GOS :: Volume #12

#1133: At one fell swoop reverse

Suddenly, all whole show in swamp, the mistake arising out of chance circumstances gathers at this completely. 忽然间,沼泽中的各方主要人物,阴差阳错全部聚集在此。 Mo Fou, Wu Feng and the others by the clansman pursuit of Fernandez Family, they before and Cecilia and Shang Yingyue through the Transmission Stone exchange, the understood Cecilia four people were surrounded, wants to help them to withdraw. 莫雬武枫等人是被费尔南德斯家族的族人追击,他们之前和塞西莉亚商影月通过音石交流,知道了塞西莉亚四人被困住,想要过来助他们脱身。 But the clansman of Fernandez Family, then receives the order of Mi Ya, must capture Shang Yingyue, on the way exactly and Mo Fou they meet, at the right moment compels into this place them. 而费尔南德斯家族的族人,则是收到米娅的命令,要来擒拿商影月,途中恰恰和莫雬他们碰面,适时将他们逼入此地。 Cecilia and Shang Yingyue flee, the choice of direction mistake, met with the clansmen of Fernandez Family exactly, unavoidablily, returned to this. 塞西莉亚商影月逃离的时候,方向选择错误,恰恰和费尔南德斯家族的族人碰面,不得已,又返回了这一块。 Suddenly, Mi Ya, Fei Erpu, Mo Fou and Shang Yingyue people, meet again in this. 一时间,米娅菲尔普莫雬商影月众人,纷纷重聚在这一块。 The watt and clansman of Ascot Family, encircles Shi Yan firmly in central, has not gone to manage Mo Fou, Cecilia and the others, places the first Fei Erpu safety. 瓦特和阿斯科特家族的族人,牢牢将石岩围在中央,没有去管莫雬塞西莉亚等人,将菲尔普的安危放在第一位。 The Mi Ya sweet and delicate voice joke comes, whole face at will, shot a look at Shi Yan with ease, looked at Fei Erpu, knitting the brows head of micro cannot be looked up. 米娅娇声笑语而来,满脸轻松随意,瞥了一眼石岩,又看了一眼菲尔普,微不可查的皱了皱眉头。 Mo Fou and Brother Wu Feng and Sha Zhao are staring at Shi Yan, shows the strange expression, can capture shocking Fei Erpu for him. 莫雬武枫兄弟、沙鞪盯着石岩,都露出怪异的表情,为他能够将菲尔普擒拿震惊。 Mi Ya came, can you explain your intention now?” The Fei Erpu complexion is dreary, but also is calm saying. 米娅来了,你现在可以说明你的意图了吧?”菲尔普脸色阴郁,还算是镇定的说道。 Yes, I came, what do you want?” Mi Ya calm pacing comes, decides in Fei Erpu and Shi Yan body advance party, said with a smile. “是呀,我过来了,你到底想要什么?”米娅从容的踱步而来,在菲尔普石岩身前站定,含笑说道。 Mo Fou, Cecilia and Shang Yingyue show the dignified unclear facial expression, is making haggling over secretly. 莫雬塞西莉亚商影月都露出凝重不明的神情,暗暗做着计较。 I take seven color ghost Demon Flower... Trades the Fei Erpu life with this Demon Flower, isn't difficult?” Shi Yan is holding under duress Fei Erpu, neither cold nor hot say|way. “我要七彩鬼妖花…拿这种妖花菲尔普的性命,不困难吧?”石岩挟持着菲尔普,不冷不热道。 Seven color ghost Demon Flower?” Mi Ya has gawked obviously, reveals the thinking the expression, frowns is silent temporarily. “七彩鬼妖花?”米娅明显愣了下,露出思索的表情,皱着眉头暂时沉默。 ............ Mi Ya Young Lady.” Watt respectful bows to bend the waist slightly... Looks earnestly to her, saying of face request: Asked.” “…………米娅小姐。”瓦特恭敬的略略躬身弯腰…认真地看向她,一脸请求的说道:“拜托了。” Fei Erpu also obviously relaxed, as if thought that a life such has preserved, although seven color ghost Demon Flower are precious, may come to see in him naturally is well below his life, Mi Ya definitely understood how to choose, therefore he is no longer anxious restlessly. 