GOS :: Volume #12

#1131: Hold under duress!

Scarlet dazzling bloody glow tearing backdrop, the Void God heavy farmland Realm Expert watt of Ascot Family such as was hit hard together suddenly, looks fierce unable to fall to the ground, the whole body convulsion shivers. 一道猩红刺目的血光撕裂天幕,阿斯科特家族的虚神重畈境界强者瓦特忽然如遭重击,龇牙咧嘴倒地不起,浑身痉挛般颤抖。 The watt can various precise types complicated marvelous - barrier wall barrier, he to exquisite - chart that is difficult to be bright the sensation strength that has the fairy not to measure, each powerful barrier is it is well known precise, needs to entrust with the spirit and soul, is fearful barrier, soul power that needs to exert is stronger. 瓦特能够凝炼各种繁复奇妙-的结界壁障,他对许多精妙-难明的图阵有着神鬼莫测的感知力,然而,众所周知每一种强悍结界凝炼之时,都需要施法者将精神、魂魄赋予其中,越是可怕的结界,需要施加的灵魂力量越强。 Some barrier, can be interlinked with soul, once like this barrier has any slightest sign of trouble, will catch instantaneously. 更有的结界,可以和施法者灵魂相通,这样一旦结界有任何风吹草动,施法者会瞬间捕捉。 The attainments of watt in barrier aspect is extremely high, the barrier wall that he comes out precise bonds achieves the connection with his soul directly, in the barrier torn that instant, his soul has to plant by the stabbing pain that the sharp knife blade cuts, was injured directly then the soul. 瓦特在结界方面的造诣极高,他凝炼出来的结界壁障直接和他灵魂达成连接,在结界被撕裂的那一霎,他灵魂都有种被利刃切割的刺痛,直接便被伤了魂魄。 barrier was crushed, making battle Cecilia, Shang Yingyue and the others in the facial expression shake, several clansmen of Ascot Families simultaneously do not realize wonderfully. 结界的被粉碎,让交战中的塞西莉亚商影月等人都神情一震,几名阿斯科特家族的族人都同时意识到不妙。 The people in short some respective plan, Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai have tried to be separated to fight the circle instantaneously immediately, as for the clansman of Ascot Family, is wants first to know that barrier left anything to trouble. 众人在短瞬间都有了各自的打算,塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海试图马上脱离战圈,至于阿斯科特家族的族人,则是想要首先知道结界出了什么麻烦。 When they see the watt to struggle in the appearance of place, the complexion changes, subconscious must pass to shelter the Fei Erpu safety. 等他们看见瓦特挣扎在地的模样,都脸色一变,下意识的要过去庇护菲尔普的安危。 Before coming Ancient Continent, Ascot's Family Head Fike has the explicit confession, at any time needs to guarantee that Fei Erpu will not have an accident, now the watt has no time temporarily take care of Fei Erpu, they regard the priority the Fei Erpu safety immediately. 前来古大陆之前,阿斯科特的家主菲克有过明确交代,任何时候都需要保证菲尔普不会出事,如今瓦特暂时无暇照顾菲尔普,他们马上将菲尔普的生命安全当成首要任务。 Especially, they discovered that the Fei Erpu expression does not suit extremely .................. 尤其是,他们发现菲尔普的表情极其不对劲……………… In that instant of barrier tearing, Fei Erpu Sea of Consciousness was emerged all sorts of Negative Emotions suddenly, brings back his mind directly the weakness, making him just like returns to that day of grown ceremony, the innermost feelings have filled in a terrified way restless. 结界撕裂的那一霎,菲尔普识海忽然被涌入种种负面情绪,直接勾起他心灵的弱点,让他恍如返回成年仪式的那一天,内心充满了惶恐不安。 