GOS :: Volume #12

#1132: With my what Guan?

Chapter 1108 and my what Guan? 第1108章与我何关? A swamp corner/horn. 沼泽一角。 A Shi Yan hand covers Fei Erpu neck, grasps swift and fierce Bone Thorn, Bone Thorn state-of-art in Fei Erpu heart mouth, so long as delivers toward, Fei Erpu then meets the fleshly body collapse. 石岩一只手扣住菲尔普脖颈,一只手持有凌厉骨刺,骨刺尖端扎在菲尔普心脏口,只要往内一送,菲尔普便会肉身崩溃。 As for in another Bone Thorn that the Fei Erpu abdomen mixes, although has brought the pain that is hard to imagine to Fei Erpu, is actually insufficient to want his life. 至于在菲尔普腹部搅动的另外一根骨刺,虽然给菲尔普带来了难以想象的痛楚,却不至于要他的命。 Most race God Body three fatal, the head, heart and dantian cyclone, in the head are hiding Soul Altar, is the Warrior soul rallying point, the dantian cyclone is the center that Warrior power congeals, once were destroyed, Warrior power will dissipate, fleshly body frail like mortal, collapses at the first blow. 大多数种族神体都有三个致命点,脑袋、心脏和丹田气旋,脑袋中藏匿着灵魂祭台,为武者的魂魄聚集点,丹田气旋是武者力量凝结的中心,一旦被摧毁,武者一身力量会消散,肉身脆弱如凡人,不堪一击。 The heart is Warrior flesh and blood source power, was the fleshly body basis, the heart has crushed, fleshly body then withered away. 心脏为武者血肉的源动力,为肉身的根本,心脏粉碎了,肉身便消亡了。 Shi Yan Bone Thorn grips in the Fei Erpu heart mouth, can shelter the seven rainbow light of Fei Erpu whole body, was broken with the scarlet great sword by Shi Yan quietly instantaneously, Fei Erpu will stimulate to movement at this time God Clan will not extinguish the body may not have, so long as he just slightly a little changed, Shi Yan then can strike to massacre him. 石岩一根骨刺扎在菲尔普心脏口,本来可以庇护菲尔普全身的七彩虹光,被石岩悄悄以血色巨剑瞬间破掉,菲尔普此时连催动神族不灭体的可能都不会有,只要他刚刚稍稍有点异动,石岩便可以一击杀掉他。 Fei Erpu does not dare to act rashly, watt and clansman of Ascot Family, suddenly honest. 菲尔普不敢轻举妄动,瓦特和阿斯科特家族的族人,忽然间都老实了下来。 They have not continued to speak the threat, they look to the Shi Yan vision, has filled deeply dreads alarmed and afraid...... This is cold blood heartless crazy bloodthirsty! 他们没有继续出言威胁,他们看向石岩的目光,充满了深深的忌惮惊惧……这是一个冷血无情的疯狂嗜杀者! Because of homicide Sī bō tè. 因为他杀了斯波特 Sī bō tè for Sloan son, Sloan and Fike is the blood brother, Sī bō tè is Ascot Family most core member, status Earth Realm is less inferior than Fei Erpu, dares to kill the Sī bō tè person, how can also not dare to kill Fei Erpu? 斯波特为斯隆儿子,斯隆和菲克乃亲兄弟,斯波特也是阿斯科特家族最核心的成员,身份地位不比菲尔普逊色,敢杀斯波特的人,又岂会不敢杀菲尔普 Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people, complexion are complex, looks at Shi Yan callous holds under duress Fei Erpu, the looks at Fei Erpu abdomen blood is overflowing, spills over one share chill in the air from heart. 塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海四人,一个个面色复杂无比,看着石岩冷酷的挟持着菲尔普,看着菲尔普腹部鲜血流溢着,都从心底泛出一股子寒意。 I want to know your goal.” “我想知道你的目的。” Was being held under duress Fei Erpu, the calm fearfulness, has as if put behind formerly ache, sound slow saying: You capture alive me, has not struck to kill me immediately, certainly has other plan...... Do you actually want to do?” 