菲尔普也明显松了一口气,似乎觉得一条性命就这么保住了,七彩鬼妖花虽然珍贵,可在他来看自然远远不及他的一条性命,米娅肯定是懂得如何选择的,所以他不再紧张不安。 Mo Fou, Cecilia and Wu Feng people... Reveals the stunned puzzled manner, the complexion is strange. 莫雬塞西莉亚武枫众人…都露出错愕不解的神态,脸色怪异。 Consumes that many mind physical strength, does not hesitate to be wounded to hit hard Ascot Family... Captures alive to do such big weaponry Fei Erpu, for seven color ghost Demon Flower, this makes them a little unreadable merely. 耗费那么多的心神气力,不惜负伤重击阿斯科特家族…将菲尔普生擒搞出这么大的阵仗,仅仅只是为了七彩鬼妖花,这让他们有点难以理解。 Only then Shang Yingyue catches a point anything faintly, quietly knitting the brows head, caution and care is paying attention. 只有商影月隐隐捕捉到一点什么,悄悄皱了皱眉头,更加谨慎小心的留神着。 That .................. Sorry, seven color ghost Demon Flower were used up by me... Really embarrassed.” “那个………………很抱歉呀,七彩鬼妖花被我用掉了…真的不好意思。” In all people under focuses attention on with rapt attention, Mi Ya spreads out snow White Jade, on the charming face has no alternative completely, shaking the head forced smile of sigh. 在所有人的凝神注目下,米娅摊开雪白玉手,娇媚的脸上满是无可奈何,叹息的摇头苦笑。 The watt and Fei Erpu complexion become gloomy are suddenly fearful. 瓦特、菲尔普脸色骤然变得阴沉可怕。 Mi Ya Young Lady, aren't you crack a joke? Hasn't our big long time period of five days in together, seen you to use up seven color ghost Demon Flower? Appearance that you......” watt starting to speak but hesitating. 米娅小姐,你不是开玩笑吧?我们大多时候都在一块儿,没有见过你用掉七彩鬼妖花啊?你……”瓦特一副欲言又止的模样。 Fei Erpu look gloomy and cold fearful... Deeply looks to Mi Ya, said: Sister Mi Ya, you are not think that I do die?” 菲尔普眼神阴冷的可怕…深深看向米娅,道:“米娅姐姐,你不会是想我死吧?” How can?” Mi Ya is smiling bitterly, was sorry again and again that sighed however to sigh: Really was used up by me, who knows that this boy did need seven color ghost Demon Flower?” She was the same, suddenly eye one bright, said earnestly: This, that...... Gives me to select the time... I relate other people, helping you have a look at them to have seven color ghost Demon Flower.” “怎么会呢?”米娅苦笑着,连连抱歉,喟然叹息道:“真是被我用掉了,谁知道这小子需要七彩鬼妖花啊?”她顿了一样,忽然眼睛一亮,认真道:“这样吧,那个……给我点时间…我联系一下其余人,帮你看看他们有没有七彩鬼妖花。” In other glaciers, forests and sea three domains, there is a Expert arrival of God Clan, and at this time got the absolute winning side, Haig completed the cleaning, Mi Ya must look for other three allied forces to discuss this matter. 在冰川、森林、海洋其余三处版图,也有神族强者到来,并且此时都占据了绝对上风,黑格更是完成了清扫,米娅是要找其余三块的友军商榷此事。 She is waiting for the answer of Shi Yan. 她等候着石岩的答复。 You know my cultivation Space Deep Meaning.” Shi Yan quietly like water, not anxiously not slow saying: You Imaginary Space Ring one by one will throw to me, allowing me to inspect, if seven color ghost Demon Flower, I seriously will not have considered really your suggestion.” “你们都知道我修炼空间奥义。”石岩沉静如水,不急不缓的说道:“你将身上幻空戒一一抛落给我,容我检查一下,如果真的没有七彩鬼妖花,我会认真考虑你的建议。” The watt and Fei Erpu knit the brows to look to Mi Ya. 瓦特、菲尔普皱眉看向米娅 Mi Ya look one cold, snort|hum, taunted: The God Weapon sharp weapon that my Imaginary Space Ring Inner Tibet this numerous harvest, I am having, makes you give the one by one inspection .................. Do you think this reality?” 