GOS :: Volume #12

#1129: Depend on the prestige of heaven and earth...

Chapter 1105 pinches the prestige of heaven and earth...... 第1105章挟天地之威…… A piece of swamp center in confusion, Mi Ya cold like iceberg, indifferent looks at Shi Yan. 一片狼藉的沼泽中央,米娅冷冽如冰山,冷眼看着石岩 Why am I very curious you to hide here? You can leave very much long time ago, what intention none who does not becomes you have?” Her brain transferred, starts to the Shi Yan polite talk. “我很好奇为什么你会潜藏在这儿?你可以很早就离开,莫不成你有什么意图?”她脑子转了一下,开始向石岩套话。 The facial expression hot tempered such as volcano Shi Yan, whole body evil spirit aura, as if momentarily frequently can the hysteria richly is crazy. 神情暴躁如火山的石岩,浑身凶煞气息浓郁之极,似乎随时时刻都会歇斯底里的疯狂起来。 Similarly completes changes the body, Mi Ya calm not touch of humanity, but Shi Yan is actually hot tempered ominous severe, looks like enraged wild beast, will appear craziest side, simply will be two extremes. 同样完成变身,米娅冷静的没有一点人情味,而石岩却是暴躁凶厉,就像是一头被激怒的野兽,会显出最疯狂的一面,简直就是两种极端。 Only then Shi Yan I know that has not stimulated to movement Rampage Third Sky in him, will not have hidden, when negative energy in acupoint wells up, in seething with excitement under function of Devil Blood, he will indeed fall into the manic condition. 只有石岩本人知道,在他没有催动暴走三重天,没有将潜藏在一身穴窍内的负面能量涌出来的时候,在沸腾魔血的作用下,他的确会陷入狂躁状态。 However, once he emerges negative energy, he can also calm down immediately. 然而,一旦他将负面能量涌现,他也能马上冷静下来。 When treats Mi Ya, he has not drawn support Negative Energy, has not used Life and Death Deep Meaning, all sorts of hideaway methods of related Bloodthirsty lineage/vein he is restraining. 在对待米娅的时候,他没有借助于负面力量,没有动用生死奥义,有关嗜血一脉的种种隐藏手段他都克制着。 Because he knows, even if he power will show completely, can strike to kill Mi Ya not necessarily, in vain will only have exposed the status, if his status exposes, if Mi Ya knows that his situation, will possibly drop out all, gathers God Clan power to cope with him completely. 因为他知道,就算是他将全部力量展现出来,也不见得能够将米娅击杀,只会白白暴露了身份,如果他身份暴露出来,如果米娅知道他的情况,可能将会抛下一切,聚集神族力量全部对付他。 This is not he aspect that wants to see. 这绝不是他想要看到的局面。 Therefore, under questioning of Mi Ya, he has not replied. 因此,在米娅的追问下,他根本就没有答话。 He raises a hand, palm toward that group of spooky Ghost Flame of top of the head, the vice- soul such as the most turbulent wild energy magnetic field, forms the crazy suction strength suddenly instantaneously. 他举起一只手,掌心朝着头顶的那一团幽幽鬼火,副魂忽然如最为汹涌狂暴的能量磁场,瞬间形成疯狂的吸吮力。 Shortly, covers in Mi Ya and Shi Yan top of the head clouds thick heaven and earth energy, such as the sea falls in torrents, such as the brook converges his to roll the Ghost Flame vice- soul, was bound to tie up by that group of souls, is similar to is gripped by him in the palm! 顷刻之间,笼罩在米娅石岩头顶云端的浓稠天地能量,如海洋倾泻下来,如溪流般汇入他那团鬼火般的副魂,被那团魂魄裹缚着,如同被他攥在掌心! Overbearing peerless Ancient Continent heaven and earth energy, such as the brook precise becomes, had the momentous change quietly, turns into one group of radiant dazzling light unexpectedly, such as Sun crashes, pounds loudly to Mi Ya. 