GOS :: Volume #12

#1130: Stave wall barrier

Chapter 1106 shatter wall barrier 第1106章破碎壁障 Including Fei Erpu, the squad of this Ascot Family altogether has eight people, these eight people are slightly low except for Fei Erpu Realm, other people in Void God Third Sky Realm, are elite of Ascot Family! 菲尔普在内,这一支阿斯科特家族的小队共有八人,这八人除了菲尔普境界略低,其余人都在虚神三重天境界,都是阿斯科特家族的精锐! Fei Erpu for Ascot the Family head of the clan Fike's second son, is deep Fike to think highly to spoil, this enters Ancient Continent, Fike for his safety, has used seed Warrior of family numerous Void God boundary seriously. 菲尔普为阿斯科特家族族长菲克的二儿子,深得菲克器重溺爱,这趟进入古大陆,菲克为了他的安危,当真是动用了家族众多虚神境的种子武者 Protects the Fei Erpu safety seven people, in Void God Third Sky Realm, including two almost can enter Origin God Boundary in the future steadily. 保护菲尔普安危的七人,都在虚神三重天境界,其中有两人将来几乎能够稳稳进入始神境界。 Fike has three sons, the eldest son intelligence is what a pity ordinary, now is also only Void God First Sky Realm, the youngest son, in addition young, uses embarrassedly greatly, temporarily had not been trained by Fike devotedly. 菲克有三个儿子,可惜大儿子资质一般,现在也不过只是虚神一重天境界,小儿子尚且年幼,难堪大用,暂时也没有被菲克悉心培养。 Only then second son Fei Erpu, the talent is excellent, has entered into Void God Second Sky Realm young, compared with big brother even better, and is quite intelligent, now has helped Ascot Family capture many territories, lets many family elders is very gratified. 只有二儿子菲尔普,天赋过人,年纪轻轻迈入了虚神二重天境界,比大哥更胜一筹,并且还极为聪慧,如今已经帮助阿斯科特家族夺取许多领地了,让很多家族长辈都很是欣慰。 Fike regards future family training him, therefore the tour of this Ancient Continent, will make Fei Erpu lead family Expert to come, with other family one high under. 菲克是将他当成未来的家族培养的,所以这趟古大陆之行,才会让菲尔普率领家族强者过来,和别的家族一较高下。 The watt is Ascot Family clansman, is this key take care of Fei Erpu Void God peak Expert, the cultivation earth power deep meaning, is universally recognized as can shortest time breakthrough Origin God Expert. 瓦特是阿斯科特家族族人,也是这趟重点照顾菲尔普虚神巅峰强者,修炼大地力量奥义,被公认为可以最短时间突破始神强者 Six the clansmen of Ascot Families, collaborate to Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people of assaults, but the watt has not gotten rid, he consistently stands in Fei Erpu behind , to continue to strengthen barrier energy quietly, while will protect Fei Erpu not to be sneak attacked. 六名阿斯科特家族的族人,联手对塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海四人强击,可瓦特并没有出手,他始终站在菲尔普身后,一边悄悄继续增强结界能量,一边保护着菲尔普不会被人偷袭。 Ice blue lightning projects from his palm, submerges behind layer on layer barrier, when one type trembles to map his heart, the watt relaxed finally. 一条冰蓝电光从他掌心射出,没入身后重重结界,当一种震颤映入他心底,瓦特终于松了一口气。 barrier thorough precise success, only if there is Origin God power also or the special method, otherwise gave up any idea of that passes through barrier instantaneously, is used to imprison trapped|sleepy Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai four people absolutely not to have the issue. 结界彻底凝炼成功,除非有始神力量亦或者特殊手段,否则休想瞬间穿过结界,用来囚困塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海四人绝对没有问题。 The watt knows that Shang Yingyue and Cecilia power powerful, real power is not perhaps weak in ordinary Origin God, but he has the confidence very difficultly they in besieging of people, but can also be used for breakthrough the entire energy, therefore he felt relieved very much. 