米娅眼神一冷,哼了一声,嘲讽道:“我幻空戒内藏着这趟的众多收获,还有我持有的神兵利器,都让你给一一检查………………你以为这现实么?” Puchi! 噗哧 Bone Thorn of Fei Erpu lower abdomen fiercely rolls up and pushes along, his stops wound soon, also the blood splash, in the instant, the fearfulness of Fei Erpu complexion distortion, the body is also curling suddenly up like the shrimp roe, obviously painful penetrating heart. 菲尔普小腹的骨刺又猛地卷动起来,他那才止住不多久的伤口,又忽然鲜血飞溅,在霎那间,菲尔普脸色扭曲的可怕,身子也如虾子般蜷曲着,显然痛彻心扉。 Either I have killed him, either makes me inspect. “要么我杀了他,要么让我检查检查。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, I thought that seven color ghost Demon Flower in your hands, I thought...... You do not care about the Fei Erpu life, a Ascot Family the life of successor, will be unworthy in the future unexpectedly seven color ghost Demon Flower, Hehe, I think the noble status, originally unexpectedly such inexpensive.” 石岩淡然一笑,“我觉得七彩鬼妖花就在你手中,我觉得……你根本不在意菲尔普的死活,一条阿斯科特家族未来继承人的性命,竟然不值一朵七彩鬼妖花,嘿嘿,我以为多高贵的身份,原来竟然是这么的廉价。” Fei Erpu, watt and clansman of Ascot Family, heard that the word complexion becomes extremely cloudy severe, part looks bitterly to Shi Yan, the vision that also the person will hate threw to Mi Ya and the others...... 菲尔普、瓦特和阿斯科特家族的族人,闻言脸色变得极其阴厉,一部分恨恨看向石岩,也有一部人将仇恨的目光抛向了米娅等人…… Mo Fou, Cecilia and the others neglected one, from looked to wipe to the grid in panic-strickenly, looked at again to Shi Yan time, thought that in heart icy cold, spilled over meaning of the bitter and astringent fear. 莫雬塞西莉亚等人忽视一眼,都从对方眼中瞧出了一抹惊骇,再看向石岩的时候,都觉得心中冰凉,泛出一股苦涩的畏惧之意。 This fellow...... Sinisterly was too fearful! 这家伙……太阴险可怕了! Fernandez Family and Ascot Family collaborate, rides roughshod in this piece of swamp, hunts and kills numerous major star territory Expert, without an influence can with it contending, Mo Fou, Wu Feng and Wu Bai people completely collaborate , can only run away unceasingly, has avoided with their head confrontation. 费尔南德斯家族和阿斯科特家族联手,在这一片沼泽内横行无忌,猎杀众多各大星域强者,没有一股势力能够与之抗衡,就连莫雬武枫武柏众人全部联手,也只能不断逃窜,一直避免和他们正面交锋。 They put forth various means discovered that cannot reverse this aspect, has being at a loss dejected helpless. 他们使出各种办法,发现都不能扭转这个局面,都有种束手无策的颓然无奈。 Shi Yan has put forth this move suddenly...... 石岩忽然使出了这一招…… In their eyes, this is Shi Yan in view of Fernandez Family and Ascot Family the idea of estranging, instigated both sides' relations, making their unions have the fissure, even quarrelled to become enemies directly! 在他们的眼中,这是石岩针对费尔南德斯家族、阿斯科特家族的离间之计,挑拨双方的关系,让他们的同盟产生裂痕,甚至直接就反目成仇! Once Mi Ya and Fei Erpu move toward opposite, once these two God Clan influences compete to slaughter mutually, not only has no time to care about them... Also will make them have the opportunity, can reverse the present aspect at one stoke, breaks the nowadays distressed condition. 一旦米娅菲尔普走向对立面,一旦这两个神族势力相互争夺厮杀,不但无暇顾及他们…还会让他们有可乘之机,能一举扭转如今的局面,打破现今的狼狈境况。 