GOS :: Volume #12

#1128: Needle-tip to point

Mi Ya looks at Shi Yan that is laughing laughs wildly, the elegant face changes extremely ugly, the contempt look has congealed suddenly, instantaneous caution and care. 米娅望着纵声狂笑的石岩,俏脸变的极其难看,一直轻视的眼神突然一凝,瞬间谨慎小心起来。 Only because of Shi Yan fleshly body sudden transformation. 只因石岩肉身突然的蜕变 Immortal Devil Clan! 不死魔族 As Fernandez Family core member, Mi Ya had known about God Clan many hidden secret that in vast boundless Star Sea, their clan says as the god, was known as that in world tends the perfect soldier, nearly infinite life, powerful fleshly body intensity, abnormal resiliency, extraordinary wisdom, to the astonishing sensations of various power deep meanings...... 身为费尔南德斯家族核心成员,米娅神族许多秘辛都有所了解,在浩淼无垠的星海中,他们一族自称为神,号称世间最趋于完美的战士,近乎无穷的寿命,强悍肉身强度,变态的恢复力,超绝的智慧,对各种力量奥义的惊人感知…… God Clan is one takes major race superiority the race, the collection myriad merits in one, are weak except for the multiplication strength below, almost cannot look for more shortcomings again. 神族乃是一个取各大种族优势的种族,集万千优点于一身,除了繁衍力较弱以下,几乎再找不着更多缺点。 In all God Clan hearts, proudly is proud by own status, because they think that in world the race was inferior they are perfect. 在所有神族心中,都以自己的身份自傲自负,因为他们自认为世间的种族都不如他们完美。 However, God Clan 12 respected families, Expert of major day Shence, the clan in clan old, knows in the vast galaxy to have one scarcely to the race that soon borders on to exterminate, is not inferior in various aspects they...... 然而,神族12大家族,各大天神策的强者,族内的族老们,都知道浩瀚星河中有一个稀少到快要濒临灭绝的种族,在各方面并不逊色他们…… This race is called Immortal Devil Clan! 这个种族叫做不死魔族 Similarly powerful body and spirit, abnormal restoration self-recovery strength, turbulent fierce power, even can be the same with the God Clan senior soldier, can further change the body! 同样强悍的体魄,变态的恢复自愈力,汹涌狂烈的力量,甚至能够和神族高阶战士一样,能更进一步变身! God Clan changes the body later shape, was called God Clan not to extinguish the body by them, but Immortal Devil Clan can also change the body, is called the Immortal demon body, both transformation later shape, actually has astonishing similar in the fields! 神族变身之后的形态,被他们称为神族不灭体,而不死魔族也能变身,称为不死魔体,两者蜕变以后的形态,在某些方面竟然有着惊人的相似! Two many aspect similar races, in fields whether has some origin relation, has been puzzled in the clan many clans to be old, lets many God Clan clansmen anxious...... 两个很多方面相似的种族,在某些方面是否有某种渊源联系,一直困惑着族内许多族老,也让很多神族族人紧张…… Because this can threaten their races, has regarded them for the mortal enemy! For billion years, Immortal Devil Clan spells to try with them to battle throughout, has not stopped! 因为这个能够威胁他们的种族,一直视他们为死敌!千百万年来,不死魔族始终拼尽全力和他们作战,从来没有消停! Many years ago, challenge of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein to God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan are main fight that fight Bloodthirsty lineage/vein to end in failure, Immortal Devil Clan also loses seriously, God Clan is uses chases down the Immortal Devil Clan clansman in the major star territories fully, the potential must this and their many method similar genocides, existence of this race makes them sleep on pins and needles throughout. 