So under condition... The Fei Erpu reason had been given to confuse temporarily, the keen sensation considerably is weaken, power cannot play the true might. 如此状态下…菲尔普理智已经被暂时给搅乱了,敏锐的感知大大减弱,一身力量发挥不出真正的威力。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Three woods white Bone Thorn strange towering reappearing, such as lightning that emits from nothingness, the straight thrust to the Fei Erpu front. 三根森白骨刺诡异的突兀浮现,如从虚无中冒出的电光,直刺向菲尔普的胸前。 Young Master is careful!” 少爷小心!” Is curling up the watt of body, called out at this time suddenly, did not give a thought to own safety, prevented the attacks of three Bone Thorn by the chest cavity unexpectedly. 蜷曲着身子的瓦特,在这个时候忽然暴喝,不顾自身安危,竟然以胸腔阻挡三根骨刺的来袭。 Meanwhile, the clansmen of all Ascot Families... All was insane generally plunged Fei Erpu, wanted keeping off all power by the flesh and blood, then slowly tidied up getting rid. 与此同时,所有阿斯科特家族的族人…皆是疯了一般扑向菲尔普,想要以血肉之躯将一切力量给挡下来,然后再慢慢收拾出手者。 Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people of crises have relieved immediately, now barrier was torn, the Warrior attention of Ascot Family simply has not placed on them, is they best departure opportunity. 塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海四人的危机立即解除了,如今结界被撕裂,阿斯科特家族的武者注意力根本没有放在他们身上,正是他们最好的离开机会。 Four people look at each other in blank dismay, saw from the opposite party eye hesitant... Hesitates must make use to attack opportunity to be rare!” 四人面面相觑,都从对方眼睛看出了犹豫…犹豫着要不要趁势攻“机会难得!” Shang Yingyue decisive chilly drinks lowly, the whole body thunder and lightning hurricane comes out suddenly, likely is dozens lightning spirit snakes, toward the clansman impact of Ascot Family. 商影月果断的清冷低喝,浑身雷电骤然狂飙出来,像是数十条闪电灵蛇,朝着阿斯科特家族的族人冲击。 Still in hesitant Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people, saw Shang Yingyue to start, gratefully urges to send own power deep meaning... Attention completely centralized on Warrior of Ascot Family, wants to coordinate starting to bring to damage hence, getting rid to Ascot Family clansmen still has not appeared in secret, Shang Yingyue does not know that who is having the idea of Ascot Family. 本来还在犹豫的塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海四人,一见商影月已经下手,也毫不客气的将自己的力量奥义催发出来…注意力全部集中在阿斯科特家族的武者身上,想要配合下手者对阿斯科特家族族人带来损至此,暗中出手者依然不曾出现,连商影月都不知道谁在打阿斯科特家族的主意。 But four people know , if no getting rid in secret barrier tearing, captures Ascot Family Expert attention, their four people absolute are difficult to run away die, by the people of Ascot Family cruel suffers lethal. 但四人知道如果没有暗中出手者将结界撕裂,将阿斯科特家族强者目光吸引走,他们四人绝对难逃一死,会被阿斯科特家族的人给残忍的折磨致死。 Ascot Family is God Clan 12 everybody... The prestige roams in the major star territories... And the Fei Erpu fearful odd, is one makes all females feel the disgusting terrifying matter. 阿斯科特家族为神族12大家…威名流荡在各大星域…其中菲尔普的可怕怪癖,更是一件让所有女性觉得恶心恐怖的事情。 ...... From knowing the Fei Erpu status, Cecilia and Shang Yingyue secretly set firm resolve: Rather to destroy indiscriminately, will not be fallen into the Fei Erpu hand by oneself. ……从知道菲尔普的身份起,塞西莉亚商影月就暗自下定决心了:宁愿玉石俱焚,也不会让自己落入菲尔普手中。 