The people eyes have shone, approves Shi Yan darkly fearfully really sinister, really has so good calculation, only then Shang Yingyue knows... Shi Yan anything plans by no means that knows he really urgent wants to obtain seven color ghost Demon Flower...... 众人眼睛都亮了起来,暗赞石岩果然可怕阴险,竟然有如此好的算只有商影月知道…石岩并非什么算计,知道他是真的迫切的想要得到七彩鬼妖花…… Her pair of beautiful pupil has rotated an instant turning round, suddenly in idea heart, suddenly chilly saying: Seven color ghost Demon Flower on Mi Ya, I have the special method to be able the sensation, my father is Shang Chen, he once compiled one to introduce the books of various strange flowers and grass in detail... I have the mystique to be able the sensation to......” 她一双美眸滴溜溜转动了一霎,忽然计上心头,忽然清冷的说道:“七彩鬼妖花就在米娅身上,我有特殊的方法可以感知,我父亲为商辰,他曾编写了一本详细介绍各种奇花异草的书籍…我有秘法能感知的到……” She aims at three Imaginary Space Ring on Mi Ya cold, a confident self-confident stance, Demon Flower on her in Imaginary Space Ring... I can the percentage hundred affirmations!” 她冷然指向米娅手上的三枚幻空戒,一副成竹在胸的自信姿态,“妖花就她在幻空戒中…我可以百分百肯定!” Fei Erpu and a watt complexion underline mean, not uttering a word looks to Mi Ya, under their gaze, Mi Ya knits the brows slightly, suddenly light saying: I am impossible to give him to inspect my thing, how you slander... In three Imaginary Space Ring, there are all our harvests, has my God Weapon sharp weapons and many secrets, is impossible to give him.” 菲尔普、瓦特脸色突显阴狠,一声不吭的看向米娅,在两人注视下,米娅微微皱眉,忽然平淡的说道:“我是不可能将我的东西交给他检查的,你怎么污蔑都可以…三枚幻空戒里面,有我们的所有收获,有我的神兵利器和许多秘密,绝不可能交给他。” Also simple.” Cecilia smiles gracefully, said charmingly: You can the Imaginary Space Ring thing, present... If seven color ghost Demon Flower, I have not thought really everybody believe.” “也简单。”塞西莉亚盈盈一笑,妩媚说道:“你可以将幻空戒的东西,一个个呈现出来呀…如果真的没有七彩鬼妖花,我想大家都会信服的。” lowly maid! What thing are you? Also pairs me to gesticulate!” Mi Ya complexion one cold. 贱婢!你算什么东西?也配对我指手画脚!”米娅脸色一寒。 giggle giggle!” 咯咯咯咯!” Cecilia smiles to continue suddenly tenderly, such is pointing at Mi Ya, does not talk too much anything. 塞西莉亚忽然娇笑不止,就这么指着米娅,也不多言什么。 All people can look, in several people in view of below, Mi Ya has revealed the clues continuously gradually, was obviously afraid. 所有人都看得出来,在数人接连不断的针对下,米娅渐渐露出了蛛丝马迹,明显是心虚了。 Sister Mi Ya, I only wants to ask one! In your mind, my life whether links seven color ghost Demon Flower to be unworthy?” Fei Erpu two are grasping Bone Thorn of abdomen... Sound ice cold say|way. 米娅姐姐,我只想问一句!在你的心中,我的性命是否连一株七彩鬼妖花都不值?”菲尔普两手握着腹部的骨刺…声音冰寒道。 Said!” A Mi Ya face does not bear called to shout. “说了没有!”米娅一脸不耐的叫嚷道。 Shi Yan loose has fastened tightly the finger of Fei Erpu neck, sneers was mocking in his ear that misleads to instigate saying: You wanted moving point special method evidently, for example .................. Seizes, I promise you, so long as obtains seven color ghost Demon Flower, I put you to leave immediately.” 石岩松了松扣紧菲尔普脖颈的手指,冷笑着在他耳边讥诮,蛊惑怂恿道:“看样子你要动点特别手段了,譬如说………………强抢,我答应你,只要得到七彩鬼妖花,我立即放你离开。” Fei Erpu nodded, deeply inspires, closes the eye saying: Watt, the clansman of greeting family, helping me from Sister Mi Ya in the hand seven color ghost Demon Flower ` invite, to come out! Perhaps Sister Mi Ya has forgotten, the master who this our Ascot Families come, as if also wants compared with Expert of their family many.” 