很多年前,嗜血一脉对神族的挑战,不死魔族便是其中的主要战斗那一战嗜血一脉以失败告终,不死魔族也损失惨重,神族更是倾尽全力在各大星域追杀不死魔族族人,势要将这个和他们许多方法相似的种族灭绝,这种种族的存在始终让他们寝食难安。 Before for a long time is very very long, the sage it is said was careful the investigation to try to prove this matter, and has one set of unique theory: He thinks God Clan and Devil Clan a common origin of the same clan. 很久很久以前,曾经有一名贤者据说仔细探查求证过此事,并且有着一套独特的理论:他认为神族魔族同宗同源。 The God Clan ancestor star is Ancient Continent, when the universe inaugurates, five Ancient Continent reappearing in world, Ancient God Continent is now still in Ancient God star territory the place of most mystical, regards as by God Clan race sacred place and forbidden land, only then the greatest soldier allows to enter, God Clan is most dignified the sacred ceremony and decision-making, will be held on Ancient God Continent. 神族的祖星为古大陆,在宇宙初开之际,共有五个古大陆浮现世间,其中古神大陆便是其中一个如今依然在古神星域的最神秘之地,被神族视为种族圣地、禁地,只有最伟大的战士才允许进入,神族最庄严神圣的仪式和决策,都会在古神大陆上举行。 Ancient God Continent is the God Clan ancestor star, God Clan the place of birth, one of the universe five Ancient Continent. 古神大陆神族祖星,神族的诞生之地,宇宙五个古大陆之一。 According to that sage, Immortal Devil Clan was born in another Ancient Continent, named Ancient Demon Continent, with God Clan ancestor star Ancient God Continent was twin stars, various aspects were extremely similar. 据那位贤者所言,不死魔族诞生在另外一个古大陆,名为古魔大陆,和神族的祖星古神大陆乃双子星,各方面都极其相似。 With for universe Ancient Continent, is Ancient God Continent and Ancient Demon Continent of twin stars, separately birth God Clan and Immortal Devil Clan, these two races have in various aspects astonishingly similar, in within the body bright blood and Devil Blood, have are changing the body abilities, similarly multiplication ability mean...... 同为宇宙的古大陆,又是双子星的古神大陆古魔大陆,分别诞生神族不死魔族,这两个种族在各种方面都有着惊人相似,体内都有神血、魔血,拥有着变身能力,同样繁衍能力低微…… The similar two races, it is said from trillion years ago then at the battle continuous, for a long time is very before very long, God Clan and Immortal Devil Clan are the universes to strong power...... 相似的两个种族,据说从亿万年前便在争斗不休,很久很久以前神族不死魔族便是宇宙的至强力量…… It is reported that Immortal Devil Clan defeated in the remote past, not only the clansman was slaughtered numerously, Ancient Demon Continent does not know that roamed where, many people think that Ancient Demon Continent had been crushed by God Clan, has not appeared in any case again...... 只是,据传不死魔族在久远的年代战败,不但族人被屠戮众多,连古魔大陆都不知流荡去了何处,很多人认为古魔大陆神族粉碎了,反正再也没有出现过…… The Immortal Devil Clan clansman, defeats later migrates barely manages to maintain a feeble existence to the major star territories, slowly is restoring power, later many destroy the God Clan Star Sea important matter sufficiently, Immortal Devil Clan is the important participant, has taken exterminating the God Clan revenge as the race goal. 不死魔族的族人,战败以后迁移到各大星域苟延残喘,慢慢恢复着力量,之后许多足以毁灭神族星海大事,不死魔族都是重要的参与者,一直以灭绝神族复仇为种族目标。 Before Bloodthirsty lineage/vein invade the Ancient God star territory, God Clan also experiences several times almost to subvert the race the danger, each Immortal Devil Clan is the most powerful influence. 嗜血一脉侵占古神星域之前,神族也经历过几次差点颠覆种族的危险,每一次不死魔族都是一股最强悍的势力。 