GOS :: Volume #12

#1127: The hidden dragon ties up the day

Chapter 1103 hidden dragon ties up the day 第1103章潜龙缚天 The God Clan clansman disperses pursues, the major star territory talent eminents scatter in all directions to run away, internalizes in swamp is streams of people, increasingly estranged.( Talent only takes 3 seconds to record on-campus 神族族人分散追击,各大星域才俊翘楚四散逃遁,在沼泽内化为一条条人流,渐行渐远。(天才只需3秒就能记住读 Has a look.) 看看.) Mo Fou, Wu Feng, Cecilia and the others when dealing with God Clan encircle, will use similar policy, usually will gather at together, so as to avoid completes the order form is struck to kill instantaneously, the opportunity of continually running away does not have. 莫雬武枫塞西莉亚等人在应对神族围剿时,都会采取类似的方针,平常会聚集在一块儿,免得落单被瞬间击杀,连逃遁的机会都没有。 Once met with the God Clan team, they will quickly disperse, first leaves the God Clan pursuit range, however gathers once more. 一旦和神族队伍碰面,他们又会很快分散开来,先离开神族的追击范围,然而再次重新聚集起来。 In swamp, God Clan team move back elongates gradually, slowly disperses bunches of...... 沼泽中,神族队伍渐渐拉远拉长,慢慢分散成一簇簇…… Mi Ya elegant face woods are cold, still stays in same place has not moved, Bai Cheng and the others and Fei Erpu audiences participate in chasing down, Yue Man unceasingly are sending the number order, pointed out the direction that Mo Fou and Wu Feng they flee, making the clansman be insufficient to pursue blindly. 米娅俏脸森寒,依然停留在原地未动,白淏等人和菲尔普一众都参与着追杀,约曼则是不断发号命令,点明莫雬武枫他们逃离的方向,让族人不至于盲目追击。 silhouette of God Clan clansmen, passed over gently and swiftly from Mi Ya, she frowns, is standing by a brook. 一道道神族族人的身影,从米娅身旁掠过,她皱着眉头,在一条溪流旁边站着。 Shi Yan just suddenly ran out from the brook, at once such as the glass smashing, the instant vanishes. 石岩刚刚就是从溪流内忽然冲出,旋即如玻璃粉碎,霎那间消失。 She knows that this is the space mysterious succinctness, knows that Space Deep Meaning is in world is most difficult the aimed at fellow, but she has not left, because she has a feeling: Shi Yan has not left is too far. 她知道这是空间奥妙的精粹,也知道空间奥义者乃世间最难被针对的家伙,可她还是没有离开,因为她有种感觉:石岩并没有离开太远。 Knows without many people that she besides being skilled in gravity deep meaning, has the great attainments to mind secret technique similarly, long time waits her premonition to be effective very much, she also believes her feeling. 没有多少人知道,她除了精通重力奥义以外,对心灵秘术同样有着不浅造诣,很多时候她的预感都非常灵验,她也相信自己的感觉。 She thought that Shi Yan hides in nearby. 她觉得石岩就潜藏在附近。 , Does not have a God Clan clansman in her peripheral region quickly again, does not have Brother Bai Family to shelter her, she is only all alone is standing. 很快地,在她周边区域再也没有一名神族族人,也没有白家兄弟庇护她,她只是孤身一人站着。 Why am I very curious you to hide in the nearby? Has not appeared including Yue Man reminds me, this explained that your Yue Man can evade, you are very unusual.” She silent some little time, has unfolded the face to smile suddenly, the look is brimming with beautifully joyfully, said: Now only remains your me, whether we sincerity?” “我很好奇为什么你能够潜藏在附近?连约曼都没有出现提醒我,这说明你连约曼都可以避过,你很不同寻常。”她沉默了好一会儿,忽然展颜一笑,眼神洋溢着明媚欣然,道:“如今只剩你我,我们是不是可以坦诚相见了?” Although she can have a premonition that Shi Yan hides in the, but she was inferior after all Haig fused Ancient Continent Essence, naturally also on ascertainment Shi Yan accurate position. 