被挟持着的菲尔普,冷静的可怕,似乎忘却了先前的疼痛,声音缓慢的说道:“你只是生擒我,没有将我立即击杀,一定是有着别的打算……你到底想干什么?” Worthily is the future successor of Ascot Family, at this time so was calm, I a little admired you.” Shi Yan look gloomy and cold, behind the Fei Erpu shoulder toward watt nodded, said: „Can you with the Mi Ya relation in? You make her come.” “不愧是阿斯科特家族的未来继承者,这时候还如此镇定,我都有点佩服你了。”石岩眼神阴冷,在菲尔普肩膀后面朝着瓦特点了点头,道:“你能和米娅联系上吧?你让她过来。” The watt is astonished however, you, because Mi Ya does hold under duress our Young Master? Your making a mistake object?” 瓦特讶然,“你因为米娅挟持我们少爷?你搞错对象了吧?” Shi Yan has smiled suddenly. 石岩忽然笑了一下。 Bone Thorn that stops mixing in the Fei Erpu lower abdomen, suddenly is violent shakes, the Fei Erpu body twitches instantaneously, the stabbing pain emerges the whole body, his forehead blue vein splits presently, the complexion is suddenly pale, the beads of sweat do not control self falls following neck. 菲尔普小腹停止搅动的骨刺,忽然间猛烈一抖,菲尔普身子瞬间抽搐起来,刺痛重新涌入全身,他额头青筋绽现,脸色忽然苍白起来,汗珠不自禁的顺着脖颈滑落。 All people are complexion cold, subconscious touching to their belly, has to plant the belly by the fearful feeling that the sharp weapon pierces. 所有人都是脸色一寒,下意识的摸向自己的肚子,有种自己肚子被利器捅破的可怕感。 Did not need Shi Yan to say one, did not need Fei Erpu to officially inform, the watt jumps immediately, screamed: I am circular she! Immediately!” 不需要石岩多说一句,也不需要菲尔普知会,瓦特顿时跳将起来,尖叫道:“我通传她!立即!” The watt takes out Transmission Stone, the complexion must together ugly ugly, pulls down sound summons desirably anything, at once he reveals the stunned color, in Transmission Stone the hand receives, said: Mi Ya catches up exactly toward here, does she, what you actually want to make quickly? We can chat first.” 瓦特取出一块音石,脸色要多难看有多难看,刻意压低声音传唤着什么,旋即他露出错愕之色,愣愣的将手中音石收起,道:“米娅恰好朝着这边赶来,她很快就会到,你到底想做什么?我们可以先谈谈的。” Shi Yan looked at his one eyes indifferently, buckles in that hand of Fei Erpu neck, suddenly under makes an effort to press! 石岩漠然看了他一眼,扣在菲尔普脖颈的那只手,忽然用力下压! Fei Erpu neck bone ka ka resounding, his face panic-stricken sat following power, the nature comes, Shi Yan placed his behind that posture is also sitting, droops to focus to hide, the meaning of obviously not having talked. 菲尔普脖子骨头咔咔脆响,他一脸惊恐的顺着力量坐了下来,自然而来的,石岩也在他身后保持着那个姿势坐下来,耷拉着眼皮子,明显没有谈话的意思。 Watt one dull, deeply frowns, signaled with the eyes to other Ascot Family six people, that six people disperse not without making a sound, gathers round Shi Yan faintly. 瓦特一呆,深深皱着眉头,对阿斯科特家族其余六人使了个眼色,那六人一声不吭的分散开来,隐隐将石岩围着。 Nobody manages Shang Yingyue and the others again. 没人再管商影月等人。 Was regarded essential target Cecilia and Shang Yingyue four people, at this time as if has become the outsider, Shi Yan does not respond them, the watt does not visit them, they stand there alone, suddenly thinks sad awfully...... 