瓦特知道商影月塞西莉亚力量强悍,真实力量或许不弱于普通的始神,但他有信心她们很难在众人的围击中,还能够将全部精力用来突破,所以他很放心。 A watt long and narrow ice-cold eye looks secretly to Cecilia and Shang Yingyue, the corners of the mouth pulls an obscene angle, lowly chuckled gets up. 瓦特一双狭长冰冷的眼睛暗暗看向塞西莉亚商影月,嘴角扯出一个淫亵的角度,嘿嘿低笑起来。 The Shang Yingyue physique is slender, the curve may be called perfect, the appearance is simple and beautiful, azure arc lightning windings in the slender waist, making her add a hot flavor, the Cecilia mature graceful bearing is attractive, the ketone body sex appeal is plentiful, such as the thoroughly ripe honey peach, pink flesh can pinch the water leakage...... 商影月身姿修长动人,曲线堪称完美,模样清丽,一道道青弧闪电缠绕在纤细的腰肢,让她更添一份火辣韵味,塞西莉亚成熟风韵诱人,酮体性感丰满,如熟透的水蜜桃,粉红色肌肤似能掐出水来…… The two females of different graceful bearing, are the beautiful appearance are moving, can bring back the mania of man **. 不同风韵的两名女子,都是美貌动人,都能勾起男人的狂躁**。 The watt shot a look at one to swallow Furth of saliva, the knitting the brows head of micro cannot be looked up, in the heart spilled over a helplessness. 瓦特瞥了一眼吞咽着口水的菲尔特,微不可查的皱了皱眉头,心中泛出一股无奈。 He knows the Fei Erpu fondness...... 他知道菲尔普的癖好…… Young Master of this Ascot Family did not have mother since childhood, was being wheted in the blood and iron method by Fike since childhood, big time then lets the homicide person, kills is dozens individuals, but also considers him in the extremely cruel way. 这个阿斯科特家族的少爷自幼没有母亲,被菲克从小以铁血手段磨砺着,一点大的时候便让他杀人,一杀便是数十个人,还以极为残忍的方式考量他。 Perhaps is, perhaps is the childhood is extremely for this reason gloomy, the Fei Erpu disposition is very violent, has numerous flaws...... 或许是因为这个原因,或许是童年太过阴暗,菲尔普性格很极端,有着众多缺陷…… Likes the wreaking havoc beautiful woman, is Fei Erpu one abnormal hobby, for these years dies the woman in Furth's hands about hundred, is the major star territory pretty various clan females, catches the whole lot in a dragnet to the ripe woman from the girl. 喜欢肆虐美女,就是菲尔普的一种变态嗜好,这么多年来死在菲尔特手中的女人近百,皆是各大星域貌美的各族女子,从女童到熟妇一网打尽。 The watt serves to shelter the Furth many years, is responsible for giving him to clean up the aftermath each time, knows that these die the woman in Furth's hands, the final fate is simply horrible to look. 瓦特侍奉庇护菲尔特多年,每次都负责给他收拾残局,知道那些死在菲尔特手中的女人,最终的下场简直惨不忍睹。 But he often can also obtain a point to enjoy...... Before Furth has not slaughtered is crazy, as the Fei Erpu most faithful running dog, he can also enjoy the tender and delicate moving statures of these women. 但他往往也能够从中得到一点享受……在菲尔特没有大开杀戒疯狂之前,身为菲尔普最忠实的走狗,他也可以享用那些女人的娇嫩动人身躯。 The looks at makings are different, actually Cecilia and Shang Yingyue of similarly moving heart and soul, a watt eye becomes fiery **...... 看着气质迥异,却同样动人心魄的塞西莉亚商影月,瓦特眼睛变得火热**…… By his vision, Cecilia and Shang Yingyue are most top grade women, wants splendid many compared with their women of these year of experiences, what is most important is these two is Void God Third Sky Realm, is the same with his power Realm, this makes the watt more excited. 以他的眼光来看,塞西莉亚商影月都是最为极品的女人,比他们这些年经历的女人都要出色的多,最重要的是这两人都是虚神三重天境界,和他力量境界一样,这更让瓦特更加兴奋。 