霸道绝伦的古大陆天地能量,如溪流凝炼成一股,又悄然间发生了巨大变化,竟然变成一团璀璨耀目的光,如太阳坠落,轰然间砸向米娅 Throughout calm Mi Ya, for the first time changed the complexion, in the eye appears wipes panic-strickenly. 始终镇定的米娅,首次变了脸色,眼中显出一抹惊骇。 That rolls in flash eye of radiant rays of light, attaches the energy sum total within peripheral ten li (0.5km), here is Ancient Continent, is among the universes the stars of most energy full, the surrounding area ten li (0.5km) heaven and earth energy sum total, endures ratio Origin God to destroy indiscriminately fatal strikes. 那团耀目璀璨的光芒内,附有周边十里内的能量总和,这儿是古大陆,是宇宙间最为能量充盈的星辰,方圆十里天地能量的总和,堪比一名始神玉石俱焚的致命一击。 A little cannot endure including Mi Ya. 米娅都有点吃不消。 Her whole body clear scales tremble suddenly, strange silver brights, such as the circle flew, a point is linking one point, emerges the energy fluctuation of sea water mighty waves. 浑身晶莹鳞甲忽然抖颤起来,一圈圈奇异的银色亮光,如呼啦圈飞了出来,一环连着一环,涌现出海水波澜的能量波动。 A fine beautiful mask, was covered by her on the face, that mask is pale, is containing the astonishing energy fluctuation. 一个精致绝美的面具,被她覆盖在脸上,那面具苍白狰狞,却蕴藏着惊人的能量波动。 Close strange textures appear from the mask, is similar to achieves the relation with the Mi Ya veins, gushes out wild power to come out, making her face release all round the silver light, converges in these rings, making her side sector power is quite treacherous. 一条条细密诡异的纹理从面具上显现出来,如同和米娅的筋脉达成联系,涌出狂暴的力量出来,让她一张脸释放出团团银光,汇入那些圆环中,让她身旁区间变得力量极为诡谲。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 Small solar energy oppresses, hits on the Mi Ya top of the head innumerable power silver link, transmits the deafening explosive, lets this like the earth-shattering. 小型太阳般的能量压迫下来,撞击在米娅头顶无数力量银环上,传来震耳欲聋的爆响,让这一块如天崩地裂。 The terrifying energy storm spreads tidal to all directions, place visited all plant flowers and plants change into the powder powder in abundance, the hard stone crushes, heaven and earth this was struck likely destroying, suddenly appears one to cover the surrounding area ten li (0.5km) endocraters, the endocrater is profound, cannot see internal scene. 恐怖能量风暴潮水般蔓延向四面八方,所过之处一切植物花草纷纷化为齑粉,就连坚硬的石块都粉碎掉,天地像是被这一击给摧毁,突然显现出一个笼罩方圆十来里的巨坑,巨坑幽深幽深的,看不到内部的场景。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 silhouette gather toward here, temporarily has put down to Mo Fou and the others chasing down, for fear that Mi Ya can have any matter. 一道道身影朝着这边汇聚,都暂时放下了对莫雬等人的追杀,生怕米娅会出什么事情。 Shi Yan in endocrater one, drew support from in Fuhun the sensation hollowly, his complexion became extremely ugly. 石岩在巨坑一处凹陷地,借助于副魂感知了一下,他脸色变得极其难看。 Mi Ya really powerful! 米娅果然强悍 In heavenly might that in this strikes, Mi Ya is unexpectedly safe and sound, the soul and God Body condition too has not changed much, but received the little minor wound. 在这一击的天威中,米娅竟然安然无恙,灵魂和神体的状况没有太多变化,只是受了一点点轻伤。 In Shi Yan heart with amazement. 石岩心中骇然。 