's arrival. 石岩还是冷静的挟持着菲尔普,和他一样坐在那儿,微微眯着眼睛静观其变,等待阿斯科特家族族人的到来。 What to do should we?” Jiaoshan said in a low voice. “我们应该怎么办?”焦山低声道。 Mo Fou, Wu Feng and Cecilia one line in other one side, distinguish right from wrong with two side God Clan influences, maintains relatively is also being the safe distance, everybody discrete looks at Fei Erpu, Mi Ya and the others, want to know the following development of matter. 莫雬武枫塞西莉亚一行人在另外一边,和两方神族势力泾渭分明,保持着相对还算是安全的距离,大家都谨慎的看着菲尔普米娅等人,想知道事情的后续发展。 Temporarily do not mix, everybody wanted well looks at on the line.” Mo Fou strange smiling, I want at this time... They should not have the energy to cope with us, naturally, we also leave the active threat to annoy the fire of opposite party, I suddenly discovered that the situation was getting more and more interesting, don't you think?” “暂时别搀和,大家只要好好看着就行了。”莫雬古怪的笑了笑,“我想在这个时候…他们应该没有精力来对付我们了,当然,我们也别主动攻击惹来对方的炮火,我忽然发现形势越来越有趣了,你们不觉得么?” The people lowered to smile lowly... The expression is very relaxed. 众人都低低笑了起来…表情都很是轻松。 Fei Erpu was insane.” Mi Ya breaks the deadlock suddenly, before Ascot Family clansmen have not gathered, suddenly waves saying: We did not accompany them to play, we walked first.” 菲尔普疯了。”米娅忽然打破僵局,在阿斯科特家族族人没有聚集过来以前,忽然挥手道:“我们不陪着他们玩了,我们先走。” Keeps here motionless words, along with gradual arrival of Ascot Family clansman, this will fight will occur inevitably frigidly, Mi Ya thought suddenly this will not need. 留在这儿不动的话,随着阿斯科特家族族人的逐渐降临,这一战势必会惨烈发生,米娅忽然觉得这根本没有必要。 Because she can leave... Definitely can not enter the war, so long as avoids Expert of Ascot Family, oneself do not start the flames of war on own initiative... Fei Erpu and do watt also dare to make the clansman pursue her to kill inadequately? 因为她可以离开…完全可以不参战,只要避开阿斯科特家族的强者,自己不主动掀起战火…难道菲尔普、瓦特还敢让族人追着她杀不成? Seven color ghost Demon Flower do not stay behind, does not permit to leave.” Shi Yan cold voice said that punctures in Bone Thorn of Fei Erpu chest, has made an effort slightly a point. “七彩鬼妖花不留下,不准离开。”石岩冷声说道,刺在菲尔普胸口的骨刺,稍稍用力了一点。 A bright red wound splits directly, can see the Fei Erpu fierce beat faintly the heart, so long as that Bone Thorn proceeds breakthrough several cuns (2.5cm)... Fei Erpu feared that was finished. 一个鲜红的伤口直接绽裂出来,隐隐可以看见菲尔普剧烈跳动的心脏,那骨刺只要往前突破几寸…菲尔普怕是就完蛋了。 Kills!” “杀杀杀!” Fei Erpu such as was stepped on the poisonous snake of tail, suddenly the crazy scream, roared the request watt to slaughter. 菲尔普如被踩了尾巴的毒蛇,忽然疯狂的尖叫起来,咆哮着要求瓦特大开杀戒。 At this time in addition Expert of Ascot Family not completely on the scene, but watt and other six people are the Realm extremely profound generations, pours does not fear with the Mi Ya direct engagement, sees with own eyes the Fei Erpu so miserable scene... He cannot think, can only , in the Shi Yan arm trembles, flushed outrageously. 此时阿斯科特家族的强者尚且没有全部在场,但瓦特和其余六人都是境界极其高深之辈,倒也不惧和米娅正面交战,眼见菲尔普如此惨景…他也不敢多想了,只能在石岩手臂微颤中,悍然冲了出来。 The clansman of Ascot Family, such as volcano erupts loudly, starts toward Mi Ya and Yue Man people quickly, the watt and the others the goal points to Mi Ya, surrounds instantaneously. 阿斯科特家族的族人,如火山轰然爆发,倏地朝着米娅约曼众人下手,瓦特等人目标直指米娅,瞬间就包围过来。 Hands over seven color ghost Demon Flower!” The watt shouted to clear the way coldly. “交出七彩鬼妖花!”瓦特冷冽喝道。 