He has remembered the beforehand marvelous taste, the body is gradually dry and hot, looked that becomes to Cecilia and Shang Yingyue vision more immoral strange. 他不由地想起了以前的奇妙滋味,身体渐渐燥热起来,看向塞西莉亚商影月的目光变得更加淫邪诡异。 Also compared with his vision also wants bitterly disappointingly has Fei Erpu. 比他目光还要让人心寒的还有菲尔普 The Fei Erpu look braves scary green light, this is some cultivation secret technique formation, under his line of sight, Cecilia and Shang Yingyue had whole body to be dug up up, by two green spooky creamy small snakes in the fearful feeling that the body patrolled, heart inside anxious hurried. 菲尔普眼神冒着骇人绿光,这是修炼某种秘术形成的,在他的视线下,塞西莉亚商影月有种浑身被扒光了,被两条绿幽幽滑腻小蛇在身上游弋的可怕感,心里面揪心的慌。 Also is so, originally encircled two, power cannot more than enough display. 也是如此,本来就被围剿的两人,力量都不能十成十的发挥出来。 Fei Erpu and a watt their vision, give their pressure not inferior Void God Expert wanton bombing, making these two have some cleanliness woman, only thought that the whole body is uncomfortable. 菲尔普、瓦特两人的目光,给两人的压力一点不逊色虚神强者的狂轰滥炸,让这两名有某种洁癖的女人,只觉得全身都不舒服。 Cecilia, Shang Yingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai in ten mu place big space, were besieged by six same level Realm Expert, main firepower centralized on Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai, to shooting the power ripple, roasts the fire that the fierce flame comes out precise to work, trembling mind the sound of beating a drum striking the hit of icy peak the extremely cold strength concludes, the bottom hears, the special method urges the tyrannical hurricane that sends...... 塞西莉亚商影月、焦山、焦海在十亩地大的空间,被六名同等境界强者围攻,其中主要火力集中在焦山、焦海身上,冲射的力量波纹,炙烈火焰凝炼出来的火灵,极寒之力缔结出来的冰峰的撞击,地底传来的震颤心灵的擂鼓顿击之声,特殊手段催发出来的暴虐飓风…… Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai were being shelled by all sorts of power, whole body power is losing rapidly, they try to run out of restraint, often was actually shot by barrier, instead seized the chance to hit hard, spits blood to continue distressedly. 焦山、焦海被种种力量轰击着,浑身力量迅速损耗着,两人试着冲出束缚,却每每被结界弹了回来,反而被趁机重击了,狼狈吐血不止。 Cecilia such as together the graceful green water snake, is clear water purification classes, imperial moves to change in her mind, or forms the python, great hawk that turns into the soaring, such as Dragon Ruyao, current of water are ever changing, multiply all kinds to be marvelous. 塞西莉亚如一道曼妙青色水蛇,举手投足间便是一条条澄净水流,在她心神御动下变幻万千,或是形成蟒蛇,或是变成飞翔的巨鹰,或是如龙如妖,一条条水流千变万化,滋生万般奇妙。 The Shang Yingyue ketone body hears the thunderous sound, azure arc lightnings such as Dragon Snake walks randomly, floods in the close space, the lightning whip in hand moves again and again. 商影月酮体传来雷鸣声,一道道青弧闪电如龙蛇游走,充斥在封闭的空间,手中的闪电鞭更是连连甩动。 The whip inspires an show, then the electricity dragon howls, causes the earth-shaking sound under foot swamp, but cannot tear this barrier that is constructed by all sorts of power, Shang Yingyue has attempted many times, she felt, only if heart non- getting off one's main subject slowly saves power a while, in the God Weapon stimulation of movement supernatural power bombardment by the hand, can perhaps tear barrier fully. 鞭子一振一展,便有一条电龙呼啸而出,将脚下沼泽弄出翻天覆地的动静,可就是不能撕裂这由种种力量构建出来的结界,商影月尝试了许多次,她感觉除非心无旁骛的慢慢积蓄力量一会儿,全力以手中神兵催动神力轰击,或许才可以撕裂结界 What a pity, the opposite party at all not to the space that she displays. 