He thinks, in does not understand in the Rampage Third Sky use Negative Energy situation, even if he withstands this to strike, will be not necessarily better than Mi Ya many. 他认为在不进入暴走三重天的动用负面力量的情况下,就算是他本人承受这一击,也不见得会比米娅好多少。 That strikes, is his vice- soul uses Ancient Continent heaven and earth energy, heavenly might that instantaneous absorb is precise, only then with him of Ancient Continent a common origin of the same clan, can display, rubs to twist to form the fatal attack heaven and earth energy. 那一击,乃是他副魂动用古大陆天地能量,瞬间吸纳凝炼起来的天威,也只有和古大陆同宗同源的他,才能施展出来,将天地能量揉捻起来形成致命的攻击。 But Mi Ya not, therefore is seriously battered. 米娅并没有因此遭受重创。 Induced an instant silently, discovered that more and more Expert gather, he calms down, to depart slowly finally quietly. 默默感应了一霎,发现越来越多的强者聚集过来,他慢慢冷静下来,终于悄然离去。 cultivation Space Deep Meaning he, so long as space had not been imprisoned, to leave simply easily, before the clansmen of Yue Man these Fernandez Families come, he one step vanished first. 修炼空间奥义的他,只要空间没有被禁锢,若想要离开简直轻而易举,在约曼那些费尔南德斯家族的族人过来前,他已经先一步消失了。 Several minutes, Yue Man and Bai Cheng and the others are in abundance anxious, with amazement the looks at profound endocrater, the complexion becomes is very ugly. 数分钟,约曼和白淏等人纷纷焦急过来,骇然看着幽深的巨坑,脸色都变得很是难看。 cough cough!” 咳咳!” In the gulf broadcasts the Mi Ya sound, the sound does not resound long time, Mi Ya, in small mound of earth ascends to heaven to appear slowly. 深坑内传来米娅的声音,声音响起不多时,米娅在一座小土丘的缓缓升天中显现出来。 She removed God Clan not to extinguish body, restored the ordinary appearance, a five colors riotous bright clothing, the cheek was crimson, the plump and smooth-skinned corners of the mouth had together the careful blood thread, her spirit did not have the exhausted feeling, but eye actually glittering frightening cold brightness. 她撤下了神族不灭体,恢复了平常模样,一身五彩缤纷的鲜艳衣衫,脸蛋绯红,丰润嘴角有一道细细的血丝,她精神没有疲惫感,但眼睛却闪烁着让人心惊的寒光。 Young Lady, just how matter?” The Yue Man manner is anxious, said repeatedly: Can create such big destructive power, who getting rid is? Unexpectedly so will be fierce?” 小姐,刚刚怎么一回事?”约曼神态焦虑,连声道:“能够造成这么大的破坏力,出手者是谁?居然会如此厉害?” The Mi Ya complexion woods were cold, frown to hesitate a while, said: This person is a little strange, I suspect......” 米娅脸色森寒冷幽,皱着眉头沉吟了一会儿,说道:“这个人有点古怪,我怀疑……” Stop suddenly her words to half suddenly, perhaps because of the Bai Family person, perhaps also does not want to make initially other clansmen outside Yue Man hear, she stopped, suddenly asked: What do you have to harvest?” 她话到一半忽然戛然而止,或许是因为白家的人在,也或许不想让初约曼以外的其余族人听到,她停了下来,忽然问道:“你们有没有什么收获?” „Here hears transmits such big sound, we came hurriedly, us has not killed the person, Fei Erpu the clansman of Ulster Family, but also is hunting and killing everywhere, perhaps they can bring the death to these mixed fish.” Yue Man said. “听到这边传来这么大的动静,我们都急匆匆过来了,我们这边都没有杀到人,菲尔普的阿尔斯特家族的族人,还在到处猎杀,或许他们能够给那些杂鱼带来死亡。”约曼道。 That cultivation frost ice and thunder and lightning power woman, called any Shang Yingyue...... Approximate position where?” Mi Ya inquired suddenly. “那个修炼冰霜雷电力量的女人,叫什么商影月的……大致方位在何处?”