本来被当成主要目标的塞西莉亚商影月四人,此时仿佛成了局外人,石岩不搭理他们,瓦特也不看他们,他们孤零零站在那儿,忽然觉得难过的要命…… cough cough coughs!” Cecilia of physique arousing sex appeal, smiled gracefully, does not have the original contempt to disdain, passionate showed good will to Shi Yan: Little brother, what need has we to coordinate? You said freely, we certainly with your altogether onset and retreat!” 咳咳咳!”身姿撩人性感的塞西莉亚,盈盈一笑,没了原先的轻视不屑,热情洋溢的冲石岩示好:“小兄弟,有什么需要我们配合的么?你尽管说,我们一定和你共进退!” Shang Yingyue and Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai an also face anticipates looks to him. 商影月和焦山、焦海也一脸期待的看向他。 Recently, Mo Fou, Wu Feng and Wu Bai and they and Mi Ya, Fei Erpu confrontation multiple, a chapter cannot get the winning side, the team that temporarily forms instead connected some people dead, most of the time was in stampede urged the condition sadly. 最近一段时间,莫雬武枫武柏和她们与米娅菲尔普交锋多次,没有一回能够占据上风,临时组建的团队反而接连有人死亡,大多数时候都处于狼狈逃窜的悲催境况。 This time, they also when is most difficult, this thinks that the attacks will die a tragic death in Fei Erpu and the others, actually when they will soon despair the accident to live Fei Erpu to be held under duress suddenly unexpectedly. 这次,他们也在最为艰难的时候,本以为会在菲尔普等人的攻击下惨死,却在他们即将绝望的时候变故突生菲尔普竟被挟持了。 This is a victory! One type lets their all people for the it inspired turning point! Let them as if see the dawn! 这是一种胜利!一种让他们所有人为之振奋的转折点!让他们似乎看见了曙光! Obviously only then Void God Second Sky Realm Shi Yan, strange appearance, tearing links barrier that they cannot work loose easily, protects to hit in going all out of Ascot Family, Fei Erpu capturing alive, this has subverted their consistent cognition simply. 明明只有虚神二重天境界石岩,诡异的现身,轻易撕裂连他们都挣脱不掉的结界,在阿斯科特家族的拼命护击中,将菲尔普给生擒了,这简直颠覆了他们一贯的认知。 Suddenly, Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai remember that words that Shang Yingyue spoke: His Divine Sense soul not by the shackles blockade of Ancient Continent. 忽然间,塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海想起了商影月说的那一番话:他神识灵魂不受古大陆的桎梏封锁。 Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai the eyes have shone in abundance, is looks to Shi Yan that a face anticipates, to this time, they have believed gradually a little Shang Yingyue said that suddenly became excited. 塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海眼睛纷纷亮了起来,都是一脸期待的看向石岩,到了这时候,他们渐渐有点相信商影月所言了,忽然变得兴奋不已。 If is really so, if has Shi Yan this in this swamp eye, how could it not be they can break out of the current aspect? 如果真是如此,如果在这沼泽内有石岩这个“眼睛”在,他们岂非可以摆脱目前的局面? Three people of vision became more and more fiery. 三人的目光变得越来越火热了。 Shi Yan gains ground, bewildered looks to them, indifferent saying: You here why? Mi Ya a while brings Expert of Fernandez Family to come, you do not walk now, is the preparation remains to court death?” 石岩抬头,莫名其妙的看向他们,冷漠的说道:“你们在这儿干吗?米娅一会儿就带着费尔南德斯家族的强者过来,你们现在不走,是准备留下来找死么?” Shang Yingyue, Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai in vain one dull. 商影月塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海徒然一呆。 