可惜,对方根本不会给她施展的空间。 Saw that Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai are gradually weak, saw Cecilia also gradually worries, reveals the stance that must go all out, Shang Yingyue is also utterly confused, the look even more ices coldly cold. 眼看焦山、焦海渐渐不支,眼看塞西莉亚也渐渐着急,露出要拼命的架势,商影月也心乱如麻,眼神愈发冰寒冷冽。 Fei Erpu and a watt vision of throughout and on Cecilia forgets to return in her, a watt that type not covers up ** the look, making her wish one could to meet a cruel death this person, the Fei Erpu poisonous snake common eye, is makes her whole body not adapt, as if in the joined bodies power was a little affected. 菲尔普和瓦特的目光始终在她和塞西莉亚身上流连忘返,瓦特那种不加掩饰的**眼神,让她恨不得将此人粉身碎骨,菲尔普毒蛇一般的眼睛,更是让她全身不适应,似乎连体内力量都有点被影响了。 Perhaps could not leave.” Cecilia is still calm, but eyes actually lightens wipes dismal, cannot leave in any case, was inferior that life-and-death wrestles, as far as possible Dora several pad backs.” “或许走不掉了。”塞西莉亚依然镇定,但双眸却闪出一抹悲凉,“反正离开不了,不如殊死一搏,尽量多拉几名垫背的。” She looks to Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai, the charming gentle and charming physique transmits three packs of marvelous surging, in the ketone body as if there is rapid fluent sound to get up, then her sex appeal plentiful body slightly is at once withered, is similar to within the body moisture content pulls out to part. 她看向焦山、焦海,妩媚娇柔的身姿传来三叠奇妙的波荡,酮体内似乎有湍急水流声响起来,旋即便她性感丰满的身躯略略干瘪,如同体内水分被抽离了一部分。 The fact is also so. 事实也正是如此。 In Cecilia hand were many a 56 meters water line, in the five colors water line spreads the terrifying energy fluctuation, her body withered that instant, slowly was pulled from her two hearts, lets several God Clan clansmen is the complexion changes, as if knows fierce of that water line. 塞西莉亚手中多了一条56米的水线,五色的水线内传出恐怖之极的能量波动,她身子干瘪的那一霎,率先从她两手之心被缓缓拉扯出来,让数名神族族人皆是脸色一变,似乎知道那水线的厉害。 Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai see her to pull out to the water line of body, the complexion suddenly becomes dignified hot tempered, before being similar to comes to the verge of death Ferocious Beast to send out dead the craziest attack, two brothers pores both seeped the blood. 焦山、焦海一见她抽离身体的水线,脸色突然变得凝重暴躁,如同濒临死亡的凶兽要发出死前的最疯狂攻击,两兄弟毛孔都沁出了鲜血。 The Shang Yingyue chilly cheeks underline cloudy severe, looks at Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai have gone all out, she also prepared the reckless use to hide the method. 商影月清冷的脸颊突显阴厉,看着塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海拼命了,她也准备不顾一切的动用潜藏手段了。 Although she does not hope, does not have other choice, she knows, even if she resorts to the last resort, can the whole body draw back not necessarily, but she also knows, if anything does not do, Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai will be quick is struck to kill, if she does not coordinate, cannot the Family create the heavy losses to Ascot. 她虽不愿,却没有别的选择,她知道即便她动用最后的手段,也不见得能够全身而退,可她也知道如果什么都不做,塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海会很快被击杀,她如果不配合,根本不能给阿斯科特家族造成重创。 She does not have what sentiment to Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai, everybody is only because the threat of God Clan sticks together mutually, but to go on living to struggle, because goal consistent...... 