米娅忽然询问。 In that side.” Yue Man aims at a direction. “在那边。”约曼指向一个方向。 Mi Ya nodded, said good, said: With me toward that side.” 米娅点了点头,道了一声好,说道:“都跟我往那边去。” She remembers first time is seeing Shi Yan time, Shi Yan and Shang Yingyue in an light cover of stealth, their some enticing/charming and gentle were ambiguous at that time, her, imperial Long cannot borrow temporarily, that is hard to imprison Shi Yan restraint. 她记得第一次见着石岩的时候,石岩商影月处在一处隐形的光罩内,那时候两人有些旖旎暧昧,在她来看,御龙牌暂时不能借用,那就难以将石岩束缚禁锢住。 In this case, if wants Shi Yan to obey, only then means seize the person who he cares about. 在这种情况下,如果想要石岩就范,只有一个办法擒住他在意的人。 Mi Ya thinks that Shang Yingyue is to the Shi Yan important character. 米娅认为商影月是对石岩重要的人物。 ...... …… By a wooden club of break smashing, the little star light collection, congeals slowly the Shi Yan appearance. 一处断裂粉碎的木棍旁边,一点点星光汇集,慢慢凝结成石岩的模样。 He also restores the normal appearance, but also traded saw the black Warrior clothing/taking, was frowns to consider. 他也恢复正常模样,还重新换了一见黑色武者服,也是皱着眉头思量着。 Mi Ya Void God Third Sky Realm, is God Clan high level Expert, can instantaneously change the body, cultivation deep meaning exquisite powerful, and also has numerous God Weapon sharp weapons, to come from her hand seven color ghost Demon Flower forcefully, at this time looks like does not have any hope simply. 米娅虚神三重天境界,为神族高阶强者,能够瞬间变身,修炼的奥义精妙强悍,并且还拥有众多神兵利器,要想强行将七彩鬼妖花从她手中得来,此时看来简直没有任何希望。 Even if he stimulates to movement Negative Energy, does not hesitate to expose a status of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein inheritance, does not have the percentage hundred assurances to defeat Mi Ya. 就算是他催动负面力量,不惜暴露嗜血一脉传承者的身份,也没有百分百的把握能够战胜米娅 Must want to obtain seven color ghost Demon Flower, must while the Mi Ya severe wound, or...... Coerces her! 要想得到七彩鬼妖花,必须要趁着米娅重伤,亦或者……要挟她! Coerces? 要挟? His eye suddenly one bright, has thought a while has smiled suddenly, leaves to leave rapidly. 他眼睛突然一亮,想了一会儿忽然笑了起来,也迅速动身离开。 He and Mi Ya thought together. 他和米娅想到一块儿了。 ...... …… Boundless swamp, one line of four people are speeding away rapidly, likely is four thunder and lightning. 无垠的沼泽,一行四人飞速疾驰着,像是四条雷电 In their behind not far away, the clansmen of Ascot Family are pursuing fully, are releasing the power bombardments of all sorts of everything may become vulnerable, earth-shaking that swamp along the way will stir, rumbles many gullies the earth, the obstacle that will see crushes completely. 在他们身后不远处,阿斯科特家族的族人正在全力追击,释放着种种地动山摇的力量轰击,将沿途的沼泽搅的天翻地覆,将大地轰成许多沟壑,将所见的障碍物全部粉碎。 Cecilia and Shang Yingyue push to the front, within the body supernatural power is surging, only wants to withdraw they to converge with Mo Fou and Wu Feng as soon as possible. 塞西莉亚商影月一马当先,体内神力涌动着,只想尽快脱身和莫雬武枫他们汇合。 , Cecilia and Shang Yingyue body shakes suddenly, stopped fiercely, gloomy the face is looking to the front. 