They very clear... Falls in woman to Fei Erpu hand, what fate will have. 她们很清楚…落到菲尔普手中的女人,会有什么样的下场。 Xiu! 咻! Woods white Bone Thorn vanishes swiftly, surplus two Bone Thorn such as steadily eye, from Ascot Family Warrior slit internal breaks... Has turned curved, presents the Fei Erpu back of the body place unexpectedly again. 一根森白骨刺倏然消失,剩余两根骨刺如长了眼睛,从阿斯科特家族武者缝隙内穿过…拐了一个弯,竟再次出现菲尔普后心处。 Meanwhile... In Fei Erpu behind, the space underlines a long and narrow slit, together the person's shadow is similar to from splitting in the rags makes, two are gripping two snow white Bone Thorn separately, calm to the Fei Erpu back of the body. 与此同时…在菲尔普身后,空间突显一条狭长的缝隙,一道人影如同从裂开的破布中挣出来,两手分别攥着两根雪白骨刺,镇定的扎向菲尔普的后心。 Like the rainbow aperture, ripple from Fei Erpu, these apertures are overlapping, is full the rich power fluctuation, actually implied Five Elements exquisitely -, was mysterious. 一条条如彩虹般的光圈,从菲尔普身上荡漾出来,那些光圈层层叠叠,皆是充盈着浓郁之极的力量波动,竟然暗含五行之精妙-,非常神奇。 Two Bone Thorn grip in these five colored light circles, is similar to grips in the sponge dough, the feeling that some types empty do not try unexpectedly, has not stirred up the intense power flame. 两根骨刺扎在那些五彩光圈上,如同扎在海绵团中,竟然有种虚不着力的感觉,没有激出强烈的力量火光。 Bang! 轰! Seals up fleshly body barrier energy, such as the shackles arrive at the whole body suddenly, the Shi Yan whole body flesh and blood just liked by strings is tying up, the motion all of a sudden became difficult. 一股封闭肉身结界能量,如枷锁般忽然降临周身,石岩浑身血肉犹如被一根根绳子拴着了,行动一下子变得艰难起来。 Boy courts death!” “小子找死!” Watt look dreary is sneering, two form the mark like the lotus flower, the mark faintly to the head of Shi Yan. 瓦特眼神阴郁的冷笑着,两手如莲花般形成印记,印记隐隐对着石岩的脑袋。 Emerges Soul Altar seal energy, multiplies in his Sea of Consciousness, in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, presented a huge monster different lotus flower, that lotus flower big to occupying his Sea of Consciousness each corner, made his continuously Divine Sense completely lose the effect directly. 一股涌入灵魂祭台的封印能量,在他识海内滋生出来,在石岩识海之中,出现了一朵巨大的妖异莲花,那莲花大到占据他识海每一个角落,直接让他一缕缕神识全部失去了奇效。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Blazing lightning and ice corner sharp knife blade and earth yellow sand precise great fist well up from three directions, the instantaneous bombardment above his God Body, instant Shi Yan shakes loudly greatly, the five main internal organs (entrails) such as was shifted, instantaneously spout a blood. 炽烈电光、冰棱般的利刃、土黄沙粒凝炼的巨拳从三个方向涌来,瞬间轰击在他神体之上,霎那间石岩轰然巨震,五脏六腑如被移位了,瞬间喷涌出一口鲜血。 In the blood splash, Shi Yan body staggers, complexion any change, the look instead has not seeped a mean strange color. 鲜血飞溅中,石岩身子一个跄踉,脸色没任何变化,眼神反而沁出一丝阴狠诡异的色彩。 Puchi! 噗哧 A blunt instrument enters the meat the light sound, suddenly inopportune transmitting, the next quarter then sees Fei Erpu to cover the belly to shout wildly pitifully. 一声钝器入肉的轻响,忽然不合时宜的传来,下一刻便见菲尔普捂着肚子在凄惨狂叫。 