她虽然能预感石岩就在附近潜藏,可她毕竟不如黑格融合了古大陆本源,自然也就探知不到石岩的精准方位。 The Mi Ya bright eyes ocean waves are rippling, smiling face is charming, such as is putting the rose, whole body was disclosing mellow intoxicant charming smell, the capriciousness that letting the man can not control self, meets the heartbeat to accelerate, meets blood spray out...... 米娅明眸碧波荡漾着,笑容妩媚动人,如一朵盛放着的玫瑰,浑身都透露着香醇醉人的迷人气味,让男人会不自禁的心猿意马,会心跳加速,会血脉喷张…… This is mind Charm Tech­nique. 这是一种心灵媚术 Hides in Shi Yan of brook deep place, has held including blood flowing heartbeat aura imperial lived, however, listens to the numb lazy sound that the top of the head is hearing, his chest has the unusual feeling that a cat stresses, in the mind also multiplies all sorts of enticing/charming and gentle illusion unexpectedly...... 潜藏在一条溪流深处的石岩,已经将心跳气息包括鲜血的流动都掌御住了,然而,听着头顶传来的酥麻慵懒声,他胸口有种猫抓的异样感,脑海中竟然也滋生种种旖旎幻象…… Beautiful female who a famous attire exposes, the turnover the fragrant tongue, the look is blurred, the physique such as the snake is dragging, appears many interesting parts, performs obviously romantically, the spring tide wells up darkly. 一名名衣着暴露的美艳女子,吞吐着香舌,眼神迷离妩媚,身姿如蛇摇曳着,将许多妙处浮现出来,尽显香艳,春潮暗涌。 The beautiful female who these emerge the mind, has as if wrested away his mind Sea of Consciousness, making his will perish gradually, making him be out of control gives birth intensely holds. 那些涌现脑海的美艳女子,仿佛霸占了他心灵识海,让他意志渐渐沉沦,让他禁不住的生出强烈的占有。 He breathes turns loudly, in the eye also rays of light of reappearing burning hot, another in mind, as if must relieve restraint gradually, wants directly hot tempered fierce appears. 不知不觉间,他呼吸变成粗重,眼中也浮现炙热的光芒,心灵中的另外一个自己,似乎要渐渐解除束缚,要直接暴躁狂烈的浮现出来。 He becomes is uncontrolled gradually. 他逐渐变得不受控制。 Quickly, faint trace ice cold cold aura, ripples from his Void Realm Ice Poison Bead. 倏地,一丝丝冰寒冷冽的气息,从他虚界淬毒寒珠内荡漾出来。 If the fiery summer tumbles the hail suddenly, his heart's core dry and hot was dissipated by the instantaneous impact immediately, bitter cold spreads the whole body, he sobers suddenly, the hurried stable mind, adjusts the fleshly body condition. 如火热夏天忽然滚落冰雹,他心灵深处的燥热顿时被瞬间冲击消散,酷寒蔓延全身,他忽然间清醒过来,急忙稳固心神,调整肉身状态。 By the brook, ketone body graceful Mi Ya giggle smiles suddenly tenderly, a pair of attractive eye pupil has swept one in his hiding place, suddenly five fingers micro, deep meaning turbulent eruption of terrifying. 溪流旁边,酮体曼妙的米娅忽然咯咯娇笑,一双诱人的眼眸在他藏身之地扫了一眼,忽然五指微张,恐怖的奥义汹涌爆发。 Brook that Shi Yan hides, the gravity is unbalanced, the current of water is similar to by the great strength stiffly hold-up, he also by direct eruption heaven. 石岩藏身的溪流,重力失衡,水流如同被巨力硬生生托浮出来,连带着,他也被直接喷发上天。 Bang! 轰! He directly in rushing the horizon opacitas current of water appears. 他直接在涌向天际的浑浊水流中显现出来。 Found you.” Mi Ya has licked the lip angle of Fengze, the bright eyes woods are suddenly cold, shout to clear the way: Dares to destroy my good deed, the young thief of acting recklessly!” “找到你了。”米娅舔了舔丰泽的唇角,明眸突地森寒阴狠,喝道:“胆敢破坏我的好事,不知死活的小贼!” Her waist Jade Token flutters together suddenly, the Jade Token surface draws is carving the fine design, is five claw silver dragons. 