菲尔普点了点头,深吸一口气,闭上眼睛说道:“瓦特,招呼家族的族人,帮我从米娅姐姐手中将七彩鬼妖花‘请,出来!或许米娅姐姐忘记了,这趟我们阿斯科特家族过来的高手,似乎比他们家族的强者还要多一点。” Fei Erpu you were insane, you dare to be instigated to cope with me!” Mi Ya screamed. 菲尔普你疯了,你敢受人怂恿对付我!”米娅尖叫起来。 Fei Erpu facial expression gloomy and cold, closes one's eyes does not speak. 菲尔普神情阴冷之极,闭着眼睛不吭声。 understood Young Master.” The watt looked that has not looked at Mi Ya, puts out Transmission Stone greeting to spread in all parties' Warrior of Ascot Family, wander around aura, receives message to gather. 知道了少爷。”瓦特看也没看米娅,拿出音石招呼散布在各方的阿斯科特家族的武者,一道道四处游荡的气息,受到讯息纷纷聚集过来。 Young Lady......” 小姐……” Yue Man of Fernandez Family, in the eye appears the expression that the pain struggles, bows to say to Mi Ya: Old servant apologized the Young Lady deep affection, but cannot, because the younger brother of old servant by spoiled soul aphis invasion, but let you and Fei Erpu Young Master mutual hatred, but also asked Young Lady to take seven color ghost Demon Flower, making Fei Erpu Young Master restore the body of freedom.” 费尔南德斯家族的约曼,眼中显出痛苦挣扎的表情,冲米娅躬身道:“老奴谢过小姐厚爱,但不能因为老奴的弟弟被腐魂蚜侵入,而让你和菲尔普少爷交恶,还请小姐将七彩鬼妖花取出来,让菲尔普少爷恢复自由之身。” Such remarks, not, Shi Yan and the others, are Fei Erpu, the clansman of watt Ascot Family, suddenly understands why Mi Ya concealed seven color ghost Demon Flower not to put throughout. 此言一出,不论是莫、石岩等人,还是菲尔普、瓦特的阿斯科特家族的族人,都忽然明白米娅为何始终隐瞒着七彩鬼妖花不放受了。 „Does the life of trivial lackey, how compare favorably with my status to be noble? Sister Mi Ya, you takes Demon Flower, everybody who do not make is not good to end, otherwise and other people come, hits not to be unattractive.” “区区一名奴才的性命,岂比得上我的身份高贵?米娅姐姐,你还是将妖花拿出来吧,别弄的大家都不好收场,不然等我们的人过来,真打起来了就不好看了。” The Fei Erpu eye splits a slit, gloomy and cold heartless saying, he simply has not been serious Brother Yue Man life, disdaining of face is heartless. 菲尔普眼睛裂开一道缝隙,阴冷无情的说道,他根本没有将约曼弟弟的性命当一回事,一脸的不屑无情。 The Ascot Family present strength, compared with Mi Ya Fernandez Family powerful, he also deeply believe that Mi Ya does not dare to have the conflict with him, under Shi Yan misleads, he suddenly becomes the powerful. 阿斯科特家族如今的实力,要比米娅的费尔南德斯家族强悍,他也深信米娅不敢真的和他发生冲突,在石岩蛊惑下,他忽然又变得强势起来。 Young Lady......” 小姐……” A pain of Yue Man face is helpless, begged Mi Ya to receive the hand desperately. 约曼一脸的痛楚无奈,苦苦央求着米娅收手。 „Like you, York uncle also from small take care of I, for me .................. His life many that Fei Erpu is more precious than!” Mi Ya inspired, clenches teeth to shout to clear the way tenderly: Fights on the war! I must have a look at the clansman of Ascot Family but actually, whether can make me hand over seven color ghost Demon Flower really to come!” “和你一样,约克叔叔也从小照顾着我,对我来说………………他的性命比菲尔普珍贵的多!”米娅吸了一口气,咬着牙娇喝道:“战就战吧!我倒要看看阿斯科特家族的族人,是否真能让我交出七彩鬼妖花来!” She was really also enraged. 她也被真的激怒了。
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