That snow white Bone Thorn of disappearance, punctures in the Fei Erpu belly, the half splits from his waist place, Bone Thorn such as punctures the blood vessel artery, the blood splutters violently from his abdomen Zhonghe waist, the Fei Erpu two hands grip tight Bone Thorn, the facial features distortion is whinning, such as put to death by dismemberment the ache. 消失的那一根雪白骨刺,刺在菲尔普肚子中,半截从他后腰处绽出来,骨刺如刺破血管动脉,鲜血从他腹中和后腰猛烈溅射出来,菲尔普两只手攥紧骨刺,面容扭曲的哀嚎着,如被人凌迟般疼痛。 That Bone Thorn is still wriggling in his abdomen! 那根骨刺在他腹部还在蠕动着! Has killed him! Has killed him! Is about to have killed him!” Fei Erpu and watt screamed together. “杀了他!杀了他!快杀了他!”菲尔普和瓦特一起尖叫起来。 Six the clansmen of Ascot Families, insane have urged to send to the pinnacle power suddenly generally, must lead into the death hell in breaths Shi Yan, must strangle to death him instantaneously. 六名阿斯科特家族的族人,忽然疯了一般将力量催发到极致,要在一息间将石岩带入死亡地狱,要瞬间绞杀他。 hū hū hū hū! 呼呼呼呼 Suddenly, Ancient Continent thick such as heaven and earth energy of water fluid wells up to come, to form the First Level reliable hard wall barrier like surging tides not awfully crazily, gives a reality the Shi Yan peripheral space unexpectedly. 忽然间,古大陆浓稠如水液的天地能量如潮水般不要命的狂涌而来,形成一层牢固坚硬的壁障,竟然将石岩周边的空间都给堵实。 In the people call out in alarm in the sound, Shi Yan shot a look at Fei Erpu, suddenly drinks one lowly. 在众人惊叫声中,石岩瞥了一眼菲尔普,忽然低喝一声。 Wall barrier that is formed by rich heaven and earth energy, such as the sea water spout toward outside, erupts suddenly, leaning this way and that his all people push, such as was given to sweep away by the hurricane, circling flew. 由浓郁天地能量形成的壁障,如海水往外面喷涌,突地爆发出来,将他身旁所有人推挤的东倒西歪,如被飓风给横扫,一个个打着旋的飞了起来。 Including complexion panic-stricken Cecilia, Shang Yingyue and the others, includes watt and clansman of Ascot Family, including Fei Erpu...... 包括脸色惊骇之极的塞西莉亚商影月等人,也包括瓦特和阿斯科特家族的族人,包括菲尔普…… When the people circle in flight, Shi Yan silhouette draws the strange curve, the ghosts and demons has come in Fei Erpu behind together generally, in the people field of vision dead angle, flashes through together bloody glow in Fei Erpu behind, Fei Erpu rainbow aperture is torn to pieces immediately. 在众人飞旋之际,石岩身影划过一道奇诡曲线,鬼魅一般在菲尔普身后现身,在众人视野死角,在菲尔普身后闪过一道血光,菲尔普身上的彩虹般的光圈立即支离破碎。 Cameroon! 喀! A Shi Yan hand covers Fei Erpu neck suddenly, making the joint of Fei Erpu transmit the resounding, another is carrying with the hand Bone Thorn, Bone Thorn has aimed at the Fei Erpu heart spot, sharp Bone Thorn is state-of-art, submerged in the body, the blood flowed immediately. 石岩一只手忽然扣住菲尔普脖颈,让菲尔普的骨节传来脆响,另外一只手提着一根骨刺,骨刺对准了菲尔普的心脏部位,锋锐的骨刺尖端,已经没入皮肉中,鲜血立即流了出来。 Is peaceful.” Shi Yan indifferent say|way. “都安静一下。”石岩冷漠道。 Warrior that falls to the ground distressedly, stopped suddenly, the watt of Ascot Family and the others zi is completely red, is staring Shi Yan stubbornly, actually does not dare to act rashly. 一个个狼狈落地的武者,忽然停了下来,阿斯科特家族的瓦特等人目眦尽赤,死死瞪着石岩,却不敢轻举妄动。 Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people, in expression full are surprised puzzled, frowns to look to him, fears secretly. 塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海四人,神色中满是惊讶不解,纷纷皱着眉头看向他,暗自恐惧起来。 