突地,塞西莉亚商影月身躯一震,猛地停了下来,阴沉着脸看向前方。 In their front nothingness places, has energy that naked eye layer upon layer cannot find to block, these energy such as the cotton group is soft, once as if gets sucked is extremely difficult to work loose. 在她们前方的虚无处,有层层肉眼瞧不见的能量封锁着,那些能量如棉团柔软坚韧,似乎一旦深陷其中就极难挣脱出来。 When their body just stagnated time, leaves to emit three silhouette in front nothingness, is Fei Erpu of person of Ascot Family, Fei Erpu smiles temperately, said: Two elder sisters don't anxiously walking, we can chat well.” 等她们身躯刚刚停滞的时候,在前方虚无出冒出三条身影,为首一人正是阿斯科特家族的菲尔普,菲尔普温和笑着,道:“两位姐姐别急着走,我们可以好好聊一聊的。” Fei Erpu speech time, his behind Expert of two Ascot Families, but also is constructing barrier, making the barrier blockade position continue to expand. 菲尔普讲话的时候,他身后的两名阿斯科特家族的强者,还在构建着结界,让结界的封锁方位继续扩大。 In Cecilia and Shang Yingyue behind, presents five clansmen of Ascot Families, that five people disperse to approach slowly, faintly surrounds Cecilia and Shang Yingyue, suddenly has smiled, bows to say to Fei Erpu: How Young Master do you want to play?” 塞西莉亚商影月身后,又出现五名阿斯科特家族的族人,那五人缓缓分散逼近过来,隐隐将塞西莉亚商影月困住,忽然都笑了起来,冲菲尔普躬身道:“少爷你想怎么玩?” First blows away two fellows of being in the way.” Fei Erpu spoke thoughtlessly the instruction. “先将两个碍事的家伙干掉。”菲尔普随口吩咐。 Expert of several Ascot Families such as the hungry tiger threw, stares at two to encircle with Cecilia and Shang Yingyue two bad luck Warrior, various power deep meaning God Weapon sharp weapon wanton bombing come, submerged the two instantaneously. 数名阿斯科特家族的强者如饿虎般扑了上来,盯着两名和塞西莉亚商影月的两名倒霉武者围剿,各种力量奥义神兵利器狂轰滥炸而来,瞬间就将那两人都淹没了。 ...... …… The little broken light gathers, Shi Yan appears once again, he is narrowing the eye, is away from First Level level energy barrier to look to the front. 一点点碎光聚集起来,石岩又一次浮现出来,他眯着眼睛,隔着一层能量结界看向前方。 These energy barrier construct for the clansmen of Ascot Family, contains Five Elements to be exquisite, perhaps is hard to break through including Origin God First Sky Realm Warrior, behind barrier is appearance fuzzy Shang Yingyue, Cecilia and Fei Erpu people. 那些能量结界为阿斯科特家族的族人构建出来,蕴含五行精妙神奇,或许连始神一重天境界武者都难以冲破,结界后面便是样子模糊的商影月塞西莉亚菲尔普众人。 At this time, in that barrier is carrying on the fierce battle, two formerly had seen and Mo Fou and the others together Warrior will be in soon the killed region, the situation will be quite precipitous. 此时,那结界里面正进行着激烈战斗,两名先前见过的和莫雬等人一起的武者处于即将被杀的境地,形势极为险峻。 Fei Erpu is the smiling face is temperate, with pauses was teasing in side, the eye forgot to return in Cecilia and Shang Yingyue body. 菲尔普则是笑容温和,有一搭没一搭的在旁边调笑着,眼睛在塞西莉亚商影月身上流连忘返。 Shi Yan grinned to smile suddenly. 石岩忽然咧嘴笑了起来。 His goal Fei Erpu, this Ascot Family most core clansman, is the leader of this Ascot Family, he must capture alive this person to receive in exchange for seven color ghost Demon Flower to Mi Ya...... RQ 他的目标正是菲尔普,这个阿斯科特家族最核心的族人,也是这趟阿斯科特家族的首领,他要生擒此人向米娅换取七彩鬼妖花……RQ
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