However, after Bloodthirsty lineage/vein are defeated, God Clan finally does utmost to attack Immortal Devil Clan, chases down after many years of slaughtering, in addition now the survival in Shi Immortal Devil Clan clansman, was getting more and more scarce...... 然而,在嗜血一脉失败以后,神族终于竭尽全力打击不死魔族,历经多年的屠戮追杀,如今尚且存活于世的不死魔族族人,已经越来越稀少了…… Mi Ya is Core Disciple of God Clan Fernandez Family, she is clearer than most clansmen Immortal Devil Clan the fearful place, knows that this race has brought many dangers to God Clan, she listened to the clan Senior saying that if were not this race poor luck...... Perhaps the present galaxy overlord was this race. 米娅神族费尔南德斯家族的核心弟子,她比大多数族人都清楚不死魔族的可怕之处,知道这个种族给神族带来了多少危险,她听族内前辈说过,如果不是这个种族差一点运气的话……或许如今的星河霸主便是这个种族了。 ka ka ka! 咔咔咔 In the Mi Ya mind a series of thoughts are grazing, the graceful ketone body transmits the delightful sound, her body changes gradually...... 米娅脑海中一连串念头飞掠着,曼妙酮体传来悦耳的声响,她身体渐渐发生变化…… Selects the exquisite body clothing to crush high suddenly, by blasting open of power impact, the clear scales that one piece by piece and body agrees with, such as the leaf grows from her God Body flesh and blood, these scales such as a dazzling crystal block, dazzling, gushes out the intense power fluctuation, seems indestructible. 高挑优美的身躯衣衫忽然粉碎,被力量冲击的炸裂掉,一片片和身体契合的晶莹鳞甲,如树叶般从她神体血肉内生长出来,那些鳞甲如一种耀眼的晶块,璀璨夺目,涌出强烈的力量波动,仿佛坚不可摧。 The shoulders, the elbow departments, knees and hand back numerous regions appear clear sharp thorn, ices the corner to be sharp, making the person look that is then inspired. 肩部、肘部、膝盖和手背众多区域显出晶莹的利刺,冰棱般锋锐,让人看一眼便心生敬畏。 This is God Clan does not extinguish the body, only then the person of bloodlines pure God Clan, has to complete the transformation ability, once forms God Clan not 这是神族不灭体,只有血脉纯正的神族之人,才有完成蜕变的能力,一旦形成神族 Extinguishes the body, power and strength can rise suddenly instantaneously! 灭体,力量和实力会瞬间暴涨! Saw that Shi Yan transformation becomes the shape of Immortal demon body, Mi Ya does not have a contempt again, will urge to send completely power the best fight shape showing, good to deal with Shi Yan this huge threat and compared with the Shi Yan shape fully, Mi Ya will are more beautiful, whole body will be covering the clear scales that and fleshly body will stick on, sparkling, such as fine porcelain, but that ice corner sharp thorns, will make the head skin tingle with numbness, to person a swift and fierce feeling. 见到石岩蜕变不死魔体的形态,米娅再也没有一丝轻视,也催发全部力量将最佳的战斗形态给展现出来,好全力应付石岩这个巨大威胁和石岩的形态相比,米娅要美丽许多,浑身覆盖着和肉身敷贴的晶莹鳞甲,亮晶晶的,如精美的瓷器,但那一根根冰棱般的尖刺,却让人头皮发麻,给人一种凌厉之极的感觉。 Shi Yan eye scarlet like blood, such as accidentally discharges Bedevilment to be cruel, natural mail-armor and helmet as if comes out from the muscle line internal crack, the skin scarlet red that reveals, Bone Thorn like blade, to person an evil fierce feeling. 石岩眼睛猩红如血,如走火入魔般暴戾疯狂,身上的天然甲胄仿佛从肌肉线条内裂出来,显露的皮肤赤红色,一根根骨刺如刀,给人一种邪恶狰狞的感觉。 After completing transformation separately, Mi Ya look suddenly calm wooden, is similar to does not have the human proper emotion, ice cold widowed certainly, icy is similar to slaughters the machine. 分别完成蜕变以后,米娅眼神忽然冷静木然,如同没有人类应有的情感,冰寒寡绝,冷冰冰的如同杀戮机器。 Shi Yan is entirely different. 石岩则是截然不同。 