You were really insane, dares to start to us unexpectedly, I looked how in the future you will confess to Elder!” The Mi Ya facial expression woods cold... dare to come Ancient Continent, do not fear that was struck to kill, your Fei Erpu so fears death, has what qualifications to inherit the head of the clan of Ascot Family, perhaps you died as early as possible, to my clan is also a gospel.” “你们果然疯了,竟然敢对我们下手,我看将来你们如何向长老会交代!”米娅神情森寒…“敢来古大陆,就不要怕被人击杀,你菲尔普如此怕死,有何资格继承阿斯科特家族的族长,或许你趁早死掉,对我族也是一个福音。” slut! You this earlier die!” Fei Erpu drinks severely. 贱人!你才该早点死!”菲尔普厉喝。 The future successors of two God Clan big influences the sister and brother have called, hence, broke off finally officially. 一直姐弟称呼的两位神族大势力的未来继承者,至此,终于正式决裂了。 The watt pushes to the front, is leading Ascot Family six Void God Third Sky Expert, launches the attack to Mi Ya. 瓦特一马当先,带领着阿斯科特家族六名虚神三重天强者,对米娅发动攻击。 Shortly, this area coverage is earth-shaking, various power deep meanings hit to jump to shoot mutually, split bunch of five colors dazzling rays of light, as if brilliant fireworks floods the sky, with earth rumbled, blasting open of air. 在顷刻间,这一块区域范围天翻地覆,各种力量奥义相互撞击迸射,绽出一团团五彩耀目的光芒,仿佛绚烂的烟花充斥天空,伴随着大地的轰鸣,空气的炸裂。 Completely is Void God Second Sky and Third Sky Realm Expert, once gets rid turbulently, the nearby earth gets sucked, like the smashing, all sorts of power such as the five colors rivers wanders the entanglement to strike in the space void, such as rainbow thunder and lightning shoot swayed from side to side crazily, making this piece of heaven and earth just like by the energy sea submerging. 全部是虚神二重天三重天境界强者,一旦汹涌出手,附近大地深陷,虚空如粉碎,种种力量五彩河流在天上游荡纠缠碰击,如道道彩虹雷电狂射般扭动,让这片天地犹如被能量海洋给淹没了。 If some people from the horizon bird's eye view, will discover that region is similar to erupts the energy mountain torrent, the turbulent power colorful gathering, the sea is in flood toward peripheral wreaks havoc the spread, all trees, grits and flowers and plants along the way will stir the dust, easily accomplished annihilation all. 如果有人从天际俯瞰,会发现那块区域如同爆发出能量山洪,汹涌的力量五颜六色的汇聚着,海洋泛滥般往周边肆虐蔓延,将沿途的一切树木、沙石、花草纷纷搅成粉屑,摧枯拉朽的湮灭着一切。 The Mo Fou people are pleasantly surprised, neglect one, releases the energy wall barrier to defend the space, preventing oneself to be affected. 莫雬众人又惊又喜,忽视一眼,纷纷释放能量壁障防御着所处空间,防止自身受到波及。 In swamp various power crazy eruptions, the ominous crazy overbearing deep meaning attacks the crush mutually, gives Chaos that stirs unable to withstand heaven and earth energy, lets the earth sores all over the eye. 沼泽内各种力量疯狂爆发,凶狂霸道的奥义相互冲击碾压着,将天地能量都给搅的混乱不堪,让大地都满目疮痍。 Before they have not decided the victory and defeat, we do not meddle, must be able to endure the heart waiting.” A Wu Feng face sinister happy expression, claps hands to praise to sigh: „The fellow is really fierce, actually thinks that so excellent strategy, we profited at someone's expense completely.” “在他们没有分出胜负之前,我们千万不要插手,一定要耐得住心等待。”武枫一脸阴险的笑意,抚掌赞叹道:“那家伙真是厉害,竟然想到如此绝妙计策,我们全部跟着沾光了。” Everybody in agreement, looked that was full of the awe to be excited to the Shi Yan vision, formerly to Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people Shi Yan shoot fire, on the face was also brimming with the cheerful happy expression, all sorts did not sweep away quickly. 大家纷纷附和,看向石岩的目光充满了敬畏激动,就连先前对石岩怒目相对的塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海四人,脸上也都洋溢着欢快的笑意,种种不快一扫而空。 