Was maintained heavy guard over Fei Erpu, was captured alive by the Shi Yan sneak attack stiffly, just Shi Yan that a series of dazzling offensive deeply had shocked them, making them have a two brand-new understanding to Shi Yan, before , to Cecilia that Shi Yan taunted, has to acknowledge that the Shi Yan method was thick ** crisp, and swift and fierce to pinnacle! 被严加保护的菲尔普,硬生生被石岩偷袭生擒,刚刚石岩那一连串让人眼花缭乱的攻势深深震撼了他们,让他们对石岩有两个一个全新的认识,就连之前对石岩冷嘲热讽的塞西莉亚,都不得不承认石岩手段粗**脆、并且凌厉到了极致! „Do you want to do?” “你想干什么?” Unexpected, was calmer than anybody in this time Fei Erpu, his two hands covered are bleeding the lower abdomen wound incessantly, clenches teeth not to scream one again, the look gloomy looks at front. 出乎意料,在这个时候菲尔普比任何人都冷静,他两只手捂着流血不止的小腹伤口,咬着牙没有再尖叫一声,眼神阴沉看着前方。 You must dare to act unreasonably to Fei Erpu Young Master, Ascot Family will definitely not let off you, regardless of you are where, you Expert will be chased down by the clan in until death, regardless of you run away where, any star territory, you must die without doubt!” “你要敢对菲尔普少爷乱来,阿斯科特家族肯定不会放过你,不论你身在何处,你都会被族内强者追杀至死,无论你逃到何处,任何星域的,你都必死无疑!” The watt is a severely wounded wolf, the eye such as the gloomy and cold knife blows likely on Shi Yan, as far as possible tranquil slow saying. 瓦特像是一头重伤的豺狼,眼睛如阴冷的刀子刮在石岩身上,尽量平静缓慢的说道。 If I have not remembered incorrectly, Sī bō tè is also the clansman of your Ascot Family, I think that you should know he died.” Shi Yan cracks into a smile, a face fierce ruthless severe, he dies in my hand! Before he dies, said that he is the core member of your Ascot Family, said that your Ascot Family clansmen will pledge to fight to the death the retaliation, but I have killed him.” “如果我没有记错的话,斯波特也是你们阿斯科特家族的族人,我想,你们应该知道他已经死了。”石岩咧嘴一笑,一脸狰狞狠厉,“他死在我手上!他死前也说他是你们阿斯科特家族的核心成员,也说你们阿斯科特家族族人会誓死报复,可我还是还是杀了他。” Such remarks, the watt, Fei Erpu and Warrior of Ascot Family, is such as the falling ice hole, the whole body woods cold ice-cold. 此言一出,瓦特、菲尔普和阿斯科特家族的武者,皆是如坠冰窟,浑身森寒冰冷起来。 Cecilia with Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people, is the panic-stricken desire certainly, looked that the monster same looks to him. 塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海四人,则是惊骇欲绝,看怪物一样看向他。 Sī bō tè for Sloan's son, with the watt is father's cousin's sons, is Ascot Family extremely dazzling youth master, for family core member, his death, only then the Ascot Family insider knows that other God Clan family clansman is not clear. 斯波特为斯隆的儿子,和瓦特是堂兄弟,也是阿斯科特家族极为耀眼的青年高手,为家族核心成员,他的死亡只有阿斯科特家族内部人士知道,就连神族别的家族族人都不清楚。 A Shi Yan word points out this matter, watt and Fei Erpu almost do not have any doubts, immediately had affirmed he is a murderer, because besides the murderer, simply does not have any bystander to know this matter. 石岩一言点明此事,瓦特、菲尔普几乎没有任何的疑惑,立即肯定了他便是凶手,因为除了凶手外,根本没有任何一个外人知晓这件事。 Watt, Fei Erpu and clansman of Ascot Family, suddenly, silent, how seems considering to deal with all these. 瓦特、菲尔普和阿斯科特家族的族人,忽然间,都沉默了下来,似乎在思量如何应对这一切。 ...... ……
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