His eye as if drops the blood, was disclosing cruel crazy, is similar to falls into to be addicted to the Blood Sea ocean completely, by the desire of innermost feelings controlling will, to person one type such as crazy Ferocious Beast hot tempered feeling. 他眼睛仿佛滴血,透露着暴戾疯狂,如同完全陷入嗜血海洋,被内心的欲望给主宰着意志,给人一种如疯狂凶兽的暴躁感。 To your Immortal Devil Clan clansman, we always only insisted that a policy is ruthless!” “对你们不死魔族族人,我们向来都只坚持一个方针赶尽杀绝!” Mi Ya sound ice cold biting cold, mood any fluctuation, has not covered entirely a hand of ice corner clear sharp thorn, again point to Shi Yan. 米娅声音冰寒彻骨,情绪没有任何波动,布满冰棱般晶莹利刺的一只手,再一次点向石岩 Bang! 轰! Thousand times of gravitational field instantaneous covers fall. 千倍重力场瞬间罩落。 Shi Yan such as the trapped|sleepy beast roared, fierce fearsome God Body surface veins such as the earthworm was wriggling, air/Qi of the evil spirit shot up to the sky, gush out wild energy reacted. 石岩如困兽咆哮,狰狞可怖的神体表面一根根筋脉如蚯蚓蠕动着,一股股凶煞之气冲天而起,涌出狂暴的能量震动 Covers his God Body gravitational field, suddenly sends out the lingering on faintly large explosion, the bunch of stars burn rays of light that extinguishes to splutter, making that 12 five claw silver dragons alarm, was roaring, loafed side Shi Yan, making threatening gestures as if must rip the smashing him. 罩住他神体的重力场,忽然发出不绝于耳的大爆炸,一团团星辰焚灭的光芒溅射出来,让那12条五爪银龙都惊动了,一个个怒吼着,纷纷在石岩身旁游荡,张牙舞爪的仿佛要将他撕成粉碎。 In the mouths of 12 five claw silver dragons, as if suddenly is in full bloom fresh flower, the fresh flower flower flower bud is wriggling, releases is embezzling the flesh and blood the rhythm, such as big mouths. 12条五爪银龙的口中,仿佛突然盛开一朵朵鲜huā,鲜huāhuā蕾蠕动着,释放着吞没血肉的韵律,如一张张血盆大口。 Deep prison monster flower!” “冥狱妖huā!” Shi Yan is hoarse the sound, suddenly laughs wildly. 石岩沙哑着声音,忽然猖狂大笑起来。 When the place of perishing god, he has seen this deep prison monster flower, knows that this is the thing of God Clan cultivation, can swallow the flesh and blood essence to supplement the God Clan clansman's loss, for in world extremely evil fearful rare object. 在殒神之地的时候,他见过这种冥狱妖huā,知道这是神族培育之物,能够吞食血肉精气补充神族族人的损耗,为世间一种极为邪恶可怕的奇物 This deep prison monster flower most fears Heavenly Flame...... 只是,这种冥狱妖huā最怕天火…… Knows also many.” Mi Ya said indifferently: It seems like Immortal Devil Clan and my clan are really the world enemies, knows it to well to my clan method seriously, what a pity this cannot change anything, the thing of deep prison monster flower only entirely Pazhi Yang Zhire......” “知道的还不少。”米娅漠然道:“看来不死魔族和我族果然乃世敌,对我族手段当真知之甚详,可惜这不能改变什么,冥狱妖huā只俱怕至阳至热之物……” Her pupil shrinks suddenly. 她瞳孔忽然一缩。 A few words have not said that bunches of scarlet red flame turbulent flutter from Shi Yan forehead, is rolling cleverly, emerges deep prison monster flower respectively. 一句话还没有讲完,一簇簇赤红色火焰汹涌从石岩眉心飘荡出来,灵巧的滚动着,分别涌入一朵朵冥狱妖huā chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Deep prison monster flower in 12 five claw silver dragon mouth, shortly will be burnt down, rapid formation ashes. 12条五爪银龙口中的冥狱妖huā,在顷刻间被焚烧起来,迅速的化成灰烬。 