Was right, you said that his Soul Consciousness not by Ancient Continent shackles restraint, does this word take seriously?” Suddenly, Mo Fou pats the head, the startled sound shouted. “对了,你说他的灵魂意识不受古大陆的桎梏束缚,此言当真?”忽然间,莫雬一拍头,惊声呼道。 The people look to Shang Yingyue. 众人都看向商影月 Really is so, here he can still the sensation peripheral life fluctuation, Divine Sense not affected.” Shang Yingyue affirms to say extremely. “确是如此,在这里他依然可以感知周边的生命波动,神识一点不受影响。”商影月极为肯定道。 Mo Fou eye brightly in this way, nodded, sinking sound track: After this war, if Fernandez and Ascot Family were mutually wounded, perhaps .................. We can put to death opposite party one by one through his wonderful in swamp! Because they hide to evade in any event, will be caught to seek!” 莫雬眼睛明亮如斯,点了点头,沉声道:“经过这一战,如果费尔南德斯和阿斯科特家族两败俱伤了,或许………………我们可以通过他的神妙将对方一一诛杀在沼泽中!因为他们不论如何躲藏逃避,都会被逮着寻上!” Wu Feng and Cecilia people are all encouraged exceptionally, the corners of the mouth are out of control to appear the happy expression, looked that was even more scalding hot to the Shi Yan vision. 武枫塞西莉亚众人皆是振奋异常,嘴角禁不住显现出笑意,看向石岩的目光愈发灼热了。 Yeah, if his early five years appear, we were also insufficient to be so passive.” Wu Feng says with emotion. “哎,如果他早五年出现,我们也不至于这么被动了。”武枫感慨道。 Sha Zhao, you must drop out to his hatred, starting today, you cannot strike a vicious blow to him absolutely absolutely!” Mo Fou coldly looks to Sha Zhao. 沙鞪,你必须抛下对他的仇恨,从今天起,你绝对绝对不能对他下毒手!”莫雬冷冷看向沙鞪 Wu Feng and Cecilia, Shang Yingyue and Jiaoshan people, is staring Sha Zhao by the vision of warning, compelling him to take a stand at this time, felt relieved that I do not want to be strangled to death by God Clan, before we have not relieved safely, I will not be what kind to him.” The Sha Zhao calm face groans to say. 武枫塞西莉亚商影月、焦山众人,也都以警告的目光瞪着沙鞪,逼着他这时候就表态,“放心吧,我也不想被神族绞杀,在我们安全没有解除之前,我不会对他怎么样的。”沙鞪沉着脸哼哼道。 Actually everybody does not need extremely to be worried.” Cecilia giggle smiled tenderly, shot a look at Sha Zhao one that disdained, said really .................. He also is really not others matches.” “其实大家也不用太过担心。”塞西莉亚咯咯娇笑,不屑的瞥了沙鞪一眼,“说真的………………他还真不是人家对手。” A people face smiles, expressions are strange, at once is out of control to lower the low chuckle to get up, is approves Cecilia to say very much. 众人一脸莞尔,一个个表情怪异的,旋即都禁不住低低轻笑起来,很是认同塞西莉亚所言。 The Sha Zhao complexion must ugly ugly. 沙鞪脸色则是要多难看就有多难看。 The swamp area that icing up, the distant place has the curling woods cold white fog to wind around, in fog faintly visible the giant glaciers of insertion clouds, this is the glacier the place of bordering on. 一处结冰的沼泽区,远方有袅袅森寒白雾缭绕,雾中隐隐可见一座座插入云霄的巨大冰川,这是和冰川去接壤之地。 kacha! 咔嚓 A sound sound of solid ice smashing, silhouette has appeared together swiftly, complexion solemn standing on together ice piece. 一个坚冰粉碎的声音响过,一道身影倏然显现出来,脸色冷峻的站在一块冰块上。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 silhouette graze to come, the long time then dozens people in abundance do not stand firm in his behind, is aura is all distant, to person one type swift and fierce such as the sharp feeling of blade. 一道道身影飞掠而来,不多时便有数十人纷纷在他身后站定,皆是气息悠远浩瀚,给人一种凌厉如刀的锋锐感。 Young Master, we passed through the wall to bond, did you look?” Peyton is narrowing the eye, bows slightly, is waiting for the order of Haig. 少爷,我们穿越壁障过来了,你看?”佩顿眯着眼睛,略略躬身,等候着黑格的命令。 