她腰间一块玉牌忽然飘飞出来,玉牌表面绘刻着精美的图案,为一条条五爪银龙。 Jade Token shakes suddenly, suddenly 12 five claw silver dragons flew, 12 long wire ropes strange extends from palm of the hand size Jade Token, ties up on dragon horn of that 12 five claw silver dragons, the bodies of 12 five claw silver dragons are covering the close silver scales, such as piece by piece money glittering shining rays of light, that five claw silver dragons are just liking the essences, the imposing manner is cruel. 玉牌突地一抖,忽然有12条五爪银龙从中飞了出来,12条长长的铁索诡异的从巴掌大小玉牌内延伸出来,拴在那12条五爪银龙的龙角上,12条五爪银龙的身上覆盖着细密的银色鳞甲,如一片片银子闪烁着明晃晃的光芒,那五爪银龙犹如实质,气势暴戾凶狠。 Is centered on small Jade Token, 12 five claw silver dragons were roaring, heartily release ominous severe cruel, the spout made a debut the silver energy mighty current, periphery heaven and earth will smudge bunches of silver instantaneously. 以小小玉牌为中心,12条五爪银龙咆哮着,尽情释放凶厉暴戾,喷涌出道道银色能量洪流,瞬间将周围天地涂抹成一簇簇银色。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Airborne transmits the intermittent explosive, 12 five claw silver dragons are howling, gathers round Jade Token to circle in flight , to continue to release energy. 空中传来阵阵爆响,12条五爪银龙呼啸着,围着玉牌飞旋,继续释放着能量 Shi Yan under five claw silver dragons, hold-up came out by running water, his complexion suddenly changed. 石岩在五爪银龙下方,被流水托浮出来,他脸色忽然变了。 The invisible space, as if became visible, as if became the prisoner's cage wall barrier that the average man could not find, but he was at the wall bonds the center. 无形的空间,似乎变得有形了,仿佛成了常人瞧不见的囚笼壁障,而他便处在壁障中央。 The space such as was frozen. 空间如被冰冻。 You think that cultivation Space Deep Meaning was invincible?” The Mi Ya winning smile is graceful, slim and graceful ease is standing, „, only if you achieve Origin God First Sky Realm, otherwise gave up any idea of that tears my hidden dragon to tie up day god, how I must have a look at you to fight with me but actually now!” “你以为修炼空间奥义就无敌了么?”米娅巧笑盈盈,婷婷玉立的悠然站着,“除非你达到始神一重天境界,否则休想撕裂我的‘潜龙缚天’神阵,我倒要看看你现在怎么和我斗!” Mi Ya is God Clan Fernandez Family the daughter of head of the clan, as one of the God Clan 12 everybody, Fernandez Family has several broad star territories, is having the heaven and earth resources that is hard to imagine, takes advantage of the vast cultivation resources to quenching the God Weapon sharp weapon to come out, simply does not have the difficulty to this family. 米娅神族费尔南德斯家族的族长的女儿,身为神族12大家之一,费尔南德斯家族持有数个广阔星域,拥有着难以想象的天地资源,利用浩大修炼资源淬炼出神兵利器出来,对这个家族来说根本没有难度。 The family juniors of true core, some all sorts of powerful methods and sharp weapons, Mi Ya as the daughters of head of the clan, naturally will not lack the God Weapon sharp knife blade. 真正核心的家族子弟,都有种种强悍手段和利器,米娅身为族长的女儿,自然更加不会缺少神兵利刃。 Almost exterminates an silver dragon clan, takes 12 silver dragons as imperial Long that” base Shilianhua comes out is is the same, can release 12 imprisoned five claw silver dragons instantaneously, the arrangement forms hidden dragon to tie up day god. 将银龙一族几乎灭绝,以12条银龙为基石炼化出来的“御龙牌”便是其中一样,能瞬间释放出12条被禁锢的五爪银龙,排列形成“潜龙缚天”神阵。 By Mi Ya Realm cultivation base and supernatural power intensity, Origin God First Sky Realm Expert was surrounded, feared that is is extremely also difficult to work loose. 