她对塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海并没有什么感情,大家只是因为神族的威胁相互抱团,只是为了活下去挣扎,只是因为目标一致…… If there is traded a scene, if no threat of God Clan, she perhaps with Cecilia, Jiaoshan and Jiao Hai or enemy, because all sorts of benefits will slaughter to compete. 如果换了一个场景,如果没有神族的威胁,她或许和塞西莉亚、焦山、焦海还是敌人,也会因为种种利益厮杀争夺。 However, the present, here, under besieging of Fei Erpu people, they is actually the most solid ally, must enter with drawing back. 然而,在现在,在这儿,在菲尔普众人的围攻下,他们却是最坚实的战友,必须同进同退。 Because they had been compelled by the enemy in the dead end. 因为他们已经被对方逼在绝路上了。 Good play must perform!” “好戏要上演了!” Fei Erpu God Body orderly is trembling slightly lightly, being infatuated with face enjoys, narrows the eyes to focus saying: Wanted the deceased person, I most liked looking at the person dead, very slightly very small time liked, from my first murder, I have fallen in love with that feeling......” 菲尔普神体有规律的微微轻颤着,一脸的陶醉享受,眯着眼说道:“要死人了,我最喜欢看人死亡,很小很小的时候就喜欢,从我第一次杀人起,我就爱上了那种感觉……” He as if indulges in recalling, a face enjoys, in the eye seam actually flashes through a frightened hatred...... 他仿佛沉溺在回忆中,一脸享受的时候,眼缝内却闪过一丝恐惧怨毒…… His grown that day, Fike for becomes the end of the year gift that he held alone: One lets the bloody grand feast that he never forgets, lets person who he slaughters ten different races personally,...... That is the nightmare in his life, will accomplish his future residual poison to be formidable, actually also twisted his mind. 他成年的那一天,菲克为他单独举行的成年礼:一场让他永世难忘的血腥盛宴,让他亲手屠戮十来名不同种族的人,……那是他生命中的噩梦,造就了他今后的残毒强大冷酷,却也扭曲了他的心灵。 Fei Erpu whole body is shivering, perishes in the bloody recollection, as if finds innumerably by the enemy who he kills by mistreatment, was suffered the lethal woman by him, he is gradually excited. 菲尔普浑身颤抖着,沉沦在血腥的回忆中,仿佛瞧见无数被他虐杀的敌人,被他折磨致死的女人,他渐渐兴奋。 Watt also excited inexplicable, eyes is fiery **, the lower part is soaring, faces Cecilia and Shang Yingyue direction, licks the corners of the mouth to fantasize some type ** wonderful...... 瓦特也激动莫名,双眸火热**,下体高昂着,直直朝向塞西莉亚商影月的方向,舔着嘴角在幻想着某种**美妙…… Rip!” 哧啦!” Dazzling scarlet bloody glow, such as stream ray cut the vault of heaven together, the shining horizon dark red such as has smudged the blood. 一道刺目猩红的血光,如流光划破苍穹,照耀的天际暗红如涂抹了鲜血。 With watt that barrier energy agrees with, does not have under the protection body to stagger, plants on the ground, the lower part grips, the stabbing pain such as broke off, suddenly looks fierce neighed. 结界能量契合的瓦特,全无防备下身体一个跄踉,一头栽在地上,下半身扎地,刺痛如被折断,忽然龇牙咧嘴的嘶叫起来。 Fei Erpu awakens quickly, suddenly discovered that behind barrier was torn unexpectedly instantaneously, at the same time, intense to letting sense of crisis of his creepy feeling, such as the terrifying shadow covers to oppress, such as was bound to submerge his whole person. 菲尔普倏地惊醒,忽然发现身后结界竟被瞬间撕裂,与此同时,一股强烈到让他头皮发麻的危机感,如恐怖阴影笼罩压迫下来,将他整个人如被裹住淹没了。 He as if returned to in childhood becomes at the end of the year gift ceremony, the innermost feelings were filled up by the huge fear, give birth frustrate the negative feeling that one type is incapable of contending...... RQ 他仿佛回到了幼时的成年礼仪式中,内心被巨大的恐惧填满,生出一种无力抗衡的挫败消极感……RQ
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