I induce.” “我感应一下。” Haig closes one's eyes, a spooky flame shadow leisure appears from his back of the head, is similar to a small flame meteor dances in the air to gyrate, transmits roasts fierce Heavenly Flame energy, spreads the intense soul fluctuation. 黑格闭着眼,一条幽幽火焰影子慢悠悠从他后脑勺浮现出来,如同一条微小的火焰流星飞舞旋动着,传来炙烈的天火能量,也传出强烈的灵魂波动。 Half sound, the Haig complexion suddenly changes, the facial expression becomes extremely cloudy severe puzzled, Damn it! Are they up to mischief?” 半响,黑格脸色骤然一变,神情变得极其阴厉不解,“该死的!他们在搞什么鬼?” How Young Master?” Peyton stunned said. “怎么了少爷?”佩顿愕然道。 „The Mi Ya person and Fei Erpu person seems battling, but these alien race mixed fish unexpectedly safe and sound observes in the one side, these two people none who does not became are invaded the soul, unexpectedly made the so unthinkable matter to come out, Damn it, they will go bad my important matter!” 米娅的人和菲尔普的人似乎在交战,而那些异族杂鱼竟然安然无恙的在一旁观战,这两个人莫不成被入侵了灵魂,居然做出如此匪夷所思的事情出来,该死的,他们会坏了我的大事!” Haig whole body two different aura appear alternately, a while violent anger such as the most turbulent volcano, a while cold Liru extremely cold ice hole, lets person soul cold trembling. 黑格浑身两种不同气息交替浮现,一会儿暴怒如最汹涌的火山,一会儿冷厉如极寒冰窟,让人灵魂都冷的发抖。 Extremely coldly and extremely the strength of heat, distinction accumulated in his God Body, making his makings be able to fluctuate at will, to person a feeling of extremely fearful bad risk. 极寒和极热之力,分别蕴在他神体之中,让他气质能够随意变幻,给人一种极度可怕凶险的感觉。 This to the encircling plans of major star territory seed talents, is his Haig formulates to implement personally, is he showed that to meritorious service that the Elder group looks, to succeed, he can sacrifice the small interests, can break in this place to help Mi Ya and Fei Erpu clear away the barrier. 这趟对各大星域种子天才的围剿计划,是他黑格亲自制定实行的,也是他证明给长老团看的功勋,为了成功,他能够牺牲小利益,也能冲入此地帮助米娅菲尔普扫清障碍。 Because he knows, so long as the general orientation does not have issue, so long as can strike to kill major star territory Warrior, achieves the plan that he proposed, this has succeeded, will obtain the consistent approval of Elder group. 因为他知道只要大方向没有问题,只要能够将各大星域武者纷纷击杀,将他提议的计划达成,他这趟就成功了,会得到长老团的一致认可。 However enters this place, immediately discovered the allied armies not only non- achievement, is carrying unexpectedly still on beats mutually, the volcano of Haig innermost feelings was lit immediately, to pass fast! I want them to give me a confession!” 然而才进入此地,立即发现盟军不但不作为,居然还在进行互殴,黑格内心的火山马上被点燃了,“以最快速度过去!我要他们给我一个交代!” He does not allow anybody to destroy his important matter! 他决不允许任何人破坏他的大计! Stops a face to be astonished, but he does not dare to ask that immediately nods to shout shouts to clear the way: Everybody urges to send to the pinnacle power, as soon as possible swamp in troublesome sweeping clean.” 停顿一脸惊异不解,但他没有敢多问,马上点头吆喝道:“大家都将力量催发到极致,尽快将沼泽内的麻烦给扫清了。” powerful Warrior of Bradley Family, is silent does not say, the body transmits the thick malignant influences, explodes in abundance power, to move the corresponding Peyton's slogan. 布拉德利家族的强悍武者,皆是沉默不言,身上传来浓浓煞气,纷纷将力量爆炸出来,以行动来相应佩顿的口号。 Suddenly, in the world-shaking explosive, here are many dozens deep endocraters, sees only silhouette to plunder to leave crazily. 一时间,在惊天动地的爆响中,这儿多出数十个深深巨坑,只见一道道身影狂掠离开。 ps: Tomorrow's three ps:明天三更
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