Doesn't have you?” Cecilia Jiaojiao has smiled, the graceful plentiful physique jogging shivers all over, such as a moving viperous beauty, the coquettish look wave light ripples, said: You are buckling Fei Erpu, do they dare to begin? Ha, we formerly were really perforated did not recognize a superior, we......” “不是还有你么?”塞西莉亚娇娇笑了起来,曼妙丰满身姿轻摇乱颤,如一条动人的美女蛇,媚眼波光荡漾,道:“你扣着菲尔普呢,他们怎么敢动手?哈,我们先前真是有眼不识泰山,我们……” What relations do your lives have with me?” Cecilia one revealed with emotions has not said that Shi Yan then impolite cold words interruption, by one type the look that looks at the idiot looks to her, my cultivation Space Deep Meaning, once came to an arrangement to decide the matter with Mi Ya, immediately then can crack leaves spatially, when the time comes Ascot and Fernandez Family masters, could not look for me, took you to vent exactly...... Understood?” “你们的死活和我有什么关系?”塞西莉亚一番动情表露没有讲完,石岩便不客气的冷言截断,以一种看白痴的眼神看向她,“我修炼空间奥义,一旦和米娅将事情谈妥敲定,立即便会裂空离开,到时候阿斯科特和费尔南德斯家族高手都在,找不着我,恰恰拿你们发泄……懂了吗?” Cecilia neglects the whole body ice-cold, beautiful pupil appears the deep fear, smiling of her unnatural, awkward saying: „It is not...... Doesn't have you? Don't you lead us to walk together?” 塞西莉亚忽视浑身冰冷,美眸浮现深深的恐惧,她不自然的笑了笑,尴尬的说道:“不是……不是还有你么?你难道不带我们一起走?” Shi Yan strange shot a look at her one eyes, suddenly such has closed the eye, a numb heartless stance. 石岩古怪的瞥了她一眼,忽然就这么闭上了眼,一副麻木无情的架势。 Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai thought suddenly the under foot land as if becomes ice-cold, one share Cold Qi frightened whiz whiz upward braves, making their whole body ice-cold, making their complexion probably ugly ugly, God Body as if unbending. 塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海忽然间觉得脚下土地似乎都变得冰冷起来,一股子寒气恐惧嗖嗖的往上冒,让他们浑身冰冷,让他们脸色要多难看就有多难看,神体似乎都僵直了起来。 Really is mean to the ruthless bastard!” Shang Yingyue clenches jaws. “果然是卑鄙到无情无义的混蛋!”商影月咬牙切齿。 Old lady Bai Pao coquettish look!” Cecilia bitterly however. “老娘白抛媚眼了!”塞西莉亚恨恨然。 Lacks consideration for the whole! Selfish young thief!” Jiaoshan and Jiao Hainu exclaimed. “不顾大局!自私自利的小贼!”焦山、焦海怒吼道。 In four people of accusations scold, the Shi Yan old god , the face is hiding has not moved, still closes one's eyes, faint saying: Do not blame me not to remind you, Mi Ya and clansman of Fernandez Family, quick will then come, your time are not much.” 在四人的指责呵斥中,石岩老神在在,脸皮子都没动一下,依然闭着眼睛,淡漠的说道:“别怪我没提醒你们,米娅和费尔南德斯家族的族人,很快便会过来了,你们的时间并不多。” We walk.” The Cecilia elegant face changes, she fully realized that the Shi Yan mysterious sensation strength, knows the situation wonderfully, does not stop cursing fiercely, said: We later ask him to do accounts!” “我们走。”塞西莉亚俏脸一变,她深知石岩的神奇感知力,知道形势不妙,猛地停止咒骂,道:“我们以后找他算账!” Cecilia one line of stare maliciously to Shi Yan, at once leaves to leave decisively, such as four lightnings dissipate. 塞西莉亚一行人狠狠地瞪向石岩,旋即果断抽身离开,如四道闪电消逝掉。 The watt and Warrior of Ascot Family, a person has not managed them, all person attention place the body of Shi Yan and Fei Erpu, looks at steadily. 瓦特和阿斯科特家族的武者,没有一人去管他们,所有人注意力都放在石岩菲尔普的身上,目不转睛。 