Then was tying up dragon horn leader five claw silver dragons by the chains, as if did not have in the middle of the dragon eye of soul focal distance, suddenly appears the meaning of intense struggling, they fire into the body potential of Shi Yan to anchor crazily fiercely, then stopped an instant, calls out completely crazily is going toward the Mi Ya worry. 那被锁链拴着龙角的一头头五爪银龙,本来仿佛没有灵魂焦距的龙眼当中,突然显出强烈的挣扎之意,它们狂冲向石岩的身势猛地停住,然后停了一霎,全部疯狂嚎叫着往米娅撕咬而去。 That deep prison monster flower, as if are restraint their Soul Consciousness calming down bead, burns that instant of extinguishing in monster flower, they restored the reason unexpectedly short. 那一朵朵冥狱妖huā,似乎乃束缚它们灵魂意识的定神珠,在妖huā焚灭的那一霎,它们竟然短暂恢复了理智。 They hate to the marrow of the bones to God Clan, imprisons their many years to this, with them, when Mi Ya of slave trend hates, awakes to turn around, immediately shows hot tempered, must strangle to death Mi Ya , helping people overcome their difficulties from imperial Long. 它们对神族恨之入骨,对这个禁锢它们多年,拿它们当奴隶趋势的米娅更是恨入骨髓,一醒转过来,马上展现暴躁,要绞杀米娅,从御龙牌内解困出来。 Tied up day by hidden dragon the space of god imprisonment, the instant announces unsealed, Shi Yan realized the change immediately. 被“潜龙缚天”神阵禁锢的空间,霎那间宣告解封,石岩立即察觉到了变化。 Hehe is grinning fiendishly, he does not have sharply to start to Mi Ya, God Body dodges then from the range of imperial Long vanishes, before going out, is locked the imprisoned the space, guaranteed one can enter to attack to draw back may walk and ensure will not have the aspect that was imprisoned to consume. 嘿嘿狞笑着,他没有急着对米娅下手,神体一闪间便从御龙牌的范围消失,走出了之前被锁定禁锢的空间,确保自己能够进可攻退可走,确保不会出现被禁锢耗死的局面。 go away!” 滚开!” When 12 five claw silver dragons raid, the Mi Ya complexion indifferently, drinks one suddenly severely. 12条五爪银龙袭来时,米娅脸色漠然,忽然厉喝一声。 That imperial Long wells up strong fierce suction power suddenly, 12 are linking the chains of silver dragon, trembles fiercely fiercely swinging, contracts toward Jade Token in rapidly. 那块御龙牌忽然涌来一股强猛的吸吮力量,12条连着银龙的锁链,猛地剧烈抖颤摆动,迅速往玉牌里面收缩。 Silver dragon not willingly crazy were roaring, was dragged into imperial Long stiffly, changed into 12 soaring dragon mark, engraved belongs to quietly in the surface of that imperial Long. 一条条银龙不甘心的疯狂咆哮着,硬生生被重新拉入御龙牌,化为12条飞腾的龙纹,镌刻在那御龙牌的表面归于沉寂。 When returns to the family to Mi Ya, by deep prison monster flower anchorage their souls, this imperial Long then does not have any damage again, can be used by her at will. 待到米娅返回家族,重新以冥狱妖huā定住它们的灵魂,这御龙牌便没有任何损伤,还是可以被她随意使用。 But now is not naturally good. 但现在自然不行了。 Is very good, fused Heavenly Flame unexpectedly, no wonder securely deep prison monster flower does not fear.” “很好,竟然融合了天火,难怪有恃无恐连冥狱妖huā都不怕了。” A Mi Ya face is wooden, the calm calm fearfulness, she commanded Long to receive, did not have anxiously suddenly under the killer, said: Being separated hidden dragon ties up day a god imprisonment, can escape to leave by your Space Deep Meaning at will, what do you also stay here to make?” 米娅一脸木然,镇定冷静的可怕,她将御龙牌收起,没有急着突下杀手,道:“脱离‘潜龙缚天’神阵的禁锢,以你的空间奥义可以随意遁离,你还留在这儿做什么?” She is very clear, does not have imperial Long available, she cannot massacre cultivation Space Deep Meaning Shi Yan, therefore she did not worry to begin actually. 她很清楚,没有御龙牌可用,她根本杀不掉修炼空间奥义石岩,所以她倒是不着急动手了。
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