米娅境界修为和神力强度,就连始神一重天境界强者被困住了,怕是也极难挣脱出来。 If Mi Ya achieves Origin God Boundary, supernatural power enters plans, this imperial Long the might greatly will also be enhanced, making her more fearful. 如果米娅达到始神境界,神力更进一筹,这“御龙牌”的威力还将大大增强,让她更加可怕。 Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensis ties up day god, imprisons the close space, to cultivation Space Deep Meaning, same is similar to the prisoner's cage, only if Realm fining to certain extent, otherwise gave up any idea of that withdraws easily. “潜龙缚天”神阵,禁锢封闭的正是空间,对修炼空间奥义者来说,一样如同囚笼,除非境界精炼到一定程度,否则休想轻易脱身。 As imperial Long Mi Ya of master, actually not by the influence of formation, the turnover that can have one's wish. 身为“御龙牌”主人的米娅,却不受阵法的影响,能随心所欲的进出。 She stands in underground, puts out a hand a finger imperial Long, that Jade Token crashes suddenly, connects 12 the long chains of five claw silver dragons, entrains the silver dragon to fall stiffly loudly, space that Shi Yan is by directly to ground. 她站在地下,伸手一指“御龙牌”,那玉牌忽然坠落下来,连接12条五爪银龙的长长锁链,硬生生拽着银龙轰然下落,连带着,石岩处在的空间都被直接拉向地面上。 The looks at 12 chains, looks at was tying up 12 silver Giant Dragon, looks at Giant Dragon roared to whoosh, with that did not have the eye of self-awareness in pairs, the Shi Yan complexion became very ugly. 看着12条锁链,看着被拴着的12条银色巨龙,看着巨龙的咆哮嘶吼,和那一双双没有自我意识的眼睛,石岩脸色变得非常难看。 When he still remembers to enter the Agate Star Field place of perishing god, there, God Clan is also use similar formation, connects the chains with stele, derives was being imprisoned flesh and blood energy, is used to restore the injury of God Clan heavy losses, making many God Clan clansmen be able the quick restoration in the situation of suffocation. 他还记得进入玛琊星域之时的殒神之地,在那儿,神族也是利用类似的阵法,用石碑连接锁链,汲取被禁锢着的血肉能量,用来恢复神族重创者的伤势,让许多神族族人能够在奄奄一息的情况下很快恢复。 Obviously, hidden dragon that becomes by 12 five claw silver dragon-shaped ties up day god, should inherit with that evil formation. 显然,由12条五爪银龙形成的“潜龙缚天”神阵,应该和那种邪恶阵法一脉相承。 He remembered once imprisoned Bloodthirsty lineage/vein Entourage...... 他不由地想起曾经被禁锢的嗜血一脉的扈从…… Cannot withdraw to escape to leave, by your Void God First Sky...... Well, is not right! Actually breakthrough to Void God Second Sky, it seems like you building up to melt my Star Brilliance fruit tree!” “不能脱身遁离,以你虚神一重天……咦,不对!竟然突破虚神二重天了,看来你是将我的星耀果树给炼化了!” The Mi Ya words arrive at half, suddenly discovered that Shi Yan Realm had the change, the elegant face woods are even more cold, „the Star Brilliance fruit tree is one of my main purposes, the gift that the nephew who will be I to soon arrive will prepare, that Star Brilliance fruit tree can make him not have dangerous achievement Origin God, you dare to waste Natural Heavenly Object unexpectedly will build up it, your heinous crime!” 米娅话到一半,忽然发现石岩境界有了变化,俏脸愈发森寒,“星耀果树是我的主要目的之一,是我为即将降临的侄儿准备的礼物,那星耀果树可以让他没有危险的成就始神,你竟然敢暴殄天物的炼化掉它,你罪该万死!” During the speech, Mi Ya enters by hidden dragon ties up day is imprisoning the space, before arriving at the Shi Yan body, step by step. 讲话间,米娅进入被“潜龙缚天”禁锢着的空间,一步步来到石岩身前。 