The Fei Erpu corners of the mouth had two blood traces, the lower abdomen place blood unexpectedly rapid scab, but that Bone Thorn still deeply hid in the abdomen, but has not continued to mix, making the Fei Erpu ache not want to crack. 菲尔普嘴角有两道鲜血痕迹,小腹处鲜血竟然迅速结痂了,但那根骨刺依然深藏在腹部,只是没有继续搅动,让菲尔普不会疼痛欲裂。 His complexion is dreary, hints to the watt people secretly, making them do not act rashly, waits for Mi Ya to come to look at the situation again. 他脸色阴郁冷静,暗暗向瓦特众人示意,让他们不要轻举妄动,等米娅过来再看情况。 Watt and the others watched his meaningful glance, gradually calms down, is waiting for Mi Ya and coming of Fernandez Family Expert. 瓦特等人看出来他的眼色,都渐渐冷静下来,等候着米娅和费尔南德斯家族强者的过来。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 The sound passed from out of the blue suddenly, watt and Fei Erpu and the others eye one bright, thinks that Mi Ya they came, the facial expression shakes, only then Shi Yan induced by the vice- soul, the corners of the mouth do not control self twitched, criticizes the fool. 破空声忽然传了出来,瓦特和菲尔普等人眼睛一亮,以为米娅他们过来了,不由地神情一震,只有石岩以副魂感应了一下,嘴角不自禁的抽搐了一下,暗骂笨蛋。 Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao who Hai just fled, returned suddenly, stopped in this place again, the complexion was very unattractive. 刚刚遁走的塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海,又忽然间返回了,重新在此地停下,脸色都很不好看。 Puff Pu! 噗噗噗! Also is several sounds transmits, appears several person's shadows from another direction, unexpectedly is Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Wu Bai, Sha Zhao and the others, their complexion is restless, was one flushed. 又是几个声音传来,从另外一个方向也显出几道人影,竟是莫雬武枫武柏沙鞪等人,他们脸色不安,也是一头冲了过来。 Your this bastard has not pointed out the direction to us unexpectedly, harmed us to go astray the direction, bumped into Mi Ya exactly they, your too cold blood!” Shang Yingyue is looking angrily at Shi Yan, shouting of clenching jaws. “你这混蛋竟然没有给我们指出方向,害我们走错了方向,恰恰碰到米娅他们,你太冷血了!”商影月怒视着石岩,咬牙切齿的喊道。 Is your luck carries.” Shi Yan sneers. “是你们运气太背。”石岩冷笑。 Similarly was compelled into this place Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Wu Bai and the others, suddenly was shocked, looks at he holds under duress Fei Erpu, looks at Fei Erpu whole body fresh blood drip is flowinging, the heart mouth was also punctured by Bone Thorn, has shown the shock inexplicable expression. 同样被逼入此地的莫雬武枫武柏等人,忽然愣住了,看着他挟持着菲尔普,看着菲尔普浑身血淋漓,心脏口也被骨刺刺破,都露出了震惊莫名的表情。 Heard that some people do look for me? Really skillful, I also want to find a person, should come came, it seems like that this can save has troubled much......” “听说有人找我?真是巧了,我也想找一个人,唔,该来的都来了,看来这趟能够省却不少麻烦了……” The Mi Ya lazy weak sound has made a sound slowly, in many things around a center of numerous Fernandez Family clansman, her face satisfied relaxed smiling face, not anxiously not slow good. 米娅的慵懒酥软声缓缓响了起来,在众多费尔南德斯家族族人的众星捧月中,她一脸惬意轻松的笑容,不急不缓的行了过来。 If she said that this should come came...... RQ 如她所言,这趟该来的都来了……RQ
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