In the unusual space, 12 silver Giant Dragon such as 12 thick long lightnings are dancing in the air in the surrounding, silver stream ray glittering, Yao's person is dazzled, the Mi Ya look like the ice skates, lifts the hand distantly according to him, said: You should die.” 奇特的空间内,12条银色巨龙如12条粗长闪电在外围飞舞着,一条条银色流光闪烁着,耀的人眼花缭乱,米娅眼神如冰刀,抬手遥遥按向他,道:“你应该去死了。” The gravity that the extremely fast strengthens, such as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountains approach rapidly, the terrifying incomparable oppression strength, lets shivering that the Shi Yan body does not control self, making his skeleton send out the pa pa resounding. 极速增强的重力,如万丈山川迅速逼近,恐怖无比的压迫力,让石岩身体不自禁的颤抖,让他骨骼发出啪啪脆响。 If mountain Ruhai the pressure being near body, is imprisoning the space transmits squeak sound, as if must unable to support to crush to be the same. 如山如海的压力临身,禁锢着的空间都传来“吱呀”声,仿佛要支撑不住粉碎掉一样。 Mi Ya wants by the power deep meaning, his whole body flesh and blood skeleton squash, making him change into explodes the broken flesh and blood block, making his skeleton not save. 米娅想要以力量奥义,将他浑身血肉骨骼压碎,让他化为爆碎的血肉块,让他尸骨不存。 In terrifying such as under the mountain pressure, the Shi Yan back is bending, is similar to is pressed by a hand, the little oppression to the place bottom, his earth hears the continuous demolition sound, earth centered on him such as the glass smashing, has appeared the innumerable cracks, each crack extends several thousand meters like the gully, deep and quiet does not see the bottom. 恐怖如山的压力下,石岩背脊弯着,如同被一只手按着,一点点的压迫向地底,他脚下大地传来接连不断的爆破声,以他为中心大地如玻璃粉碎,显出了无数裂纹,每一个裂纹都如沟壑般延伸数万米,深幽不见底。 God Clan, Hehe, God Clan clansman.” 神族,嘿嘿,神族族人。” Is hoarse the sound, fierce respite, he of lowering the head...... Actually in strangely chuckled, smiles gradually is loud, tends crazy cruel. 沙哑着声音,剧烈喘息,垂着头的他……却在嘿嘿怪笑,笑的逐渐大声,趋于疯狂暴戾。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 His whole body solid such as the muscle of hill, hears the astonishing power explosive sound, veins reappeared from the body fiercely, have filled terrifying violence sense of beauty. 浑身一块块坚实如山丘的肌肉,传来惊人的力量爆炸声,一根根筋脉从皮肉中狰狞浮现,充满了恐怖的暴力美感 ! 哧! Sharp Bone Thorn, has made from his shoulder quickly, his God Body will shortly have the great change, the body forms the natural mail-armor and helmet, sharp thorn fresh full Jianpang, the elbow unit, knee and hand back, the flesh and blood as if hears cruel slogans. 一根锋利的骨刺,倏地从他肩膀挣了出来,他神体在顷刻间发生巨变,皮肉结成天然甲胄,尖刺生满肩膀、肘部、膝盖、手背,血肉之躯仿佛传来一声声暴戾的呐喊声。 Air/Qi of evil spirit shoots up to the sky, his eye instantaneously changes rank red like blood, on the face appears cruel hostility, face upwards laughs crazily: Finally can battle with the God Clan clansman truly, happy!” 一股凶煞之气冲天而起,他眼睛瞬间变的腥红如血,脸上显出残暴戾气,仰天疯狂大笑:“终于可以和神族族人真正交战了,痛快!” Mi Ya looks at he lives to change helplessly suddenly, has the shape transformation of world-shaking in the short several seconds, first gawked has been confusing an instant, at once the tender body shakes loudly, screamed: „ Immortal Devil Clan...... RQ 米娅眼睁睁看着他突生变化,在短短数秒间发生惊天动地的形态转变,先是愣着迷惑了一霎,旋即娇躯轰然一震,尖叫道:“不死魔族……RQ
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